Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Deep Black Sea (PM or sign up first)

Mrrew had just made his way to wherever the heck everybody was, and handed the pirate off to someone with a pair of stun cuffs*, when the captain begun his speech. Barabel tribes. What was a Barabel again? Was it one of those lizard-people? He guessed he'd have to wait and see. The Togorian raised the whiskers over his eyes as he heard that the captain was awarding him a momento; a powerful shotgun. He nodded his thanks to [member="Jorus Merrill"], but didn't say anything else. As cliche as it sounded, he was sure the captain would've done the same if Mrrew had been the one to knock his head against a wall.

His job sounded easy. Secure some Nerfs, fend off some Nexus. He was very familiar with Nerfs- he'd guarded a herd of them for over a year. I tshouldn't be hard at all. The Nexus would be the bigger problem... He was ecstatic to hear he'd be working with [member="Jaani Doosun"] as co-team leaders of this, however. He was confident they'd be able to fend off any Nexu, and secure some nerfs, even if it was just them. He wasn't quite sure about the team... Three people he'd never heard of before; [member="Gabriel Itera"], @Lucier Erebus, and [member="Lord Daemos"].And [member="Marek Starchaser"]? At least he knew him, but wasn't he a CEO of an entertainment company? They were sending him to hunt Nexu? Interesting choice. But who was he to complain. At least he didn't have to do it alone. The Togorian stood at the back of the room, waiting for the team of people assigned to hunt Nerf to more or less condense into one group. It would be easier then trying to pick random people out of a crowd...

(*since we don't need to capture pirates anymore ._.)

(Looks like this is going to be fun. Ty for the Shotgun. :))
Jaani threw his bag down onto the deck of the hangar bay as he strode in. He rolled his shoulders and stretched out. It wasn't necessary, just habitual. Back on naboo he'd always tried to show off his scarred and we'll muscled arms. Jaani had been such a proud warrior. Big fish, small pond, went the saying he had learned since venturing out into the galaxy.

His ribs ached still, where the blade had parted his flesh. The vibro knife had made a clean cut, which had since been stitched and covered in bacta patches. Using his left arm too vigorously could still reopen the wound, even if he was a quick healer, as the doctor had remarked.

He wandered over to [member="Mrrew"] to discuss their approach. He'd actually hunted wild nerf before, the less domesticated could actually be surprisingly dangerous in large numbers. They'd need to catch a lot too. He reckoned at two meals per day, eight nerf per day for the crew. Best to catch a weeks worth and start butchering and freezing. They could also do with some calorie dense carbohydrate based foods too, hopefully the other team would get some grain. People could go a lot longer without meat, than they could basic carbs. He would tell the togorian as much when he found him.

OOC/ If anyone could notice that Jaani has a connection to the Force at some point in this story and point it out to him, that would be really useful for character development!
Team Desh [member="Manu Xextos"] @the rest of team participating

Rianna sat on the shuttle reaching out with the force to see if she could find a connection to the world below. The long slender bonds of the force that bound all things together sparkled pulling her meditation to many strong force connections. A grove of trees that she could see it glowed blue shimmers it was incandescent so strong was the color it drew her deeper.

not before the green halos off to the left trembled as if trying to get her attention to say here I am come here. There was much to see here but these things were not quite all they were looking for they needed gains, and vegetables and then there was medicinal herbs. On a strange world it would be difficult to locate the properties of the herbs, a gathering of many with testing to find their healing properties would be the greatest value to the Absolution.

The shuttle broke through the atmosphere Rianna could feel the shifts of the magnetic fields telling her they were headed to the landing zone that had been prechosen. Pulling herself from the meditation. She remembered all that they brought for trade hoping that they could work with the local tribes to supply the ship.
Team Besh: The Absolution Strikes Back
Naithal Class Shuttle
Objective: Approach Raider Base
...his place on one of the Naithal-Class Shuttles was almost guaranteed considering that while the Mercenary turned Security Chief was many things he was not an apt starfighter pilot. He might be able to steer one if he had no other option but things being what they were he would gladly take a seat on the Shuttle where he made himself comfortable and prepared for the assault of the Raiders base. Instinctively he thought of an assault because it could be no other way; these people had attacked the Absolution and while they had contained the biological weapon and restored the ship to full operational capacity it did not change the matter. According to Laith all these raiders should die but he could be accused of taking an extreme view on a situation that required a subtle touch...

