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Faction Diplomatic Negotiation! [The Silver Jedi Concord + The Mandalorian Union]

  • Thread starter GhostOfProtocol
  • Start date
Location: Among the rest of Clan Mortui near the Hydra.
Interacting: Open

Kovhorn had his helmet beside him as he drank ale, looking at the corpse of the massive creature smiling. Now that was a beast of terror. Fighting a dragon was one thing, fighting this was another. That was not a creature that you couldn't best with blasters and blades. Here it was though, deceased at the hands of his clan. Even if he wasn't the one to do it, he still felt the joy of knowing it was the clan he belonged to that did the dead.

He had rather little to say himself. Enough words were exchanged by others, and he had no stories to tell right here. His presence was of little relevance. Still, he remained, he rank, and he watched. He enjoyed the sensation of the Sith being beaten back. They might not have destroyed their empire, but they showed once again that there sith could never keep what belonged to the Mandalorians. And that no matter how much they tried to destroy them, they would always return. Always deal blows in turn.

And they weren't going to be done. Nox knew that. This was a great victory, one that should be celebrated. But he believed it would be one of more to come. The sith wouldn't give up and neither should they. Their numbers may be smaller, but each mandalorian was worth so many more soldiers of the sith. And while many feared the mandalorians, many also hated the sith.

Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Shai Maji Shai Maji (nearby)
Once planetside Thurion and Coren walked together, heading for the agreed-upon site for the diplomatic meeting. Several other Jedi had already arrived and work was well underway to help treat the many wounded and provide provisions and supplies in order for the victorious Mandalorians to establish a proper foothold and feed their people. No doubt they had seized as many resources they could from the defeated Sith occupants, but the Silvers had agreed to render aid however they could to promote good relations.

Both wished to see the Sith Empire defeated, after all.

"As do I, my old friend. As do I." He placed a hand upon Coren's shoulder, squeezing reassuringly, then chuckled as an old proverb came to mind.

"Who's the more foolish; the fool or the one who follows him, hmm?"

Their little entourage, comprised of themselves along with Coren's Sullustan Honour Guard carrying a gift for the new Mand'alor, reached the area where the meeting was to take place and were greeted by a host of guards sworn to the Reclaimer, looking less than eager to let the pair through to their leader.

"I am Thurion Heavenshield, High King of Midvinter. This is Coren Starchaser, acting Grandmaster of the Silver Jedi. We've come to speak with Mand'alor the Reclaimer, as agreed upon. You will let us pass."

The group were hesitant at first, but eventually relented and stepped aside. Thurion leaned over to speak out the corner of his mouth.

"What say we both keep the other from acting foolish, yeah?"

The way to the Mand'alor was clear, and before long they appeared before him. He'd already met the young man by his side during the cleaning up on Voss. It would seem Caden kept divided allegiances, same as himself.

That big guy, though. He did not look like someone you want to get angry.

Darsch looks at the bodies around her chuckling seeing their blood mix with the crimson of their armor. They did really well quelling this threat of the false deathwatch. The disgusting traitors. She was quite glad taking pleasure in destroying the sith Deathwatch. They had betrayed her all those years ago killing her friends and those close to her. The Vizsla would look over to Aloy now hearing her beautiful voice awaken Darsch from her daydreaming. She approaches the love of her life stopping next to her.

Her visor tilts upwards to watching the foreign transports fly over heading to their destinations. They were indeed here to Negotiate. Personally, Darsch did not support this meeting between the sorcerers and the beskar clad warriors. In the alor's eyes, they were all the same. Sith and Jedi, just two children bickering about what objects they can move and what people they can exploit for their own gains. Darsch only hoped that the Mandalorians wouldn't be exploited like all the other factions. The Jedi and Sith came over them and took them over only using them for their own gain. No longer was Mandalore going to be pushed around by this but she was still worried about the meeting.

<"This meeting with the Jedi.. I don't support it..">

Darsch grits her teeth remembering the time she face a silver jedi in combat when she was by herself.

<"If they try anything.. I'll intervene to keep mandalore free of Foreign Forces if it comes to that. I just let it happen like it has before.">

She looks to Aloy her visor giving the sense of emotionless on Darsch's part.

Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla
Kreslin had taken his place at the foot of the statue of the Sith Emperor, Darth Carnifex. Spread out around it were various pieces of armor that had been brought from across Mandalore. Each one belonging to a warrior who had fallen in battle during the Reclamation and Liberation. Many of them had been brought there by Kreslin himself. On each of them had been carved the name of the warrior it had belonged to, names Kreslin had begun the process of memorizing. It was an impossible task to complete, but one he would still strive to complete. On the statue itself hung several banners of the Mandalorian Union, displaying various Clans that had fought on Mandalore, and a mythosaur skull had been painted over the face of the Emperor.

When Venku had approached him with the data information, he at first debated tell the youth to return, but decided against it. Taking the pad, he looked it over briefly before typing in a few alterations. They were minor things, and on a broader scope, the young man was doing exceptional work. For one so young, it was a pleasant surprise to see such a determined work ethic. "Good work, Venku. However, begin moving the most seriously injured from the field hospitals here to the former Imperial garrison barracks. It is still mostly intact and will provide them better shelter."

He turned his head as the two Jedi and their honor guard approached, his eyes sizing them up briefly. Even without the overt militaristic display, Kreslin could tell the two before him were warriors. He waved his guards away as the Jedi approached, wishing to allow the proceedings to carry on without any added formalities. Time was a luxury many of his people did not have. As the two Jedi approached, Kreslin inclined his head only briefly to them. "I am Kreslin Westwind, leader of the Mandalorian Union. I welcome you and yours to a free Mandalore, Jedi."

Kreslin accented the last words by briefly bringing his right arm to beat against his chest, the beskar making a metallic echo from the action. Turning his head slightly, Kreslin gestured for Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt to watch the honor guard who had come along with the Jedi. They had come in good faith, as far as Kreslin could tell, but the large container carried between the two honor guard could be anything. The relations between their two people was one that Kreslin could not entirely discount the Jedi potentially trying to remove the new Mand'alor before he became too settled in.

Caden Evesa Caden Evesa Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Venku Bralor Venku Bralor
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Corl approached from behind placing a hand on Cynthia's shoulder as Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae told the woman where she would be waiting. "Go, I shall oversee things here." The man said to her. As she turned her head, Cynthia would see the black visor look down upon her. She could see her own reflection inside it. To most non mandalorian people it would probably be intimidating to see kad looming over them. However he was a gentle man the kid's loved him and the stories Kad would tell. most if not all was exaggerated by some extent. "Are you sure."

"Of course I am sure, now go kid." He said with a little sternness to his voice as his other hand landed on her other shoulder. Corl would spin Cynthia around and lightly push her towards the door. "I don't know where you got kid from. Your only eight years older." "And that's eight years more experience than you." The woman's hand lifted and waved dismissively. "yeah yeah." She said with a large smirk under her buy'ce. The mandalorian woman made her way to the docking port her ship was connected to, weaving through people waiting to return home. As she unlocked the hatch she paused for a moment. Her ship could handle just over double the capacity of the gunship Cynthia thought looking into the crowded hallway. "Next two groups load up with me!" She said loudly. "Ca power up the ship for me."

Cynthia waited for a few moments as eighty people filled her ship maxing its safe passenger capacity, she was the last onboard so the hatch could be sealed. "Okay disconnect for me Ca and begin a steady decent." Once more the woman weaved through the crowd, that has now moved onto her ship, till she reached the cockpit. Taking hold of the controls the AI would surrender the controls.

Minuets passed as the cruiser made its safe decent landing in one of the few standing spaceports. As the ramp lowered people funnelled out calmly. The woman clad in her beskar'gam made her way to the speeder kept onboard and left through the ships small port hanger bay. As it zoomed over the city that laid in ruins she could not help but look at the people below looking through the rubble. their hopes to find remnants of lost loved ones or things precious the them that they had to leave behind. "Star I am on my way." She said sombrely once more taking in the people who was close to her that was lost.

