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Do No Harm (Talia&Havoc against One Sith)

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] [member="Tallia Farn"]

Seras looked at Alexandra and closed her hand as she heard veles. "There are many ways to make one join." Her laugh though was there while she opened the door. "If you must speak with her go ahead but remember that she is a very fragile girl now and at that point. Kindness on our part can make her form a bond and attachment with us." Stockholms cause the star wars version doesn't really have a name with some brainwashing could go a long long way towards what was wanted. That the drugs would make her more open to suggestion would help ease the thought into head.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Seras Goto"] [member="Tallia Farn"]

"Thank you..." Without pausing to speak more she moved past the Sith and for a half a second the sense of Disgust would be felt, Alexandra would be proper with them, but she would still hold every bit of disgust left apparent on her. She would move over and draw a chair to her before sitting down beside Tallia Farn and waiting patiently as the woman would rest, she had no reason to jolt her awake and already she let her presence stretch out and settle into Tallia. There was one good thing about being present, and that was her certain affinity, every force user in the One Sith but her were absorbed in the 'power' of the darkside... Alexandra did not need that and with that thought she let feelings of calm and peace flow from her and into the Jedi gently.
Tallia awoke from her sleep with a sense of calm flowing over her. She opened her eyelids and turned her head slowly, looking for the source of the peaceful aura. She made eye contact with the figure sitting beside the table she was strapped to. Tallia didn't sense any evil resonating from the woman next to her, but she knew that she couldn't fully trust anyone inside this awful place, no matter how they might seem at first appearance. For all she knew, this could just be the start of a new version of torture the Sith had developed to demoralize her.

Tallia decided she had strained her neck long enough to get a good look at her new visitor, and she rested her head back on the table. "Who are you?" She asked quietly, hoping for a straightforward answer, but not expecting one. The people here seemed to love to twist the facts to their viewpoint, and she expected introductions to be equally as twisted.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]


[member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"] [member="Commander Sharky"]

Kiyron half-listened to in the speech. Sure, it could be inspiring. But he wasn't driven by vengeance or the desire to kill Sith. He was here to do his duty, and the right thing, both for the girl and for the galaxy. He also had quite a bit of respect for the Jedi. Two of their healers had died trying to save his parents. Not many other groups were so accepting and generous of that kind of sacrifice. He did have one question.

"What's her name?"

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Tallia Farn"]

"Alexandra Cinthra, Master of the Order of the Grey, Mercenary Force User, and former Sith. You are Tallia Farn, Hapan Heir and Jedi Knight, no?" She crossed her hands in her lap and let the aura and more importantly her own mind fixing what she could without altering the work done by the Sith, as much as she wanted to help Tallia, she couldn't openly work against the sith themselves. "It is a pleasure to meet you, ive met a few Jedi and Former Jedi in the past and they are interesting."
Tallia responded without raising her head from the table. "The Order of the Grey. I've heard of them. Many Jedi believe that the force is a balance of dark and light as well." Tallia's views were not the same as this woman. Tallia thought that the dark-side was a corruption of the force that lead only to death and destruction, which she vehemently opposed. Master Cinthra was not a direct enemy of the light though, she seemed to find value in both influences. "Why are you here? In between a feud of Jedi and Sith? Don't you view both groups as extremists?" Tallia's head was clearing, and she was able to carry on a competent conversation again. She hoped to find some form of ally in this woman. She seemed to be the first person in the facility that wasn't a prisoner or teeming with the dark-side. The first person that had some decency. Of course these were all only the thoughts going through Tallia's head. She had no idea what Cinthra was really like after only several seconds, but she seemed to be the first glimmer of hope in a long time.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Tallia Farn"]

"You misunderstand my motives, most of these Sith are crude and... infuriating people." She paused to glance at the one way glass with a smug smile at insulting her 'allies', though after that singular smile her attention went back to Tallia Farn and solely her. "But, they are still beings as living as you are, and they deserve life... You must know neither the Sith nor the Jedi are purely Benevolent, the Jedi just have better methods normally. But is it not the path of the Jedi to wipe out the Sith, even if that means Genocide of an entire species and culture... perhaps not anymore but history repeats itself when the past is forgotten. You must understand i fight for the sith not for power, nor to keep the balance, i fight for it to protect those i love and those i call friend, including a few select and one who is a Sith himself... I do not hate the Sith, nor do i hate the Jedi, that is not what my order, not what I stand for. I stand for knowledge and balance i stand to let both light and dark remain in this galaxy and if there is ever a time when my deeds have gone beyond my right to influence then i will disappear from the galaxy and reform anew."

