Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Campaign Devil You Know: Campaign to SJC Held Myrkr (Myrkr, Velmor, Orleon, Azure, Katarr)




Location: Den Velmor.
Objective: Evacuate civilians, keep friends alive.
Allies: Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion ~ Inara Basai Inara Basai ~ SJC
Enemies: Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano ~ TSE


Moments before she reached her target, ready to aid Mathieu, the Morellian and the Sith changed positions as the blades of their sabers fell into a lock. Now it was Mathieu in her way and not their enemy, as she had originally intended. Her brow furrowed some more in concentration as she made her next decision, still set on not allowing the Jedi to stand on his own against the woman. Her upbringing as an Ambassador meant she was cautious, calculating, and while careful, Palm would still do everything in her power to ensure the threat to the one that she considered one of her own was ended.

She could feel Inara through the Force, making sure to keep a closer eye on any nearing wasps as the Ranger took care of the injured. Palm couldn't empathize, not when their own necks were also on the line, but it was a medic's job and as such, she respected her for tending to it. Sensing that Inara was safe enough for the moment, her grip around the handles of her guard-shotos tightened, and the geminaie pulled once on the Force, a strong and deep tug that sent a wave of strength and speed through her with a precision that many would consider enviable.

Then, she jumped.

Aided not only by the Force but by her species own natural capabilities, Palm rose through the air, easily moving above Mathieu's head. The second he was behind her, her forearms readjusted to bring the blades of the guard-shotos down aimed at the base of Joycelyn's neck, where her shoulders began. In the best case her attack could prove lethal, but unwilling to underestimate her opponent she figured that equally successful ending would be trying her armor for weakspots or forcing her to take pressure off of Mathieu.

Then her feet landed, now standing on the opposite side and caging Joycelyn between herself and Mathieu while allowing only for enough space to parry a potential counterattack aimed at her. Her guard-shotos quickly fell back into their defensive stance, blades completely silent, nearly transparent and creating after images as they moved that would surely make them harder to follow.

Location: Thustra, Sinvala Residence
Objective: Bury the past


Lavender skin, white hair and a look she rarely ever saw on Sakadi's face. The sun always tried to look like she shone bright, and with elegance beyond measure. Here though that mask had shattered before Maya's eyes watching her sister's ears reflexively twitch. There was a sea of feelings flowing beneath Maya too, one that tumbled and toiled but with which the contents below the surface remained hidden underneath by dark green. She thogught about this moment in many ways, all the things she'd do to Sakadi, all the things she wanted to say, all the things that were so vivid in their exact phrasing and expression now just vanishing beneath the water as she looked at her sister. There was only one thing she could really think about. The sheer cosmic hilarity of it all.

Of course the one that her parents and the world revolved their lives around like she was the sun was the one that came to be the carrier of light, and for her she felt more like a mere moon, there and only able to receive a small amount of her sisters and everyone else's attention. When she solidified her position as darth she may have to find a way to incorporate Luna into her name. Had the force decided to enjoy in cascading their lives in this direction?Could it laugh and appreciate the extent of it's sick humor? No one could ever fully tell.

Still just couldn't stand there, she had to do something, see something from that now shattered gaze. She had to see her answer for it all.

"Why are you here? Why now?" Were the only things the Sephi could bring herself to say in the moment.

Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii


Dueling: Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn
Location: Outside the city, in the woods.
Units: 1st MIL Battalion "Netherhounds", 1st Armored Platoon "Wraith Division", Star Angles, Banshee Squadron (12 8-R Toscans), 2 Jai'galaar Bes'uliik
Gear: Lightsaber Trayc'kad, Echani Vibrosword given to him by Kat Decoria , Mandalorian amor, comms unit, Slick Anti-Acid Coat, Sith vibroknife, Nightbrother Fighting Knife, a pair of Taak'tabi, a pair of Hissing Ghosts

The lightly armored Mandalorian looked, turning his head up to the air as K0 landed.

"See anything from above bu...." Mig was interupted by a metel fist punching him away from wreck with a slight twirl before he fell to the ground. He would quickly get up and pulled his Trayc'kad. The saber blades ignited right after he heard the person's voice. His grip tightened before looking at the Sith, and realizing something. She knew him...? Wait....

"So, seems like the Force has pitted us again. Just not as many tricks this time." As usual, Mig's tone was oddly calm, but inside he was ready for another fight. After what Mynock told him the Sith did in the mines.... He glared, quickly going in to deliver a heavy strike with his blade. He figured that this fight wasn't one where either would hold back, plus she already threw a punch, so it wasn't like he didn't have reason to strike fast. He knew she'd already know about the heavy weapon's striking power, but still. He was ready to fight!

Tags: WelshPsych WelshPsych K Kaine Australis Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Aristeia Zambrano Kytana

Fora looked, smiling as she saw her arrow hit its mark. "Come on you gundarks! Do you want to live forever? Keep them back!" She pulled her bow back again, firing another bolt into the group of Sith forces, but soon realized what was happening. Oh no. They started a new push! Ollen looked at her team and quickly yelled for them to fall back as the Sith troops pushed. They couldn't fight like a large force. They had to fight like a smaller unit, keeping the advantage of cover when they could. As one of the Quoran ran, they were hit in the back, falling to the ground with his sper blaster next to him.

She slipped down behind a burm, peeking up before seeing a may Dathomirian land next to her. "Anything I can do?"

