Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dazed and Confused (Jonathan)

22 Years ago

It was just plain weird being here at the Republic and in a Jedi Temple at that. She never saw herself as being a law abiding Jedi citizen. She saw herself following in the footsteps of Zak and the others on the ship. Sure what they did was dangerous and sometimes illegal but it was what she knew. Being here was a huge change for her and kind of scary as well as she wasn't sure she was cut out for this. Her master told her she was doing fine but the real question was if she wanted to be here. It had only been a week and she already was missing the adventures she had as a smuggler. Zak told her to give it more of a chance and to study hard for him when she had called earlier today.

Today she found herself wandering around one of the Republic's hangers. It was calming in a way to her being surrounded by all of these big ships. They looked nothing like what she was used to at the space ports but that was fine as at the end of the day they were still ships and kind of cool. The Padawan was supposed to be using her free time to study but instead she was taking a tour of this hanger. It was important to know where things were, right? There was plenty of time to study later.

The hanger seemed to be empty for the moment which was alright she guessed. It would be fun to have someone to talk to about these ships or anything really Kalia wasn't picky. Even though she wasn't too fond of them she was wearing her Jedi robes as she didn't want to get in trouble if someone happened to see her.
22 years ago

Jonathan was trying to increase the out put on the engine of his starfighter... He knew he wasn't allowed but well what they didn't know didn't hurt them right? The sound of his tinkerings would be obvious to any. The Sad part was by the time he was done with what he though were obvious fixes and upgrades... he would have a clearly different ship. Buth John as many called him, found that good wasn't good enough for him, why use an inferior ship? why send him after the damn fighters when there is a Bomber approaching. he tired of stupid command decisions.. he hadn't studied so much to be an ensign just to be told how to lead his squadron. But that was not here nor there... so he swore as he hit his hand against a panel. " Damn, not again"

John, clearly thought he was better than this.. but only would act up to his superiors when he was around his squadmates, he took his job serious leading his squad, and of course around other people. He sighed as he nurtured his hand, before welding another piece of metal in. He knew what he was doing, He had studied all about his ship as soon as he found out what squadron he was in. John just hoped no one else noticed that he was here doing this... the last thing he needed was for them to catch him in the act.. it is easier to ask forgiveness than for permission after all.
Kalia spun around as she heard a sound coming from behind her. Unless she was hearing things it sounded as if someone was working on one of the ships in the hanger. She knew that someone was there when she heard them curse as if they hurt themselves. Curious as to whom was out here alone she began to walk back down an area she had apparently missed. It wasn't long before she came across some guy fixing up some ship or well at least that is what it looked like.

"Need help," she asked hoping not to scare him. The last thing she wanted was him hurting himself again on account of her. Kalia knew a little about the mechanics of a ship as she used to live on one or the past few years and from the looks of it he was messing with the engine. If anything she could hold pieces for him if he didn't trust her with the actual starfighter. She could understand that most people she knew treated their ships better than their children.
John nearly got his hand stuck as someone asked if he needed help, he tightend up and then took a deep breath.. she was offering help, obviously not here to yell at him. He looked down to the sight of a beautiful girl... " Hi...." was all he managed at first.. before he got a hold of himself. " Sure, could you hand me the spanner there.. and that piece to your right?" He said focusing on the ship.. he needed to get it done. " So What brings " He grunted as he forced a piece in " you down here ? " He wondered, knowing that not many ventured into the hanger let along the hanger of the Republic Navy.

John smiled towards her as he could.. he was almost done, which meant that he could leave soon.
"Sure,"she smiled grabbing piece he pointed to and the spanner before handing them over to him. She was quite glad he hadn't told her to mind her own business or no. She was just trying to be friendly and get to know people here at the Republic. He looked really busy with his work but he had asked a question so she figured he was ok to work and talk. "I decided to give myself a tour of this Navy hanger. I'm kind of new to the Republic and was curious. Are you trying to fix the engine?" She doubted he was modifying it as she was pretty sure that was a big no no. The Republic as she was finding out had rules about such things.

"I'm Kalia by the way it's nice to meet you." If she was bothering him she was sure that he would have said something by now. Since he was in here she was guessing he was also in the navy but of could be wrong about that. Didn't much matter to her right now. He was kind of cute and he was talking to her.
John gulped " Yeah something like that... " He said as he handed her a tool and pointed to another as he finished squeezing a part in. There.. he just had to put the coverings back on. " I am Jonathan Walse, Ensign, you can call me John" He said trying to preoccupy her on other subjects. he did have to admit it was nice to have the help. " Not just anyone has the clearance to come down her though... I am surprised.. is all, So what do you do, if you don't mind me asking?" He found out she was new.. made sense why she was helping him then.

John took the tool and began finishing the covers for the various parts he had messed with. He would soon just have to test it... and then fix any unintended side effects. he just hoped that it didn't fail in front of the pretty girl, that was near him.. that would be just his luck he thought as he pinched his hand.. " Damn!" He said sliping his finger in his mouth for a moment, before finishing up the latch. " Well I that should be it"
She knew that look all too well from the guys she used to hang out with. It normally meant they were doing something that they shouldn't be. Kalia didn't care though it wasn't as if she was going to go run off and tell his CO. She would somehow end up in trouble as well. Kalia doubted she had the clearance to be down here "I'm a Jedi Padawan," she stated as she handed him more tools as he asked for it.

