Abaigeal Burke
Master Healer
She knew what he meant as she too wished to kiss him. Kalia wouldn't go back on her word though. They would be seeing each other really soon like on the trip which would be a test to see how long they could keep their hands to themselves. Kalia would just have to keep them busy so it didn't come up. It would work, it had to.
"I'm sure it's not stupid or at least I won't think it's stupid. I like trying new things whic sometimes work and other times don't. A few days ago I tried my hand at cheesecake and failed miserably. I'll have to just try it again sometime," she stated bitting another piece of cake as she held one up for him. "How did you get into ships? Why the Navy?"[\color] She wished to kiss him again but talking would hopefully keep them occupied.
"I'm sure it's not stupid or at least I won't think it's stupid. I like trying new things whic sometimes work and other times don't. A few days ago I tried my hand at cheesecake and failed miserably. I'll have to just try it again sometime," she stated bitting another piece of cake as she held one up for him. "How did you get into ships? Why the Navy?"[\color] She wished to kiss him again but talking would hopefully keep them occupied.