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Do No Harm (Talia&Havoc against One Sith)

[member="Tallia Farn"]

Oh there was some fight left in her and Seras laughed with that mechanical tone to her voice while she listened to all of Tallia's speech. "Oh such fire in you, but you have me at least all wrong." Her hand grabbed at Tallia's throat to squeeze while she spoke. "I could care less about ruling, I could care less about these people. What I care about is what you saw... what your experiencing. I care about making those who stand against the order know through lessons carved into the flesh of their kin the penalty for resisting." Her eyes continued to look into Tallia's and a smile remained under the mask. More from sheer need then enjoyment.

er hand on the other hand was scanning the woman with the wrist held scanner and she spoke. "Though next thing I do to you will be more cocktail and I am going to tear off your eyelids so you have to watch. Then since your not wanting it I thing harvesting so we have an heir in the works for the Hapen throne... why convert a puppet when we can grow one and train them to be our proper servant." Her hand tapped Tallia on the shoulder in a friendly way. "See your already helping the Order with ideas now lets see what else you can do to assist us huh. Doesn't hurt and if your really good I might give you some water that is for drinking or allow you to have some food."

She looked at tallia and raised her up from the table getting restraints for her wrists and ankles then her waist and head. "Would you like that some food? Some water? Or do you wish to keep resisting and telling me what you think you know about me?" Her amusement was playing and Seras removed her shawl while tapping the scanner and speaking. "Send in the droids we'll harvest her parts and make our own heir to Hapes if she doesn't wish to cooperate. Then we'll see to the real treat with all of this. There are other sith who want to see you and their are going to get to watch what comes next from the side of the room."
[member="Kyla Verss"]

"Your concern is noted and i can assure you what information is sent by Overmind is valid... as for you wanting to get put into Sith ranks it will be done, though i warn you the moment you are captured you will either be attempted to be recovered or overmind will silence you permanently. Is that understood?" Solan's entire expression changed with his tone, the words harsh and careful as he spoke, making sure to use the code for his employer rather than the actual name, and making it very clear he will not have someone spilling any information while he was around, otherwise the one captured would be dead by the next morning. "As for those that wish to come, then i require you to say so now, as i have a way there and need to know how many of you require a way in as well with me."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra entered the observation room and looked out into the room upon hearing a command over the station wide communication frequency, droids were never something that could be trusted and she wished to see how the conversion was going. Taking a seat she watched with her face neutral and void of any emotion, eyes cold as they stared out into the room and waiting for things to be very very careful, waiting for what ever it was that was going to be done and make sure to make note of the results.

[member="Seras Goto"] [member="Tallia Farn"]
The silence that the ex-knight had given to the other members of the group was not one of disrespect, or anything close. The miraluka was sitting deep inside the tunnel system, readying herself, when she received the order to meet. Sighing, she had checked her lightsabers again. the two blades were set right. As long as they served their purpose. Sighing, she slid on a simple helmet. It covered her eyes, but hid that they were missing. Now, she looked like a human. With Jedi robes. And a beat-up, stolen suit of armor. Almost like some mercenary, she mused to herself. Clenching the blades in her hands, more ready where she could call them out, the girl stalked to where [member="Solan Charr"] stood, perched on a ledge above him for the moment. In a whisper, the knight finally spoke to the pair, her words said with a humor she had lost as a padawan.
"Sorry I'm late. Took forever to get dressed."
[member="Kyla Verss"]
Veles' chest shook several times as he resisted the urge to snicker. He had heard his share of self-righteous nonsense in his life, usually coming from the Jedi. This was no exception. While he could not say the torture seemed funny in any way, the Jedi's speech almost succeeded at making him burst out in laughter. The Jedi's words only proved the entire Jedi Order consisted of brainwashed fools who actually needed their idiotic religion to function, as they could not think on their own. With no moral compass and having no idea what principles meant, the Jedi Code was the only guiding them. And of course, the Force, since the Jedi believed to be its faithful servants. The problem with serving inanimate energy was that it never communicated with its holy knights, obviously, therefore everything that happened was meant to happen as the Force did not stop it from happening. With the exception of the Sith, those were enemies of the Force for trying to bend it to their will.

As much as the Mon Cal tried to wrap his mind around the Jedi way of thinking, he could not understand it. It seemed so... idiotic, just like everything else they did. Hypocrisy dripping off every word and action. It was fairly obvious the Jedi were completely out of contact with reality and possessed no understanding of how the galaxy worked. The Sith Order never became a bastion of perfection either, but at least the majority of its members could be said to be intelligent and reasonable beings, unlike the zealous Jedi.

