Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Deltarune | CIS Dominion of Delta IV (R, 39)

10,000 credits? That’d work fine enough. Could maybe pay off a handful of medical debts with it, maybe, hopefully, potentially. It was hard to tell with just how much Lirka got injured, and Sephi cracked her the knuckles in her organic hand.

[SIZE=11pt]She wasn’t quite so caring when it came to the other contestant, Lirka had been in some particularly uncaring moves after the chaos on Copero, more than usual at least. She was more interested in just winning.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Without so much of a second thought the seasoned alcoholic and her horribly violated liver downed the shot, close to smashing the thing when she brought back down to the bar, hardy, better than she expected.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Hardy. Now when is the next one?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Anyone who had seen Lirka go to one of the many bars within these little Confederate gatherings knew that she was a hardy drinker, and the tower of empty glasses hasn’t been made yet.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt][member="Helly Reyne"] [member="Luna Terrik"] [member="Shakti Sweet"] [member="Marcellus Decker"][/SIZE]
I am a son of the Mountain.
Location: Delta IV~Lux Cantina
Objective: Get Karked Up
Tags: [member="Luna Terrik"] [member="Lirka Ka"] [member="Shakti Sweet"]

Marcellus watched as the redheaded woman strode up to the table. His hand went down to another shot glass that stood in front of him. He kept an interested eye on the woman as she took the glass in her hand. She smelled the jade liquid before knocking it back and immediately Marcellus let out a low snort. You have to have something special to keep drinking this chit. However, he gave the woman a brief wink before turning to the giant who sat at the table. [member="Lirka Ka"] took down another shot and Marcellus showed an approving look. "The next one? Now." Marcellus took another glass, sliding it over the table so it would halt only a few inches away from the mighty elf's hands.

The Thrysian took a second glass to accompany the first and in a quick, fluid motion the shots disappeared down his gullet. One after the other their sting would fill his chest and not long after the effects of the first shot were amplified. He licked his lips for a moment before laughing out audibly. "Three down, catch up." He challenged, holding his arms out in an inviting expression.

Setting the glasses down, Marcellus glanced over to a woman with red hair, wearing a rather appealing outfit. He watched as one of the men who'd sat at the table now turned to leave. It seemed the house brew was a little too strong for him. Marcellus let out an almost wild laugh as he slammed a hand on the table. "One down!" Looking over the table, his eyes fell over the women who had gathered and he raised a fourth shot glass in his hands, holding it up to each of them. "Welcome to Delta." Again he would down the shot, and again the glass would find itself back on the table. He leaned over to look at the Sephi, before his eyes fell to the other two women. "Ya'll got names?" He called out, practically yelling over the music.
Location: LUX
Objectives: Not get alcohol poisoning
Tags: [member="Marcellus Decker"] | ​[member="Lirka Ka"] | ​[member="Luna Terrik"] | ​[member="Helly Reyne"]

The low n' slow burn of the shot left Shakti feeling a little less confident as she managed to get the coughing fit under control. She lowered her hands from her mouth and rested her finger tips against the window of bare flesh near her throat as she began to straighten. Her eyes fluttered back open and she started as she spotted Luna inches from her face. Her lips formed a little "Oh!" as she stood stalk straight once more, a flush of pale silver filling her golden cheeks. She hastily nodded and pivoted in the seat to face the table once more - lifting her hand again to wipe the phantom of the drink from her lips with a smudge of the back of the raised hand.

She let her eyes linger for a moment on the remaining collection of tiny glasses and considered bowing out... Whatever this liquid was it didn't taste nearly as good as it looked. She caught from the corner her eyes as their host downed another, and she felt her stomach roil. Terrible idea. Terrible.

She slid forward in the seat, the sound of the fabric catching on the material of the chair itself lost in the pounding bass line, and grabbed another shot. She tugged it close, lifted it to her lips and downed it.

