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Faction Day of Landing || Ascendancy

She could sense him coming up beside her with his towering figure and she gave him a little look to make sure it was actually him and not somebody else. He gestured towards the only seat that was free in a way that indicated to her that he wanted her to sit and she moved to try conquer that chair only to obviously being sabotaged by the skirts of her dress trapping her legs. Now obviously feeling more confident, Finnea grabbed his arm again to have his support when she made her second attempt which was a success.

"I believe I might have miscalculated our time previously as one hour is far too little time to enjoy just one day off. I suggest we do extend our stay." The engineer leaned forward against the bar and tapped her fingers against the counter while studying all the bottles on the wall behind the bartender, trying to make up her mind. She did not need more Iperilla today, mostly because she couldn't stand the thought of another disgusting mouthful of that firewater. Finally making up her mind, she signaled the bartender with a suble move.

"Two shots of Barium Frizz, please." she smiled and turned her seat in Yeshuas direction as their glasses were filled with the new contains. Finnea picked up both and handed him one with a soft smile "Cheers, dear commander. And please don't loose me out there, or I might not make it back to the ship on my own." she laughed and emptied her glass in a quick motion and prepared to slip off the seat again right after with the intent of getting out of the Asteroid.

Yeshua Yeshua
If at first you don't succeed...

The age-old saying played in the Vampyre's mind as Finnea failed at her initial attempt at sitting down. The combination of the bar stool's height and her own attire (possibly their shots as well) made the venture a doomed one. She reached out to steady herself, using his arm as leverage before settling again. Yeshua happy lended a hand and leaned against the bar. The way he stood said that he had done so hundreds of times before; and given his age, hundreds was not an exaggeration.

"I'm glad that the festivities have grown on you." he said, when the mention of the former time limit was brought up. Since their adventure into the land of Iperilla, the Ensign had certainly loosened up. Enough so that the noise and the crowds were not something to be wary of - but something to be explored.

It only took the Ensign a few thoughtful moments of staring at the bottles behind the bar to decide. Barium Frizz was the beverage, and Yeshua took his own shot gladly. Now this was a drink that was not a complete stranger. "I won't let you out of my sight." he said, adding a wink. The shot itself did not last long. He tapped the glass onto the countertop and took the Frizz straight to the head.

It went down better than the Iperilla in his humble opinion.

With their final shots consumed, it was time to bid the Asteroid adieu. The Vampyre followed Finnea's leave as they braved the dancing crowds of the club on their way out. Upon stepping outside, Yeshua wordlessly offered his arm to the woman. Through this, it'd be quite a lot easier to stay together. Gods above knew the crowds wouldn't give two chits if they got separated.

"Where to first? Looks like there is that a mosh pit?"

If Yeshua had been a few decades younger, he might have dove right in. No questions asked.



Tag: Darth Metus Darth Metus | Kuben Woods Kuben Woods Artemis Verd


Damian was a snack that smiled back. Interesting. Just as the thing within him saw beyond her guise of humanity so too could she see the shape of it. This fact only made her want to take a bite out of him even more. Perhaps, when her dear Dominus wasn't looking. He was a sweet, confused, darkling that held the knowledge of a lamb led to slaughter. How would he fair in a world where he was not the monster? Where he was, for a fact, not the thing others ought to fear?

Elyria would have been offended to know that this childe likened her to something as inane as his failed Dark Lord, but remained amused to know he wasn't alone in his head. Her beloved was a little distracted by the usual elements. His people, the white rabbit. With the note about getting the name of the soldiers' cologne later the expression the eldritch woman wore seemed positively sinful. Clearly, it was not his choice of scented man-perfume she was after.

The distraction of her Darth Metus Darth Metus allowed her to gleefully get away with whatever she pleased.

Damian did not take the offered hand, instead, he bowed again. The cruel nature of her enjoyed the brief display of submissiveness but the overall effect was unnerving. Annoying. Sadly, he had a sense of self-preservation. Beyond that, however, he nigh cowered in her presence. And he was meant to lead their legions?

