Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Diamonds and Guns [Sio]

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
The Silver Jedi Order E'ron-class corvette touched down on the landing pad in Santaissa. Home to Firemane and Lady Tegaea and Coci's friend Sio. She was looking forward to see Sio again it had been some time since Tabaquai and the events there and now she comes not just for a social visit but for business. Recent events had given Coci a clear indication that the Silver Order lacked in weapons and armour, she had already purchased some through another company now strongly linked to the Silver Jedi, but they still required more. Options are always a good idea, and she wanted to give the Jedi all possible options when fighting the war.

Coci is expected and would not keep Sio waiting, as soon as the ship passed security clearances Coci made her way to the grand residence of her friend. Shown into a waiting room, a servant promptly went to inform Sio of her arrival and so Coci waited looking around the room admiring the decor. It reminded her somewhat of her estate home on Corellia, or rather had it still been there but no, her homeworld destroyed along with all that she had had connection with. House Sinopi only lived in name now, through her and her son.

In her hand Coci carries a small box. Enclosed inside are a set of earrings as a gift for Lady Tegaea and a way to apologise to her for Coci's behaviour on Tygara. Things had gotten heated there between the two and Coci regretted this and she wanted to make amends. For Sio, Coci decided on a robe of red.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

Master Heavenshield of the Silver Jedi was indeed expected and thus would not have to wait long. A very attractive blonde Eldorai servant girl would bring her refreshments and drinks if she wished any. For one, there would be Atrisian tea because Siobhan had taken a liking to it due to a certain Mirien Valdier.

A moment or two later Siobhan herself would enter the room, dressed in an elegant skirtsuit that screamed sexy fashionista. Or rather she would limp inside it since much to her annoyance she was still forced to use a cane. At least it was a nice looking cane, but it was the principle of the thing, hence why her writer kept mentioning it anytime she showed up. Still she carried herself as proudly as ever, chin held high, even though she looked a bit tired. Running a corporation was not easy business. Nor was raising two daughters on top of that. Leaving aside the fact that Eldorai politics were tempestuous at the best of times.

However, she gave Coci a smile when she saw her. Presumably she had heard about events on Tygara, but did not seem to hold it against the Jedi Master. "Coci, it's good to see you. Welcome to Kaeshana. I trust the flight was pleasant?" she asked politely, though there was warmth in her tone that went beyond stiff formality. Somewhat impulsively she gave the woman a loose, one-armed hug before her bionic eyes fell upon the small box that the Jedi had brought with her. "Gifts? Oh, you needn't have. That's very sweet. Thanks," she spoke.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​
She did not have to wait long, the doors opened and in walked Sio, looking all the world like she belonged in such a grand place as this and so different to when Coci saw her last. She looked stunning of course, she always did, but Coci's brow formed a frown as she noticed Sio's cane and her struggle to walk.

"My flight was as good as it could be", she said as she bowed at the waist to her hostess. Never one for loving flying, the trip here was without incident which pleased Coci.

She presented the small box to Siobhan, "This is a gift for Lady Tegaea, in a form of an apology for events on Tygara", she smiled knowing that Sio more than likely would have heard of the events there. "I hope she will accept them, and forgive my lack of temper". Than holding out the other package, which was wrapped in basic brown paper, and tied with a piece of brown string, Jedi you know, no fancy-ness, she presented the robe to Sio. "For you", she said smiling.

"As you are aware, I have come to take a look at what Firemane has to offer in armoury and weapons. The Silver Jedi, need to be able to protect themselves as best we can offer when war arrives and it will. Dead Jedi cannot protect others. But before we get to that, may I ask what has happened to you, you are injured". she hoped she was not being to personal in her inquiry but Sio is becoming a good friend and so Coci is concerned for her.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

"She forgave me my temper outbursts many years ago and they were a lot worse," Siobhan said bluntly and honestly. Yes, she had indeed about what transpired on Tygara and had not been happy, but she saw no reason to harp about it. Fact was, her own heated temper had driven her to a lot worse. Perhaps age and settling down had mellowed Siobhan a bit. Or made her less hypocritical and judgemental.