She had a good deal of practice keeping her face passive, and knowing now what was to come she trained it to stillness. The burn was identical the second time around, but the feeling that was blooming at the top of her skull was new. She ran her tongue along the inside of her lips as she looked up at Marcellus, not immediately jumping at the offer to give up her name.

She leaned her elbows against the table and pulled one more shot towards her, giving a repeat performance of shooting it before slamming the glass down in a fashion that mimicked those seated around her. She took in a sharp inhale through her nose as her chest contracted, wanting to cough again but keeping her jaw clenched tightly shut. Yup. Terrible idea.

Nika Satari

Location: LUX bar
Equipment: Suit/ Glasses
Objective: Handle business assets for the boss

“Two hundred thousand for the shipment heading for Nar Shaddaa port.”

“two hundred thousand? with the crackdown on traffickers in hutt space, you know as well as i that the prices will go up, lucrativeness is a blessing for some and a curse for others” Nikas face twisted in annoyance. “Listen. Just for a moment. My employee has it all figured out. Thirty tons of spice? you know that can go for at least double what you're offering. I wouldn't go around making offers like that to our friends on Kessel. Look mr Kamari i’m short on time. A deal, made fast — that’s no small thing, I know that. Way I see it, you’ve got no right to dictate your price here.”

“Two hundred is the most we can offer at this point in time. I won’t go lower.”

Nika hid a smirk behind her wine glass as she drank the dregs, passing the now empty cup to a passing waiter. Junkies, she thought to herself, in smug satisfaction. What was god to them, to her was poison she and her bosses peddled by the ton.

"We will give the deal a set time of one week for both sides to meditate upon, i am sure by that point we will be able to reach an agreement," Nika drew in and let go a long thin breath. “I do hope we will see eye to eye on this matter Mr Kamari, we shall be in contact soon."

The flashing lights of the club meant that the half Umbaran had to always wear shades in places like this, as her heritage often betrayed her when it came to being exposed to sudden bright lights. A beeping noise on her com link alerted her to the arrival of the asset, hopefully the junkie wouldn't lapse into a spice fuelled come down and ruin her image and value for the investors. But Lanann knew the consequences as well as anyone else in the organisation.

"Well well... you cleaned yourself up nice, now you know why you are here, present yourself well and endear yourself to potential customers." Nika spoke to Lanann like she would to a child or a dumbfounded person, The woman's soft smirk stiffened almost to a sneer before she smiled. "Maybe i will put a good word in for you if you do well."

[member="Lanann Garwyn"]
Location: Delta IV - LUX
Objective: Hang around
Wearing: Pinstripe Suit

It had really been a while since Jorco has worn such fancy attire. He normally didn't care too it after making the Sarlacc Syndicate. Since then he never really cared much for such a posh look. They were far more a kin to a interstellar street gang then a organized crime syndicate, despite his organization's name. But considering they were to be hanging around such an establishment.

By now some of his boyz and himself have made themselves comfortable in the club. However, the Rodian wasn't just gonna be satisfied with a couple of drinks or small talk with a attractive Chiss. No, he was gonna try and give himself a bit of popularity within the club. Heading over to the DJ Jorco put in his request for a song.

Walking up the the dance floor he didn't have a partner or anything. No, he was gonna need to dance by himself, SOLO, as the beat started he brought knees together. Then he brought them to the side, after that he reached one arm out, then the the other. Swinging his knees from one side he rotated his arms and wrist. Bring his kness back around he crossed them in front of his torso. Moving his knees to the side again he brought his elbows together. Next move he stretched out his arms out, then he brought them in for a clap above him.

