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Faction Diplomatic Negotiation! [The Silver Jedi Concord + The Mandalorian Union]

  • Thread starter GhostOfProtocol
  • Start date
A feeling of comfort would wash over Darsch's body feeling Aloy's embrace. Her head would look down at the ground for a moment. She sighs feeling a bit reassured by Aloy though she still had a feeling of fear in her bones. Fear of the return of the Force Users yet she was brave enough to face them again. She didn't want them to return and cause her to turn her blaster onto her own comrades by corrupting them. Like her mentor, Galia. Darsch remembered her mentor and her teachings. Without her, she'd be a protector pilot and probably dead. The Vizsla was now much more respected than before when she was younger.

Her thoughts would drift from another topic to another then Aloy's speech snapped her from her thoughts. Roon or Concordia? The Watchmaster said to her. The two worlds were the future strongholds of Deathwatch. At the moment, the operated out Sunduri to remain close to the Mand'alor. Once they'd grow in numbers, they would expand but Darsch was already setting something up on Roon for her own clan. It was where she built her home for her house. House Vizsla was now residing on Roon. Darsch was welcoming the rest of her clan to come to Roon to build a new House Vizsla to restore it to its greatness.

Concordia on the other hand was both Darsch and Aloy's home planet. She hoped to build something there as well. Darsch hoped to set foot there once again to the ancient Vizsla home with the rest of her clan.

"I'd say we stick to Roon for the time being.. We'll return there and see the rest of us."

Darsch was enjoying the hug silently until Aloy suddenly broke the hug prompting Darsch to frown slightly under her visor. She shrugged looking at her then hearing Truz's name. Her head would turn looking for any sight of her young foundling. She cursed.

"He was right here! Where the heck did he go? That boy is always wandering off.."

Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Truz Vizsla
Kreslin allowed the others to speak, including Venku. The boy was not yet two decades in age, and yet had the courage to speak up at a meeting of this importance. He would allow him this moment, and turned his attention to the Jedi. His head snapped around to stare at Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield as he spoke Mando'a, and Kreslin inclined his head to the man, slightly deeper than he had before. "Ni morutar gar, Jetii. Gar ijaa ni ti miit be ner adate, Laamyc Naor " He was pleasantly surprised to meet a Jedi with even a remote grasp of Mando'a, though he decided to continue further talks in Basic, for the sake of the others.
(I welcome you, Jedi. You honor me with the words of my people, High King.)

Turning his head to look at Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser next, looking the man up and down briefly. He nodded his head to the Jedi Master, the armorweave cloak over his right side shifting slightly with the motion. "On behalf of the Mandalorian Union, and her people, I thank you for the aid. Many lives would have been lost in the coming days and weeks if not for what you have brought today." The final words were accented with Kreslin gesturing to one of the guards around the meeting. The warrior stepped forward, presenting Kreslin with a lightsaber, taken from one of the few Sith that had been found on Manda'yaim during the war.

Turning to look at the two Jedi, he ignited the weapon, the crimson blade erupting from the hilt with a snap hiss. He did not hold it in his hand for long before dropping it to the ground. The blade struck the ground lightly, the red blade sending up small trails of steam from where it began to burn through the few droplets of water on the ground. Kreslin took a step forward, placing his right boot firmly on the lightsaber and pushing down, feeling the metal cylinder giving way slightly. He extended his left hand out to the Jedi, the action putting even more of his weight on the weapon below him.

"Over the weapon of our mutual enemy, Jedi Starchaser, I offer you my hand in friendship."

Venku Bralor Venku Bralor Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt

Truz Vizsla

Tags: Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt , Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla , Darsch Vizsla Darsch Vizsla , Kes Stag Kes Stag , Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield , Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser

The guards were distracted, this was the chance for the trouble maker to explore the vents and make way to the large metal Titan. The vents had to lead to where the mighty new Mand'alor Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind was located. Surely that big metal thing would not be able to spot the roguish figure, nothing has ever spotted the furry midget before when hidden. Little did he know that scanners existed and could spot even the smallest form of life without camouflage or cloaking tech. But the stubby legs had a long way before he would be able to reach them and attempt to touch the titan that was being commanded by Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt .

As soon as the teddy bear made it to the vent, a random blaster bolt had just been fired in his his direct path. "WAGPEWWWWWW!" , had the guard on duty not been drunk, that shot likely would have made its mark. While to those who grew up with the technology knew exactly what that blaster bolt was, Truz had been living with stone age technology his entire life. To him it was an unholy attack from a spirit, as the blaster bolt hit directly left to him. Immediately the poor Ewok screamed of fear, "Kvark chyasee, fektur thesi toto treekthin a jeejee ghost! (Oh no, help me there is an evil ghost!)" . Running away from an evil ghost in the perception of the superstitious child the furry being finally mad it to safety still screaming loudly. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!", with his short arms waved into the air as his voice began to echo throughout the tunnel.

