@[member="Chloe Blake"]
As the droid finished conducting the ritual of last rites on Apparatus, keeping his mask to himself, he would just notice Chloe, by the wall, praying on her knees. From her heart rate and gassy state of intestines, he could determine that she was distraught.
He walked closer to her once Chloe was finished with her prayers
"Miss Blake, you must stay strong, there may be more Sith on their way, even though I realize that you are-"
He would move to sit down by her
"Just a small farm girl, living in a Spa-cer wo-orld,
You took the hyper-lane going a-ny-where."
He would turn to her, slightly pulling up his knees to sit more naturally,
"And I am just an ancient droid, con-verted and trained on Dan-too-ine wo-orld.
I have been around, wandering a-ny-where."
He would motion towards the corpse of Apparatus, looking more peaceful and dignified now, with his arms crossed at his chest.
"A Darth in a smo-key room.
Smelling of singed skin and Sith perfu-ume."
What was Sith perfume? More smell of singed skin mixed with dried blood and lightsaber burns.
"For a day we have shared a fight,
It went on- and on- and on- and on, indeed."
He would turn to look at her once more. That fight did drag on unfortunately, Sith were a bit too stubborn than just cut their losses and call it a day when they could.
"We are but Stran-gers sear-ching, lost in Galaxy's motion.
Can-dles dan-cing in the ni-ight."
He reached to softly put his hand on Chloe's shoulder, trying to comfort her in the time of her trial,
"Wan-dering peo-ple, taken by rivers of emotion.
Sai-ling, in cur-rents of Force's mi-ight!"
HK would stand up then, pushing himself off of the ground to offer his hands to Chloe and help her stand up as well.
"Standing tall in life's wild whirl!
Hoping for peace or seeking thri-ill,
Doing anything to survive the dice,
Just. One. More. Time."
He motioned to her,
"Some will win,"
And slightly turning he gestured to Apparatus' corpse,
"Some will lose,"
He would look back to her, continuing with his speech/song/whatever this was at this point,
"Some just live to pay their dues.
Oh, the cycles never end,
They go on- and on- and on- and on."
Those cycles of Galactic power, rises and falls of factions, Republic and Empires, they were a hoot. HK tried to reach his hands to Chloe and put them on her shoulders softly, it may have been slightly depressing up to this point but this was where his comforting protocols really kicked in!
"We may be Stran-gers, sear-ching, but our peace will come.
It is some-where, out-there, in the ni-ight!
Keep on be-lieving, for hope and love always keeps on giving.
It is the grea-test po-wer, so use it ri-ight."
He would step away from her, turning to look down at Apparatus' corpse once more.
"Do not stop be-lieving.
Hold on to your fee-eelings.
Some will end, for others to go o-on."
He would turn back to look at Chloe
"Do not stop be-lieving.
Just hold on.
Love will be-e by your si-ide."
He nodded to her softly,
"Do not stop be-lieving.
Hold on to your fee-eelings.
You are ne-ver frien-dless in the ni-ight."
He would give her a soft bow as he finished his comforting efforts.
But did he actually sing or did he speak all these lines? Did this even happened or was it all just hallucinations caused by Chloe's distress, fumes coming off of Apparatus's body and the slightly leaky droid?
The world will never know.