Black... black... black... red.
Jeans slowly drifted back towards consciousness. Why was that even the case? His head was throbbing hard. Nausea crept from the base of his stomach, up to the back of his throat. His eyes opened and his view gradually came into focus.
Bulkhead... deck... bulkhead... lights.
Why is the ship spinning? Jaani shook his head and tried to clear his thoughts. Which was is up? He tried to work things out through his sense of balance, which turned out to be a mistake. Oh Karkles...He wretched at first, but his body won the battle quickly. Projectile vomiting in a glorious brown arc as his spin continued.
Bulkhead... deck... bulkhead... lights.
No gravity, no balance. Once the contents of his stomach were gradually floating away from him in an expanding spiral, he felt much better. Jaani was an adept swimmer, but the air was far too thin to gain any real momentum. He held out his arms and legs and managed to twist himself into a position that significantly slowed his spin.
Bulkhead...... deck...... bulkhead...... lights.
Of course, wondering around the ship he had not been armed. He'd not been carrying any tools, weapons, anything of use to get him out of his predicament. He’d only had...yes there it was. The quiet chirping of his commlink. Off his belt and a few feet away. People were talking, but he couldn’t make out the words.
There was nothing heavy enough to throw, nothing he could try and throw a torn bit of fabric at. As far as he was aware, the ship could be floating derelict, and this karking spinning would be the last thing he knew.
Then something slowly encroached on his senses...his balance started to function. Fortunately his stomach had already been emptied, otherwise it would have been another bout of sickness. In hindsight, if he’d kept his head facing the same direction, he might have gathered enough momentum to reach a wall.
He crashed to the cold, hard deck. The elephant tread making patterns in the skin of his forearms. The vomit followed.
A long brown streak splash along the length of the corridor as the spiral crashed to the deck in a line. Jaani groggily got to his feet, wiping the sick from the back of his neck with one hand.
“Oh, disa berry bad dayum,” he grumbled, slipping back into pidgin gunganese with no one around. At least he’d only been on a jaunt to the toilet, his room wasn’t far away and neither were the sonic showers. He picked up his commlink.
“Boss?” he asked, referring to [member="Mrrew"], “Anyone? This is Jaani, what’s going on?” Jaani took a few tentative, nauseous steps towards his room.