Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Death, Be Not Proud [SO]

"Peace is service..."​
He clicked the end of his staff against the ground and reality quaked at the shock. The ship began to groan under the new found weight of the trifecta's divinity - and Empyrean's own full strength. Space warped until the superstructure buckled and men were crushed or pulled apart. Souls fed strength, and the metal eyes of the Corpse God seemed to burn brighter with that strength.​
"... And you will both serve."​
The strength he had manifested coalesced in black tendrils that shot out - whipping lightning quick as steel was shredded, men were ripped apart, and the nearby escort ships were cut apart. Entire cruisers simply sliced in twine only for their parts to twist and fly at the Eternal Rule with greater and greater force - creating destruction rarely ever behold in the galaxy.​
In the bridge, that energy would be manifested in the telekinetic force of a Sun. Metal began to glow under the highly energized air and magicks, black tendrils lashed out at both of the Sith Lords before Empyrean, and the air pressure itself burned skin upon contact. Empyrean did not move - but his eyes watched in their full spectrum; memorizing their very breath.​

Kainite: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex UX-0626 UX-0626 Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis Quintessa Zambrano Quintessa Zambrano
Tsis'Kal Dvasia Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia
Inquisition Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Dragus Jakar Dragus Jakar
Sith Eternal Xzinn Dronnol Xzinn Dronnol Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
Chaos: Aedan Miles Aedan Miles
Direct Engagement: Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Dragus Jakar Dragus Jakar

Aedan frowned feeling as some people attempted to use his battle meditation for themselves smirking he delved into himself searching for the part of himself that harbored the light to his darkness drawing on it he let it start bleeding into the Battle Meditation even as he shifted his focus away from it using the Ring's abilities to maintain it as he started to stalk away from his alcove the scythe drawn to his hand through the force he gripped the haft calmly. The blade arching over his shoulders even as his long cape brushed along the ground. Calmly he started to stride towards the Hangar that was occupied by Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru and Dragus Jakar Dragus Jakar a small smirk on his face as he strode forward footsteps ringing out eerily even as the aura his ring gave off caused any soldiers he passed to edge away from him. Finally he neared the hangar the open entrance before him as he used the force to make his footsteps sound louder more prominent as he continued his slow casual pace the scythe swinging down from its resting position so the blade was before him curving towards his form he steps into the hangar and looks around all the dead forms curiously head canted to the side as he shifted resting the haft of his weapon on his shoulder before turning his gaze towards the two figures that stood nearby. Finally his voice rang out a voice tinged with boredom as he looked at them his free hand moving to take up the helmet that rested at his waist lifting it up over his head as he spoke. "Is this really impressive to you? Honestly the level of Sith has seemed to decline while I have been on vacation." He shock his head sadly as he lifted the helmet up and settled it over his head hiding his mismatched gold and violet eyes from view with the final sight of them showing disdain sealing the helmet he exhaled and shifted swinging the scythe down as his free hand joined the other on the weapon as he shifted into a crouch holding the weapon before him as the force seemed to surge around him before being drawn inward using it to enhance his body his voice spoke out again with an almost savage glee to it. "Let me show you how to play shall I?" He suddenly launched forward using the force to propel himself forward faster than the average person could follow bringing the blade of his scythe up and than swinging it before himself in a large long arc following his strike was t he aura of fear that seemed to center around Aedan surging outward rapidly.


"Is this really impressive to you? Honestly the level of Sith has seemed to decline while I have been on vacation."


Speak of a devil. The golden gaze of Alina shifted to watch the newcomer head their way. No, not new. A scythe wasn't a weapon most used. Accompanied by it's wielder's appearance, even she knew who it probably was. The grip on her own weapon shifted, igniting the red edge of Uyzuyûsi as she lifted the blade up. Pointed it's tip towards the intruder.

Well, defender. Technically she and Dragus were the intruders.

"Let me show you how to play shall I?"

"You can play all you'd like, Miles. I'm sure your time in hiding lent you some fun games." She offered a playful smirk, then met his charge. Force users were always exceptionally fast. Alina, more so. She spared no hesitation or indulgence of holding back as she spun, effortlessly bringing around the thick sword to catch his own. Inhuman speed, inhuman strength. She drained her reserves of Anima to ensure she was faster. Stronger. No holding back against someone like Aedan.

It was that sentiment that had her reach out her twisted grip on the Force. A voidlike sphere spread. Invisible to the eye, but in the Force all too clear. It removed the Force. Her initial burst of strength and speed lessened from it, but the Sangnir body she had didn't need the Force to be super human. Again and again her blade lashed out, brutally trying to swat the pirate away. Even as the red edge of her blade shorted out.

Cortosis? Ah. She chuckled to herself as she watched the red short out. But the hunk of sith steel that remained had no issue battering things apart.

Dragus Jakar Dragus Jakar
The Bridge of Eternal Rule

The sudden appearance of Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean shook the crew, including navigator Officer Adresz. Blood dripped down her face – a wound from the chaos caused by the hull breach. Even if he partly caused this cause, the presence of her lord, Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis kept her mind together.


Before she watched Empyrean rip apart those before her on the bridge.

She broke at that moment.

And it was enough.

Her pupils dilated. And they would not stop.

A void soon consumed her eyes.

Then whatever took her form stared at the backs of Carnifex and Prazutis.

For at least the moments that she remained ali͘v̢e.


Dark Thaumaturge, Loremaster of the Sith
Objective: Await Instructions

In the bowels of the Misery, one of the Eternalites' battleships, a dead man awoke.