She took ahold of the package holding the kimono and after examining it, gave Coci a bright smile. "That's beautiful, I love kimonos. Thanks. I'll pass the earrings on to Tegs. Sure she'll appreciate them. I have a presentation and a selection of Firemane weaponry and armour set up at the shooting range. You can see them there for yourself and try them out. Specialised equipment for battle against Sith, Vong monsters and the like." She was about to turn around to lead Coci outside to the training grounds, which was incidentally also the place where she gave [member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"] shooting lessons, then stiffened when the Jedi brought up her injuries.

She understood and appreciated that her friend was showing concern for her, but at the same it was personal. Moreover, Siobhan loathed weakness inside herself and it was connected to a very painful period in her life. But then finally she spoke up. "Alderaan. Tegs and Galina got netherworlded, I went after them to through the portal. Planet was flooded with Vong and Fire Breathers, Force was wonky, building ended up dropping on me and buried me under it. Leg's been crappy since then." Oh, and she had to chop off her bionic arm because a pillar was so naughty to land on it.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Coci offered a weak smile, as Siobhan liked her gift regardless Coci never visits a friend empty handed. It was simply something left over from her youth and upbringing as the only heir to House Sinopi, now lost. As they moved to leave heading for the range to view and test the weapons, Sio stopped.

Feeling the flow of emotions from Sio, Coci realised she had asked a personal question, it seemed that she was not having any luck of late and saying the wrong thing. But Sio recounted her experiences in the Netherworld. Coci not surprised she had suffered much in that period, having been taken there herself.

"I too, was taken .. I ended up in what I later discovered to be the Garden of Thorns. I was very pregnant and without the force as most were. That place was pure darkness, nowhere to move literally, and if you did you would be speared by thorns. There was a small group of us there, and we came across a being that enticed me to believe that [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] was there. He was, and the real Thurion turned up just in time, or else I believe I would not be standing here today. I was entranced and if I had gone to the being I would have been consumed". eaten that is. "But regardless I did not suffer as you did. My apologise if I asked a tender question".

To relieve the tension Coci began to walk toward the outside.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

Siobhan paused in her step when Coci spoke. It was a reminder that she had not been the only one who had gone through an ordeal in the netherworld. Well, that was obvious but the Countess tended to be a bit self-centred sometimes. "That's horrible...I'm glad Thurion was there to help you and you got out," she said sincerely. "How's your baby now? Everything's alright? Feel I need to go buy some gifts," she joked, but seemed genuinely interested. It was ironic that a couple years ago Siobhan had really disliked children. That had changed after adopting Galina. In her eyes at least, motherhood had been good for her.

While she spoke these words Siobhan limped outside. Past the beautifully manicured garden she would guide Coci to the shooting range. It all looked elegant and beautifully maintained, a magnificient estate that was a fitting home for its owners. Except...within a relatively short span of time it would all be over. There was nothing that would be able to stop the massive asteroid from crashing into Kaeshana and destroying it. That was why the Eldorai had sought out Tygara as a new home. Firemane had likewise made preparations of its own for the exodus. Much of the production had already been relocated offworld and Etti Four would be the temporary headquarters.

However, Siobhan did not mention this and instead would guide Coci to the vast, out-door shooting range. Various targets and mockups had been set up to provide ample opportunity to test out death dealers. Likewise there were tables stacked with guns that would make any Galactic Rifle Association member gungasm. Siobhan was not a member, by the way, because she considered the GRA sexist. Which meant that it was not dominated by women.

