Not Ordo
Just under the upper hand.
[member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Aryn Spar"] [member="Xyloxan"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Joanes Quez"] [member="Scourge"] [member="Cato Fett"] [member="Lyanie Quez"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Kad Tor"] [member="Muad Dib"] [member="Bloodshot"] [member="Briika Tor"] [member="Darth Metus"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Marev Priest"] [member="Yasha Mantis"]
A grin tugged at the corner of his mouth as he watched the show.
"One shot." He said out loud to himself, "I could take those two with one shot." He moved the scope to the child and wondered if he could get the little one and two big ones at the same time. Maybe if he moved to his alternate spot he could take out those two fighting and get one to fall on the kid. That would be something to try for. A fair challenge.
He lifted his helmet slightly and shoved a piece of nerf jerky into his mouth then pulled his helmet down to sight in again. He chewed thoughtfully as he looked on. If he hit Dib and Visla with his first shot he could get Garon, Munin, and Spar before he would have to bail out to a better position. Then again if he went for Mantis instead of Spar he may get another shot off. If they stayed still and looked for him while he shot he could probably get 6 or 7 easy. His thoughts, turned back to what they were saying and he snorted to himself. He should take a shot. It was a good day for it, but no, he wanted to see how it would end first. He wasn't here to shoot brothers, he just liked to keep his skills sharp. "Yeah keep telling yerself that." He muttered to himself.
A grin tugged at the corner of his mouth as he watched the show.
"One shot." He said out loud to himself, "I could take those two with one shot." He moved the scope to the child and wondered if he could get the little one and two big ones at the same time. Maybe if he moved to his alternate spot he could take out those two fighting and get one to fall on the kid. That would be something to try for. A fair challenge.
He lifted his helmet slightly and shoved a piece of nerf jerky into his mouth then pulled his helmet down to sight in again. He chewed thoughtfully as he looked on. If he hit Dib and Visla with his first shot he could get Garon, Munin, and Spar before he would have to bail out to a better position. Then again if he went for Mantis instead of Spar he may get another shot off. If they stayed still and looked for him while he shot he could probably get 6 or 7 easy. His thoughts, turned back to what they were saying and he snorted to himself. He should take a shot. It was a good day for it, but no, he wanted to see how it would end first. He wasn't here to shoot brothers, he just liked to keep his skills sharp. "Yeah keep telling yerself that." He muttered to himself.