Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion of Zygerria

Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
Connor Harrison said:
Do we actually know how these Taung creeps can be exorcised from the bodies they are possessing - or will that come later?

Just wondering. :)
I got the information well some of it last dominion. There is a ritual


Came in like a wrecking maul
Aika Kawakami said:
[member="Nima Tann"]
Go right ahead, hun. The more padawans that are out of their minds, the easier it is for Aika's take over the world plot. :D

@Jeela Tillian
Think it's time you and your new master took a little walk. Maybe you'll learn something new....

Nima Tann said:
[member="Aika Kawakami"] Can I join you in your conquest of taking the world? :D

43 posts and I am already corrupted, thank you Order :D :D

Aika Kawakami said:
[member="Nima Tann"]
Oh, was already planning it, hun. Just don't tell Rasu... Or Iella.... Or Matsu, cause I definitely can't explain it to her....

Nima Tann said:
[member="Aika Kawakami"]

Lips are sealed! :D
You guys are terrible

I love you
[member="Saki"] - Is there another Dominion in the works? I know it's selfish but I'd like to participate in as many of them as possible, but at the rate we're going that won't be possible.

Plus the Levantines fear you're going to trap them in their corner. :p


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] yes there is, we have one more place to dominion officially the other planets after talking with Iella are optional and we will see how the map looks when there is an update. Some of those worlds in out space might come to use freely.

Jeela Tillian

[member="Matsu Ike"]

Ack! *chokes* Clutch fighter! Used in the oppression of the Jensaarai and Susefvi!
I have reassured the Lev Sanctum we have plans to box them in a corner. I even mentions the idea of sharing this planet with them. So if they do wish it .. as allies .. that would be a nice thing to do I think. I spoke to Jon .. and he will pass on my message.

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