"You ok? Your not bleeding are you?"
she asked trying not to laugh. Kalia had pinched her finger plenty of times while trying to fix things and knew it hurt. It was kind of how she had learned about her abilities. Healing was one of the first things she learned. She of course couldn't do much with it right now but if he was cut she could heal that if it was small. "Don't you have to test it out first? You know make sure it runs?"
John showed her his finger.. which was indeed bleeding. " Yeah.. thats the next thing to do, but first I should find a bandage." He said looking at her... " do you happen to have one?" His hair and person was covered in grease. and his thumb was clealy bleeding.. " figures I cut my self.. at the last part " He now could look at her in all of her glory, she was beauitful.. well compared to most of the women in the navy anyways. His dirty uniform clearly had the mark of an ensign of the navy though. " Nice to see you face to face. "
"It happens, whenever I try to fix my ship I always end up hurting myself somehow and end up completely covered in grease like you," she smiled a little and shook her head. She didn't have a bandage for him but she did have a way of helping him. The young Jedi wasn't trying to show off and flirt with the young ensign in front of her. It was just if she could help Kalia wanted to plus umm he was rather cute. It was like the first time she was able to talk to a guy without Gabe or one of the other guys getting in the way.

"No bandage but let me see your cut," she asked not waiting for a response and grabbing his hand anyway to inspect his cut. It wasn't bad at all, something she could manage healing even though a bandage would do just fine. It wasn't the type of wound the Jedi would look at healing but Kalia was new and she needed practice. "If it's alright with you I could heal this and than you won't even need a bandage. You'll be good as new," she grinned. Kalia learned never to use her abilities on someone before asking first. Number one she didn't want to scare him and number two he may not want her to.
John smiled "You have a ship?" He asked with interest, He let her look at his finger, not minding the jedi looking at his wound, She was cute.. " What do you mean you can heal this and I won't need a bandage? but well why not, go for it" He said, plus who could say no to such a girl... granted she was a jedi.. He had heard wierd things about them but she seemed normal. He smiled, looking at the girl holding his hand, and was curious as to how lucky he was to meet her here of all places. Once she healed his finger, he would blush and go to the ship, making sure she was a way, he made sure the test platform it had been moved onto was secure and started the engine, It didn't go at first but soon it fired up and his readings matched. he had done it... He let the engine sit on, making sure all was well, he looked to her. " So how did you do that?"
After wiping a little of the grease and blood from the finger with her robe. She didn't like it anyway so she didn't care if it got dirty. Concentrating on the little cut and healing a little blue light appeared for just a second as the wound healed itself his finger looking all brand new again. It wasn't a light really more like her energy transferring to the wound. After he was good to go she stepped back a few feet as he went to try the engine out.

"Sounds good and it didn't blow up so that's a good sign right? Oh, the finger? It was through the Force. I kind of can heal people but only small things nothing big yet." Being that she was still pretty new the Force and her abilities were kind of hard to explain.

"Yup, Firefly. I could show you if you want when your done of course. It was a going away present from my brothers." The boys were not exactly her family but they were the closest thing that Kalia had to one. She considered them her brothers especially after all that they had been through together. The ship wasn't stolen, Kalia had made sure of that as she had watched them buy it. It would do her no good to go to the Republic of all places with stolen merchandise. "Oh you probably want to clean up though. I should let you do that. I doubt you want to walk around grease." She didn't want him to leave though, she kind of enjoyed talking to him.
John thought on that, the force... that thing the jedi used.. it let her heal his finger just like that? " You can do that just like that?" He thought about it... He had a change of clothes in the lockerroom... " If you don't mind waiting, after this I can change into my street clothes, in the locker room and we can go see your ship.. unless i need to switch into my spare uniform?" John looked at her, and wondered if she was interested in him. After a fair amount of time, he turned it off, and smiled " It worked! My upgrade Worked!" he than was quiet... " You didn't hear that .... from me..." He blushed.. he had outed himself. John was curious if she would say yes.

He had to admit he didn't want to leave her though, she was fun to talk to.. plus she was a jedi, it wasn't often that you got to talk to a jedi. He of course had also upgraded his lasers the week before, and now his weapons were upgraded.
Kalia couldn't help but laugh a little as he ousted himself as upgrading the ship not fixing it as previously stated. She could tell by the way he blushed that he wasn't supposed to be doing that. He was fine, Kalia had done worse. Honestly what he was doing was child's play in her world. "Don't worry, it will be our little secret,"she winked at him. "Though if I'm going to be keeping your secrets you should at least take me to dinner,"she giggled joking a little. Not really though she kind of did want him to take her. Dinner would be a great way to learn more about him and the navy she guessed.

"I'll wait right here while you change and than I'll take you to see Firefly." She did like the cute Navy boy and even though he was dirty he looked good in his uniform. Even though she didn't even know what an ensign was at the moment. Didn't much matter she would ask later.

