Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion of Lothal [OOC thread]


If you wish to Roleplay, as you were invited that was fine. But first and foremost remember that respect should be applied at all times! As well, this one key rule!

Other factions may not interrupt a faction's Dominion thread.
You were invited. Be respectful and kind please.

Not an FA or anything, just a player already treated rudely by your side of the field.

Ronan Nakasla

[member="Tionne Thanewulf"]
Fair enough. I'm not part of that objective anyway, I'm over here playing with some Jedi and trying to nab a personal crystal. I'll just mind my own.
I didn't want to get involved.
I hate getting involved.

But in the words of Corey...

Things that are unexpected jump up at you and guess what is a fun thing to do?
That's right adapting to them.

State exactly where in the rules that someone attacking you has to give pre-organised OOC warning? Yes it could be considered polite and all, but at no time do you have to do it. All I see when I read the thread is a series of posts by writers who are (OMG) writing their characters in a conflict.
Now if I called for edits every time I had someone get involved threads would never get done.

However I will say one thing as the First Order Owner.
This thread is meant to be a test to see how well our two factions could work in an OOC level, how we could assist each other in a map game that could see a powerful OOC friendship create two very powerful IC groups. So far it was going well, then the screams of 'it's not fair' and 'change your post' started coming up.
There are no Pvp objective wins or fails. Yay we get a crystal...whoop. Can't do anything with it.
This is a story to have fun in and not getting your pants in a twist because something isn't going your way.

Rather then going on here and blasting my members why not PM them politely or come on here and say, 'hey guys I need a hand.'
At one point Belis as a knight was going to have to face off against a master and a knight. Did I start screaming 'Nooooo!"?
No I adapted IC and it worked itself out.

Rant over.
Play the Game.

In all seriousness though...Love you all.

Taa Nul

CEO of Kamigen Incorporated
[member="Tionne Thanewulf"]

I didn't notice it was PVP only, my bad. I was rather quick getting into the thread and I missed an odd detail or two. No one corrected me til now. x(

It's a little late to make changes now. Again, my fault. I dun goofed.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
*carves FO + GA in a heart on a tree*


Ronan Nakasla

*takes notes on both ship's strengths and mashes them together like a caveman until they stick*
The Dark Knight said:

If you wish to Roleplay, as you were invited that was fine. But first and foremost remember that respect should be applied at all times! As well, this one key rule!

You were invited. Be respectful and kind please.

Not an FA or anything, just a player already treated rudely by your side of the field.

If you have a genuine complain, please do bring it up with the writers in question. If that doesn't help, give one of the GA FA's a shout. :)

There was no need for the kind of calling out.
[member="Count Morcus"]

Don't worry about it too much. I did some fancy (maybe downright silly, but I thought it made a degree of sense xD) storytelling and leveled the playing field in the crystal cavern in my last post. Have fun and good luck against [member="Taeli Raaf"]!

(You're going to need it ;) )
[member="Julius Sedaire"]

Harm is going down below the Imperial Command Center in Capital City to hunt down some dark siders and destroy a fledgling dark side temple.

My plan is to find a tough baddie holding sway over a bunch of force sensitives, trying to turn them to the dark side, Harm comes in and beats the guy in a battle and...that's as far as my planning has gotten. I am willing to make it more open ended if you'd like to join in.


Well-Known Member
[member="Aram Kalast"] [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

Being the main start to the issues, vocally anyway, I wanted apologize. I saw issues with being forced something upon me, to have staff agree such cannot happen, then saw others on the GA side having issues as well. So I attempted to make it known that it was an invitation, that respect should be given.

This, admittedly, while in good heart, was a mistake. I should have directly spoke with FAs after I personally could not get the issues resolved. I took it personally that I was treated as such, and put others on blast. It was not cool, nor beneficial for the game, nor the community.

To all those I may have offended,
I will be returning to combat at a soon appointed time. Feel free to take it out on my character. So long as death does not occur, I no longer have aversions.

Lol to lazy to sign in as [member="The Dark Knight"]
[member="Darth Pikiran"]

It's hard to accept things happening to your character that you don't like.

It's harder still to admit when you're wrong in how you act.

You're a good guy. Hope you come out of this with all your fingers and toes.

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