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Darth Libertas

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Intent: Expand on Enyo's associates. Sub a somewhat unusual Sith by playing with the usual tropes a bit.
Image Credit: Here. Darth Gean by 'Automatan'.
Role: Sith warrior, cult leader and associate of Enyo.
Links: Twi'lek, Nur Jahan.

Age: 38
Force Sensitivity: Master
Species: Twi'lek.
Appearance: Libertas is a Lethan Twi'lek of average height and with crimson skin. She has extensive, visible cybernetic augmentations. She is forced to rely on these protheses to survive, let alone move. All in all, both her legs and arms are cybernetic. The same applies to her spine and one eye. Her cybernetic limbs are made of Phrik, which makes them extremely durable. Furthermore, severe damage to her lungs made it necessary to implant a mechanical set not unlike Vader's. To gain access to her lung, her ribs had to be replaced. Libertas could cover her protheses with synthflesh, but chooses not to. Her left thigh conceals a petite holdout blaster. Her right hand incorporates a repulse hand. The part of her body that is still flesh and blood has many scars. In addition to giving her night vision, her ocular implant allows her to see in the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum. Her limb loss causes her to suffer from phantom pains sometimes.

Name: Darth Libertas.
Loyalties: Herself and her cause. Enyo Typhos, Archangel Research and Design, Typhos Clone Family.
Wealth: Low-Moderate. She has a rather ascetic life style.
Notable Possessions:
  • Crossguard Lightsabre with an intense blade, dual phase mode, bifurating cyclical ignition pulse and other standard lightsabre systems.
  • Cloak of Hate
  • Copy of her manifesto 'My Chains are Broken. My Enemies are Broken. A call to action by Libertas'.
  • Holocron of Darth Tithe, an ancient Sith Lord from the New Sith Wars era. The holocron does not contain the knowledge to create Force Storms or similar. It does not teach Libertas anything she does not already know. It is of relevance because of its philosophical discussions of Light and Dark. Libertas' beliefs were inspired by it.
  • Owns a suit of Aliit'Vereen Beskar'gam (purchase request here, permission here).
  • TIE Phantom
Skills: Libertas is a Master of the Force and of lightsabre combat. She is strong in both offence and defence. Force-wise she focuses on Protection Bubble, various applications of Telekinesis, Dominate Mind, Force Plague, Tutaminis and Force Horror. She is also very skilled in the application of useful secondary powers like Crucitorn, Force Flash and Force Reflex. The latter is especially useful for piloting. Libertas is able to utilise Dark Healing to heal herself and others. However, using the Dark Side for healing is less effective than the Light. It is also painful.

Libertas is an accomplished pilot. She can fly small craft such as starfighters, interceptors, shuttles and freighters and is a good combat pilot. She has a gift for charming and manipulating others. She has an authoritative demeanour and a high degree of self-control. Libertas possesses a rare power called Enhance Force-Sensitivity, which allows her to boost someone's connection to the Force. It is useful for Faustian bargains. She is a good commander, though not an especially innovative one. Her tactics are conventional, but they tend to be effective and she is able to learn from mistakes, adapt and can listen to advice. She is a formidable lightsabre duellist with a preference for Juyo. This highly aggressive style makes good use of her strength and strong connection to the Dark Side. Despite this preference, she is trained in the use of the classical lightsabre forms.

Personality: Libertas is a figure of contrasts. Her appearance and tactics mark her as a juggernaut, a mechanical abomination. However, though she revels in a fight, she is no mere uncouth brute. In a twisted sort of way, she regards herself as a liberator. Hence her choice in Darth name. Libertas is committed to the Sith ideals, but in a rather idiosyncratic way. As is typical for Sith, she believes that the strong should rule and the weak must serve.

However, she genuinely hates seeing her people at the mercy of offworlders. Time and again, Twi'leks have been enslaved and treated as others' possessions, often with the collaboration of their own leaders. The caveat is that while she truly disdains the plight of many Twi'leks, her proposed alternative is a dystopian, Darwinist society where everyone, both Force-users and Force blind, embrace Sith ideals. She is a Sith with a philosophy of liberation through self-actualisation. She is almost an anarchist Sith in her methods, though not in a chaotic way. From her point of view, she is the breaker of chains, the bringer of...freedom. Just not freedom in the way some would think. She is not a 'kindly Sith' by any stretch of the imagination. After all, those who do not fit into her 'utopia' must be culled.

