Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public District Nine: Cold Snap

"I'll leave your crates alone," the Doc said quietly, once the woman was finished speaking. She was allowing him time, plenty of time, to make sure this giveaway didn't become a massacre... and right now that was the only thing he could prioritize. There were a billion injustices unfolding on Denon at any given moment, a billion bad things about to happen to people who didn't deserve it, and he could only worry about the ones that were within his control. He couldn't stop Niki from unleashing the dark side of her gift, and he was sure he'd only get innocent people hurt if he tried. He could only make sure that, when the fighting broke out, none of the people he was treating were in the way.

"I appreciate the warning," he told her, though the words tasted bitter in his mouth. By his inaction, he was allowing people to get hurt - killed, even. That flew in the face of his medical ethics, ethics he'd had to compromise more and move over his years on the city planet. He was supposed to do no harm, and letting people get ambushed when he could have warned them was doing them harm. It didn't matter that they were gangsters. It didn't matter what they'd done. Anyone who ended up needing his help was supposed to get it. But here he was, a changed man. He shot people now, telling himself it was to save other, more worthy people. And he made deals like this one. Dirty deals.

Deals drenched in blood, because no matter what he chose, somebody was going to die.

It didn't feel good to decide which lives had more value.

"I'll give you a warning of my own, if you'd care to listen," the Doc finally said. "You say you've been on the receiving end of a tragedy. I'm sorry. No one deserves that. But this thing you're doing, the revenge you're looking for... it's going to end up being someone else's tragedy. Every person you gun down in your ambush out there has friends and family, people who love them just as much as you love the people you lost. Every survivor who wakes up covered in blaster burns will have a story of scars just like yours." He shook his head. "It never ends, you know. Revenge. It just goes back and forth forever, and both sides are always sure they're justified."

The street medic shrugged, turning away. "Something to think about while you're gunning them all down."

"You're probably immune now, Brie. Ever pick up any scrap that's still glowing?" Daiya laughed, grinning at her blonde-haired friend when she joined her on the ground. Brie picked up the talent quickly, and they spiraled around in circles near each other, building bigger and bigger snowballs for the snowy sculpture building. The chill in her body was starting to fade to a dull numbness now, the activity and companionship made the teen feel warmer by the minute.

"A runner?" She asked, looking over at Zephyrr. The young man had come down to their level, joining in on a patch of snow a little ways away. Daiya watched him for a moment, and giggled at his assessment of her. Her cheeks flushed warm, and she turned her eyes away, her grin hiding behind blushing cheeks now. The young shadowrunner spoke to the snow instead of Zephyrr, though it was meant for him. "Yeah, well, Brie was supposed to be in the way..."

She ducked her head, and rolled her ball of snow over to the scrapper girl. It picked up more debris and dirt this time, running through a patch of lower snow cover. "Oops," the flustered teen said, rolling the ball back over to denser snow cover. It was almost as tall as her knees now, and was taking more effort to roll. Daiya took a break, her nerves were firing wild all over the place, and she took a deep breath to set them straight. "Unless we want this hutt to look like the color of Denon."

Daiya giggled at that thought, and it brought her eyes back up, with Zephyrr in her line of sight. She kept them up this time, wondering if he wasn't the color of Denon already. "You blend in really well," she told him, then giggled again at how much of a rascal he looked like with his hands hooked under his shoulders. "You're like one of those Darkwire types, aren't you?"

The young shadowrunner smirked at her double-ended question, not willing to risk a glance over at Brie. She hoped her friend wouldn't give away the game right now. "They do all that shadowy stuff, don't they? Spying on people, delivering...things." Her playful tone became suggestive, almost accusatory, and Daiya watched to see how Zephyrr would react. "Maybe taking them first?"

''Lots of times!'' Brie confirmed with sarcasm towards her so often partner in crime. Tonights crime would stretch as far as to make a caricature of the frightening Hutts.

Brie noticed how the older boys mood changed considerably after her straight-forward question. It was just the reaction she hoped to get. It gave away that he was honest and trustworthy. She had also intentionally exposed her suspicious and careful nature, letting him know that if he had any funny business going on she would see right through him. Living and working alone in the galaxy had teached her to be better safe than sorry. She studied his body language and reaction, and a soft and satisfied smile blossomed forth on her lips.

