Darsch Vizsla
"Queen Crimson"
A feeling of comfort would wash over Darsch's body feeling Aloy's embrace. Her head would look down at the ground for a moment. She sighs feeling a bit reassured by Aloy though she still had a feeling of fear in her bones. Fear of the return of the Force Users yet she was brave enough to face them again. She didn't want them to return and cause her to turn her blaster onto her own comrades by corrupting them. Like her mentor, Galia. Darsch remembered her mentor and her teachings. Without her, she'd be a protector pilot and probably dead. The Vizsla was now much more respected than before when she was younger.
Her thoughts would drift from another topic to another then Aloy's speech snapped her from her thoughts. Roon or Concordia? The Watchmaster said to her. The two worlds were the future strongholds of Deathwatch. At the moment, the operated out Sunduri to remain close to the Mand'alor. Once they'd grow in numbers, they would expand but Darsch was already setting something up on Roon for her own clan. It was where she built her home for her house. House Vizsla was now residing on Roon. Darsch was welcoming the rest of her clan to come to Roon to build a new House Vizsla to restore it to its greatness.
Concordia on the other hand was both Darsch and Aloy's home planet. She hoped to build something there as well. Darsch hoped to set foot there once again to the ancient Vizsla home with the rest of her clan.
"I'd say we stick to Roon for the time being.. We'll return there and see the rest of us."
Darsch was enjoying the hug silently until Aloy suddenly broke the hug prompting Darsch to frown slightly under her visor. She shrugged looking at her then hearing Truz's name. Her head would turn looking for any sight of her young foundling. She cursed.
"He was right here! Where the heck did he go? That boy is always wandering off.."
Aloy Vizsla
Truz Vizsla
Her thoughts would drift from another topic to another then Aloy's speech snapped her from her thoughts. Roon or Concordia? The Watchmaster said to her. The two worlds were the future strongholds of Deathwatch. At the moment, the operated out Sunduri to remain close to the Mand'alor. Once they'd grow in numbers, they would expand but Darsch was already setting something up on Roon for her own clan. It was where she built her home for her house. House Vizsla was now residing on Roon. Darsch was welcoming the rest of her clan to come to Roon to build a new House Vizsla to restore it to its greatness.
Concordia on the other hand was both Darsch and Aloy's home planet. She hoped to build something there as well. Darsch hoped to set foot there once again to the ancient Vizsla home with the rest of her clan.
"I'd say we stick to Roon for the time being.. We'll return there and see the rest of us."
Darsch was enjoying the hug silently until Aloy suddenly broke the hug prompting Darsch to frown slightly under her visor. She shrugged looking at her then hearing Truz's name. Her head would turn looking for any sight of her young foundling. She cursed.
"He was right here! Where the heck did he go? That boy is always wandering off.."