Those who want to be free must cast aside slave morality and unfetter themselves. Thus Sith have a purpose beyond acquisition of power, namely manipulating social conditions to a point where people are forced to become unshackled übermenschen or be crushed. Darwinian struggle is Nature's law, thus the darkness the Sith use is natural, whereas the Light is not. From her point of view, this is proved by the fact that oftentimes many Jedi stray from their own code. Those who stay true to it are ultimately like Sisyphus - they want to be peaceful space monks, but to stop the Darkness they must fight and become warriors.

Ironically, she has more respect for lightsiders who stray true to their convictions, even as they struggle against what she considers to be the natural order. By contrast, those who forsake their principles at the first opportunity earn her scorn. Bottom line, she respects people with conviction, even if they're on the other side. Light and Dark are needed because the strife between them creates progress. A society without an antithesis to oppose it succumbs to complacency, indolence and weakness.

Significantly, Libertas does not look down upon non-Force users simply because they lack the ability to use the Force. Control over the Force elevates Force-users above the muggles, but to her strength has a lot to do with a state of mind rather than displays of raw power. Thus she has no issue with making capable muggles her most trusted operatives. Indeed, she's found Force blind to be better henchmen at times because they have to work harder for their jobs to make up for their lack of preternatural advantages. She knows a power called Enhance Force-Sensitivity and is the type who employs it to make Faustian bargains with select people: She will help them achieve their heart's desires, but there is a price.

Despite her brutish, mechanical exterior, Libertas is quite calm on the surface. One could even describe her as affable. She is not prone to displays of raw, uncontrolled emotion. Her anger is nursed carefully, but kept on a leash. Until the inwardly raging, brooding Twi'lek unleashes it in a deadly storm of violence. Anger is a means to an end, not an end in itself. It is channelled into combat techniques and fervour. She is not the type for personal vainglory boastings. The Twi'lek coldly despises overly diabolical, sadists and glory hounds. This dislike also extends to lustful, libertine or oversexed individuals. To her, control is everything. Passion mentioned in the Sith code means far more than sexual or romantic passion. She admits that the old Jedi had a point when they advised against such entanglements and preached chastity. She has a rather ascetic life style, disdaining gaudy displays of wealth. She abhorrs substances such as alcohol and drugs, viewing their consumption as a sign of weakness.

Libertas has a negative opinion of Palpatine, seeing him as an ego driven leader obsessed with his own self-aggrandisement and power and neither caring about nor understanding the ruin left behind, or the future. She sees this as a common failing in many Sith and other Darksiders. She has a high opinion of Bane, Malgus, Wyyrlok III and Plagueis. Libertas has respect for the accomplishments of ancient Sith, but cautions against admiring the past unquestioningly. She views traversing dusty, old tombs to find ancient artefacts or commune with the spirits of long-dead Sith Lords as a waste of time that distracts from real growth. Power derived from trinkets or deals with ghosts has not been truly earned. If she were to meet Sumiko Tanaka or Darth Nox, she would not like them. One imagines the feeling would be mutual.

She makes a point of being affable to her minions. They are expected to obey her orders and do their jobs well, but she does not fly into sudden rages or throw tantrums when she receives ill news. Mistakes can be made here and there. One cannot learn without them. Of course, those who do not will be killed. Sometimes the herd must be culled for the 'greater good'. Libertas is a good pilot and enjoys flying. On an idiosyncratic note, she has a thing for horticulture. Libertas' best minions are commanded by a fellow Twi'lek called Koanai Pann. She grew up in the same village as her master, was enslaved, but managed to break her chains. Unlike her master, she is a Non-Force-User. Libertas took a liking to her, especially after a Sith tried to kill the Twi'lek for 'getting uppity' but Koanai managed to turn the tables on them. Thereupon Libertas ordered her to terminate the Sith, which Koanai did.

Weapon of Choice: Lightsabre, the Force, melee weapons, guns.

Combat Function: Libertas' physical strength, durability, endurance, senses and nervous system are extremely augmented by her cybernetics. Rybcoarse wrap around her muscles, providing additional reinforcement, added strength and stamina. She also has a bio-stabiliser implant. Her ocular implant give her better sight and targeting, as well as night and thermal vision. Similar to a Guavian minion, she has a mechanical reservoir that acts as a second heart, injecting a combination of chemicals into her bloodstream that boosts adrenaline. Her artificial limbs are made of Phrik, which makes them extremely resilient and gives her a good punch or kick. She has an Immune Implant, which protects her against almost all known diseases, and a Numbness System.