...on board the Shuttle he had found his place in the rear near the boarding ramp ensuring that he could be one of the first out with weapons ready. He didn't know how long until they reached their destination but it should only be minutes at most and Laith took the time to double check his equipment and ensure that it was all in working condition. Before he had left on the mission Jorus had given Laith his knife, a cortosis blade, which could become useful if Laith was forced to face down a Jedi, or any other force user for that matter. He held the blade up in front of his eyes, regarding it and its craftsmanship, before burying it deep in a sheath that he wore on his right hip...

...outside of the Absolution and expecting a combat situation Laith wore his Beskar'gam, equipped with a datapad integrated into its right forearm and several other surprises including a helmet package that was outfitted with a three hundred and sixty degree hud, friend/foe designator and different modes of vision. The Armor also came with vacuum seals and an independent oxygen supply ensuring the Mercenary could remain viable in almost any combat situation. He'd brought his CZ-836 Assault Rifle with him for the mission and several additional clips of ammunition, his Vibrosword was also sheathed across his back with its hilt extending up over his left shoulder and if the mission got extremely heated Laith would always be able to fall back on a handful of grenades he ensured he kept close at hand. As expected the Chief was ready for action...

...switching on his comms he'd attempt to get the attention of Chloe Blake, the lead on this mission, when he said...
"Commander Blake do we have a plan?"...which was followed by..."Do you have directives?"...she was the lead so Laith would follow her orders within reason though if she knew anything hard about the man Chloe could expect that he would take certain liberties with her orders here and there that would compliment his rather brutal demeanor when it came to dealing with opposition. Expect casualties in other words. After that his comms went silent as he awaited a response, his head would tip downwards and he would reach across to punch a code into his datapad and read the limited information they had for this mission. He expected that turbulence, laser fire and explosions would follow shortly considering the Raiders would have their own garrison and should be able to see the approaching squadrons and shuttles...
[member="Chloe Blake"]
Team Besh: The Absolution Strikes Back
Naithal Class Shuttle
Objective: Approach Raider Base
Chief [member="Ermac Laith"], [member="Nickolas Imura"], [member="Celeste Leon"], [member="Jared Ovmar"], [member="Catherine Maxwell"], [member="Silara Vantai"] and @Naast’ika Laaran.

[ This is Commander Blake, ] her voice would come through the comm. [ The Absolution’s long-range sensors and Ranger transceiver have located a raider base in the nearby NW-2 system -- likely the base of operations of our earlier 'guests.']

Throughout the two squadrons of Cutter-class interceptors, Stormhammer-class fighter-bombers, transports, and shuttles, the briefing would relay her light Corellian drawl.

[ The planet’s inhabitants are Houks with a medieval level of technology; and that raider base on a moon in orbit. Intel suggests that the raiders have numerous, various starfighters and small capital ships. ]

Her blue eyes would narrow upon the holographic array that would detail the layout.

[ Our objective is to board the raider base and secure whatever medical supplies may be there. ] she'd lean forward against the holoarray, wisps of blonde hair falling over her brow.

[ If possible, capture at least one raider starship intact - I want to know what kind of technology managed to knock out @Naast’ika Laaran. ]
Team Besh: The Absolution Strikes Back
Start Location: The Absolution
Objective: Approach Raider Base
Chief [member="Ermac Laith"], [member="Chloe Blake"], [member="Celeste Leon"], [member="Jared Ovmar"], [member="Catherine Maxwell"], [member="Silara Vantai"] and @Naast’ika Laaran ,

Taking a hold of the pirate that I had, I moved on towards the hangar bay. Dropping her down onto her knees in front of the others that were being guarded. Grabbing one of the men's attention, I pointed to her, but was stopped when a transmission came on. From an old friend, if you could really call her that anymore since I was a Sith now, Chloe was there, just her chest and shoulders and up as her message came across to me. Saying that we needed to raid the base of operations on NW-2. Gathering medical supplies and taking a vessel over. Since I already have done that once, and my brother was known for taking on entire ships on his own, I might as well do that just to keep up the name of the family.