"I shouldn't have to explain it! Fire!" She would quickly pull out a comm, calling on the Wraith Slugger tanks. "Would someone stop tank hunting and give us fire support!?" After saying this, Fora pulled a flare gun, taking a breath before loading it and firing off a green powder flare into the air. They'd see that. Everyone. It would be a nice surprise for the Sith though. It would take it a bit to get into position though. Poodoo....


Beltran dropped back down behind the mound of dirt, not waiting to see if his flurry of shots hit home. Regardless of whether the sniper had been neutralized, several of their comrades had evidently seen him and now were returning fire in earnest. Tapping his radio operator on the shoulder, Beltran spoke-his soft even voice somehow cutting clearly through the din of battle.

"Priority fire mission," He said. "Creeping barrage, starting 100 meters south of this position. Fire for effect."

Even as he spoke, his operator repeated the information, adding the appropriate grid coordinates as he spoke. A few tense moments passed as Beltran and his Rangers hunkered down and waited. Then came the telltale whizz of incoming mortar shells. Beyond their fox-holes, several dozen powerful explosions pounded the ground, sending vegetation, dirt and pieces of Sith flying.

Crawling once more to the top of his fox-hole, Beltran watched the barrage hit home. He couldn't know for sure if the strike had gotten the sniper, but it most certainly had given them something else to focus on.

"Paladin Company," Beltran spoke over the company's comnet. "Push forward, we need to force them back while they're off kilter." It was a bold move, and one with a lot of risks but it was one that Beltran knew was necessary. If the Rangers stayed, they would eventually be overrun. The battle needed to be brought to the enemy.

Moving seemingly as one, all four platoons of Paladin Company would seed the thick jungle ahead of them with a punishing level of suppressing fire, each man sending a minimum of round super-heated plasma rounds down range. Then, they would begin moving-abandoning their fox-holes and makeshift fortifications and pushing toward the Sith forces.

With any luck, they could break this section of the Sith advance. Perhaps even turn the flank. If nothing else, perhaps Beltran would be able to find the sniper who'd tried to kill him. Maybe they might be a half exploded corpse, or maybe they would still be alive and active.

That could be fun too.
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She could hear the cries of alarms ringing throughout the Palace, the call that there would be those readily and willy to give their lives to stand against the True Queen. They would die as passionate idiots. The dark forms of Lirka and her Guardians advanced, the Sons of Moridinae buzzing around the landing pad like a flock of angry insects as they unleashed salvos of weapon fire at the Palace’s outer defenses. It was a shame her home would have to suffer such great damage today, but such was the many sacrifices that the New Way demanded, sacrifices of both the mental and the physical.

The first of the Sephi warriors poured out from a hissing blast door, clad in crimson armor that looked like some bizarre amalgamation of an insects chitinous plate and the sculpted beauty of a statue: leveling long and intricately designed rifles at the gaggle of intruders, they fired: blue light streaking across the thin bridge that lead to the palace.

Not a single shot landed on Lirka’s baroque plate.

The Ris’s Tiri move nearly as unnaturally as their Queen, many moving in front of Lirka to take the blasts on their own metallic plate; those more skilled among the Honor Guard moved their blades like glistening mirrors, cackling with emerald energy as the blaster bolts harmlessly dissipated against their weapons. Then the killing began. The first of much Sephi blood that they would need to spill today They moved like dark, shining, specs in the light of war: their blades landed true with savage and quick blows, hands were severed from wrists, heads from necks, and limbs from bodies, leaving only the burning corpses of those who had dared spearhead the resistance against the True Queen.

Lirka continued onwards, a beacon of calm in this storm of murder, sorrow, and chaos. The glowing emeralds eyes acknowledged one of the Sephi corpses as she neared the poor fool’s remains.

“It is a shame, truly, that even the blood of our treasonous kin must be spilt: but do not despair, mine loyal servants. For we have saved them from the lies of both Mandalorian and Jedi alike that has tainted their mind, warped them away from embracing the true ways.”

And so, did Lirka enter home once more: the warm light of the Palace’s interiors contrasting harshly against the grim forms and dark metals of the warriors, and the storm of carnage that followed them through the halls. None could stand against their might, but Lirka had yet to even raise a blade. In fact, the beastly Sephi had yet to even fight. She merely walked, and observed the ways in which this sacred place had been tarnished by the infectious cultures that had since dubbed Thustra a world under their command. She was filled with a repugnant disgust, and her convictions burned only brighter, her drive to see this planet broken and rebuilt in her image grew stronger and stronger, her dark desires would eclipse all who dared stand against her indomitable might.

“For let despair claim your hearts, traitors! For you have shunned the ways of the ancestors, those whom have made this planet triumphant, the heart of the sector! You have laid down, like bastard dogs, as we have been regulated to little more than another dot on the map! Fall to your knees, beg for forgiveness, and embrace the punishment you have so rightfully earned!”
The armored forms of Sephi warriors crunched under Lirka’s feet, their blood staining the fine wood of the halls, and their corpses lined wherever the Queen and her Guard walked. Fresh air soon began to slam against the gaggle as they approached one of many large gardens that dotted the path to the throne room, one that had remained curiously absent of any major defense.

It was enough to make Lirka almost want to laugh, at least the traitors had chosen a fine spot to die in. Look at all the pretty flowers while their heads were lopped from their necks.

Ashi Momosa
Palm-Imer Palm-Imer Inara Basai Inara Basai Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion
Joycelyn’s stuff: Lightsabre pike, Zaudraka, Jin’wodasir x3, Imperator’s Raiment, SIF-7 Minos, Dwomotchwûq, Sonic Grenades x 2
Armies: The Cathedra, Varanin Legion.
Sithspawn: Horde Mother, Sith Wasps, Spark Bug, Maelridae.