''It's okay.'' she said sincerely before directing her attention to the orb of snow that were growing larger and larger with her continously adding fists of snow to it, patting it. She saw him smiling at Daiya and glanced at her best friend with a knowingly smile of her own. ''And you are not bothering us, either...'' she added slyly. Stars, she was almost seeing the snow melting between the two. Daiya certainly had to notice that! Brie wondered what Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll would say if he was here. Ooh, that would have been interesting!

''Two at the bottom and one on the top?'' she asked and begun rolling another ball of snow to go on top of the two others, then they would need to add snow to the gaps, build a tail and then find something to act as eyes and nose of their marvelous snow Hutt.

Suddenly, Daiya suggested that he was one of the Darkwire, of them! Brie instantly stood up and gave her fellow shadowrunner a wide-eyed look of confusion and worry, ready to retract any wrong ideas the boy would get. Would it be that smart to already drop that for the boy?

"You're like one of those Darkwire types, aren't you?"
Zephyrr grinned upon hearing the question, but said nothing - at first. He shifted his eyes, catching Daiya's look. "If I said I wasn't, I guess that'd mean I was." He shrugged, dropping his hands from his armpits - they'd warmed up enough that he didn't feel like they were going to freeze...

But his face felt warmer than it should.

''And you are not bothering us, either...''

"But, nah. I've done some work for them before... at least, I think it was them. But they didn't have me 'take' anything - just deliver." The truth was, he typically had no idea just what he was delivering, anyway. To him, it didn't matter. "It's... kinda risky, lately, to be honest." He felt a pang of concern; a little voice in the back of his head telling him to be careful. Against his better judgement, he ignored it. "Working with terrorists brands anybody caught a terrorist too. Besides, the Seccers would probably just throw me off a roof instead of hauling me in or confiscating my stuff." They'd already done it to a friend.

He continued packing snow into a larger ball, squatting in the snow like a Hutt himself. Satisfied, he started rolling the decently-sized dirty white sphere toward Daiya; picking up more snow as he went. The handsome young man looked up at Brie from his efforts, catching her eye. A sudden smile blossomed on his face. He nodded at her suggestion of two balls of snow on the bottom and one on the top. "Yours is looking like the top." He said, indicating with a nod toward Brie's larger ball. He went back to filling in gaps, missing the sudden look of surprise Brie shot toward her friend.

The area was looking a bit clearer from their efforts. He was at her side, now - assisting with packing more snow into her own ball, and nudging his closer. Once that was done, he'd start picking up handfuls to fill in the gaps. He'd never done this before... but he loved working with his hands.

"Last I heard, the Seccers are planning on burning Darkwire out of Seven Corners and the Twilight. I dunno how... and I'm not sure I wanna find out. The last time I heard something like that, they started sending drones flying through some of the old buildings here in East Palpamore. Nearly caught a few of us." The memory came vivid to mind - fleeing for his life, and nearly risking identification because he'd forgotten to wear a mask.

Suddenly realizing he was making it sound more & more like he was Darkwire, he backtracked: "I mean... a few of us runners."

That didn't sound any better either. Suddenly self-conscious, he stopped speaking, focusing purely on his efforts of building their snow hutt. Why was his face feeling like it was on fire?

Daiya Daiya Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx
Zephyrr was being coy with her, dodging with non-answers and logic problems. Her eyes narrowed at the young man, her mouth curled as her tongue sought the dangling answer he was offering just out of reach. A belligerent giggle bubbled up behind closed lips, resisting her attempt to swallow it back down, leaving the teen lightly shaking her blonde curls in the direction of the young man.

"I like danger...sometimes," the young shadowrunner admitted after Zephyrr finally confided in her. His cheeks were glowing like a piece of Brie's irradiated scrap. Daiya knew the feeling, her own felt warm despite the cold, and she resisted the urge to clap her hands to them. She tried to focus on rolling the snow ball, her flailing efforts leaving it only a little bigger than Brie's top-sized ball. Setting back on her haunches, she declared, "I guess that makes me the middle."

Daiya watched the words of Zephyrr as he recalled his own run-in with CorpSec, and they painted a familiar picture to her. The young shadowrunner found herself rubbing at her wrists with mittened fingers, only realizing her idle movement after a minute or so. She fumbled with the knitted coverings, drawing up the back of one hand with the other mitten to rub at it, pretending to scratch it. "I'm glad you made it out in one piece, not splatted somewhere in the Midnight Zone."

