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Death of the Clans | Death Watch

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Aryn Spar"] [member="Xyloxan"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Joanes Quez"] [member="Scourge"] [member="Cato Fett"] [member="Lyanie Quez"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Kad Tor"] [member="Muad Dib"] [member="Bloodshot"] [member="Briika Tor"] [member="Darth Metus"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Marev Priest"] [member="Yasha Mantis"]

A grin tugged at the corner of his mouth as he watched the show.

"One shot." He said out loud to himself, "I could take those two with one shot." He moved the scope to the child and wondered if he could get the little one and two big ones at the same time. Maybe if he moved to his alternate spot he could take out those two fighting and get one to fall on the kid. That would be something to try for. A fair challenge.

He lifted his helmet slightly and shoved a piece of nerf jerky into his mouth then pulled his helmet down to sight in again. He chewed thoughtfully as he looked on. If he hit Dib and Visla with his first shot he could get Garon, Munin, and Spar before he would have to bail out to a better position. Then again if he went for Mantis instead of Spar he may get another shot off. If they stayed still and looked for him while he shot he could probably get 6 or 7 easy. His thoughts, turned back to what they were saying and he snorted to himself. He should take a shot. It was a good day for it, but no, he wanted to see how it would end first. He wasn't here to shoot brothers, he just liked to keep his skills sharp. "Yeah keep telling yerself that." He muttered to himself.
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
Among the watching crowd stood Kade, clad in armor black as pitch. His hands rested on the hilts of his beskads, though he wondered if he should unsling the energy bow from his back. Violence crackled in the air all around the dueling pair.


Helmet met nose. Nose lost brutally in a sickening crunch of obliterated bone and cartilage. Flecks of blood sprayed out, a few drops landed on Kade. The expressionless black helmet betrayed nothing, green t-visor following the fight.

Ra dropped away toward the ground as the replusor beams lanced out at where the helmeted head had once been. Rather then converging on the helm the force of the opposing repulsor beams collided and violently threw the arms away with such force the Mad Knight felt a pop in his left shoulder as his arm dislocated.

Stifling a scream of pure unadulterated pain and rage he began falling to the rising missile known as Ra. The force of the rapidly driving man below rose up in a direct line with the breast plates of Muad's beskar'gam.

As the helmet closed in on it's target like a homing missile, Muad fired the rockets in his boots. Normally the power of the rockets had enough thrust to create a sudden flight for the Mandalorian. In this instance he tucked his knees, using the sheer thrust to accelerate his knees toward where the helmet collided with Muad's sternum.

The attack sent Muad backwards to land in several bounces. Grunting he grinned as he tried to sit up, pain lancing through his torso from several broken ribs.

Stretching out with his right hand he began dragging his body toward his opponent, left arm dragging behind useless while a laugh rattled in his lungs with a wet sound.

"I'm ready to accept your surrender, or we can keep going ner vod. Cuz I'm not done with you yet."

[member="Ra Vizsla"]
Now he tried to run.

Ra was back on Muad in a flash, galloping on all fours in a surreal pattern familiar to only those who knew of Ra's Gurlanin heritage. Talons reached out from under his plated gauntlets, threatening to dig into Muad's thigh as Ra attempted to sweep him up and drag the man back towards him.

There were no words from Ra.​
No wisecracks.​
No zingers.​
No talk of intimidation, nor boasting of pride.​
Only more violence.
Only more strength.
Only the strongest shall rule.
While Muad was down, Ra tore into him, attempting to swat away his arms as he brought the man's face to his own visor.

Another headbutt came cracking down.

And then a gauntleted fist.

And then a flurry of blows.

Fist attempting to connect with teeth.

Plated knuckles into his chin.

Hands clasps together, forming a singular hammer strike down at the man's forehead.