These children were good.

Their tempo, their coordination, it was admirable. With time, they would become excellent opponents. With the right tutelage among the Sith, they would have reached their full potential.

The young man managed to avoid Joycelyn’s attempt at tripping him much as she had avoided the tonfa-wielder’s advance, by footwork and repositioning. Now he had the audacity to try to seize her weapon. And just as his hand touched the silver and grey of her polearm, Palm had leapt and initiated a strike from above. It was an excellent use of angles.


Well, it was time Joycelyn showed what the difference was between an armoured force wielder and a true Sith.

Part of the lignan inlay in Joycelyn’s weapon sparked into embers, then burned away into ash, leaving a shallow groove in the songsteel. The power flowed into Joycelyn, fuelling the vortex of anger and ambition, her deep hunger for power, recognition and adoration; the deep-seated disappointment in her brother’s demise, and the great promises of the Ember of Vahl.

One of Palm’s sabre tonfas skipped off Joycelyn’s armour, but the other one found purchase enough between the overlapping plates to sear into the top of her shoulder. It was a shallow cut, but it did highlight one of the weaker areas of the armour: Joints and seams.

Goddess of fire, mother of fury.

Time stood still for a moment as Joycelyn let go of the spear, lignan dust still falling from her fingertips. Her hands turned outward, and a wall of kinetic energy, wrought in blue flames, burst out from her very being. The powerful pressure sought to uproot Mathieu and catch Palm before landing, and throw them into the surroundings with the full might of a Sith Lord feasting on lignan ore. .

The fire too was very much real, though it likely did more damage to the surroundings than it did to her opponents. It was an element to inspire fear and pain, to make them distraught. The pulse and fire also hurled items away with significant force, toppling and shifting their surroundings away from Joycelyn’s position without care of those who may be caught in its path, such as Inara.
Location: Thustra, Sinvala Estate.
Objective: Face the past.
Equipment: Lightsabers, Cosaint Bracers, standard equipment (Bio)


The gaze of the elder sister shifted to the large window behind the piano. The devastating rays of plasma and the light of the many explosions reflected in her eyes, as she witnessed the beginnings of the ground assault. The Sinvala Estate stood miles away from the capital, but the building still shook from the Imperial armada's impact. The expensive chandelier swayed dangerously above them, the sound of the clashing gems echoing through the room. The battle of Thustra had begun and the Master knew that, without her, it would be a short one. All she could hope for was that their people had escaped from Lirka Ka Lirka Ka 's grasp in time.

"Why are you here? Why now?"

Maya was the first to break the silence. The swirl of dark emotions radiating from her sister had not gone unnoticed to the white-haired Sephi. Despite her own discomfort, Sakadi kept an outwardly calm appearance. There is no emotion, there is peace. That would be her focus. The Code was difficult to follow to the letter, but she would do her very best to stay true to the Jedi ways. That was why, without a single hint of hesitation in her disembodied voice, Sakadi Sinvala reached out.

Her mentally projected voice was calm, confident and to a degree, warm and inviting. "I came to get you, Maya. The Empire has arrived. It's no longer safe here." She decided to ignore the clearly dark presence of her sister. It gnawed at her, but the Sephi was unwilling to believe it. If anything, perhaps she could help her overcome this inner turmoil.

The Jedi clad in white fought against her deepest fears, standing amidst a house filled with memories of insecurity. A part of her wanted to do what she always did when things got difficult. Escape to a place where no one knew her and forget the past. But not this time. No, she would see this through.

The Jedi Master raised her arm. "We have to leave. Now." She hoped that Maya would just take her outstretched hand. If they left now, perhaps she could still make a difference in the ongoing battle.

Maya Bir Sinvala Maya Bir Sinvala

Fiolette Fortan


With Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf
Opposition: K Kaine Australis
Fiolette waited for the call, she waited for her wife Taeli to give the signal. The signal that it would be time to finally engage Kaine Australis in a long overdue duel. She was on the bridge, observing Sentongo with intent. Sentongo was one of the few that Fiolette had trained personally. A plasma filament lined vibrosword waited for the beskar-laden fool. Fiolette also had another surprise waiting for him, but one that Taeli wouldn't necessarily like.
Then again, it wasn't for her to like.
It was for Fiolette to remind Australis of what he took from them, from her.
Her son, Medraut Timos Raaf.
The first of his name, and it would be in his name that Myrkr and those who associated with Kaine Australis would be slaughtered. Those who aided him, aided a known war criminal, one who would so easily sell out anyone else to save his own skin. So she bided her time, after all, revenge was a dish best served cold. A sulfuric haze washed over her azure eyes, the influence of the darkside. It was part of what made the bond with Taeli that much more... Potent.
Fiolette waited. She waited on the bridge, feet firmly planted while the hums of the Elidibus' engines were a bittersweet symphony but not nearly as sweet as the crescendo of destruction set to befall those who swore allegiance to Australis. The Silver Jedi Concord were of no quarrel to her - but if they defended him, then they too shall meet their end. Any who defend him, were by all accounts, simply souls in queue to the Netherworld.
if they're watching anyways

As she lifted him in the air it occurred to her that she might need a plan as to how to deal with him outside of immobilizing him. As it turned out, she didn't. Power surged in the man in a burst of dark, vile energies; he broke from his bindings. The strands of light dissipated. Replacing them were the fiery threads produced by the darksider. They clashed against her barrier. The light dropped, the barrier strengthened even as cracks formed and soldiers were felled around her.

