Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Deep Black Sea (PM or sign up first)


Inactive Character
The Coma gas was nearly out of his system now. Pibit, finally realizing he was being carried, slowly looked up to @Darth Banshe, "Mind... putting me down...?" The Kushiban frowned, looking around in the darkness. He figured this would be a simple exploration expidition, not an emergency. Then again, the last time he'd gone near Esk, he crashed and almost wrecked his pod, so... He should've expected something to go wrong.
Robbi had been literally bouncing off walls, trying to travel down the gravity-void corridors, for what seemed like hours. He was still sick to his stomach from the lack of gravity, but he was determined to find someone that would turn the dang thing back on. He'd just gotten into another room, one with a huge window on one side, when he saw, or rather heard, a human fling himself out of a wall. Robbi dug ihis little claws into the wall, clicking rapidly to try to take in an image of [member="Nickolas Imura"], trying to determine if he'd throw Robbi out an airlock or not... He looked a little sick, too. Myabe he was trying to turn on the gravity, too? "Hey!" Robbi called out, a little woozily. "When's the gravity coming back?" More then likely, all Nickolas would hear is an extremely high sqeaky voice coming from the ceiling... but hey, all the better not to get thrown out an airlock.

Consciousness would come in degrees. Ills and hurts would come next. A groggy groan would fall from Chloe's lips and heavy lids would flutter in an attempt of consciousness.

Pirates. Airlock. Then the sudden shaft of pain over her chest.

They weren't alone. No. Some of them were still here.
She heard [member="Pibit"] speak, and be asked to put down. So she put the cat down, near the floor as possible. As a precaution to gravity coming back on, as same time she decide to keep her self low as well. Okay I am going to try and find the person who came over the come link, you get to the med bay and make sure you're okay. Reality she did not know what the point cat was, but it may be useful down the line. She then continued, [member="Seanna Vel"] Tell me where you are, and I will come and get you. She waited for a reply, so she could get off towards her.


Pushing away from the mess of wires Simone grinned up at the lights. "Thank you engineering." she muttered. Lights meant she could read the sign 'Level 42' and the direction of the bridge. Time to get a better assessment of the damage and find out where the pirates were. She pulled herself along the bulkhead to the next door, using her foot to kick the switch to open it.

Pulling herself through she planted her feet on the wall again and kicked off, gliding down the corridor humming softly as she did. Voices drifted towards her, and her grin widened. Finally, she'd wondered where the rest of the crew had gotten to. "Hey!" she called out "Everyone ok?" Silence was her only response. "Well that's rude." She put her hands ahead of her as the corner approached, stopping herself on the bulkhead she looked down.

And found herself staring down the barrel of a stun gun. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me."
[member="Chloe Blake"] [member="Manu Xextos"] [member="Mrrew"]

Lights. Gravity. Fresh air. Consciousness. Clarity. Chloe Blake in pain, and a self-satisfied chief medical officer on overwatch. A cat the size of a small mountain. The constricting grasp of a Razorhawk maneuvering suit on his arms and legs. A splitting pain in his head, and the memory of a voice that hadn't used his ears to get to his mind.


"Status report, Lieutenant Xextos," said Jorus, sitting up with some effort. "Your communicator. I owe all of you some thanks, but there's a lot to catch up on and a lot to be done."
Live in Light, Surf Master
"Have a little faith, @Mrrew. The Captain'll be passable in a minute. Although I'm halfway through making the Cap and the XO draw straws for who gets the Med Bay treatment first. Mandatory bed rest in turns for these two after we're out of crisis."

The Echani doctor took careful hold of [member="Jorus Merrill"]'s head, using his thumbs he held Jorus' eyelids open as [member="Spencer Jacobs"]' Battle Meditation filled him with a righteous amount of confidence and strength. He poured his considerable healing talents into the Captain's body and mind, repairing the lot as much as he could as Jorus' body kept up. The Healing Crystal of Fire amulet he wore constantly around his neck shone like Manu's skin shone, warming the space. "Easy, Sir. You've got neuro damage and a swollen brain. I can fix it, but you'll take another hour or three to feel equilibrium again. The brain's a tricky thing. Even brought to perfect condition it knows what it should feel. If you get tired, start seeing blurry or double or slur your words I am going to have to take more time on you. How many fingers?"