"Consider it done." Turning to the soldier, I pointed to the pirate again. "No one talks to her, Got me? I have some personal business with this woman." The soldier nodded his head and cuffed the woman. I nodded a thanks to him as I walked towards my own ship. Getting into the cabin, I flipped various amount of switches and clicked buttons and likewise to set the ship to my liking before using the joysticks to lift the ship off of the floor of the hangar bay. Moving out through the field of energy keeping the breathable oxygen in, The ship was leaving the hangar bay.

"I hate space sometimes."
Team Besh: The Absolution Strikes Back
Naithal Class Shuttle
Objective: Doing Something Moderately Important.
Chief [member="Ermac Laith"], [member="Nickolas Imura"], [member="Jared Ovmar"], [member="Catherine Maxwell"], [member="Silara Vantai"], [member="Chloe Blake"], and [member="Naast'ika Laaran"]

Leon sat in a chair on board Chloe Blake's shuttle, though the term 'sat' was somewhat generous. Truly, she more or less sprawled in the seat like it was an overstuffed chair. One leg was hooked over the arm of the shuttle's chair, the other stretched out on the floor with her boot's toe pointed at the ceiling. She'd taken her cutlasses off her belt and held them in her arms, hugging them to her chest as she leaned back in the seat, her body shifted so that her rear was on the seat's edge and her head rested on the chair's back. It looked extremely uncomfortable to most who spent little or only moderate amounts of time in space or in cramped confines, but to those who understood, they realized that Leon was extremely comfortable. That said, anyone could probably tell as much from the soft snores coming from the sleeping woman.

The past events on board the ship were stressful, to say the least. As a full night's rest was out of the equation, but she was pulled off of helm duties to help with this little raid, she had figured a cat nap was in order. And so, she found a nice chair, got comfortable, and passed out for a short while.

Life was rough on a black-sea sailor.
Team Desh - Away Team Two
[member="Manu Xextos"] [member="Pibit"] [member="Jericho"] @any others from medical

The shuttle was making the turn that would line it up to set down in the designated area. Rianna was prepared now keeping her thoughts organized, she smoothed out her shirt ensuring the hem reached just above her knees. She looked shorter this way, shorter would be less imposing on the people she meant to interact with.

She was glad to be off the ship to be planet side to feel the warmth and flow of the force. She began to feel the ebbing of the force as it washed over everyone, everything, and drew the tendrils of connection tighter. She walked down the ramp, "Lieutenant, the village in mind is about click and half west. If you can make a deal we'll move closer and pick up whatever you barter for" Rianna nodded, "Ok I will be in touch"

This was opportunity to walk after being in space for so long. A gentle breeze blew against her skin, pushing her hair back softly. Rianna laughed, if only this would go that smoothly.

Catherine Romanov

Team Besh: The Absolution strikes back
Current Location: Cutter-class Interceptor
Objective: Part of the escort for the lead shuttle
[member="Ermac Laith"], [member="Nickolas Imura"], [member="Jared Ovmar"], [member="Silara Vantai"], [member="Chloe Blake"], [member="Naast'ika Laaran"]

Catherine was back in her Cutter interceptor, flying as one of the escort fighters for the lead Niathal Shuttle. The shuttle carried the members of Team Besh that weren't flying their own ships. They carried Chief [member="Ermac Laith"], and Commander [member="Chloe Blake"] among others. Her job as part of the escorts were to protect the shuttle by intercepting any fighters sent out by the raiders.

She flew steadily beside the shuttle, keeping her craft's speed consistent with the shuttle. She afforded a glance towards the shuttle, before keeping her eyes locked on the horizon. They should be approaching the base soon. The raiders would be sending our their own interceptors soon. That was the right thing to do. She had to be ready. Who was she kidding? She was always ready.
Team Cresh: Away Team One

Jaani picked up the next bag of supplies and lobbed it into the back of the speeder. Jaani's left arm slipped and the bag spun end over and end landed in the back awkwardly. The Gungan grimaced, trying to ignore the pain across his left forearm and down his ribs. He definitely needed to be wary of his current limitations, as hardy as he was.

He'd found a collection of sharp knives, and had stolen some implements from the medical ward. They'd need to butcher the carcasses on-world in his view. The meat could be packed tightly in sealed freezer boxes. That way each of the vessels should be able to bring back at least four nerf each - a good week's worth of meat for the crew.

Security staff who had been assigned to assist the team milled about the deck, bored and disinterested. They were there to assist in keeping away any predators. Jaani hoped they could keep the flat, open terrain as much as possible. He'd consulted his Kresch on species of the galaxy and had found that the Nexu was quick, stealthy, and able to move between trees.


