Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Deep Black Sea (PM or sign up first)

Location: Team Desh's transport
Objective: Making a list cheeking it twice
[member="Pibit"] [member="Manu Xextos"] [member="Jericho"] @any one else on the team

A lot went into making sure all was ready before making land fall. Giving the task of a lot of date to be shifting threw, most was very useless. Going to unknown planet wasn't the best way to spend the day. If it got them what they need for the ship. It would be well worth it, as a matter of speaking. Looking on board to see who was all there looking at one of her team member coming over to him. She knew little of his species. Giving off her friendly smile upon her own lips.

"Greetings a good morning.", it was going to go into details that she been in deep meditation all night. Finding herself waiting for the other of her team including her team leader [member="Manu Xextos"] but knowing with what he been through might need a bit more time to recover.

Then there was the matter of [member="Jericho"] one of her dearest friends on board. They been on other mission before that had see more then their fair share of something going wrong. Making sure that she had some Peace Peaches ready to go. Spotting Jericho as she went up to him, kissing him lightly on the cheek as a greeting that she gave those that she knew and cared deeply about.

Spotting the Redhead that would be on the team. Some kind of farmer from the what she had gathered but not for sure. It wasn't until they was all board. Making sure she had the equipment need to do what need for this virus after all she wasn't going to take a chance.
Team Aleph
Absolution | Crew Deck
[member="Simone"] | [member="Judah Dashiell"]

Anija had caught snatches of the comm chatter over the last several hours, but paid it little to no attention. Her main concern right now was the ship, and making sure it was safe to venture into the corridors without fear of explosive decompression or the like. With the likelihood of such an occurrence close to zero, she felt it safe to venture outside the engineering control room for now. When she did, she noticed the power cables snaking across the decking.

She chuckled slightly and headed towards the lift as she activated her comm. "Chief Dashiell. Ordo. I'm going to take a look at those raider boarding craft that are still connected to our airlocks on the crew deck. If you need me, just comm..." And with that, she headed to the nearest lift and made her way to the crew decks.

[[Sorry for short post... having a hard time finding muse.]]

"We can't move the Absolution to that system, Lieutenant, but you're cleared for use of the sensor and communications jammers, the Ranger transceiver, and the comms array. The transceiver has a range of a hundred light-years. Between those four systems, I'm confident you can figure out a way to reach out and touch someone."
Team Besh: The Absolution Strikes Back
The Absolution’s long-range sensors and Ranger transceiver have located a raider base in the nearby NW-2 system. The planet’s inhabitants are Houks with a medieval level of technology; the raider base is in orbit, on a moon. The raiders have numerous, various starfighters and small capital ships. The raid will include two squadrons of Cutter-class Interceptors and two squadrons of Stormhammer-class fighter-bombers, along with a handful of personal transports and shuttles. If possible, board the raider base and secure whatever medical supplies may be there. If possible, capture at least one raider starship intact. Team lead is Commander [member="Chloe Blake"]. Potential team members are Chief [member="Ermac Laith"], [member="Nickolas Imura"], [member="Celeste Leon"], [member="Jared Ovmar"], [member="Catherine Maxwell"], [member="Silara Vantai"] and @Naast’ika Laaran.

The Niathal-class shuttle bucked and jolted around Rave like a Sithspawn in the painful process of de-alchemization. She'd leaped to hyperspace slightly in advance of the strike force, and was currently paying the price for jumping the gun. Concerted pirate fire crashed into the Mon Cal shields, and she slewed to port, moving up and down sinusoidally. Her motion aimed to draw fire and attention away from the incoming strike force, and to, you know, keep her personally alive. Admittedly, she was far from the galaxy's greatest pilot, but she was a Merrill, even if by adoption.