While the implants are hardened and armour provides a measure of protection, her augmentations also make her susceptible to powerful ion and EMP blasts. The same applies to electricity-based Force powers such as Force Lightning or Destroy Droid. She is unable to use such powers because they would backfire on her, putting her at risk of suffering damage to vital systems. Her lungs had to be replaced with a mechanical system. This represents another point of danger if her cybernetics fail – this one fatal. She still has a strong Force connection, is very good at tanking and a very potent lightsabre duellist. She relies a lot on her extreme strength, utilising her protheses to provide her blows with incredible force. Her repulse hand is a brutal weapon in close combat and able to parry attacks. Libertas has a pragmatic attitude in combat. In other words, nothing is off limits. She can also used ranged weapons such as blasters and slugthrowers. In addition to an impressive command of telekinesis, she has useful secondary powers like Crucitorn, Plague and Force Flash.

Her resilience and endurance mean that she is less likely to tire in combat, which helps her outlast an opponent. However, her preference for heavy armour and the bulk of her cybernetics limit her agility. This makes engaging in Ataru-esque acrobatics extremely difficult for her. An agile opponent who uses hit-and-run attacks instead of confronting her head-on could conceivably gain an advantage over her. She is a Twi'lek, so damage to her headtails is dangerous for her. While lekku are primarily used for communication in Ryl/Ryu, they are highly sensitive and thus can be liabilities in combat. The cybernetics are not covered, and so Libertas is clearly marked as a cyborg. This makes her poor at infiltration. Extreme heat can also be dangerous for her mechanical limbs.

  • Libertas has a commanding presence. She radiates authority and control. While no military genius, she is a capable commander - and knows that sometimes it is better to perform a tactical retreat instead of fighting a lost battle out of stubbornness. She is capable of great ruthlessness and not afraid to sacrfice a few pawns in the pursuit of a larger goal, but does not waste lives needlessly.
  • She is a Master of the Force and an experienced warrior. Her physical characteristics have been augmented by cybernetics, making her incredibly strong and resilient. This makes her a good tank and duellist.
  • Good pilot.
  • The same cybernetic implants mean that she cannot use electricity-based Force powers such as Force Lightning or Destroy Droid. Her implants are hardened against attacks and she uses ionization buffers, but they are still susceptible to strong EMP, electrical and ion attacks. Her lungs had to be replaced with a mechanical system. This represents another point of danger if her cybernetics fail.
  • Her mechanical limbs and preference for heavy armour also mean that Libertas is less agile in a duel than a more lightly-armoured opponent. This is something an agile foe could use to their advantage, especially if they specialise in abilities such as Force Speed.
  • Libertas is a Twi'lek, so damage to her headtails is dangerous for her.


Libertas did not fall to the dark side as a consequence of childhood trauma. She was no slave turned Sith. Rather she grew up in an affluent family. Her birth name was Koyi Fenn. Her parents were local notables in a Twi'lek community and successful merchants. However, though she was welloff, she was still confronted with the plight many of her people suffered. The Twi'lek servant girl who taught her how to read and write had once been a slave, until Koyi's parents purchased her and set her free.

Young Koyi was a precocious, intelligent child. Instead of living a life of idleness like some of her siblings, she was studious. Injustice reached her doorstep when foreign raiders showed up at her hometown. These raiders were more canny than the average pirate gang, for they realised that it was better to milk a cow than to slaughter it. So they demanded tribute. When the inhabitants were unable to meet their demands, they took slaves. Things threatened to escalate when some patriotic Twi'leks took up arms against the outsiders and were crushed. The local police was forced to help the raiders round them up.

As local luminaries, Koyi's parents had to host the pirate leaders. Young Koyi was disgusted by what she perceived as capitulation. She could understand that her parents had no choice, but she was driven into a rage when she saw that one of her aunts was being amicable with pirates and making deals with them, offering 'undesirables' as slaves. Things escalated and she lashed out with her power, awakening her long-dormant Force potential. Suffice to say she could no longer stay in her hometown, for the pirates demanded retribution.