For a brief moment she saw herself reflected in him. The way he moved, the source of his power -- his actions were not all his. The Force controlled them both; his twisted, hers pure. She saw when he regained control, and realized too late as the cords wrapped around her ankles to throw her away. Her focus switched to resist the attack but the strands were meant to send her away, not cut her to pieces.

She was pulled off her feet and thrown into the air. He was hoping to send her away, but she wouldn't let him escape so easily. Just as the cords of darkness had entangled her, her own hand shot out again to send strands of light to grasp him; an attempt to pull him along with her. Auteme was thrown away but she held on tight even as she began to fall. The strands tightened as she pulled.

That focus on her opponent left her unable to adapt when her flight took her crashing into a small mansion at the edge of Hyllyard. It was a Suerton's luck that allowed her to tumble through an open window and into the empty attic. She broke her fall, tucking and rolling across the old wood floors.

The building was a good four stories, built in the post-post-post-modern style. The wood creaked; she groaned with it, coughing as she pushed herself to her feet. All things accounted for this was a normal enough house. A big, empty house at the edge of town, whose dust was disturbed by her passing and whose interior was unlit and cool. The only light for the moment were the strands; still attached to the man as far as she knew. The man -- she needed to prepare.

But what to do? Here, there was no one; the halls were quiet. He couldn't hurt anyone. Well, he could hurt her. She just needed to figure out how to avoid that. Moving helped her think. Think. Move. She walked into the hall, tugging one more time to ensure that he arrived the same as her-

Another step, and there was no weight at the end of her string. There was no light. For a moment there was nothing, like the air had been pulled from her lungs and the warmth from her body. She began to panic but the feeling passed as quickly as it'd came. Something was different, though; she was robbed of a sense. Of the Force.

She kicked herself for forgetting about the bubble, but there was no time. She heard him land and without hesitation she bolted down the hall to the stairwell. Like a child who had not yet earned any scrapes from a fall she vaulted over the railing, keeping hold long enough to swing her down on the third floor.

Auteme disappeared into the second room to the left, careful not to touch the door or make any noise. Her sharp turn and movement had shifted the carpet that covered the hallway's floor, but she didn't dare step out to fix it. The room she found herself in was a bedroom, medium-sized, a double bed in the center against the far wall, a few cabinets and closets placed around it.

No, didn't matter. She just needed him to pass by, then she'd cross the hall to where she might be able to access the Force. She steadied her breath. Her back to the wall, she listened and waited.

Equipment: Armour, Energy Bow, Force Resisted Arrows x10
Location: In the city
Objective: Keep the Sith at bay
Interacting with: Open to interaction
SJC Peeps: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr K Kaine Australis Torrack Torrackstur Torrack Torrackstur Mig Gred Mig Gred
TSE: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Aristeia Zambrano Kytana
The Sith were hitting them hard, Yuroic was firing the arrows he had rapidly hitting the Sith with all his strength. It wasn't strong enough though, he could see soldiers getting shot down and saw large numbers of Sith. Yuroic cursed, he couldn't call a retreat, he wasn't the person to do that. No, he wanted to be on the frontline, like he had been on Mirial, fighting alongside the soldiers risking their lives to protect the peace that the Jedi wanted to maintain in the SJC. Shaking his limbs, he couldn't let fear sink in, he never let fear sink in before. What was different now? Well a lot was different, he was older, had a family but there was mostly his ailing wellbeing that usually affected his judgement. Though he knew Jairdain Jairdain would never approve of his fighting or his recklessness. Especially since neither of them wanted their children to grow up demonstrating the recklessness that he had shown most of his life.​

Sitting down, he thought of Jairdain, and his children, the protection he wanted to give them and then thought of the soldiers fighting to maintain the peace in their systems. Normally, Yuroic would use battle meditation to strengthen everyone's resolve and make their aim truer so that they could get an advantage over the Sith. However, his arrows were capable of blocking a Sith's use of the Force, also meant that they were capable of blocking his. It was a nuisance but to use his bow against Sith meant that he had to use these arrows and have them block majority of his Force abilities. Yuroic fired several more arrows. His hood keeping his face in shadow but there was fire in his eyes as he was determined to fight. Launching every arrow that he had, saving his Force resistant arrows for when he spotted Sith.​

Breathing calmly, his mind was staying focus for now, though his muscles were starting to ache with the strain of firing arrows continuously. "No, can't stop. Have to keep going. Have to keep fighting." Yuroic grunted to himself as he gritted his teeth hard. He would not let himself give up now, not when there were people still in need of protecting.​
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Go West
Allies: Kyra Perl Kyra Perl
Enemies(?): Lark Lark | Nida Perl Nida Perl

As much as it went against his father's teachings, neither the city nor its people was their objective. Nida was. Finding her would make everything okay, wouldn't it? It had to, or life would never again be worth living.

Watching Kyra leap high into the air and land on top of a roof with the use of the Force, Thirdas turned westwards according to her instructions. "Military targets, huh?"

With Kyra joining him on the ground, Thirdas pulled out his rifle and stuffed a full mag into the empty slot. "Good. It's been days since I last shot someone."

Anyone standing in their way he would crush. They were so close.

Bounding through the streets and heading west through the city of Hyllyard, Thirdas made certain to clear each intersection before they'd cross the street into the next city block, scanning the surrounding area with the use of his mask granting him enhanced tactical awareness. They used the chaos to their advantage, slipping by troop movements and the occasional firefight.