She had seen destruction before, many years worth of it in fact, however this was personal to stardust herself. The palace area she had served in under Yasha Cadera Yasha Cadera when she served as a battlemaster then directly underneath her, the wind blew some dust onto her armor making a crackling sound before it settle once again beneath the boot of stardust. Walking forward she started towards the massive crater and ruins of the palace that remained from the epic fight, in the distance she could see Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud 's clan guarding the corpse of the massive beast from anyone not mandalorian, she had to go visit him after she was done surveying this place here. Stopping on a rather flat piece of area she reached down and picked up the dirt as she looked it over before her com cracked to life with the soothing sound of Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus

I'm still at the ruins, my beacons on for you to find me

Standing up she could envision it now, all the flowers, especially sunflowers she would plant right here
Watching the main party for this conversation landing, Kragr followed the entourage make their way towards Mand'alor, himself and Caden. The red-haired Mandalorian started to count the numbers of Silver Jedi Order men in the entourage, in order to plan ahead of things. While Kragr weren't twitchy per se, he definitely was on the alert, making his Titan's hands clutch its grip tightly.

Nodding at the Mand'alor's gestured, the head and chest swung back, encasing Kragr in its impenetrable armour. He wasn't aiming or giving the Silver Order the impression of aggressiveness, but he was ready to act at a moments notice. With that said, he did take a step to the left, flanking the honour guards so he could keep an eye on them and their large container carried between the two honour guard.

The air was tense, there was no doubt about that, even if the Jedi had come in good faith and in aid of the Mandalorian. Kragr, however, was still very doubtful and didn't trust them.

But, this was a peaceful interaction and so far it had been kept that way, not to mention, more Jedi had arrived to help those in need. Guess the Jedi were a little better than the shabuir that the Sith were. With that said, Kragr kept quiet for now, as he wasn't the Mand'alor, nor needed to speak for the moment. One thing he did though, was to have his Titan scan the surroundings multiple times for any ambush, while he himself kept an eye on the two Honour Guards along with the container they carried.

When the scanners didn't pick anything on for the 3rd time, he was comfortable relaying the information to the Mand'alor, <"Scanned the surroundings, no sign of danger or ambush"> relayed Kragr to Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind , and directed all focus to the foreigners.

Caden Evesa Caden Evesa Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Venku Bralor Venku Bralor
The man allowed his eyes to drift over his HUD.

He was taking in all the information, monitoring everything it was giving him before he reached up and shut it down using the external power button. It allowed him clear, unobstructed views of the situations around him without the constant streams of data.

From somewhere, a man approached whom Caden had never met before. He conversed with the group, with Kreslin mostly. The name Venku rung a bell, although Caden wasn't entirely sure where he had heard it. He assumed someone had shouted it during battle and left it at that.

Caden watched as Thurion, Coren and the honor guard walked towards the base of the statue. He couldn't help but compare Coren to Damian, the only other Starchaser he knew. It was sort a natural thing he didn't even mean to do, especially with Coren's reputation.

Annoyingly the honor guard they had brought was made up of people he didn't recognize, people he hadn't seen before. It was clear Kreslin didn't entirely trust them either because he directed the ginger Mandalorian towards them with a simple head nod.

Mand'alor The Reclaimer did a fair job and introducing himself.

Highly impressed, the Mandalorian Jedi kept alert. He was using the force to feel everything in a radius, make sure nothing seemed highly dangerous while his eyes were keeping track of threats within eye line. It wasn't so much the Jedi he was worried about, more so Sith retaliation.

Caden flicked his eyes over Thurion. He hadn't seen the man since Voss, since he'd accidentally confused a prisoner for a little girl and helped reclaim the tower from the puppet mystics. All in all a regular day in the office for The Silver Jedi.

"Master Heavenshield, pleasure to see you again. Master Starchaser, you have my thanks for agreeing to this meet"

Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind | Venku Bralor Venku Bralor | Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield | Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt
After Adi'ka had escorted the Medical Frigates of the brainticks safely into orbit and the shuttles with the precious aid cargo to ground, the black clad Lepi left her gunship to help the robed wizards and their Antarian goons to distribute the cargo to those in need.

The mandalorians were partying and outsider warlocks and their tin soldiers had to do the job to help their kin! Something was very wrong in this picture.