Home Base
The Bridge

"Roger that." Simone muttered a smile forming on her lips as fingers danced across the console. Screens flickered as data began to flow from the raiders pad. Their itinerary, the inventory of the Aboslution, access codes to the raiders base and some obscene love letters which made the zeltron wrinkle her nose in disgust. Satisfied she'd nothing to worry about in terms of firewall or virus protection, she reconnected the console to the network.

"Alright cowboys," she pulled up a hologram of the raiders base. "Lets see how you like it."

She started with the basics. Jamming their comms, disrupting their sensors. Then, with access codes to hand, she began to gain remote access to their systems. Like a kid in a candy shop, Simone was grinning from ear to ear and humming to herself as she shifted to the edge of her chair. Their weren't top of the range systems, she'd faced worse trials than this, she simply hoped that who ever was on the other side was as she was. Where was the fun without a challenge.

"Hello automated guns." She said softly, fingers danced "Good night automated guns." She shut them down. That should ease some of the flak the inbound fighters were getting. "Captain, I'm in." she watched the screen carefully waiting for a sign that someone had noticed her. "Unchallenged as yet. How badly do you want this to hurt?"

[member="Jorus Merrill"]

@Team Besh
Team Cresh: Away Team One

“Well, if we can get’em towards a cliff or whatnot, could do it dat way!” Jaani exclaimed. “Wesa best split the transports to cover different areas. Mesa figures less attention taking a few nerf from lots of herds, that lots of nerf from u…one,” Jaani said, just managing to correct himself before using the gunganese number. He was getting better, at least. He still used to odd phrasing and word that was frowned upon in common basic when trying to explain himself. Still, he could order drinks pretty confidently now. He needed to go and enjoy his earnings from time to time of course! People were friendlier when you splashed some credits, regardless of species.

Jaani padded quietly down the ramp onto the soft ground of the world. As he stepped out he reached down and placed a hand on the earth. He felt the strange grass in between his fingers, smelt a new air. He’d discovered his affinity for exploring out here in Esk. He’d often spent weeks freely roaming Naboo. That variation in climate, flora and fauna was multiplied by the vast number of both inhabited and habited worlds when one could freely explore the whole galaxy. Every world had its own sights and smells. The ground underfoot felt different one every world. If he focussed he could feel a different rhythm, which came out when he took the time to play on his bone ocarina.

He pointed with one of his spears to a rocky outcropping a click way. “The Nerf herd is the other side of that. We should surround them and herd them to the cliffs below,” he suggested. His eyes briefly swivelled on stalks to the forests off to their right. It would be dusk soon, he was concerned they’d have to deal with nexu.

How he must have looked to the well dressed and disciplined guards from the crew who had accompanied them with rifles. Pointing with a spear and garbed in a hide jerkin, his arms covered in both scars and tattoos. One of their gazes lingered on his face a little too long. He knew what they'd be thinking: how was that face so scarred yet the creature still alive. He wondered himself sometimes.

As Mrrew stepped down the ramp behind [member="Jaani Doosun"], and noticed teh stares of the others, he realized how odd their team leaders must look. A seven foot gungan dressed in animal skins, and an eight foot Togorian with a sword hanging from his belt. On the bright side, they probably woulnd't have to worry about Nexu much. Heh. Mrrew glanced at Jaani, then to the cliff face, as he gave his suggestion. That could work, corner the Nerf at the cliff. And picking off from multiple herds could be a good idea, too. Draw less attention. The less the Nerfs noticed them, the better. A stampede was no laughing matter.

"Probably a good idea." Mrrew sniffed the air, looking off in the horizon. They were probably the first sentients from the Greater Galaxy to ste foot on this planet in who knows how long. Interseting, if you thought about it. He wondered to himself if there were any unqiue species here ripe for the pickings- like the ones they found on the jungle world. "We each lead a team, then?"
Team Besh: The Absolution Strikes Back
Naithal Class Shuttle
Objective: Approach Raider Base
Chief [member="Ermac Laith"], [member="Nickolas Imura"], [member="Celeste Leon"], [member="Jared Ovmar"], [member="Catherine Maxwell"], [member="Silara Vantai"] and @Naast’ika Laaran.