Who, exactly, had Draconis sent them?

Elyria withdrew her hand and reached instead for the hand of her Dominus. His chest to her back—She let it rest on her stomach. "Perhaps, then, we might have you for dinner…", her words were filled with things that were neither kind, nor human, though her expression wrote as such. She viewed the congregation through eyes of darkened glass and let cold, fathomless orbs settle on the whelp.

"…In Draconis' stead."

The invitation would have been considered proper decorum by the courts, but it was the weight of her gaze that would hold the solder pinned in place. Like a butterfly that she intended to collect and keep long after it had died. Such eyes had moved mountains, broken civilizations, and burned down entire systems for little more than the sanction of existing. She accepted the soliloquy of the duty-bound soldier and as if sunlight had suddenly burst through storm clouds, breaking them apart, so did the shadows on her endlessly beautiful features seem to lighten. It was an illusion. A lie.

The shadow never left her.

A flicker of blackness from the corner of his eye would suddenly make itself known while a tendril of silken raven-hair moved down the dais and uncoiled, only, to reach up and press beneath his chin. Raising Damian's head from the subservient prostration. Pleasing, though it was. "You have bowed enough for one day, childe. Meet the people that you have vowed to protect. See and do not fail them. Me, us.", the Domina commanded without thought, nor, any notion that she ought to hide her less than mortal capacity. She also spoke her mind. Free, from the chains of which a husband and wife were typically bound in a primarily patriarchal society. Darth Metus did not command her, though, she liked to give the impression that he did. It made things that much more…Entertaining when the truth came about. Truth. And death.

Her focus was momentarily stolen by a sweet voice, laced, in familiarity. Artemis was one of the few of the Dominus' bloodline that chose to visit the Ascendancy. This one; and the male. Rann Thress Rann Thress . He did not seem to enjoy her tutelage nearly as much as this one did, however, Elyria believed he would come around. After all—Whom could refuse her? "Little Artemis…", the name spilled from her lips in a satisfied purr that rolled around both power and enjoyment in equal fervor. "Come…Let me see you."

The same length of hair that had remained, almost, a little too close to Kuben Woods Kuben Woods pulled a hundred and eighty degrees and went for Artemis instead. Isley went to his young one. She allowed it but noted that his thoughts were everywhere, but here, as evidenced by his silence. The primordial creature reached for his mind and released a shielding burst of power that would coalesce around his mental fortitudes in a cooling wave.

There. Perhaps now, the crowd would not sweep him away so easily. They were never so loud, almost screaming, as when they said nothing at all.

Her hair moved of its own accord and wrapped around the fingers of her adopted (with or without her will) grandchild and almost gently tugged her a little closer. It was about as affectionate as Elyria could get without being required to gut someone in the same sentence. "Isley is right…The universe will wait for you. Worry not, there is time."

Always, there was time. There was nothing so infinite, nor malleable. Her gaze flickered and for a brief moment, she saw the child that Artemis had been, the woman she was, and who she may one day be. The thought pleased her. "Will you be staying?"
I won't let you out of my sight.

It was nice hear that he wouldn't let her out of his sight but judging by the increasing amount of festive people gathering, Finnea thought that job would prove difficult for both of them. The first task was to get out of the Asterioid without getting separated which proved hopeless as she found herself walking towards the exit without seeing him. Once outside the ensign turned to face the door, looking for the commander who stepped out right after she turned around. She let him catch up to her and they started to walk up the street. After the third person bumped into her, his subtle way of offering her his arm was taken by the tipsy girl now comfortable enough to slip her arm under his to grab his upper arm and support herself by holding onto his lower arm with her other hand.
It was much easier to make their way through the lively crowd like this, and even the occational person bumped into her, at least she wouldn't be separated from him. Everything was loud but cheerful, everyone she tried to study out here carried smiles and seemed so alive. She couldn't deny that there was an fantastic atmosphere in the streets that felt a little infections. Or was it the Frizz..?

