Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Day of Landing || Ascendancy

Kristyl Vaashe



Location: Regnum City, Verun.
Objective: The Hub - Enjoy the nightlife of home renewed.
Nearby: Korvis Laerann Korvis Laerann | Yeshua Yeshua | Finnea Virlee Finnea Virlee | Tre'von Vile | Abel Denko Abel Denko | Binary Binary | Rann Thress Rann Thress | Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

Seven years.

Seven long difficult years had passed since they had fled Naboo, she and Diana Sophistica Diana Sophistica met the rest of the Confederate Fleet and transitioned to a new and unfamiliar territory of known space. Barely-known Space, that was. It had been uncharted territory on all accounts, but through so much hard work, blood, sweat and tears...And no small amount of training under her Masters' tutelage, they had made something of it.

These days Kris had been a bit of a recluse, aside from spending time with her Master, she had poured all of her energy into training in order to forget the worries and past trauma that had plagued her. Her control of the Force, knowledge and experience had all grown vastly since the day of the attack against the former Confederacy. She had been forced to take a life that day and never forgotten it since, yet Diana had guided her through her grief of the act, thus strengthening the young woman's resolve to no longer be the weak and naive young girl that she had been back then.

Aside from her training, however, Kristyl didn't hold anything of a social life. She kept in touch with her parents Asaraa Vaashe Asaraa Vaashe & Caedyn Arenais via distanced communications or written transmissions, but otherwise, she hadn't made any new friends since the loss of her old ones back home, and she made no strides in attempting to engage with those her own age. Not until Diana had finally had enough and forced her to go out on the eve of remembrance.

Anxiety bit at the back of her heels as she walked towards the nightclub. She hadn't been around a significant group of people in force knows how long, but the prospect of drowning her nerves with alcohol was too good to pass up. If she was going to have to smile and attempt to be normal, then it was best done through the persuasion of liquid fire and dutch courage.


Kyyrk glanced to his side, clearly having been roused from a tour through his own mind as John Locke John Locke approached him. "Only if you don't mind being haunted by the finance department." He grinned, extending a hand to shake. "Always a pleasure, Locke. Even if things have been...difficult for the past decade." Kyyrk glanced around the courtyard once more, before looking back to Locke. Ever since his return to the Ascendancy, there had been something...different about him. About his eyes. They still glowed with the same violet hue, but there was something behind them now. The eye of a hunter. Of someone with a vendetta, probing, searching for anyone who might aid his quest, or fuel it.

Kyyrk opened his mouth to say something else, but was interrupted by the arrival of Alessandra Creed Alessandra Creed , who wasted no time snarking off to the other Primarch, then to Kyyrk. Though Kyyrk was also rewarded with a kiss on the cheek. Kyyrk stared at her, arms cast to the side in disbelief. His brow knit in confusion. He still looked nice? "Now hold on a minute, Creed." Creed. He only ever called her that when he was upset with her. a loving way. He was never truly mad at her when he called her that. No, he was just engaging in the jest same as she was. "Why must you assume that every time I leave your sight I become doused in mud?" Kyyrk fixed Locke with a mock look of "The Audacity," before turning back to Ale. "So rude..." Kyyrk shook his head ruefully as he leaned in to plant a kiss on Ale's forehead, a grin of affection creeping onto his features.

As he put an arm around her, he glanced towards the gates to the courtyard. Darth Metus Darth Metus had arrived. In tow was his usual entourage. The wintery apprentice, the dark being that Metus found himself hopelessly in love with...for some reason. Kyyrk turned his attention back to the conversation at hand. "I would, however, hope that Locke is still invested in that company. Where else are we going to find good work-horse equipment for that price?"

Open to interaction


Tagging: Kyyrk Kyyrk | Alessandra Creed Alessandra Creed

The dark-haired man let a small smile curl up the corner of his lips as he lifted his glass towards his companion.

"It's not been the easiest few years, but we managed to make it through. Somehow."

Those early days hadn't exactly been the easiest to get through, especially at the start when they'd been scrambling to settle themselves. It had taken all their skill, all the abilities and resources they'd managed to accumulate over the years of managing the Confederacy, of handling the countless refugee issues that had come their way. John had never thought that they'd be applying those skills to themselves, but little by little over the years the city had bloomed, coming to life under their skilled hands and tender care. The end result far surpassed anything that he'd been prepared for, a city to rival any in the galaxy.

As much as John had been flitting around the galaxy, he knew that his friend had been doing the same, to what end the cyborg didn't know. He didn't need to know, to be honest, there was a certain element of trust that extended to those you knew worthy of it. No matter what he was doing, the white-skinned man would be doing what he thought was best, he always did. John's musing were interrupted by the arrival of a familiar brunette, one whose cutting tongue he had had the pleasure of experiencing more than once.

"Minister Creed. A pleasure to see you again, it is nice to set foot on solid ground but you know how it is. Here one day but then tomorrow there'll be another fire to put out somewhere, but someone needs to make the credits for you to tax."

A soft smile touched the man's lips as he inclined his head towards her. You would have to be blind not to notice the genuine affection between the couple. It was nice to see, the ease with which they folded into one another. Dark-eyes filled with humour met Kryyk's for a moment before John let his gaze flick up and down for a moment before his smile took on a mischievous tilt. It was just for a moment, the barest flicker before his face relaxed into the relaxed expression it had always held.

"She's right, you do clean up good though when you peel yourself out of your armour."

Work-horse equipment huh? That deserved a little teasing. The man had always been a strong supporter and proponent of the company, but he was also one of the few people in the galaxy John felt comfortable lowering his masks a little with. Alessandra's off-hand mention of Gianna did cause the Primarch to blink for a moment before a soft genuine smile touched his lips. For a moment his mind wasn't in the garden or the palace, flitting back to his memories for a moment, that swirl of red hair and an infectious smile. It was just for a second, but it was enough to relax the man's features a little as he nodded at Alessandra.

"That does sound like her, setting up here and dealing with all the refugees, I think she might have been busier than we were."

The last thing that John had expected was for the flame-haired Jedi to pack up her home and move to Verun to help the remnants of the Confederacy to settle into their new home, to deal with the refugees and people of the worlds that had been devastated here. It was the Jedi way, to go where you were needed, and it did make it easier to see her while he was back setting things up in the Ascendancy. Dark eyes lifted up to the night sky, lost in thought for a moment before John dragged his thoughts back to the present.

