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Divided We Fall [Open to all but One Sith and their Allies]

Rosa Gunn

Mid Rim
Neutral Territory

Despite all that weighed on this, despite all the she was challenging herself with, Rosa was incredibly calm. The One Sith sent ripples through the galaxy that reached even her quiet quarter. Thus far, they had one all their battles bar one and they were facing some of the greatest powers in the galaxy. There was tension between these powers, driven by greed or old feuds, the reason mattered little to Rosa, what mattered is that they were divided and it was time that changed.

United they stood better chance of dealing with the problem at hand. Uniting them, might be a different matter entirely, but she had to try. why her? Rosa wasn't tied to anybody, she wasn't blinded by greed nor was she confused by the complexities of politics. This was what she did for the greater part of her life. Careful guarded messages had been sent out to leaders. Not just the greatest heads, but the smaller ones too, the neutral parties, those that most overlooked. Anyone Rosa felt had something to contribute was contacted and invited to the conference.

The conference room itself was centered around a large holoprojector, tables stretch outwards and upwards from it. Standing at the floors center before the table, Rosa waited in quiet meditation for the guests to arrive.

[member="Popo"] [member="Kiskla Grayson"] [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Gilamar Skirata"] [member="Azrael"] [member="Mrrew"] [member="Maria Natalja"] [member="Roth Tillian "][member="Alice Red"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Aurelia Saelari"] Just because I haven't tagged you doesn't mean you are not welcome. Unless you're a sith or allied to the One Sith, you are welcome, provided you have a vested interest in the matter at hand.

Some things we might discuss:
What have we learned?
What weaknesses can be exposed?
What resources do we have available?
at this point, i'm winging it :p
This could be a lot of help for the Rebel Alliance. Allyuing with other factions, or at least making powerful aquientences, could be very useful for the Rebels. And this meeting could prove very negitive for the Sith. Mrrew saw no reasons not to attend the meeting. So the Togorian walked slowly into the empty room, looking around to the various chairs for a few moments, before settling himself into one of teh larger chairs. He glanced over to the girl silently, then to the door. Were others coming? There were surely others that opposed the Sith... Surely they'd come. The Togorian frowned at [member="Rosa Gunn"] questioningly.

(Sorry for short post, did this while distracted by being on the phone. Dind't want to post to late.)


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Mrrew"], [member="Rosa Gunn"], [member="Tegaea Alcori"],

The door would open to reveal an envoy of 5 armored, and armed, droids in grey cloaks, the one leading their party had a silver-light metal body, the rest of his party were steel-grey. It was HK and his Greycloak guards, prepared just in case the Sith would try to crash the party or a fight would erupt, it's always better to be prepared for this sort of things!

Anyhoo, HK would nod to Rosa, giving her a slight bow, then to Mrrew, and any others who would be in the room, if there was anybody else in the room,

"Miss Rosa, we meet again."

The droid would greet her, Rosa should remember from the job of recovering the Young in Spirit some time ago, as well as their negotiations between Abregado and Levantines in setting a trade deal, although the droid did changed his body recently into the Phrik weapon of murder he now used.

"Furry fellow."

He would then nod to Mrrew, although HK did not knew him personally, Mrrew may have heard of the droid, and his love of the Ropos, from reports of his hunters who HK intercepted on Hoth.

"I come here as representative of Omega Protectorate, Barony of Abregado-Rae, Good-willed Mechanical Beings of this Galaxy, and part of the Last Alliance of Elves and Droids."

Although not sure if that Last Alliance thing happened or maybe will happened, or maybe it was dropped, this thread comes after the Overkill Is A Myth, where HK was going to propose it to Siobhan and Kaeshana, but it sure does sound cool!

Rosa Gunn

Rosa's eyes opened and she looked up with a warm smile towards @Mrrew. "More will come, don't worry." She said, answering his unspoken question. Please let them come.