Bacta drained, the pod's exit slid open, and Kalzok floated out. He disliked the subterfuge, or the stress he felt in this mission, but worst of all was having to play nice with the Eternals. He had not been one for Sith politics before his... wounding, but the events on Odavessa, and the subsequent dedication of the Eternals and Kainites to repeating the mistakes of the past was... extremely unsatisfying.

Kalzok idly mused that once, he might have had some choice words to say. But his current condition and the altered state of his mind put such thoughts aside for now. No, he had a job to do. Kalzok wondered if would have once found that funny.

Floating the halls of the battleship, its crew paid him no mind, though they gave him a wide berth. After his escape from Odavessa, and his subsequent plans with the Tsis'Kal, Kalzok had gotten in contact with the Eternals to pledge himself to them. The services of a Loremaster of the Sith was always appreciated, and the past few weeks had been a blur as Kalzok was shuffled into Bacta tanks and Sith alchemical trances in between giving advice to the Eternal leadership. He wondered when he would meet the end of his usefulness, but realised the reverse was already true.

Kalzok floated down, down into the sub levels, and then up into the heart of the ship, towards its reactor. It was an eerie sight to see the Loremaster, draped in loose robes and covered in ritual markings, glide silently along the halls like a phantom. Like a presence unknown, Kalzok realised he too could no longer make sense of his own mind, internally.

Perhaps he needed more rest.

The Loremaster moved first into the nearby security room. He extended his arm and knocked twice, then waited. When the security trooper opened the door, Lightning from Kalzok's eyes turned his head into a fine red mist. The other trooper, shocked, pulled his weapon from his holster instinctively. Kalzok exerted his will through the Force, and the gun flew from his grip to ram its barrel into the trooper's helmet.

Struggling on the floor, Kalzok floated past, exerting his will again and sending the broken helmet's debris into the man's skull at high velocity. Both soldiers dead, Kalzok reprogrammed the security systems to go dead in the reactors for the next hour.

He left and closed the door, floating to the reactor control room and opening its doors by himself. On the far wall was a wide, thick wall of see-through metal, its edges ringed with more conventional metal that marked the blast doors ready to slam shut in the case of fission failure. The technicians turned from their stations to see the Loremaster.

"Good day, my lord. How may, uh, how may we help you today?" the station chief walked up to Kalzok.

The Loremaster slowly tilted his head to face the station chief, and blinked once, his yellow eye-lights flashing. From behind his mask, Kalzok spoke:


All around the control room, men and women began to double over, clutching their guts or chest as their organs failed one by one. Kalzok reached out, amplifying his powers of Wounding. The joss paper trailing his sleeves and pasted across his face began to glow red, some burning up. He had to end this soon.

As blood burst forth from the mouths and eyes of the first to die, the rest scrambled, screaming, clawing their throats, contorting violently. One reached for the emergency alarm, and so her hand was severed at the wrist by a sharp Forceblade when Kalzok floated past. He waited for several seconds as the remainder died before stopping the flow of Force from his body. A sharp pain filled the void in his soul once he stopped, and for a while his mind was sharpened.

That sucks...

Kalzok shook his head and floated down to the floor, his wrapped feet touching the bare metal floor. He shuffled to the controls and began to input a few sequences. Nothing malicious: a cursory scan would only see a routine power cycling. He was familiar enough with the controls, having spent the past few weeks 'learning the ropes' of the Eternal ship. It irked him that he had to go to them for help reconstructing his body after it was destroyed by the insanity of their previous leader, but only the resources of the Eternals could have provided the Loremaster with the aid he needed, and for that he thanked them. Yet only the foolishness of the Eternals could have chained the Sith to their failed ideology, and for that he cursed them

An acolyte appeared at the door, gasping as he saw the Loremaster clearly sabotaging the controls. Without turning around, Kalzok threw his blade, impaling itself in the acolyte's heart. Connecting a communicator receiver into the control room's communicator system, riding on the ship's comms signals. He was waiting for a low-frequency wave. In the meantime, he crossed over to the reactor door and closed it, setting the emergency lock. He moved back from the control panels and faced the windows facing the reactor core. Power on the scale of the heart of a star, kept in careful calibration to prevent it from facing explosive stellar death.

He raised his hands, and tendrils of invisible power extended beyond the control room, into the blinding reactor core. Kalzok took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Through the Force, he extended his senses outward, into the reactor core, and he saw the weave of forces and energies flowing around the gigantic reactor core. A swirling maelstrom of hellish power. Kalzok tugged and pulled on the threads, slowly setting in motion a chaotic process that would end in the total unraveling of the core and complete detonation, annihilating the battleship.

He continued his ministrations, carefully, slowly, and watched in silence, waiting for the signal from the Tsis'Kal to accelerate the detonation.
Location: Overbridge - Malsheem, Askaj System
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Imperial Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Kainate: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax
Sith Eternal: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Xzinn Dronnol Xzinn Dronnol
Tsis’kal: Dvasia Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia
Inquisition: Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Dragus Jakar Dragus Jakar
Direct Engagement: Dvasia

Something was wrong.

The strand-cast registered the change in the soldier’s eyes, but it came too late as suddenly, the Overbridge was consumed in a torrent of flames as many of the troopers and officers in the room began to grip their throats, necks broken like twigs by an invisible hand.

He was the traitor.