She looked quickly down at her snowball, reaching out to pluck it from its resting place. Daiya wondered if he could see her cheeks flushing in time with her heartbeat, not knowing why it was thumping so hard in her chest anyway. Zephyrr was just some stranger in another district, he couldn't even dodge a snowball. Just by associating with him, she was putting him at risk of being branded the same as her.


"And your other runners, too," Daiya quickly covered for herself. She lifted the ball of snow, carrying it over towards Zephyrr. As she passed Brie, the teen tapped her friend's boot with her own, tossing her head and gesturing with the ball in her hands over to the largest snowball that the runner boy was packing down. She carried her ball over to Zephyrr to start their Snow Hutt stack, but the young shadowrunner couldn't keep her feelings quiet on the subject. Heat rose with her words as she held it out to him, for fear that she might melt it, or even reveal too much of herself. "If the Seccers don't stop, they're just gonna make more people want to disobey. 'Sides, I hear Darkwire came out of the Shadows down in Midnight, CorpSec couldn't dredge those depths in a million years. There could be...a lot of beings hurt if someone doesn't stop them."

"It's supposed to go on top," Daiya told the young man, tossing her curls out with her sour mood as she handed off her ball of snow. "Then we'll get Brie's on top and start adding all the lumpy, Hutt-y sides!"

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Objective: Assist and Prepare
Weapon: 'Revy', "The Klaive" - PDW
Equipment: PCA/EA, x2 Hutt Cartel Kidnap Jabber Rings-One on either hand, Force Warning Necklace Pendant, Paralyzing Lipstick, ENVC-370 Bodyglove, Tinfoil Hat Band, Earsculpt Comlink, Magno-grip Formal shoes
Augmentation: PGEM-SAP "Amber Eyes"
Ships: The Tourist, GR-75 Transport
Aboard the Ship and in the back of the Containers: x6 Nuisance Engine Mark I Droids capable of producing Nuisance Droid Mark I and SD-3 Firebee Security Droid

He replied with the cyclical nature that revenge took. Her eyes squinting a little as he spoke. The expression falling somewhere between empathy and apathy. A hand ran along the small length of crate beside them as she sighed.

"It's sick to say, but no one will be walking away when it's finished aside from Badger and myself." The woman informed him, bitterness and anger in a strange dance through her tone.

"But if it what happened to me can be stopped, I'll take the anger of those that remain to save those that would die in some back alley. Unknown and little more than a poster on the holonet." The hand slid off the container with a wave to the Doctor as she walked away.

"Take care, doctor. I do hope the future becomes a bit brighter down the road." Snapping her fingers, Badger nodded to the Doctor as he moved to escort Niki back to the vehicle they had arrived in.

Brie threw Daiya a glance of amusement, holding back a giggle, as the boy almost declared himself to be one of them, or at least working for them. They had surely never seen the boy or heard of him. Darkwire was a large organisation, but something said Brie that Zephyrr would take any opportunity he got to impress on Daiya.

''Terrorists? That is what Darkwire goes by?'' Brie asked the boy, before crouching down to grab a hold of the large snowball. After some struggle with it, she managed to lift it up onto their soon to be snow-Hutt. Brie really tried to put all her might into lifting the large orb of packed snow. If life could be like this all the time, they would have a smooth ride ahead of them. Unfotrunately, that was not the case and they all seemed to have a common nemesis in CorpSec.

''Whatever comes out of the Midnight Zone is dangerous as...'' Brie begun after placing the snowball on top of their soon to be artwork of white wonder. ''I don't know what, but they say you should not mess with it. Everyone that gets tangled up with them, is pretty much stuck.'' she stated firmly with a nod and glanced down at Zephyrr, before giving Daiya a knowing glance. Everything was true, but it was also fun dropping that onto Zephyrr. Brie had been caught and stuck, but had also been lucky enough to meet a friend like Daiya that actually was more of a blessing. At last, luck had struck the scrapper girl with finding such good friends as Daiya and also her long lost sister Ruby Jaxx Ruby Jaxx .

''You ever considered joining them as a full-time member?'' Brie asked curiously.