For the good of the family, her parents had to disavow her. However, her father arranged transport for her offworld by making a deal with a local smuggler. One of her ancestors had possessed Force powers like her. This woman had become a Jedi. Her parents urged her to seek out the Jedi to learn how to control her powers and walk the path of righteousness. Initially, Koyi did travel to a Jedi Enclave on Naboo, presenting herself to the local Jedi Council. However, what she saw there did not impress her. The Jedi sensed the fury and aggression in her, while she interpreted their caution as indecisiveness. She also learned that her ancestor had, in fact, fallen to the Dark Side and become a Sith. This revelation was supposed to temper her aggression. Ironically, it had the opposite effect.

So she left the enclave in secret, travelling to Korriban. To her, the Sith path promised the strength she needed. She was just one of many neophytes who ended up at the doorstep of the Sith Academy. After going through a series of trials, she was granted entrance. Here she learned the Sith Code, violence and betrayal. It was not an easy road. She had to deal with racism and more than once fend off assault. These trials made her stronger. She learned how to draw upon her anger.

A Sith Master finally chose her as an apprentice after she passed a contest that revolved around recovering an ancient artefact from a monster-infested tomb. Not being the strongest, she used trickery and guile to succeed and beat her rivals. However, her relationship with her master soon soured. Darth Lüge was power-hungry, which was par for the course for a Sith. But she was also sadistic, vainglorious and licentious. She expected her minions to please her in the bedroom. These traits earned her Koyi's disgust. Nonetheless, she completed several missions for her Master, helping her raise her status in the Empire.

Though Koyi yearned to return home to set things right, she was soon drawn in the Empire's wars. She fought during the Battle of Yaga Minor, facing Mandalorians and zombies that had apparently been raised by Nightsisters. During the fight she faced a Mandalorian warrior who used a ysalamiri to nullify her powers. Koyi was not familiar with this creature and caught off-guard, suffering severe injuries from blaster fire and the Mandalorian's wrist rocket. Deprived of her lightsabre, she managed to take out the lizard with a concussion grenade and freeze the Mandalorian with a cryoban gun, both salvaged from a dead trooper whose corpse she had found while hiding. She took pleasure in crawling towards her frozen opponent and shattering his body by bashing it with a rifle. Ultimately the planet fell under the control of the Sith Empire. While Koyi was recovering, the Empire had another coup, resulting in Kaine Zambrano becoming Emperor.

However, the Galactic Republic soon went on the offensive, launching a Crusade. Koyi fought in the battles of Ossus and Manaan, fighting Jedi and Republic troopers in both. She was lucky to avoid drowning when a Republic-affiliated mercenary sunk a portion of Ahto City to halt the Sith offensive. She showed leadership skills by taking command of a decimated Sith stormtrooper unit after their commander died and leading them in an orderly retreat. However, the Empire was coming apart by the seams. Koyi was on Dromund Kaas when a Mandalorian fleet dropped asteroids on the planet, causing wide-scale devastation. The Sith fleet that was supposed to protect the planet had fled.

Unlike many she survived, but was left behind in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Warlords and gangs squabbled over scarce resources, monstrosiites that had been created in Sith laboratories roamed free. The time spent on Kaas taught Koyi much. Indeed, she describes it as her awakening. She suffered from frostbite, had to forage and fight to survive. Before Kaas, her powers had made her arrogant, causing her to feel disdain for the Force blind. This changed when she was forced to link up with a rag-tag band that included former stormtroopers and even some escaped slaves. When they made camp in ruins, the party was assaulted by a terentatek.

This ferocious creature was immune or highly resistant to most Force powers. Koyi was able to wound it with her lightsabre and climb on its back, stabbing it in the neck. However, though wounded the beast tore her off and ripped her arm off. She was saved from death when one of her comrades tossed a grenade in the beast's mouth. This was a lesson for Koyi. On the other hand, her bravery won her respect. This helped her assume leadership of the group. She allowed escape slaves to join if they proved their mettle. With the help of a tech-savvy gang member, she would eventually get a new arm by salvaging one from a broken war droid.

While exploring the tomb they had chosen as their camp, she discovered an old holocron. It had belonged to an ancient Sith Lord called Darth Tithe, who had been active during the Republic Dark Age. The holocron was not exceptional due to the powers the gatekeeper could teach an acolyte. Indeed, it was rather conventional in that regard, providing information on the core powers most Sith possessed. What intrigued Koyi were Tithe's philosophical insights. The gatekeeper elaborated on Dark and Light, Jedi and Sith beliefs and on the Sith were predators culling the herd of the weak and paving the way to true freedom. They were the true breakers of chains. Thus it was their duty to rise above their base urges. Koyi was intrigued by these beliefs and came to adopt them as her own.