Silence from Ra.​
Actions would speak louder than words.​
[member="Muad Dib"]​
Attempting to stand he felt the talons pierce around the plates upon his thigh, spinning him to the ground. Releasing a grunt of pain he lanced out with his right hand attempting to strike the other man. While Ra had seen Muad with his back turned, assuming an attempt to flee, it was Muad trying to rise to return to the fray. However with the grounds spinning, due to the concussion he had received from the Keldabe kiss, Muad had lost sight of his opponent while struggling to rise with complete lack of equilibrium.

But that was past as his eyes filled with the blood red visor that crashed into his face. Collapsing back he struck out but was swathed from the furious blows raining down. A grin etched on his face met another blow that knocked two molars loose, the teeth rattling across the ground with a spray of blood and spittle. The knuckles that rammed under his chin rocked his head back, cracking solidly with the hard road he had stood on minutes before.

With one glowing, blue eye he watched the hammer fists rise, a snarl tracing through split lips. Then the descent and Muad knew no more.
"Take him away," the gravel filled voice of Ra spoke as the Mand'alor rejoined the circle. Lifting his helmet off his head and setting it softly back on it's podium, Ra turned his back to the group and had a sip of water from his canteen. Clan Vizsla men dragged Muad's unconscious form away from the circle.

Refreshed, Ra beat his left pectoral with a closed first.​
Then turned and walked back​
to the center of the circle.​
"Right. So, as my first action as Sole Ruler, I hereby decree the disestablishment of the Council of Alors and all of their authority.
I strip from you all titles
and powers invested in your office.
You are leaders of your Clan only in name.
Your soldiers, your armies, your Houses
report directly to Mand'alor, Sole Ruler and First Protector of Manda'yaim
during peace and war.
And I declare this decree, so that I may make my second.
I declare Mia Monroe, Katlayadr, Mand'alor the Liberator, a traitor of the State,
of Mand'yaim,
and of Mand'alor.
She is declared Dar'manda and must be persecuted for her crimes against Mandalorians at home and abroad.
She stands accused of mass murder and the destruction of Manda'yaim,
and I summon her now to stand trial against these accusations.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
Clear sight picture. Clear sight alignment.

Breath in.

His world became a tiny bubble of existence. 500 meters. Barely a challenge for any good sniper. Head shot? Chest? Should he just wound and pick off would be saviors? No, no that was pointless.

Breath out.

He flicked the safety of the shatter gun sniper rifle and pulled the butt of the rifle tight against his shoulder.

"Keep talking." He whispered as his finger slowly tightened on the trigger. Head it was.

Breath in.

He watched the cross hairs center on the new sole ruler's head.

The rifle bucked against his shoulder plate with a dull whomp typical od shatter guns. He crawled backwards not waiting to see if he hit and grabbed his gear to retreat to his ship. This would be the hard part. He knew the shot was true but in this galaxy anything could happen.

[member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Aryn Spar"] [member="Xyloxan"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Joanes Quez"] [member="Scourge"] [member="Cato Fett"] [member="Lyanie Quez"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Kad Tor"] [member="Muad Dib"] [member="Bloodshot"] [member="Briika Tor"] [member="Darth Metus"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Marev Priest"] [member="Yasha Mantis"]
Sometimes, life wasn't as brutal as usual to the wolves of Clan Mantis. A battle brought glory without pain, a job was completed without some sort of hitch, or the youngest member of the family, thought dead, suddenly appeared once again. Today it was the last of those.

At first he didn't recognize her, the last time he'd seen her she'd been a baby, but the mixture of Adyita and Preliat was plain as day. Without a doubt Preliat would be sprinting after Silas as he ripped his helmet from his head and bolted towards [member="Yasha Mantis"] and [member="Joanes Quez"]. Instantly he shoved Joanes off of the girl, it wasn't out of anger, it was just better for Silas to remove him from the girl than Preliat. "It is not yet time for the reign of Mand'alor the Small ad'ika." He said almost teasingly as he looked down on the girl.