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"I'm glad you made it out in one piece, not splatted somewhere in the Midnight Zone."

Zeph smiled at that. "Yeah. Me too." He said, not really sure what else to say. As Daiya Daiya brought her ball of snow toward him, he accepted it and listened as she vented for a moment about the Midnight Zone. His eyebrows furrowed, recognizing the passion in her voice but not understanding why. For a young woman playing in the snow, she seemed to understand more than she was saying. He nodded in agreement, that people could get hurt if CorpSec tried to bring muscle to bear into the dark world of Denon's Midnight Zone. Before he could respond, she instructed him on the placement she wanted for her snow-hutt, and he obliged. After setting her ball of snow in-place, he looked up, recognizing that Brie was struggling a bit.

The tall, rugged young man moved to assist Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx in gaining enough leverage to lift her ball of snow without damaging it, grunting slightly with the effort. He huffed with the effort, breath streaming out from between his lips in a great plume. "I mean... That's what CorpSec calls 'em, anyway. I wouldn't call them terrorists." He stopped short from saying what he actually wanted to say: that Seccers were the real terrorists in his mind.

''You ever considered joining them as a full-time member?'' Brie asked curiously.

The young man glanced at Daiya's friend, evaluating her similarly to how she'd looked at him earlier. A quirky smirk tugged at the corner of his lip, accentuating the jagged cicatrix running from his lip toward his ear. Now, all three of them were close - working as a team to build their sculpture. It was coming along nicely; with six hands, each of them were able to mold, pack, and smooth the dirty snow into some semblance of the ugly slug-like creature.

"..Yeah. I guess so." He said, hesitantly. "I guess everybody's getting angry... Things are changing. I know, a few years back, there was a sort-of peace between the Corpos & Darkwire... but now?" He shrugged, shifting on his haunches to work on the tail of the snow-hutt. "I guess everybody's gotta do their part." He said, pausing for a moment.

"Some of my friends think it's gonna get worse. I guess it's kinda like dealing with mold. The longer you wait, the worse it gets?"

Until you've gotta burn it down & start over.
"Pfft, terrorist-shmerrorist. They'll call anyone who talks chit about them a terrorist these days." Daiya had started shaping the snow-hutt, and she shook her blonde curls as she worked. Her shoulders huddled against her neck, the cold drawing the teen's body into itself. She ignored it as the snowy creation began to roughly approximate the lumpy and bulbuous shape of the hutts. "Corpos are a bunch-a 'fraid-ghuls."

She felt her neck burning, and turned to find a pair of dark eyes on her. The teen felt her cheeks burning again, but this time she raised her flushed face up to look into Zephyrr's. She held her gaze steady until Brie's words broke them apart, stealing away the conscious moment from the pair. Daiya could still see his face burnt into her memory, the sharp cut of his scarred chin, the deep set of his haunted eyes. Her palm and fingers itched to draw the memory out, to keep it forever in her holojournal.

"Brieee!" she fussed at her friend, her eyes dipping slightly back into her skull with the scrapper girl's brazen move. The teen felt her balance go, settling back into the cold ground as a seat, thrown off by such a direct ask. She found her eyes growing wide at such a direct answer from Zephyrr, and it took a moment to realize that the pounding in her ears was from her heart beating a lightyear a minute.

"You'd really join up with them?" Daiya asked, her small voice surprised by the young man's dauntless choice. Even if his reasoning made sense, the teen suddenly found herself wanting him to recant. Her chest panged with every beat, considering what could happen if CorpSec ever learned of his sudden enlistment or caught him on a job with shadowrunners they considered terrorists now.

Including her.

"I guess it's a better way to go than being splatted. With a blaster in your hand, y'know?" she offered at last, shrugging away her words and emotions. Picking herself up, Daiya returned to the snow-hutt's steadily refined form emerging from their clumps of snow, absently grinning as she packed and shaped another cluster that could turn out to be a hand. Or a fat roll. Her eyes snuck a peek at the young man, and then glanced over at Brie, eyes dancing with allure.

Her mind ran with the thoughts of Zephyrr blasting away Corpos alongside her, and a giggle nearly gave it all away.

Daiya couldn't help herself today. "Well, if you're joining them, then I'm in!"