After several adventures, she and her followers had managed to secure transport offworld by stealing a ship. Her paths soon crossed with that of her former master. Darth Lüge had maanged to get her hands on a Sith Star Destroyer and declared herself Dark Lord. However, she was just a pirate queen and a warlord, preferring to steal lunch money from weaklings and letting her followers fawn over her. She had also picked a new, more compliant apprentice. Disgusted, Koyi challenged her to a Kaggath, as was her right by Sithly law. Amused, Lüge granted her request.

A brutal duel ensued. Koyi had been hardened by the time she had spent on Kaas, but Lüge was experienced and possessed knowledge of the dark arts. She was able to unleash a furious blast of darkside energy that blinded Koyi in one eye. Lüge blasted her wayward apprentice with lightning, but took the time to gloat about the rebel's lack of vision. Her desire to make a witty pun proved to be her undoing, as Koyi used this chance to stab her. Beating her master into submission, she took her head. Thereafter she declared herself Darth Libertas and laid claim to what was left of Lüge's power base.

It did not take her long to realise that she could not maintain a Star Destroyer. She lacked the means and trying to acquire them would paint a huge target on her back. So she cannibalised the ship for anything that could be useful and replaced it with a more practical corvette. She used the funds to get herself a new eye and a decent cybernetic arm. Now that she was free, she wished to return to her home. Much had changed in the interim. The newly christened Libertas had become a darker, grimmer person, having left the innocence of more carefree years behind her. Her kin soon got the chance to meet the new her. Back home conditions had deteriorated, for the raiders had grown more rapacious and brazen in their demands. When the locals were unable to meet their demands, the raiders decided it was time to stop milking and kill the cow.

Libertas was probably not the type of rescuer her people expected when they sent a distress signal. Her parents believed she'd become a Jedi. The pirates were slaughtered as Libertas and her followers fought their way through their ranks, intercepting the raiders as they tried to escape with their merchandise. When a pirate tried to hide behind a slave, Libertas shot through the sentient shield. The slave survived...just about. Some of the pirate leaders laid down their arms and tried to make a deal, while the caged slaves demanded to be set free. The younger, kinder Koyi would have set the slaves free. However, Libertas was different. Her people needed to understand that freedom was a privilege which must be earned, not a right everyone just got. Thus she said that they could walk free if they took up knives and slew their subdued tormentors. After the bloodletting was over, she passed judgement.

She remembered well that some of her people had collaborated with the pirates. One of them was her aunt. Ignoring pleas for mercy from her family, Libertas enslaved her, along with a few others. As she explained, words about atonement were hollow. They had acted out of weakness and dragged others down alongside them. Her parents and many elders were shocked by her actions. But some members of the younger generation found her philosophy appealing. As she explained to them, death was preferrable to submission. Those who did not resist would always be stomped upon. Equality was an illusion, for nothing was equal in nature.

This was the way of the universe. The Sith Code would set them free and enable them to tap into their inner potential. She was able to gain followes from among her kin. She promoted training Twi'lek Force-users into a vanguard. She forbid the consumption of ryll and other narcotics among her minions, though she had no problem selling it to gullible offworlders. For a while Libertas associated with the Lords of Fringe. Their laissez-faire attitude suited her well and the Unknown Regions were full of monsters to test oneself against or learn from. She participated in a few of their campaigns, such as the Battles of O'reen and Eriadu.

However, she was soon drawn to the One Sith. She was scornful of the cult of personality that surrounded their Dark Lord, an enigmatic Voss. But they were dynamic, ambitious and soon made waves when they conquered Coruscant. Suddenly the Sith were back in the game with a bang. Libertas fought in the Battle of Coruscant, distinguishing herself in the assault on the Senatorial district. She subsequently participated in several of the One Sith's campaigns against the Galactic Republic. During one battle she had an encounter with Leonina Varkathras, a future Master of the Order of Fire, and her Jedi Master Shakkara Kalon. Both women were rather radical Jedi who believed in taking the fight to the Sith. In keeping with these beliefs, they rallied a group of resistance fighters to attack a Sith weapons' factory. Libertas happened to be inspecting security measures.

The mission was a Pyrrhic victory for the Jedi. Libertas was deceived by diversionary manoeuvres launched by them, the facility and the designs suffered severe damage. However, the Twi'lek cyborg pursued the Jedi. Shakkara had to be left behind to cover their retreat. Defeated in battle, she was captured. Ironically, Libertas would later thank the Togruta for reminding her of how dangerous pride could be. For even in victory, the Sith were not unassailable. Indeed, that was the time when they had to be the most on their guard, for it bred complacency.

