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Dominion Disaster relief mission | AC dominion of Ruuria hex


Ashlan Disaster relief on Reelin - dominion of the Ruuria Hex​

Following the collapse of The Sith Empire, planets have returned to mostly autonomous rule, whilst the freedom from Sith oppression is by and large, very welcome, lack of contact with the wider galaxy has its downsides when a planet is in trouble. One such planet is the world of Reellin in the Xapphy Sector. The closest significant Ruuria has been trying to aid its galactic neighbour, but with the lack of mass transport which could have been provided by the collapsed empire, supplies have been few and far between.

Reelin is a temperate planet orbiting and unremarkable yellow star, it has a population of around 100 million sentients, mostly confined to the northern and southern ends of the planet with a vast desert region in the centre. Convoys usually make their way back and forth across the desert protected from raiders by military units, and this is how it has always been. However in 850 ABY the northern hemisphere was struck by a meteorite which destroyed a major population centre and send trillions of tons of rock and ash into the air, the entire northern hemisphere is blanketed in ash clouds and crops have failed, requiring additional support from southern hemisphere farmland. This was fine for the first few years, but after the Sith Empire collapsed, the small independent Reelin military quickly lost control of the situation. Bandits became bolder and fat on the large convoys attempting to cross the deserts, every convoy taken made the job of the next that little bit harder, and so the north began to starve.

Calls for help have gone out and the Ashlan Crusade are amongst those that are listening. The fleet, using Ruuria as a staging post are beginning to move supplies to the beleaguered world. Investigations into the raiders have turned up a few names, and plans to either bring them to the table for negotiations, or otherwise neutralise the threat.



"The North are Starving!"

The calls ring loud across the dust shrouded continent, some people believe that the South is withholding supplies, others know the truth, a few even think that the cataclsym was caused by the Sith as a punishment for only half measures of support to their empire. Whatever people choose to believe, the statement remains true and the situation is dire, thousands have already perished and millions more are on the brink. Ash circulates in the air, leading to respiratory conditions and poisoned water supplied so disease is rife. The situation was bad before the Sith left, removing the fear of reprisals from bandits attacking the south-north trade routes.

The Ashlan Crusade are amongst those that have heard the cries and as the new power of the sector, they feel duty bound to protect their new citizens. The fleet rendezvoused at Ruuria, picking up hundreds of thousands of tons of supplies from the insectoid inhabitants and have begun making runs to Reelin itself. The plan is first to break the starvation cycle, then if possible begin to cure the disease and other problems caused by the cataclysm. If the dust clouds can begin to be cleared that would be the ultimate goal, but for now, ensuring the population is safe must be the priority.




For years the raiders have been a problem, attacking in speeders, swoops and all manner of land vehicles, they pounce on the convoys like predators and take what they need. It is their way of life and for years it was just one of those issues that convoys had to prepare for.

Then the Sith Empire left, the raiders had always avoided the larger and more heavily armed convoys, for fear of stories around clans that had attacked the wrong convoy, only to have the vengeance of the Sith rained down upon them. Without this threat, the raiders first began attacking more frequently, then as they became richer attacking more heavily armed convoys. The Reelin army quickly lost control and now the raiders own the sands, using abandoned military vehicles to carve out territories. What was once sustenance raiding has become something far more dangerous.

One particular warlord, that calls himself King Diega, has united several of the tribes together and now controls a huge portion of the desert, his word is law there and he rules through fear and shows of might. If he could be defeated, the clans may break into more manageable, but still problematic chunks, but if he could be brought to the table to negotiate a peace, then large parts of the desert could for the first time be made safe.


Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development


Location: farmland 400 miles north of the main landing site
Objective: investigate healthy flora in dead zone on behalf of Ashlan Crusade Scientists

Trinity zoomed across old farmland on her Phantom, she had been contracted by the Ashlan Crusade to help investigate the biological damage caused on Reeling. All around her was dead crops and withered trees, the whole northern hemisphere has been starved of sunlight for years now and nothing grew here, it was sad to see, but was all part of nature. She hit the accelerator, kicking up dry broken up earth in her wake. She wasnt here for these plants. Early studies had detected a small mangrove region far to the north.

