[member="Manu Xextos"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Mrrew"] | [member="Ermac Laith"]
Anija was just starting to get herself warmed to the point where she could move again when the comm panel on the wall next to her crackled to life once more. It made her jump slightly. Calming herself, she reached up with one hand to trigger the transmit button. her voice was a bit tense as she continued working to keep warm.
"Xextos, This is Anija Ordo. I'll get to it when I can. For the moment, I'm a bit more concerned with restoring gravity and power. I'm sure we'd all like a bit of warmth right about now..."
She shook her head at him and chuckled a bit before she cut the channel and went back to work. Awkwardly, she fiddled with controls on her gauntlet with her other hand, carefully reseating wires and checking connections. She did this for both gauntlets, and then carefully removed her
buy'ce to check it as well. She'd probably need to replace wiring later, but as long as it worked and did what she needed it to, she didn't much care right now.
After a few more minutes of fiddling, she carefully reconnected the final wire in her
buy'ce and replaced the access panel over the central processor and made sure it was secure. Once that was done, she carefully tried to power the armor's systems back on. A few seconds later, telltales flickered to life on her gauntlet, and inside her buy'ce as she slid it back on. The few minutes exposed to the open air had chilled her again.
She picked up with the heating technique she'd been using before, as she watched more systems come online in her beskar'gam. Finally, ANNE's voice filtered into her ears, a bit distorted at first. And then it cleared.
Was wondering when you'd wake up.. she muttered in Anija's ear. Anija's response was to roll her eyes.
"And you couldn't do anything to help, either... Kriffing shock grenade..." She sighed,
"Run a systems analysis. I need to know what I've got to work with. Also, we need to get light back online, and then life support and gravity."
She continued ticking off things on her fingers as ANNE went to work. Making her her toes her hooked securely, Anija began to look over the engineering console in front of her. Looks like the shock grenade knocked out this panel as well. Though, we should be able to a hard restart on it...." She frowned and studied it closer for a few moments before [member="Simone"]'s voice came over the shipwide comm. Grumbling, Anija triggered the wall comm with her elbow.
"Copy that. I'm working to restore power to the consoles down here, first. Priority after that is Lights, air and Gravity... in that order."
Grumbling a bit to herself, she closed the channel and went back to working on the console in front of her. It was the main console which controlled power aboard the ship, but she could also access life support and other systems if needed. She fiddled with a few more wires before triggering the comm.
"Stand by, I'm attempting to at least get power to the interior lights....." She tweaked a couple more wires and then flipped the reset switch which was recessed into the panel's side.
A grin spread across her face as telltales flickered to life across the console's surface. Most of them were red, but she could see a few slowly cycling into yellow. She stared at the panel, her eyes dazzled for a moment by the flickering lights, even with the glowrod. When the telltales for the ship's power systems cycled into green, she triggered t he comm again.
"Shield your eyes, please... lights coming up... now..." she continued as she flipped on last switch. Lights did flicker on over head. Weakly at first, but then they gained strength.
Lighting has been repaired. Main power coming back online.
Heat/Life Support and Gravity to follow (Next post)