Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Did the fish take the bait? [GR dom for Manaan]

Objective E: Aid [member="Weiss"] with development thread boat testing
Post 11/20
Dev post #4

Just as Jaccer was deciding what to do with his evening, a voice came through his ship's comm system. "Lieutenant Ramirez, do not flee this battle just yet." Damn, they caught him. "We need you to aid Commander Weiss with a prototype boat design." Great, more testing. One mission to take a space station, that's what Jaccer was promised, not testing some boat. He felt like telling his superior officer where to shove that order but decided against it for his own well being. "Copy that." The Lieutenant would reply with an obnoxious sigh before cutting the comm link. "Do we even use boats anymore?"

After taking an empty Orion Corporation cargo transport to Manaan, Jaccer would contact the commander. "Commander Weiss, this is Lieutenant Ramirez, I heard your require my assistance?" From what he had gathered so far, Weiss was developing a quick response landing/assault craft. Useful for planets like Manaan, but not so for other planets; particularly Tatooine. It seemed that Jaccer was required to bring test the effectiveness of the shielding. A fun job, thought it did feel like deja vu as he had only done this less than an hour earlier.

Objective: F
Location: Above the surface of Manaan
Post: 1/20

Sareen's Lambda-Class Shuttle, The Hunter's Blind, soared through the sky. He knew the Republic was attempting to capture this planet, and with the recent bounty on any Republic personnel, Sareen could not not take up this chance. He switched on the cloaking device aboard the ship, any republic personnel will be nonethewiser when he got them. And so the ship slowly descended towards the surface, giving Sareen time to prepare, prepare the absolute horror he would deliver to the unsuspecting troops. Life was good to him.
Objective E
Post 8/20
Dev #5

The com sparked to life and [member="Jaccer Ramirez"] was heard offering his assistance on the matter.

Right... Weiss thought. Now it would becime really rough.

"Affirmative Lieutenant." he answered with the roaringof the jet engines in the background.

"We would need you to proceed to have your men arm the shore weapon defence station on Republic testing platform 14A. We need to test the anti-missile system, the shield and eventually the hull!"
"The boats will pass the location and you will fire the weaponry, one type at the time. ETA 74 minutes."

"Wiess over and out."

The boats made a sharp turn and continued to speed toward the next testing area.
Objective A

Post 4/20

Alyesa smirked.

The girl was good, but she was talking to someone who drove the business of war machines. A five percent war-time markup? That would not even scratch the surface of operating costs for these Selkath. She would have to dig in and find out more about this new Supreme Commander the Republic had dug up from somewhere. “Bear in mind, Ms. Hadrix, that threats will only make the Selkath grow weary – your brutal tactics won’t garner your favor on this world or the next.” She looked to the Minister who nodded to her and Alyesa gestured to the table. “It will be an eight percent mark-up, with adjustable inflation.” She looked at Ali sternly. “Or not at all.” She said bluntly before taking a seat. She hoped Ms. Hadrix was aware that the entire conference was recorded, even her own actions were under a watchful eye. Every moment she gave the Republic an ounce of pushback would no doubt be thrown at her in any political action – if she ever touched the Republic Senate again.

“Oh and Ms. Hadrix, if I wanted to, I would invite the Galactic Alliance delegation in on these proceedings and offer them the same price on behalf of the Selkath and I guarantee that I would receive no threats or bullying tactics. So I suggest you think about your next words very carefully.” She brought both hands together, clasping them tightly. She didn’t care for the antics or theatrics. If need be, Manaan could call for Alliance support if the One Sith invaded or hell, even Mandalorian support. It wouldn’t be the first time. Perhaps this was the salty feelings of military commanders scorned by the withdraw of Incom products – perhaps.

The more salty they remained, the less likely those products would ever see the light of day in the Republic’s armory. This, no doubt, applied to any other major manufacturer in the Galaxy.

[member="Ali Hadrix"] | [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
Objective: E
Post: [12/20]

The police arrived on the scene and started questioning Sofia who answered in between sobs. The detective who was questioning her felt sorry for her and patted Sofia's shoulders in an attempt to comfort her. No matter how many times friends and families of the victims broke down crying in front of him, he sould never figure out what to do. He wanted te remain professional but was weak to the tears of women and wanted them to stop crying but there was nothing he could no. He could not revive the dead, he could only solve the murder and bring closure to them however long it would take. The detective escorted Sofia to a vehicle they had called to pick her up and return to her hotel once he finished asking his questions.