Catherine Maxwell wouldn't be too far off. Interceptors would head their way as soon as they were flagged. They were going to go in hot.

[member="Rave Merrill"] did a grand job at being a distraction, and Chloe was going to make sure they took every advantage of it.

[ Closing in on the Raider Base. ] her voice would blast out through the comm, niathal shuttle shuddering enough to wake up [member="Celeste Leon"] from her little cat nap.

[ Hope you are in for some boarding action Security Chief, ] Chloe would tell [member="Ermac Laith"]. [ Get your crew, I will get you in as fast as I can. ]

The bridge of the Niathal was a flurry of activity.
[member="Mrrew"] "Sounds good, let's get on it!" Jaani replied. He eyed the woods in the distance suspiciously before turning and looking at the vehicles being brought down from the shuttle. "How fast does that go?" Jaani asked one of the crew, pointing towards a speeder bike.

"Oh only around six hundred kay pee aitch," he replied with a shrug.

Jaani grunted and mumbled something under his breath.


"I said mesa ride back of da speeder I tink," Jaani replied clearly.

"Fair enough," replied the crewman with a shrug. Without waiting Jaani leapt into the back of the speeder. It already had his bag of tools, which included a number of spears. He figured he'd leave the rifle work to the guards who'd brought theirs. He clicked his electropole down to stun, hopefully they could use the bikes and the speeder to herd the nerf.

There was a lot of laughing and back-patting among the crew. It seemed going for a hunt was a great outdoor experience for them. For the seasoned Gungan, it was all business.
Mrrew glanced at the speeders as well. He would have to dot he same as the Gungan, he doubted he could fit on one of those speederbikes... The Togorian stepped over to one of teh speeders, watching another one of them hover into the air. Wait. This could be a lot easier. Before [member="Jaani Doosun"] rode off into the Nexu-infested sunset, Mrrew made a sound somehwere between clearing his throat and a loud growl, obviously to get his attention.

"How high can the speeders hover...? Out of Nexu range...?" This coudl save them a lot of trouble trying to avoid the local predators.

Catherine Romanov

Team Besh: The Absolution strikes back
Location: Cutter-class Interceptor
Objective: Engage enemy interceptors/fighters
Team Members: [member="Ermac Laith"], [member="Chloe Blake"], [member="Nickolas Imura"], [member="Jared Ovmar"], [member="Celeste Leon"], [member="Silara Vantai"], @Naast’ika Laaran

The raider base disgorged waves of interceptors as the ships of Team Besh came into view. The stream of enemy fighters raced towards their targets, urgency in their behaviour. They opened fire, turning the surrounding areas akin to a laser show. A deadly one. Catherine peeled off the shuttle and sped off, weaving in and out of blaster cannon fire, the adeptly made fighter more than capable for the task. Fierce dogfighting ensued. Blaster & laser fire were exchanged between ships from both sides, and casualties were claimed.

Out of the corner of her peripheral vision, Catherine noticed a fighter breaking off from the main group. Latching onto the interceptor who was on a diving turn. He was getting dangerously close to the main shuttle group. Quickly catching up to him, she opened fire at him with calculated precision. The laser cannon of the cutter interceptor spat out lasers rapidly, before letting loose a missile, hitting its mark, causing the enemy fighter to spiral out of control before turning into a fireball and exploding in the vicinity of the main Niathal shuttle, rocking the craft.
Location: Naithal Shuttle
Team Besh: Absolution Strikes Back
Objective: Stay Awake
Team Members: [member="Ermac Laith"], [member="Chloe Blake"], [member="Nickolas Imura"], [member="Jared Ovmar"], [member="Celeste Leon"], @Naasti'ka Laaran