As if in response, HK clattered in with his entourage of droids. Turning to greet them, Rosa chuckled. "Good to see you, Baron. Please take a seat, we're still waiting on others to join us."

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Rosa Gunn"] [member="HK-36"] [member="Mrrew"]

Kal walked in and patted Rosa on the shoulder before sitting down behind the leaders seats. He was here for support and advice if it was needed. He was old, and what good was being old if you can't offer help to the young.

"Here if you need me miss Gunn." He said sitting down and slowly letting his grey eyes droop.
[member="Rosa Gunn"]
Senator for Pylos, Aurelia Saelari was present of course. Her fury and hatred of the Sith was almost unmatched, and since the Republic seemed incapable of halting the menace, she was here to represent them.
Naturally her bodyguard and assistant [member="Callisto Scarlett"] would be around somewhere near.

"Ms Gunn? Nice to meet you. Former Chancellor Saelari," she said self-importantly, holding out her hand.
[member="Aurelia Saelari"], [member="Rosa Gunn"]

Callisto Scarlett was indeed there and close to Aurelia, though keeping a respectful difference. Not a hair was out of place on her seemingly perfect, serene features as she looked across those who had already assembled for what was supposed to be a crisis meeting to discuss the One Sith threat and all that. Doubtless a great many of the powers that had been called to this conference would under other circumstances be at each other's throats. In fact, Callisto was very sure that if the One Sith were beaten that was what would happen.

After all, such had been the fate of the grand coalition that tore down the Empire, but strange times bred strange bedfellows. Cynicism was clearly a trait of her design line. To all outward appearances Callisto was a young human woman with striking features. The force-users amongst the group would even detect the essence of life and thus a Force presence inside her. To all except the most proficient mentalists, if they conducted a detailed scan, she would appear like any sentient, as all life was connected by the Force. Of course, there were still technological means to detect her.

The truth was very different, for she was an HRD created by the new - and very secret! - processing process of Archangel Research and Design, and recently purchased by Aurelia. This was even more ironic when one considered that the human Callisto had been a rebel on Contruum...a member of the terrorist insurgency the Republic had backed and then thrown to the wolves when they became awkward. Callisto still had her memories and deep down she remembered the raw hatred she had felt...but programming superseded it.

It was not her place to speak and so she stood close to her Controller, having performed a detailed scan of the area. If need be she would relentlessly protect her Controller. Beneath the fragile facade she was a living weapon, her existence was a consequence of organics' inherent desire to murder one another.
Ansion. One system away from the largest Clan Dem'adas naval base outside of Mandalore and Yaga Minor. The fact that so many political figures had been invited to a location so close was reason enough to warrant the Iron Maiden's attention. The fact that the meeting was being held to discuss a course of action for dealing with the resurgent Sith Empire was what made her decide to attend in person.

She had messaged her intention to send a representative of Clan Dem'adas to the organizer of the meeting. Unaware as to the familiarity of the participants with Mandalorian naval organization and base placement, Olivia ordered her patrolling fleets to withdraw to Ord Canfre. Though the Adumar fleet stood ready to intervene should negotiations turn hostile, they had been ordered to stick close to the planet to avoid raising undue concern.

The Mando'ade were wary of all force users, jetti and darjetti. But after the constant wars, skirmishes, and assaults of Mandalorian planets, the Sith had earned a special resentment in the hearts of all Mando'ad. The constant, looming threat of a resurgent Sith Empire was one that the UCoM chief's took very seriously. Were it not for their position on the far side of the Republic, whom they had not had the best of relations with in recent years, the Mando'ade would likely have already taken military action to suppress the threat of this distant darjetti warband.

But with the recent invitation by the Omega Protectorate to assist in their failed assault of Coruscant, and the consequences of that invasion, the clans were facing the possibility of once again going to war with the Sith. Some were baying for blood in response to the loss of their beloved Mand'alor0 the Liberator. Some were demanding the head of the turncoat, Ordo the darjetti, condemned as Dar'manda by the one whose death he helped to bring about.

