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Direction of the ASA

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Good morning/evening/afternoon/twilight/dusk/dawn/night/weird time lapse sequence, System Authoritairanaisndinsas

or something.

So, after discussion with [member="Raziel"] we're making this thread to give the ASA a bit of a direction and focus. We've shed the government and any strange drama from the past and want to move forward to a new age of peace and happiness (and credits, lots and lots of credits.)

We want to get ideas out and get a feel for everything that is going on here.

Right now we have a bit of a direction that has been discussed with several of the staff and want to open that up for discussion.

The ASA has been centered around our Technate, much like the CIS was centered around the Techno Union, and we want to capitalize on this aspect.

As of right now, what we have for a possible idea and direction is as such.

"Welcome to the Abrion System Authority. We are the premier faction int he South Systems and are focused on the advancement of science, technology and business throughout the galaxy. Founded around the Technate, a collaborate think tank for research and production purposes, each world is welcome to have their own government, but one ideal holds true. We are focused on changing the galaxy by creating cutting edge technology for the galactic market. We are defended by a military composed primarily of droid warriors and other automatons, however, we boast one of the richest organic armies in the galaxy. While the numbers of our organic soldiers, Force users, spies and pilots are low, they are provided with the best gear and training the government can develop and afford. These beings are dispatched not as an expeditionary force, but to defend and uphold the technocracy's goals and ideals."

In order to keep this focused, we are looking for more takes on how to do things.
Clearly, this faction needs to get its focus, and creating a technocratic government, with threads around the development and implementation of technology will give us a leg up and a direction unlike other factions currently on board.

We will be keeping, but changing the ratio of droid-to-organics in our military.
Our SpyNet will still remain primarily organic as will our Knights Obsidian.

So, we would like to open the floor for ideas, wants, and critiques.

You should be warned, shall you attack anyone you will be removed from the discussion.

your friendly overlord from the shadows.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
I do I feel like if we're going to get the ASA to take off, it is a good idea to get the genteral populace's wants and feelings out. After all, you can't lead if no one likes the direction you're going. [member="Salem Norongachi"]
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Sort of am still hoping to get business relations going with the ASA once more to sell products, but I have major doubts that that'll happen soon.

Still, we need to get our military solidly updated, as it hasn't proven as successful against the Protectorate during invasions, and the business realm, so we can get more exports and ICly make more money for the faction. More money, more R&D, more opportunities to advance the quality of our technology.

And worse comes to worse, there's always the Otherspace gate, pathway to a location for more resources so we can slim down on exporting them in from other worlds or powers that might be hostile. >_>


Well-Known Member
Enigma said:
And worse comes to worse, there's always the Otherspace gate, pathway to a location for more resources so we can slim down on exporting them in from other worlds or powers that might be hostile. >_>
But you wouldn't know about that.

I agree with [member="Salem Norongachi"], though, [member="Marek Starchaser"]. Let's save the reform ideas until after the elections, that way we'll see what the new person has in mind and can direct from there.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
I'm just putting a place for the faction to get their ideas out, to see popular vote, to see if the candidates agree/disagree with the directon the majority wants.

For instance: I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really detest otherspace.

But if the faction wants to make use of it, then that kind of makes it that i'm not the viable candidate for election.

This is just to get us speaking and finding where we want the ASA to go
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Circe has suggested the development of an Otherspace gate before. Not saying that there is one currently, unless the Fringe has built one.

[member="Danger Arceneau"]

More than likely, LotF wouldn't know of the ASA presence in Otherspace for years if not decades, seeing as their entry points into the swirling realm are an unknown distance from one another, and there has never been a map of Otherspace made.

Ultimately, I just want to see the ASA grow as resource-independent as possible, so it won't have to ICly rely on imports of goods that ultimately lead back to hostile powers. It's best for our economic situation.


Well-Known Member
Kill more bosse- wrong topic
Make more planets.

Planets with resources. Planets we can use. We have all of wildspace, make use of it.
This is also because we're pulling in feck all new members and need to put together some good promotional material.

We need a good hook on the Obsidian Order too, because let's face it, most new members want to play Space Wizards, and we need to make it clear we're a good place to come and get some training and advance!

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
You mentioned some Space Wizard stuff.
I'd like to hear your ideas, and then i'll counter with my opinion on the direction of them. Just for S&Gs

And [member="Freanne"]
We're working on refounding and reformating, so we will have threads soon! I promise

Uninitiate (UNI)
Members of this starting rank, the lowliest of our sacred Order, have just begun their toilsome path in the Force. Once assigned an master, Uninitiates must update an in-depth biography and create a thread tracker. After completing a short introduction to the Obsidian Order in character and completing these steps, they progress to the next rank

Initiate (IN)
Initiates of the Obsidian Order have started to find their connection to the Force. The Obsidian Order gives its members freedom to choose whichever path they desire. However, to progress from this rank the Initiate must complete a training thread with their mentor on basic Force abilities

Acolyte (AC)
This modest title is for Jedi who have started to master the basics of the Force. The Obsidian Order expects all of its members to have a grounding in combat abilities, even if a different path is taken. The Acolyte must demonstrate this as part of significant effort in at least one IC thread.

Adept (AD)
This self-effacing appellation is achieved by members who are well on their way towards becoming a Knight. Members who hold this rank have already chosen which path they are to follow and have started to specialise in their training, but note that particularly specialist powers are likely attained further down the line. Adepts must work hard with their mentor and for the faction, displaying their abilities in either a Dominion or Invasion. Members will often build their own unique weapon at this stage. Progression to the next rank requires nomination and a vote among Faction Masters.

