In Hell i'll be in good company
Scourge watched the gathering Mandalorians shifting as the man who had gathered them all here finally revealed himself. It was none other than Ra Vizla himself. Scourge had been imprisoned during his reign as Mand’alor, but even so Mandalorians sang saga’s of his exploits, and his epic death.... Scourge even new a few of the dirges… But, none of them explained how the belated Mandalorian came back to life. Still, if anyone were to lead the Mandalorians to a new golden age Scourge knew it would be the man before him. The Vong felt honored and exalted to be serving under such a picturesque Mandalorian and would have no one else as Mand’alor. If no one else would claim it, Scourge would be the first...
“All hail the new and old Mand’alor Ra Vizla! Mand’alor the Undying!” Scourge roared in his rasping growl through his buy’ce’s loudspeaker.
Scourge kneeled and with fist to earth he pledged himself to The True Mand’alor. Should any challenge this man today they would have to go through Scourge first. His sense of loyalty as a Mandalorian and his word as a Vong was absolute and not to be doubted. Scourge would see this man on top even if it meant his life, for only such a fierce warrior could bring the Mandalorian people to greatness and rebuild Manda’yaim. Bring about the end of Mia the Traitor and her misguided followers. Death watch would reign supreme and in the end Mandalorians would carve out an empire fit to stand a thousand years.
“All hail the new and old Mand’alor Ra Vizla! Mand’alor the Undying!” Scourge roared in his rasping growl through his buy’ce’s loudspeaker.
Scourge kneeled and with fist to earth he pledged himself to The True Mand’alor. Should any challenge this man today they would have to go through Scourge first. His sense of loyalty as a Mandalorian and his word as a Vong was absolute and not to be doubted. Scourge would see this man on top even if it meant his life, for only such a fierce warrior could bring the Mandalorian people to greatness and rebuild Manda’yaim. Bring about the end of Mia the Traitor and her misguided followers. Death watch would reign supreme and in the end Mandalorians would carve out an empire fit to stand a thousand years.