Such demands had to be kept in check. War and conflict had their time and place, neither of which were to be decided rashly while emotions ran hot. And while the resurgent Sith Empire's ability to stand toe to toe with the Republic army and navy had been a source of initial amusement by many, the ability of the One Sith to put an organized Protectorate offensive into retreat was both shocking and deeply concerning.

Knowing that a show of force was as important as it was unnecessary, she made the short trip from Adumar to Ansion in a Keldabe-class Battleship. Her weapons and shields were powered down and her non essential systems were placed in standby, but the message she sent was clear and unmistakable.

The Mandalorians would not tolerate trickery, and were prepared to smash and threat that presented itself.

It was unnecessary, but it still made Olivia smile as she had watched the Battleship grow smaller and smaller from the window of a Tegaanalir-class Patrol ship as it approached the surface of the planet. There were times when a heavy hand was just what a negotiation needed. But as she exited the craft after its landing, she somehow doubted that this would be one of those cases.

Her envoy stayed aboard the transport. Her armored boots and cold, blue eyes would be enough representation for the Dam'adas clan. And after the fiasco that had occurred over Coruscant so many months ago, she was glad that she had not handed over this task to either of her brothers. She wore light Beskar'gam. High quality armorweave was fashioned into an officer's uniform. Over this was worked several small, thin plates of Beskar at key locations. Above this was a layer of cloth and her coat was placed over the final layer. Her helmet hung on her right hip and her Beskad saber hung from her left. She brought no pistols with her. No grenades. No secondary armament. Merely herself, her sword, and the warship in high orbit.

"Are you the one that called this meeting?" Olivia asked flatly as her boots thudded softly through the door.

[member="Rosa Gunn"]

Ayden could not afford to attend the summit in person, as there were too many pressing matters to attend within the borders of the Protectorate. As such, he would attend via hologram once the meeting began. HK would give a detailed report of all the non-official dealings and whispers and was powered to arrange for meetings with Ayden for further negotiations if needed. He didn't need to be told how important this meeting was. The One Sith were rapidly becoming a problem that no one galactic power could handle. If they did not act soon to check the Sith conquest, it would end with the galaxy in flames. For now though, Ayden sat at his desk and waited for the signal that would start the call.

Rosa Gunn

"Thank you Kal." she said quietly with a smile as her fellow Levantine slipped into a seat close to her. [member="Kalizka"] was old and wise, his support was greatly appreciated, though She had little time to express such as more people began to join them.

Rosa took [member="Aurelia Saelari"] offered hand with a warm smile. "Pleasure to meet you Ms Saelari. Thank you for coming, I look forward to hearing what input you might have." She gestured towards a chair, "Please have a seat, as soon as everyone arrives, we will begin." Rosa had been training at the Temple on Coruscant when Aurelia had been in power, but she'd distanced herself so muhc from poilitics at that point she was having difficulty recalling the details of her stay in office. No matter, there were greater issues to deal with.

Like mandalorians.

Rosa had a great respect for them, but she also knew them to be hotheaded, arrogant and occasionally rude. Her smile did not falter at [member="Olivia Dem'adas"] bluntness. "Yes I am." she offered a hand "My name is Rosa Gunn."


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Rosa Gunn"], [member="Olivia Dem'adas"], [member="Callisto Scarlett"], [member="Aurelia Saelari"], [member="Kalizka"], [member="Mrrew"],

"Good to see you, Baron. Please take a seat, we're still waiting on others to join us."

The droid cursed under his breath at the request as he looked towards the chair, moving to it, he would take the object and move it back with a slight scrape as he scanned over the chair to take its dimensions.

Bloody going to ruffle my cloak

He calculated to himself as he moved in front of the chair and slowly tried to sit down.