Fortunately, Nerf tended to stick to open terrain as well. The landspeeder, now loaded, slid up the ramp into the dull-copper coloured shuttle. Already one of the first of the group was lifting off and leaving the Absolution. Jaani walked beside the speeder as it settled into the back of the shuttle, a quick glance to double check that he'd brought his preferred lengths and weights of electropoles for hunting.

OOC/ Anyone else for away team one?
(Sorry for not replying, was waiting to see if any of our other team members would show)

Mrrew was not sure whether to be happy that he wasn't hunting with anyone he didn't know, or slightly dissapointed that no one else showed up. The Togorian shrugged. He was confident that he and [member="Jaani Doosun"] could complete the task. They'd hunted the original K'kayeh dragon... Nexus were practically fleas compared to that. Mrrew had gone briefly to his quarters to collect the gear he needed; all his normal equipment, his Chiru rifle, and everything else he thought he might need. This shouldn't be hard.

Mrrew walked along behind Jaani, nodding as he went. He still never got around to reading the crew manifest... He had no idea how many nerfs they would need. "How much meat do you think we'll have to gather? How many are we feeding?" Mrrew spoke as the ramp to the shuttle slowly raised, sealing them inside for the quick space travel.


Inactive Character
Location: Team Desh's transport
[member="Manu Xextos"] [member="Jericho"] [member="Maya Whitelight"] @rianna be arkim

Pibit sat quietly in the same way a dog does in the corner of the small shuttle, watching the other members of his team. Their missions sounded easy enough; lnegotiate witha primitive tribe of Barabels. He was looking forward to observing their customs; he'd never met with a tribe of sentients as primitive as these supposedly were. On the other hand, the briefing had said they were infected with the plagiue that had briefly broken out on the ship... Was it airborne? And would they be able to clear it? Pibit honestly had no idea. Pibit fur moved fluidly between dbright orange and dark purple colors as he watched the others responsible for the task, waiting patiently for the ship to land. He was excited to observe a new culture, as well as nervous wondering whether or not they'd be able to help the Barabels... He certainly hoped so. All things would be revealed in time, though, he supposed.
"My reckoning at two meals per day, eight nerf per day for did crew of four tousand," Jaani replied. His head swayed slightly from side to side as he recalled the maths. "Two tonnes of meat a day, a little under two hundred kilos of lean meat per nerf."

"Da question for mesa is this: do we take our time or try and herd them into a pen? Nerf aren't scary alone, but a stampede can be problemo and attract attention! Quicker though."
Mrrew nodded. He knew that well enough. It had been his job for almost a year to defend a Nerf herd... He'd seen a stampede trample a Katarn to death, once. And Katarns were big enough to carry Wookiees. They didn't want a stampede. But they would need a lot of meat... Four thousand crew? This was going to be difficult. And people were going to get tired of Nerf pretty fast. "So if we get a weeks worth of food,.." Mrrew blinked. Living in a nomadic tribe, then a Nerf farm, dosen't do wonders for your math skills. He pulled out a datapad. A moment later, he frowned, and glanced up to Jaani. "70 Nerf. We have to kill seventy Nerf, without startling the herd into a stampede, without attracting Nexu."


"We'll have to Herd them into a place where they can't stampede, preferably somewhere where we have high ground. A cliff, or canyon if we can find one. Unless you have a better idea?"

[member="Jaani Doosun"]
Location: Naithal-class Shuttle

While her feet were planted firmly on the ground she felt empowered, useful, but in a seat aboard a shuttle moving rather quickly through space she felt anything but useful toward the current objective. For all of her abilities, her skills with a saber, it was all so insignificant while she was aboard space-craft. Needless to say all the Vahla did was fidget in her seat and hold both of her sabers in front of her, lifting them and lowering them with the force while she looked around to those in the shuttle with her. Letting out a sigh she leaned back and wondered when she'd get to see some action - something beyond being used as an electrical outlet.
Team Besh: The Absolution Strikes Back
Naithal Class Shuttle
...he'd heard Commander Blake come over comms and explain the mission to them though the reality was that he seriously doubted that he would be searching for medical supplies. It seemed infinitely more likely that his part in this mission would be to engage the Raiders in a firefight and secure the area for the others on the team. Well that or he'd simply run with the idea of a roaming firefight and do his best to cleanse the base of hostiles. Either way it aligned with his particular calling. Looking around himself, at the others assembled in the Shuttle, his eyes would eventually come to rest on her where she was sitting in her seat...