UX-0626 recoiled back at the sudden heat, but as she stood back up, she found the smoldering bodies of her troopers and many of the personnel in the Overbridge thrown at her feet. By this point in her life, short though it was relative to that of a naturally-conceived organic, the strand-cast had witnessed her allies dying in droves more time than she could count, on worlds like Panatha, Bastion, Generis, Enenpa, and yet more. Though devastating to behold, such sights made the strand-cast’s dedication to the Eclipsing Mission that much more extreme. Now, she had learned to embrace pain, for it was the scalpel of creation and the purifier of weakness.

Bringing her carbine up to her cheek area, UX-0626 honed in on the drones which had appeared in the area and were firing on what was left of her troopers. With practiced precision, the strand-cast set her sights on the closest drone’s central “eye”, before answering its fire with her own, unleashing a pair of sonic ripper spheres from roughly 12 meters away, cast forth from the barrel of her carbine with a howling melody. Then, she snapped her sights onto the next closest drone and fired two more ripper spheres into the same location, before engaging the third drone in the same manner, with the objective of cutting down all three before shifting her focus to engage the heretic Sith.


Through these halls, she could walk hidden with relative ease. For some time, she could slip past by simply being unseen. The Blackblades could not see her, could not feel her. Light bent around her form, even the ultraviolet kind. Cameras could not stop her, and the patrols needed to open doors more than she did. Though there would come a point where non-detection would not be enough. The architects of Malsheem had thought of much and many ways to keep trespassers out from its inner sanctum.

The probes were the first problem. She had to avoid them as best she could. They could scan for mass, thermal signature, seismic signals and life forms. They were wonderfully advanced, but not above all trickery. She could fool them by staying close to other signtures. Life forms were best, but structures were fine if she stuck to non-conventional surfaces.

The assassin’s body stuck to the ceiling, back flat against the metal as the probes floated by below. The door opened for them and as the heavy metal slaps stopped, she dropped to the floor. The sudden halt of motion masked the sound and seismic signal. The cloaking system kept her hidden from sight and passive detection. Swiftly, she slipped throgh the doors after them and halted.

More probes and a cadre of dark troopers drifted by the next intersection. Security was tighter here, and tightening further. What came next would be harder. Between Blackblades, Crown Guards, the inner sanctum was designed to be inpenetrable, but there were bugs in the system now. Dvasia had made a small dead zone in the watch, if only for a few more moments. Not at the front, back or sides, not even above, but below.

It would have taken her much too long if she were to cut through, and it would no doubt trigger alarms. Walls and doors would be protected by all sorts of ray-shielding and traps, but floors had to be safe enough to walk for those very beings who guarded and visited the deep vaults of Darth Carnifex. So, under her most masterful cloaking, she made her way to the dead zone, where there was no apparent hope.

Darth Ophidia did not require hope.

Her body left the ground as gravity turned around her. The Sith Lord’s eyes closed as she considered the space between atoms, between matter, and arranged herself to pass through solid matter as if it was air. This was not a skill she could readily conceal. While her specific signature remained scrambled, someone would be able to feel the strange surge of power as she cheated the laws of physics.

Gravity turned again as the light changed, and the Pale Assassin landed on her feet on black tiled floor. The ashen Lord of the Sith turned to face the crown guards posted inside. These she could not sneak past.

These, she would honour with a beautiful death.


So came death.

The stinging power of this newly anointed Empyrean struck out with destructive force the walls groaning in protest before the storm of unleashed carnage. The black tentacled fury struck out with a berserkers rage dismembering and destroying. It was no deadly dance it was a slaughter, a butchery of man itself. The world began to buzz and hum with the congealed power that added weight to the very air, lesser beings would've found it hard to breathe in their presence as dark steel began to glow under the sheer pressure of this vicious assault. In all accounts it was a death sentence to meet these blows head on, their force colossal. The outer titan that stood before the Dead God Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean remained unmoving as the tentacles snapped towards him. Yet the darkness that shrouded him like a cloak reacted violently as if it was some sort of sentient creature. It congealed in front of the locations of these attacks and violently snapped back creating a screech and a shower of blackened sparks as traces of energy from the darkened strike scattered over the glistening gray of the floors. Each one that struck in this cloak of pure black snapped back.
All the while the figure stood motionless, emotionless even. The carnage and the lost lives washed off the shoulders of this newly born umbral demon like water. The calm was almost unsettling with all of the blinding fury contained beneath. The Kainate existed because he desired it to and those who served in its legions, the legions he forged would die when he demanded them to. The blood price for galactic dominance he would spend plenty. Even so close to it all he could barely see them for who they were. A new pair of eyes watched with indifference at the snuffing of souls light like extinguished candles. Even Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex he could barely see him anymore. He stood out more than most did due to the tether they shared. But the words of this being found purchase within him, the blasphemy they contained. Words rang out from every direction but the figures mouth then. They came with a cracking pressure in the cranium, they came with vocal utterance from the dead and dying, mutilated corpses giving voice. It was the voice of untold billions, every passing moment the voice changed.
"Peace is a lie. There is only war. War everlasting, war eternal. The price of blood and death over a billion worlds fought system by system until the last star of a free world darkens. Until the Eye blankets the galaxy like a shroud and there will be war still. We do not kneel. We submit before no man nor lord nor god shall hold our fealty. No matter the cost, no matter the consequence. There is but one path forward. We pay the blood price for our ascension. We rule."
The air briefly sucked out of the room just then almost like it was a deep breath before the great plunge.
Then it happened.
A storm of crimson fire that brought mind shattering darkness exploded like suns outside of each window along the long horizontal bridge. They struck with the force of an autocannon impact, those struck in the ferocious explosion tossed aside as if hurled by a bomb blast before he drowned the entire bridge in wrath. Before it the physical world began to unravel in its wake then.