"Listen to it, Knight," the amphibious Sith Master said to Sabrina after getting the unexpected outburst of emotions under control, though his tone and words showed sarcasm, "Just listen to it! Wreaking havoc upon a peaceful federation of planets! Well, I do not know about you, but I certainly have nothing better to do than destroying everything I come upon." Darth Veles looked at [member="Darth Banshee"] and winked. "And that they never murdered in cold blood? Their beliefs command them to do exactly that! They are not supposed to feel anything when killing, as when they feel something, it might lead them to the Dark Side. This results in them having no conscience at all. And tell me, Lady Banshee," he took several steps towards the window, his booted feet treading on the floor softly and soundlessly, "If they want to serve and we want to rule, where is the problem? The two are not exclusionary."

The large domed head shook and the Sith Master turned on his heels, facing his former student and [member="Bond"]. "Because the Jedi actually want to rule. What happened when the Republic removed them from the military? Half of the Order went rogue, took over a peaceful planet and started building an army that is completely under their control. There is no senate to restrict them, nobody to stop them, and according to one of their members, they follow no Code or beliefs as those belong to the weak Jedi of the Republic and actually prevent the true Jedi like themselves from fulfilling their true purpose; demented holy crusade of purging everything they deem to be evil while blatantly ignoring the use of the Dark Side in their own ranks... And so the Silver Jedi Order was born."

Letting out a heavy sight, Veles marched out of the observation room to get a drink. When he returned in less than five minutes, he carried a cup of water in each clawed hand. Taking a sip from one, he offered the other cup to Sabrina.
Wow... So we'd progressed from simple resistance to self-righteous litanies of the crimes of the Sith?

I'd never killed anything for fun or out of pure evil-ness. 90% of the time, it was because they attacked me. Most of those were Jedi. I'd killed more than my fair share of inexplicably blood-crazed Jedi. Csilla, Copero, and a million other places where, sure I was there wreaking a bit of havoc, but nothing that the Jedi should've been willing to go frothing at the farking mouth about.

"The resistance is just getting worse. Seras could be using the cocktail a million other ways that wouldn't have ended in annoying speeches about the great reasons why Jedi murder people."

[member="Darth Veles"]
Her hand disappeared in one of the many pockets on her outfit and when it could be seen again, she held a small pack of Shento cigars. One of many brands that tasted good while not being overly expensive. Taking one between her lips, she put the pack back into her pocket and took out a lighter, bringing it close to the tip of her cigar and lighting it up. The smoke filled her mouth and she pulled it deeper inside into her lungs before blowing it out. She felt relieved that the Sith might truly be on their side, though it would not hurt to keep an eye on her once she was inside, just to be sure.

"I won't be captured," she stated bluntly, taking another inhale and holding it in for a while, "But right now, you should name your second in command. Someone who will oversee things on Coruscant and relocate everything in case you get captured." Kyla said to [member="Solan Charr"] while a rogue Jedi came in. The Republic agent did not want the rebellion to die in case the leader never returned from what she deemed to be a suicide mission and spilled his guts to the Sith. While not caring who would get to lead the rebels in his absence, it definitely had to be someone who was not going to participate in the mission.

"You're really inconspicious in there, especially in that armor that does not suit you at all." Kyla mocked [member="Saran Drast"], something she loved doing with most Force users. Especially given how the girl looked. Her small statue and voice revealed much of her age, the battered armor looked a bit oversized on her and the two lightsabers blew whatever remained from her disguise. Smiling, she shook her head and gazed back at the rebel leader, but not before taking another dose of smoke into her body. "Since when do we need children to fight the Sith?"

Arturious Engel

Arturious simply listened to the speeches give by those who felt the need to give them. Some had valid points and others had points that would seem completely absurd. In this particular instance it was not his show and therefore not his place to openly question the methods being used even if they were not his first choice of methods.

Arturious simply watched [member="Seras Goto"] work occasionally turning to glance at the speaker when someone spoke.

[member="Darth Veles"] [member="Bond"]
Havoc Squad Barracks

He was present at the briefing which was announced by Willa and already had his armor on. After the briefing Riley went to retrieve a repeater that was nicknamed as the 'Equalizer'. It was the same weapon he used when a party of mercenaries and other scum raided on Carida and proved to the commando that their weapon can mow down a huge number of hostiles. And for back up he picked up a Revolver from the armory as his side arm and also picked up a couple of grenades and put them on his belt.

"So when do we hit the ground, sir," he asked to the commander, "I sure want to unload this things fast."
[member="Kyla Verss"] [member="Saran Drast"] [member="Mrrew"]

"You have no need to be sorry about your arrival time as i am sure things were done in as quickly a fashion as you could... as for your appearance it is quite different. Now, as i was explaining to the other two i have a way for us to deliver a blow at the One Sith though the risk is far higher than i had taken into account, which is why i wont force any of you to join me on it. I have a way in though without significant support the rescue of the certain party will be significantly harder."
(Sorry for the wya late reply)

All this time, Mrrew had been watching the various members of the Liberation Front assemble, and bicker amongst themselves. He didn't care about the redhead human's speeches about how they shouldn't waste time saving the Jedi. If she was captured, he had no doubt she'd expect them to save her. It was just a sapient's nature. They had to save the Jedi, bottom line. There was noq uestioning, no arguements. It didn't matter if the other didn't agree with it. They didn't have to come. What did matter, though, was how they were going to do it. The large Togorian folded his organic arm over his cybernetic- whith was covered with white felt- and continued to glare at the group, before finally speaking.