Thankfully others seemed to ignore his presence, more focused on Rosa, as his movements were suddenly stopped by one of the swords he had on the back getting stack either on the back-rest or the seat.

HK lifted up slightly, trying to turn before seating down once more, again getting stuck with a slight sound of metallic scrape as one of the swords on his back pricked the chair. Other droids would huddle up around him, their sensors working.

"Wait, wait, stop."

One of the Greycloaks whispered, as the other one added,

"Try turning about- 38.273 degrees west -then proceed in reverse."

HK turned to the directions of his escorts, moving back slowly with quiet beeping sound of droid going in reverse as his back finally collided with the chair, one of the swords going through a whole in the backrest,

"Alright, I am in."

"Now turn- 69.182 degrees east -while moving sideways west."

He followed instructions once more as finally he was fully in the chair.

Well, almost, the rifle on his back kept him from seating fully in the seat, just kind of squatting on the edge of it.

The droid tried to adjust by pulling the rifle off of his back but the seat moved with him, slightly cluttering as the swords on his back, now stuck through the hole in the back of the chair, kept it attached to him, turning with him and even raising as he stood up slightly,

"Can I just get a stool over here?"
He would finally spoke up to Rose
The Togorian sat in one of the chairs nearest to the door, watching the various people walk in, and nodding to each of them. Representitives from the Procreate, Leivanthe Sanctum, Republic... This was a lot bigger then he thought. Mrrew stayed as quiet as possible as he watched the various people, making sure to take note of any that seem to be armed. As well as taking note of the droid, [member="HK-36"], that was scrambling about in his seat. He seemed vaguely familiar... Hm. The TOgorian gave up trying to remember where he'd seen or heard of the robot before, and glanced back to the girl who organized this meeting, watching expectantly but staying silent.
[member="HK-36"], [member="Aurelia Saelari"], [member="Rosa Gunn"]

"We have received clearance to land and are inbound to the summit building, Countess," an Eldorai Firemane officer clad in heavy armour and armed with a boltgun told Siobhan. The woman's helmet entirelx covered her face, and the voice was modulated by a speaker, given it more of an imposing, mechanical quality.

For a moment Siobhan seemed to pay her no mind then she arose from the lotus position she had been seated in. The transport shuttle they were in had dived through the atmosphere and was now about to touch down on the landing pad of the conference building that had been set aside for delegates. A Thuella-class command cruiser, this specific one being the Ashira's Wrath, was in orbit, awaiting her instructions in the event that things should get heated.

Brown eyes that had seen far too much affixed the space elf as Siobhan got up and gripped her cane. The strain was evident on her features as she moved to stand and then headed out as the vessel landed and the landing ramp was lowered. "Ma' you need..."

The officer did not get any further with her words because Siobhan impatiently waved her off. "I do not require assistance, Lieutenant," she said with clear irritation. "Keep the engines prepped and make sure the crew stays sharp. I'm not taking any chances, whatever fancy words of common cause might be said here. Traitorous scum can lurk anywhere. Be vigilant."

"Yes, ma'am. The Ashira's Wrath is maintaining sentinel position and will be ready to aid if called for," the Lieutenant gave a crisp salute but Siobhan's attention had already left her as she walked down the landing ramp, her entrance being flanked by Firemane and Eldorai soldiers. Despite the pain she was in she forced herself to stand straight and proud, chin held high as it should be. Pride would not dictate anything else. Her sole concession lay in having a cane and not being clad in the beskar'gam that was like a second skin to her.

She wore the Kerrigan coat, made out the leather hide of Lotek'k, the Terror from Beyond, and with Jakobeast fur trimming. A shiny leather trophy made out of eldritch abomination she had played a vital role in slaying. Up to and including ramming one of its own tentacles through its skull. Yet now she was not the woman she had been then, though she was loath to admit it. The doctors had insisted that she stay on Kaeshana to further recuperate after almost dying in her encounter with Shadow...or rather his replicant. One did not simply bounce back from getting spaced and put in a coma.