Among other things, the Jedi Master would find an MK1 and an MK2 bolter, a bolt pistol, a shatterboltgun, a portable shattergun rotary cannon, shatter pistols, a heavy bolter, Gorgon web rifles and an Atrisian-made shadow rifle and a shatter volleygun. There was also other stuff but let us not overload this post here. The earlier bolters had originally been Pyre designed back in the good old days, but Firemane had gained the rights to produce and refine them. Since ARGH had become a Firemane subsidiary, the company had access to their toys as well. Other toys could be shown as well, but for a small selection had been laid out for an initial inspection.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

The walk to the outdoor range was pleasant, the gardens surrounding the palace alive with colour and all sorts of exotic plants and trees, most of which Coci did not know the name of, but mattered little, she still appreciated their beauty and the force is alive and well within them. Although she is most used to the flora of Tabaqui and loves the thick jungles that teem with life and diversity it is nice to see nature in this way as well.

The open range is well appointed with all modern facilities, the targets in readiness and Coci would soon be able to put the guns to the test. "This is part of your manifest?", she noted the displayed weaponry. And of course it was.

Her finger tips lightly ran long the length of the display table as her black eyes followed falling over all the guns and rifles. As she did, Coci contemplated what would best suit the Ranger and Wild Cards along with the Jedi, if they wished to carry such weapons. After seeking some advice from [member="Thurion Heavenshield"], she knew what to look for, but that would hold for the moment, as her eyes found something she knows about a lot. A rifle caught her eye, a more modern version of her White Mouse, an upgraded Nightstinger but this rifle looked .. extraordinary.

She could not help but pick it up, feeling the weight of it in her hands, the balance almost perfect, as the palm caressed along the barrel, but it was not just a caress. Using telekinesis Coci cleaned the barrel of any impediments, she did this three times as is her habit when cleaning her rifle. "May I?", she asked Sio if she could fire this one.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

Siobhan certainly liked a woman who had a thing for guns! "Yep, all designed either by Firemane or our subsidiary Abregado-Rae Guild of Hammers. Have a look around, feel free to test or ask questions. The MK1 bolter has been the Pyre's and now Firemane's standard weapon against Bando Gora, Sith and monsters. Explosive bolts that detonate on impact perform nicely against forcers. Particularly when they try to force push them away and the bolts explode in their face. Shatterboltgun rounds can penetrate heavy vehicle armour." Siobhan did sound rather excited when she talked about guns.

"Our subsidiary ARGH specialises in shatter gun variants." She might be a girly aristo these days when she was not killing things, but her gun love had not changed. She took notice of the great interest Coci was taking in the shadow rifle and smiled. Now they could bond over loving deadly firearms! "The shadow rifle, thought you'd like that! Go ahead. It's very shiny and good for sniping. Originally designed by the Atrisians for their intelligence service. We acquired the blueprints after the Atrisian Empire collapsed." It had been one of [member="Mirien Valdier"]'s gifts to her. See, the two lovebirds had had a bit of a row, but making up had been fun! "Expensive stuff, but efficient. Like the original Nightstinger it comes with a redirection crystal."
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Her head turned to look toward Sio as she told her of the Shadow Rifle, her hands reached up and peeled off her brown jedi cloak to reveal her black body suit, saber chipped to the hip, she laid the cloak on the end of the table before picking up the rifle once more. With quick practiced hands Coci dismantled the rifle, laying each piece in order on the table inspecting them before she did so. It was marginally quicker than it took her to do the same to her personal rifle and a custom case would house the parts well enough. Drawing the force to her arms and hand, Coci reassembled the rifle in a blur as the last click heralded the completion. The rifle is locked and loaded.


Walking over to the range, Coci spotted a mock up of a being. The species of the being unclear but look all the world like a Falleen, she smiled. Settling her mind and body, Coci raised the rifle to her right shoulder, nestling the butt against it, looking down the scope she aimed directly between the eyes of the mock up. She waited, her heart racing to fast and she used the force to slow it down. Her black eyes with the ability to see much more than most, narrow their sights and she waited...

Her breath shallow, drawn out and delibrate as her finger squeezed on the trigger, just holding before engagement, and she waited...

It is a strange set of abilities and skills one needs to be assassin or to use a rifle of this caliber, speed and agility coupled with control and a bucket load of patience. One could wait for a target for less an hours or days.