Manu released Jorus and held up four fingers. "The crew is scared, confused and waking up, most of our medical supplies were taken but I have reserves in my personal crates and those were untouched. [member="Jericho"] and [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"] were dealing with the influx of patients in the Main Medical Bay, I sent Lieutenant be Ar'klim and [member="Maya Whitelight"] out to scan the decks one at a time and handle medical situations as they could. First aide certified crew members are getting Force Healing so they can disseminate through the rest of the crew at a faster rate. The medium and seriously wounded crew are being swam to the Medical Bay. We've no Bacta, Sir. We do have considerable Force Healers, but I want them conserving their energies. Broken bones and lacerations are easy enough to splint and tie off till we figure this out. My priority was getting the chain of command operational. I felt [member="Chloe Blake"] and came to her first, it kind of tipped me off when she was outside the airlock.

I feel presences on board I don't recognize. There are probably still marauders on board. I haven't heard much chatter from Security. I think Spencer Jacobs is pouring Battle Meditation on us, and I'm disseminating an aura of peace and calm as far as I can. It's working. The crew's coming back to itself and working on healing the ship."

The Echani Doctor pulled his commlink off and handed it to the Captain. He sent a mental nod to his Medical Staff to let them know to telepathically contact him in case of need.
[member="Manu Xextos"]

Jorus took the evaluation, the report, and Xextos' communicator phlegmatically enough. Chloe was pretty clearly out and in pain, and that disturbed him fundamentally as much as the ship's incapacitation did or more, but he could work past this. He had to.

"Thanks, Lieutenant. Sounds like you've got the medical side of things locked down. Prioritize Commander Blake -- without her, we're not going much of anywhere good." Still sitting, he braced himself against the wall and keyed the comm to the Absolution's open crew channels.

"All hands, this is the Captain, requiring immediate status reports from all senior and bridge officers, and immediate reports from anyone who has reason to think that some of our attackers may still be aboard. If I didn't respond to earlier reports, assume I didn't get them."
[member="Anija Ordo"] [member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Ermac Laith"] [member="Marek Starchaser"] [member="Simone"] [member="Celeste Leon"] [member="Jared Ovmar"] [member="Spencer Jacobs"]


The pirates were arguing about whether to take her or not as Jorus's broadcast chirped in her ear. Simone reached up to flick her comm open and made it look like she simply had an itch.

"Just shoot her and leave her."

"She'd fetch a price as a slave."

"I would make a terrible slave, I've far too much sass."

"Shut up."

"I'm serious, whoever you sold me too would come begging for their money back." The barrel directed back her way "Not that I want to be shot. Being shot is most definitely not on my wish list."

"Come on, we need to regroup and leave. Crew's waking up. You wanna bring her, fine. But you keep her quiet."

"Good luck with that one."

[member="Jorus Merrill"] @everyone else i'm too lazy to tag
Jorus' eyes bugged out as [member="Simone"]'s tap filtered through his earpiece. He narrowed his channel to the engineers and the security chief -- [member="Anija Ordo"], [member="Judah Dashiell"], and [member="Ermac Laith"].

"Engineering, this is the captain. We have hostiles, and the comms officer has been captured. I need you to triangulate her comm right now and give Chief Laith and his people a location to work with. Chief Laith, nonlethal methods are a priority but not necessary."
" -irates." would come Chloe's broken voice. Another grimace of pain would lance through her expression; the healing had done its job to accelerate what it could, but even then things took time.

"Vented some out. Raiders --" another grimace as she attempted to sit up, resulting in just floating around to the left. "Still aboard." Her eyes would lock on Jorus, registering he wasn't doing so hot himself. Concern would bloom, still trying to register her surroundings. Power was on. Life support systems good.

Just no artificial gravity.

"[member="Naast'ika Laaran"]?" she'd ask about their naval escort. now lighting was repaired and life support systems were back online scrubbing the air clean of the toxins and gasses that had knocked everyone out. Laith was busy floating down one of the corridors of the starship when he heard the Captain come over his comms causing him to reply..."Well I'm awake. No contact with any other security personal at this junction though, Captain."....he went silent for a moment because he'd come to a crossroads in the corridors and was having to pull himself around so that he could make his way in the appropriate direction..."Almost at a local armory."...he could see it just ahead and assuming power was functioning due to the lighting and life support systems Laith couldn't help but feel a bit of excitement as he made his way closer to the doorway that might serve to be his salvation in this otherwise weightless situation. Pun intended...