Her words fell on Tallia while she continued to knit the woman back together slowly, her words sounding with not one but two voices as she spoke both in voice and in mind. "The sith are not all evil, there are those like Darth Vornskr who create death on massive scales, but there are those with hearts and souls like you and I. There are Sith i value as friends and even more than that just as i value Jedi like Joshua Dragonsflame as a friend. The Sith do represent order, as well as anger and hatred, even more so they represent peace through blunt or subtle means where the Jedi represent peace by acting as silent observers or warriors of the light... neither side is without fault though."
"I understand. What you believe is not too terribly far from my beliefs as well. The only thing we don't see eye to eye on is about these Sith you refer to as "infuriating". They're the ones who have locked me up, tortured me for information, and tormented me because I want no part in an organization who slaughters innocent lifeforms to make room for their inflated egos." Tallia's fire was returning. Having an open ear to talk to livened her dismal spirits. "In what way do they deserve life? Should we just let them stomp on everyone else and let them live? What makes them more special then everyone else? Think about the amount of prisoners who die here everyday. Are they expendable? Don't they deserve life too?." Tallia paused. The woman wasn't going to change her opinion just because of some rant from a 16 year old girl strapped to a table in the middle of an interrogation room. Tallia liked to get her thoughts out though, and let them be known. Perhaps Alexandra would have some insight to share about her own view.

"I don't think the Jedi are completely flawless either, but they understand that the galaxy doesn't revolve around them. The Sith, the infuriating Sith, don't deserve life because they don't respect it."

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"I have a question for you, if you had never talked to me, never felt my aura itself... would you do what you say. Would you let me die if you thought i was like one of them. If i thought like them though you did not know the truth?"

She crossed her hands over her lap once more before continuing. "The Jedi are as short sighted as the Sith, but the reason i choose the sith over the Jedi is not the pain they cause, nor the Jedi's better methods. I do it to show that not every Sith is as you claim, there lies kindness and beauty in the Sith, there lies those i would protect and those i value as friends. The Sith are not like the jedi in that they are just an order. They are a culture, a peoples, a government. United and together, keeping them controlled and protected as if everyone was the same..."

She paused and swallowed as she finished. "Your words, that they dont deserve life, are they not the same words that the Sith would say of the jedi for being weak? It is always one side must kill the other, never that they both deserve to coexist, both are strong, both are powerful... but without the other they are nothing."

[member="Tallia Farn"]
"I am not the wisest, nor the most compassionate Jedi." Tallia admitted. " It's one of my flaws. I have many of them. I understand that even the life of a Sith has value in the force. But I can't simply forgive and forget the crimes they have been committed against the Jedi, the Republic, and the galaxy as a whole. They have enslaved and murdered innocents, burned down homes and orphaned children, and even reduced entire planets to rubble. How can you see that, and dust it off your shoulders? I can see no beauty in the dark-side, only corruption, and I would do anything to keep from being corrupted." Tallia sighed. "I never wish this fate on anyone. A choice between losing yourself, or losing your life."

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] (sorry been busy :))
[member="Tallia Farn"] [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Seras had been off to the side listening more for her own interest. She was curious and stepping from the shadows looked down with glowing eyes at Tallia before laughing. "Oh trust me you will not lose your life with me. I know how to keep you alive and can prolong this for years until you lose both yourself and your life." Her hand came out and laughing as she channeled in black crackles of energy the force pushing it with her eyes flaring yellow fire. She focused on one part of Tallia to heal and slowly started to knit the wounds she had given. "You see I may not be able to throw lightning or fight with a saber but I can keep you from dying forever." Then she was pushign the force itno her, pushing the darkside to influence the cells of her body and make them heal, make the work to save her body in that one area until it flared with power. One skill was all she needed to create and save lifes, to prevent her subjects from dying as it were or if they did she could bring them back by bending the very parts of their body to her will.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Tallia Farn"]