While Silara had been juggling her sabers in air with the force some hours ago, she had eventually, after seemingly not hearing [member="Ermac Laith"] speak to her, tucked them away and dozed off. During her short nap they had jolted or something, which resulted in her striking her head against something hard, perhaps the wall behind her seat, which put her out like a light for quite some time. By the time she had woken back up her head had quite the bump on its rear and her ears were ringing as the shuttle roared on in what she could only comprehend as confusion to her. She had no idea what was going on, only that the shuttle had shaken her away and the ship was alive with action - only she'd been left to sleep in her uncomfortable little seat, buckled in. "This is why I hate flying." She grumbled, reaching down to remove the safety harness from its locked position and slowly rose up from the seat, taking a moment to stretch and crack her neck throughout the commotion. All she could make out, with the blaring siren-like warning that she was getting through the force at this point, was their landing was going to be a little bit more than a rough landing.

(OOC: Sorry about not posting, I got really busy with work and hadn't really noticed most of the notifications, except from what I got from Rave)
Location: Naithal Shuttle
Team Besh: Absolution Strikes Back
Objective: Prepare for Boarding
Team: [member="Chloe Blake"] [member="Silara Vantai"] [member="Celeste Leon"] [member="Catherine Maxwell"] [member="Nickolas Imura"] [member="Jared Ovmar"]
...Laith didn't mind that the woman didn't answer him, he didn't mind socializing but he realized his particular skill set may have ensured he had little in common with the others he was working with, he returned to checking his weapon for what was likely a fourth time and maybe a fifth after that. Eventually Laith would have tipped his head backwards, closed his eyes beneath the cover of his helm and allowed himself a few moments to relax and enjoy the calm before the storm as it were. As it happened the explosions that rocked around the ship coupled with a bit of turbulence jostled him back awake and blinking his eyes a few times while exhaling a slow sigh when another moment of peace and quiet was lost he would climb onto his feet and switch the safety on his Assault Rifle off...

...when he heard Chloe Blake come over comms he'd have answered...
"Don't worry honey, this is what I do."...he had that kind of arrogant bravado about him though it wasn't unjustified considering how many times Laith had seen action and lived to talk about it now. Once he was on his feet Laith moved towards the shuttle docking ramp to await his opportunity to board the enemy while calling back over the comms..."Anyone on this ship looking to get off at the Raider base get on your feet and be ready!"...his voice came across the comms loud, he wanted to make sure everyone was awake...

...then he'd reach up, grab a handle with his left hand, and wait for the ramp to lower so that he could storm out in a blaze of gunfire and drop anyone who was in his sights. After all this was over Laith decided he'd have to help himself to a stiff drink...
[member="Anija Ordo"]

"Understood. You can just call me Judah by the way, its easier." It was easier for him anyways. Judah wasn't here to impress anyone or get a kick out of being called Chief. There was a reason he left the military long ago after all. Shifting around in his cramped little space, static crackled across the communication system briefly before he spoke further. "We're almost done with the important things in here. I'm sure you won't mind if we join you for the jaunt?"
Mrrew said:
"How high can the speeders...
Neeaaaoooowwww the air speeder screeched into life and accelerated away before they could hear what [member="Mrrew"] was suggesting. They moved down one flank of the herd, on the side of the woodlands. The nerf picked up their ears as they approached. Several speeder bikes rode alongside them. As they closed on the herd they turned and bolted as one group. Not too fast, and it wasn't a large enough herd that they'd start trampling each other yet.

Jaani's speeder kept close to the main herd, trying to guide it down into the ravine and towards the cliff face. Jaani leant out of the back of the speeder and administered prods with his electropole. One particularly stubborn nerf needed a gentle nudge from the whole speeder to get it back on track.
Mrrew blinked as [member="Jaani Doosun"]'s team drove off at speeds high enough to pulverize anything they hit. Well then. The Togorian turned to his own team, dishing out instructions. He had an idea that could very well both capture large amounts of Nerf as wel as gaurentee that none of the hunters were injured by a stampeded. Or, hopefully,a Nexu. However it required the entire team worked as a unit... If one person failed- they were all going to get trampled. He made the clear.

