Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Deep Black Sea (PM or sign up first)

Mrrew slowly navigated the corridors blindly, listening to people waking up over his comlink. He had absaloutely no idea where he was going. Even if he found the backup generators, he wouldn't know how to activate them. Really he was just wandering aimlessly, waiting for something significant to happen. He could hear voices trhough the air ducts that dotted the corridors, signialling that the rest of the crew was waking up. Maybe one of them would be able to re-activate the lights...
[member="Mrrew"] might or might not have been surprised by the sudden appearance of a pinwheeling human, his hands and feet limned by thrusterfire. The Razorhawk was operational in the worst way, and had squeezed Jorus through a half-closed blast door. The thruster/repulsor packs strapped to his limbs sent the concussed star pilot whipping toward Mrrew, maybe past him, or maybe Mrrew would catch him.

A low "fffffffffffff-" indicated Jorus' general state of mind. He was moving fast, and manifesting refractory feelings.
The Admiralty
A throbbing at the edge of my peripheral vision made me second guess the wisdom of signing up for this journey. I was still in my dream- the pain not strong enough to crash me out of it and for a moment I considered just sticking to it. Let the rest of the crew sort themselves out and stick to the dreams.

It was the old, old Jared talking, the guy who had been just saved by Jacobs and had to learn the values of true responsibility. In the sleeping hours I was closer to him than usual, but he wasn’t me anymore and so I forced myself out of the ancient forest grove, with its oaken protectors giving me some small measure of peace.

I brought myself back to my cabin on the starship, lights were out and for some reason I was… floating. All at once memories started to rush back-in, they only worsened the headache and I had to push them away.

Not yet, Jae. not… yet.’ I murmured to myself, while trying to ignite the thrusters on my feet. The Razorhawk had been given to me before the trip, moment I put ‘em on it felt like… homecoming.

Didn’t mean I knew how to use it though, accidently applied too much pressure and was sent spinning ‘cross the room. Face planted itself into the viewport, could feel my nose crunch under the force and blood seeping everywhere.

Hallelujah for no gravity.

Sarcasm aside, floating upside down I could make-out debris, maybe a half-destroyed derelict floating in the distance if my eyes weren’t deceiving me.

Could be a source of information, or food.

My commlink was busted up from the crash, wasn’t a technician- ‘least not that good with no tools at hand, but I had something else.

I reached out with the Force and gently sent a message through it, cascading like water it would reach all crew members of the ship. ‘Least most of ‘em.

Lieutenant Commander Ovmar checking-in. Commlink busted up, status?

Thump. Thump. THUMP!

The noise would echo with a steady beat. Thump. Thump Thump. As if something was either slamming their hand against the airlock -- or something was caught in a repetitive cycle of bumping against the airlock itself.

Thump. Thump. THUMP!
Mrrew squinted at the sudden light. It was faint, barely showing through a half-open blastdoor... and then the source of the light came flying out. It was a person, flying around uncontrollably... Coming right at Mrrew. The Togorian considered trying to catch the human, but figured the force of his rockets might break his arms. On the other hand, if he didn't catch him he'd probably hit a wall and break every bone in his body... Mrrew spread out his arms, trying to grab [member="Jorus Merrill"] in a bear hug- hopefully catching him more with his chest then his arms, to avoid injury. "Shut it off!"
...blurred vision began to strip away the darkness that had clouded his mind for an unknown amount of time and blinking Laith would have reached up to rub his face before a feeling of weightlessness started to over take him. He felt like he was floating on air and while his senses came back to him it took him several moments to realize that there was no gravity onboard the starship at the moment. At least there was still oxygen though; he had no idea what had happened. Last Laith remembered he was sitting at his desk in one of the security stations reading over reports and now this... chatter came over his comms and Laith would eventually mutter a...
"Laith reporting in."...a brief chuckle followed..."Don't worry Merrill I'm not dead yet."...just a bit of dark humor there as he started to turn himself while floating weightless until he was looking down at his desk again. Swimming for it, that's a thing in a weightless environment I swear, he'd have used it to steady himself while reaching into one of the drawers in search of a Heavy Blaster Pistol he always kept nearby just in case...