"Mosh pit?" she looked up at him with an raised eyebrow. She had never heard of such a thing and thus never seen one up close either. "Looks rough? What are they doing?" Finnea didn't even notice that she was the one now leading them in that direction. The closer they got, the more people there were, making it hard to effectively make their way forwards when she helt onto his arm like she did, and so she decided to loosen her grip on his arm to let her hand slip down until she could take his hand instead now pulling him in after herself.

Yeshua Yeshua

Artemis Verd

Artemis smiled apologetically toward Kuben Woods Kuben Woods and added, "apologies, I didn't mean to intrude." She was slightly embarrassed, it was quite rude of her to simply barge in the way she did. Although she didn't have much time to dwell on it as her grandparents addressed her. "Thank you, grandp- father." Reminding herself not to be nearly as informal in public. She did chuckle at her grandfather's remark on flattery. "Noted," partially stated in jest, a slightly awkward chuckle escaped her with a finger gun motion to accompany it.

"And, I am quite grateful for it," graciously Artemis thanked her grandfather for extending her such courtesies and gifts. Elyria's rather unique way of pulling Artemis toward her both terrified the Nabooian and made her question all her own life choices at the same time. "Yes actually, I will be staying, I've made some excellent progress with a nearby system, and with a few cities here on Verun."

With Damian Frost in her peripheral, the Nabooian concluded. "But, I can see you have company, we can discuss everything later."


"When I cease to let him.", Maliphant retorted, apathetically. As though the matter was too simple to expand upon.​
"Do not mistake my percieved loyalty, Srina Talon Srina Talon - I do what I do out of ambition. In time, I shall kill him, and I shall learn what makes him great. Were there ever a thing to be so grand as to kill a God..."​
Though the smile he took and the comment he made seemed more to himself than her; but in practicality, the lines between them had long since been blurred through the Force.​
"Speak little of it, he knows I seek his many heads. I work for the sake of the Order now; to ensure that we have a place to exist publicly. To wear our true faces once more - without the concern of Mandalorians, Imperials, or Jedi. Is it so different than what you do now?"​

"You tryin' to seduce me?" The young woman gave a bit of a snort as she looked at their hands- the feeling of them in contact, while for a long moment had been terrifying now suddenly felt…right. "Because it's working." There was a flicker in her verdant gaze which moved to his own- something she’d contained but it was obviously there. A desire, yet this was much more than that for her. “Well, I’m glad I haven’t lost my touch then. That would be somethin’ shameful.”

Smirking as their first drinks were gone and she followed up with a second one alongside Abel and raised her eyebrows as he poked at her jest about the dancefloor. "I have this sinking suspicion that you prefer tabletops over an actual dancefloor." She shook her head, taking a long sip of her second drink before dignifying a response.

“It may be a surprise to you but I’m such a good dancer I just don’t grace anyone with any of my skills,” Luna’s voice dripped with sarcasm and humor as she let her words linger in the pulsing music before finishing. “Let’s just say, I’m savin’ the Galaxy all their left feet.”

As Abel spoke of their current situation, Luna grew quiet for a long moment as she looked in her drink to contemplate what he was saying. "What I mean is, like, let's get on the same page about what we want but otherwise us. You know?" He did his best to explain and she knew that even despite the bundle of nerves and uncertainty up until that point, the young woman knew what she wanted- it was a matter of knowing if he felt the same or if she could even explain herself.

“Well, I guess I could go first,” Taking her longest drink yet of the secondary mug in front of her, as if some sort of signal that she now had more courage than she did before, Luna gave a bit of a sigh before shifting her gaze from anything other than Abel back to him.