"Oh, I don't know, you're a pretty good hand with the tool bench as I remember. I'm sure I could retire and let you take over providing all the innovations very happily."

The electrifying pulse of energy was in the air. Everywhere verdant eyes roamed she saw color and excitement. Luna's ears and senses were replaced with loud, resounding music from all different directions. It was a night to be remembered for many different reasons.

As Luna followed Abel through the streets, her eyes for once didn't scan the streets for danger and the stress of her inner demons and past didn't brand the back of her mind. Instead, her eyes flicked in his direction, catching the side view of his handsome face and tufts of blonde hair. The pair moved amongst the others as they prepared to do the most daring thing either of them more than likely had done.

A date.

The young woman knew nothing of such- her years had been spent locked away and even once she was freed and on her own, she had been too closed away and too damaged to let anyone sincerely in. But Abel had shown her another side of things- one of which Luna had never thought possible for herself. Other than being her best friend, he had unlocked skills and parts of her she didn't know existed and because of this, she knew that the usual teasing and camaraderie between them was slowly shifting into something more... But into what?

But as their quiet gaits landed them directly in front of an establishment that seemed almost as equally packed as the streets. "This Asteroid club looks good. Up for a drink?" Thunderous music pulsed within and the neon signs outside were enough to give anyone a stimulation overload. Luna looked over at Abel with a small grin on her face shaking her head as she stepped towards the entrance giving him her answer. "You, asking me if i"m up for a drink? I think you're slipping, Abel."

No doubt that it was a simple ask and both of them were learning to navigate this new adventure together, there were other things on the mind.

She could sense the Knight's own feelings ebbing and flowing even if he'd tried his best to hide it. As they entered, it was obvious that it was a well-liked establishment as beings moved about from bar to table, music was too loud to speak over at a respectable distance and the dark space was pierced by the bright colors and theme of the bar. Very few places were left to sit other than a pair of fated seats by the end of the bar.

Luna reached out, unable to talk to Abel above the loud music and beings moving about them in almost synchronization. Her hand gently grasped his forearm before swinging her head in the direction of the paired seating before closing in on them. The seats were up higher than most making the young Woman very thankful for her above-average height. It was only a tiny bit quieter in the corner but it was enough to hear each other if one were to lean in close enough.

The bartender came over and took whatever their order was before hurrying off to fulfill it. How was this any different than any other time the pair interacted? Looking for something to say that had nothing to do with any of their realities, Luna swallowed the dry lump in the back of her throat as her gaze shifted from the colorful bottles behind the bar on the wall and over to Abel. "It seems like everyone is out tonight. I'm pretty sure I've never seen this many beings in one place before."

A start, even if it wasn't the smoothest.

Abel Denko Abel Denko
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Maliphant stood at the helm of a Star Destroyer - inching through space. Ominov was going well - the control the Sith were slowly building on the Imperial dream world was still tenuous, but ever expanding. In that vein, Maliphant had been busy ensuring that the Sith Order would be led by the hand of the Eternals; as the ever constant apathy of the Worm Emperor seemed to drive them to lesser and lesser heights. It infuriated him, but it was something he could not question.​
In the recent months, the Worm had reached out to Maliphant and taken him under his wing as his apprentice. Without so much as saying it, the Worm intended for Maliphant to become the heir of his strength - the power that was the Emperor, soon to be in the hands of man born as a slave on a dark world in the Outer Rim. Even now, he was on a mission set out by the Worm for unknown reasons.​
"Let me know when we arrive.", Maliphant said to one of the Eternal Helmsmen.​
Exiting the bridge, he made his way back to his quarters. His thumb rubbed at the ring at his finger - his mind falling away from duty and conviction for a few moments as he honed in on Srina Talon Srina Talon . The nebula she was in, the distance they were at - it strained the connection of the rings, but the strenght of their bond was great. When he focused, he could still feel her heart beat away rhythmically in his palm - could imagine the warmth of her skin and the soft tones of her voice in his ear.​
The door to his quarters opened, and the privacy of his room allowed him a moment of meditation. He sat on the bed after stripping his formal outer layer - and took position. As his mind began to float into the nebula of the Force - his body would float, and the room's loose objects would join him. Like a ship going through a hyperlane, his presence would blaze a trail through the dark confines of the Galaxy - and every parsec closer, he would feel her emotions more and more.​
The sadness, the anger, the overwhelming loneliness.​
When he appeared next to her - she would know he was only an illusion. A figment by the soft see through nature of his skin; but his presence was real, and were she to touch him she would feel the trickery of their bond creating the figment of his true and unadulterated presence. Almost. He'd glance over to her - his alchemic iron eyes watching her closely. He looked far more inhuman than he did a few months ago - black eyes with ruby islands replaced by entirely metallic orbs.​
"I've missed you, dear.", he offered with the smallest kind of smile - a reassuring expression, the most he could offer in the moment.​


Tre'von Vile


As the music thumped and the crowd grew larger and larger, Asteroid was becoming a bit of a hub of the most enticing amusement the day had to offer. Tre was continuing to dance on the floor. Sweat dripped from his face and his breath started to grow heavy. He had to step away for a bit. Replenish his electrolytes. He was known to have the stamina of a horse, but when he gets to dancing, time seems to just fly by.

He walked over to the bar and the bartender gave him a look. "You got moves, kid. Who taught you?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me."

"Heh. The Warpriests of Thyrsia."

"Huh. I won't ask anymore questions. Well, just one. What can I get ya?"

"Some water would be bangin'. It's a little warm in here."

"They way you're moving out there kid, I'm surprised you're not drenched in sweat." The bartender reached below the bar and pulled out a bottle of water before handing it to Tre.

"I work out...Sometimes." Tre took the bottle and slid the bartender some credits. "Much appreciated." The bartender nodded before stepping away to help another patron. Tre turned his back towards the bar, leaning up against it as he began to drink his water and look out into the club. So many flashing colors briefly revealing the faces of those who were enjoying the venue along with Tre. He took a chug of water so large, half the bottle was already empty. It was crisp, like it was drawn straight from a spring. He was almost ready to head back out there, but he thought he'd wait a little longer. Maybe until he saw something he liked. Or someone.