By all rights the Mangrove should be as dead as the rest of the world, the run off from the rivers was poisoned with heavy metals and the darkness got worse as you headed further from the equator, the rotation of the planet slowly moving the clouds towards to poles. the ground had a strange unearthly hue to it in places where elements, that should have been long buried, rained down as ash from the sky. She pulled the scarf around her face tighter as she went through a particularly dusty area. She had a light rebreather on, but no sense in risking breathing the harsh, jagged, volcanic like derbis that still filled the air.

She had travelled over 400 miles from the primary Ashlan landing point this afternoon, she could have brought a shuttle, but flight was dangerous in the ash clouds and you couldn't get the same feel for the terrain from that high up. 400 miles of dry land, dead field and forests without their leaves. If this mangrove area was really as healthy as their scans detected, it could prove to be useful in regenerating the biosphere of the continent.

Last edited:



Location: Reelin surface 32.5149° N 117.0382° W
Objective: supervise relief efforts

Isla looked across at the prefab structures that had been erected by the Ashlan Crusade to act as a staging post for relief efforts. They were fairly far south, but this was the safest location to land her Bastion. Starfighters were right now scouting the area for settlements and producing a map of priorities. Knaves were departing straight to the hardest hit areas with full complements of Sisters ready to use their talents and training to set up infrastructure that would speed up the relief even further.

Several of the planetary Council had already contacted Isla and she had been granted access to existing infrastructure systems, but they had been fit for purpose, the Ashlans wouldn't even be here.

One of the structures had been set up as a medical centre, her field medics were triaging the locals and taking all manner of samples to diagnose their ailments, the most severely unwell were admitted into the state of the art hospital installed on all her landers.

She was confident that here the Ashlans could make a huge difference, her scientists were looking in to long term solutions to the planetary issues, including some independent contractors, in the hope that as many perspectives as possible could crack the problem.

A local man walked by her, hungrily protecting his food pack in desperation, the scenes here were horrible, but only by exposing herself to them could she remain connected to the realities of war.​


Location: Reelin surface 32.5149° N 117.0382° W
Objective: supervise relief efforts
Tags: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
"It's not the best sight, is it?" He'd only seen the woman once, but it was enough for him to know who she was. An upper rank of the Crusaders. Someone Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim trusted enough to invite to a beach party of all things. Someone to be trusted enough that just because Kahlil was a son of Carnifex he wouldn't be prosecuted on sight. The Jedi wasn't too sure if this was a smart thing, but he was here regardless.

"Ingrid plans to bring her own assistance. If I can help with healing, please. Show me where."
Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development


Location: wilderness 700 miles north of the main landing site
Objective: investigate healthy flora in dead zone on behalf of Ashlan Crusade Scientists
Tags: E Eric Vales Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Bear droid

The farmland finally gave way to wilder country, and the climate too began to change. What used to be thick heath was now mostly marshy bracken as the larger plants, had died and when rains came there was no larger plants to deal with it. Trin was now nearly 700 miles from the landing site and closing in on her destination, she had found one of the rivers that fed the mangroves and was following its Bank.

The countryside was in a sorry state and would take years to recover, if it ever did at all. She decided to take a sample of the water in the river to test, pulling up her phantom, she reached down with a testing probe and put it in to the water. It took a moment for her droid to process the results. High levels of iron, sulphur and copper amongst other things, the same result as so many of the rivers across the world. Far too high for most plants or animals to tolerate.

Getting back on her bike, she recorded a few observation notes and continued on her journey, according to her navigation information, the mangrove should be visible beyond the next hill. She spurred on the bike faster and rose up the bank of a hill as the river gut down through a deep gulley below her. The sky ahead of her had an eerie glow to it, the same sort of glow you might get over an airfield, but there was no record of development nearby. Curious?

Cresting the hill, she saw the mangroves, they stretched for several miles before ending at the sea, they were thick, looked healthy, at least from this distance, but had an unearthly glow about them. Trinity could detect low intensity visible light, and high amounts of UV coming from some source that seemed spread fairly evenly about the swamp. It didn't seem artificial but further investigation was certainly needed.


Water vapor gathered at the entrance before slipping out and onto the extended gang plank. Her hands fixed the coif, sneaking away the device as the speeder bike was unloaded. The clack of heels coming from the landed Luminary-class vessel as a small team inside began working. They had a simple task. Study the issues going on while Sister Brimarch was away.

