Brent continued to walk forward, holding the Naboo guardsmen by his throat, weapon pointed ahead, scanning for enemies. There was no response to his challenge; whoever hid here continued to hide like a coward. Whoever this enemy was, they had no honor.
He continued to scan around, but there was nothing. There were no signs that anyone had even been here recently. Brent was sure whoever had shot him was in this area, but there was no one.
He continued to doubt himself, right up until the explosion ripped through his jetpack, igniting it and sending him and the Naboo guard careening forward to impact the roof of the Royal Abode. His undergarment and armor took the brunt of the damage, dissipating the heat, but he still felt his skin bubbling, and he was sure he had even more internal damage. He rolled over onto his back, his armor injecting stems to overcome the pain, and unleashed his rifle on full auto, covering the area to his rear, hoping to illicit movement.
The Naboo guardsman was a smoking corpse next to him. They had killed their own man? Hiding from a fight and now killing a would-be hostage, what type of foe was this?
It didn't matter. They were still here, possibly even close. He got to his feet, armor and suit still smoking, and continued firing his weapon in an arc, covering several areas where a would-be assassin could hide. His helmet scanned all spectrums, looking for an attacker. Once he saw anything, he would advance and try to take away their ranged advantage.