Sofia knew ther was nothing she could do and settled for resting. She closed her eyes trying to drift off into sleep but it was difficult. She could not stop remembering the crime scene. Everytime she closed her eyes, she saw it. Two men. One who had become somewhat of an elder brother to her. Dead. Fustrated, Sofia decided to go for a jog in an attempt to cleanse her mind and train her body.
Objective E - "patrolling" Manaan city
Post 9/20

"No not at all. Please dont hesitate to ask any more questions." Mantic said and smiled at the mother who had rushed over as her son could not have helped himself but hopping forth and just stand and stare at the jedi.

The jedi had been absent from Manaan for some time now and it was natural for the natives to be curious. Hopefully with the Republic and the Mannan government reaching some sort of agreement it would again be a more common sight with jedi walking these streets. The planet held an appeal to force sensitives for sure and jedi were no exception to that rule.

Waving to the boy as he was dragged away by his blushing mother Mantic suddenly sensed a shift in the force. He raised his head, alerted on a presence. It was not clear to him since the area was crowded. He decided to take a walk around the perimeter of the square in front of the governmental centre just to be sure he had not picked up some sort of threat to the negotiations taking place inside.

[member="Vulpesen"] - Maybe? Your call. Otherwise I'll continue on me own ;) No worries.

Reaching out she flicked the starter switches for the X-wing's engines. "Green One has four starts and is go." All around her in the cockpit various switches, buttons, and monitors flashed to life. "Primary and secondary power is at full."

Her wingman, reported similar start-up success in a high-pitched voice. "Green Two is operational."

Green Three and Four checked in, then the external screens came alive projecting an empty starfield. “R2, have you finished the navigation calculations?"

The green and white R2 unit seated behind her hooted, then the navdata spilled out over her main monitor. She punched a button sending the same coordinates out to the other pilots in Green Flight. "Go to light speed and rendezvous at the coordinates sent."

As she engaged the X-wing's hyperdrive, the stars elongated themselves into white cylinders, then snapped back into pinpoints and began to revolve slowly, transforming themselves into a tunnel of white light. She fought the urge to use the stick to compensate for the roll. In space, and especially hyperspace, up and down were relative. How her ship moved through hyperspace didn't really matter – as long as it remained on the course her R2 unit had calculated and had attained sufficient velocity before entering hyperspace, she'd arrive intact.
Objective: E
Post: [13/20]

Jogging around the city was not the same anymore. Sofia did not bother taking in the sites around her. Everything looked colourless and grey. She had lost yet another important person to her. Sofia tried not to let the tears flow from her eyes as she maintained her pace. The last thing she had wanted to do was to cry in public. She couldn't allow people to see her weakness. She had to be strong.

Sofia was nearning the end of her lap and could see her hotel. Even though she did not feel tired at all, she wanted to lay in bed and cry her eyes out. She needed to mourn the loss of a dear friend. She needed the pillow to muffle the sound of her crying and catch her tears. With the death of the Private Investigator, she felt as if she had no one left despite the opposite being true. Sometimes Sofia felt she was someone who had a talent for attracting misfortune and these were the moments she believed was right in her theory.
"Take him to the Vixen." Vulpesen waved a dismissive hand as his men dragged away their new prisoner. A two-bit selkath crime lord who was involved in slave trading. The Vitae had managed to catch whiff of his whereabouts, and arrived on the planet to apprehend them. The mission had gone as expected. What wasn't expected was the sudden arrival of Republic forces, not that Vulpesen was complaining. It didn't involve him. Or so he thought. Feeling a presence coming towards him, he flicked his ear to it and shifted his eyes to [member="Mantic Dorn"]'s presence. he didn't recognize the man per se, but his force signature and dress screamed jedi. "Ruh roh..." He debated disappearing into the force for a moment, but at last second decided to remain noticeable. "Can I help you sir?"