Jorco would repeat his seemingly goofy and random dance routine. He would see how things go after that.
The Dance.
Wearing: Dress & Hair
Location: The Five Star Cantina, near Lux, Delta IV
Tags: [member="Darth Tacitus"]


Long maroon covered fingernails tapped against the bar as she waited for a drink that was taking much too long to arrive. She would not pretend that she knew of the three that spread in the bar; what reason was there for her to believe she was in danger for a single moment? Rhaina was a Kiffar, a survival down to her very genes. And yet, she was on a Confederacy world now, freshly minted. There were guards all around in case something wrong happened. And if by the slightest of chances the Confederacy failed in keeping her, a Viceroy, safe, she had ways to handle herself as well. Every piece of jewelry contained this or other poison or venom for those who would come too close, and while she lacked a pistol that night, she could still wield the Force quite well.

And despite all of that, she could not ignore the third one. Him, she noticed. Outward, no one would detect a single change; her muscles did not stiffen, the hairs on the back of her neck did not straighten. She was the very same calm woman she had been a second ago, yet her thumb nail scratched the nail of her middle finger, drawing out the inscription to turn the maroon color into something that was potentially much more deadly. Those who announced their Force presence like a disease and then sat in dark corners were not people you could trust to be safe around; not unless you knew they were on your side, and Rhaina did not know this person at all.

It was not until he at last departed that she moved her nails in a similar manner again, the single finger's nail becoming nothing more than an ordinary nail covered in a shade of red and darkness.

At last, her drink arrived, and long fingers curled around the glass as she raised it to her lips to take the briefest of sips. The warmth spread through her body like a gentle fire and Rhaina smiled, permitting herself to enjoy the sensation.

It was only when her title and name were announced that she turned around, Violet eyes befalling a man that she knew with certainty she had not met before. The distaste he had for the place, she could sense it without needing to hear the tone of his voice, and the corners of her mouth curled into a smile in response to that.

"Your Imperial Majesty," she greeted him in return, softly extending a hand. "How lovely of you to find me. And her I was, thinking I would be spending the evening alone. I have heard of Confederacy parties but truly…" she paused, having the sense to look only slightly discomforted, "This was not how I had imagined it."

Taking her hand back, she signaled for the bartender. "Will you do me the honors of joining me for the evening, Your Majesty?" she asked, violet eyes focusing on the man – Kainan Malvern, Emperor of Nelvaan – once more. "Permit the lady to offer you a drink?"
Location: ???
Tag: [member="Darth Metus"]

The past was something that could bring happy memories or upsetting ones. Everyone was a mixed salad of those kinds of memories. And yet sometimes they came back to haunt you unless you did something about them. They couldn't be buried with whatever method. Drugs, alcohol, pleasure, or even work (unless some Force User was talented in erasing memories and so forth). But even then, they always came back to bite you in the rear. Only way to come at ease was to repent. Not praying to some deity, but rather confront them. Only then will one be at peace.

Confronting them could be done in a peaceful manner...or tense just like what was going on right now.

The two men had a history with each other, Canal and Verd. The latter was responsible in creating the former with the strand of DNA of a notorious Bounty Hunter that helped with the creation of the Clone Army of an old Republic. History later repeated itself, only difference was they were property of the Confederacy. An investment that brought peace on the frontier of the Confederacy, many thought that nothing could go wrong.

Oh, they were terribly wrong about that.

Nothing gold can stay.

A schism happened between that said clone army, known as the Dreadguard, with many leaving the ranks and the rest staying with their government. It was a foolish scheme by those that orchestrated, and it was a shame for CC-117 to join the wrong side. No doubt that decision would leave wounds on those he turned his back on. But in return he would be bothered by that decision until he could do something to make up for it.

Which is what he was doing right now.


"I'd prefer something else than that name," the clone retorted back, hand on his own blaster while those of his men had their own weapon aimed at Metus. These weren't all the muscle he had with him. There were others scattered around, they would come in a hurry if something wrong happened.