Her heart beat had slowed and became consistent in timing, Coci counted the beat in her head with total concentration of it to focus, the third beat would do it, as Coci prefers to fire on the beat. One, two, three and the shot was released, the energy bolt rippled through the air as her shoulder felt the kick back, it was not even a second when the head of the mock up exploded along with part of the upper torso. She did not use the redirection crystal, no point in waste. However, Coci marveled at the result. This rifle much better than her own.

She turned to Sio with a broad smile, "I think I will take this one".
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

Siobhan watched Coci expertly disassemble and then reassemble the shadow rifle. In her experience, though she might be a bit biased, most Jedi seemed to have an absurd, smug disdain for 'crude, uncivilised weapons', which in her opinion was the reason so many of them wound up dead as of late.

After all, way back clone troopers had shown how effective even common blasters could be against Force-users - and in those days bolters and shattercannons had not been developed yet and armour made of phrik or cortosis had been a lot less commonplace. A weapon was a weapon, in her mind. She was quite happy to see that Coci evidently appreciated the magnificient, deadly beauty of an expertly designed firearm. She watched with a thin smile while Coci took aim and then blew the target apart.

"Good shot. You can consider it yours then! If you want, we can easily arrange for delivery of shadow rifles in bulk for the Antarian Rangers and whichever Silver Jedi want the gun. ARGH has also designed our own variant of a shatter rifle for sniping." ICly Siobhan would obviously not know about the Silver Jedi since, as far as this writer knows, they don't announce their presence a lot, but presumably they would find the gun useful!

"Anything else hit your fancy? We've got plenty of time," at that she pulled an MK1 bolter into her grasp with a telekinetic pull, holding it so that Coci could see the weapon. "MK1 bolter, my standard weapon. Fought Bando Gora, Sith Lords and abominations with it. Designed to give Pyre troops an edge against force-users and armoured opponents. It's essentially a hybrid semiautomatic grenade launcher and slugthrower that's very versatile and supports a variety of ammunition types.Standard calibre are 30 mm x 45 mm explosive bolts. The warheads are armed at launch and explode on impact. Meaning that say shields, telekinesis and so on will cause premature detonation. Bolt has a two metre casualty zone against humanoids, up to six metre can cause injury from blast and shrapnel. Ten rounds per magazine, sixty rounds a minute semi-automatic. Range is five hundred metres for precision, one thousand for suppression bombardment, minimum range is ten metres."

At that she would demonstrate loading the bolter with a magazine of explosive bolts. The weapon looked heavy and quite bulky, but nonetheless Siobhan was able to wield it, though due to her disabilities she was presumably using the Force to steady her aim and give her muscles more strength. Taking aim with the weapon she looked through the scope, eyes affixed upon a target, then her finger moved to the trigger and she fired. There was a loud bang as the bolter and a bolt leapt out. The mockup target in question was a Reaver, a most fiendish and malevolent savage creature with mottled skin, sharp teeth and and glowing blue eyes. It was blown apart by the explosion.

"Other ammunition types are buckshot for close quarter, solid durasteel slugs fired at high-velocity, ideal for sniping and armoured targets at medium range, blind to disrupt scanners, flare, ion and Anti-Personnel Explosive Rounds, APE for short. Those are miniaturised HEAT shells that have no area of effect like the bolts, but use the Munroe effect to infect lethal metal fragments into a target at hypersonic speeds. All the explosive energy is directed right into the target rather than being spread in a cloud of shrapnel. Unarmoured targets are torn apart from the inside as the spray of metal enters and exits their body like a dum-dum round. Armoured targets, unless they have very heavy armour, will likewise be ripped apart."
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

After laying down the rifle on the table, Coci watched Sio pick up the MK1 Bolter. This was one of the weapons on her list to inspect and so she is interested to see it in action. And action there was. The mock up vanished into tiny pieces after Sio unleashed the bolt. Flesh would never stand a chance against something of this power, armour would be hard pressed to protect against it as well. It is designed purely for killing and does it job effectively, unforgiving.