...while Laith did this he'd have went over the comms...
"Security personnel access the armory for arms and equipment. If anything is left."...he didn't even know how much he was saying would come over the comms but..."Someone turn on the damn gravity."...because it was that simple and Laith hated floating around like a fish...
[member="Jorus Merrill"]
[member="Judah Dashiell"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Mrrew"] | [member="Ermac Laith"]

Engineering Bay

Slowly sound filtered back into Anija's awareness. She'd been working at one of the engineering consoles before it happened. The last thing she remembered was a flash of light and pain. And then nothing. As she began to become more aware, she could feel a dull throbbing pain in her right side. She tried to take a breath, and it made her lungs burn. A frown crossed her face as she tried to make sense of that. She felt as if someone was stabbing her with a knife every time she tried to draw breath.

Gritting her teeth, she tried to sit up. It was then that she noticed that she was floating. 'Gravity is down...' she thought, taking another slow breath as she fumbled in a belt pouch for a glowrod.. or anything. As she floated there for a few moments, she began to take stock of the situation. The area she was in was dark, as was the corridor beyond. So, from what she could tell, lights, power, and gravity were all down. At best, the ship was operating on reserves. At worst.... well, she didn't want to think about that.

The last thing she remembered was the flash of light and then the pain in her ribs. From what little she could piece together, whoever had attacked them had tried to stun her, but found her armor resistant to it. And so, they'd used a shock grenade. That at least explained the dull ache in her muscles and the occasional twitching as she tried to find something in one of her belt pouches.

Fumbling again with her belt pouches, she was finally able to locate a glowrod. Closing her fingers around it, she shook it once and then activated it. The yellow light flared, illuminating the engineering bay. She was pretty much where she had been when she'd been knocked out. That was good, at least. In front of her, she could see the engineering console she'd been working at. a smoky haze hung over the panel, slightly obscuring it. But the fact she saw no lit telltales told her that the panel was completely down along with everything else.

A string of curses fell from her lips as she began to make a mental list. It was only when she tried to activate the built in datapad on her gauntlet that she realized her armor's systems were down as well. a Heavy sigh caused the inner surface of her visor to fog for a moment as she had to re-evaluate the situation. Her first priority needed to be getting her armor's systems back online. She wouldn't even be able to use the maglock built into her boots until she did so... and to be honest, she was getting a bit cold. her breath again fogged the inside of her visor, and she resisted the urge to sigh.. yet again.

It was then that she could faintly hear the broadcast over the ship's open comm system. It was muffled by her helmet, but she could hear most of it. A faint grin tugged at her lips. So, people were still about. That was good. She hoped to Manda that no one had been taken. But until they got essential systems restored and were able to make a headcount, there was no way to tell. She looked around again, sweeping the glowrod in front of her as she turned in a slow circle. She was the only one in this compartment. For now, she had to focus on getting her armor's systems back up. She wouldn't be of any use if she froze to death. The bodyglove she wore provided a small amount of insulation, but it wasn't much. She could already feel the chill creeping in.

After a few moments to consider, she managed to find a handle or grip of some sort down near the deck. After a few failed attempts - and working against the lack of gravity, she was able to hook her feet under it. This would at least keep her relatively still as she worked. Her first priority was to get warm. She thought about this for a moment; and faintly remembered something that she'd seen Ember Rekali do during their work on the first of the Protectors installations. He'd used the Force to keep himself warm. Maybe she could do the same.

She took a slow breath, working to calm herself and to focus as he'd taught her. When she could feel her pulse slow, she cautiously opened herself to the Force. When she did, the sheer amount of information caused her to lose her focus for a moment. So many injured. It caused her head to throb slightly. For now, she shut out that sensation, before briefly trying to locate Captain Merrill. She wasn't sure if he'd notice, but right now, she had no comms.