She likely knew of him, [member="Preliat Mantis"] would've at least mentioned him, even if it took Adyita pressuring him to do so. It also helped he was a dead ringer for his brother, might as well have been another clone, but he was not. "You were much smaller last I saw you, come with ba'vodu Silas, we'll get you taken care of." Silas continued, a small smile on his face. While that alone was alien to him at this point, the fact he'd largely disregarded the fact [member="Ra Vizsla"] was currently brawling with another as this all happened only added to the peculiarity of the situation. Should she have been disciplined for speaking out? Probably, but coming back from the dead had a way of getting one out of trouble. Plus he was her uncle, discipline wasn't his job to the same extent.

Then shots rang out.

Before Ra even hit the ground Silas' eyes went wide as he grabbed the girl and hefted her up in one arm and bolted into cover. No matter what happened, he wasn't about to lose the girl the second she'd come back to them. [member="Kal Ordo"] could go to hell if he wanted her.
[member="Kal Ordo"]

A growl escaped his throat, his ears twitched, and within half a second he rounded.

Aryn had no idea where the shot had landed, had no idea whom it had struck or what their condition was, but it didn't matter. He was no doctor, no surgeon, he carried no patches of bacta or any other medical aid. Aryn was a warrior, the only thing that he was, and he was made for the hunt. His ear twisted slightly on his head, his eye locking on where he knew the sound of the shot had come from. Through the darkness he saw nothing, but it didn't matter.

Without another moment of hesitation Aryn broke off into a sprint. The others crowded around him quickly made way, the massive Togorian bounding towards them was enough to make even the bravest man back away in fear of being crushed beneath his bulk.

His lips turned down into a scowl.

His eye locked on where he'd heard the shot, his ears twitching again and again as his nose scented the air. He took in a deep breath, catching what he hoped was the trail to the assassin. His claws bared from within his hands, his feet thumping loudly against the ground.

Aryn moved as swiftly as he could, searching, hunting for even a small glimpse through the dark.
Insanity. He finally cracked. Yasha was here. He blinked. The words of the sole ruler fell upon deaf ears. He saw her. Heard her voice. Saw others interacting with her. But here she was- [member="Yasha Mantis"], in the flesh. His eyes twitched. This was not true. Both her and Aditya perished in the burning of his world. Of their world. Of his life. He turned back to the sole ruler, opting to deal with his insanity later. A shot rang out. Struck the ruler, unsure of where on the Ruler's body, however. He wasn't a medic, but he wasn't going to leave the ruler there.

[member="Silas Mantis"] grabbed the girl- or what he thought was the girl, and moved her. If this was an attack, more shots would've been fired, follow-on attacks would've been made. No, this was an assassination attempt, an attack on the would-be Mandalore. Preliat's body never moved so fast in his life, moving to the Mandalore. He reached down to his thigh, removing the aid kit. Bacta stim, coagulate the blood in his system. He injected it into his skin, stemming the blood loss. He couldn't tell where it impacted, his adrenaline was taking over. But he wasn't going to leave the Mandalore out in the open, no, not like that. He'd do everything to take his vod, his ruler, to safety. And if all else failed, he could at least say he tried.

Preliat's body was well-maintained, well formed and well-built. It made moving the Sole Ruler, and his beastly, massive form, less of a challenge. But not by much. Adrenaline soured through him, dragging the Mandalore to cover. Preliat ran his fingers over the ruler once he was in cover, trying to determine the extent of the damage- and if anything could be done at all.


One moment the masses were cheering, the next shouts of surprise and anger. A shot rang out after Mand'alor The Undying's passionate decrees. With a grunt, Tusk hefted his blaster rifle from the small of his back and sprinted to where Ra once stood and now lay. There was blood everywhere. His lips curled into a snarl.