Location: LUX
Objective: Beat Marcellus at drinking (note: probably a bad idea)
Outfit: Sparkly sparkly sparkly (Full outfit and hair)
Post #2
Tags: [member="Shakti Sweet"] [member="Marcellus Decker"] [member="Lirka Ka"] [member="Helly Reyne"]

It seemed as though the redhead sitting beside her was starting to get the hang of the drinking game, or at least, she was hiding her coughing a lot better now. In fact, that was probably the case, as she saw the look of disgust that came over Shakti’s face. Luna couldn’t help but laugh lightly at the scene, which was quickly cut off by the sensual voice in her ear, coming from a source she couldn’t place whatsoever. All she knew was that the tone of the words caused her toes to curl in her boots.

Turning around, she found a pair of magenta colored lips had spoken the words to her, which were attached to a colorfully dressed woman. Giving her a soft smile, the redhead teasingly placed a finger on her chin in mock thought, before turning around to face the bar once more. Not referencing the woman, she slid herself another shot glass.

Her eyes moved to meet Marcellus’ momentariliy, giving him a wink before quickly downing the shot glass, then another right after that, bringing her total to three. She had to clinch her jaw momentarily to keep it down, but with a clearing of her throat, she turned the pair of glasses upside down, eyes moving to meet the Thyrsian’s. “The name’s Luna.” With a turn of her head, she leaned back in her seat to give a quick, teasing peck to Helly’s cheek. “And drinks are my poison, what might yours be?”
Location: Lux Nightclub

Kurayami had heard of Metus' disappearance, but honestly, he figured that the leader of the Confederacy could handle himself. There was no reason for him to get involved in this insanity and try to help recover the man. So tonight would be like most nights, people watching and getting blasted beyond all reason. Making his way inside, he looked around at those gathered. He was dressed in black slacks with his first class bloodstripes and an old flight jacket and the seemingly ever present helmet was not in place tonight, meaning that some of the Confederacy patrons might not recognize who he was. He was fine with that thought as he settled into a table near the bar.

When the Twi'lek server approached his table he nodded and ordered a pitcher of namana nectar. He smiled slightly as he poured himself a glass from the pitcher and took a sip. He nodded when he felt the rather sweet drink burn its way down his throat. Taking a deep breath he sighed as he let himself slip down into the chair a bit and rested his right foot on his knee. The music was naught but background noise to him as he watched those on the dance floor as he continued nursing his drink. Would someone decide to join him tonight? Maybe, maybe not in reality it didn't matter. He was more than happy either way.
Location: LUX
Wearing: Coruscant (just the outfit)
Objective: R A V E
Tags: [member="Luna Terrik"] | [member="Shakti Sweet"] | [member="Marcellus Decker"] | [member="Lirka Ka"]

As her eyes raised to view the man that Luna was preoccupied with, she watched him for a moment as she felt the woman's lips briefly against her cheek. Probably trying to impress with his alcohol tolerance. She would never understand the point of that, since lower tolerances had the advantage of spending fewer credits to get the same amount of drunkenness.

Oh well, she supposed.

"Both," she replied to Luna's ears only. "If I'm feeling adventurous, at the same time." She gestured to Marcellus, her hand traveling down Luna's arm before becoming intertwined with her fingers. "I don't compete for affection if that's what's going on here. But if it was a competition, let it be known that I've got VIP privileges at this place." She couldn't help but snort at her own comment, perhaps already succumbing a little too much to the Magnetar she was offered. Slipping a shot away from the drunken patron to her other side, she downed it quickly and screwed up her face, exhaling in displeasure as she felt it like fire through her veins. She got as close as she could to the thick of red hair, her nose practically touching her ear and speaking with a well-trained cunning in her voice. "Helly Reyne; it's nice to make your acquaintance, Luna."
Wearing: Dress
Location: The Rave
Tags: [member="Rosario Perlyn"] [member="Jerek Zenduu"] [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] [member="Lanann Garwyn"]


This… Was new. Alwine squinted, forbidding the crazy colors to make her dizzy. She was not used to this… To this… What had they called it? A Rave. The Lupine did not feel very ravenous. Or ravey. Ravy? It was a silly play on words and she was certain her comprehension of linguistic jokes to was too weak to make it right.