She secured her stun weapons to the bike, hoisting the medical back pack on before saddling up and fixing the kama behind her. Deft fingers checked the strap as she waffled briefly on letting anyone know. Then again there wasn't a reason not to. Besides that, wouldn't want anyone being surprised she was gone.

Pulling out the comm-link, she fiddled around a moment until she found what she wanted. A message to Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana before the bike zoomed along the surface towards her goal.

"Grand Admiral Draellix. This is Sister Brimarch, I'll be heading out to establish diplomacy with the raiders. There any stipulations you would prefer be addressed?" She was barely within eyesight of the grand admirals ship, the bike buffeted the ground as she sat and hovered for the moment.

The team she had brought began working quietly, going out and attempting to gather samples from wherever they could.




Location: Reelin surface 32.5149° N 117.0382° W
Objective: supervise relief efforts
E Eric Vales
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch

A large shadow was cast and Isla's hair whipped around her hair briefly as ships from the Vales group moved overhead and found landing points not far from her position. Excellent news she thought, more supplies and help to get them about was very much appreciated, and Isla knew Vales liked wookie workforce, very helpful in a situation such as this.

She looked over as Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble spoke. This man intrigued her, the Crusade had gone to not insignificant lengths to try and round up his family, and yet, here he was putting the needs of others over his own potential discomfort or risk of his name might cause him. "It is good to have you here Kahlil, these people need all the help we can give them. As far as healing goes, you have your pick," she laughed a sad and ironic laugh, "at this location, our on board hospital is coping well for now, your talents would probably be best suited at more isolated locations. Our scouts are out at the moment trying to find out best deployment options."

"While we wait for that, I wondered if you could help me with something more,"
she struggled for the word "force related, I guess. "There is a lot of rumours amongst the locals that this meteor strike was caused by the Sith. Our astrophysicists can find no unusual signs that point to anything other than a freak collision, but what do you think? Do you feel anything here?"

As she spoke a ping from Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch went off in her headset and a small microphone dropped down in front of her.

"I hear you Sister, good luck with the raiders, my intel suggests they respond to strength and honour, so maybe treat them a bit like Mandos? I would go into it with a mind that their lifestyle came from the desperation of their environment, this looting and pillaging is fairly new. Myself i would like to have a peaceful resolution but I know their are limits."

Mandos, what an example, but sure, that makes sense to her, everything she had heard was they were warlike, had strength and honour based rituals and valued strength. She wished the Sister good luck, distributing aid seemed a much more forgiving task than confronting armed raiders.

Regards the meteor, in my head it is a totally natural occurrence but if you have any cool ideas am open to move on that.

The raiders are not written NPCs so feel free to handle them and have them react as you see fit (as long as you keep withing Aslan values)

Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Reelin surface 32.5149° N 117.0382°
Objective: Wsupervise relief efforts
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag(s): Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | E Eric Vales | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch | Trinity Harris Trinity Harris
[ Kingdom Come ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

Now, exceptionally, she did not come from the Netherworld, but from the territory of the Eternal Empire. It was her mother who asked her to bring something. Quite a lot of things. Mainly food, seeds, cereals. The Empress didn't have time to come now. But since the woman recognized the woman after Panatha as a member of House L'lerim and thus formally became the Princess of the Eternal Empire in Realspace, she was already able to represent the Eternal Empire, while she helped the Ashlan Crusade for a long time and she'll continue this.

A dozen dropships brought bags of GMO cereals and landed at the given coordinates. Up there on the ship that Eina arrived with were even more shipments. Eina, as always when she was near the Ashlan Crusade, still used her angelic form with the wings. Because of Eina's special Force signature, Kahlil could believe that Ingrid was coming, because Eina's signature was like someone mixed Ingrid's and Adrian's signature.

After landing, the Valkyrja walked to the group here, waved to them from afar. When she got there, Eina spoke:

"Grand Admiral, Lord Zambrano, welcome! I brought with me the humanitarian consignment of Lady Ingrid and the Eternal Empire. Food, medicine, clothes, everyday supplies." she said.




On the Ground

Location: Reelin surface - moving with encrypted transponder signal
Objective: Secure a parlay
Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | E Eric Vales E Eric Vales | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir | Trinity Harris Trinity Harris Trinity Harris Trinity Harris

The information granted by the Grand Admiral was well received as she sighed and spoke a silent prayer to Ashla. She did not want to engage in hostilities, but perhaps a contest could mitigate the need for more lives lost.