Dark Jedi Knight (DJK)
Once promoted by the Faction, the member becomes a full Obsidian Knight and gains a measure of autonomy from their master to follow their own path.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
I like it.

My idea was using the Grey Paladin Force Tradition for a basis, combat oriented more than... dogma oriented. Guns, TK, Sense, Reflex, Barrier. At least for the Basics [member="Raziel"]

Thoughts, gang?


Well-Known Member
I think I don't disagree with the default tag for the ASA FU community turning to Dark Jedi.

As far as the skillset, I like it. Combat/realistic use as a foundation, and if they want to go all hyperpowered they can, or they can just be Force-augmented soldiers.
I suggest rather than spelling them out, we go for scenarios to try and guide the Order.

Some examples are below for discussion and expansion:

Core Force Powers

Based on a well-balanced Jedi who spends their time studying all aspects equally.

A new Knight could throw one to a few people to the ground with the Force.

An experienced Knight would be able to hold someone in the air and then have the skills to crush their throat with the Force.

A Master can lift and hurl huge objects, or manipulate the inner working of a tiny device.


A new Knight has no ability to use Force Lightning

An experienced Knight could throw a few sparks that could potentially incapacitate someone for a few moments.

A Master can control sustained and lethal bursts of lightning


A new Knight has a vague sense of danger through foresight.

An experienced Knight can not only discern the source and nature of danger about to happen, but can get a vague sense of important events in the future.

A Master has a much stronger emotional connection to future events, and may even be able to understand events outside of the immediate future.

Mind reading

A new Knight can skim surface thoughts, particularly emotions from the untrained. With time they can pull out deeper thoughts and memories.

An experienced Knight can dig into people's thoughts more easily and attack the defences of a trained and strong willed mind.

A Master can break down the defences of a powerful Jedi given time.

Mind Tricks

A New Jedi Knight can conjure simple illusions and convince an untrained individual of an easily swallowed fact. With time they can more subtly alter perceptions and plant thoughts and feelings.

A experienced Knight is able to – in favourable circumstances - completely change someone's feelings or opinions on a matter. They can hide themselves from someone's perceptions.

A Master is able to utterly dominate the mind of a weak willed individual with time.


A Knight is competent with a single saber. They can defend themselves from blaster bolts from several directions and deflect some bolts back at their attackers. Concerted fire from a whole squad of troopers could easily overwhelm their defences.

A experienced Knight can train with more advanced weaponry: light staffs, multiple sabers, whips. It would take a torrent of blaster fire to bring them down. A experienced Knight could hold off two Knights, but would need particular circumstance in their favour to defeat them.

A Master will have years of combat experience. They will be a master duellist able to hold their own against several Jedi at once.

Specialist Powers

These powers are likely only available to an experienced Knight, and must be learned from another Jedi or Holocron. They must come with significant training and with a detriment to other/core powers

List TBC (Illusions, Force Conceal, Absorb, etc)

Advanced Powers

These powers are likely only available to experienced Master. They require a huge amount of effort and training, and there may only be a few Force Users who can train these abilities.

List TBC (Shatterpoint, Force Storm, Force Blaster/other physical manifestations, Battle meditation)

Exceptionally Rare Powers

These are powers that have appeared in canon in some form - likely D20 based material - but are not well defined, or are exceptionally rare on the board.

(White Current, Phase, etc)

List TBC
In the general theme of thinking out loud, expanding on Roujen's Obsidian intro:

The Knights Obsidian are the stoic guardians of the Abrion Systems Authority. They consist of a collection of Force users who follow many different paths, but share the common aim of furthering the goals of the ASA.

The Knights Obsidian, much like the ASA as a whole, supports personal freedom over governance. Members are free to choose their own path, and are expected to display some independence. Members call on both sides of the Force. However, the Order is relatively militarised and all members are expected to undergo a minimum of combat training before becoming a Knight and this includes battlefield training and the use of ranged weaponry. Combined with the ASA’s goals of supporting the talented, without overburdening the system supporting the vulnerable, the Obsidian Order’s ideals are often unpalatable to pure follows of the Light Side.

The role of the Knights Obsidian is two-fold. The first, is in militaristic and warring situations, the Obsidian are a unit called in to handle matters that need the capabilities of the Force, such as enemy Force Users. Any Obsidian Knight, not matter their role, is expected to aid the ASA in military endeavours when called upon. The second, is of their own volition. Obsidians are sworn to uphold justice and freedom, and to protect those incapable of doing so themselves.

It is difficult to tell the alignment of the Obsidians. Perhaps the best description would be "Lawful Neutral". They go about their own moral compasses in carrying out their tasks, keeping in mind the regulations that they are expected to uphold. While they are freedom fighters of a sort, they are not exempt from whims of destruction, or even toying with the Dark Side. They are led by ideals, not dogmas and doctrines.

Upon reaching the rank of Knight, every member of the Order joins one of three main specialisations:
  • Obsidian Knights: by far the most common title. These members are dedicated to furthering their combat training and supporting the ASA military. They often stay based on Roon to train hard and test each other’s abilities.
  • Obsidian Infiltrators: a rarer breed. These members specialise in deception, manipulation and stealth. They work behind the shadows to disrupt the activities of the authority’s enemies and ensure loyalty to the ASA. They are frequently used to ensure the correct decisions are made by key individuals and take part in corporate espionage. Their services are often provided to Spynet.
  • Obsidian Scholars: these members are dedicated to expanding knowledge. This covers a broad range of members, many study and teach more fundamental of philosophical aspects of the Force. Some are healers. Some are even tech specialists and use their powers and expertise to aid the Technate.

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