However, unsurprisingly, she had furiously dismissed their claims. Her unrelenting hatred of the Sith had reached astronomical heights by now. She had not been there during the complete debacle that had been the Protectorate's ill-advised invasion of Coruscant. Mia had been there...and perished. The person Siobhan had come to regard as a battle sister. Siobhan had believed her loathing of the Sith could not get any stronger, but clearly she had been wrong.

Some day...Shadow would perish - by her hand - and this time he would not come back. Her lightsabre - the new one she had built - dangled at her side. It hilt was inscribed with Eldorai runes, as that of Adril Tythorin had been. Pain was just weakness leaving the body. The Lady Kerrigan limped towards the meeting room where she was told the conference was being held.
"Rosa Gunn, I am Olivia Dem'adas." Olivia announced with a bored and practiced rhetoric as her eyes looked past the woman and scanned the room. "Chief of Clan Dem'adas and heiress to a third of the Mandalorian fleet." She continued in her bored, flat tone to the woman whom, so far, presented herself as little more than a glorified secretary. "I assume I'm to sit and wait with the others." She added after a moment as she made her way to the table and claimed a chair for herself.


Roth Tillian

Roth strode in, straightening his coat, the armored one made by Abregado-Rae industries, and took a seat next to [member="Mrrew"], giving everyone in the room a confident smile. One thing they did not need was panic or tension, and so he'd do what he could do to try and ease some of it. He had no weapons this time. He brought only his Tachyon freighter. He needed to look like he trusted them and believed in their combined capabilities to deal with the One Sith threat.

He leaned over, "Did I miss anything, General?"

Aurelio Murtix

The Ambitious Noble
"I told you we wouldn't be late sir. If anything the others were just a bit too early!"

Aurelio spoke to the man at his side as he proudly strode through the building towards the meeting room wearing an expensive black suit and a black velvet side cape draped over his left arm, clasped to his shoulder and collar by a metal pendent with the symbol of House Melantha. Today he would only wear the best, whether it be the diligently shined black shoes, the necklace made of electrum around his neck that was meant to showcase the wealth that he was quickly running out of, the small jeweled ring on his right hand, or the trusty light-foil that hung on his right side at his hip and bounced a bit with every step. His partner in this meeting was probably not too pleased with the extravagance of Aurelio's attire, but they were both allies in their mission and had to work together for the time being so the man would have to put up with his ways at least for now.

The young baron had made sure to look his best in order to impress the other people in attendance, and as he entered the room he looked around and smirked at the thought that he looked the best among them. Most of the others were either talking to each other and grabbing up seats, Aurelio choosing to place himself in one of the chairs farthest from the door and closest to the "head" of the table. In his mind this was where those with the most authority should sit, and so he and his compatriot would be among them once the meeting started and took its course. The baron made himself quite comfortable with his usual smug smile, one hand resting on the table as the other did so on the hilt of his weapon, while not saying a word to anyone as his eyes looked to inspect each of them and glancing at the seat to his left for the man he came in with to take.

Aurelio did not forget that there was an actually important reason that his ally and he were here, being the protection and benefit of the imperial citizens of the galaxy, but he always found a way to show off a bit when doing almost anything. In any case the young man had his own ambitions, and for now they were in line with the organization he represented so he would do the best that could be done to secure anything that favored them and their interests. The galaxy itself could possibly be shaped by what was said here, and Aurelio would make sure to be a part of it.

The Dark Templar

The Guildmaster of the Bounty Hunters Guild (Lawfu
The door would open as once more heavy metal footsteps would be heard, but this time not from an envoy of droids but from a single man, single heavily armored man as shape clad in black, spikey, heavy durasteel armor made its entrance into the conference room, black cloak cascading off of his shoulders.