Having sensed the Jedi's aggression, Libertas decided to make her a project. She spent a lot of time trying to break the Jedi - or rather, from her point of view, open her eyes to the truth. She decided to utilise a somewhat unusual strategy: Talking to her. Libertas had no moral issues with cold-blooded torture. Indeed she'd utilised it when it suited her. However, she regarded it as an ineffective way of trying to convert someone to the One True Way. After all, Bastila Shan had sought to betray Malak at the first opportunity. Gaudy, crude displays of violence would not produce a lasting conversion.

So instead she engaged the Jedi in dialogue, persuading her about the futility of the Light and the 'good' the Dark Side could do. She homed in on the Jedi's aggression and desire to take direct action. These were traits that had troubled her peers, but Libertas said they were beneficial. They showed that deep in her heart of hearts, Shakkara understood the rules of nature. The Sith were not mindless beasts. They were predators culling Nature's herd. Jedi were irresolute and lacked the decisiveness to do what must be done and impose their will on the Galaxy and bring about true freedom. She also arranged for her to meet some of the former slaves who had been 'enlightened' under her guidance. Darth Havoc, a Sith who had a rivalry with Libertas, tried to meddle by having his goons steal her prisoner and break her in the good old fashioned way. Libertas pursued them. Shakkara was able to free herself but upon being confronted by Libertas she decided to join the Sith. She had seen the Light - or rather the Dark. She got to display her commitment and remorselessness by helping suppress a rebellion.

The new convert eventually lured Leonina into a trap. Baiting her former apprentice with a distress signal, she and Libertas' minions captured the Cathar and sent her to a prison camp. There an attempt was made to turn her to the Dark Side. After rational discussion did not work, torture was utilised in order to break her. Shakkara tried to break the Jedi's resolve by appealing to her feelings for her. However, Leonina was able to escape with the aid of a rogue camp guard, freeing a few captives in the process. Leonina and Shakkara ended up duelling.

Leonina was seriously injured during the fight, but was able to inflict severe wounds on her master in turn. During the course of the duel, the roof above them collapsed and Leolina, believing her master to be dead, fled. Sith troops were in pursuit, so she was lucky to escape alive with the help of the captives she'd freed. Unbeknownst to Leonina, Shakkara survived the fight. At Libertas' behest, her damaged body was rebuilt with cybernetic implants. These were not designed for combat because pain and sacrifice empowered a Sith. Leonina would eventually learn that her master was still among the living. For her part, Libertas did not forget the Cathar who had escaped her net - and displayed conviction. However, her relationship with Shakkara soured.

Libertas turned her mind back to the war. She led units of One Sith soldiers in a number of missions to aid the Empire's expansion and suppress dissent within its ever-growing borders. Around the time of the Netherworld event, she got the idea of founding a popular movement that would spread Sith ideals to the muggles. Some of her peers scoffed at her because the Force blind were there to be led, nothing more. Libertas was partly inspired by an encounter with a radical cult that preached the downfall of the Sith and interpreted the Netherworld incident as an act of divine wroth. The zealots were misguided, but their conviction gave them strength and they fought to the last rebel. With the Force being wonky due to Akala's manipulations, Libertas had to rely on her mechanical strength, wits and conventional weapons in the fight. The rebels' zeal impressed her. Of course, they still had to die to make an example.

Inspired by what she had seen, she founded the Breakers of Chains. Feeling disdain for the propertied folks of Coruscant and other Core worlds, she focused her attention on the working classes. The marginalised lived in close urban proximity to the upper classes, who were literally looking down on them from ivory towers. This provided the movement with some good materiel for propaganda filled with populist rhetoric. Of course, the Sith were not revolutionaries. She had to roll back on her agitation when it caused urban unrest in some sectors. Chastisted, she enforced tight discipline, while also offering palpable improvements in the lives of those who joined and sought to awaken their inner potential. Those who joined had to cast aside all ties with their old lives though, much like someone who joins a gang or a cult.