Once she'd done that, she slowly started to draw the Force into herself. She knew what she needed to do. And so, she directed the flow of the Force into each of her limbs and extremities, as if letting warm water flow over them to restore feeling. She directed that same sensation to radiate outward from the core of her body, slowly permeating her tissues. It wasn't something she'd done before, and she hoped it worked.
The events of the last day, or what she could only hope was just a day, had been practically a blur to the blonde Vahla. One moment she was in meditation sitting atop her bed across from a younger female researcher who had been cross-checking their research material when suddenly the next moment was a flash of red lights, a pale green-yellow gas flooding the room, and the scream of the other woman in the room as she was struck in the chest with a stun blaster. The Vahla had temporarily been shocked out of her focus, but the sight of blaster fire and the gas floating through the air were all that she had needed to see in order to understand what was going on. Though the connection she held to the force was practically lost with her focus, she had enough self control and foresight to tuck the sabers that were bound together at her waist down the collar of her suit before one of the raiders moved into the room. The next few seconds was a struggle to pull her helmet back over her head followed by a painful flash of yellow and a set of firm hands throwing her across the room and into a wall, not bothering to struggle when she felt the effects of the gas setting in. Her consciousness faded and all she could make out was the silhouette of several people rummaging through their things.

Hours, days, she couldn't even tell how long had passed since the incident, but groggily the blonde began to wake up - only to find herself pressed up against the ceiling, or was it the floor? Regardless of the events that had occurred prior to now, the Vahla felt sick to her stomach and the lack of light in the chamber was disturbing. She had slid her helmet over her head earlier, anticipating the possibility of being ejected from the ship, but it had instead served its use as protection from striking her head against whatever she was pressed up against. As whatever semblance of vision returned to her it became clear the lights were cut, and with the return of that sense she realized she was literally floating in the air. "Feth." She groaned, realizing the gravity was shut off as well. Moving her hands from either side of her, she realized another body - a warm one - was also pushed up against her. Looking down her front, or at least what she thought was down, her hands moved around the body and a discomforted feminine groan told her that the female Hapan researcher was both alive and the body she had pushed up against her. A little push moved her off of her, and immediately the cold set in and Silara cursed herself for not understanding the feeling of warmth sooner. It wasn't so much that the woman's body was warm, it was that the rest of the room was cold, and a sharp tug of her helmet combined with a cold intake of air told her that the power was completely out. Thanking the force for the luck she had for being pushed up against the Hapan for the last few hours for warmth, she pulled the woman back against her and heard the buzz in her comlink of [member="Jorus Merrill"] contacting the rest of the ship along with her. "This is Silara, Research, checking in." She responded, though all she could hear afterward was static.


Thump. Thump. THUMP!

A hitch of breath. Pain. The pain that would shoot through the senses. Utter agony would burn across her chest and legs.

Thump. Thump. THUMP!
Live in Light, Surf Master
Manu swam in the main medical bay's corridor. His head felt as foggy as the folk waking up, he rubbed his eyes and floated belly up like an otter in an ocean. No gravity on a spaceship? Thank the Force he'd felt that before. The former Jedi Master was reared in space, a childhood well spent for the abrupt and powerful blows that took them all aboard the Absolution. Hitting his comm link, Manu shook his head and breathed an absorbing and lingering peace and confidence flooded the compartments and touched on every member of the crew who needed or wanted it. The confidence expanded into the space before him and the doctor swam through the corridor using the sides of the walls as handrails. The gas mask on his face was clammy, he fought the urge to take it off and kept hand-over-hand swimming through the zero-g, stopping along the way to check on the crewmates he saw.

"Captain [member="Jorus Merrill"], this is Chief Medical Officer Manu Xextos checking in. Zero-G's not a problem for me, if anyone's discombobulated I can help. We're awake, the crew is confused and hurt but I'm not picking up any major injuries. [member="Jericho"] reported the theft of med kits, but we're not without supplies in my personal crates. Anyone in the crew who need to be picked up or helped, call me directly."

The corridor Manu pushed himself into was as black as the recesses of Manu's memory of their raiding event, he shut his eyes and called forth a minor illumination, his white skinned, silver haired body acting as an Echani glowstick (or Glow Bug as he was called that one time, when it made him laugh). "Hey, hey shhh." He floated up to a member of the crew, who had curled into herself and was clinging to a broken wrist. Manu wrung his arm around her waist and twisted her out of a tangle of live cables and debris.

"[member="Anija Ordo"] Engineering, we've got the cables and crystals from Deck 6 Junction Box 4 spilling out into the corridor. Xextos out."