However after some time it seemed things were safe; phew , the spirit must have been gone or he lost him.

What in the world was that? Its power as it hit the nearby surface leaving a large black mark that looked similar to charcoal.Such heat, such a weird color, it must be a evil fire spirit! The fact that the brown eyed being had escaped the unholy ghost" must have been a good omen and boon! Despite being lost in the deep dark spaces of these vents, the hearing and sense of smell that he had would hopefully lead him to the other side. Now out of danger, from that pesky little sniper or "ghost" the hunter began to worry that his position may have alerted others. From here on out the foundling would need to be extra quite, or he would never be able to get close enough to touch that shiny metal thing. Up ahead, the Vizsla would grab ahold of a long lost shiny object, there was no resisting it. Curiosity began to rule the little explorer's mind and hands as he began wondering what this handheld object was. The object had a barrel with a hole in the middle. What was even more peculiar was how it had a custom scope, looking through the scope one could see farther and in the dark."OHOHOHO BETE BONT! (ohohohoho very cool)" , then suddenly this small hand felt the smooth handle obviously made for holding the device.

Little did the vent rat know, he was holding a dangerous handheld object, a fracking blaster pistol. The little cute and stubby fingers began making it's way to a weird lever device. This unfortunately was a fully functioning trigger, every leader knows what happens next. " Oh keesh toto den lang toto? (Oh what does this do?)" , the childs finger quickly clicked the blasters trigger five times quickly to fuel his curiosity. Click click click click click "PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW!", the lethal weapon went, at first it was beautiful yet loud. With such a new event, his eyes began to dilate quickly as it lit the room in red ... oh no this was like the attack from before. That blaster bolt outside was not a ghost, it was a blaster bolt from a similar device like this one. Oh god no, Truz realized as the blaster bolts began bouncing of in quick unison around the entire ventilation shaft. Not again, please no, the blaster bolts zig zagged and went up and down chasing the poor lad. Tripping and falling backwards through sheer dumb luck, all five bouncing bolts began to travel the other way.

However this ventilation shaft now smelled like burnt metal, likely leaving a track that could not be covered up. However the adults may have heard such a commotion. Meaning it was time to quicken the pace toward the other side. Before investigators arrived, standing back on his feet. It was time to continue onward, the foundling would take his newly found device to protect himself from the big metal titan. Tho , that pistol could do nothing to that thing should it perceive the newcomer as a threat. But there was time to plan this out, the furry feet of the ewok was not even a tenth of the way through the vents yet. There are many of ways to get lost still, with the amount of paths and what not throughout the old vents.

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Cynthia grabbed hold of stars hand gently as she looked up to her wife and moved to stand infront. "Well since I am mostly recovered I went ahead and booked us at a gene clinic. We will be able to get information about the process and hopefully get a date when we can... y'know." Cynthia didn't want to wait around this time for something bad to delay them the family they wanted for so long. "The appointment is in three weeks time. So no running off to battle before then." She said jokingly.

"Anyway I will be late to the celebration later. I wanna check on the fleet and ensure they have drinks to celebrate up there." Her head pointed further upwards as if to look for the large ships in the sky, however they where to high up to see past the clouds. She had to allow those in the skies a chance to celebrate too. Thus a schedule needed sorting out there would be some that would prefer to stay on fleet and celebrate with vod and then others that would want to come planet side too.

Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae


sɪɴɴᴇʀs ʙʏ ᴅᴇᴇᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ʀɪɢʜᴛᴇᴏᴜs sᴛɪʟʟ


(New template, Might stick with it, Might not ;p)
Location: Sundarai ruins
Tag: Darsch Vizsla Darsch Vizsla | Truz Vizsla | River Kryze River Kryze | Kes Stag Kes Stag | Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield | Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt | Adi'ka Awaud Adi'ka Awaud | Shai Maji Shai Maji | Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus | Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Venku Bralor Venku Bralor | Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind |
There are so many of you! :eek:

<"Damnit! If I have to enlist the kriffing Jedi to help me find him with their sorcery..."> She groans, Reluctantly turning away from Darsch, Speaking over her shoulder as she approaches the rooftop's edge.
<"You stay here and do... Watchmaster things... I'll find him. He's my foundling, My responsibility.">

The repulsorpack integrated into her backplate whirs to life with a dull blue glow as her legs bend in preparation for flight. With a strong leap, She flings herself off the building, Only falling a few feet before the repulsorlift shoots her up into the sky.