Finally the unlikely pair reached the edge of the energy shield protecting the city. There was a swelling in his chest the closer they got to Nida's location, and by now that swelling had turned into a burning sensation. His breathing became more and more shallow, reaching a crescendo as the two hunkered down by some debris and Thirdas used his scope to zoom in on the forces arrayed on the other side of the shield.

He almost dropped his rifle when he spotted her. That violet hair was unmistakable.

His throat dried up.

"She... she looks exactly the same," he uttered, more so to process it for himself than to inform Kyra. Same as the day they were parted.

Part of him wished nothing more than appear before her, hoping his mere presence would be enough to shake off the mind control the Sith were no doubt utilising to keep her pacified. He would've, were it not for the Sith troops accompanying her.

"How do you wanna play this," he asked Kyra. He could only kill so many before they were inevitably overrun.
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ALLIES | Lark Lark
ENEMIES? | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield

For as long as she’d known him, Lark was gentle. Even when they had first met as enemies, she could see the regret on his face and feel the way it resounded through his person. Since then, he’d been kindly to her. The only hints she had about the monster stirring inside of him were from Lark himself verbalizing his fears. Whatever this was, he feared that he would be lost entirely. Nida feared that as well.

What he’d said last about hunger had disturbed her the most. As if he were ashamed of the inevitable.

Nida could feel her own level nerves fraying rapidly as Kyra and Thirdas drew near. Jedi or Sith, the Zeltron always strove to help those she cared for. With her sister and estranged lover on the scene, she feared that she would not be able to help Lark.

“Do not concern yourself with my grief.” Her tone was not scolding, but gentle and distant as her eyes locked onto the flash of red that seemed to be growing brighter, and the large figure alongside it.

Her heart wasn’t steady, but she was too absent to count the fluctuating beats. “You have a much bigger battle to fight, Lark.” She turned to him now, barely able to tear her eyes from the approaching heartache. "You've shown me that there is good in you. Even if there is a monster as well, draw from the kindness you've shown me. I don’t know how much I can do against you if you turn towards a path too dark. But please, spare those who I love.” Her voice nearly died in her throat, words strangled as she tried to sort out her thoughts.

Spare those who I love.

I love them.

I love them?


It didn’t make sense, but it had to. She would make sense of everything, even if it killed her.

“Kyra,” She called out, a note of genuine desperation in her voice. Don’t get too close.

“Please. Let’s talk this out. I’ll help you understand.” She purposely avoided looking at the masked man to her side. Even with his face covered and his hair grown out, her body burned with the sensation of his presence. How could it not, after all the time they’d spent together? Night after night, they’d curl up on that cramped mattress and find a peaceful sleep in each other’s arms. How could she give up something like that, someone who loved her so much, who she adored in return?

And yet, something equally primal in her hated him. She didn’t understand it.

But she would make sense of everything.

She had to.

Location: Den Velmor
Objective: Assist with defense of the planet, evacuate civilians
Allies: Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion , Palm-Imer Palm-Imer , SJC
Enemies: Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano , Sith

The woman shook her head at Inara, eyes overflowing with tears now. Inara's heart sank, there was nothing more she could do now. Glancing to the woman's teenage son, Inara reached down and lifted the blaster rifle from her belt. She handed it over to him.

“Just point and shoot,” she said, giving him a steady nod. “You need to seek shelter right away.”

Looking skyward, she saw no more civilian ships evacuating – it was just too dangerous. The shadow of the Sith ship loomed menacingly among the clouds above, and the sky was still swarming. Pushing to her feet, she motioned for the pair to go, she'd give them cover. The boy grabbed his mother by the arm and pulled her way from the body of her husband – and his father. With a last look back, he pulled the frantic woman along and Inara watched through the sight of her rifle.

The swarm of insects was moving like a giant black cloud, Inara hoped that the winged creatures did not pick up on her presence there in the alley. And, she turned to make her way back to where Mathieu and Palm were fighting. She needed to make sure her friends go through this fight and off the world safely. Skidding around the corner, she leveled her weapon but stood in grim awe at the sight of the Sith woman seemingly in flames.

Inara threw her arms up to shield her face from the blast of heat that found her, as if the flames were licking against her skin, even at this distance.

She felt the pulse of dark energy emanating from the Sith, and she saw something dark flying towards her. Inara let out a gasp when she thought to move – but it was already too late. The piece of airborne debris moved at such a speed down the street that she just didn't have the time to react. She felt her feet give way as the object – she couldn't even identify it – a twisted piece of metal contacted her.

The rifle fell from her grip as she herself went flying backwards, into the barricade of speeders. Inara saw only blurred shapes in the distance, one of them still glowing like embers, as her vision went dark.