As the Vampyre played the part of battering ram through the swaying masses, Finnea moved quickly to keep pace. Her hands wrapped around his arm, which enabled her to stay close whilst Yeshua plowed forward. As the pair were off the clock, he didn't think anything of it - beyond it being a smart move amidst the crowd.

Asteroid? Are we going to swerve around aimlessly?

After months of things being all business aboard the Jericho, it was a surprise to hear jokes spilling from Finnea's lips. Thus, the Vampyre wore a wide smirk as they entered the bar. "There's an 'orbiting is a metaphor for dancing' joke in there somewhere." he said, clearly amused.

Once they were safe from the crowds and the noise, Yeshua draped one arm over the top of the booth. Where the engineer was straight-backed and proper, the Vampyre was casual. One of them clearly took the words at ease to heart. When asked her drink of choice, the response was textbook. A look that matched their exchange at the shuttle. A simple shake of the head. Water. Yeshua chuckled.

"Can't go wrong with either." he said. "I've never had Ipellrilla, now's as good a time as any."

He promptly flagged down one of the workers - who ended up being a scantily clad gentleman. Yeshua blinked. Uniforms were uniforms he supposed. "Ipellrilla please. Leave the bottle."

They didn't have to wait long for two glasses, iced, and the bottle to be brought out. Yeshua wasted no time in cracking it open and pouring a hearty pair of shots.

"To making it out alive."

That was as fitting a toast as any.

One Month Ago

The skittering, the clicking. He could hear it getting closer. The ancient cities were long abandoned, but they were far from empty. He was now trespassing on the territory of the tyen la'e. It had been a long and quiet journey up the world tree. To avoid the wrath of the beetle hordes, talohn had climbed manually, forgoing the use of any propulsion methods. It hadn't been easy, but if the tidbit of information he hads gotten was true, it would all be worth it.

He found it slightly saddening to walk through the streets of the once glorious kingdom of his people. Though the streets weren't streets. They were branches of a great city tree. Each branch supporting platforms that led to wooden homes long ruined by the passage of time, or in some case they led into homes that were carved into the tree itself. Once these branches would have been bustling with life. Even if he never got to be there, he could hear it now. Children playing balance games on the edge of the tree at the contention of their parents. Catharese warriors coming up the pulley elevators having returned from hunts. The smell of overly spicy curry wafting from the once beautifully constructed homes. Talohn had not been there for this, for it was long before his time. But standing there now, Talohn could feel it. Feel the pain of what could be as he looked further up the tree from the branch he was currently standing on. He had to wipe away a single tear as the misery of his ancestors bore down upon him, begging for justice, begging for peace. Begging for this world to be truly cathar once more. He took a deep breath to compose himself and quieten the roar of his long-fallen people, leaving only the empty tree and the occasional sound of distant insectoid clicking in their wake. A singular sniffle echoes in the silence before the cathar continues making his way up the tree.

The only thing that became more evident as he went up the tree was the fact that the houses were not just taken down by the passage of time. Some were burned, others blown to bits. He knew the culprit, and the irony of his current familial ties was not lost to him. Further up the tree, he would begin finding the places of public gathering. Massive holes and tunnels carved into the tree to serve various purposes; those purposes made evident by the carvings in catharese above their entrances. One place in particular caught his interest. 'Library', the large carving said. Though the massive branch above it had fallen, blocking most of the entrance. He ignites his lightsaber, causing a blue glow in the darkness of the night. Not that he needed light to see, being a cathar and all. He hoped the blade wasn't making too much noise.

Talohn stabs his blade into the tree and begins using it to carve a circle. Once completed, he turns off the lightsaber and places it back on his belt. The cathar then activates his armor's crushgaunts and digs his hands into the wood. With a solid hand hold, he pulls the circle of wood out of the branch and tosses it aside. It proceeds to roll off of the branch his standing on and falls into one of the old buildings below. Talohn peers over the edge of the massive branch, his features formed into disgust a few of the black carapaced giant beetles plaguing the tree begins skittering over to investigate the noise. Just as one looks up, Talohn stops peeking over the edge so that he's no longer visible from that angle.

He crouches slightly to make his way through the hole in the branch, his mind brimming with excitement at the idea that he could find some knowledge of his people. All that excitement dies the moment he reaches the other side. All he sees is char and ash filling the hollowed-out portion of the tree. He could hear it once more, the despairing cry of his people. As he slowly steps forth past the threshold of the library, his gaze affixed to the long-burnt bookshelves. His sadness is interrupted as he steps on something that causes a metallic ding, The cathar instantly looks down, and his eyes widen. Beskar. A whole body of it. A set of armor with the insignia of a clan that likely no longer existed. The body within had turned to dust, but the armor remained, alongside the catharese vibroblade sticking out of the armpit of the armor. He looks between the dead mandalorian and the rest of the library. Though it was horribly rusted, Talohn could make out a flamethrower on the wrist of the armor.

The cathar shakes his head slightly. Not only did they send his people back to the dark ages. They didn't even permit them to remember who they were. Precious history gone and ruined. He continues his journey further into the library, hoping to find something in the charred hallways, praying that his journey wasn't for nothing. Though it looked like that was the case. Most of the bookshelves were completely ash. The something catches his eye. The gleam of metal in a room adjacent to the library. He hurries that way, his pace quickened. It's not long before he arrives before a chest. Most catharese storage objects were made from wood. Why was this of metal? Almost as if preservation under any circumstances was the intent. Using the crushgaunts, he rips the locks off of the chest and lifts it open. Within is a collection of scrolls, each with some sort of circular insignia on it. He takes one in his hand and gently rolls it open to peek at the contents. His eyes go wide, pupils dilating to slits from the shock.

"Eta... eta lĂŞirzĂŞe cijeli...." (This... This changes everything....)

His shocking discovery is interrupted by the sound of clicking within the hallway. He quickly but gently loads all of the scrolls into the satchel he has at his side before drawing his pistol and flicking off the safety. He holds his pistol in front of him, teeth bared.
Present Day

Seven years already? Naboo was so far away, yet the memory of it was still fresh in his mind. The day everything was lost. Talohn had never been too personally invested in Naboo, but he knew what that place was to his brothers, what that place meant to House Verd. Too see that empire crumble made him weep for his family. In the past few years, those of House Verd that knew him would notice that Talohn seemed to be mostly off radar ever since Naboo. He'd occasionally show up. A sighting of he and his ship here or there. Perhaps a few sightings of Zlova Rue as well. Wherever Talohn was, Zlova wasn't far behind. Vice Versa as well.