She could see every inch of mandalore's ruined surface, The rubble of sundarai sprawling for miles in front of her, And the dull orange hue of the polluted sky forming the backdrop. It was so much different up. Down there was a chaotic labyrinth of crumbling duracrete and blood stained alleyways. But up here? Open air, The wind tousling her fur collar and whistling across her helmet.

The skies were her domain.

So like the ancient Shriek hawk painted on her armour, The Death Watch leader soared through the air in search of her prey. Or... Child in this case. Where did that little Ewok get off to?

Swooping down, She catches sight of River Kryze River Kryze and stops not far above her. <"
Kryze!"> She calls out.

<"It's Truz! He ran off and now I can't find him!">
Great... She told Darsch and River both that she'd make a horrible mother, And she was right...


Nearby blaster fire catches her attention <"I think I just found him...">

She throws her weight forward, Letting her jetpack carry her off towards the noise, Which seemed to be coming from within or under a nearby building.

It wasn't long after that she'd landed near the source of the sound, Looking around for the little Ewok that was no doubt hiding.

<"Truuuuuz?! Teddy Bear! Where are ya hun?"> It was no use. The Ewok foundling was nowhere to be seen and the building was empty. Or so she thought...

Leaning into a a nearby vent, Her nightvision visor activates, Turning the dimly lit tunnel into a dull green dreamscape in front of her. One with a single small creature with huge eyes reflecting white in her enhanced visage.


Everything seemed to go as plan, a peaceful conversation between two factions, coming to an agreement. Nevertheless, Kragr still kept an open eye and all channels opened for anything that might cause for an interruption. His scanners did pick up something, not to mention the blaster fire behind him inside of a building. It was enough for his sensors to pick up a potential threat and decided to turn around, standing so he had both the Jedi and their honour guards as well as the potential threat in front of him.

While it was still a bit far from where Mand'alor and the rest were, so Kragr decided not to relay the information to Kreslin, yet. As both sides talked, his Titan held the 40mm Slug Cannon at the ready for whatever would suddenly jump out at their little group of people. His scanners picked up the blaster disturbance, so he kept his eyes open, just in case. However, the fact that it very well just have been a trigger-happy Mandalorian, shooting out of celebration or because they can, was one of the reasons, he didn't just come charging towards the location.

After some time of neither hearing more blaster fire or see any movements or attacks, his guess was that it was only a Mandalorian a bit too trigger-happy. <"False alarm, Mand'alor, my guess is, it was just a trigger-happy Mando"> relayed Kragr to Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind over a private channel to the Mand'alor's helmet.

Turning back to face the rest of the group, he went back to keeping an eye of the Jedi and their honour guards as well as keep an eye on the surroundings.

Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield , Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Truz Vizsla
Blast it. He was late.

Slowly he guided Thunderstruck over the silent war zone. As he looked out of the cockpit he could still see fires burning throughout the city. He had never been to Mandalore before, but he heard it was a violent place. Turns out he was correct. In the distance ahead a building collapsed on itself, falling to the ground. Dust began to spread once the rubble settled. A cold shiver went down his spine. He had seen this type of destruction before.

His control panel beeped once. Looking down he noticed the coordinates to the landing zone. He was instructed to land with some other Silver Jedi ships. If he were to land anywhere else, they might mistake him for an enemy. Which he could see happening. His guess was the Silver Jedi weren't too happy with him right now. But that was his fault, and he took all the blame.

Once he was within the landing zone he flipped on the landing gear. The light hum of the doors opening could faintly be heard over the engines. With three simple clicks the landing gear locked in place. Lightly grasping the control levers he guided the ship downward. The covering on supplies began to wave around from the engine's quad thrusters. With a soft press into the ground, the Thunderstruck was landed.

Flicking some switches he powered down the ship, making sure everything was shut off. The four thrusters steadily slowed down before finally dying. Placing both of hands on the side of his helmet he lifted it off, his hair falling out to the sides. Setting his helmet into his lap he then ran his left hand through his hair. The metal fingers were cold to him, almost felt wrong. But this hand had been here before, and it will stay here. Once everything was shut off he flipped open the cockpit, breathing in the fresh air. Well, as fresh as smoke, fire, and bloody air would be.

Lifting himself out of the pilot's seat he then swung his legs outward, letting them dangle out the side of the ship. Turning around he set his helmet onto the seat. His right hand reached out for his lightsaber, but then shrunk back. It wasn't his blue and white one he used to know, but it was his nasty Sith blade. After all of those year the hilt still had the blood stains of Darth Tesir. Ever since he killed her his life has just gone downhill. It was time to make up for his mistakes.