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Shocked, Brie almost jumped by Daiya's sudden fuss at her, and looked at her friend all blank like asking if she had done something wrong. Okay, it was a direct question but at least she tried to pull it off without pretty boy knowing who they really were or where they came from. It was not like Darkwires existence were top secret anyway, and the boy obviously wasn't a rookie around these blocks.

''WHAT?!'' Brie mouthed without spoken words at Daiya, while Zephyrr obviously had to be too busy looking at Daiya asking himself what was going on. As they got more information out of the boy, things were getting safer and safer to reveal and Brie were the first one to keep people on a need-to-know basis. Like, she were the wary one of the two girls.

As Zephyrr answered their questions, with Daiya in noticable exaltation, Brie continued to fill and pack the gaps of their snow-hutt with more of the fun white stuff Denon had been gifted with tonight, to the teens pure delight.

''You mean; with a Port In A Storm in your hand, Daiya?'' Brie jested with a smirk, her green eyes filled with mirth as she gave her fellow shadowrunner a knowing glance. She would let Daiya decide if and when they would reveal that they were the ones the boy were going to run with - and probably bear with, at least in the case of Daiya the Menace - if he joined Darkwire.

"You'd really join up with them?" Daiya asked, her small voice surprised by the young man's dauntless choice.
The young man turned his head, eyebrows narrowing at Daiya Daiya 's breathless voice - registering that she sounded surprised. He considered for a moment, asking himself the question... then, when the answer didn't change, he nodded. "Heh, yeah... I mean... I dunno how to shoot... but, I'd rather fight then a long drop and a sudden stop." His momentary expression of dark humor made him smirk... and hopefully, his new potential friends would find it funny too.
Daiya couldn't help herself today. "Well, if you're joining them, then I'm in!"
Zephyrr almost laughed. He peered first at Daiya, then looked at her friend, Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx - unsure if she was serious, and seeking proof.
When Brie didn't even glance up from packing more snow into their hutt, Zephyrr's dark eyes turned again to the exuberant young woman.
In that moment, he made a decision about the two young women...

Either they were incredibly naive...

Or there was something they weren't telling him.

Brie's jest about a drink in Daiya's hand rather than a blaster sounded like an inside joke, but it still made Zephyrr chuckle. Now, though, he was pleasantly suspicious. The two young women carried themselves confidently, and he was already recognizing the signs that each held hidden depths; expressing the kind of camaraderie that came from facing life & death together. Daiya couldn't have been much younger, but there was a certain icyness to her vibrant blue eyes that betrayed the hardened stare of a killer. At first, he hadn't been sure... but now, as he watched her a moment longer, he was sure of it.

They had a secret.

For a few moments, he was silent - finishing the Snow Hutt's tail before working to outline its features; a broad mouth, defined hanging tongue, and big bulbous eyes (using two small stones for the pupils & dirt to define shadows).

"It can't be that easy." He said, ending the pause. The tall young man looked at the two young women again, "Darkwire hides in plain sight... People say they're everywhere, but nobody knows who they really are, who their leader is, or what they really want. Some people say Darkwire is still working with the Corpos, and the riots at Sakedo were part of a scheme." He shrugged, weaving some of the small whispers he'd heard in the back alleys of Denon into his own little story.

"I want to believe they're out to help us..." He said, trailing off wistfully.

"But the only Shadowrunners I've ever met have been screen names on Cryptnet."

He genuinely sounded disappointed.
Daiya's giddy laughter was caught short by a sharp inhalation by the teen, her eyes flicking to the young man. His taste in humor gave her pause, the thoughts of Zephyrr twisting to resemble nightmares. Her lungs seized with the vivid reminders of her own experience at the hands of CorpSec, roughed up and cuffed before being gungan-marched through processing and into a cell. She shuddered from a shiver that ran up her spine, the single night she spent in their hands spelled worse for Daiya if she ever spent more. "They'd have to catch me first."

Her words turned as cold as the snow around them, a low sound spoken to her chest instead. Bitter thoughts turned her giddy expression sour, and as she realized it, the teen took a sharp breath in. Daiya picked her head up, sticking her tongue out at Brie. Her best friend always seemed to have some new way to shake her awake. "That's for after we get paid. Plus, that's the whole point of Darkwire right? Be sneaky, do the stuff no one wants to do, get paid for it?"