But by the gods, this was horrible. The other parties Alwine had visited had been nothing like that. For one thing, the music was not as loud. Alwine was a Lupine, a species that had several perks, among them being sensitive hearing. But in this situation, the sensitive hearing was a weakness, not a strength. This… Was painful.

Thankfully, these sort of parties always came vendors that tried to sell their wares. Crazy colors were on sale, as were strange loopy things that one could put in their hair. Yet the thing that caught Alwine's gaze was none of the fancy colorful stuff; instead, a set of large headphones had her attention. They were bulky, and she was quite certain that if she'd tried to plug it into anything the sound would be horrible, but for now they served their purpose as noise blockers. With them on her ears, the loud music was sufficiently muffled to be a nuisance. A non-painful nuisance.

No more stalling, Alwine made her way inside, and walked in a direct line to the bar. First thing to do – get mead. The rest would wait until after that.
Rosario had stretched out on the sofa that she now inhabited alone, but it was only a few moments before she felt an urge to move. Her training had progressed far enough that now she noticed it and could probably have stopped herself from acting on it if she had wanted to, but there was no reason to restrain herself. She almost jumped up from her seat, and her gaze happened to fall on a girl who had only just entered the place. Rosario winced at the pained expression she saw on her face, feeling the sting of the other being's suffering.

The differentials in sensory sensitivity between the various species of the galaxy were a thing to be accounted for, and of course a source of business for some. Rosario frowned when the girl put on what looked like the hearing protection worn by people in hangars and on airfields. She made across the room and went up to the rodian who had handed out the item. "<Hey>", she said in Huttese - in which she had recently gained greater fluency - "<what do you think you're doing giving a girl a clunky thing like that?>" One hand on her hip, she pointed at Alwine, who had meanwhile advanced towards the bar.

Some moments, and a number of words, later, Rosario appeared besides the girl, putting a hand on her arm to get her attention. She held out the other, revealing the colourful little earplugs in her palm. "Here, these look nicer", she said with a beaming smile.

[member="Alwine Lechner"]​
Lux Nightclub
Delta IV
Cei glanced right past [member="Peyton Steele"], showing no outward indication that he recognized her as anything other than a bystander. He had clocked her as Alliance Intelligence within a minute of her arrival, but she didn't fit the description of his contact so he figured her for a spotter. It was a smart play, to assign an extra pair of eyes on just in case their meetup went sideways. It was also exactly what the duros would do if he didn't want his contact walking away from this meeting alive. Paranoid? Perhaps, after all he had no reason to suspect the Alliance had it out for him, but these were desperate times and Grand Captain Kyros had survived this long in his line of work for a reason.

There was an outburst from over by the bar, a drunken man loudly placing obscene wagers on drinks. He shook his head glumly, under any other circumstance he would have gladly joined in. A lot of these Confederate tourists had more credits than was good for them, it would have brought him no small joy to relieve them of their financial burdens.

The smuggler gave no reaction to [member="Frielle Kinniak"] and her sudden arrival. This one certainly knew how to make an appearance. He had made sure to grab a booth with a view of the entrance, and still somehow she descended into sight from the second level. Had she been here the whole time, scoping him out? Still pointedly ignoring her even when she settled into the booth across from him and placed her drink order, the duros instead glanced lazily at the passing consierge she had flagged down.

"Another of the same," he shook his empty tumbler of Sullustan gin, leaning back in his seat as if settling in.

Without looking, his fingers snapped open his holster as quietly as possible. Cei's hand drifted down to the blaster's handle, fingers brushing past the trigger guard as he tilted it up so that the barrel was aimed at Frielle's center mass under the table between them.