Prophet of Bogan
Location: Acerbitas
Objective: Await The Signal
Equipment: Lightsaber, Dagger, Armor, Sith Scroll
Tags: Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia / Dvasia

The battle raged on as Eternal and Kainite ships exchanged fire and boarders alike, Alisteri wished he had the time to stop by and look out of a window just to see it. Watching holes being shot into the Malsheem did sound like a fun pastime. For a moment he was almost jealous of the ship's gunners. He shook off such thoughts and kept moving.

Avoiding crowds, walking with purpose, taking advantage of the confusion of the battle, all just to slip by without being questioned. Hopefully whatever guards were around would be occupied and wouldn't look twice.

The last thing he needed was to be stopped now that he was so close to his mission objective.

He barely even cared for the occasional tremors and shaking as the ship was hit by one of its enemies, keeping a steady pace and his head held high. Soon he would be at the command deck, and then the bridge.
Location: Eternal Rule
Equipment: Armor, Lightsaber
Engaging: Quintessa Zambrano Quintessa Zambrano

The Eternalist forces of Team One moved steadily through the cramped corridors and spaces of the Kainite flagship, engaging and destroying whatever opposition dared to stand in their way. The comms were flooded with traffic, much of it reports on the progress, or lack of progress, from the other teams. Some of it was the chatter of Team One, tactical and otherwise, as they moved toward their objective. Regardless of its origin, it seemed like no matter which channel you switched to, it was non-stop.

Xzinn for his part did not say much as the team moved, to his own team or to anyone else. Indeed, he did not even pay a great deal of attention to the reports coming in at all times over comms. He instead focused on his own emotions: the rage and indignation he had harbored for many years, amplified by the violence surrounding him; the thrill of the fight; the anticipation and eagerness to make his mark on the Order. No longer would he be content to bide his time in obscurity, being overlooked while the rest of the Order made their moves in the great and vicious power-peddling games of the Sith. No, he had waited long enough. Now was the time to carve out a position for himself, and Xzinn would do it no matter how much blood had to be spilled to get it.

All this fueled him as he cut through the Kainite forces. He advanced inexorably like an armored, crimson blade-wielding tidal wave; they could slow him, perhaps, but they would not stop him.

Taking long, purposeful strides through a narrow corridor, the Falleen Sith rounded a corner to see two lightly-armored individuals wielding lightsabers of their own a short distance away down the hallway. They saw Xzinn at the same time. Both charged, sabers lifted over their heads, mouths opened wide in a yell. It was determined—fanatical even—but reckless. Xzinn reached one armored hand out, using the Force to pull the metallic wall plates to him. The metal groaned under the tension, the corners folding and bending as rivets popped out. Then at last it gave out, coming free and hovering in the air. Then another came free, and then another. He leveled them horizontally, then propelled them down the corridor at his attackers. The first was intercepted and bisected by the man in front. The next came immediately afterward, and was also cut, but in a less controlled manner. One half of it bounced off the wall and struck the other Kainite, knocking him off balance and forcing him to stumble. The third plate came in low and fast immediately after the second. The man in front barely had the time to jump over it; the one behind did not. The Kainite acolyte's legs were both severed just above the knee. He toppled over screaming in pain as the other continued forward.

Xzinn met the attacker head-on. The two blades sizzled and cracked as they clashed and locked together. Then he continued his advance, using his superior strength and size to his advantage. The Kainite was staggered and forced back. He was strong, but not that strong, and his movements were simple and easy to read. No master duelist, to say the least. Xzinn saw the Kainite attempt an ill-advised one-handed overhead swing as he got more desperate. The Falleen stepped into the strike and grabbed the acolyte's wrist, still held high above his head. Xzinn squeezed, crushing armor and bone alike with his enhanced strength. He pulled the Kainite to the left, slamming his opponent against the wall, before burying his own blade deep in his enemy's throat. Flesh sizzled and popped as the plasma blade went through, and sparks flew from what little armor had been there to protect him as it burned.

Satisfied with his victory, he let the first man's body fall to the floor, then quickly finished off the now-legless man with a swift stroke of his saber. The blade hissed as he deactivated it. He turned and gestured to the Eternalist troopers just now rounding the corner, waving them forward. He pointed at the sealed door the two Sith on the floor had died to defend. "Get this door open."

The throne of Carnifex awaited them.

The power coalesced into a single room was more than explosive, it was cataclysmic. Fire ripped through the Eternal Rule's bridge, shattering glasteel and bending durasteel into impossible and grotesque shapes. Reality split at the seams, the fabric of space beyond crackling as tears were rent across its immutable surface. This spatial distortion was not just confined to the bridge, for every level of the Eternal Rule was bathed in the haze of abnormality. Walls undulated as doors that should never have been opened swung wide, entire sections of metal walls becoming incoherent jigsaws as creatures beyond the material world reached out with clawed hands to grab hold of the tangible.

Carnifex seemed to slip through one of these dimensional rifts, momentarily disappearing from view before emerging from another at Empyrean's back. His sword flashed, cutting through the rapidly depleting air. Undoubtedly, it would not be this easy to fell a newly born Dark Lord, but Carnifex would not relent. He was the hammer, and Prazutis was the anvil. Together they would crush this upstart slave underfoot, their combined might multiplying with every passing second.