...he'd reach the doorway and start to tap several commands into the console there before it finally opened with a hiss and Laith made his way inside feeling a sense of success. Around this time he'd hear Jorus come over the comms again causing him to spit some hot fire...
"On it. Acquiring ordnance now." this stunning Blaster Rifle to go with the Heavy Blaster Pistol he just holstered and several grenades..."Nonlethal is a priority. I think I can handle that."...he'd chuckle while checking the grenades he'd chosen. Nodding his head Laith had decided that these appeared to be fairly nonlethal in their application though if the comms officer was in the vicinity when they detonated she may suffer some damage to her ear drums. Occupational hazard...

...while he waited for the position of the hostiles and their captive Laith would preform a quick check on his Blaster Rifle ensuring it was in optimal condition before crackling over the comms...
"Security personal await position of hostiles. We'll need to triangulate a pinch point around them before engaging. Be aware they have one of our own."...and then he was floating away all over again. Leaving the armory he'd ensure the doors sealed behind him again, security personal would have the access code so it wouldn't be a bother for them to be able to obtain their own gear...
[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Anija Ordo"] [member="Judah Dashiell"]
[member="Jorus Merrill"]
"Helm looks to be working," Leon called out in accented basic as the power returned. The lack of gravity told her they hadn't fixed everything yet. "Nothing up here, but you may have already known that.."
[member="Ermac Laith"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Anija Ordo"] | @Simone


Something no one noticed til it was gone. Judah typed various base commands into the computer systems. Readings in basic scrolled across the screen, filling it. Blue eyes flickered up to read quickly, brows knitting in confusion. Something must have knocked out the power down in the maintenance and control shafts. Weapon or someone went and manually messed with the systems. Most likely a weapon of some nature. Typing into the computer he would have to tap into the emergency power reserves. Not an ideal situation. It wouldn't last forever.

A few keystrokes and the lights quickly dimmed on the vessel. It was going to be a side effect. If they wanted gravity everyone was going to have to deal with darker light fixtures for a day or so. Just as quickly as the lights dimmed the gravity was back on. Weight came crashing back down on him as Judah landed awkwardly, nearly tumbling over again. Bracing himself against the wall, the salvager was letting his legs get used to his body weight once again.

"Gravity is up Miss Ordo. You alright? We're going to have to fix this power issue immediately. I have no doubts something vital has been damaged at this point."

Comm crackled and Judah finally answered it.

"Chief Dashiell here....Air, lights, heat and gravity are on. As for your triangulation you're going to have to pick a resource you want to eliminate. You want lights or do you want to find this crew member?"

Gravity has been restored. Life support is back online but limping along.
Lights are dim due to power drain
Cannot triangulate at this time.
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

"Cut power to atmosphere scrubbers if you have to, Judah. We need to know where the hostiles are and we need to know now. Right this second you're the only one who can make that happen."
[member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Ermac Laith"]

"Understood Captain. Prepare for scrubbers to go down within seconds."

More clicks and keystrokes. The manual override was sent to the atmospheric scrubbers, immediately shutting down all power to them. Judah rerouted the extra power to the comm systems. On a second screen he had to look up the comm assigned to the female crew member, getting its unique frequency. Visually Judah was checking against the main screen. Finding the frequency, Judah worked on isolating it. There were repeaters in the vessel, range was cut down due to all the durasteel and electrical in the walls. It would give a general idea of where someone was, at least a general sector. At least they had something.

"Attention Captain and Chief Laith. Triangulation is reading in the western quadrant near the dormitory. Moving south towards the kitchens."

