Miss Blonde actually cringed at the droid who was talking to them and waving it's gun around like they were the big man on campus, not because of all that of course. But because they thought it was a good idea to get into one of the old and probably not functioning ships attached to the hanger walls, and then talk a bunch of crap acting like they were about to escape into space. But little did he know that he was as stuck and stranded as they were.
If and it was a long shot of an if, if the primeval ship somehow even functioned, they would have to fly out of the hanger, from the ship that was traveling at light speed. Now Miss Blonde didn't need to be the one to tell him this, but when you exited a ship that was traveling at that speed from a ship that wasn't, death was pretty much one hundred percent guaranteed. This was why Miss Blonde didn't have the brilliant idea of boarding one of the ships to leave, because she'd of exploded the moment they left the hanger. But wait, what if you decided to lightspeed out of the hanger?
Again that would of been a monumentally stupid idea to do so. The force from traveling in two opposite directions would of crumpled the dropship into tiny little pieces of space dust. So the droid had pretty much one choice, stay and wait for the professionals to resolve the situation then leave. Or become space dust, either way Miss Blonde really didn't care.
Now as for her she just rolled her eyes under her helmet and escorted, Cyrus and James into the turbolift and pressed a button that closed the doors behind them and shot the lift up towards the command deck.
"Thank you Cyrus but I'll be ok. I just need to walk it off." She said to the man not really wanting to take the mystery syringe filled with who knows what. It was a general rule of thumb.
"Okay so when we get up there the plan is to not shoot everything on sight. There's a lot of equipment we're going to need in order to get this ship turned in the right direction. If you the guy who doesn't die, don't kill him. I need him alive. Other than that, pick your shots and stay calm." Blonde grabbed her pistol from its holster as she spoke to them, hopefully ready for what came when the door opened.
When it finally slid open there he was, the man who just didn't die standing ten meters in front of them with a squad of heavily armed battle droids around him. Unlike his other personas this one was dressed in an expensive suit and held a cane in his hands using it to of course lean on as he fixed a bowler hat atop his head.
"You want to tell us your name?" Blonde said with a very tired tone that emphasized just how fed up she was.
"John. But everyone just calls me Johnny, and I have a proposition for the three of you." Johnny said with a wild grin stretched across his face.
"Spill it." Blonde cocked the hammer of her pistol back in case the man wanted to try something.
"Alright, yeah. As you probably noticed this ship it ain't mine, well not originally. It's from a little place in the Chiloon Rift deep within the nebula. Now there's a very bad man there who needs to be stopped, and you three have shown me that when you set your minds to something there's not a lot that can stop you. So, we take the ship to the Rift and you boys help me take down Vladimir, yeah?" Johnny gave his offer over to the team and smiled afterwards.
"And what do we get in return?" Blonde asked.
"You get this ship, and a very very special ship yard. And I get the satisfaction of watching that Karker die." Johnny tilted his head and hoped the pot was appealing enough for the crew of gangsters.
"I'm in, guys?" She said looking to James and Cyrus waiting for their response.
[member="James Justice"] [member="Cyrus Falcor"] [member="CreativeDroid123"]