All the while, the fleet was rocked by the calamitous power unleashed. The magnetic lure of the Dark Side pulled the Eternalist fleet within range, the starfleets colliding with the belch of turbolaser and the whine of missiles worming through the empty vacuum. Automated drones swarmed like locusts, great clouds of fighters banking and pivoting all at once. Boarding pods launched from corsair vessels, slamming into Eternalists ships and disgorging soldiers, battle droids, and even alchemical monstrosities. Some ships even launched mag-harpoons, entangling entire groups of ships together before opening fire point-blank.

The dance was beautiful.

The dance was deadly.


They felt her before they saw her, the crimson blades of the Crownguard moving to cut the Pale Assassin apart even when their eyes saw only empty space. But the Pale Assassin was not so easily destroyed, and her own blade flashed out like a viper's kiss. Two Crownguard died instantly, the others survived only by reflex and the rigors of their training. There were many Crownguard, well over a dozen, all draped in the same black armor wielding identical weapons. They were perhaps not the greatest of the Dark Lord's minions, but they were among the most fervently zealous. To honor their Lord, they had ritualistically removed their own tongues because they believed their own voice was unworthy in His presence.

And that devotion enhanced their abilities, the power of faith coursing through their every atom. They knew they were no match for the powers of the Pale Assassin, they were not deluded. But they understood that one was coming who would be more than her equal, and so they sacrificed their lives to costly keep the Pale Assassin from her prize. But what a sacrifice it was, their unity of action was unparalleled. They intrinsically knew what one another was about to do, despite their muteness, and they worked perfectly in tandem. When one attacked, half a dozen others attacked as well. When one defended, the others moved in to exploit whatever advantage they could.

But it was not enough, and that was okay.

Because as the last Crownguard fell to the Pale Assassin's blade, the door opposite the sanctum opened with a hiss and a grinding thud. Emerging from the darkness was Demiurge, his lightsaber already slipped into his right hand. He walked carefully, cautiously, eyes unblinkingly trained on the Pale Assassin. He didn't yet activate his weapon.

"I had thought it was you, old friend. A pity, the circumstances that have brought us here."



Location: Overbridge - The Malsheem, Askaj System

UX-0626 UX-0626
Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia
Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Five of the eight men UX-0626 UX-0626 brought with her to confront him lay dead at the feet of the Sith assassin. Three more to go. The snap hiss of a lightsaber activating could be heard, but no blade was seen. He had a unique Nightstone Crystal inside his lightsaber, so that from this close distance no one could see him or the crimson light his weapon usually emitted. It could still be felt, however, as the remaining troopers were about to learn.

As they stepped forward, trying to find their target in the dark, they'd each fall one by one. The first was cut in half at the hip. He two half's fell to the floor and the top half screamed in immense agony. The assassin adjusted his grip on the hilt of his lightsaber, holding it in a reverse Shien grip. Sounds like "Ack! Ugh!" could be heard coming from the second to last trooper as he was slashed across the gut and then stabbed in directly in the heart. As the last strand cast minion UX-0626 had left panicked at the sound of his teammates deaths, Dvasia leapt in the air, spinning as he decapitated the poor fool. Backtracking he returned to the torso of a man crawling on the floor. He rolled over and looked up at amber eyes in time to have his throat slit by a plasma blade.

The strand cast that seemed to be in charge shot at and destroyed the Swarm Drones the infiltrator had brought with him as a distraction. Rage built even more in him, as he didn't care about the droids themselves, but they weren't exactly free. They weren't really expensive either, but still, he hated wasting credits.

The sound of the lightsaber could be heard again as it deactivated. Dvasia quickly moved farther away and spoke with a voice from an indeterminable direction.

"It's just you and me now, clone." He said, laughing menacingly.

The Sith apprentice suddenly sensed immense violence and what felt like the universe itself screaming for mercy as it's fabric began to tear under immense power. He turned his head toward where the master's of both the Kainites and Eternalists we're fighting it out with powers no one man should be able to posses.

"You don't have the Force, do you? You can't feel it. Do you know what they're doing out there? The Sith Order is shattering and the universe is about to unravel... All because two tyrants seek each other's destruction over the preservation of the whole. Fools. Someone has to stop them and return us to order. I'll do it myself, if I have to. Sure, I enjoy killing, but slaughtering my brothers and sisters doesn't bring me as much joy as you think."

Dvasia thought back to his time under the brainwashing of the Silver Jedi. Everything he did because he believed them when they said the Jedi were the only family he needed.

"Still. If you continue to stand defiantly in my way... I'll make you die screaming, like your friends."

He did a backflip off the rafters toward the stand cast, spinning to face her as he fell. Lightning formed between his fingers as he locked eyes with her. The conviction and hate he felt caused them to change shades from orange to blood red, matching his intensity. As Dvasia reached the top of his arch and fell back down he unleashed the lightning at UX-0626 without mercy.

In the past he had struggled to summon Force lightning at will, except under the proper conditions. Those being when his life was directly in danger. Even then, it was either too little or too much energy, but not this time. He'd been training hard to master this ability and the torrent of lightning hurtling toward his enemy now was precise, energetic and lethally intense.
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Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Xzinn Dronnol Xzinn Dronnol

The Askaj System
Six hulking siege cruisers of the Sith Eternal finally arrived from Kesh to the showdown. The swirling blue curtain of hyperspace fell away, revealing a theatre of destruction. Shock clawed Venn's mind as he beheld the awesome terror of the scene. He was too late.

The battle was all-consuming in its scale, but eyes could only grasp the most obvious of horrors. Venn fell to one knee on the bridge of his flagship, concerned officers only looking on as the young man's breath became quick and ragged. He could feel it.