Libertas found time for somewhat idiosyncratic games. She became a client of a 'talent agency' that targeted refugees on benighted Corellia, which had suffered greatly during the Netherworld Event. In actual fact the agency was a cover for a slaver company. Refugees who fell for its false promises of being given jobs offworld were enslaved. However, the talent agents were not the only ones playing a double game. Libertas did not want slaves. She wanted to see if any of the talents would show real talent by freeing themselves. When one of the transports got lost, her sources tracked it to Nar Shaddaa. Libertas travelled to the Smuggler's Moon. There she learned that a Vashyada druidess had snuck onto the transport and systematically murdered the slavers with the help of freed slaves. However, now the group was being pursued by slavers. Libertas' arrival forced the slavers to back off. Impressed, she offered the druid a job, but the wood elf declined. A number of the 'talents' chose to follow the Sith Lady though.

At this point in time, Libertas came in contact with a mad scientist called Zakarias Vont. The good doctor had dreamt of becoming a Sith, but been rejected by the Sith Academy due to being Force blind. Since then he had sought to understand the Force from a scientific perspective. He was also a skilled medical doctor and expert in cybernetics.What intrigued Libertas were his attempts to turn Force blind into Force-users, following in the footsteps of Galak Fyyar. He presented to her a first prototype, a man called Alcibiades. The pompous son of a Sith, Alcibiades had been turned into an artificial Force-sensitive via the implantation of an imbued Artusian crystal. Sadly the process had necessitated lobotomy to control his unstable temperament. She protected Zakarias when one his former employers, Darth Reinheit, sent his personal hit squad to abduct the scientist. It helped that Reinheit was a human supremacist and she suspected him of trying to undermine her movement.

Libertas decided to sponsor Zakarias' research, supplying him with a few volunteers and prisoners that could serve as test subjects. However, successful subjects tended to suffer from burnout due to their unstable Force connection. Midichlorian research was also attempted. Libertas continued to maintain an interest and shielded the scientists from rival Sith who coveted the research or regarded it as heretical. Perhaps it helped that she was becoming disillusiond with the Empire. On paper it was still winning every battle, but it was rotting from within and slowly withering away. Perhaps the Sith had won themselves to death. Victory had defeated them. There was even a brief civil war that resulted in the Dark Lord's death and the ascension of a Dark Council. Libertas stayed aloof from the power struggles. Instead she planned for the future. She pilfered resources by seizing the property of 'corrupt bourgeois' and 'decadent traitors' who were accused of collusion with Jedi.

When the Galactic Alliance arose to challenge the Sith hegemony, the Twi'lek was kind of pleased because it meant the Sith would face a challenge. However, to her the Sith seemed too passive. The initiative went to the Alliance, though their first offensive failed at Lujo. Libertas fought at Dulvojinn, a space-centric battle that ended in defeat for the One Sith. Leading a boarding action in person, Libertas slew a Jedi Master and faced Leonina in combat once more. By now the Cathar had left the Jedi Order and become a Rogue Master. However, during the fight the ship was rocked by explosions and the Sith was thrust into space. Her armour had been damaged and so she risked freezing and suffocating. Fortunately for her, her hard work paid off because her minions did not desert her. Rather they retrieved her damaged body from the void via a tractor beam and ensured she got medical attention. Her lungs had to be replaced with a mechanical set. Later Libertas came to suspect that the ship had been fired upon by a rival Sith.

In the aftermath of Coruscant's fall, several Sith flocked to the banner of the Rogue Sith, who sought to avenge the Empire's collapse by unleashing a superweapon called Omega on a Galaxy that had rejected them. Libertas refused to join them because their last ditch extreme destructiveness served no one's interest. So instead she fought on the side of the unlikely coalition of the willing that destroyed Omega. She went underground after the Battle of Castamere. The Light was ascendant, but it was only a matter of time until the Dark stiffled it once more. So she went underground, as she had done after the old Sith Empire's dissolution. The Breakers of Chains evolved into the Knights of the Broken Chain, an underground Sith organisation.

Some of her acolytes fought at Ruusan in support of the Sith Triumvirate, testing their strength against the Silver Sanctum and Firemane mercenaries. Zakarias had vanished in the aftermath of the One Sith's collapse. It was he who introduced Libertas to Enyo Typhos. The stoic, nihilistic Cyborg was making waves in the underworld. Enyo was not a good conversationalist and even more machine-like than Libertas. But both shared similar beliefs and concepts. It helped that they soon found themselves in combat with Jedi who had gotten wind of their criminal deeds. Violence has a way of bringing people together. Libertas supported Enyo's insurrection against Archangel, but continued to operate independently. She helped the Cyborg train some of her clone siblings, which was also a way to pass on her interpretation of Sith principles. She became acquainted with Alexia Zarides and Thuella, both clone siblings of Enyo.