So she gave the little help she could and hoped she would be an example for other vode or at least a good first impression to the new allies.
The Lepi had a soft spot for the helpless remebering well her time before she was adopted into clan Awaud.

Adi'ka was shocked about the carnage on the ground. She had mostly fought to secure the supply lines. Not very prestigious but essentiell.
Now she could bring at least relieve to the wounded and dispossed.

But of course she was a true mandalorian and gave a blaster salve at the face and the groin of the silly statue of this crazy sith clown-emperor too as she strolled by it

Caedyn Arenais

Caedyn Arenais

“Well, I shouldn’t be surprised to see and Arenais here today.”

Caedyn Arenais turned around at the voice of Mig Gred Mig Gred who seemed to be speaking to him, the mention of his House doing well to distract the Jedi Knight from his present task of prioritizing which sector of the City needed the largest supply of their resources.

Sprawled out across a makeshift workbench were a variety of datapads belonging to other volunteers or employees of Lifeline Connect LTD, yet all of that quickly left Caedyn's mind as he questioned just how this stranger knew of his family, let alone Caedyn's place within it.

"I'm sorry but it appears you have me at a disadvantage..." Caedyn responded with a tone filled with intrigue, while also smiling in greeting, not wishing to insult or scare them off so soon after speaking his family's name. There were plenty others moving back and fourth from the transport and yet somehow Caedyn had been picked out amongst them all, a peculiar hint to a possibly deeper connection to his Parents or his Sister than most others held.

"You'll have to forgive my ignorance, but I'm not certain we've met before?" He elaborated, stepping forward and holding out his right hand in offer of a hand-shake, a formal greeting yet not the typical sort of a Jedi. While Mig might not have realized it, Caedyn was making an effort to conform to a more familiar gesture that he expected the Clans of Mandalore to be more accustomed to.
Even when he wasn’t being a Crusader, Coren Starchaser still felt a bit out of sorts in meeting rooms. He knew that he had to make appearances as the ad hoc Grandmaster. Elise was… he couldn’t reach her, but maybe it was better for him to be here, with Mandalorians, to display what the Jedi do have in the way of a fighting spirit. He knew enough about the Mandalorians to understand that they were warriors. Still, having someone who was a bit more polished, like Thurion along, did wonders. Coren knew he was a Jedi, and a damned good one, but all of this? Well, it was different.

Giving a nod to Thurion, he couldn’t help but grin. The old war horses were becoming something different lately. Though his comrade had more experience with the work on Midvinter.

As he and the delegates were lead and introduced to the one known as Kreslin Westwind. Coren Starchaser bowed, a Jedi bow, but one of respect all the same. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Mandalore. Its nice to see the world once again turned back to its rightful children.” It sounded too polished for Coren, but it worked, or at least he hoped it worked.

“I am Jedi Master Coren Starchaser, of Corellia, I will allow the others to introduce themselves.”
He waved his escorts back a step, even if they did have the gift-of-sorts for the Mandalore, that was for after the discussions. “We come bearing aid.”

Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield

The hum of the speeder filled the space around her blocking out the sounds of ships landing. She followed the beacons ping all the way to the ruins of the sundari palace. Designs was already been made by Clan Solus one of the few clans who still had mass amounts of resources available. It was only fair to lessen the burden of the people she has sworn to protect. The Speeder bike descended slowly as it reached the plateau that the palace once stood on.

On her approach Cynthia could see star stood there in the open. She also spotted others along with landed ships of both Mandalorian make and that of the Silver Jedi. Pulling harshly on the brakes the speeder stopped beside stardust, without hesitation Cynthia launched herself towards stardust wrapping her arms around the tall muscular twi'lek. "Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum riduur." The voice said from the much smaller mandalorian latched onto Stardust with her buy'ce rested against the woman's chest. "Every time you are not by myside, my heart misses you riduur." Cynthia said softly.

Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae


Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig looked at Caedyn, realizing that he honestly caught the young man off guard. Him chuckled a bit, taking the Jedi's hand and giving it a shake. He could tell he was trying to make thing more comfortable, and he was happy to see it. To him at least, it did seem to signal that the Jedi were actually trying. He would start to speak mid-shake, looking at the activity around the landing area as he did. "Sorry. We haven't officially at least. I knew your parents, well, your mother. Only met your father once, and your sister a few times. Name's Mig Gred." As he did, a mix of Mandalorians and refugees would begin to offload supplies, mostly droids and machinery, behind him. One of the droids that wasn't in the cargo would roll up with a datapad, getting a sigh from Mig.

"I guess we're both bringing what we can." There was a strain in his voice, one that was more related to being back on Mandalore than anything. The last time he was there, more of his people were killed than they could save.... Now, he was looking at a war torn city, one that only made him imagine what had happened their.

Caedyn Arenais
sɪɴɴᴇʀs ʙʏ ᴅᴇᴇᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ʀɪɢʜᴛᴇᴏᴜs sᴛɪʟʟ

Tag: Darsch Vizsla Darsch Vizsla | Truz Vizsla | Open interaction (May require some force powers to find my child...)

<"Hey,"> She rests a hand on Darsch's shoulder, Turning to look right into her visor. Funny, If someone else had touched her like that a year ago, She'd drawn a blaster on them. But Darsch and her? She couldn't keep herself away for long. More importantly however, Darsch slipping back into darker memories again. Something that she had saved Aloy from, And something she wouldn't just leave be.

<"That will never happen again..."> She brings her in closer, Embracing her Alor and lover with a slight ∗ clack∗ as their armour touches. <"The Jedi are more subtle than the Sith. They wouldn't strike the first blow. It's over. We've finally won, Darsch. All that's left is to hold our borders and rebuild. I don't trust them either, But we can't focus on them right now. We need to focus on us. We finally have a chance at a life, Not just wandering from contract to contract. We'll build fortifications here, Sure, But what about roon or even concordia?">

<"We can finally build a home. For Us. You, Me, Truz,">

She lets go of Darsch suddenly, Looking from side to side.

. . .

<"Where's Truz?">

Star didn't need a beacon to know cynthia was approaching, her signature within the force star knew very well and as it rapidly approached star began to turn to meet her just in time to catch the smaller woman as she froze then relaxed wrapping a arm around her and rest her buyce ontop of Cynthia's

I know love, but I had to be here for tha battle and stay around make sure the sith was truly removed from our home

No more did they have stay in vanquo, mandalore was back in their control, though her lands were barren and sky was filled with smog star knew the path to get it back to the beauty it was would be long and difficult. She raised her head and moved to stand beside cynthia one arm around her as she motioned to the land before them

I was thinking we could out a house here maybe some gardens and stuff once we get the land able to grow stuff again...maybe...maybe even a holoprojector to honor yasha...a image of her that is surrounded by shed like yeah?
Celebration, Clan Mortui hadn't truly celebrated in a long time, but now they could. Sure there were still enemies on Mandalore, but they had been beaten back for now. They would eventually regroup and attack again, but they would come face to face with more of Clan Mortui's guns when that day came. Now though? Now they could celebrate, and they did.

Though Clan Mortui celebrated, they did so to remember the fallen, and honor their victory. As they did this, there were also those keeping an eye on their guests. A handful of anti air guns tracked the new jetii ships as they came in to land, but they did nothing else. There was no lock on or firing, they merely tracked the new comers to see where they would go and what they would do. In doing so, members of the clan saw vode being helped by the jetii, something they weren't used to. Most here had fought them in prior wars, so it was a different experience to receive aid rather than criticism or war from them. Clan Mortui hoped to become used to that eventually, the idea of having allies out there, but it would be a process. So for now, they remained away from them, protecting each other and their kill, celebrating the way they always had.

Standing by the head, Adenn smiled as he drank, observing his clan, and a handful of others who had come to join their celebration. Some may look down on them for celebrating now, but they hadn't fought the way Clan Mortui had, nor for as long. So Adenn felt vindicated in his voce and his clan, their strong suite was war, less so the aftermath.