It was fun, now that Daiya was reminded of happier memories, to act as if she knew little about Darkwire. Staying hidden in plain sight now was something the young shadowrunner would need to practice more often, now that all of Denon seemed out to get them. The heavy task almost seemed possible from her interaction with the young man. Zephyrr didn't seem stupid to her, and as much as Daiya admired him for that, she found him just as challenging to stay ahead of. "I hear it's just all about who you know..." She glanced over at Brie, then turned back to the task under her hands. "Like if I wanted some treasure from space, I'd comm Brie, y'know?"

The teen packed and shaped snow beneath her mittened hands, ignoring the fact that she knew exactly who to comm for a Darkwire job. She scowled at the thought of working with the Corpos again, even for the kind of pay they offered. "I think you'd need a lot more plasti-foil on your head to think that Darkwire works with Corpos anymore. Have you seen the way randos are getting assaulted by CorpSec left and right, just 'cause they might have ties? I'd rather work with the Hutts than the Corpos."

Daiya paused, wondering if she had just said too much. Her tongue mulled over the words silently as her hands put some finishing touches on her part of the snow-hutt. It looked nearly done, and the teen stepped back to frame it between fingers held at arm's-length from her eyes. "Now that is a Hutt I'd work with."

She flashed a grin at Brie and Zephyrr, giggling at the assessment. Daiya hoped her lie would be enough to cover any admission that might have slipped out.

Brie felt that their little game with the boy would soon have to come to an end. They had to tell him in some way, and since he seemed eager to join them, the sooner they told him the better. Question was if he would believe two average teenage girls that he had just met. Brie thought of how they would drop those news for him. Looking at Daiya, her looks told her that she were fine with Brie doing it. She stepped up in front of the snow-Hutt and glanced at the spot where the face would be, trying to remember how those space slugs looked like. She had rarely met one, but everyone knew how those blobs looked like.

''Neither do we... but, we still do alright. Well, Daiya is a good shot. If she can learn me, I'm sure she would not mind teaching you.'' Brie said in response to them being good marksmans, and threw Daiya Daiya a glance before looking at the boy. As much as Brie thought she saw Daiya ogle at the boy, she was sure that the pleasure would be all on her younger counterpart. ''Heh! Do we, Daiya? Hide in plain sight?'' she continued, smiling widely of amusement at Daiya, before throwing Zephyrr Zephyrr another glance. ''Like we do... right now?'' she added and waited to see if and when the light would go up for their male friend. Brie wondered if Daiya thought it was equally hilarious pulling the boys leg.

''Obviously, Daiya seem to already have approved your application...'' Brie added and threw her friend a knowing glance. Cartri was getting competition!
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''You mean; with a Port In A Storm in your hand, Daiya?''
"That's for after we get paid. Plus, that's the whole point of Darkwire right? Be sneaky, do the stuff no one wants to do, get paid for it?"

As Zephyrr listened to their brief exchange, he'd been patting down the snow-hutt's forehead; crafting some wrinkles and edges to give the bulbous dirty white sculpture a sluggish, droopy appearance. The young man's eyebrows furrowed, saying nothing at first & continuing to touch up their creation.

Were they really saying what he thought they were?
"I think you'd need a lot more plasti-foil on your head to think that Darkwire works with Corpos anymore. Have you seen the way randos are getting assaulted by CorpSec left and right, just 'cause they might have ties? I'd rather work with the Hutts than the Corpos."
Zephyrr shrugged, then replied: "At least the Corpos are predictable. The Hutts, you never know if they're gonna pay you or try to kill you." But, he mostly agreed. Suddenly, what he'd been thinking came to a screeching halt as Brie spoke. The comment about Daiya teaching him how to shoot was lost in the background as the weight of what the young woman said next.

''Obviously, Daiya seem to already have approved your application...'' Brie added and threw her friend a knowing glance.

It was that knowing glance he caught, this time. The young man suddenly sat back on his heels, eyebrows raising as he began to look from one to the other... a searching expression on his face. The sudden weight of the comment settled on him and he couldn't help but smirk... then he started to chuckle and shake his head.

"Snow on Denon... War on the streets... and I'm making a Snow Hutt with Darkwire..." He muttered, beginning to laugh. "You girls are a riot." He said, before putting the finishing touches on the Snow Hutt's face and standing up. His reddened cheeks were flushed from both the cold & amusement.

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