Through their synaptic connection he could feel the sky demon's hunger for death and destruction. It was raised a dominant alpha, its' hatred bred from birth. The beast held a malevolent intellect and nothing drove it harder than unleashing mass devastation. Its hunger fed the violent storms, it's power rooted in the skies. It's presence constantly found in the wake of hurricane's its power gradually generated within the skies. It bowed to only one being, an insufferable tyrant that claimed total dominion over the skies. It took the will of his dark master to curb the beasts fury even against the landing sith that dared to treat through what it saw as its domain. Again he swept the beast down and again the heads unleashed their golden wrath to engulf the jungles below and burn away the insufferable lizards, the lush fertile jungles of Myrkr and replace it with a blackened ruin. In the great blackened breaches came down waves of drop ships, each belching forth men of the imperial legion, sith troopers stepping foot on Myrkr to bring annihilation to Clan Australis.
The last time they had fought it was at that fateful day on Wayland during the great Siege of Akitagrad.The Mandalorian Warmaster had tried and failed in a second siege of Mandalore and his clan was pushed back. They were prepared to defend the city, it's underground fortress designed to withstand a siege from forces that outnumbered them a hundred to one. That was until the Lord of Lies took to the field and unleashed his devastating power, his cataclysm sank the city right on top of that base and both were destroyed in the firestorm that was unleashed. A horrific loss for the mandalorian clan and a decisive victory for the Sith. Now they had come to strike deep into the heart of Clan Australis.
Now they would exact final vengeance upon their hated foe.
The Imperial Warmaster unleashed his dogs of war upon the jungles. It was from the back of the Genocide that he commanded the defoliation of the jungles. A series of targeted orbital strikes and starfighter fly-bys over supposed areas of enemy resistance sent up great orange plumes, spreading fires through the humid jungles, beneath such strikes the earth shook. If the mandalorians thought themselves safe with their silver jedi allies, if they thought themselves safe within the jungles than they learned nothing from Wayland. The Sith Empire would burn the jungles black to find them. It was in a supposed hot bed of movement, intelligence from spatial scans that he commanded Galvanoth to land. The massive battle hydra crashed into the ground with enough force to shake the ground for some distance around. There were fleeing figures moving through the jungles. Whether they were innocent people, refugees, regrouping soldiers, or logistical officials it didn't matter for the Shadow Hand. He gave command to the great beast and it swung its twin tails, each ending in a great spined maul dripping in corrosive poison. The tails swept down trees and tore the earth beneath, the moving forms disappeared as they were crushed beneath it. Once they were dead the giant stepped onto one of the great beasts heads. The creature lowered him down to the earth and he stepped off onto the blackened soil, as it raised up behind him and unleashed a roar.


Finley Dawson


Location: Vegemite Temple (Myrkr)
Objective: Touring Temple Defending
Allies: SJC
Opposition: TSE
Directly Engaging: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Equipment: Raptoran Combat Armor , Firebolt Mass Driver Repeater, Kessel's Kiss, Glop & Cryo Grenades, Generic Green Lightsaber
Units: Please refer to the Temple sub for resident units. Finley has no units under his direct command so so free to take flavor kills within reason.

The plasma cannon bombardment ended as Finley and the Mandalorians neared the position of the downed Sith, careful to zig zag to make themselves harder to hit on approach. Jump troopers began to raise their weapons fire down upon the Sith, many sporting their trademark Energy Rippers and overpowered Assault Rifles.

He followed suit, centering upon a pair of enemy soldier scrambling for cover under foliage. He leveled off and held his breath as he steadied his shot and then...his slugs went wide as he was suddenly yanked out of the sky.


He immediately recognized the familiar grip of psychic energy smothering his body, but he was in a poor position to respond to the surprise attack. Normally it was hard to surprise a Force User in such a manner, even by another Force User, so he truly wasn't prepared*. All he had time to do was roll midair and boost to counter the pull so he didn't wind up crashing into a tree.

Narrowly, he avoided being impaled on a branch, but he still ate dirt as he came crashing to the jungle floor, knocking the wind out of him even as his power armor cushioned the fall somewhat. New warnings bloomed across the top of his HUD, a stylized graphic of left leg of the power armor highlighted in yellow - the maneuvering thrusters had taken slight damage from collision. That would make it harder to fly without any precision, but it certainly wasn't wise to go back in the air with an enemy Force User about.

"Chit what happened?!" Jayce called over radio, the whine of his rotary cannon almost overtaking his voice. "You get hit?"

"Nah, I'm good," Finley reported with a wheeze, though he already on his feet, snapping to cover behind a small formation of boulders, "But there's definitely a Sith among them. Tugged me down. I'll handle it."

While the enemy Force User had gotten him good with the telepathic equivalent of a sucker punch, he now had a bead on them as they had revealed their position. Still, there was almost a fuzziness to their aura preventing him from pinpointing them exactly*. Reduced to meters instead of centimeters. Meanwhile, he could still pick out the locations of everyone else as clear as day.

Okay, sneaky Sith, have some slag...

Fortunately, he had the perfect weapon to flush them out as he darted forward cover to cover from trees and depressions, saturating the area where he sensed the Sith with continuous bursts of fire from his repeater. The Firebolt, ironically, designed to punch through Beskar and other heavy armor, its molten slugs would now shred through the trees with ease.

"I'm advancing on the fracker, be my eyes above."

As he moved, an invisible cocoon of Force energy gradually enveloped his form, shielding him against another potential Force Grip. That didn't mean they couldn't launch a rock or something at him, but at least he wouldn't be directly manipulated like a rag doll again.

*His ESP and precog capabilities are being affected by Ingrid's Taozin amulet.

Location: Thustra, Sinvala Residence
Objective: Force Saka to know how it feels


She could feel herself getting incensed by this entire notion before her. Hearing the voice enter her mind and play in it's ethereal quality trying to play like the many intrusive voices that plagued her head, all try to pull and drag the Sephi in a different path, too preoccupied with their own existences to focus on steering Maya onto her own unique path. They were merely ghosts that haunted her, an example of how the past always hanged over everyone. No. No. She was going to be better then that. She was at the helm, not anyone else now, and that's why she was here.