He brought no weapons outside of a cruel-looking durasteel mace hanging off of his belt as he greeted [member="Rosa Gunn"] with a deep bow of his tall, broad form,

"Howdy, I'm the Guildmaster of the Bounty Hunting Guild."

The armored man would begin, his hand resting softly on the hilt of his mace,

"I come here offering my own and my hunters and mercenaries' services in fighting the Sith scum."

The black mercenary looked over those gathered as he moved to pick a seat to claim as his own, luck had it it would be nearby [member="Aurelio Murtix"]'s position,

"They brought my family into Chaos, seems fitting I should bring them into Justice."

Old soldier covered in metal would mutter out as if to offer an explanation why someone a bit evil-looking, although looks were deceiving, would come to a meeting like this. Even though he would not sit right next to Aurelio, the young Baron and his companions would be able to smell the thick stench of deathsticks, gunpowder, and metal emanating from the being.

As he made his way to the chair he would look to First Baron HK and his droid envoy, their gazes meeting but neither said nor did anything.

The Guildmaster would pull out a chair and look down to it, reaching back to feel the more pointy bits of metal that could scratch up the chair as he carefully sat down in it, making sure he would not get stuck on the backrest.

"What? We were out of stools? Bloody gonna ruffle my cloak."

"What did you say your name was again?" The security officer asked. Coric had to reframe from narrowing his eyes or being snide. He after all was a master of the Dark Side of the force, and while not a One Sith, anyone over zealous or superstitious enough might think otherwise. He had come unarmed and only brought a datapad, and ensured he masked his presence in the force which Coric hoped would turn aside any concerns.

"Coric Adromak, I'm a private military contractor and security consultant." Coric responded flatly. The security officer waived a metal detector wand around him again. "So your a mercenary." The officer said bluntly. A long exhale escaped Dark Jedi Master. "If you want to be bland about it sure. I'm a Mercenary, a Mercenary Captain sometimes referred to as The Condottiero." He stated, annoyance creeping into his voice. The security officer with another glance finally yielded. "Fair enough, be warned thought if one of the officials asks for you to be removed we will not hesitate." The man said motioning for Coric to proceed.

Passing through the halls and into the Conference room, Coric was quick to find his seat. He glanced at [member="Rosa Gunn"] as he sat down, but decided it would be better until the meeting actually started to speak or make any kind of formal introduction. He pulled out his datapad, and quickly went over holo-news reports of the current war against the One Sith. The war was all over the headlines these days, and while Coric did not have access to the state Intelligence, he could make an educated guess on what was really going on from some of the journalism out on the net. After another moment he glanced around to see how soon the meeting would start.

Olidiv Kenu

Behold, a Swordsman of Legend
Kenu walked in, dressed rather quietly instead of his usual flair and pomp. He was here to discuss many things. He was part of the Coruscanti Liberation Front, he'd seen the insurgency on his former world of work and ownership. He wanted his company headquarters back, and he wanted it back before some Sith used his research to do something stupid. He'd sanitized a large part of the data, thankfully, but still, he was set back thousands, and half of his patents were secured on a vault in the urban planet.

He assayed the group. A fun group. He had seen the Togorian before, albeit not in person, when meeting with the CLF. He had no plan, but he needed to be here. He had money, resources, and had spent the last two weeks in disguise slicing up various droids and surveillance mechanisms. He was more of an intelligence gatherer than anything else.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Rosa Gunn"]
Noah walked through the door of the conference room, purposeful in his strides as he walked towards Gunn. Like a few people, Noah was decked out in full sans the helmet that was magnetically clipped to his hip. If ones look close enough they could see his temples graying from the last few months of worry, stress and otherwise just plain anger. When he walked in, Noah had a scowl on his face that was near constant nowadays. "Ms Gunn? Colonel Noah Corek, Omega Protectorate, Omega Pyre division." Noah told her curtly and then turned away from her and found a seat he could plop down into with at least some comfort in his armor.

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