Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Direction of the ASA

More ideas

The ASA military is based around the core of the Naval Forces. There is no long term standing ASA Army, as the military is focussed on a technologically advanced and mobile fighting force, and this role is typically filled by droid forces as and when required.
For each division there are a wide range of ranks (broadly equivalent to a WW2 military). However, we highlight a few key areas for each to show approximate standing and provide rank signature tags for these.
The Naval fleet is comprised of the staff needed to support and man the ships of the ASA’s Navy. Plays can roleplay a wide range of character here, only the Fleet Admiral tag is reserved for those who have earned it.
Player Character Ranks:
  • Ensign: an officer who fulfils a particular role on a vessel
  • Commander: an officer who commands one capital ship
  • Admiral: an officer who commands a small task force
  • Fleet Admiral: an officer responsible for commanding one of the ASA’s 5 main fleets
The Marines are the core infantry force of the ASA. Mobile, equipped with advanced equipment and highly trained. Players may roleplay a wide variety of characters, however General must be earned through roleplaying with the faction.
Player Character Ranks:
  • Private: an enlisted trooper who fights at the sharp end
  • Sergeant: an NCO with responsibility for a squad-platoon
  • Officer: an officer who commands a Platoon-Brigade
  • General: an officer responsible for commanding an entire ground operation
The Naval fleet is comprised of the staff needed to support and man the ships of the ASA’s Navy. Plays can roleplay a wide range of character here, only the Group Captain tag is reserved for those who have earned it.
Player Character Ranks:
  • Pilot: flies a vessel, senior pilots may command a Flight (four ships)
  • Squadron Commander: commands a squadron (typically three flights)
  • Wing Commander: commands a wing (typically four squadrons)
  • Group Captain: an officer responsible for all of the Starfighters on a vessel.
I am new here, but some of you know me. So I will help in the best way I can.

May I suggest technological/corporate espionage. Let me elaborate: by using this kind of theme for roleplays: we can have a small cell group of characters it shouldn't matter their type but stealth/slicers would be most appropriate I suppose. In roleplay threads it would be about infiltrating and obtaining information on certain types of technology and returning it to ASA space for "retrofitting".

I think it would make interesting development threads. I was going to have my own corporation based around this but as a "for hire" service.

This of course would not grant us the right to use private tech from other factions or companies. But I mean this purely for development if needed.

Now that I dropped the espionage idea a few days ago I thought about applying for the Colicoid Creation Nest, seeing that my character is shi'ido and I would have little problem pulling it off in the case of story. However seeing that CollaIV isnt in our spacecloud I am guessing that that would be a problem.

If you guys would like: I can create some planets/tech and resources. Give me a work load and I will pump it out as speedily as I can. :)

(We probably can't use this. Took it from a logo design competition on the web :D )

Abrion Corporate Alliance

Who are we?

"Welcome to the premier faction in the South Systems. The region is heavily focused on the advancement of science, technology and business throughout the galaxy. Here personal and commercial freedom are valued above all else. The system rejects the bureaucracy and slow governance of the Republic. Similarly they believe every individual has the right for personal advancement, unlike in the various empires and monarchies of the galaxy. Everyone has the right to follow their own path.

The region, formally known as a loosely governed Abrion Systems Authority, is Founded around the Techno Union, a collaborate think tank for research and production purposes, each world is welcome to have their own government, but one ideal holds true: the region is focussed on building an economy based on developing cutting edge technology for the galactic market.

The citizens of the region are provided with everything they need for personal advancement and wealth generation. There are many havens from both corporate and income tax.

The region is defended by a military comprised primarily of droid warriors and other automatons. The Navy includes the Fleet, Starfighter Corps, and Marines Corp and includes all of the organic members of the military. While the numbers of our organic soldiers, Force users, spies and pilots are low, they are provided with the best gear and training the government can develop and afford. These beings are dispatched not as an expeditionary force, but to defend and uphold the technocracy's goals and ideals.

That sounds perfect?

Of course not! All factions have their IC strengths and weaknesses. Whilst the Techno Union enables its citizens to use their skills to become wealthy, influential and powerful, those that are less able are not as supported. The region believes in a small state, and so support for the needy is less readily available. The wealth gap between the rich and poor is the largest in the galaxy.

The region has welcomed an influx of refugees from conflicts across the galaxy. Those with the training and mental aptitude have flourished. The rest have been less lucky. Slavery is banned, but then what choice do you have when you can either work 16 hours shifts on a forge world or starve?

Whilst the citizens are free to pursue their goals, not all personal freedoms are available. Spynet is always watching. The activity of nearly all citizens, both in the real world and on the Holonet, is closely monitored to ensure the safety of all.