A small calm seemed to wash over the Sephi as the signs of distant battle for the planet of Thustra shook the foundations of their former prison. She couldn't care less for Lirka and her inane desires to be queen of this planet, but it felt so poetic to know this world was suffering. One that languished and took in the collective suffering of her and Sakadi was for entertainment, one that couldn't look beyond anything but the stage, missing the inner torment of those it exploited now get to feel dread themselves. Edgy some may call that line of thinking, but it didn't make it not feel good in it's own perverted way.

Still the world didn't matter, just this small little microcosm that held so much of her life in it's tendrils. Still that didn't change the fact that her dear Sakadi was in complete denial. It was obvious and amusing, even as the she tried to act so calm and imperturbable the fact that she was unwilling to even acknowledge it just brought a smile on her face as she now looked at the outstretched arm. Once again Saka just couldn't accept the reality in front of her, except this time the tables were turn. It was Saka trying to offer her heart, and Maya in the position to receive it. She now knew what to do.

She looked down at the arm being offered only to casually lean back and look straight into Sakadi's eyes forcing the Jedi to look at her. Soon the entire room began to slowly darken and fade to ever longer shadows being cast as a simple visual illusion began to be cast.

"Oh really? I don't feel in any danger. In fact what makes you think I want to leave right now? When there's so much that needs to be done." She muttered, taking a small delight in it, curious to see if she could mangle her sisters heart like what she did to Maya when she left her all those years before. The Sith turned around and lifted the fallboard again exposing the keys of the piano. She could feel an energy just ready to burst out of her as the idea overwhelmed her. Why just say what happened when she could do more?

"What you didn't think I too could break out of that gilded bird cage we were trapped in Saka? No, I came back as a choice." She said as she pursed her fingers back over the keys. The room grew darker and now the only 3 discernible things was Maya at the piano, Sakadi who seemed to have a spot light casted on her, and the fireplace, seemingly more grand and larger in scale with the flame shifting to a more red color. Sakadi could perhaps see and feel her sister plucking at the force like they were just strings on an instrument, one meant to follow the instructions of it's player.

"But I can tell you either don't understand, or refuse to believe it. Though it always felt like you struggled with that anyways. Perhaps then I could clear all of that away in a medium we both understand all too well, dear sister" The sephi muttered with an uncomfortable amount of malice lacing her final words.

"After all why just tell you when I can show you everything."

With that came the sounds of a string instrument materializing in the room with that as a song began to play.

Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Vegemite Temple, Myrkr
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | 2x red blade lightsaber shoto | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Shield talisman | G1 OmniLink | Empyrean gland | Taozin amulet
Space forces: 4/4 Adjudicator II-class Star Destroyer (under Thaelius Thaelius 's command)
Ground forces: 2.000/2.000 Ultranauts | 2.000/2.000 Infinites (under Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano 's command)
Enemies: Finley Dawson

Background music:
Sabaton – Rise of Evil

This succeeded, the armored figure whom Ingrid thought to be some leader because of his armour had arrived. Not long after, he also opened fire in one direction, by which time Ingrid was not near that sight. Through the Force, however, she felt that there were Force Users in that direction, presumably Siths, because she also felt the Dark Side’s disturbance. In fact, in this place she could have even mingled among the Jedi, for she was perfectly neutral in the Force.

At least when she wasn’t hiding all of that, which was now helped even by the Taozin amulet, which she was actually wearing because of her armor and weapons, not because of herself. The Overlord was able to solve this for herself, even more effectively than the amulet. Everyone thought she was a Sith because she fought on the side of the Sith, but she never was, she had to control her emotions too well, and she had to use the emotions of others to use the power of the dark side effectively.

She didn't want to use Force now, but rather took out the two vibroswords completely silently and snuck close to the other. Now that she was using the armour, she was much more noticeable than if she was relying on the Force. The Force gave perfect invisibility, that is less. That's why she moved fast. If she gets there from the side to her opponent, she will not attack him, but she tries to cut his gun/weapon in half first, or at least damage it.

As she had seen in previous seconds, that weapon was dangerous enough and she didn’t want to risk it like she did on the Bastion. That once was enough for a lifetime. Because she was close and attacked, so now it was unnecessary to maintain the camouflage, so close, the other could have followed her anyway, only if she had moved away a lot of meters, she would have melted into the environment completely again.

After the attack, if she managed to destroy the weapon or if she didn’t, she would still dance a few yards back to wait for her opponent to face her.



Location: Den Velmor, Velmor
Equipment: Ashlas wristguard | Blaster pistol with a stun setting | Stun baton | Two Lightsabres | Brion Substance Regulator | Electromagnetic pulse emitter | Jedi Robes
Allied tag: Inara Basai Inara Basai | Palm-Imer Palm-Imer
Hostile tag: Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano


Peripherally, Mathieu could see Palm soaring through the sky just above him, managing to hit the tall Sith with both. He could tell that at least one of the hits had landed to a degree and wanted to capitalise on their foe's moment of weakness. In their current stance, he wanted to disengage their sabre lock and stab her, relying on the close quarters and his hand holding on to her spear to ensure his own safety.

His plans would not come to fruition. For just when he was about to disengage his blade from hers, a powerful dark wave seemed to appear as the handle of the spear grew hot. Instinctively, he shied away from it's source, removing his hand from the spear. Soon, he found himself in tremendous pain, being flung away several meters as the heat of the blue flames pained him immensely. But his mind had fixated on one person: Inara - she had appeared from the alley right before he was flung the other way.