"Grand Master Heavenshield and I have view your catalogue", she began with a tiny smile on her lips. "The MK1 bolter he was most keen to acquire. Also the MKII and MKIII heavy. Can you show me the capacity of the Gorgon Web Rifle?".

"Sio this visit has duel purpose, firstly to catch up with a friend", she smiled more, "and second to bolster the inventory of the Silver Jedi. We are a small group of Jedi in a pocket of the galaxy that do our best to protect those around us but as you will be aware war will come at some point and we need to be ready".

"I want to see the weapons you have that will give our troops and Jedi the best possible defense, as well as the ability eliminate". They would get to the armour soon enough and Coci has many more questions for Sio as well.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

Siobhan listened to Coci and then gave her a nod, putting the bolter down. "I understand, Coci. With the One Sith stretching their tendrils towards Wild Space and the Republic being, well, in a bad shape, not to mention Primeval zealots up in the north, you need every toy you can get. I'm sure we can help you though."

Of course, Siobhan had her own business interests and desire for profit in mind, but at the same time she considered Coci a friend. The Countess was not a Jedi and would never be one again, but this did not change the fact that they both opposed the same enemies. "We can deliver bolters of the type you specified in large quantities to equip your forces. The MK2 is less lethal but far easier to handle for common soldiers, the heavy bolter is a heavy-hitting support weapon and can be mounted on vehicles. I'll show you the Gorgon." That said she would pick up the web rifle that was lying on the table, holding it at an angle so that Coci could easily see first disassemble and then expertly reassemble and load the weapon.

"Originally made by the old Sith Empire to capture or incapacitate Force-users. We acquired it in a raid when the Empire collapsed. It's been handy to capture Sith and Dark Eldorai. Utilising Stokhli, it deploys a mist-like solution that instantly refuses with itself when burned or blasted through and on contact deploys a stunning electrical charge strong enough to totally immobilise the average person. Can be fired on burst to deploy a 4m micro-net. In hold mode it fires until you run out of fluid and dispenses at too quick a rate to slash through with lightsabres. Optimal range is 35 m, 70 is maximum."

The powerful recoil and the need to aim properly meant that she had to use both her hands. "Bit difficult to demonstrate on a mockup...," she muttered to herself as she thought. Presumably asking one of her minions whether they would like to volunteer would not go well! "There's a forest nearby, I take Galina for gun training there sometimes. Plenty of aggressive predators I can demonstrate the gun on. I can take you flying if you want." Presumably Siobhan did not mean by using a speeder or a shuttle!
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

"Yes I would like to see a live demonstration of the Gorgon", Coci replied without hesitation, although some in the Order would have raised an eyebrow at her but Coci is practical, and when it comes to protecting the members of the Silver Order, she wants to know everything about the weapons she will be purchasing.

"A rifle researched and developed by the Sith?", she smirked, "I do that like a lot, I like the idea of using their time and money, R&D back on them".

"I understand most weapons are single purposed, this one no different, but regardless of its creator it is an impressive. We must not rely on our abilities to use the force or sabers as once we did, battles are no longer fought on those terms, since technology is advancing rapidly .. daily, to countermeasure our abilities. The nobility of the fight is gone, those days are gone" she said almost nostalgically.

"Sio, I once heard Master E'ron speak on her experience in battle against the Sith, she had experienced being attacked by eaters, which ruptured her armour. Nasty little surprise to say the least, is there armour that will resist this?". Coci asked as she waited for Sio to lead her to the live range.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

"Seen too many wars and the aftermath of them to think there was ever nobility in battle. Certainly not for the poor grunt without fancy space magic who has to go up against opponents who toss lightning around, chuck her around like a ragdoll and deflect blaster salvoes with a glowstick. Or for civilians caught in the crossfire when Forcers fight it out." By her very nature she was a cynical, jaded woman...unless it came to her lovers and kids because then she turned into a big romantic, who read corny romance novels.

There had been a time when Siobhan had been a blood knight, someone who relished and enjoyed a good fight, revelled in carnage and explosions. This was probably one of the many reasons why she had been a terrible Jedi. These days...she was less enthusted about it. This was ironic when one considered that she had now also come to terms with her dark side. But she had mostly lost the appetite for the fight unless friends and family were threatened.

