Miss Blonde
Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Everything was a mess, a literal mess. Between the guards surging in the brothel, the crazy droid shooting at people, and the slicer who was off doing their thing trying to survive the situation at hand. But someone had to take hold and try to make sense of everything, put the pieces of everything together. Dude who never died was obviously running the show, that was an easy one. The droid firing at them didn't seem like he was working for the man due to his wild fire and general attitude towards organics. But there was one burning question that Blonde couldn't figure out, where the hell did this ship come from?
It was a massive piece of tech and these things just didn't pop out of nowhere, she'd have to find out when they got to the bridge. Assuming they made it there in one piece. But that was enough detective work, it was time to get up and fight.
Gripping her SMG the woman stood up to face the chest of a ship guard. Needless to say she pulled the trigger and blew the man away in a hail of bullets. Now shouldering her weapon the woman let loose a few rounds and started to back up. Having her HUD plot a course she could see rushing out into the main halls was a bad idea, the droid could stay out there all he wanted but she'd let her men know that the quickest way was through the brothel and out towards hanger B that was a only a hop skip and a jump away from a turbolift that would lead them to the bridge.
"Into the brothel gents! Stay out of the main halls! Let's move!!" Blonde yelled to the team of men.
Firing a few suppressing shots at incoming guards the crime lord backed up and kept moving deeper into the dimly light and plush brothel. A few prostitutes lay dead on the ground from cross fire along with a few of her men. All and all it was best to get going and find their way through to the hanger.
[member="Silas Miu"] [member="Cyrus Falcor"] [member="James Justice"] [member="Goran"]
It was a massive piece of tech and these things just didn't pop out of nowhere, she'd have to find out when they got to the bridge. Assuming they made it there in one piece. But that was enough detective work, it was time to get up and fight.
Gripping her SMG the woman stood up to face the chest of a ship guard. Needless to say she pulled the trigger and blew the man away in a hail of bullets. Now shouldering her weapon the woman let loose a few rounds and started to back up. Having her HUD plot a course she could see rushing out into the main halls was a bad idea, the droid could stay out there all he wanted but she'd let her men know that the quickest way was through the brothel and out towards hanger B that was a only a hop skip and a jump away from a turbolift that would lead them to the bridge.
"Into the brothel gents! Stay out of the main halls! Let's move!!" Blonde yelled to the team of men.
Firing a few suppressing shots at incoming guards the crime lord backed up and kept moving deeper into the dimly light and plush brothel. A few prostitutes lay dead on the ground from cross fire along with a few of her men. All and all it was best to get going and find their way through to the hanger.
[member="Silas Miu"] [member="Cyrus Falcor"] [member="James Justice"] [member="Goran"]