Hopping out of the cockpit he landed onto the ground, the dirt being pushed outward from his feet. Using the force he closed the cockpit behind himself. To his right were more Silver Jedi ships. People were rushing in and out of them, grabbing supplies to tend to the injured. To his left was the silent battlefield. Within the first few seconds of looking he already saw Mandalorian and Sith bodies. Closing his eyes he turned his head, now facing back towards the medical tents.

Letting out a deep breath, he opened his eyes and walked toward the entrance.

Words: 528

Caden Evesa Caden Evesa
Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus
There was a mix of feelings going around in stars head, a good mix of happiness, excitement, and worry. Stars hands enclosed around cynthia's as she squeezed gently and released a hand to take off her own buyce so cynthia could see her face which had a soft happy smile on her face as she let a breath out

I will try to not but with my position as battlemaster once more I cant guarantee that...but for you dear...I'll move worlds so I can go if I have too

Looking off to the stars she sighed as she glanced to the meeting and then back to cynthia as she placed a hand on her cheek

I should probably get with the main group, let you run off make sure our vod are ok up there
It was interesting to see a Jedi among the Mandalorians. He knew his history, the two had a … tedious peace at the best of times. Jedi and Mandalorians fought each other in a massive war, then both were nearly decimated by the Empire. He supposed there was no issue with that, to the contrary, it was probably for the best, enforcing the connections and the fact that the Jedi were not some band of evil sorcerers. The Sith did that plenty.

Seeing Master Heavenshield speak Mando’a made Coren regret not learning some. He spoke the language of the Chiss, as well as Huttese, and a few different spacer dialects of… whatever region of basic he was around. The Jedi Master was an explorer, he knew enough to get by but… he’d chalk up that faux pas to nerves. The Mandalorian were a different people than he was normally prepared to deal with.

“I apologize I was not able to assist in the efforts to retake. I have had several comrades within the Mandalorian people. Fighting for your world’s freedom is important. The Silver Order as a greater whole are more situated for healing. We will direct our healers to where is best for your people.” Coren’s eyes went forward to the lightsaber, he could sense what it was. Sith. One slain by the Mandalorian people in the taking of the world.

Seeing the symbolism being granted ahead, Coren reached forward, the songsteel bracers on his wrist, built to protect the Jedi in lieu of armor, his left hand taking Mandalore’s. “As Grandmaster of the Order of the Silver Jedi, I accept. The Jedi will be here to help in the capacities we can.”

After a moment, the two Sullustans stepped forward with the box. “I have prepared a gift for you, Mandalore, if I may?” The box was placed on the ground, Coren opened it with a wave of his hand, there was a songsteel sword with blue kyber crystals placed in the hilt.

Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind Caden Evesa Caden Evesa
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Shai caught the bottle and popped it open, taking a good swig of the curious drink. Surprise hit her as she glanced at the bottle, then at the stranger( Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud ) before she took another sip. "What the hell. This stuff's friggin good." she quipped as she took another long swig. "Well you better. You won't be able to complain about not getting drinks if you're not there." she joked as she finished off her drink. She set the bottle aside and helped herself to another, glancing at the two Mandos looking like they were having an existential crisis on the inside.

Popping open her second bottle, she dropped into the seat beside the one Mando ( Kovhorn Kovhorn ), giving him a nudge. "What's the matter with you guys? You took down a karking monster and beat the Sith! Why are you guys so dead?!" she asked happily, taking a sip of her bottle. She pulled a nervestick from a pocket and took a long drag, letting the orange smoke pour from her nose. "Get some life in yourselves!" she quipped with another sip. "What's your names, by the way? I'm Shai Maji." she introduced herself, leaning back a little as she made herself comfortable.


Location: Mandalore - Northern Farming District
Objective: Put out fires

There wasn’t much left to the war torn planet, and what was left was on fire. Kat’ra had been putting fires out all morning but still life burned around her.

She was accompanied by some service droids who were helping to distribute water to quell the flames.

“We need to contain the southern forest or this will spread for miles.”

The droid beeped at her as she ignited her jet pack and turned in the hose, pouring water onto the top most trees. The smoke blurred her vizor slightly and she groaned at the thought of all the ash she would be washing off her armor.
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Thurion offered a kind smile to the Mand'alor as he returned the greeting, understanding the words uttered in their native tongue. The fact that they hadn't opened fire on himself and Coren right there and then was enough to ensure that this was to be a productive meeting between two great powers; one firmly established for many years, and the other newly born and full of hope.

Hope is what the Jedi are all about, hence why this cooperation should only lead to good things in the coming times.