Once he got changed she would take him to the main hanger where her ship was sitting. It wasn't anything fancy but it was hers and nobody could take that away from her.
John smiled " Deal" He said as he went to change, he would let her figure out if he meant it. He had of course meant it towards both, He could afford to take a gal out for dinner and he got to see a ship.. John loved starships.. He couldn't shower and get dressed fast enough, as he got into his spare uniform..

John looked better in it, and he was an esign after all which meant he was an officer. He wasn't a common soldier. He came out and smiled towards the jedi padawan, He still couldn't believe that she wanted him to take her for dinner and she was going to show him her ship... " Shall we go have dinner than?" He said with a smirk.

He looked sharp, in his prisitne officers uniform, and he only hoped that he didn't make a fool out of himself, because while he played it cool.. he wasn't so calm underneath. He smiled at her, and waited for her to go, it was ging to be a fun walk he decided. " So why the jedi? "
It seemed as if he was interested in her as well. Kalia didn't understand why though as she looked absolutely terribly in her brown robes or at least she thought that she did. She admittedly was really excited about their deal as she had never gone out to dinner with a boy before well not one that she liked. Kalia kind of wanted to get changed herself first before they went. She had this really nice dress in her ship she could change into.. Umm she would have to get him there first which shouldn't be too hard as he seemed to like starships.

"We shall, but first lets go see the ship." He looked really good in a clean uniform, really good. She kind of had a thing of guys in uniforms but than again what girl didn't. "You look very handsome John." Kalia had to compliment him, as he did look really good. Which meant for sure now she needed to change into something else especially if she was going out with him not on a date just dinner.

"I want to use my abilities to help others and I couldn't do that at home. My family are lets just say freelancers so I was unable to hone my abilities. I'm here where I can learn more about being a Jedi and where I can make a real difference in the galaxy." She spoke as they began to walk towards where she had parked her ship. "I don't know much about the Navy so tell me what is an esign? Your an officer right?" It looked that was from the uniform but she couldn't be sure. Kalia was sure he wouldn't mind explaining.
John couldn't say no to a ship. though he blushed as she complimented him. " Your not so bad looking your self, " He thought she looked beautiful even in her brown robes. John couldn't believe that he was here with Kalia. " So I can respect that, I would want to learn how to use a gift like that to help the galaxy. " He kept walking, John wondered what her ship was.. and how fast it might be. He smiled, " Yes, I am an officer... the equivilent of a 2nd Lieutentant in the army. I am lucky, I got high scores, so they let me into school to become an officer. " He smiled and looked at her, He was lucky. John smiled " Any specific questions about the navy? and what does a padawan do?"

Charlyn Nairne

Little Miss Sunshine
"Impressive, you must be really smart than. You know to be so young an officer. What do you do exactly in the Navy? In charge of a group of recruits? Also what does the Navy do when there are no wars?" She had lots of questions but she didn't wand to bombard him all at once. They had plenty of time to talk about everything as later they would be going out to dinner. She would save some things for than.

"Well, right now I'm training under my master. He's showing me the ropes in a way. We go on missions together and he teaches me new abilities. It's really great and normally in my spare time I'm in the archives studying up. When I become a knight I'll be able to go on missions alone and even train Padawans. I think that would be really fun.". They were almost there, she could see her shining beauty in the distance.
"Impressive, you must be really smart than. You know to be so young an officer. What do you do exactly in the Navy? In charge of a group of recruits? Also what does the Navy do when there are no wars?" She had lots of questions but she didn't wand to bombard him all at once. They had plenty of time to talk about everything as later they would be going out to dinner. She would save some things for than.

"Well, right now I'm training under my master. He's showing me the ropes in a way. We go on missions together and he teaches me new abilities. It's really great and normally in my spare time I'm in the archives studying up. When I become a knight I'll be able to go on missions alone and even train Padawans. I think that would be really fun.". They were almost there, she could see her shining beauty in the distance.
John smiled , he was intellegent.. he felt trapped... things seemed to make sense to him but others saw him as insane. john looked at her, " I am the leader of a squadron of fighters. and we patrol republic space, and train. We also secure all the planets space. " He couldn't believe it.. still, " That sounds fun but boring... don't you ever get free time.. Well I guess you do cause your here. So what kind of ship is the Firefly?" He loved ships... his excitement was obvious, as he spoke of the navy and the ship.

John wondered.. if he had a future with a woman involved in the jedi. "So how fast can it go, and have you done any work on it?"
"Patrol, like stop Pirates, smugglers, and other criminals? Well, look for enemies too of course" She actually knew it to be true because once they had been stopped by the Navy which wasn't too much fun. Those guys didn't mess around which was good that's what the Republic needed.

"She is a YT-1300 freighter and she is right here," Kalia skipped a few steps forwards to where her ship was sitting. She lowered the ramp on the chance he wanted to take a look inside plus she wanted to change. "I'm not sure how fast she goes but it is pretty fast and it's a smooth ride. Not that I need it but plenty of space for everything. Feel free to have a look around inside."
She was pretty proud of her new ship even if she never really got the chance to fly it.

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