Currently, Talohn's ship had just come into dock at the spaceport. Not long after landing, the boarding ramp slowly opens and a singular red glowing eye can be seen at the top of the ramp, its bearer hidden by shadow. Metal footsteps are audible as none other than Madlad comes down the ramp. That glowing red eye scans the surroundings. Following but a moment after is the Cathar himself. Grayish blue fur, black stripes and orange-colored eyes. All the distinguishing marks of Talohn Atar. Though it seems he's gone through a bit of a style change. Where he'd typically be found in full Mandalorian armor, he now dressed in a less armored outfit. He wore a simple long sleeve armorweave shirt with his mandalorian chestplate over it and a simple brown scarf about his neck. His right hand was adorned with a simple leather glove that had beskar bracers which went halfway up his forearm. The glove itself had a beskar plate on the back of the hand with some sort of catharese insignia carved into it. His left hand was covered by something much more familiar. A fully plated beskar gauntlet equipped with the crushgaunt that was naturally installed into the gauntlet. It also had a slot for a wrist weapon like missiles or whistling birds, but he had decided to forego that on this occasion. He also wore a leather longcoat that went down to his ankles and a brimmed leather hat atop his head. Typical mercenary or smuggler fashion, really. His pants, much like his shirt, were armorweave, though not skintight like leather. More baggy like a pair of cargo pants. His knees were covered by beskar kneepads, which had slots for gadgets as well, though he'd decided not to bring any this time as previously stated. His boots went up to below his knee and were beskar plated from the looks of it, equipped with flight jets on the bottom of the heel. Never without his precious favorite, the I'zĂŞorra stjolkk was in a leather holster attached to his right thigh.

After making it down the ramp, he leans on one of the landing feet of his ship, waiting for his partner in crime to emerge so that they can make their way up to the palace. He looks at the collection of scrolls stowed in his coat. His brother would definitely want to see what he had found.

Zlova Rue Zlova Rue Darth Metus Darth Metus Srina Talon Srina Talon Darth Elyria Darth Elyria
As the Vampyre played the part of battering ram through the swaying masses, Finnea moved quickly to keep pace. Her hands wrapped around his arm, which enabled her to stay close whilst Yeshua plowed forward. As the pair were off the clock, he didn't think anything of it - beyond it being a smart move amidst the crowd.

Asteroid? Are we going to swerve around aimlessly?

After months of things being all business aboard the Jericho, it was a surprise to hear jokes spilling from Finnea's lips. Thus, the Vampyre wore a wide smirk as they entered the bar. "There's an 'orbiting is a metaphor for dancing' joke in there somewhere." he said, clearly amused.

Once they were safe from the crowds and the noise, Yeshua draped one arm over the top of the booth. Where the engineer was straight-backed and proper, the Vampyre was casual. One of them clearly took the words at ease to heart. When asked her drink of choice, the response was textbook. A look that matched their exchange at the shuttle. A simple shake of the head. Water. Yeshua chuckled.

"Can't go wrong with either." he said. "I've never had Ipellrilla, now's as good a time as any."

He promptly flagged down one of the workers - who ended up being a scantily clad gentleman. Yeshua blinked. Uniforms were uniforms he supposed. "Ipellrilla please. Leave the bottle."

They didn't have to wait long for two glasses, iced, and the bottle to be brought out. Yeshua wasted no time in cracking it open and pouring a hearty pair of shots.

"To making it out alive."

That was as fitting a toast as any.

A joke? Finnea tilted her head. She never made any jokes, so for the commander to imply that she had just made one had the Ensign all confused but she didn't comment as she could tell she had amused him in some way or another as he was smiling when they entered 'the Astroid'. The two of them acted very differently from the very get-go. Where Finnea was uptight and in desperate need for some control in all this chaos, Yeshua nearly scared her by showing a side she was very unfamiliar with. His whole body language still showed his confidence but it was ...relaxed. And that furrow she could often see between his eyes were nowhere to be seen.

Sitting properly, she studied him as he ordered a bottle of Ipellrilla for their table, taking mental notes of how he went about it and at the same time she knew she would never need that knowledge. It wasn't like she would be ordering bottles for herself anytime soon! But it was somehow amusing to watch the commander in a different setting.
The glasses were put down at their table alongside ice and the bottle of Ipellrilla. It was actually a quite nice bottle, camouflaging it's devilish contains of firewater. Yeshua of course took the lead to get the bottle open and Finnea sat watching him pour it into both glasses, bracing herself. Just one glass.

She lifted her glass in his direction and nodded a little, putting on a seldom smile. "Hah... Took us seven years to give that a toast, huh?" she rolled her eyes in amusement. She let her glass touch his before downing the shot with instant regret. It took all her willpower not to start coughing and as a result her eyes started to water up and her entire face contorted with disgust. "Ffffffffffeeth!? Oh You daft ...dank...Farrik!" She couldn't stop her vulgar language to spew out following the strong shot, it wouldn't be the first time he had heard her come up with strings of vulgarities as whenever she stressed with an task during attack onboard she would say the weirdest things. She used her hands to fan air to her face as she felt it getting warmer, a red color spreading over her cheeks as a tear rolled down from her blue eye.

Looking over at Yeshua, still fanning herself, it didn't take her long to spot that line of amusement that suggested she was exaggerating which in turn made her smile, and then suddenly she gave a little laugh. "Don't you dare say a thing, you know I don't drink." she had a hard time holding back her smile now. "Give me another one." she surprisingly moved her glass in a suggestion that she wanted one more.

Yeshua Yeshua
As the Cathar descended, the Lethan Twi'lek covered in black, traditional Sith tattoos stepped into view at the top of the ramp. Aside from being a creature many gangsters would have loved to have chained in their service, or in the inescapable fact Zlova had been brought up as a Sith, the most striking feature was the lack of Dark Side corruption. Her yellow eyes burned with the intensity befitting her station -- one that had not changed just because that Empire had fallen -- but there wasn't the black veins or deep shadows about them some Lords sported. As for a Sith Lady's secret to retaining her youthful appearance over time, someone would have to find the courage to ask. And the luck to expect an answer.