Carnifex. His wrath, his sword, his killing intent. Every stroke of his weapon sent that familiar terror through Venn. The man was a monster. Prazutis. Venn recognized this aura from distant encounters during visits to Odavessa and the Temple Magnus. The Shadow Hand's sorcery was legendary, but there was a third overtone, which shook the apprentice to his core. The Decoction Terentakus had gifted Venn increased sensitivity to the presence of others in the Force. Now that boon had become a torment.

Indignation. Past the cloying rage and defiance that permeated the very air around Venn, there was an umbrage that came sweeping in shockwaves from the bridge of the Eternal Rule. Around Venn, a crowd of Eternalist officers gaped in disbelief, as space seemed to warp, flames like stars burst into being, and tendrils of pure darkness slashed entire starships to pieces. But Venn could only suppress tears at the pressure in his head, as if a familiar voice were musing in tones that frayed the Force itself:

They dare defy me?

It was too much background noise. He had to get a grip. "Damn it!" Standing, the apprentice struggled to hold back the overwhelming weight of three titans attempting to kill each other. There was a pain in his throat, his eyes stung, his chest felt heavy. Venn's grief at the Zambranos' betrayal, his sorrow at what a wound this day would be to the Order, his intense fear that his master's aura had mutated into something entirely eldritch, and anger that these Dark Lords had been unable to resolve this dispute without resorting to total destruction...

He funneled all of it through the pit in his stomach, making his body a furnace. It burned all that churned inside as fuel, and the flames were determination.

Having composed himself, he demanded that his subordinates did the same. "Open the fleet channel!" The crew shook from their stupor to work with renewed energy. "All cruisers, maintain distance from both flagships. Cruisers 5 and 6, support the Eternal Fleet at heading Peth-77 by 19. Cruisers 3 and 4, suppress the Kainite escort at Nern-05 by 28, focus solar ionization batteries on droid carriers. Cruiser 1 will engage enemy frigates at Esk-22. Cruiser 2, follow us in. All cruisers prep hypervelocity cannons, and hail all insurgents; if hostilities do not cease, begin barrage 10 minutes from now. A word to all captains; your Siege Cruisers have seen little action. They have not yet earned names. So earn them today, gentlemen. That is all."

Quietly, Venn clicked over from the fleet channel to an Eternalist frequency exclusive to Sith. "This is Venn Kolis. I'm sorry it's come to this today, but there's no turning back now. Any acolytes in need of backup, state your situation and location. Ali, Xzinn, I can barely feel your presence with all this background noise, so if you're not dead yet, sound off. Master, if you can hear me.... give 'em hell."

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Location: Throne of Dominance - Eternal Rule - Askaj System
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Imperial Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Kainate: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis Aedan Miles Aedan Miles
Sith Eternal: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Xzinn Dronnol Xzinn Dronnol Venn Kolis Venn Kolis
Tsis’kal: Dvasia Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Kalzok Kalzok
Inquisition: Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru
Direct Engagement: Xzinn Dronnol Xzinn Dronnol

Reality shattered before her eyes.

Planting her feet on the hard surface of the hallway, Quintessa came to a sudden halt from a dead sprint at the velocity of a typical jumpspeeder, the air violently shifting in her wake as she did. In front of her was what appeared to be a mirror, reflecting an image that seemed to dance before her eyes. Tilting her head, the speedster approached the reflection with cautious steps, studying it with a curious glint in her eyes, then…

She touched it.

The image rippled before her eyes, its texture was almost gooey, like a pool of molasses. However, by this point, the speedster was getting frustrated. As acute as they were, her physical, non-Force-enhanced senses couldn’t begin to place what was happening around her, but in the currents of the Force, Quintessa felt the erratic, violent waves of something that was painful to look upon, yet which pulsed with indescribable power.

The Dark Side. The power of her God. Not only was He close, but Quintessa could feel the manifestations of His terrible power and she found herself inexplicably drawn to it.

Sinking her hips into a wide three-point stance, the speedster took a deep intake of air and launched herself towards the mirror with all the power she could bring to bear in her legs, a high-pitched scream tearing free from her lips as she did.

Coming out on the other side, Quintessa fell to the ground, before sliding to a stop. Nevertheless, upon kicking back up onto her feet, the Neophyte quickly assessed her surroundings and before long, came to a sudden, terrifying realization.

This was the room of the Throne of Dominance, and soon—based on the noises her ears picked up on the other side of the main entrance—she would be all that stood between it and the heretic Sith.

Readying herself for combat, Quintessa pulled one of her chakrams from its place on her back, then a flash grenade from her belt, before taking cover behind a nearby pillar and waiting for the breach to appear.