"Whose the third wheel?" Kyros asked after receiving his drink order and downing it all at once. He glanced almost imperceptibly over at Peyton in the other corner, "She gonna be a problem?"
[member="Helly Reyne"] [member="Luna Terrik"] [member="Shakti Sweet"] [member="Marcellus Decker"]

[SIZE=11pt]Lirka’s cybernetic eye did it’s dilations and twitches as it tried to comprehend more of what was going on, part of the HUD built into her helmet was now in this eye and it was less than ready for having to deal with the flashing lights and numerous bodies that had stuffed this place. But she had booze, so the Sephi was a jolly type of irritated. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“I can work with that.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Lirka turned back to the bar, shouting at the Bartender: a frightening sight in any other context.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Give me a bigger glass!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Her liver was already about as torn up as the rest of her body, how much more could it actually hurt? But the Sephi got what she wanted, these tiny glasses didn’t quite work nicely with just how massive of a lady she was, if she squeezed too hard there would be glass flying everywhere. Curse all those tiny people in the Galaxy.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]And Lirka downed her glass almost immediately after, slamming it to signal another immediately after. Such was her way as the creator of the certified Lirka tower of bottles.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Not my first time here.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]It had just been a long, long, time since she has ever been on the rock. Darker days, darker days of not [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]that [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]long ago. Though when the man’s eyes fell on her she had no trouble delivering a brutally hard gaze for no real reason other than she just seemed to always do that, facial structure? Eye color? Hell if she knew why.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]It was a common name on Thustra, hid some of herself well: her trust for just some random man in a piss poor excuse of a party was lacking, more than usual. Simple mechanisms she picked up when working in the Underworld. She had a reputation though, of course, for those who were well versed in the pits: Lirka the Champion of the Choah pits, and a particularly exotic bounty hunter. But it was far from a mighty reputation to the wider Galaxy.[/SIZE]
I am a son of the Mountain.
Location: Delta~Lux Cantina
Objectives: More karked up
Tags: [member="Luna Terrik"] [member="Lirka Ka"] [member="Helly Reyne"]
Marcellus kept his eyes peeled on those around the table. They seemed to be enjoying themselves enough. He listened as the Sephi offered her name and he nodded at her words. So it wasn't her time at Delta? That would explain her ease in the situation. Of course, she seemed the type to refuse to be uncomfortable in any situation. Marcellus took another shot glass before his eyes drifted back over to [member="Luna Terrik"]. It seemed her attention was being occupied by another woman who Marcellus had never seen around.

The Confederacy must have kept appealing women in high stock. Of course when Luna downed her drinks giving the man a noticeable wink Marcellus clapped his hands together with a playful grin. "Luna and Lirka." He said, with a chuckle still escaping his lips. It was obvious that the liquor was beginning to effect him yet he still downed another shot. This time he let out an odd sound as if it had stung the back of his throat. The glasses were piling up and Marcellus seemed to be enjoying himself. As they drank another man bowed out and again Marcellus let out a loud boisterous laugh.

"A lot of these boys drink the everyday Mynock piss and think they're some hard chargers." He said. His eyes spotted the Devaronian he had spoken to earlier making his way over to the table. Marcellus sighed, placing an arm on the table as he glanced over the assembled group. "Too much to ask to be left alone?" He muttered, just as the Devaronian approached. However the man said nothing, instead placing a metallic canister in Marcellus' hands and immediately walking away. Marcellus arched a brow at the man before turning and stuffing the canister back in his cargo pocket. Easy to guess what it was, another token for keeping the Confederates out of trouble. This one was a gift of spice.

Marcellus licked his lips before taking down yet another shot. This time when he slammed it on the table he pushed away the glasses he had amassed thus far. "Well, since we're all bein' friendly, how are you lot enjoying Delta?"
Location: LUX
Objectives: Not get alcohol poisoning

Tags: [member="Marcellus Decker"] | [member="Lirka Ka"] | [member="Luna Terrik"] | [member="Helly Reyne"]

Shakti found her hands drifting to the edge of the table as her fingers curled along the edge, her eyes drifting from the glasses atop the surface to the brilliantly illuminated crowd around them. The nictitating membrane at the edge of her eyes flicked across their surface in time with the flashing lights as they attempted to assist with the lighting, and she found herself shaking her head slightly as the effect was dizzying. She scooted herself back in the chair once more, leaning her back against the support behind her and closing her eyes for a moment.