The knee-high boots with spikes extending above the knee clomped down the ramp. Zlova wore a lightly armored black corset, with forearm guards that extended to a point beyond the elbow, and shoulder pads secured to the corset with straps. Her leeku hung down her back to either side of the metal-armored spine of the corset. Two curved-hilt lightsabers were customarily affixed along her lower back should they become necessary.

As for this planet and the cause for celebration... Well, it made Talohn happy. Though Zlova could do without the world being so far from civilization. Her proclivities did not benefit from being relegated to a single planet in the middle of no where. Even if it had been years since she had any place in an Empire, the Twi'lek hadn't slowed down. If anything helping the Cathar to raise Monari had demanded Zlova maintain a very healthy lifestyle in studying and concocting things using the Dark Side. Not that the young woman herself could use the Force; but ensuring Talohn and her survival had become a personal matter of importance. Remaining strong was therefore a necessity.

"You have everything?" Zlova called out as she turned to look back at Talohn with a small smile. "I don't want you running back here having forgotten something leaving me alone with some stranger talking about the architecture of some building."

Talohn Atar Talohn Atar


| R E G N U M |

Tag: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
Objective: BYOO {Seated in the Courtyard - At the edge of a large wishing fountain.}
Style: X & X

The shrill squeal of a youngling drew her from a silent reverie while she remained still, seated, on the edge of the fountain. Eyes a harsh shade of gun-metal grey found the child in question within the span of a moment. It triggered memories. Screams. Every war that had ever graced her existence held the same thematic elements. There was no honor in it, only, that which could be lost. She had often opted on the side of the greater good. The number of lives that could be spared with the least costly sacrifice. One life for a dozen. Ten for a hundred. Fifty for a thousand. Thousands for millions.

It was a never-ending cycle that left her consistently on edge. The pale fabric that she wore in festive colors created an illusion of softness. It tricked the crowd. They saw not the creature that she had become in their name, the killer, and instead viewed her as some form of benevolence. They felt safe while she idled with Magnaguard because she identified more with them than actual people.

Srina was untouchable, as always, as she ever would be.

And so, she observed. She was the one who watched. Who couldn't wind down and relax because there was always some fresh new horror from the deep waiting to devour everything she considered valuable. A silent, statue. A warden. A watcher.

Until she could watch, no longer. Until the shiny baubles on her person were replaced with swords and hand canons. Until she traveled not via sky cabs and solar sail yachts, but, warships. It was only a matter of time before things returned to equipoise.

Until she returned to equilibrium.

The air to her left shimmered and distorted. At first, she paid it little mind. The heat that poured down on Regnum was reminiscent of the simulated weather modulation on Geonosis. The newly Exarch turned Primarch could only dimly remember what it was like to feel such dry, arid air, with heat so heavy that it felt like an invisible ocean. She missed it. She missed many things. The distortion seemed to grow and a wave of gooseflesh ran down her arms. "Danger.", the voice of one of the Magnaguard uttered, though, it didn't move. Nightmarish red photoreceptors seemed to take on a darker tint.

A familiar presence washed over her and she shook her head imperceptibly.

"Stand down."

The singular phrase was uttered with a sense of blunt finality. A droid would not question her. There was no need to explain further nor was it necessary to elaborate. It did not sense his arrival—It took in her autonomic reaction. The beat of her heart. The faint twitch of hummingbird wings that went faster against her will. "Maliphant…", she breathed his name, softly, as if it were the caress of twilight rolling seamlessly into quiet dusk.

She reached for him as she always did but her hand fell short. Lifeless, her hand dropped back into her lap and her severe countenance turned toward him. Toward the sky. It was his changed eyes that drew her attention first. More than anything else. She couldn't get used to it any more than she could come to terms with his alter-ego. Iron eyes—So hard. Cold.

Even colder, crueler, than her own.

The small smile that he gave lightened the shadows. Lessened, the impact. Srina swallowed her apprehensions, her worries, because it was only relevant to problems for another day. Unable to help herself she reached for him once more and slowly let delicate fingers slip past a ghostly palm where elegant digits laced. She could just feel something. In a way.

It wasn't the same, but it was what they had. She was determined to be grateful for that.

"It's been too long. Far too long…"

That was an understatement. The illusion of her Sith Lord was almost enough to draw her from her seat so that she could wrap her arms around a hard light construct, however, dignity and propriety kept her steady and stable. The onlookers would already suspect that she was losing her mind in the light of day. Holding, nothing. Talking to nothing. It had been much too long since she had last seen him. Touched his face. Memorized the pieces of him that only she knew.

She hated it more than anything, though, she would not begrudge him his ambitions. It was part of why he fascinated her so easily. He held a drive and a sense of purpose that she wasn't quite sure she had any frame of reference for. "I would rather it really, be you."

Honesty. There was no bitterness. Only, plainly stated desire. A colorful float went by and her gaze was drawn to the side for a moment before it slipped back to his face. She slid to the side and the Magnaguard to her left seemed to sense her intent and the lumbering mechanical form rose up to allow the desired space. Srina tugged softly, quietly, inviting him to sit beside her.

It was her way. Speaking, without words. Wanting, needing, asking, pleading but never saying anything at all. Srina never expressed that which made her weak in public. Even something so simple as holding hands seemed to make her uncomfortable. The pride of the Six Sisters ran deep in her. He knew that. Just like he knew everything else. Always, he knew.

"…Where are you?"
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I will try.

Many years before the Day of Landing, when the alabaster woman's tutelage was young, she had imparted wisdom upon the Sith Lord. During that age, the sable-skinned man stood before a crossroads. There was a conflict in his identity - a rift between the past and the future. He struggled with seeing Mandalore burn. Though the people of his heritage had long since cast he and his kin out, his soul still ached when Mandalorians suffered. It was then that Srina gave him a simple truth: Let the past die. If you cannot, kill it. To this day, the Echani remained blissfully unaware of just how deep her words had impacted him. During those turbulent months, that wisdom inspired him to stay his hand and efforts from aiding the people who had excommunicated him. In the years that followed, her words helped him really answer who he was.

He wasn't a slave to the Mandalorian culture any longer. He had ascended past that. He was free.