He pulled the woman to his chest and took off away from the dangerous sparking wires, holding his free hand over his head to make contact with the corridor side wall. "I feel sick."

"Not used to zero-g? Ever been swimming on an ocean, Lieutenant? It's kind of like that. Float with the current, you're going to be fine. We're going to get you to the Med bay, take a check and then you're going back to your post, correct Officer? Officer. . ."

"Reid. I'm . . I'm in engineering."

"Great! Thanks Lieutenant Reid. I'm Manu."

"You're the Chief Doctor."

"Yeah, that's right. And as CMO of this flying escapade I've got to get my crew patched just like you and the ship. Here we go." Manu waved his hand at the medical bay's doors and they creaked open. He deposited Reid at a biobed, where she could hang on to the side rail and pushed off to see [member="Jericho"].

"Jericho, report. Where's @Rianna be Ark'lim? How're the staff looking? I want you to handle the influx of people, I'm going back out there, it'll be easier for an old spacer to work the lack of gravity." He put his hand on Jericho's back and fed healing energies into it. There was no use having Jericho soldier on wounded and stunned. With his staff's heads clear, Manu could set them to much more efficient work, and the work was what mattered. In that regard, Manu's thoughts turned to the Chiefs of Staff and the Captain himself. They would all need as clear heads as they could get. "Captain, I can be en route to your position in two clicks. . . belay that, Captain. Seems someone needs help."

That someone was [member="Chloe Blake"]. Manu rocked out of the medical bay toward the crackling agony he felt thumping in someone's head. Down several corridors and through passage conduits, Manu felt the pain getting louder in his mind and knew it was closing in. Who was it?

As he got to the airlock, Manu's eyes were opened to Chloe's situation. "Blake? Blake, can you hear me?"

Jorus' comlink battery took the brunt of half a dozen inbound status reports, and died with a feedback squelch that reverberated through the entire ship. With effort, he remembered the correct biofeedback sequence, and the Razorhawk assembly stopped throwing him into walls both durasteel and Togorian. Or maybe the xenofauna guy was Cathar; Jorus couldn't recall. Maybe an obese Trianii?

Bear hug. More like cat hug. Haha.

The repulsor/thruster gear deactivated, and the heavily concussed captain of the Absolution grunted his thanks to Mrrew. "Much obliged," he said, and fell over unconscious -- or would have, if there had been any gravity. Zero-gee was Jorus' first home, but his skull had met that bulkhead with serious prejudice.


Simone was very aware of the decreasing temperature, of the small clouds of air her breath was forming in the dim light. Zero-g wasn't much of a concern for Simone, she'd spent enough of her life in spaceships in a veriety of sticky situations to be able to deal. The lack of light, and response from anyone save the static from the Captain however was incredibly disconcerting.

"Okay, Sim, just you and you for now. Not a problem. Lights. Lights first. One problem at a time." She planted her feet on the bulkhead once more kicking off gently, fingers running along the wall on her left, tapping slightly as she went, listening for a change in pitch. It came with a satisfying clang and she turned sharply, palms sliding along the wall a few more feet until friction stopped her.

Inch by inch she pulled herself back to the hollow panel, fingers ran along its edges trying to find a way to pull it off. Cursing, she pulled a knife from her boot, jammed into the panels edge and began using it like a tool bar as [member="Ermac Laith"]'s request for gravity came sharply over the comms. "Lights first laser brain." she sniped back to him over the comms "Can't fix a damn thing without light."

The panel gave way, and the former reporter sent it floating down the corridor. A mess of wires, and the stink of melted plastic wafted out to greet her. "Aw feth." She patted herself down, hands finding a glow rod. pulling it from one of her too many pockets she cracked it and got a better look.

"Engineering, this is Lietenant Denning, I'm about to start playing with wires from a panel on the upper deck, see if I can't get something working up here. Please warn me if you're gonna do something that might, I dunno, electrocute me."

[member="Anija Ordo"]
Movement kicked up on the bridge as the crew there regained consciousness. The figure near the helm controls stirred and rolled over in midair.

Leon reactively snaked out and arm to grab the nearest object that was bolted down and felt her hand grip the console near the actually ship's wheel. She pulled herself close and tried to clear the cobwebs from her head, slowly realizing she could just barely see in the dimly lit room.