The music was a dull thud against her ears, still vibrating everything around them and resonating solidly with each pound of the base through her chest. It was hard to concentrate on anything at all, but the liquor was making it a good deal worse. Her fingers tightened on the edge of the table as she rolled her head around once and opened her eyes again, watching with a dulled interest as additional glasses began to pile up.

She watched as the massive woman they shared a table with downed a large glass of the green liquid, her cheek giving an involuntary twitch as the glass was slammed down, causing the other smaller glasses to tinkle delicately - though the sound was lost to the ridiculous thrumming of the music. She leaned forward once more and tugged another glass towards herself in response, tipping it down her throat and slamming it down to another chorus of tinkling glass.

She felt a sharp jerk in her chest this go round, her lips parting a fraction as she hiccuped - not that it made a sound. She winced a bit as she pressed her hand to her chest again, another hiccup causing her to jolt a bit in the seat. What in all the hells was this stuff, anyways?
Post #3
Objective: Acquire information
Attire: This
Attn: [member="Rhaina Tira"]
  • The Five Stars
    Cantina near Lux, Delta IV

Politicians were of two kinds. The brash and direct sort, who openly proclaimed their alignment and went on veritable legislative crusades and the cunning and deceitful lot, who used honeyed words to further their agenda and who's allegiances were less clear. Either kind could make valuable allies and dangerous enemies, depending on the situation, but the latter especially were not to be taken lightly.

Fortunately, Tacitus knew how to play both games and could mingle with either group, so once the mysterious woman set the tone, the Sith Lord knew exactly how to proceed from there. "Likewise, Vicereine, I find myself delighted to be able to find some civilized company on this cesspit of a moon," he responded in the manner that was considered proper in high society. Snobbish, superficial and mixed in with a healthy dose of flattery.

"Usually, Confederate social events are of a more refined nature, present event being a particularly... unusual exception," he answered her question. "Something to do with the sensibilities of the local rulers, or something equally nonsensical," he said, his tone suggesting that he was wondering why the Vicelord had chosen to negotiate with the local trash and hadn't simply sent him with Sword Armada to glass the rock and be done with it.

The fact that she took the initiative and offered to buy him a drink, made it all the more interesting. He took note of this and filed it away for later analysis and use. Just another piece of the puzzle that was the new Vicereine. "Allow me, my lady. A proper gentleman should always buy the first round."

Clawed arm slightly taking his weight as he leaned against the bar, he waved the bartender over with a casually dismissive gesture of his hand, as if the employee was too far beneath his station to warrant much attention. All part of the game. "Another round for the lady, her preference," he ordered, a casual authority in his voice that made it seem as if he had been a ruler all his life. "A glass of wine for myself. Make it the best you have," he said, his tone making it obvious he expected that their best was not going to be much better than what they were drinking in that abominable cantina where the... celebration, was taking place.

The stage had been set. It was time to cast his first hook into the water. "May I ask what brings a lady such as yourself to this Sarlacc pit of the galaxy?"


Aspen Dray

w. N/A
I had no idea what I was walking into other than it was a party. The music was pumping, and the rave was in full swing. Of course as the half breed son of [member="Judah Lesan"] and [member="Magena Dray"] I was drawn to the event. Nothing was going to keep me from enjoying everything that I possibly could. There was also this thing I believe about being inconspicuous. Since everything was in full swing I was able to slink in and make my way tot he bar.