"Find out where that shot came from! Protect the Mand'alor! Get some bacta over here, I know one of you is a medic! Move your shebs!" His voice bellowed, the Force pushing it to the edges of the crowd. He formed the point of a diamond formation that formed around the Mand'alor, protecting him and the Verpine medic that squeezed through his massive thighs to get to work on potentially saving the Mand'alor's life. Luckily Preliat had already gotten to work on him and the Verpine let the Wolf get to work. He tapped his helmet and began scanning the area for any suspicious activity.

[member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Aryn Spar"] [member="Xyloxan"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Joanes Quez"] [member="Scourge"] [member="Cato Fett"] [member="Lyanie Quez"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Kad Tor"] [member="Muad Dib"] [member="Bloodshot"] [member="Briika Tor"] [member="Darth Metus"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Marev Priest"] [member="Yasha Mantis"]

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
He half slid, half ran down the slope rifle in hand. His HUD still broadcasting the audio from the scene. They were yelling for bacta and saying protect Mand'alor. He had either missed or they had far better bacta then he ever saw. The shatter rifle was near silent and had enough force to crack a breast plate. If hit was a solid, well they would know.

"Shame I didn't get one more shot off." He mumbled as he hopped over a rock and slid down the rock face of his position toward his waiting ship. He had gotten one Mand'alor, he wondered if that would get him close enough to the other one for a knife. It had been a while since he'd killed a woman. Maybe this would make a good opportunity.

He began running the last 50 meters to his waiting ship and regretted that he didn't stay and wait to see the shot hit. No one paid for rumors and half assed head shots.

[member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Aryn Spar"] [member="Xyloxan"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Joanes Quez"] [member="Scourge"] [member="Cato Fett"] [member="Lyanie Quez"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Kad Tor"] [member="Muad Dib"] [member="Bloodshot"] [member="Briika Tor"] [member="Darth Metus"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Marev Priest"] [member="Yasha Mantis"]
A lot had happened. Speeches were made, and a duel erupted following words of anger and determination.

And then a shot was fired. Not aimed for him, his beloved wife, or anyone near. But it was aimed for the Mand'alor he willingly submitted all his loyalty and strength to. There was a rare sense of fear in Vilaz. Fear of the kind when something important to you was in peril. A good example of that was whenever his wife and family was in danger; or when Mandalore was attacked.

That same kind of fear he felt when the the Vizsla fell.

"Cyar'ika, tend him," the Munin said to his wife, Bree, who was proficient in medicine. A wall was formed around Ra by loyal subjects to protect him from anymore harm.

Vilaz would join the pack of hunters that would seek out this assassin and bring fury to him or her. His jetpack was activated and he flew out towards where the shot came from according to the information his sensors gave him.

[member="Briika Tor"] [member="Kad Tor"] [member="Tusk"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Aryn Spar"] [member="Silas Mantis"] [member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Kal Ordo"] [member="Kade Kelborn"] [member="Muad Dib"] [member="Strider Garon"]
"This is Marshal Garon, Lock this place down!" Strider growled into his com system using his old rank to identify himself, directed to Sandari's security and control center. The beauty of a Bio-dome city was that it was far easier to put on lock down than the conventional urban metropolises. "No one leaves, no one gets in, any ship taking off you have Kill on sight orders! Ships that have not taken off, put them all on landlock and hold'em in tractor!"

Strider looked around, warriors were already on the hunt then he looked back to Mand'alor the Undying thinking to himself that the man better live up to the hype of his name.
[member="Kal Ordo"]

Three large loping strides and Aryn found the perch that the assassin had used. His nose twitched, his ears flicking slightly as she peered around the darkness.

The remaining eye Aryn had was better than most humanoids, peering through the dark light of the moon almost as if it were daytime. A scowl pulled at his lips, eyes wandering across the open field he tried to see anything moving. He took in a deep breath, a scent finally catching.

A low growl escaped his throat.