After a minute of discussing the new plan, hunters an Mrrew alike poured into speeders- a group of men in full speeders going in one direction, and Mrrew int he back of a speeder escorted by a group of speederbikes sped off in the other direction.

(Sorry for shabby roleplay, I jist woke up)
"What's that?" shouted one of the guards over the noise of the speeder. Jaani looked over his shoulder into the distance a swore. A few hundred yards away, hunkered down behind a tuft of grass was a nexu. It stayed very still, it's fur well matched to the grassland.

"You and you," Jaani said to two of the guards. "Keep yoosa eyes open, watch for more!" he pointed to two guards towards the corners of the air speeder, on the opposite side of the nerf herd. They kept the herd moving towards their goal, wary of the danger. It was likely that the movement of the herd meant they'd past a family of nexu, who had come to watch. As Jaani looked back, one of the guards was keeping his rifle trained on the nexu, which was now jogging along to keep pace with the herd.

Hopefully the nerf wouldn't smell or spot them. If they saw the apex predators they'd probably charge, or at the least be less pliable about the current herding.

Desh – Team 2
Medical staff

They moved through the village towards what looked like the hut of the leader, was there leader a shaman or a general and how would she know the difference. She kept her gaze ahead as her mind sifted through information taken in by her senses.

She could see no one was sickly that meant they were eating well which meant there was a food source. Was it exactly what the Captain wanted she didn’t know yet but grains were grains. Rianna would have to use comprehend in order to be able to speak with her captors.

There was something that did not seem right there were so few children, were they off somewhere else perhaps schooling, or a doctor. That would bode well as they would be use to dealing with outsiders. But. Rianna dismissed that thought otherwise they would not have met them, but then maybe that is why they met them.

“I am Rianna I’m a doctor” why did she say that she never introduced herself that way were the words coming out in sounds that the villagers would understand. The group that had captured them stood firm in a row looking at the intruders…..meaning her.

“I heal things” she did things, people, sometimes solutions. She kept her hands up and open, “do you need help?”

There was a long pause as they all sat thinking deciphering her words to make them into something they could listen to. They seemed to understand, until the elder stood in the doorway, a single finger rose shaking it slowly.
Team Aleph: Absolution Crew Decks
[member="Judah Dashiell"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"]

A light chuckle sounded over the comm for a moment. "Not at all... Judah.." Her tone was.. odd as she spoke his first name. Not something she was used to doing. Most raised in Mandalorian society were used to addressing people by their clan name or rank, so it was a bit strange for her. But a welcome change nonetheless. At this point, the lift had reached the crew deck. Stepping out into the corridor, Anija glanced first to the left and the right. The overhead lights were back on, and she could see that they had brightened considerably since she'd left the engineering bays.

That was a good sign. With what she and Judah had done from Engineering, and whatever they were fixing now, it appeared that main power was holding steady. Rounding a corner in the corridor, her boots scraped slightly on the decksole. Across the corridor, she could see it. The nose of some sort of boarding craft had pierced the outer wall on one of the starboard cabins. The durasteel was bent inward as if pierced by a spear, and the hatch to the cabin in question had then been blown outward. The remnants of it lay scattered across the decksole.

"Judah. Anija. I've found what appears to be one of several entry point for our boarders. I'm on Deck 5. Crew quarters. Cabin..." she checked the plate by the door. "Cabin 5-21. Starboard side. I'm going to take a look now.." As she spoke, she checked her helmet again and drew one of her rippers, checking the setting on it as she lifted it in front of her, guiding with it as she stepped foot into the cabin. The room within was bright, but a bit of smoke and haze obscured parts of the room as she glanced around. The room itself lay in shambles. Every drawer and closet had been ripped open.

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