He was undisguised, but given the last records of Vulpesen were based on a human profile, the zorren tail, claws, golden eyes, and lean profile would make him hard to recognize from his previous time under the name. As for his time as Darth Tsolan, the constant use of a mask and thick robes had been purposefully used to eliminate any chance of recognition, facial or otherwise.
Objective A
Post #: 5/20

Ali's face betrayed no reaction. Alyesa's response was quite clearly an acceptance. She didn't feel the need to reply to the woman's comments regarding the Alliance, which was located far too distantly to adequately respond to Selkath pleas for help in the event of a Sith invasion. She did, however, feel the need to lighten her demeanor in the face of the delegation. Nodding to Alyesa, she replied, "My most sincere apologies to the Selkath delegation." Ali said, dipping her chin briefly. "I am not a politician, I am a soldier. As a result, I'm cut from rougher cloth, but intend no harm to the people of Manaan. The Republic is prepared to offer a war time markup of ten percent in good faith, and to help mitigate the costs of reparation in the event the Sith do invade." Politics wasn't a game to Ali as it was to many of the Republic's own representatives and senators, but it was a strategic conversation. Ali wondered if it had been her plain manner of speaking that had swayed them, or if they had come to the table hoping to join the Republic to begin with. Playing hard-to-get made sense considering the import of their resources, though Ali wondered if this hadn't been a little too easy. Still, the Republic would have its kolto, and the Selkath would have their membership, which carried plenty of benefits of its own outside of military defense.

[member=Alyesa Organa]
Objective A

Post 5/20

Alyesa nodded softly and turned to her Selkath counterpart who was already discussing it amongst the other delegates. She would give Ali a look momentarily before the Minister turned to her and nodded. Alyesa took a moment to stand and address the entire room present. "Then we have an agreement. The people of Manaan will be compensated ten percent market value for the kolto." She took a moment to look at each face within the room before clasping her hands together. "Let me be the first to welcome the Republic back to Manaan, I believe all other logistical arrangements can be made on lower level councils - as well as any arrangement with Silk Holdings as they are the primary contractor of the Kolto fields." A tidbit of information that was more than public knowledge, the Selkath had a lucrative deal with Silk Holdings to process the fields and ensure adequate protection against any invading forces.

"I believe we're done here." She turned and inclined her head to [member="Ali Hadrix"] and gave the Minister a bow. The Selkath delegation would rise and begin to depart, some lingering to discuss amongst themselves - for the most part, the room would begin to clear. Alyesa would remain for the moment. Maybe in an effort to see [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] without the political interference or to see if anyone else had anything to say to her outside the official discussions.
Objective: F
Location: Above the city
Post: 2

Sareen carefully landed the Hunter's Blind atop one of the mid-sized buildings of the city. The cloaking device did not cease power even as the ship landed, Sareen did not want any Republic or Local authorities seeing a shuttle just randomly sitting atop a tower. Slowly the cargo bay opened, revealing a fully armored, fully equipped Trandoshan. Sareen launched one of his Seeker droids to survey the city as he assembled his 'Reclaimer' sniper rifle. As he attached the stock the seeker droid came back, every Republic personnel tagged and transmitted to his helmet HUD. Sareen powered down the spherical droid and tossed it into the cargo bay, closing it after he made sure that all his equipment was in working order.

Sareen raised the rifle's scope to his visor, all the republic's personnel were bright red against the blue of all civilians and non republic. Slowly he swiveled the rifle around identifying targets, mainly Republic patrols. But then e found something, a Jedi Master by the name of [member="Mantic Dorn"]. He took aim for the Jedi's chest, he was not going to shoot just yet, but he was going to study what this Jedi was doing, and how he could take him down just at the right time.

If you don't want to fight and/or be captured (Although a bit doubtful, but still possible) [member="Mantic Dorn"], I can just go for a patrol of NPCs. But I think it would be fun to shake things up.
Objective A
Post 10/20

There he was. [member="Vulpesen"] seemed like a regular person by appearance. Not a jedi, or at least not wanting to come off as one. There was also not a particular light side of his force signature but never the less, there was not a clear taint of the dark side either.

A rouge perhaps? he figured and inclined his head in a greeting.

"I am sorry to trouble you. I was merely passing by, trying to discern anything..." he pondered a bit to find the right word. "... anything out of the ordinary."

"I am Mantic Dorn of the Jedi Order. While there is no reason to pretend otherwise, I approached you because of the obvious. Would you aid me by offering your name Sir?"
Mantic tried a smile. He never enjoyed coming off as some sort of official. But the Republic had need of help in identifying any force users that may or may not be a threat. Force users can always be dangerous. And so he did his clumsy approach hoping it would be naive enough to offer a situation without pushing the wrong buttons.