As part of her efforts to expand her group, Libertas acquired a Mon Calamari called Nur Jahan as an apprentice. The young fish had been a slave, then part of an apocalyptic cult before realising that its leaders were frauds. Libertas sought to mould her into what she considered to be a true Sith, using her as an assassin. Nur Jahan proved herself by playing a leading role in overthrowing the corporate rulers of a remote colony. Libertas became a silent partner in a business that sold replicas of Sith holocrons and artefacts. Some were designed to be useful, others were useless or deceptive. The Sith Lady was fond of selling booby-trapped relics that would be actively harmful unless their user was 'worthy'.

As part of her partnership with Enyo, Libertas led an Iron Fist Consortium mission to infiltrate and eliminate a secret Archangel base. In the process, she made the acquaintance of Amara Zarides, one of Enyo's clone siblings, and Maris Fero, a young but dangerous ganger from Vorzyd who Enyo had taken under her wing. Libertas saw the potential that Maris could make a good Sith. Amara was uncomfortable around her because her template, Kaelin Isandros, had been a sadistic Sith. Ironically, Libertas had known Kaelin during their time in the service of the old Sith Empire and considered her a failure. Libertas took the time to pass on advice to Thuella, Amaa and Maris, whether they wanted to have it or not.

The mission was very dangerous, and it was revealed that Archangel was working on advanced war machines. This was proved correct when Archangel assaulted Enyo's group with its new designs, having entered into an alliance with the remnants of the Contingency. These wanted revenge on Enyo for betraying them. The losses sustained forced Enyo to enter into an alliance of convenience with Eldorai exiles, who had been targeted by Archangel as well. Libertas was part of the final battle when Archangel's old régime was overthrown. The Twi'lek still works with Enyo, but pursues agendas of her own. One of her goals is to expand her power base as an independent Sith Lord and pass on her teachings.
[member="Enyo Typhos"]

This is a detailed and well balanced character submission, you've balanced some classic strengths with very thoughtful shortcomings to that skillset.

I'll have to take your word on a lot of the finer details of Chaos history in her bio, but as always I thoroughly enjoyed that the character doesn't exist in a vacuum unaffected by galactic events. I see nothing wrong here.

Pending Secondary Review

[member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Zeradias Mant"] | [member="Irajah Ven"]
Submission Modified per OP

Submission Name: Darth Libertas
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Edits in Possessions, Skills, Personality and History.
Reason for Modification: Updating character.


In Notable Possessions, add:

In Skills, add:

  • Crucitorn

In Personality, add:

Libertas' best minions are commanded by a fellow Twi'lek called Koanai Pann. She grew up in the same village as her master, was enslaved, but managed to break her chains. Unlike her master, she is a Non-Force-User. Libertas took a liking to her, especially after a Sith tried to kill the Twi'lek for 'getting uppity' but Koanai managed to turn the tables on them. Thereupon Libertas ordered her to terminate the Sith.

In History, add:

As part of her efforts to expand the Breakers of Chains, Libertas acquired a Mon Calamari called Nur Jahan as an apprentice. The young fish had been a slave, then part of an apocalyptic cult before realising that its leaders were frauds. Libertas sought to mould her into what she considered to be a true Sith, using her as an assassin. Nur Jahan proved herself by playing a leading role in overthrowing the corporate rulers of a remote colony.

As part of her partnership with Enyo, Libertas led an Iron Fist Consortium mission to infiltrate and eliminate a secret Archangel base. In the process, she made the acquaintance of Amara Zarides, one of Enyo's clone siblings, and Maris Fero, a young but dangerous ganger from Vorzyd who Enyo had taken under her wing. Libertas saw the potential that Maris could make a good Sith. Amara was uncomfortable around her because her template, Kaelin Isandros, had been a sadistic Sith. Ironically, Libertas had known Kaelin during their time in the service of the old Sith Empire and considered her a failure.

The mission was very dangerous, and it was revealed that Archangel was working on advanced war machines. This was proved correct when Archangel assaulted Enyo's group with its new designs, having entered into an alliance with the remnants of the Contingency. These wanted revenge on Enyo for betraying them. The losses sustained forced Enyo to enter into an alliance of convenience with Eldorai exiles, who had been targeted by Archangel as well. Libertas was part of the final battle when Archangel's old régime was overthrown.
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