One does not survive harsh conditions without being capable of learning after all.

-"Affirmative copy. I will bring the grace of Ashla with me as I can. If I don't not respond after the sun has set, assume I have had no luck. May Ashla guide our hands and bless these people. Brimarch, over and out."- She replied after the prayer, pocketing the device and warming up the repulsor before setting off.

The dust trail behind her was large, kicking the system into its fastest pace to mitigate any issues with the convoy preparing to leave.

She hoped with everything she was that she would at least be able to negotiate with them. The backpack might be lost to her, but it would be a small price if she could at least parlay with the chief.

She rode hard, the speeder exceeding her expectations as dunes rose and fell beneath her. The first signs of the raiders presence making itself clear as a repulsor craft slid out of view beside her. A frown managed to slip loose before she allowed her senses to extend beyond herself.

The force flowed, revealing a pair of vehicles trailing close on either side of her. Hidden behind the dunes and sound dampened by her own systems. Rather than engage in the cat and mouse game they were likely to play, she cut right sharply and rode the dune up and gained air on the other side.

Faces turned up at her, masked to prevent the sands from whipping at them as she twirled after a prominent and hard landing that jarred her teeth.

The second vehicle was slow to follow over the dunes as weapons from the one she surprised were leveled at her. Hands slowly rose, pointing to the backpack she wore.

"Medical supplies for a chance to speak with your chief." Millia hollered as the second vehicle crested and wove around her, more guns leveled at her.



Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch | Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir | E Eric Vales | Trinity Harris Trinity Harris

"My pick, huh?" There was just a sad smile in response to the situation report from Isla. Another world suffering from the actions of his father's abandoned creation. And yet, that wasn't what caught his attention. A freak accident? If Jedi were to be believed, nothing is coincidence. He took a breath and closed his eyes. Anything amiss, huh?

He was silent for a couple moments, though it was clear on his face. A deep frown.

"The world is covered in the dark. It's not easy to see through. But.." He opened his eyes slowly, staring up towards the sky. "I feel something. Planets were often used in as many ways as they could be. Which could mean a lab. Or, worse, a ritual site. The later would explain such devastation. Sith aren't exactly fond of sharing their secrets. Do you know where the asteroid impacted?"


Tags: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch , Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Trinity Harris Trinity Harris , E Eric Vales


The walk in Ashla's Light involved many tasks. As of late, Pietro had found himself confined to those of a more martial nature, as the reign of the Sith could still be felt across the whole of the galaxy. The Light did not only manifest itself in battle, however, and today would not be a day of blasters and blades. Today, the cardinal would work to fulfill his other duties as a loyal servant to the Light. The inhabitants of Ruuria had been suffering the fallout of the dissolved Sith powers that once held sway over their planet. They were left hungry, tired, and ill, but their suffering would not fall upon deaf ears.

A convoy of food transports slowly approached from the Crusade's main landing zone, making their way across the sand and toward the Ashlan forward camp. The cardinal rode ahead in a speeder, accompanied by one of the chaplains of the Holy Guard. Upon reaching the camp, Pietro promptly exited the speeder, approaching the Grand Admiral with a holo in hand. His rebreather muffled his voice, but his words still carried his their usual priestly countenance.

"We managed to gather more food than originally anticipated. We currently have eighteen ready to be distributed, with many more on the way. We brought additional medical supplies as well. Bacta, stims... a bit of everything. We have air filtration units on the way as well, though moving them will be slow going. What is the status here? I sense strange energies about."

He turned to Kahlil, providing a reassuring smile. Many within the Crusade may feel strange exchanging words with a Zambrano, given the family's history, particularly within the Tingel Arm. Despite this, the cardinal would hold no such grudge. If anything, having such an individual within their ranks would further prove to the galaxy that beyond all else, the Crusade was about bringing peace and justice to the galaxy.

"It is good to see you, Kahlil. Your insight will be invaluable in this endeavor."

He looked to Eina next, eyeing the supplies brought from her on behalf of the Empire.

"Excellent. These people will need all that we can gather. With time and combined effort, I have no doubt that we will be able to bring these people back to a higher quality of life."

His statement may have been slightly optimistic, as it would likely take years to fully stabilize the situation on the planet. Nevertheless, the Crusade was willing to devote the necessary energy to see it done.