Gravity has been restored. Life support is back online but limping along.
Lights are dim due to power drain
Triangulation to the dorms.
Mrrew watched quietly as the doctor healed the captain, looking back and forth between [member="Chloe Blake"] and [member="Jorus Merrill"]. There wasn't much he could do. He wasn't a medical specialist, wasn't an engineer, he was a hunter. If they were being attacked by Rancors? Sure, he could handle that. But trying to turn on gravity generators? Not quite. The Togorian looked down at the captian's radio, frowning as [member="Simone"] gave her report... and at Jorus's response. Before Mrrew could react, however, there was a pulling feleing in his gut... and he smashed into the ground. He wasn't sure whether to be relieved or annoyed that the gravity was finally back... Naucious. Yes, he would be naucious. The Togorian shook his head, slowly pushing himself to stand. He stumbled slightly, trying to get use to the gravity, but soon was steady. Once he had gotten his bearings from the gravity suddenly re-appearing, Mrrew grabbed for the blaster pistol that hung at the oppisite side of his gunbelt from his phrik blade. He wished he'd brought his rifle, but that was still in his quarters. He didn't think he'd need to carry weapons. He'd only taken his belt out of habit. Mrrew smiled, showing massive fangs,when he heard the report over Jorus's radio. that they klnew where the pirates where. He held his pistol ready. Not Rancors, but raiders were close enough.
And just like that, Chloe's body went slamming into the ground as artifical gravity came back online. A grunt of pain would follow suit, as would the air from her winded lungs. The razor repulsor pack should still work. Key emphasis on should.

"Feth!" she'd say in a low curse, turning towards her side to attempt to get up. She needed to find out where they were at, beyond that pertinent knowledge that there were still pirates onboard.

And who knows what else.
Black... black... black... red.

Jeans slowly drifted back towards consciousness. Why was that even the case? His head was throbbing hard. Nausea crept from the base of his stomach, up to the back of his throat. His eyes opened and his view gradually came into focus.

Bulkhead... deck... bulkhead... lights.

Why is the ship spinning? Jaani shook his head and tried to clear his thoughts. Which was is up? He tried to work things out through his sense of balance, which turned out to be a mistake. Oh Karkles...He wretched at first, but his body won the battle quickly. Projectile vomiting in a glorious brown arc as his spin continued.

Bulkhead... deck... bulkhead... lights.

No gravity, no balance. Once the contents of his stomach were gradually floating away from him in an expanding spiral, he felt much better. Jaani was an adept swimmer, but the air was far too thin to gain any real momentum. He held out his arms and legs and managed to twist himself into a position that significantly slowed his spin.

Bulkhead...... deck...... bulkhead...... lights.

Of course, wondering around the ship he had not been armed. He'd not been carrying any tools, weapons, anything of use to get him out of his predicament. He’d only had...yes there it was. The quiet chirping of his commlink. Off his belt and a few feet away. People were talking, but he couldn’t make out the words.

There was nothing heavy enough to throw, nothing he could try and throw a torn bit of fabric at. As far as he was aware, the ship could be floating derelict, and this karking spinning would be the last thing he knew.

Then something slowly encroached on his senses...his balance started to function. Fortunately his stomach had already been emptied, otherwise it would have been another bout of sickness. In hindsight, if he’d kept his head facing the same direction, he might have gathered enough momentum to reach a wall.

He crashed to the cold, hard deck. The elephant tread making patterns in the skin of his forearms. The vomit followed.

A long brown streak splash along the length of the corridor as the spiral crashed to the deck in a line. Jaani groggily got to his feet, wiping the sick from the back of his neck with one hand.

“Oh, disa berry bad dayum,” he grumbled, slipping back into pidgin gunganese with no one around. At least he’d only been on a jaunt to the toilet, his room wasn’t far away and neither were the sonic showers. He picked up his commlink.

“Boss?” he asked, referring to [member="Mrrew"], “Anyone? This is Jaani, what’s going on?” Jaani took a few tentative, nauseous steps towards his room.
Mrrew frowned as [member="Chloe Blake"] slammed into the ground hard enough to jar her compeltely awake. At least she was concious, now. A moment later, he'd heard a familiar voice coming from his comlink. Was that Jaani? He was really regetting not reading the crew manifest... "Hello? Jaani? This is Mrrew. I'm with the Captain, and err" The Togorian looked at the chief medical officer, and the girl that had bene floating outside the airlock. He didn't know either of their names. "Other people..." He made a mental note to read the crew manifest as soon as they got the pirates out. "Pirates boarded, coma gas, stun rifles. They're still onboard, near the dormitories. Don't go there alone. The engineers just got the gravity and lights back on. Are you in one piece?" It was certainly nice to hear another familiar voice. He wondered if the pirates realized that they were going to most likely be vastly outnumbered once the rest of the crew woke up... which they probably all were doing, by now.

(Was hoping you'd post soon [member="Jaani Doosun"]. :D)

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