...remaining quiet while he watched her fidget and use the force to raise and lower the lightsabers in front of her he'd have eventually asked...
"No gun?"...he could tell she was a force user, that much was easy, however it always amused him to discover just how few of them carried any other weapons. Lightsabers were fine from what he'd seen, he had one after all, but there was something to be said about a reliable firearm. Anyways he was mildly curious is all though she might be able to tell considering his features were hidden behind the cover of his helm...

...leaning back into his own seat he'd have went on...
"Research Team, correct?"...he was sure he'd seen her in the labs on the Absolution once or twice during his patrols and the random walkabouts he performed...
[member="Silara Vantai"]
[member="Anija Ordo"] | Engineering Bays & Repairs

Others were fanning out to get supplies. The vessel had barely limped in place, it had been a battle to keep all systems up and running during their little jaunt. Judah been fighting the thing the entire way with Anija, even diverting power to lesser rooms to keep the corridors well lit and folks relatively happy. Relatively. Most were still a bit angry he didn't warn them about the gravity. At least it was up and running now.

Currently, Judah was helping out Engineering Crews get everything back online and working properly. Giant spools of wiring has been pulled from storage rooms, toolboxes and equipment littered the corridors like confetti. Sparks rained down in spots and folks shouted back and forth, checking connections at various junctures. Judah wasn't worried. He'd done more with less. The vessel had been well stocked. The supplies were there. It was just going to take labor to get everything done.

So labor he did. Judah stripped down to his undershirt, the white fabric growing sweaty and dirtier with each passing minute. The man was in the access shafts, cramped in the tight, hot and stale space with his equipment. Judah was fixing an issue with the air flow that had gone offline earlier. A relay had been damaged, causing the vents to clamp shut. No air in or out. Now he was up to his forearms in the relay box, wires hanging down like tinsel on a tree. His back was stiff from being cramped in the small area, laying down and looking up was the best position.

"Crews, report in. Anything of note?"

"Almost finished in this sector. We're about to rehook up the connections and turn the power on in this quadrant. Then we're onto the next."

"Good news then. Let's finish up the interior so we can take a jaunt and repair the outside, see what the astromechs have done."
Team Two Desh
[member="Pibit"] [member="Manu Xextos"] [member="Jericho"] @Anyone else in the medical group
(Waited 3 days)

Rianna stopped. Something had moved just outside of her peripheral vision slowly she turned to look stretching her senses. She sensed fear. Before she could say a word the group was surrounded by what could only be one of the tribes they were seeking out. She tried not to laugh as was her trait to do when slightly nervous, not she kept her gaze move from one to the other slowly turning she tried to identify the leader of the group the only distinction she could pick up now was a sense of satisfaction. They had caught them, if they had wanted them dead they would be by now.

Rianna raised her hands to show them empty a universal way to show that no harm was intended, The circle around them began to grow small as they dared to come closer there was nothing to fear here from them she could feel this without a word they began moving them towards the very place they had wanted to go, the village. Walking slowly along she could see their eyes studying them, just as she was trying to study them. An interesting situation to be in trying to find out about one another.


Home Base.

Simone's sat back in the comm station chair, one elbow resting on the arm, her hand supporting her head while the other drummed on the console edge. Nest to her hand rested the datapad she'd acquired from the pirates in the crew quarters. She stared at it, piercing it with a hard gaze. They'd brought a lot of trouble on board, upset her day and she wanted very much to get back at them. But she wasn't a fighter, nor was she a hunter gatherer so when the teams split up and departed, she stayed home. Whatever damage she could do, she could do from afar.

She sat up finally, making her decision she got to her feet and began manually disconnecting the console from the main network. If this thing had a virus loaded as protection, she wanted it isolated, not reaping more havoc within the ship. Sitting back down again she ducked under the console and pulled a panel free, tugging away a wire. Upright again, with connection in one hand and the datapad in the other she hesitated.

"Captain," she said softly over the comm, "With your permission, I'd like to pursue other avenues of attack on the raider base."

She connected the datapad, regardless of the Captain's response. After all, it was more of a courtesy call than a real request.

[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Anija Ordo"]

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