Tags: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch , E Eric Vales


"Keep moving!"

Heinrich was growing tired of hearing those words, but he kept his mouth shut. He had opted to seek out the raiders alone, in hopes that he would avoid appearing hostile. Unfortunately, things hadn't gone as planned. The group he had encountered was less than welcoming, and though he had willingly turned over his lightsaber, he was still met with complete suspicion.

Perhaps opting to land near their base of operations wasn't the best plan after all.

His hands were bound, his commlink confiscated, and the belching yells of the raider was constantly ringing in his ear. He didn't let it get to him; after countless years imprisoned by the Sith, this particular experience was easy to handle. These chains were crude, and the raiders were disorganized. Should Heinrich desire to, he could likely get himself free. For now, he would avoid exacerbating the situation, and continue as planned... or at least, somewhat as planned. Heinrich was known to be a bit on the reckless side, but somehow he always found a way to swing things to his advantage. He chalked it up to Ashla's favor, but in the end, it was often pure luck of the draw.

The column of raiders approached their headquarters, an old Sith outpost that had seen better days. The raiders had certainly placed their own identity on the place, replacing banners with makeshift flags of their own, and covering the durasteel walls with various forms of graffiti. In their own way, they had done their part in reclaiming this small piece of space from the Sith that formerly held sway over the region.

The sloppy raider gave Heinrich a nice, hefty tap on the back with the butt of his blaster, causing Heinrich to stumble forward.

"I said move!"

He was beginning to irritate Heinrich, but for now, he would continue to go along with his captor's wishes. He kept reminding himself that there was a purpose for putting up with this ragtag group of marauders, powering through the annoyance of insults and orders as they entered the facility.

Well, at least I'll get an audience...




Location: Reelin surface 32.5149° N 117.0382° W
Objective: supervise relief efforts
E Eric Vales
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch
Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
Pietro Demici Pietro Demici

Isla was now surrounded by a number of powerful people, all here to support the beleaguered people of this planet, this was how things got done. Continuing her conversation with Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble "The actual impact site is at 35.0280 N, -111.0222 W, a little under 600 miles to the north east, it was once a heavily populated area, mostly destroyed in the impact but then fully abandoned shortly after due to how inhospitable the conditions are. Our advanced scouts had visited it and atmospherically the conditions are similar to most of the northern hemisphere as the ash has spread, there is higher than usual radiation levels, but well lethal doses unless you are reckless." She showed him it on the map. If he asks to visit it, Isla will offer use of a Knave transport and a detachment of Sisters of Ashla to be assigned to him.

"Lady Eina," Isla bowed her head "The Sister's have spoken of your arrival, your visage seems to inspire them, you seem to have something of a following amongst their ranks. Please pass on my thanks to your mother for her aid here."

She continued explaining the situation as it stood to the Jedi and the Valkyr Pietro Demici Pietro Demici approached their command module.

"Father Demici, Ashla has blessed us with your presence," even after a couple of years of working with him as a military collegue, she still couldn't shake old habits and the honour she felt greeting the head of her religion, maybe one day there might be time for a 'hey Pietro' but not quite yet.

"Your flotilla sent details ahead, I am pleased you have such a good cargo, between that and the resources from the Eternal Empire stand ready to begin distribution, our colleague E Eric Vales has kindly lent some muscle, but he is struggling to deal with the language issues as he favours wookies. I have assigned additional interpreters, but I feel maybe sending a few of your own priests along may also help smooth out any potential diplomatic issues. He has also provided suggestions for a long term atmospheric fix, but it is a fairly large endeavor that we would need to discuss with the planetary government once the immediate problems are stabilised"

Several of the Knaves shuttles had now been converted to allow them to fly more safely in the ash. The changes to the air intakes would limit top speed, but would prevent the engines choking our. Right now they were being quickly loaded by the Sister of Ashla and the first few were preparing to depart.​

Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development


Location: wilderness 700 miles north of the main landing site
Objective: investigate healthy flora in dead zone on behalf of Ashlan Crusade Scientists
E Eric Vales
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch
Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
Pietro Demici Pietro Demici

Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Plushee Companion Droid

Trinity was off her speeder now and was walking into the fringes of the mangrove swamp, her outfit was a hydrophobic sealed outfit so she could wade in without having to dress suit up. The whole area was suffused with the eerie blue glow. Her implants were reading wavelengths of 320 to 480 nanometers coming from multiple sources.