When a call came to Adenn for someone asking to join their party, Adenn was partially surprised, but gave the go ahead. Soon enough, another Mando joined them, one Adenn partially recognized from a prior meeting. That said, he didn't truly know this individual. Chuckling at what she said though, Adenn picked up a bottle of netra'gal. Tossing it to her, Adenn responded.
"This is just a celebration vod, the actual parade's sometime later. No frakking clue when though." Turning his head to Voxhorn, a vod of his standing close by, Adenn spoke once more. "Think we should join that parade ner'vod? Show them Clan Mortui's might." Then, under his breath and mainly to himself. "Probably should, show them the ones who've been there for every battle."

Sighing, Adenn took another swig from his own bottle, turning his attention back to the vode around him, face brightening as a result. Shaking those dark thoughts free of his mind, Adenn allowed the celebratory atmosphere to cheer him up.

Shai Maji Shai Maji | Kovhorn Kovhorn
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A ship flew overhead, the roar of its engines drowning out the pitiful sounds below. How they had fallen-
How they would rise.​
Without strife there was no growth, no chance to rise above and become more than their situation. It was a lesson that Venku learned from a young age, too young, some would say. They didn’t realize the world wouldn’t wait until you were ready. It wouldn’t wait until you could handle the grief or the pain that came with mere existence. It struck hard and fast and without care for those that got in its way. Life didn’t wait until you were ready. It didn’t see the young and the ill prepared and hold back the atrocities. It just kept going, and going, and going, no matter who stood in its path- no matter how innocent you were. It was a lesson that Venku learned from a young age. It was a lesson he learned too young.

So when the time came to buckle down and dig others out from the rubble of this newest catastrophe, Venku grabbed the shovel and got to digging. It only took a few seconds for him to pop the stylus out of its place and make changes to the list. The message he sent out took much longer. The ship that seemed so very loud only moments ago had passed, leaving him in an unnatural quiet but for the crackle of flames and the buzz of flies. The silence stretched forever, vast in its hollow wholeness. Dreadful in its infinite expanse. Glass crunched. The silence shattered. All at once, noise bombarded his ears. The distant sound of joyful voices, the low humm of ships, the grinding rumble of a building collapsing to the fire, the whoosh of the flames as they found more of his world to consume, the yell of the person caught in the flames and falling stone. The voice was quite, almost drowned out by the crash of his world breaking up. Only his ears, much more sensitive than that of a humans, allowed the mandalorian to catch the cry. He was too far away to save them. Manda help life’s new victim.

The force pushed onto him the impression of peace, of still dunes seen from a cliff, of the cool touch of cavern stone beneath calloused paws, and the idea of a lightsaber, flashes of fire bladed kade, each one as unique as beskar’game. The difference was stark. His lungs calmed their panicked intake of air. His heart stopped its desperate attempt at escape, at breaking his ribs as it ripped itself from his already hollow chest, at deafening him with its flighty rhythmic beats, drowning out even the loudest of noises. Without looking, the teen knew it was the jetii that approached on broken glass. Only something such as them could find an emotion like peace in the midst of this destruction. How would they act if their own world burned and rotted beneath their feet, reduces to nothing but ash and dust and whispers of a long lost dream as they scattered across its surface, helpless to hold it together, to fix it, to heal it. How would they feel then? The stylus clicked back into place as Kreslin spoke. The messages were sent, and those that received them knew to get the seriously injured to the old barracks. He had work to do, this was no time to slack off.

The voices died off as the Mand’alor and the jetii leader finished exchanging pleasantries, though he doubted they were very pleasant in a situation like this. Venku looked up, tucking the tablet to his chest and smothering the slivers of fear beneath raw determination. Too light legs carried him to the jetii.
“I’m Venku Bralor, head of the rebuilding efforts here. We appreciate the help the Order has offered. If we can get down to business, do you have a list of supplies? I’ve gone ahead and outlined the most important tasks and the ones that will need the most supplies. Along with appropriate areas for food distribution and field hospitals.” His eyes, still unnaturally incandescent with his anger-grief-determination-fear, swept over the approaching party of jetii. They caught, for a moment, on the box in their midst. What was in it- supplies, a gift? The force offered no insight. Jerking away from the object, the fiery golden orbs settled on the two lead jetii. He’d never had many interactions with their kind and the two before him were unfamiliar. Nonetheless the force whispered of good intentions, and he trusted it.