Reality quaked at the confrontation of titans. Even the Dark Side, ever powerful seemed to bend near snapping at their unwithheld strength. It cried out, spoke in dark whispers that began to echo in waves across the system - across the sector, even. It had been years since such monsters attempted to fight among themselves with nothing to hold them back - and today there would be a grand jury to witness judgement.​
Of who was to rule the Sith, of who deserved to control the Galaxy.​
Eldritch, black tendrils of pure dark side energy had turned the Eternal Rule from a ship - into a barely constrained mass of slag, having pulled its escorts in upon itself to make a trash-hulk; a ship made of corpses, a ship without a life. Undead as it was, it was only fitting that monsters began to stir in its depths; creatures the universe had forgotten, many more that's mere scream broke the remaining sanity of the crew's finest.​
Amidst it, Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis built a wall of darkness that resisted with explosive percussion - much to the dismay of Empyrean. His grand offense met a grand defense - and the stalling disgusted him. To resist the Dark Lord, to resist a God made of flesh; he would end this man before the day was through. His eye's sensed the arrival of the Black Iron Tyrant before he could act further upon his threat.​
His staff snapped backwards with the skill of master beyond time - quickly forming a shield between the once-Maliphant and the Devourer. Despite the block, the force of the strike pushed the Corpse God from his foundations; launching him towards a nearby computer panel. Empyrean's foot raised before he hit - catching the monitor's middle brace with his heel. It dented, buckled, and nearly collapsed as the computer's multiple panels and controls shattered with the Force Empyrean had hit it.​
With foot braced and knee locked - Empyrean kicked from the panel back towards Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , staff forward, jaws aimed at his throat. Yet, long before he even neared; the mouth exploded with a crimson tinged black force saber - a blade of purge dark side energy that reacted solely on the strength of its wielder. It snapped from 1, to 2, to 5 meters as it snapped at Carnifex. The first ignition stab was not the only flurry, utilizing the flick of Empyrean's wrist to turn the lengthened blade into a storm of blades around the Twice-Emperor.​
Before his form finally came back - and the last of his strikes was made clear. A solid dropkick to the Emperor's jaw; to launch, break, and crush their pincer. To bring the Emperor into one of the corpse vessels of his escorts - with such force he would be nigh sent into orbit were they terrestial.​


As soon as she set foot, she felt the danger.

Their unity was a challenge, but only enough to amuse her. The Pale Assassin's body contorted around their strikes as she broke their unity and threw their strikes into each other. Their armour was tough, but she had fought Mandalorians and the Yuuzhan Vong. She knew how to bypass their protective shells. The bloodshine blade snapped out beneath the plates with perfect precision. She did not need to run them through, she only needed to cut to the point of lethality.

Pierce a heart.

Sever a spine.

All the while, her eyes never left her prize: The vault, in which lay the artefacts of immortality. Her prize. Her leverage.

The sabre tore through a gap in the wrist of the last one, sending their weapon spinning to the side as she seized his head with her other hand. Their helmed shattered as the skin crumpled up like discarded paper. Eyes rolled back in their head as the flesh liquefied and evaporated, and their life fed the Pale.

The mummified body crumpled to the side as the doors hissed open.

Darth Vornskr - no, that was not his name. Nor was it Carnifex. This was Demiurge.

"The need of our order brings us here. Greed and faith."

She did not show immediate aggression, but she looked in his direction. It was a rare sign of respect, showing that he was worthy of her attention, unlike the chaff that she had so thoroughly thrashed before.


Coruscant, the Dark Lord's Sanctum

The last of the defenders had fallen, their misshapen body clattering to the ground with a wash of viscera and boiling blood. Darth Vornskr surveyed the surrounding carnage not with disgust, as one might logically do, but with intrigue. The Dark Lord's guardians were examples of alchemy that he'd only ever read about in holocrons and decrepit tomes, far removed from anything he could hope to replicate. Even so, they could not prosper against their combined strength.

Vornskr turned and looked at the Pale Assassin, his lightsaber deactivating now that the fight had ended. The silence stretched between them, an unspoken understanding, as their united gaze slowly turned to settle on the large gate ahead of them.

Alone, they would have faltered.

But together, they might just stand a chance.

Vornskr nodded to Ophidia, who nodded in return. Steeling himself with the resolve of the Dark Side, the two of them stepped forward and pushed the gate open wide. Darkness met them, the faint glow of ancient machinery glimmering in the distant gloom. They could sense him, his madness washing over them like tidal waves, but they did not let it pull them under. His eyes glowed in the dark, large and almost insectoid, but mortal nonetheless.

And as one, they re-ignited their weapons and stepped forward into destiny.

Malsheem, the Dark Lord's Sanctum

Demiurge walked forward into the chamber, casually stepping over the bifurcated bodies of the Crownguard without glancing at them. His weapon, yet inactivated, was held in his right hand with the emitter pointed down towards the floor, a passive posture. On the outer decks of Malsheem, the rumble of turbolaser fire would cause the entire structure to rumble and shudder. But deep in the heart of the station, at the steps of the Dark Lord's inner sanctum, none of that could be felt. It was like there wasn't even a battle taking place, only the calm warble of electronics and the hiss of recycled air being circulated through the halls.

"Then we are aligned in purpose, old friend." He started to walk in an arc around Ophidia, a slow sauntering crescent that would eventually put himself between her and the vault if she allowed him to continue walking. Still, there were no hostilities as yet, just two friends talking. "For a long time I learned at the altar of the Worm Emperor's following, learning all that I could from their hermetic order. He thought of me as one of his flock, but his arrogance blinded him. Yet, arrogance was not his only sin, his iniquity brought forth the Jedi to Odavessa and sowed ruin to centuries of toil."

There was a glimmer in Demiurge's eye, the faintest hint of pleading.

"Stand with us, Ophidia, as you once did so long ago. The Sith need to be saved from themselves."

Prophet of Bogan
Location: Acerbitas
Objective: Await The Signal
Equipment: Lightsaber, Dagger, Armor, Sith Scroll
Tags: Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia / Dvasia / Venn Kolis Venn Kolis

Each step he took echoed in his ears, anticipation and adrenaline setting his body alight as he closed in on his target. So many had died for such a chance, many more would die before the day was over, and yet somehow he still stood amidst so much carnage. Soon the battle would turn and the destiny of the Sith with it.