You could smell the sweat and the pheromones of the many bodies that were grinding together on the dance floor. The smell of booze assaulted my nose as well. All I knew was this was exactly the kind of place that I was used to before becoming a cop. Why I was walking into an environment like this again being off duty, I had no idea, but what I did know was that I needed to let off some steam. There had been a few trying cases and I just needed to be done.

The Shadowport was supposed to be pretty decent, and I needed what was going on in the club.

I made my way up to the bar and asked for a whiskey. Booze was not my usual anymore, but there were times that I could go for a good glass. It didn't help that I finally knew the truth of my father and that my mother had been lying to me about all of it. Now that I knew the truth, what the hell was I supposed to do with that. My father was a Jedi. That was some news. Drinking. I needed to get good a drunk.
Objective: Make it so Jerek relaxes and has fun, while making it so he can think of nothing but her.

Allya danced close to Jerek in almost perfect time with the music. They were close, very close, however, she felt the nervousness that came from Jerek, and from herself. The music thumped, the lights flashed, the mood was almost perfect, if they could get away from this anxiety. So, she did the only thing she could think of. She pulled Jerek towards the bar, and raised a hand. “Two glasses of clait-berry sweet wine.” It was a low alcoholic content wine. Just enough to ease the tension and it tasted good, without the over powering taste and smell of alcohol.

The temptress took the drinks, one in one hand for her, and one for Jerek. Full of grace, she handed the drink over to Jerek, and raised her glass up. “It's good, just trust me, okay?” Those large brown eyes gazed into Jerek's own eyes, as she fed on his own feelings and emotions which in turn made her own stronger as well. This soft smile was on her full, supple lips, and she reached up, to push strands of her silken hair out of her face. “To us, and lots of new memories.” If he took the glass, she would clink it to his, and begin to drink the wine. Even if he didn't take it, she would drink her own glass. The warmth of the drink in her belly made her a bit giddy, and she took a deep breath, and closed her eyes. So many emotions in this place, it was hard to stay in control. But, she kept her mind focused on the young man with her. Eyes fluttered back open and she smirked.

“Once you finish that, we can go back to dancing. But this time, I'll teach you what to do. Though, you aren't bad at all, naturally.” But he was holding back, and that wouldn't do for her. He just needed a push, and she would happily be his PUSHER, to help him experience the joys life had to offer. Tongue comes out and licks her lips, moistening them a bit. She moved close to Jerek, so her small form nearly touched his. The girl reached out, and poked his nose with her free hand, before bursting out in a giggle fit. “Hahah. You are so cute, truly!

[member="Jerek Zenduu"]
Location: ???

I'd prefer something other than that name.

Time really did do a number on people. At times, it simply magnified what was great (or infamous) about an individual significantly. At others, it would whip a man's demeanor completely around. When last Darth Metus had the chance to look [member="Canal"] in the eye, he seldom - if ever - carried himself with such a confident manner. Though he was the one hundred and seventeenth member of a ten thousand strong family, he was humble. Strong, yet light-years away from being cocky. He followed. He was a good soldier. Yet this man before the Sith? Just a sideways glance told the story that time had churned out a new product.

The quiet warrior from so long ago wouldn't have rounded up a posse such as this. Wouldn't have taken over Delta IV and drew the Confederacy in. That was Calico level charisma with Galaar level thinking. Yet time had seen fit to inject the clone with the best of his brothers. Parlay? he asked. The Sith found his grip upon the saber hilt tightening ever so slightly. The fact was, no matter how much he wanted to ignite the weapon through the clone's chest, he was at a disadvantage. The Sith that Canal knew - the man from so long ago - would have gladly taken those odds. Yet the man of the present?

He had just too much to live for now. Too much that would be left bereft if he died on some blasted moon confronting his past. Displeasure was evident in his scowl, but Darth Metus lowered his weapon.

"Oh? And here I thought the grass was much greener on the Tal'verda side - forgive me." he began, with a tone so thick with snark one could cut it with a knife. "You've got the home field advantage, Canal, I'll hear what you have to say. Speak."


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