Thus, his heart ached for her - as he had been unsuccessful so far in offering the same relief. The betrayal of one's culture was one thing. The loss of a child and the failures of a lover were another. Darth Metus was no stranger to losing a child. It was one of his greatest failings during the height of the Southern Systems. It seemed that, no matter how great his nation was, it was never enough to shield those he loved from harm. But, though he had lost a child, he had never lost motherhood. And he could not, would not, offer the same wisdom Srina shared with him. It was one thing to let his Mandalorian past die. It was another to move past the agony of losing the unborn.

And so, he distracted as best he could. Supported and upheld. For seven years, the Echani was able to set her mind on things that were not the agonies of the past. But the hurt had taken its toll. As such, Darth Metus did not push when she advised she would try to have fun this night. Rather, he smiled and watched her for but a moment as her steps bore her away from his side.

His thoughts on the matter were tempered by his primordial partner. The Sith could feel her eyes rolling at the momentary display, even though his own eyes were not upon her. Oh, he could only imagine Elyria's thoughts in that moment. There were many times over the years where she had made threats upon his "rabbit." Threatened to eat her, turn her mind into a fine powder, outright destroy her, unleash the darkness inside, etc. And each time one such threat fell from her lips, they butted heads. For there was no one, or nothing, he would allow to harm his daughter. Not even the woman who ruled the Ascendancy beside him.

I never get to have any fun, indeed.

Fortunately...over the past seven years, Elyria had made a renewed effort to refrain from threats - or from snacking on their subjects for that matter. She had...taken to an odd form of training. The Real Housewives of Mon Cala, which encouraged the primordial woman to communicate in only the most ratchet of ways. Hell, there was one time that she took 'ordering in' as 'I'm going to eat the delivery boy.' The primordial one was kind enough to save Isley a leg before finishing off her evening snack.

She huffed at his words, turning her nose in the air. It took all of the Sith's willpower not to seat his face firmly in his palm. Instead, he extended an olive branch. A reward for the great show of restraint. His dominant arm encircled her waist, drawing her closer.
"I must say, I love the perfume."

Why compliment something so mundane when Elyria was the embodiment of darkness? Well, according to the Real Housewives of Mon Cala, a man truly cared when he noticed the little things. Such as when Snoo-Kie spent eight hours getting her hair-tendrals just right, and her "boothang" noticed right off the bat. Fortunately, Darth Metus couldn't indulge his partner for too long, as the demands of the evening were at play. Guests of the Palace were beginning to flock to the Courtyard - and whilst many had chosen to simply take the opportunity to escape the noise of the festivities, others had come for an audience.

Stepping forward, the Sith announced his presence by parting his arms - as if to embrace his people in the way only a father could. His face shone with a dazzling smile, and soon the baritone of his voice echoed across the Courtyard.

"My fellow Ascendants, I bid you welcome to the Palace! For seven years, we toiled to bring this dream into fruition. A new home. A safe haven. A refuge among the stars. Now, as we spread our will ever forward, let us take this day to remember and to celebrate. Let us reflect on those we lost along the way and live in their stead."

There were so few lives that were not touched by loss. Perhaps this was the wisdom they needed to hear. Words that would unshackle them from the agonies of the past. From thence, Darth Metus nodded to the cadre of Magnaguards, who advanced closer to the crowd. Then, they faced one another, forming a neat column that visitors would walk between to meet with their Dominus. As he had vowed upon throwing this momentous celebration, the people would have his ear. Whatever they carried in their hearts, they could share with their liege.


Why was he nervous?

As the Knight led the ashen-haired woman off the street, the question popped loudly into his head. Sure, he was certainly out of his element in taking Luna on a dedicated outing. But this was not anything foreign to them. Going to the local watering hole wasn't a strange occurrence to them; in fact, they punctuated their old Obsidian missions with this quite frequently. They were, quite literally, walking into their comfort zone. So why be nervous? Abel was doing his absolute best to steel himself - to shut up the butterflies storming in his stomach.

What helped was the sass of the woman following him. Rain or shine. Hell or high water, Luna always had a round of snark loaded in the chamber. Tonight was no different. Upon asking if she was up for a drink, he could feel the grin in each syllable tossed back his way. This was more than enough to cause the man to chuckle. "I sometimes forget that I'm dealing with an expert, excuse me." He said, offering her a full grin.

Upon stepping inside the Asteroid, Abel soon found her hand grasping his forearm. The contact sent electricity racing through his stomach, all but multiplying the horde of nerves in his gut. He looked down and saw her motioning towards a "quieter" side of the room. For some reason, this relieved the Knight, and he was happy to follow Luna over. Upon settling in, the music was only a few notches lower, but it was enough that they could talk at least. In short order, they placed their drink orders.

Abel placed his hands upon the table, suddenly unsure what to do with them. Meanwhile, Luna remarked on just how busy the establishment as...and that's when he knew that she was just as nervous as he. It didn't take paying attention to her through the Force to know this, but simply knowing her.

"We're fucking wrecks, aren't we?" The admission came with a hearty chuckle. "Ain't ever been on a date, so we're chattin' about the weather."

He reached out, placing one of his hands over hers.

"And I know for a fact that you've seen a packed city before. I remember something along the lines of 'where I grew up was better than where you grew up', right?"

Someone had to say it. Nar Shaddaa was the superior shithole.​

"We're fucking wrecks, aren't we?" The young woman gave a laugh as Abel finally spoke about what the pair had been secretly feeling. “Speak for yourself,” she started with nothing but jest as she fired back and her verdant gaze offering a mischievous glint. "Ain't ever been on a date, so we're chattin' about the weather."

It was obvious the pair had never found themselves in the situation that they were in, now. “Well, it sounded better than bringing up that drunken baldin' Wookiee taking a leak in that bush over there.”

Luna would jump from a speeder and fight to the death amongst many other dangerously precarious things but in a setting of a simple date, she was way out of her element much like he was. “But I’m sure we’ll figure out how not to be...eventually.” All hurried thoughts of everything up until that point were gone in a moment’s time when the warmth of Abel’s hand found hers. The tingling in the back of her neck shot down her spine and the fluttering in her chest felt as if it was about to explode from her.

“You caught me,” Clearing her throat of the thick lump that had formed, Luna smirked as her gaze landed on Abel’s handsome features- subconsciously leaning forward while placing her free hand on the bartop- absentminded slender fingers brushing the top of his hand. “And please, we’ve been down this space lane before. I don’t feel like hurtin' your feelin's tonight.”