Focused on [member="Vulpesen"] Mantic failed in sensing any danger that might pose from the assassin lurking nearby.

[member="Sareen Zar"]
Objective: F
Location: Perched atop a tower
Post: 3

Sareen thought for a moment as the Jedi talked to the other individual. He knew a dead Jedi would be easier to bring in, but that other man might not so easily just give Sareen the body. And an alive Jedi was worth much more than a dead one. Maybe even someone else besides the One Sith will pay higher for him, maybe even ransom him. Sareen shifted from the chest down to his abdomen, as to severely injure him. He waited as his clawed hand lined up the shot, slowly Sareen breathed in and out, and took the shot.

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
Objective E: Aid [member="Weiss"] with development thread
Location: Republic Testing Platform 14A
Post: 12/20
Boat Dev Post #6

"Roger that, moving to position now." The dropship would then begin to glide towards the heavy weaponry platform. The platform was remote, as it was located in the middle of the vast desert of water which was the entire surface of Manaan, because of this it would be the a perfect location to preform these tests.

Once he had landed, Jaccer would be given full control of all the soldiers stationed on the platform. "In position, the boats will be approaching from the east and you will be cleared to fire once it comes within the target area, which is marked out by those buoys." He would point to square of buoys located in the nearby waters. With his men in position and ready to fire, Jaccer would contact Weiss.

"Commander, everyone on this end are prepared and are waiting on the boats now. We will begin tests with single man shoulder mounted missile launchers. I have given the order to fire when boats are within in range, any problems and I will cancel this order."
Objective: E
Post: [14/20]

Sofia could not stop crying once she started. She wanted to shut down completely mentally - Sofia was never one to take a death well. If there was a God, she die not believe it. She felt as if everything she loved, everything she cared for had a tendency to be torn away from her, thrown to the floor and stepped on. What point was there in caring about something when it was going to be destroyed one day?

She felt lethagic. She wanted to lay there until she rotted. Everything felt so pointless. She wished for more than anything in this world to have the power to protect others but that was something she did not care about at the moment. The Private Investigator's death had sent Sofia into a depression. She did not sleep. She did not eat. She just laid on her bed and cried. Eventually Sofia tired herself out and cried her self into a deep dreamless sleep.
Location: Citadel-class Defense Station Manaan One, in orbit via Manaan
Objective: E
Allies: [member="Reshmar"] | [member="Vernan Holt"]
Enemies: none yet

[ 9 / 20 ]
[Manaan One Development Post #9]

"I am glad to hear that," said Colonel Quta, "our own was relatively smooth, with a bit of aside from a brief swell of turbulence. But that's hardly to be unexpected on a world such as our own with such a large hydrosphere...but I'm babbling. Commander Arr'krell, I have been looking forward to this orientation."

But am I looking forward to this orientation? In the admiral's experience, most orientations hadn't really been worthwhile for his day to day experience outside of his immediate area of operations, though he understood the necessity of the bureaucratic papertrail that accompanied most orientations. But I suppose with his troops, the whole station is area of operations...Besk's fur rippled briefly as he began to lead the entourage deeper into the station. Most of his initial talk centered around the basic characteristics and philosophy about the station's design. Information that Gir knew fairly well not only from the perspective as a Republic naval officer, but also as a corporate officer of the station's manufacturer. He used that time to subtly gauge the interactions between the bothan officer and his new Selkath counterpart. They seemed to be reasonably amiable, but Gir detected that Commander Arr'krell was still being somewhat guarded about some of his answers to the colonel. But he'll open up to Quta with time...

It took several hallways and a turbolift, but the group soon arrived at the heart of the station, its biodome. If there was any variability in the stations, this was typically it. As the blastdoors opened up to admit them, Gir felt a wash of warm air brush up against his face, along with the faint scent of what he first thought was a cleaning chemical. But Quta beamed as he took a deep breathe in as they walked up a slope of duracrete.

"It already smells like home," remarked the selkath officer.

"The biodome on Manaan One has been modified to simulate the environment of Manaan itself," said the bothan, leading them to the edge of the water, "to include some of its more common fauna. We have a biologist who is currently working on making it a fully contained biome that will not need any artificial adjustment to sustain itself aside from artificial light and heat provided by the station."