As the got past the first clumps of brush she found what was causing it. Attached to the tree was a strange Growth, it was rooted in the bark and strange looking fronds reached out into the air. Her best guess was a bioluminescent fungus or lichen. She approached it close, and was then aware that this same fungus was growing on most of the trees.

Reaching out with a metal probe, she broke a small piece off an put it into her droid's analaytic pod. It would take a few minutes to read the DNA and bring back an identification.

In the meantime, she continues to take samples, the water was just as toxic here as further upstream, there was no reasonable way that these mangroves should be growing so healthily, and looking at the ashen sky, that was beginning to rain with a light acidic rain.

The droid let her know the sample was ready. No exact genetic match, but several similarities to extremophiles detected on Mustafar, Sullust and Lola Sayu. Trinity smiled, a novel species, it was her lucky day.

The fleshy bodies were very high in metals and other elements, she began to develop a theory on the mangrove. The makeup of this lichen indicates it was leeching toxins out of the other plants, and the wavelength of the light being emitted, whilst not perfect could be used for photosynthesis. The lichen was keeping the rest of the local biome alive.

She recorded her notes and began comparing it to other research, nothing else seemed to relate to it. This seemed like a brand new and undiscovered species. She would report her findings to the Ashlan scientists once she had her ducks in a row.

Maybe this lichen could be a way for the planet to cope with the current situation.



Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch | Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir | E Eric Vales | Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici

He didn't recognize Pietro, and yet the man was thought it was good to see him again? Even among his family he wasn't very well known. Perhaps a briefing from the Crusade, then? That was his only guess. Regardless, he offered the man a brief smile in acknowledgement of his greeting. Though the scenario was far too grim for a lasting kind.

"I shall go to investigate this crater. Hopefully it's nothing, but the chance the Sith were trying to bury something of importance to them is too great for me to ignore." Usually he'd just go by himself. Not that he thought others weren't capable, he just didn't want to put others in danger over his family's choices. And yet, he could already tell it wasn't something to deny.

Even if some of the Crusade trusted him, there were enough that didn't trust his name to warrant an escort.

"I'll fill you in, once I know what's going on."
Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Reelin surface 32.5149° N 117.0382°
Objective: Wsupervise relief efforts
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag(s): Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | E Eric Vales | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch | Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
[ Kingdom Come ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

"Lord Demici!" she nodded to Pietro.

Eina turned to Isla after Kahlil ignored the greeting or the woman's appearance. Would he be as arrogant as the other Zambranos? She did not know; in any case, then she did not deal with the man either. The Valkyrja chuckled a little at Isla's words. The woman had already noticed that the Sisters reacted to her presence in this way. She didn’t really understand this kind of enthusiasm or admiration. Could the chosen figure have become too strong and powerful? After all, she "built" this form from what she perceived in the otherworldly fictions of the members of the Crusade. For her, it was a racial ability.

"I’m not really sure I’ve already earned their admiration, Grand Admiral, but I’m happy to be able to inspire them on their journey and during the crusades!" she apologized. "I'll tell your words to the Empress!" she promised.

She paused for a moment and looked at the monitors or holographic images, depending on what Isla used to coordinate the work here.

"Can I have a quick update on events, Grand Admiral? And of course about where I can still help." she asked.




Tags: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch , Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Trinity Harris Trinity Harris , E Eric Vales


Pietro was pleased to see so many gathered upon the planet of Ruuria. Though the path to healing was long, the journey would indeed be shortened by their combined efforts. He quickly called over the chaplain, a man from Naboo by the name of Sibo Panaka. He was a quiet individual that nevertheless commanded the authority associated with the Holy Guard. The chaplains of the Holy Guard were both priest and warrior, and Pietro felt confident that he would be up to the task of helping with the locals.

"Chaplain Panaka will take some of our priests to assist the Wookiees in their efforts. He has some experience with these people, and is well-versed in the less martial aspects of my Guard. As for the supplies, we can begin moving our transports out immediately."

He turned his attention to Kahlil at the mention of the crater. The man had seemed puzzled at Pietro's familiar tone with him, though his response was one of respect. It was no secret that Pietro had a vast network of spies at his disposal, and Pietro liked to run checks on all newcomers of note within the Crusade. Nevertheless, his knowledge of others did still surprise at times. For now, he just kept focus on the task at hand, and thanked Ashla for bringing someone with such insight to the planet.