Their drinks arrived only moments later leaving the young woman’s quips to be cut short as she slowly sat up. The amber liquid was inviting as she reached for her glass, taking a long sip and letting the burn attempt to dissipate the lingering lump that sat in the back of her throat. She hoped, at the very least, it would get her to relax.

Luna’s attention was only briefly pulled from the moment to gaze out at some drunken commotion on the small dancefloor that took up most of the other free space in the Asteroid. Watching a pair of Rodians stumble about as they tried to dance only caused her to shake her head and turn away. “You know, I’ve done a few damn stupid things in my life but I can’t say I’ve gone that far.”

Gesturing to the beings dancing behind them, she shrugged before taking another long sip of her drink, the young woman waited for the warmth to hit the back of her throat- she was more than happy to sit here and enjoy her time with Abel. The amber liquid had quelled some of the young woman's nerves- allowing her to speak genuinely as her verdant gaze found his. "You know, I know we don't entirely know what we're doin', but I'm happy we could do this."

Abel Denko Abel Denko
The Vampyre wondered.

Over the literal years of their working together, Yeshua did not yet know what could, or would, encourage Finnea to relax. Whenever she was within his presence, she was the model of military professionalism. Her posture was immaculate, her verbiage precise. And even when he told her she could speak freely, her sailor's tongue was still a cut above the rest of the crew. On one hand, this resulted in her being the pride of the Jericho, but on the other, Yeshua wondered what she did in her off time. How did she cope with the demands of their station?

In Yeshua's case, the Asteroid bar was adjacent to his own means of relaxation. The music was louder than his taste, but he appreciated the bass. Moreover, the fresh flow of liquor was what kept the nerves away. The Commander was the furthest thing from a lush - his elevated liver wouldn't allow him to be - but he did have a healthy appreciation for all things alcoholic. Thus, he was perfectly at ease at the bar. Relaxed, but aware.

Fortunately enough, the duo did not have to wait long for their beverage. With only an hour on the clock, Yeshua only had a limited window to enjoy the festivities before seeing his Ensign back aboard. They toasted, and Finnea offered a rare smile at his words. Then she took the shot. Straight to the head. Impressive, most impressive. Sure, the aftermath was to be expected - it was foreign swill to them both after all. And whilst she sputtered, Yeshua put down his own shot.

It tasted like ass that had been marinated in the sun.

Clearing his own throat heavily, Yeshua waved his hand as she swore. "Wouldn't dream of it, I'm impressed actually." he began, obliging her request for another shot. He filled both of their glasses liberally and raised the glass once more. "Remind me to treat you to a bottle of Idlewil next time. Much easier going down."

He slamed the second shot and grimaced at the taste. Ass.

"Question for you, oh Ensign mine." he said, setting his glass down with a satisfying thud. "I can see that you are not the 'party in the streets' type, do you much prefer formal galas? Like a military ball? Or smaller, crew gatherings? Or nothing at all?"

The Vampyre wondered.

Over the literal years of their working together, Yeshua did not yet know what could, or would, encourage Finnea to relax. Whenever she was within his presence, she was the model of military professionalism. Her posture was immaculate, her verbiage precise. And even when he told her she could speak freely, her sailor's tongue was still a cut above the rest of the crew. On one hand, this resulted in her being the pride of the Jericho, but on the other, Yeshua wondered what she did in her off time. How did she cope with the demands of their station?

In Yeshua's case, the Asteroid bar was adjacent to his own means of relaxation. The music was louder than his taste, but he appreciated the bass. Moreover, the fresh flow of liquor was what kept the nerves away. The Commander was the furthest thing from a lush - his elevated liver wouldn't allow him to be - but he did have a healthy appreciation for all things alcoholic. Thus, he was perfectly at ease at the bar. Relaxed, but aware.

Fortunately enough, the duo did not have to wait long for their beverage. With only an hour on the clock, Yeshua only had a limited window to enjoy the festivities before seeing his Ensign back aboard. They toasted, and Finnea offered a rare smile at his words. Then she took the shot. Straight to the head. Impressive, most impressive. Sure, the aftermath was to be expected - it was foreign swill to them both after all. And whilst she sputtered, Yeshua put down his own shot.

It tasted like ass that had been marinated in the sun.

Clearing his own throat heavily, Yeshua waved his hand as she swore. "Wouldn't dream of it, I'm impressed actually." he began, obliging her request for another shot. He filled both of their glasses liberally and raised the glass once more. "Remind me to treat you to a bottle of Idlewil next time. Much easier going down."

He slamed the second shot and grimaced at the taste. Ass.

"Question for you, oh Ensign mine." he said, setting his glass down with a satisfying thud. "I can see that you are not the 'party in the streets' type, do you much prefer formal galas? Like a military ball? Or smaller, crew gatherings? Or nothing at all?"

Finnea picked up on the sound of the commander clearing his throat which meant that the shot hadn't gone down silky smooth for him either. Good. It made her feel a little relieved that she wasn't exaggerating that much after all, it did have an disgusting taste that was very hard to place. "Who say's there will be a next time? This isn't going to be an annual happening. Is it?" she swirled the remaining drops left in her glass and watched him pour her another shot that she downed right after he took his second too.

She didn't react as badly this time, mostly because she was aware of the sting it gave this time around. Now slowly putting her glass down and leaning back, folding her arms over her chest as she turned all her attention to him while he announced there was an question for her. His question was so far from anything she could have possibly have foreseen, that Finnea went quiet for a moment while her mind tried to figure out an answer.

The engineer grabbed the bottle and quickly helped herself to a third shot that she downed right away and coughed a little as a result, partly hiding her mouth with her elbow. "Uhm.. Listen." Finnea turned more towards the commander this time, her face still feeling warm from the alcohol and her arms unfolded. "Onboard, I'm in control, I know our ship inside and out. I can feel it, I know when and where there is going to be a break in the circuits before it even happens. When I have my 'off' time, I use it to strengthen my ability to control the ship and practice remote repair using the force." she frowned. That was a tad too much information that was not linked to his initial question.

"To answer your question, sir. Leaving the ship makes me uneasy. I'm no longer in control. I have not a single clue what I am supposed to do or say or what to act like. Or what anyone around me is up to."
Finnea paused. "I want to relax and feel at ease but.." she left the sentence hang.

