Mrrew had just made his way to wherever the heck everybody was, and handed the pirate off to someone with a pair of stun cuffs*, when the captain begun his speech. Barabel tribes. What was a Barabel again? Was it one of those lizard-people? He guessed he'd have to wait and see. The Togorian raised the whiskers over his eyes as he heard that the captain was awarding him a momento; a powerful shotgun. He nodded his thanks to [member="Jorus Merrill"], but didn't say anything else. As cliche as it sounded, he was sure the captain would've done the same if Mrrew had been the one to knock his head against a wall.
His job sounded easy. Secure some Nerfs, fend off some Nexus. He was very familiar with Nerfs- he'd guarded a herd of them for over a year. I tshouldn't be hard at all. The Nexus would be the bigger problem... He was ecstatic to hear he'd be working with [member="Jaani Doosun"] as co-team leaders of this, however. He was confident they'd be able to fend off any Nexu, and secure some nerfs, even if it was just them. He wasn't quite sure about the team... Three people he'd never heard of before; [member="Gabriel Itera"], @Lucier Erebus, and [member="Lord Daemos"].And [member="Marek Starchaser"]? At least he knew him, but wasn't he a CEO of an entertainment company? They were sending him to hunt Nexu? Interesting choice. But who was he to complain. At least he didn't have to do it alone. The Togorian stood at the back of the room, waiting for the team of people assigned to hunt Nerf to more or less condense into one group. It would be easier then trying to pick random people out of a crowd...
(*since we don't need to capture pirates anymore ._.)
(Looks like this is going to be fun. Ty for the Shotgun.
His job sounded easy. Secure some Nerfs, fend off some Nexus. He was very familiar with Nerfs- he'd guarded a herd of them for over a year. I tshouldn't be hard at all. The Nexus would be the bigger problem... He was ecstatic to hear he'd be working with [member="Jaani Doosun"] as co-team leaders of this, however. He was confident they'd be able to fend off any Nexu, and secure some nerfs, even if it was just them. He wasn't quite sure about the team... Three people he'd never heard of before; [member="Gabriel Itera"], @Lucier Erebus, and [member="Lord Daemos"].And [member="Marek Starchaser"]? At least he knew him, but wasn't he a CEO of an entertainment company? They were sending him to hunt Nexu? Interesting choice. But who was he to complain. At least he didn't have to do it alone. The Togorian stood at the back of the room, waiting for the team of people assigned to hunt Nerf to more or less condense into one group. It would be easier then trying to pick random people out of a crowd...
(*since we don't need to capture pirates anymore ._.)
(Looks like this is going to be fun. Ty for the Shotgun.