"I am interested in this crater as well. I will be assisting with the distribution of goods, but should you find anything particularly troubling, then I will meet you at the crater upon hearing word. Should the machinations of the Bogan remain afoot on the planet, it would be wise to have more than one Jedi present."

Returning his attention back to the rest of the group, Pietro produced a holomap of the surrounding area on the planet, pointing to one location in particular.

"This is the presumed location of the bandit camp. Grand Marshall Faust has taken it upon himself to negotiate with these brigands, though he has yet to check in. Perhaps that's good, perhaps not. Have we dispatched others to speak with them?"

Pietro knew that the Grand Marshal was known to be a touch on the reckless side at times, though he wouldn't say such in front of the others. Though he believed in the man's talents, Pietro was always ready to plan for the worst.


The two groups exchanged glances, speaking to one another before eyeing the bag upon her back. A pair jumped off one of the craft, slowly drawing near before holding out a hand.

"I meet with your cheif, you get the bag." She spoke sternly, hands still in the air as the being glanced back, a body atop the craft crossed their arms, making a sound of annoyance through the mask before shrugging.

The weapons lowered, albeit it very slowly and with some mild threats of violence from what she gathered was the leader as she was waved to follow them.

"Lovely." She spoke to no one as she readjusted her own mask and rebreather. The thing was uncomfortable without riding the dunes, and the jarring hops she found herself riding intermittently were doing little to help the feeling as they set off for what she hoped was the chiefs camp.




Location: Reelin surface 32.5149° N 117.0382° W
Objective: supervise relief efforts
E Eric Vales
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch
Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
Pietro Demici Pietro Demici

"Absolutely Lady Eina, here you go." Isla briefly outlined what had happened since the asteroid strike, going into as much detail as Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir required. Then, once caught up to todays actions she slowed down and switched the screen to a holo showing most of the northern continent. "As you can see, we are here at the marker, the impact crater is here, and these two markers are the primary population centres. The government chambers for the northern hemisphere are in the city about 200 miles east of here. But their envoys have joined us to make sure there is not concern from the locals." There were a few other markers dotted around the continent map, representing research teams and aid supply runs.

"As to where you will be of most help, taking some of your supply vehicles to this population centre," about 400 miles east, "may be a good option, we have not managed to get much there yet due to a lightning storm, that is now abating though." The city was a large city in a valley between two mountain ranges. The topography caused large clouds to form on the southern mountain slope, with the high speed winds and Ash particles causing electrical storms.

" Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , Pietro Demici Pietro Demici you are both welcome to go and visit the crater," she eyed Pietro over the rims of her glasses, trying to size him up to see if he had any ulterior motives for accompanying the other Jedi. "I have no reason to beleive this is a Sith action, but I am not fully versed in these things and I certainly wouldn't put it past them. When you both come back" she emphasised the word but tried to sprinkle it with the tone of humour "you can fill me in about it, if it is the Sith, this contamination may be even harder to deal with than I thought"

" E Eric Vales thank you for you ongoing support, I am really hoping we don't need them, but the idea of heavily armed wookies watching my agents backs gives me confidence."

She turned back to the holo and looked thoughtful, she was playing chess in her head with her fleet of transports, the objective of the game was to feed as many people as quickly and safely as possible. Where were the gaps, had she missed anything obvious.​


"Right." The not so subtle hint that if Kahlil came back alone, there'd be a whole different kind of trouble. Though, wait. Was that also a hint that Kahlil should be unharmed as well? He glanced to Pietro Demici Pietro Demici , giving the man a much more serious nod. Whatever the meaning, they were in it together now.

"I'll send word as soon as I can. Will the Sisters meet me there?" He turned his gaze to Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , brow raised in question. Whether they did or would leave with him now, he'd nod and turn to leave. Whatever this feeling was, he wasn't going to sit on it much longer.

His gaze shifted towards Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir as he did. He wasn't sure what to do with speaking to her. Like her mother, she chose to use his family name in greeting. Which, given the company and what the Zambrano had done, he panicked and just erased her greeting from his mind. It was only now he realized how rude that was.

"Uh. Be safe." Yep, that'd do. He nodded once, then wandered towards the transport. His attention shifted directly to the crater.

Time to see what the Sith might be hiding.

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