“If you have the numbers to spare, we’re moving our seriously injured to the old imperial barracks. As you can probability guess, it’s in a better condition than most of the buildings around here. So far, the most important tasks are putting out those fires and getting the bodies out of the streets. With those out of the way, we’ll have more room for field hospitals and food stations.” There was little they could do if bodies continued to rot in the street, contaminating their surroundings with sickness and disease. Even less if this corpse of a city continued to burn. As if to accent his point, a burning building finally caved to the fire with a groan and the tired sigh of flames finding more food. Sparks twisted through the air like some abhorrent parody of fireworks. A part of him wondered if he should just let it burn, let the corpse of his planet consume itself in fire, snuff out its own life. Part of him wanted to finish what the sith had started. He wouldn’t let it. This was his world, and he would drag it kicking and screaming through this new atrocity of life if he had to.

Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt Caden Evesa Caden Evesa Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser

I’ve set up a task for anyone wanting it. All seriously injured are to be moved from the field hospitals to the old imperial barracks

"Even so, I don't like been apart from you. You know I would have came with you, but I had to oversee preparations for bringing our people home. It helped me see where we could improve the clans assets though." She said as star moved keeping an arm over Cynthia's shoulder and the little mandalorian keeping an arm around the waist of the twi'lek. "I think she would love that. Even still she is my Mand'alor, in here at least." She said placing a hand on her chest over her heart. "I also have plans in place to rebuild the sundari palace."

Cynthia pulled out a personal holo projector and clicked the button displaying the plans. "Resources should be coming next week along with our best builders and engineers. I just need to get the permissions." She would click off the holoprojector and look over to the gathering of people. "Suppose I will come with you riduur. Sure you had plans." Her hand would squeeze star's waist as the orange visor turned and looked up. "Also, you know how we spoke about children?" She asked with a big smile on her face.

Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae


I know, I know, but our clan needed you at home and mother mandalore needed me here to fight off the plague that cursed her face

Stardust hadn't exactly taken part in the larger battles, however stardust did fighting what she could consider a pretty powerful threat so in a sense she kept the danger away from anyone else....feth those portal were a sheb to deal with she hoped to never encounter that ever again

sister and mand'alore....but we must remember that kreslin is the mand'alore now, he who has reclaimed his land from the dark lords grasps...and I hope one day he will help free our planet from its iron grasp

Glancing to the projector she saw the palace and let a sigh out as she reached for it and held a hand over it smiling listening to her wife as she nodded and moved her hand away

the palace is a great idea, be a good view for our small little house yeah?

Cynthia's next words made her heart jump, stopping as she looked to her and gave a slight nod

of course I remember greatly I've not forgotten its...been on my mind
"Padawan Evesa," he first greeted the young man he met on Voss, offering the traditional Jedi bow at the waist while Coren addressed the Mand'alor. "The Force has guided us to one another once more. My thanks again for your assistance in retaking the Tower of Prophecy; I hear the Voss have reinstated the true mystics and have begun rebuilding according to the old ways before the Sith occupation."

Meanwhile, Coren and Kreslin had formally introduced each other, prompting Thurion to turn to the newly-ascended Mandalorian.

"Olarom, dral Mand'alor," he greeted the man in Mando'a; a dangerous thing to do if one were less well-versed with their language, for to mistakingly butcher it was to invite trouble from a proud people. Fortunately, the former Grandmaster had had plenty of practice over the decades.

He bowed to Kreslin, hand on his heart.

"I am Jedi Master Thurion Heavenshield, High King of Midvinter. I am here to assist Grandmaster Starchaser; I'm afraid his Mando'a is somewhat lacking, you see," he added the last part with a grin, hoping to inspire some semblance of levity.

"I have had many dealings with the Mando'ade over the course of my life, though I am sad to admit not all have been positive. Our two peoples have been at war many times through the centuries, but I have hope this time will be different."

Having concluded introductions, brows furrowed as Thurion's gaze fell upon the toppled statue.

"Mandalore once more belongs to her true sons. You have my most profound respect, burc'ya."


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