And he would be here to witness it all.

His stride paused for a moment as a message came through on his communicator. "Venn?" Alisteri tapped on his helmet's commlink, quickly resuming his walk as he replayed the message. It sounded like his friend was a new arrival to the battle. Good, that meant he wouldn't be aboard the Acerbitas when it all kicked off.

"Venn, this is Alisteri." The Knight didn't break stride again, speaking low as to ensure that none of the crowds he passed by overheard him. "Where are you? I'm on the flagship now, the fighting sounds pretty rough out there." He glanced around before whispering into his commlink.

"Venn I need you to pull back from the battle. Things are about to get very messy and you shouldn't be caught in the crossfire. Retreat, I have the situation handled here."


Dark Thaumaturge, Loremaster of the Sith


Revelation, Part 2
Location: In the heart of the Red Dragon
Tags: Tithon Antilles Tithon Antilles
Tsis'Kal: Dvasia Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia Darth Strosius Darth Strosius


Even across the roiling maelstrom of the Force, conjured by the sheer concentration of so many Sith and so much death in a single battle, Kalzok could pick out from among the noise, a subtle tone of apprehension. The Moment of Revelation was approaching.

A loud band came from the blast doors of the reactor station. Then another. Kalzok opened his eyes, pausing his work on the reactor. There were people at the door.

"Hey, the boss upstairs wants us to do a routine check before more manuvres! What's up with the emergency lockdown? Something wrong?" Called the crewmen on the other side of the doors.

Kalzok turned his head backwards, facing the door at a grotesque angle.

"No, everything is according to procedure."

"Yeah well, the security feeds are diasbled. Just a quick look-see and-"

The person stopped talking. Kalzok's senses extended and he could hear whispering.

"-situation [...] security room, may [....] keep 'em talking."

His plans were about to go very badly.

Forgive me, Lady Death. Here's to hoping things have moved along far enough.

The crewmen started talking again, but Kalzok ignored them, his senses focussed entirely on his previous mission of sabotaging the reactor core. The processes he had started would lead to shutdown anyway, yes, but he needed a distraction.

With a violent tug in the Force, Kalzok saw the Red Dragon's reactor core destabilise. Where once the imperceptible change in the reaction would have slowly led to a likely implosion an hour from now, Kalzok made sure the damage was certain: The reactor instead began boiling over, the damage obvious on all of the ship's sensors. A flare-up in energy destroyed critical equipment all across the ship, and the core began to destabilise, sending out pulses or radiation and energy that threatened to crack the belly of the ship. In fifteen minutes, the Red Dragon would meet a fiery death as the core exploded in a miniature nova.

The sudden destabilisation sent the ship rocking. Even the Admiral Tithon Antilles Tithon Antilles would be able to feel the ship swaying under his feet, her systems suddenly failing one by one. Kalzok used the opportunity of the ship's sudden destabilisation to open the blast door. The crewmen, guns drawn, had evidently put two and two together, but even that would not save them from the miasma of death that Kalzok unleashed again.
Location: Overbridge - Malsheem, Askaj System
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Imperial Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Kainate: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis Aedan Miles Aedan Miles
Sith Eternal: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Xzinn Dronnol Xzinn Dronnol Venn Kolis Venn Kolis
Tsis’kal: Dvasia Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia Kalzok Kalzok
Inquisition: Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Dragus Jakar Dragus Jakar
Direct Engagement: Dvasia

He killed her allies as if they were nothing.

"You don't have the Force, do you? You can't feel it. Do you know what they're doing out there? The Sith Order is shattering and the universe is about to unravel... All because two tyrants seek each other's destruction over the preservation of the whole. Fools. Someone has to stop them and return us to order. I'll do it myself, if I have to. Sure, I enjoy killing, but slaughtering my brothers and sisters doesn't bring me as much joy as you think."

For a being of his power, she might be nothing, as well. And yet, UX-0626 found herself mystified as to why the heretic had bothered to speak to her, instead of immediately moving to kill her as he had done to her subordinates and to many of the technicians and officers stationed on the Overbridge. Was it because she was the commanding officer? Even a strand-cast like her, as experienced and skilled as she was, did not merit so much pomp. Ultimately, she could be replaced almost immediately. Even now, there were new strand-casts coming out of Malsheem’s laboratories, in spite of the ongoing siege.

When she died here, one of them might replace her.

“We are not family, heretic.” UX-0626 hissed in response, hatred coloring her words.

Then, just after the assassin flipped off of the rafters in dreadfully superhuman motion, his Lightning was cast towards her in an arcing, crackling explosion of electrical energy. UX-0626 was under no delusions that she could achieve victory against such a powerful enemy, but he had made a critical mistake of giving her the gift of time, allowing the strand-cast to prepare herself for a fight. And so, with a mental command, an energy shield flared to life in a skintight film around her crimson-clad form. While some of the heretic’s Lightning bled through, causing the strand-cast to grit her teeth under her helmet as she bore the pain, much of it was immediately reflected back towards the Sith via the shield’s electrical feedback module, in much the same way as it had arrived.

Returned to sender.

Simultaneously, UX-0626 brought her sonic carbine up and fired a trio of ripper spheres at the maximum rate of fire, aimed to strike the heretic in his upper chest from 16 meters away. These were packets of condensed sonic energy that had the potential to rupture organs, shatter bones, and inflict death via brutal, crushing force. They were the ideal weapon for killing Jedi and heretics alike, but even with such a powerful tool at the strand-cast’s disposal…

The odds seemed set against her.

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