"When do we hit them?"
It was times like this Saran wished she had eyes to roll.
"I haven't been a child for four years. I'm just short." she said, dropping down behind [member="Kyla Verss"]. "And I fought in both the reclamation of Ossus and Mon Calamarri. I've fought and killed Sith that would be able to end you without a glance." she added, her voice barely audible. The saber handles disappeared into her suit as the knight glanced around. a sort of relief washed over her as she spotted no one. At least, not yet.
"Would you rather I dressed as a Jedi?" she asked, studying the redhead almost as she would an opponent. She wasn't sure what to make of the woman. An ally, but not a reliable one. She'd have to be careful in the future.
Her head turning to face [member="Solan Charr"], she seemed to adopt a less condescending tone. "And who would that be?"
This not at all what she had expected. The fact that the woman had left her observation of the conflict between the former Sith Empire and the Jedi was a small, seemingly insignificant victory. She was indeed hungry and thirsty, but nourishment was something she could live without for the time being. Her organs though, were much more essential to her life expectancy. She thought it might be a bluff, considering how clear the Sith had made it that she wanted to keep Tallia alive, but she knew it wouldn't be above the woman to deconstruct her body in a disgusting and demented way.

Her brain again began to toy with the idea of giving up the holocron as panic set in. The now small voice that told her to hold out was fighting an uphill battle. She was able to hold herself to a silent stalemate with her inner conflict, nervously waiting to see what the Sith had planned next, but time was running thin. She didn't know how much longer she could last against such horrors.
[member="Seras Goto"]
[member="Tallia Farn"]

Seras mostly ignored the others while she looked at Tallia letting the anxiety seep in, she could harvest parts of the woman without killing her she knew how to do it. She only needed a sterile environment and with everything already prepped for her she spoke with the droids coming in. "Are you ready to begin? No matter, we'll handle this as needed, now just say the sith doctor is removing my reproduction system and eggs really fast." She slid and began the procedure letting the hours tick away while her droids helped mutilate the jedi and half way through Seras cleared the glass so all could observe.

She finished up and rose taking the gloves off and speaking. "Make sure that goes to the genetics lab we'll add it to the experiments on twins and the zeltrons for their glands. Perhaps with the right experimentation we can make a perfect heir to Hapes. Genetically bred and sith perfected." She gave a laugh and walked around the table. "Awaken and do you believe I am playing now? Do you hate me? Do you want me laying dead on this floor? Or are you still going to retreat to your code and your thoughts that I can't do worse things to you then kill you. There are so many." Her hand tapped along the stomach. "Parts of a body that can be removed and replaced with a machine."

She was laughing. "I could keep you alive for week on machine while harvesting organs, I could leave you a broken thing on the bed sitting in your own... excretions before letting you be sent to your grandmaster. I'll make sure you suffer my dear, I'll make sure you know the pain of losing and feeling everything." She kept her eyes on her. "So what do you want to do?"
Kyla simply smiled, listening to the Jedi's supposed exploits. Given her reaction, the agent guessed she must have hit a sensitive spot. The Jedi was a child, her height being one of the few indicators. She honestly doubted [member="Saran Drast"] had killed any Sith in her life, as from her personal experience, Kyla knew how powerful the Sith could be and saw no way even the lowest Sith apprentice would be defeated by a Jedi kid. Sith have usually been trained and taught how to be effective warriors, assassins, sorcerers; living weapons. Unlike Jedi students who were introduced to diplomacy, their combat training being secondary, if even. Despite never seeing any actual training of either group, Kyla had met many members of both orders in her life and therefore could compare the two. As far as combat went, an average Sith will always be more powerful than an average Jedi. Combined with the young girl's reaction of claiming she had killed many Sith who would no doubt eliminate Kyla with ease, the redhead was led to believe the girl had a big mouth.

"You know," Kyla said to Saran, her tone slightly playful, and turned around, blowing smoke into the Jedi's face, "I understand that as a Jedi, you don't realize there are other options besides armor or Jedi robes. Casual clothing worn by the majority of people, for example. Wearing oversized armor is pretty suspicious and any Sith patrol will see that." The redhead's own apparel consisted of an uniform of the Coruscant Security Forces, something she had borrowed a while ago and so far enjoyed its great advantage of not having to hide in shadows.