A quick assessment went through her mind as she caught up on where she was. Dark, floating, cold... No power or gravity. Silence outside of the occasional groan from the crew told her no air was flowing. For all intents and purposes, they were dead in the water.

At least the trickle of starlight through the viewports helped a little, if only barely.

She pulled herself to the wheel and gave it and the controls a test, knowing they wouldn't work, but hoping anyways. No luck. She patted herself down until she found her commlink and found that it was almost dead.

"Helm is down," the chandrillan called in heavily accented basic. "No power, but everyone is okay, looks like."

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
[member="Manu Xextos"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Mrrew"] | [member="Ermac Laith"]

Anija was just starting to get herself warmed to the point where she could move again when the comm panel on the wall next to her crackled to life once more. It made her jump slightly. Calming herself, she reached up with one hand to trigger the transmit button. her voice was a bit tense as she continued working to keep warm. "Xextos, This is Anija Ordo. I'll get to it when I can. For the moment, I'm a bit more concerned with restoring gravity and power. I'm sure we'd all like a bit of warmth right about now..."

She shook her head at him and chuckled a bit before she cut the channel and went back to work. Awkwardly, she fiddled with controls on her gauntlet with her other hand, carefully reseating wires and checking connections. She did this for both gauntlets, and then carefully removed her buy'ce to check it as well. She'd probably need to replace wiring later, but as long as it worked and did what she needed it to, she didn't much care right now.

After a few more minutes of fiddling, she carefully reconnected the final wire in her buy'ce and replaced the access panel over the central processor and made sure it was secure. Once that was done, she carefully tried to power the armor's systems back on. A few seconds later, telltales flickered to life on her gauntlet, and inside her buy'ce as she slid it back on. The few minutes exposed to the open air had chilled her again.

She picked up with the heating technique she'd been using before, as she watched more systems come online in her beskar'gam. Finally, ANNE's voice filtered into her ears, a bit distorted at first. And then it cleared. Was wondering when you'd wake up.. she muttered in Anija's ear. Anija's response was to roll her eyes. "And you couldn't do anything to help, either... Kriffing shock grenade..." She sighed, "Run a systems analysis. I need to know what I've got to work with. Also, we need to get light back online, and then life support and gravity."

She continued ticking off things on her fingers as ANNE went to work. Making her her toes her hooked securely, Anija began to look over the engineering console in front of her. Looks like the shock grenade knocked out this panel as well. Though, we should be able to a hard restart on it...." She frowned and studied it closer for a few moments before [member="Simone"]'s voice came over the shipwide comm. Grumbling, Anija triggered the wall comm with her elbow. "Copy that. I'm working to restore power to the consoles down here, first. Priority after that is Lights, air and Gravity... in that order."

Grumbling a bit to herself, she closed the channel and went back to working on the console in front of her. It was the main console which controlled power aboard the ship, but she could also access life support and other systems if needed. She fiddled with a few more wires before triggering the comm. "Stand by, I'm attempting to at least get power to the interior lights....." She tweaked a couple more wires and then flipped the reset switch which was recessed into the panel's side.

A grin spread across her face as telltales flickered to life across the console's surface. Most of them were red, but she could see a few slowly cycling into yellow. She stared at the panel, her eyes dazzled for a moment by the flickering lights, even with the glowrod. When the telltales for the ship's power systems cycled into green, she triggered t he comm again. "Shield your eyes, please... lights coming up... now..." she continued as she flipped on last switch. Lights did flicker on over head. Weakly at first, but then they gained strength.

Lighting has been repaired. Main power coming back online.
Heat/Life Support and Gravity to follow (Next post)
...laser brain. Now there was a witty nickname. Laith almost chuckled when he heard the voice of Simone come over his comms however despite this his only response was a bit of a grunt while he fumbled in the darkness looking for the blaster he kept stowed away in the confines of his desk. Lights might have helped more than he'd like to admit or at least his armor so that he could use the vision augmentation option loaded onto his helm but nothing like that was available to him at the moment. Darkness was his only companion and then he heard another feminine voice coming over the comms informing anyone that was listening that they should their eyes. He took the advice...

