Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Declaration of War against the Empire!

Meanken said:
(Srugs) Your loss. Yo, Imps, I'll offer a 20% discount on any job that involves brutally stabbing some rebels to death!

[member=Mason Deschart]
I'll offer a discount to anybody who can get me booze older than nine centuries. But you'll still need to pay me. Booze doesn't buy me food.

Or Rikki her dresses...
Mason Deschart said:
Mercenaries will be handsomely rewarded for all work in destroying the rebels.
Excellent. Call me up when you got something for me.

(OOC- Feel free to tag me in whatever, I'm usually available)

[member="Mason Deschart"]
Alexander Nester said:
[member="Captain Larraq"]

I refuse to do deals with you Larraq. Never again blue boy.

Bwahahah. Oh yes. Pirate a medical transport, yoink the medical supplies, go to the transport's intended destination and sell the Jedi their own medical supplies at 4x cost.

That was a good one.

I run 4x medical frigates and 2x Prison Transports (cruisers), a fleet of mining ships, freighters, and transports, and a respectable fleet of combat ships.

On this board, I'm a bit more upstanding.

Give me a shout sometime.
Captain Larraq said:

That's a good one.
[member="Captain Larraq"]

You? Upstanding? Well slap me silly and call me Sally, the world has gone coo-coo.

I still love ya' mate, your shenanigans are top notch
Alexander Nester said:
[member="Captain Larraq"]

You? Upstanding? Well slap me silly and call me Sally, the world has gone coo-coo.

I still love ya' mate, your shenanigans are top notch
Oh, you should see what I have planned for Larraq and Mandal Hypernautics once I hit Tier 6.

Much Shenanigans.
Where does an emperor's legitimacy come from? What right has a dictator to rule? The Remnant holds power because of the might of its faceless legions, not through consent of the governed. If the people have no say in who their leaders are, if they are punished for questioning the government that is supposed to protect them, they have no recourse but rebellion. This does not make them criminals; in seeking to establish just and equitable government, they are far better citizens than their oppressors.

The Remnant speaks of the "peace" they create. A graveyard is without conflict, and so is a high-security prison; it's not coincidence those are the two places they send anyone who doesn't fall in line with their uncompromising vision of order. The Rebel Alliance believes that peace is achieved by the free exchange of ideas between equals and the full participation of the governed in governing. Tyranny is not peace; it is a war waged by those in power against the marginalized, carried out by secret police and shows of military force.

Thus the Alliance is not starting a war; it's evening one out. Tyrants who rule by nothing more than fear will not respect meek civility, only force. The Rebel fleet will provide the oppressed with that force. With blaster bolts and proton torpedoes it will send the Remnant a message it would otherwise refuse to hear: the age of emperors is past, and calls for freedom can no longer be ignored. There will be casualties, but there are casualties right now, their struggle unreported because the Remnant snuffs them out in the shadows.

The Rebel Alliance will drag these deeds into the light. It will cast down the tyrants. It will bring freedom and, with it, a chance for true peace. Let the oppressors quake as they learn to fear the people they have terrorized. Let the oppressed rise up and join our struggle, forging their own destinies. Chains will be broken. Walls will be cast down. Cries for freedom will echo in the streets. It has begun, and it will not end until liberty reigns on the worlds so long denied the right to walk in their own way.

((That is to say, very much looking forward to this :)))
[member="Malachite Avachei"] So far as I can tell, only the Remnant and associated mercenaries are actually attacking the Rebels, though they're being materially supported by a couple of corporations and cheered on by... well, basically everyone. But nothing worth doing is ever easy.
[member="Fydiel Darraq"]

This is one of those things I wouldn't consider worth doing, really. The Republic will fall, and then every other faction on the board, with maybe, I dunno, three exceptions, will be turning their guns on you...

Good luck, I guess, from one of the guys who'll be doing the shooting...
I think our measures of what's "worth doing" are rather different, then. To me, something "worth doing" isn't something simple, easy, or even likely to succeed. It's something that has meaning, something that takes a stand. If everyone comes gunning for the Rebellion, honestly, it means we're doing something right. We're a fleet, not a territory; we'll keep moving and fighting as long as we can, making every life and every battle count. Are we going to eradicate tyranny from the galaxy? No. Can we kick it in the nuts and spit in its face? We'll certainly try.

The nobility of the effort, not its practicality, is what makes it worth doing.

[member="Malachite Avachei"]
Considering we were invited to the world that is now our capital, another we control is an old fortress world, and the third is currently being terraformed to become a refugee center, I think your claims are baseless. As for the Emperor and Empress, the Emperor is a Pallopides and the Empress is a Fel. I think their names speak to their heritage well enough.
Mason Deschart said:
I think their names speak to their heritage well enough.
That means nothing if they are incompetent. All that means is their ancestor was something. Not that they're any good.

I'm a street urchin. Descended from a line of street urchins. I've controlled entire planets.

Blood means nothing unless you want it to.
Mason Deschart said:
Considering we were invited to the world that is now our capital, another we control is an old fortress world, and the third is currently being terraformed to become a refugee center, I think your claims are baseless. As for the Emperor and Empress, the Emperor is a Pallopides and the Empress is a Fel. I think their names speak to their heritage well enough.
You're actually the least Imperial imperialists I've ever seen... Even just the fact of shared power between the two shows that...
[member="Mason Deschart"] ((Note: if I'm jeopardizing the 'no OOC drama' facet of this conflict, tell me and I'll stop. I'm not seeing this that way, but I don't want to go too far or offend anyone. This should stay fun.))

Their names? Their family lines? What kind of justification is that for a system of government? No one is born a good ruler; that comes with experience. And yet the Remnant seems to act as if the Emperor and Empress, because of surnames they inherited through no merit of their own, are automatically fit to enact legislation affecting the fates of billions of sentients. In fact, their vaunted families isolated them from the people. What do a Fel and a Pallopides know about life outside the Imperial Palace? How can they understand the ordinary masses of the Remnant's population?

Just because the Remnant has convinced people that they need the Imperial brand of order doesn't mean it's actually in the people's interest. An old fortress world has had centuries to be brainwashed. An invitation to tyrants is easy to imagine when a planet's people sees no option other than to submit or be vulnerable; we represent the third path, an ability to safeguard one's own freedom. A refugee center is an excellent publicity move that also brings people from dozens of worlds under iron hand of the Emperor.

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