With a reassuring pat on Coren's shoulder, Thurion excused himself. It was the duty of the Grandmaster to speak with the leader of the Mandalorians, and he was not it. Rather, Thurion would instead turn to the Togorian to assist however possible with coordinating rebuilding efforts.

"Brother Bralor," he greeted him with a nod of his head, pulling the young man away from the pair of galactic leaders so they may converse in private without the two of them interrupting.

"Anything your people require, you shall have it. We have brought several ships hauling nothing but supplies for Mandalore, and I have been assured more will come. We're bringing food and water, medicine, construction materials, even manpower to assist in clearing rubble and begin repairs. You may rest easy, my friend."

At that very moment, a nearby building succumbed to the stress of being on fire.

Holding out his hand, the falling rubble never hit the ground but rather removed itself to be placed into neat piles before them. Concentrating further, his command of the Force also made the flames fade away until they were but embers.

Resuming his prior stance once the deed had been done, he centered himself and turned to the Togorian.

"As I said, you may rest easy, Venku."

His head then tilted ever so slightly to the side as he looked him in the eye, peering into his soul.

"You are no stranger the Force, are you?"

Location: Among the rest of Clan Mortui near the Hydra.
Interacting: Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Shai Maji Shai Maji

Kovhorn raised his glass as Adenn asked if they should join the parade, "Think so, shouldn't let them even try to forget about us." he said with a smile. He was not the most animated individual but there was still definitely some energy for things. He took a swing of his drink. Though his mind kept falling to the sith, and then reminding himself that they'd won this battle. A dance of disgust and glory.

He chuckled at Shai Maji Shai Maji 's drinking comment. And then a smile at the rest,
"Oh I am happy, I'm just not as animated just yet. It'll get there." He took another drink from the glass and cracked his neck as he took in a breath, "And I'm Nox Kovhorn. Pleasure."

Nox rather liked this one, they didn't act remotely like him but they were had energy and that was a good thing. Naturally, he still wanted to see them fight. But the night wasn't over, maybe there'd be a skirmish here or there. Nothing lethal or too destructive he hoped but maybe a bit of a brawl. Get the hearts pumping again.
Interactive with: Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield
Near by: Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser

The two galactic leaders continued to talk, going on about possibilities and mended relationships. “Brother Bralor.'' The words drew the mandalorians attention away from his friend. Brother, it was a term many mandalorians used among each other, albeit it was almost solely spoken in mando’a. Hearing it now, from a stranger and an outsider was odd. Glancing at the man, Venku thought of the mando’a he spoke. It was choppy, but understandable and surprisingly good. Maybe not as much an outsider as many.

The valkyrie pulled him off to the side, drawing them away from the leaders so they could speak in peace. "Anything your people require, you shall have it.” With them was an emotion, part gratitude, part relief, and part something that he couldn’t quite name but felt like the cool evenings that lie between the freezing nights and burning days of a dessert.

Thurion went on to explain what they brought, and the list only made the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth grow. “Thank you. As I mentioned earlier, we’re moving the critically injured to the old barracks. Have your people take all the excess medical supplies there.Once we’ve cleared the streets we can begin to set up smaller field hospitals and food distri-” The groan of a falling building cut through his words.

Down the building went, down and down and down as it crumbled towards the ground. Smoke and ash and sparks of flame flew into the sky as it fell. Venku imagined he could almost taste the smoke. Then it stopped, it hovered mid air as if it was attached to a grav lift. The force pressed a fact into his mind. The jedi did this. Golden eyes, with their less than natural glow, darted over to the jedi. He held the rubble aloft like an offering of burning incense and the mandalorian could feel the tendrils of force that wrapped around the mess of metal and flames before it was placed on the ground and the flames were doused.

“As I said, you may rest easy, Venku." Thurion spoke, but his mind was still focused on the rubble. He understood the suspension of the rubble, but how had he put the fire out? Knowing what he did about the energy, he would guess something along the lines of cutting the flames off from the oxygen they needed. The skill it would take to separate something on the molecular level… It was impressive, to say the least.

Golden eyes, glowing eyes, blinked when the jedi stepped in front of him, looking him in the eye. "You are no stranger to the Force, are you?" It was more his close presence than his words that sent the togorian backwards, creating a space between the two. “What? Oh- I’m force sensitive, if that's what your asking.” the cloak of his presence tightened around himself, pulling the emotions close with a tinge of possessiveness. They were his emotions, and he didn’t want other’s feeling them. “Although I’m nowhere near as skilled as that.” questions spun through his head, each one more off topic than the last. He had a job to do, he needed to focus.

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