Yeshua Yeshua
Location: Verun Palatial Grounds
Tag: Darth Elyria Darth Elyria , Srina Talon Srina Talon , John Locke John Locke , Kyyrk Kyyrk , Talohn Atar Talohn Atar , Zlova Rue Zlova Rue , Alessandra Creed Alessandra Creed
Objective: Finally be introduced to Darth Metus

Damian would reflexively cross his arms as he waited in the room looking across it. His old training was kicking in as he sized up every possible threat in the room, any angle someone might use to effect harm. Even though traditionally Damian wasn't armed, having left his weapons behind as he was not going to be dumb enough to try to bring a weapon here, his skeletal implant made his body a weapon. The demon chuckling at him in the back of his head made him a weapon. Alongside his training, he could use anything in this room as a weapon to kill if necessary. A chair, a glass, a serving tray, all could be used as weapons. As he looked across the room, he heard the Dominus speak. His mind particularly latched onto "seven years". Damian had been on the run a lot longer than that, and that he was here this long was hopefully to him a good sign.

Seven years. He'd spent most of that time on the frontlines fighting as a soldier in the CAF. What was now known as the Legion. Seven years of putting his training as a Sith Shock Trooper on full display. Seven years of taking the fight to the Khanate. Seven years of ruthlessly hunting down and killing the Khans like the dogs they were. Seven years of fighting, so that they could rebuild here.

That fighting isn't done either, good thing too, I might get bored.

Nobody asked your opinion.

Hehe, maybe you should ask the Dominus to train you? Since you seem rather disinclined to listen to my instruction.

Your words are constantly laced with barbs and hooks meant to entrap me. Why do you think I would ever trust you?

That's the point young pup. You can't trust anyone, ever. Not your soldiers, not your "Dominus", not even yourself. They will all fail you. That is why you should seek power.

Uh huh, and let me guess, you'll offer it in exchange for control? Not happening.

Ahhhhh but you see, at some point I won't have to wrest control from you in a moment of weakness. I want you to beg me to take control.


You say that now....

Damian would watch the speaking end, and the Magnaguards enter their formation in front of the Dominus. A fatal funnel as it were. At least Damian could stop worrying about threats from the front, if only because his training implied they might exist. He would straighten his coat one last time as he dusted off anything noticeable and would approach Darth Metus Darth Metus . Damian's senses heightened a bit though, his mind playing a few scenarios through his head if things went sideways. Most of them stemmed from the thought that maybe the Sith would recognize him, and seek to dispatch the abomination quickly. A concealed saber, having the Magnaguards swarm him, using whatever Force ability he deemed appropriate. All were possibilities, and much as Damian would deny feeling a little tense at the thoughts, he did suddenly get a little dry mouth. However now was the time. He would get a respectable distance from the Dominus before bowing in respect. His subjects may command more influence from the Dominus, but Damian was a servant. They were not peers, this was the head of the state that Damian now served. If he believed in a god, this was it. He spoke plainly as he rose and would take the position of parade rest.

"My lord, if I may introduce myself. I am Damian Frost of your Legions. Draconis sends his best from the front, and his apologies for not being able to arrive. He has however, presented myself as a candidate to lead your Legions. I have served faithfully my lord, and I shall be of service in whatever capacity you require,"

It would all rest now on the Dominus, and how he reacted. Damian really hoped he was right about not getting stabbed right now.
"Architecture of some building?" Talohn chuckles slightly. "You're being too enthusiastic, Red. It'll more likely be farming methods." He grins widely, showing off those teeth that could likely rip off someone's arm. He avoided grinning with his mouth open around people who he didn't know, which led to his trademark close lipped smirk. After all, those teeth could come across as intimidating on the first meeting. Zlova, however, had been with him for 7 years. Such things weren't a concern on any front. She'd seen those teeth plenty of times. Ending his teasing, the cathar opens his coat slightly to show off the scrolls in his coat pocket. "Don't worry, I've got everything I need."

Provided she's ready to go, Talohn will lead them out of the spaceport an into the streets. Typically, he would take a cab, but it never hurt to see what was on the streets during this celebration. He sticks close to Madlad and Zlova as they make their way towards the palace, taking in the sights of the streets. He also remains ready to stop should Zlova take interest in anything. He had to keep his red fireball happy after all. "So, Monari's target practice is going well. How is she doing on the melee combat front?" He questions Zlova. Zlova was a hard to please teacher. So een if Zlova said Monari was doing 'average', such a rating from her would mean miles.

He suddenly stops, pointing out a stand on the side of the road. They seemed to be selling fire roasted kebabs. "We haven't had lunch yet. Want to get some?" He turns to look at Zlova with a smile just as excited as it is smug. "I know they're your favorite. You can't deny it." Talohn always considered it a win to get Zlova to admit that she enjoyed something other than the pain of her enemies, no matter how minor that something was.

Madlad, meanwhile, took up the typical act of a magnaguard. Scanning the crowds, guarding both Talohn and Zlova. As much as Madlad gave Zlova a hard time, the droid had come to trust her over the 7 years. "I hate festivals. Too much on my auditory sensors...." The droid gripes quitely, knowing Talohn wouldn't let him squirm away.

Zlova Rue Zlova Rue
Who says there will be a next time?

The Vampyre chuckled lightly as he poured their second round of shots. This time, she did not react nearly as strongly - she was getting her legs it seemed. "While I'm sure there will be a party next year, I was more referring to the next time we shared a drink." Yeshua then posed his question and eagerly awaited the answer. His Ensign fell quiet for a few moments, before helping herself to a third shot. A welcome surprise if ever there was one.

As she downed it and began to speak her mind, Yeshua helped himself to a third as well, grimacing only slightly as the liquid burned down. The answer...well, it was a far cry from anything he anticipated. The Ensign had proven herself to be capable, strong, and in control. In the midst of any naval engagement, she was a source of strength for the men. Stability, even.

It made sense. The Jericho had been her home for seven years. A safe haven, even despite the danger of their work. She felt in control aboard the vessel. And outside of it? She did not know what to do, think, or feel.

Yeshua nodded slowly.

"I imagine that stepping off the ship is how the average soldier feels walking into battle, then." he began. "A rough idea of what's going on - and knowing it can all fall to shit at a moment's notice. Fair enough. I'll keep that in mind."

He offered a kind smile then. "Knowing this, the hour you've given has become all the more precious. I appreciate your bravery, Finnea."


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