The sheepishness she felt came back as she attempted to speak what was on her mind- more importantly within her heart. “I’m not good with words, but you already knew that,” smirking as she tried to find the words for the things that she’d been feeling, quite possibly, for a while now. “I can’t speak for you, but I want us to be somethin’ special, Abel. I might be crass but you mean so much more than that to me. Have for a while, if I’m bein’ honest.”

Abel Denko
When Zlova rhetorically asks about the state of Monari's existence, the cathar chuckle's slightly. "I know you care. She does too, y'know." Talohn knew Zlova would never go too far, even for all of her dark talk. Of course, Zlova might raise the stakes here and there to prepare Monari for dealing with hostile force users, but Talohn knew Monari was tough enough to take it. Zlova did care, and her way of showing that was making sure that Monari was prepared for whatever the galaxy could throw at her. At least, that was how Talohn perceived it.

"I'm flattered." He states with a slight smirk as she unhappily compliments his food. "I'll make bantha kebabs again next time we camp. Don't worry." He states, as if taking a hint. It had been a while since the cathar had made any fire roasted steak for his favorite sith.

Zlova's words cause the droid to emit a grunt. "I remember when Monari was younger. She'd occasionally try to mess with the stabilizers in my legs. Apparently she found them very interesting." Despite his obvious annoyance, there's also a slight fondness in the droid's voice, as if it was missing the old days. After responding, the droid goes back to once again scanning the crowd for any possible threats.

As Zlova approaches the stand, Talohn hands her a small basket filled with three kebabs. He's also holding his own basket of them as well. He rips a piece of flesh off of one of the sticks, savoring the flavor as he chews. "Mhm!" He hums in agreement with Zlova's statement before swallowing his food. "After having to deal with all the sticks up people's asses at the palace? You bet your ass that we're finding the seediest bar and drinking till Madlad has to carry us."

"Please not again...." The droid mutters.

Talohn pauses to look at the screen on his wristpad. He nods to himself slightly before pointing in the direction they need to go. "Palace is that way. We gotta hurry to ina before he's gone with the wind again. Trying to set up a meeting with him is like trying to grab smoke." The cathar laments as he turns to head towards the palace. The word 'ina' is accented, marking it as a catharese word of some familial meaning.

Zlova Rue Zlova Rue Darth Metus Darth Metus
The Lethan glanced over in the droid's direction. "She couldn't mess with your memory core; there'd be no way to know whether it had any effect." Well, Madlad could have started waxing philosophy or pacifism. Then they would have known Monari had effectively screwed the mad thing's head up. Though it was pretty unlikely any tinkering could overcome the dark energy that wrapped itself about Madlad.

Her golden eyes beheld the kebabs in the basket now in her hand. A questioning look rose to regard the feline as he devoured one of them. With the softest sigh, Zlova lifted one up to take a bite out of the meal. Hopefully she wouldn't learn where this meat came from later. These days in the galaxy it seemed as likely to be from a questionable source as the one you expected.

A flat stare slid effortlessly over toward the droid once more. "You want me to tear a hole in the fabric of space and time instead?" She bit into another piece of meat and began to chew on it without the smallest smirk or lift of the brow. She could do it. She might even want to if she were that drunk again -- even if it didn't actually take them back to the ship. Maybe push a hover-bus of children into it. For science.

Talohn knew Zlova wouldn't push a bus of children into what was almost certain death, of course. Ruthless as she could be to her enemies, and as much as she hated dealing with other people's kark, the Twi'lek Sith Lord wasn't senselessly blood-thirsty like some others. Didn't keep her from daydreaming or threatening to do it with a straight face though.

"Alright, alright. Lead the way, Cat-in-Chief." Not that she'd wait for him to take the first step for more than a second. He'd given a direction; Zlova could just as easily take the first step even if she wouldn't be in any particular hurry despite Talohn's urgency. Best if he set the pace if they wanted to get there before the Witches started dancing naked around fires.

Tag: Talohn Atar Talohn Atar

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