...covering his eyes with one of his hands Laith waited as the lights began to flicker on in the office before they switched on completely and illuminated the area after which the cobwebs returned to his vision as he attempted to adjust. It took several moments. Once he could see clearly again finding the Heavy Blaster Pistol in his desk was a trivial affair and he'd come over the comms briefly...
"Thanks for the assistance."...though he was still weightless and the ship was still in a bad way as far as he could tell... that he had his Blaster he wouldn't waste much time in starting to move his arms and legs, propelling himself closer to the entrance to his office, in an attempt to make his way out into the corridors of the Absolution. Up to this point he hadn't heard anything come over the comms from other security personal but that didn't mean none of them were awake only that their comms may not have been working. Regardless once Laith had escaped his own office he would use the wall of the corridor for support as he made his way towards the nearest armory intent on loading up with as much weaponry as he could. Barbaric, maybe, but he intended to be ready if any threats were still present on the ship....
[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Simone"] [member="Anija Ordo"]


Well-Known Member
She came out her room, she wearing full armour it was sealed. She could not walk around, so case pushing her self about. As she came out she saw, what looked like the ships cat. She actually felt a little sorry for it, as it was floating around with gravity. So she went to grab it, and try put it somewhere safe. She then realized it was part medical crew, it was weird ship to say the least.

She asked it, What`s your name, and have you any idea what has happened?

Mrrew grunted as [member="Jorus Merrill"] hit him full force, pushing them both into the far walli n the zero gravity. In the brief flashes of light from the human's flight system- Mrrew could make out his face. The Captain. Jorus Merrill. With blood in his hair. Fantastic. Then the razorhawk system shut down, and it was pitch black again. Two words later, the human had collapsed in his arms. Well not so much collapsed as stop moving... It's hard to collapse when there's no gravity. Mrrew grimanced, holding Jorus with his cybernetic arm, and snatching his comlink from his belt pockets with his organic one. "This is Mrrew, provisions and Xenofauna. I've found the captain. I have no idea where we are. Anyone working on the lights, the gravity?" The cold was beginning to set in, too. His fur insulated him well, he'd walked around Hoth and the like in nothing but his jacket and vest and was kept warm by his fur, but Hoth and the vacum of space is two completely different things. "And what about the heat? Is anyone listening?" And that's when he heard the thumping on the wall... Was it a wall? Mrrew pushed forwards against the wall Jorus had blown him into, taking care to 'carry' Jorus with him, and floated over to the source of the banging. Not a wall... and airlock. Somethin caught on the ship? Or.... someone out there? "Hello?" [member="Chloe Blake"]

[member="Ermac Laith"] [member="Anija Ordo"] [member="Celeste Leon"] @Simone @Manu Xextos [member="Silara Vantai"] [member="Jared Ovmar"]


Inactive Character
Pibit grimanced. The gas was very slow to wear off... There was a voice. Someone grabbed him. The Kushiban slowly opened his eyes, to see the T shaped visor of a Mandalorian... One of the ship's crew? "P- Pibit.... Med.. Medical.... Gas....."It was all Pibit could do to stay awake...

He could hear all sorts of voices coming from the old lady's comlink now. And she was awake, yammering into it about pirates and gas... Gas? What was gas? It rang a faint bell... He wasn't sure what, though. But he was tired of waiting, and he was tired of floating around! He was tempted to yell at the lady to turn on the gravity, but he had the feleing she'd just throw him out an airlock or something... Hmm. Maybe he could turn it on himself? Pibit continued to click, taking in his surroundings by sound. The old lady had bene to busy talking into her radio system to notice echolocaiton at work- which was all the best for Robbi. There was an open door close... maybe there was the gravity thingamajig out there? It was worth a shot. So, still extremely woozy, Robbi pushed out of the donut box, slowly floating out into the corridor beyond...
She still could not quite believe she was holding a talking cat, Okay I get you to medical bay. She then began to push her way long corridor, it was actually quite frustrating not being able to walk. Also pushing away floating debris, she just hoped sanitation unit`s could cope with this. Otherwise it going to quite disgusting, and that was putting it mild. She was making slow progress down the corridors, as keeping momentum going and not bumping into things was quite hard. She asked the creature more to keep it talking than anything else, So what your name then?


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