"A wonder," remarked Quta, kneeling down to scoop some of the water in his hand, "this is better than I had hoped for."

"Well, since we're taking you and your people up here," said the bothan, "the station's architects wanted to bring a bit of the world with you. But it's not a wholly aesthetic and morale concern?"


The bothan briefly hesitated, "Some federal Republic troops and personnel will probably come here to train in controlled aquatic environment. The admiral here thought it might be beneficial especially for troops that will help garrison your world."

Quta turned his yellow-green eyes to meet Gir's eyes, "A good thought indeed, and one that speaks both to practicality and what I hear your people call humanity..."
Location: Citadel-class Defense Station Manaan One, in orbit via Manaan
Objective: E
Allies: [member="Reshmar"] | [member="Vernan Holt"]
Enemies: none yet

[ 10 / 20 ]
[Manaan One Development Post #10]

"I can't take credit for this place," said the admiral, "this result is the work of many others not only physically, but conceptually. Many of your own people designed this ecosystem, and Commander Arr'krell here was not only instrumental in overseeing this station's construction, but also with acquiring the resources and expertise to make the actual environment below what it is."

"I look forward to exploring that more," said Quta, bobbing his head head up and down, "but it seems that you gentlemen aren't fully prepared for its depths. My troops and I will explore it in depth after the admiral has taken his leave and more of my men are present. Commander Arr'krell, would you mind giving us a brief accelerated tour of me the other basic necessities of this station? Its cafeteria, the command post...or do you call it a bridge? Things of that nature. I'm afraid that I have still have much formal work to do to prepare the rest of element to come onboard."

Even the local forces have bureaucratic redtape, it would seem. Gir glanced at the bothan, who quickly shared a knowing look with the admiral. If the experiences on the battlefield don't bring you closer together or give you a sense of cameraderie, the home front battles with the civilians and bureaucratic inertia will. Besk nodded in assent.

The bothan lead them onward, with his talking points becoming rather sparse unless prodded more by Quta or his aide, an rather energetic selkath that seemed to have a personal mission to impress Quta with his knowledge of mainstream galactic technology. Yet to Gir, the colonel did not seem impressed with the aide's comments, yet he did not do anything to overtly dissuade them either. The group finally ended up at the bridge of Manaan One, overlooking the sun as it rose it up from behind the world. Besk briefly excused himself from the group to huddle up around a console with several ensigns and a rather pale lieutenant.

Quta looked at the admiral and subtly waved a webbed hand at the cluster of officers, "If you don't mind me asking admiral, what is that about?"

"They're standing around the station's helm..." said Gir, "probably something with the station not being in the exact alignment they want it to be at. getting that right is a bit of delicate operation with something this large. But I have no doubt that they will quickly have it figured out. Some of them are green, butyou and Command Besk have a solid corps of veteran officers and NCOs that can quickly make any green crew competent with some training..."
Objective A

The proceedings were done and Ali Hadrix had negotiated the deal with the Selkath, and it was a good deal, though it was not what Faith had in mind in the first place. But still all needs were met, and it was time to adjourn and return home.

Did she wish to speak to her sister? She did not know right now, perhaps. Things were still in flux, and she just at times did not have enough patience for the world around her as it flittered by oblivious to the workings of the galaxy.

[member="Alyesa Organa"] [member="Ali Hadrix"]
Objective: E
Post: [15/20]

Sofia slowly opened her eyes, her thoughts were clear for the first since she discovered the crime scene. She knew she could not continue like this. She could not allow herself to to be trapped in a pit of despair of self pity. She needed to become stronger. She needed to be able to protect those who would die as a result of other people's cruelty. She needed to mourn for the death for another loved one but she could not dwell on the past. Things had to change. She was going to change.

Her holiday was nearly over. Sofia need to pack her things and prepare for her return to the Republic Army barracks and considering what had happened, she would prefer sooner rather than later so she could resume her training and help her woulds heal. "It was not your fault," Sofia repeated to her self as she packed her clothes and other personal items.

Suit case in hand, she headed towards the reception to return her key and pay the bill. Exiting the hotel, she looked at it one last time before she made her way to where a shuttle waited for her.

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