Without a second of hesitation the Togorian bolted in the direction the scent had gone. His feet trampled against the ground, slamming through a small garden as he filtered through the darkness. A snarl pulled at his lips as he sprinted as fast as he could. His hands grasped onto the edge of a building, the togorian practically tearing a stone free as he pulled himself around the corner. He peered through the black of night, catching sight of a figure moving several dozen meters in front of him.

His fingers unfurled, claws pulling free.

With a loud roar he dashed forward towards the figure, hoping his longer stride would catch the man before he found wherever it was he was going.
The duel. Kad shook his head as he watched someone he considered a friend step in a large pile of bantha poodoo. This wasn't the time to challenge anyone's claim to a title, though his solution made sense. Muad simply did not see what Kad had been ignoring. The Mando'ade needed a war, and there was more Mia who had destroyed the planet. For their people to feel the pride of what it meant to be Mando'ade, they needed the conflict which had been bubbling under the surface. It was a conflict which Kad had tried to keep surpressed to what end, making Dxun thrive with only a few who had been tired? Perhaps [member="Artemis Lux"] had been right that night they had finally come together. As much as her words stung and were not meant to say that Kad was indeed a coward, perhaps he had been.

The shot.

Mand'alor down.


The situation looked hopeless, and yet many sprung to save him. Kad looked to [member="Vilaz Munin"] and he told [member="Briika Tor"] to get into the mix of everyone trying to save the life. Kad then looked to the only one who seemed to have the situation under control. [member="Strider Garon"] was, and had always been, a strong leader in his own right. He had never needed a title to command people. Kad knew he could learn much from the grizzled Hound of Keldabe.

"You heard the man," Kad said pointing a few of the there who seemed to be standing about and doing nothing. "You three are with me. That shot came from somewhere, Lock down the area."

Kad snapped his buy'ce off his belt and fixed it to his head. He would not wait long for the others to form up before springing into action.

[member="Kal Ordo"] [member="Tusk"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Aryn Spar"] [member="Silas Mantis"] [member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Kade Kelborn"] [member="Joanes Quez"] [member="Yasha Mantis"]
After the shot penetrated Mand'alor, Xyloxan immediately went into predator mode. There was no shock in his eyes. Only bloodlust for Mand'alor's assailant. He reached under his cloak and pulled out a pair of blaster pistols and, with his crew close behind, fanned out and searched for the perpetrator. "I'll rip that aruetii in half with my bare hands.."

[member="Kad Tor"] | [member="Aryn Spar"] | [member="Kal Ordo"] | [member="Tusk"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Silas Mantis"] | [member="Kade Kelborn"] | @Joanes Quenz | [member="Yasha Mantis"]
Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
Briika liked a good duel, though to be honest this wasn't that entertaining. Maybe the main reason was because of why they were there to begin with. They had serious business to take care of and didn't have time for this crap. She was glad though it wasn't her husband out there this time fighting a challenger. The Tor didn't like having to patch the Munin back up. Becoming a widow a second time was not on her to do list... unless Bree did it herself when [member="Vilaz Munin"] was being a di'kut.

All eyes and ears were fixed on [member="Ra Vizsla"] as their Mand'alor made his declarations in front of the group gathered. Briika cheered loudly when he mentioned [member="Mia Monroe"]'s name and the decree, then a shot rang out from afar and Ra crumpled to the ground where he stood. From her angle in the crowd, the seasoned medic didn't exactly see where the blaster bolt hit, but it appeared to be in the upper region that was not covered by armor.

[member="Preliat Mantis"] was the first to get to the massive, downed Mando. The Wolf immediately pulled Ra to safety of cover, that is when Briika moved in before Munin clansmen formed up a protective wall around the Sole Ruler. She pulled her old Mandalorian Medical Corps med pac around and grabbed supplies she needed. There was blood everywhere, but that was common for injuries involving a vascular area. She needed to find the entrance wound and/or exit if there was. A moment of clarity came when Bree's blue gaze came across where the shot had actually pierced. If she could just control the blood flow and keep him from bleeding out... The next few minutes would be crucial.

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