Turning back to [member="Solan Charr"], she tipped the cogar butt on the table before speaking. It was hard for her to hide the disappointment she felt at seeing everyone suddenly willing to sacrifice everything, including the future of Coruscant, just to save a kidnapped woman because she was a Jedi. The utter lack of backbone and self-preservation when offered an option to kiss more Jedi boots disgusted her greatly. What happened to her beloved Republic, one free of worshipping the Jedi as the pinnacles of perfection? Her heart silently wept for the once great nation that no longer existed. "Where can I meet this contact of yours?" She asked calmly, her mind thinking of the various GIA hideouts on the planet if she had to quickly disappear due to the entire leadership of the CLF being captured and interrogated. Since she was not going on the heroic quest to save the kidnapped princess, she could do something much more useful and infiltrate the One Sith with the Overmind's help.
Now, see, I hadn't done much but talk about how pissed off I was with [member='Seras Goto']'s methods. But now, this had gone a bit too far.

Actually removing organs to 'torture' the Jedi was not the work of a skilled interrogator. That was the work of one who reveled in needless pain.

I gestured towards the operating room.

"This sort of thing is why we're seen as monsters by the Republic. It's ridiculous and does more harm than good. Cold evil is not an aspect of the Sith Code. Or any other teachings of the Sith. We use emotion, passion, movement. There is nothing honorable about mutilation."

Arturious Engel

Arturious turned to Bond speaking words that ran just short of hollow as he did not whole heartedly believe his own words even as he spoke them.

"These things while they seem to be needless with no reason have a purpose." "It provokes strong emotional reactions." "Some Jedi will march to war bringing our enemy to us." "Some will fall of course and others as they seep into madness and anger will convert."

Arturious shrugs.

"The Sith code is not absolute it simply provides a starting point, an ideal to get you started down a path." "The path itself is up to the individual person pursuing it."

"The person in question is the Heir to the Hapan throne and one [member="Tallia Farn"], She is also a Jedi as miss Verss is so fond of pointing out so if anyone else has a problem with that i will be glad to let you stay behind, i do not need those who are not fully committed. As for when we do this we will meet with a few more contacts of mine in open space, use a commandeered sith transport ship and arrive at the location, we were given a shipping manifest and will be going under the Guise of Sith soldiers bringing supplies to the prison. From there we will have to infiltrate the sith prison, rescue miss Farn, and escape without getting captured ourselves... don't have as solid a plan for getting out as i did getting in, my contact only got us the way in." He moved over to a crate and removed the top part to reveal an officer's uniform and several maintenance and trooper suits, himself grabbing the officer's uniform. "Gifts from my contact."

His head turned to Verss and he nodded to her while he stood there. "Eve can set up the meeting, it wont be today though, as my contact is in the very prison we are heading to."

[member="Mrrew"] [member="Saran Drast"]
Havoc Squad Barracks

He nodded at @Kiyron."Hopefully, the pilot I requested will be joining us soon. Meanwhile, we're prepping a stealth ship for us now. I want total silence on this mission, nothing leaves this room. I don't expect more than half an hour on the ship."He stood up, walking to the edge of the briefing table."This prison ship has got to be one big son of a queen...And one tough one. Gotta hold Jedi. That means levels of security, and I think more than a few of us in the room know about prisons. I would hope, at least."Kaiden pulled up a hologram of various prisons and prison ships. He clucked his tongue, leaning forward."Where would they be keeping her....Somewhere in the lower parts, under the most security."

His eyes lit up as [member="Commander Sharky"] wheeled in the crates."I, being the former criminal and vagabond and runaway that I am, took the opportunity of a disaster and war to loot. You see, the Republic captured a hefty amount of things after the invasion of Nar Shaddaa. So, I took the chance to maybe hijack a few crates that contained a lot of illegal goods and weaponry."He popped up a manifest."Verpine shatter rifles, disruptor pistols, fully automatic slugthrower sidearms, wrist-mounted flamethrowers, and a metric crap ton of ammo. Nothing really substantial, but enough that we can do some damage. [member="Popo"] can be kept in the dark about this. Speaking of, [member="Willa Isard"], I want you to remind me to request a lot of sonic weaponry."He tapped his foot, looking around the room.

"We're looking light."
[member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"]

"Prison ships are large but they can be seen this thing hasn't been. Its either hidden away somewhere we will need to find or just a rumor and they have a camp somewhere." Will wasn't going against him but she knew the danger of planning an assault before you had any information. In this case they were going somewhere to get information and direction then heading off, no they didn't want to alert the sith they were going for a secret prison and have it be alerted. "We need to be quiet." A verpine shatter rifle and pistol would come in handy for this while she finished gearing up and bowed to one knee checking her armor. Then her snapping finger that brought flame to her hands. "Alright Havoc squad prepare to move out."

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