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Diplomacy at its Finest (Republic Dominion of Hapes)

Carmen Dax

@[member="Inigo Montoya"] @Teynara Jeralyr

Carmen saw a famiular face amoung the crowd come towards her. It was Inigo from a while back. She nodded her head at the Jedi. "Yes thank you for your work. We are not to returen to the palace." As if on cue the transport ship had arrived. Carmen walked onto the ship. S didnt realy want to talk to Teynara with then arguing about it ealier. She turned to face her and said "If you really think I shouldnt have the lightsaber to show that we did kill him tell me now."
Davin had already begun to walk out before the Chancellor had ended her speech.

"We will have to make sacrifices."

"No you won't you karking politician." Davin mumbled as he stood outside the palace, removing his battle worn helmet.

It would always be the soldiers who suffered. Not the bureaucrats in their grand senatorial homes and vacation spots. Social parasites. He tolerated them only because military chain of command dictated he was supposed to and he had yet to met a politician who didn't eventually betray the people they'd sworn to protect. For power, greed, or other reasons.

He sat on the great marble stairs and pulled up his wrist datapad. He had six letters to write for the men he'd lost. He owed them that much.
@[member="Davin Jusik"]

Unlike her unruly half-brother, Delila waited until the speech was over to depart. She would have loved to have skipped it entirely. Diplomacy, pomp and circumstance, formal occasions were not her cup of tea. However, they were something to be tolerated while living a life of a Republic soldier. While the politician did make some strong points, it was all in how it was implemented that mattered to her.

Delila was still in full gear, hot, sweaty and dirty from the battle. All she wanted to do was to get on the transport, take a shower, and head home to Coruscant. Except that wasn't possible. She would be checking on the wounded, making sure they were comfortable. Then it was waiting for troops to arrive in Hapan space in order to help fully take control of the Cluster. Yes, the Lieutenant still had a bit before she was allowed to leave.

Heading out of the half-ruined palace, Delila passed Davin, squeezing him on the shoulder in a friendly manner.

"If you want to take care of notifying the families of the fallen, I'll stay behind and put measures in place."
@[member="Delila Castillon"]

"Thanks sis but I need to be here for the rest of them. How would it look if their CO wandered off immediately after a battle to go vent? Horrible." Davin said as he quickly finished a letter to Pvt. Toma's family.

"I'm just typing until miss politician in there is done." He said with a nod toward the Palace.
@[member="Davin Jusik"] @[member="Delila Castillon"]

Surprisingly, the Chancellor herself appeared nearby and come towards the two soldiers.

"Captain Jusik, Lieutenant Castillon, I never had the chance to thank you both for your efforts in the battle. You two and Ms Kerrigan saved my life on numerous occasions, and I do not forget such things. While Ms Kerrigan is on contract and I can reward her that way, you two are members of the Republic's military. Therefore I shall be submitting to your Commanding Officer a request that you both be decorated with the Silver Star, and that you, Captain Jusik, be given priority for promotion to Major, with your Lieutenant taking your place when that time comes. If that is acceptable I will send the notifications when I return to Coruscant."
She smiled, hoping to have discharged her magnanimity. She was actually genuine though, there were no cameras around to show how in touch with the common soldier she was.
@[member="Aurelia Saelari"] @[member="Delila Castillon"]

Davin jumped up the moment he heard his superior's voice, snapping to attention by instinct and reflex. Davin understood perfectly what the promotion would mean. He would be bumped up to battalion level operations and likely become 1st Battalion's new XO. His sister would also likely be promoted to Captain on taking possession of Bravo Company CO.

He kept a grim face but replied

"Thank you ma'am."

Nearly immediately. His thoughts were still on his men.
@[member="Davin Jusik"]

"You're welcome. you were." Perhaps relieved that this part was done, the Chancellor strode away back into the palace. She had shown her gratitude, and it would likely mean a promotion for Davin quite quickly.
@[member="Davin Jusik"] @[member="Aurelia Saelari"]

Delila was a little dumbfounded to hear the politicians words. Her, CO? That was quite a stretch to even think about. Her mind was still numb from the events on Hapan, it was going to take some time to fully settle in. Maybe once she was back on Coruscant, had the Silver Star on her chest and a new promotion to the CO would it finally get there. Now, all she could do was mop up the area.

"Thank you, Chancellor" Delila saluted before the politician turned her back, off to more business regarding the Hapes Cluster if she had to guess.

Once the Chancellor was out of earshot, Delila turned back to Davin. "Quite an interesting day huh? I've got to go check on the status of our wounded, Major" She threw her brother a wink and was off to find a shuttle to the floating medical hospital that was somewhere in the Hapan atmosphere.
@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Carmen Dax @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Teynara Jeralyr
"Well I guess our work here is done then. Are either of you injured? I have some skill with first aid and can tend wounds if can find a medic kit on board." Turning to the unfamiliar face he said by way of introduction. "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. May I have the honor of your acquaintance?"

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