The Padawan's body hurt all over, but for now, he would ignore the pain. Throwing off his still burning outer robes he looked around, frantically searching for the medic. Fear and horror struck his mind as he saw her body by the speeder barricade and for the moment, he couldn't think of anything else than rushing to her side. His now extinguished lightsabre was still at hand and he was ready to defend against incoming attacks from the Sith - but for now, his mind was no longer in the battle.

Once arrived, he kneeled down next to her and hollered her name "Inara!" in the hopes of getting a response. Mathieu's one hand went to her neck with his thumb stroking her cheek as the other attached his lightsabre to his belt. "Inara, talk to me" he said, more like a plead than anything else. With both hands free, he finally started to check for injuries. His mind was filled with fear and desperation - clearly, he had not quite learned how to handle attachments properly.

It did not take long before the main injury was found - it was where she had been hit by the debris. After tearing the fabric on top of the wound apart, his eyes scanned it frantically. Although the former Mercenary had treated a few wounds in his days, none were quite like this. Mathieu had spoken to her numerous times about how poor his capacities with force healing was and he mumbled just as much with the shaky voice he could muster "You know I can't do this"

There was no choice. Putting his hands on her wound, he let his gaze wander to her face and his mind to wander to the last time they met by the cafe on Kashyyyk. It helped him find peace and clarity and before long, the area around her wound started to shimmer as the worst of her injuries started to heal.

Finley Dawson


Location: Vegemite Temple (Myrkr)
Objective: Touring Temple Defending
Allies: SJC
Opposition: TSE
Directly Engaging: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Equipment: Raptoran Combat Armor , Firebolt Mass Driver Repeater, Kessel's Kiss, Glop & Cryo Grenades, Generic Green Lightsaber
Units: Please refer to the Temple sub for resident units. Finley has no units under his direct command so so free to take flavor kills within reason.

Like Finley, the Jayce was having some trouble tracking the assailant - he could only guess they were wielding some sort active camo suite. It didn't help that his view of the ground below was partially obstructed by the canopy.

Nothing on electro-optical, but with infrared, he could track ambient heat prints through the gaps of the trees, on a path circling the Jedi below.

"You're getting flanked!" Jayce warned.

Even if the Mandalorian hadn't said anything, Finley would have noticed the movement on his own his alert state, fuzzy as the signature was. However, the warning did force him to focus on his flanks much sooner than without, a few more precious moments to notice someone hurdling toward him at high speed. Their outline was hard to make out against the backdrop of the jungle, flicking in and out of view with each step - definitely some form of stealth stealth tech - but there was little doubt it was his Sith.

He kicked backwards as if to fall, but instead of crashing to the ground again, he skidded backwards a few meters with the aid of his main booster, creating some distance between he and the attacker. As he flew back he unloaded on them with his repeater.

The Sith would have been better keeping their distance with that fancy stealth tech of theirs, because at this point he was now stuck on them like a fly on podoo. However, at the same time, his heavy repeater was sub-optimal in CQC. He had some other tricks just for this scenario, though.

It was a good time for a Kiss.

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Allies: Fiolette Raaf @other Sith forces
Enemies: K Kaine Australis ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar
Equipment: Weapons in signature, stylized Medhir armor

"He's heading for the ground," she murmured, eyes tracing the trail of whatever ship Kaine was using to escape the doomed ship that bore his name. She couldn't physically see it, but she could feel him. And then she felt much larger lifeforms appearing from hyperspace... how very interesting. Giant jellyfish, creatures she had not seen before, emerged and immediately began attacking the smaller ships among the Sith fleet. Curious despite herself, she observed as one wrapped around a frigate, the shields flickering as the creature literally ate away at the energy before it failed and started to consume the ship.

Oh very interesting indeed. And her gaze turned towards the shield and its gate still protecting the world from a more egregious attack and landing from the Sith forces arrayed against it.

"Admiral Sentongo, I want the ship bearing his name as nothing but space dust. Continue bombardment of his fleet formation."

"And the creatures?" the Korun admiral asked. "They might not be as destructive as a purrgil ambush, but they're causing havoc."

"I shall deal with the unexpected gift Australis gave us," Taeli replied, turning to leave the bridge with her wife. It was time to give chase their real prey. Taeli had not earned a reputation as the Mistress of Monsters for nothing, and to have such simple creatures used against the Sith... well, he probably hadn't expected her to come along. Trusting her wife to guide her to the hangar and their ship, Taeli closed her eyes and started reaching out to the jellyfish assaulting the Sith armada, touching their minds one by one.

Simple thoughts, more instinctive... yes, she could see how he had done it. Threats to children really could bring out such... a protective and vengeful side in a being. How... appropriate. Once she had touched each of their minds, using herself as focal point in the Force meld she had built, she began employing one of her most powerful and practice techniques. Beast Control.

The jellyfish would stop attacking the Sith forces, slowly turning towards the planet itself. A little nudge in what passed for their minds. Children taken. Imprisoned. In pain. Trapped behind the blue shimmer. As a slow moving swarm, the beasts he had used on the Sith fleet descended upon the shield protecting the world and they started to eat, and die, and still eat.

"Silver Jedi ship entering system, Mon Cal style ships."

"We will deal with them momentarily, another broadside on the Mandalorian flotilla."

From the Elidibus and its supporting Star Destroyers and smaller ships, another eruption of turbolasers and other weaponry opened up on the Terror Australis and its accompanying ships. The Lord Admiral would follow her Lady's commands, and would gladly see that ship, one that had plagued the Sith for years now, reduced to debris and dead men.

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