"But you're right the need not to be overreliant on the Force or lightsabres. Shame more Jedi aren't so practical about those things. I lost the Force once when I was a Padawan. Quest to get it back was harrowing. Was a learning experience in retrospect." she shrugged.

However, she raised an eyebrow when Coci mentioned the metal-eating insect grenades. "Eaters? Nasty buggers. We got some lying around, actually. More booty from the Empire's fall, came in handy against technobeasts. We don't have armour that can resist them on hand. My researchers tell me the best bet would be personal energy shields and to have some sort of anti-bug spray/toxin release that's harmful to the parasites. Could even coat the armour into it, though Eaters are quite rare far as I know. We could perhaps look into it in the future and you can purchase Eaters if you want, for your own use or research."

She secured the rifle against her shoulder and gave Coci an impish smile. She had that look on her face...the one when she felt like showing off or doing something she should not. "I'll take you the forest. We can test the gun there. Hold on...tight," then she took Coci's hand into hers. The Jedi Master would probably feel the ripples in the Force when Siobhan summoned a telekinetic sphere around them. The purpose was not attack, but to connect them closely.

The reason for this would become clear when abruptly Siobhan would leap into the air, along with Coci unless the Jedi decided to resist and disentangle herself. However, it would become apparent that Siobhan was not simply jumping, but flying as she would take off into the air like an organic rocket ship, with Coci in tow. A wind would come their way and kiss their skin, Siobhan's long dark brown man trailed behind her in the breeze. On the ground she had appeared a good weaker and reliant upon her cane, now she felt liberated.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

"Hold on tight?", she did not get time to say much more. Sio took hold of Coci's hand and before she could think they jumped into the air. The force wrapping around her like a glove and lifting her up .. but not a jump, Sio most powerful had elevated them and using her powers they flew!

This was one of the most exciting experience Coci had had in her life, the only thing that could best it was her wedding day. But this from a girl who hates flying, but the reasoning for that is different, metal ships that are out of her control to control at times and death traps to her. Strangely this flying without the use of technology did not phase her one little bit, I must learn how to do this!

Looking down Coci could see the entire country beyond the palace as they headed toward the live range, the wind hitting her face was cold but she never felt it and she felt alive. A beaming smile constantly on her face, she felt like a child at an amusement park taking a ride for the first time. It got the better of her and she let out a yell of pleasure .. Sio must think her silly but she did not care.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

Verily, the urge was strong but Siobhan resisted the desire to cop a feel under the guise of 'making sure Coci was stable'. Presumably the Jedi would smack her otherwise. She might have been a little jealous of [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]! "Enjoying it, dear? You look so cute right now," she asked, probably sounding rather amused and smug. "Galina's terrified of flying in a ship or a speeder, but I took her flying with the Force and she loved it," she added. Using the Force to propel herself through the air, especially if she was transporting someone else as well, cost a ridiculous amount of energy and somewhere down the line Siobhan would probably be paying for that today, but for now she did not really care.

And so they would sweep through the air as the wind kissed their skin, coming closer to the forest until they were right above it. Further ahead of them was a river stream and mountains rose up into the air. Having found the spot she wanted Siobhan slowed down their speed and began levitating them downward until within a few moments they had landed inside an open clearing in the forest. It was then that she dissipated the telekinetic sphere and released Coci from her grip. "Well, that was fun. Just need a moment," she said as she leaned against a tree, breathing more heavily than she would have liked. Actually more like panting, but she still seemed happy. Moment over she gripped the Gorgon. Just needed a beast to show up and attack them now!
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

The view from up here without the need of a ship is breathtaking to say the least. The rivers and valley below detailed to her sight beyond ever seeing them from a view port. Coci did not know to the energy needed to fly and so did not realise Sio was under sufferance until they landed.