She paused and moved to walk now among the room, spying all the things that had made her sick and closing her eyes for a moment before she spoke. "Light and Dark are two sides of the same coin, one is the path of death and ruin while the other a path of life and salvation. But which is which? You must understand that i do not say this lightly, as much as i am here to treat you in kindness those behind these walls would rather see your form twisted and your mind bowing at their feet and kissing them until you were nothing more than a thrall under their power. It is a nature of there's as it was my nature to come in here and speak with you Miss Farn. To tell you the truth, even if i had convinced you of my view minutes ago it would have likely changed nothing... but hope is the thing that lets me continue this conversation." She turned back around and walked over to sit back down, eyes focusing on Tallia's once more. "I know you cant forgive the sith, but if you were to see that they were not all that you blame them for, that is why i can see both sides. That is why i chose to help the Sith. It wasn't because i denied they had done such things, but it was because they are more than just an order. They are a culture and a government, you must understand they are every bit a peoples like that of the Republic, the Mandalorians, the Confederacy and the Protectorate. I say this once, after the Sith are gone, will your Jedi destroy those other governments if they harbored the survivors of the Jedi's purge of a entire culture?"

She shot a gaze at Seras and for a singular moment something else over came her, pure rage at what the Sith was doing, something that shouldn't be possible with Hel gone from her. "I SAID TO LET ME TALK WITH HER. DO NOTHING TO HARM THIS WOMAN OR ALTER HER." She stared at [member="Seras Goto"], something very very different about her as her aura began to shift and even grow volatile as she stood there, the void in her very being tainting the remaining half.
She heard the voice of [member="Seras Goto"] but couldn't see where she was. Tallia shivered at her voice, feeling the confidence in her own words waver. She then felt the cold presence of the dark-side creeping over her. It sunk into her wounds almost at a physical level and began to cure them. Unlike the powers of a normal force heal, the experience was extremely uncomfortable, and caused Tallia's skin to crawl in disgust. It was as if some of the woman's darkness had fused to her, much like the darkness that tainted worlds like Dagobah or Malachor V. It had a sort of physical presence that she seemed to now carry inside her. Tallia hated the feeling.

She shivered again and said in a weak voice. "This is why we can't get along." Tallia spoke with a hint of sarcasm, but meant what she said. "If you continue to push people around you're going to make a lot of enemies. The people of the Republic have lived in comfort for too long. That may have been one of the Jedi's many mistakes, but give them time, and they will learn how to stand up for themselves. It's in every beings nature to be free, even you and I, but you think that you have a right to be free above everyone else, but the Jedi say that you don't. You don't deserve to step on everyone else." She directed it at the interrogator though she still couldn't see her.

She turned her head to [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]. "I don't want to destroy anyone, but I want to protect people's freedoms. That includes citizens of the Sith Empire as well. I don't approve of the way that the Mandalorians treat the worlds they captured in the war. They are as much of a threat to a free and peaceful galaxy as the Sith are, considering they devote their lives to warfare. I don't want to fight wars, yet the people on Coruscant, and Alderaan, are worth it to me. The price of freedom is high, but it's a price I'm willing to pay."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Tallia Farn"]

Alexandra cast her eyes down on the Jedi and sighed as the anger left her at talking to the woman once more, this time though stepping between [member="Seras Goto"] and her, giving one last glare to the woman before turning her attention to Tallia. "Wars are not something that needs to be fought, which is why the Sith need a voice of level headedness. Imagine what you could do if you spoke of peace as a member of the Sith, you could bridge the gap and truly end the fighting for good. I can't do that, i had thought i could at one time but i cant, you though, a Jedi in the Sith could finally bring peace and that is something that i would love to see byond everything else. With Freedom comes death and war, with peace comes life and happiness... would you truly sacrifice millions... no Billions, just for freedom?" Alexandra looked at the woman and the words rang both pained to say them but the worst thing in Alex's eyes was the sense of truth. She believed the words and it was something she seemed to hate herself for, but she believed them none the less and was begging Tallia to understand.
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] [member="Tallia Farn"]

Seras flicked her eyes to Alexandra and spoke as her mack gave a mechanical tick. "I am not altering her anymore then I already have, unlike many others I can give her back.." She let it roll off while Tallia spoke and she listened. "Ah but you do not have to fight, I do not fight I do this. I help others see the path the Dark lord has laid out for them. You will see it as well when I am done with you, the Republic has abandoned you like it has its own people, you are here surrounded by the ones who wish you dead but are being offered a chance. Not to throw yourself at war but there are other things you can do. Diplomats have been used to get the lower species and systems in line, war does not have to be waged on every front. Only where the Republic has brought it."
Sharky watched a little confused he would not listen to the Jedi's secret ways of communicating about what is happening..

"Is it wrong for me to listen to the jedi like this?"

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