The line between corporate lobbyist and politician is blurred to the point of non-existence. The needs of the few are often considered more than those of the many. There is just one line that the government holds firm on. Competition law is strictly enforced. If a merger between two companies would create a monopoly in the region it will be blocked completely. Healthy competition drives advancement in the Techno Union.

Why should you join?

The Techno Union is a relatively small major faction, but that just increases your chance to be noticed if you want to advance your character, just like the ideals the TU holds dear.
We have clear structures for Force Users to advance from Apprentice to Knight and will provide guidance and help along the way.
We have a wide variety of companies whose members are always keen to help out with new endeavours and development threads to help you advance your company.
We have one of the most well-renowned intelligence agencies in SW Canon for you to join for missions focussed on espionage.
Also: we're just a nice bunch of people to write with!


The Knights Obsidian are the stoic guardians of the Techno Union. They consist of a collection of Force users who follow many different paths, but share the common aim of furthering the goals of the TU.

The Knights Obsidian, much like the TU as a whole, supports personal freedom over governance and doctrine. Members are free to choose their own path, and are expected to display some independence. Members call on both sides of the Force. However, the Order is relatively militarised and all members are expected to undergo a minimum of combat training before becoming a Knight and this includes battlefield training and the use of ranged weaponry. Combined with the ASA’s goals of supporting the talented, without overburdening the system supporting the vulnerable, the Obsidian Order’s ideals are often unpalatable to pure follows of the Light Side.


The role of the Knights Obsidian is two-fold. The first, is in militaristic and warring situations, the Obsidian are a unit called in to handle matters that need the capabilities of the Force, such as enemy Force Users. Any Obsidian Knight, not matter their role, is expected to aid the ASA in military endeavours when called upon. The second, is of their own volition. Obsidians are sworn to uphold justice and freedom, and to protect those incapable of doing so themselves.


It is difficult to tell the alignment of the Obsidians. Perhaps the best description would be "Lawful Neutral". They go about their own moral compasses in carrying out their tasks, keeping in mind the regulations that they are expected to uphold. While they are freedom fighters of a sort, they are not exempt from whims of destruction, or even toying with the Dark Side. They are led by ideals, not dogmas and doctrines.


Upon reaching the rank of Knight, every member of the Order joins one of three main specialisations:
  • Obsidian Knights: by far the most common title. These members are dedicated to furthering their combat training and supporting the ASA military. They often stay based on Roon to train hard and test each other’s abilities.
  • Obsidian Infiltrators: a rarer breed. These members specialise in deception, manipulation and stealth. They work behind the shadows to disrupt the activities of the authority’s enemies and ensure loyalty to the ASA. They are frequently used to ensure the correct decisions are made by key individuals and take part in corporate espionage. Their services are often provided to Spynet.
  • Obsidian Scholars: these members are dedicated to expanding knowledge. This covers a broad range of members, many study and teach more fundamental of philosophical aspects of the Force. Some are healers. Some are even tech specialists and use their powers and expertise to aid the Technate.
The Obsidian Order is comprised of Force Users that link up with all the major aspects of the Faction:


The Military

The ASA military is based around the core of the Naval Forces. There is no long term standing ASA Army, as the military is focussed on a technologically advanced and mobile fighting force, and this role is typically filled by droid forces as and when required.
For each division there are a wide range of ranks (broadly equivalent to a WW2 military). However, we highlight a few key areas for each to show approximate standing and provide rank signature tags for these.


The Naval fleet is comprised of the staff needed to support and man the ships of the ASA’s Navy. Plays can roleplay a wide range of character here, only the Fleet Admiral tag is reserved for those who have earned it.
Player Character Ranks:
  • Ensign: an officer who fulfils a particular role on a vessel
  • Commander: an officer who commands one capital ship
  • Admiral: an officer who commands a small task force
  • Fleet Admiral: an officer responsible for commanding one of the ASA’s 5 main fleets

The Marines are the core infantry force of the ASA. Mobile, equipped with advanced equipment and highly trained. Players may roleplay a wide variety of characters, however General must be earned through roleplaying with the faction.
Player Character Ranks:
  • Enlisted: an enlisted trooper who fights at the sharp end
  • Sergeant: an NCO with responsibility for a squad-platoon
  • Officer: an officer who commands a Platoon-Brigade
  • General: an officer responsible for commanding an entire ground operation
The Naval fleet is comprised of the staff needed to support and man the ships of the ASA’s Navy. Plays can roleplay a wide range of character here, only the Group Captain tag is reserved for those who have earned it.
Player Character Ranks:
  • Pilot: flies a vessel, senior pilots may command a Flight (four ships)
  • Squadron Commander: commands a squadron (typically three flights)
  • Wing Commander: commands a wing (typically four squadrons)
  • Group Captain: an officer responsible for all of the Starfighters on a vessel.

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