"That was incredible!", she said looking around the place into the forests they had just flew over. Turning back to Sio with a smile, it dropped as soon as she noticed her friend panting and support by the tree. "Of course take as long as you require, can I help you in any way?". she asked with concern but prudence to her pride, Lady Kerrigan is a strong willed woman and proud, and Coci knew would never ask for help unless there was no other way.

While she waited, Coci searched through the force, detecting their surroundings for any threats to them at this point. She could sense many creatures near by but none that had sensed their arrival at least not yet. The living force is strong here and the life force of the creature pulsed with energy toward her. "I think I sense some large creatures not far away".
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

"Same here," Siobhan said, readying her rifle. The Gorgon was not a gun she used that often, but she was familiar enough with it. Have no fear, kiddies, this time no animals will be killed. Presumably Kaeshana had rather conservative laws about hunting. Surreptitiously, trying not to make too much noise, she followed her senses and approached the creature, which they found at the river.

The creature in question was a very large, lizard-like being. Its teeth were razor-sharp, its feet ended in retractable claws. It looked strongly armoured. Spikes protruded out of its back and its long tail. At present its sharp teeth, which on second thought resembled choppers, were feeding on some sort of cadaver, perhaps that of a big fish. However, the lizard was not standing idle but seemed to notice them very quickly. Likewise it was canny enough to eye the gun and, obviously recognising rival predators, quickly pounced at Siobhan!

Bringing up her Gorgon Siobhan calmly squeezed the trigger. Her first shot missed the creature due to its speed and because her aim was a bit off, instead making polite contact with some bushes. The recoil of the weapon was strong though Siobhan's stance meant it was distributed across her entire body and thus did not shake her that much. However, her second shot hit home and the lizard abruptly found itself confronted with the fact that a very strong net had wrapped around it, restraining it in its movements. Needless to say the lizard struggled and thrashed, trying to use its impressive claws to cut the net apart, but it seemed to instantly refuse. Moreover, as the net wrapped around it, the creature shook as stunning electrical charges surged through its body. It was said the Gorgon had enough power to knock out a Gundark and so soon the beast was pacified.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

It seemed like only seconds of repose to catch breath before a large lizard creature emerged from the surrounding forests. Coci immediately grabbed her saber and ignited it as it began to lumber toward Sio. But in the end it was not needed, the first shot ringing in the air and sizzled a bush, poor bush. The next was on the mark, as she watched Sio re-set herself and unload the Gorgon.

The lizard creature threw back it's head in rage that it had been trapped but what appeared to the eye to be a webbing or netting, Coci watched as the electrical charge ripped through it's body regardless of the armour like scales. It was not dead but submissive before coming to it's knees.

"Can we move closer, I want to see it up close", she said already moving forward with caution. As she neared the lizard, it's eyes focused on her, the want to kill still remained and palpable in the force. But she is impressed by the application of the weapon, this would go a long way to capture enemy without the need for killing which in war would be more humane and in accordance with the Jedi Way. At least for most of the Order they would approve of this.

"Sio this is a very good weapon I can see why the Sith developed such a thing. It will benefit the Silver Jedi as well", she smiled once more at the sith weapon.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

"Sure," Siobhan said in response before she likewise approached the stunned lizard. It instincts to lash out were still there, especially since the humans had been big meanies by enveloping it in a net, but right now it seemed contained and unable to change anything about this unfortunate state of events.

Have no fear, dear reader, they'd release the lizard before leaving. After all, cruelty to animals is bad. This one thinks that [member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"] would probably want to take the creature home and adopt it as a pet because she has a thing for dangerous animals. She gave Coci a nod after the Jedi Master had spoken.

"Indeed. Aside from capturing Sith, it's useful for crowd control and riot suppression when you want a nonlethal solution. Especially if combined with Czerka headbangers. It's physically indistinguishable from the standard Chimera blaster rifle, which provides an element of surprise against a foe expecting a blaster shot. We can deliver Gorgons in significant amounts for the Silvers. Any other guns that hit your fancy? Or armour and vehicles? I think you saw our new Mag'ladroth personal walker on Arkas."

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