Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion of Zygerria

Connor Harrison

[member="Aika Kawakami"]

Thank you for that feedback, I'll continue with it. Like I say, I'm more than happy to go forward - I'm just very conscious about taking over threads being a bit "Connor" central, that's when my confidence retires as I don't want to be all me me me, but I do love developing with others and letting everyone let go.

I'll continue with the Taung, and I'll make it more of a battle.

Aika, I'm not aware you had something like this - do you mean more internal thoughts with Connor trying to battle the Taung, or do you mean aggressive in what the Taung makes Connor do, but like it's pushing him mentally to breaking point in this big conflict of emotion and hate he's feeling....?

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
[member="Connor Harrison"]
All of that Connor. From the moment Aika's abilities began to grow, she had an internal conflict with her other self. Some times she won, some times she lost. I've even done a whole thread that war just her confronting her inner self. The last conflict they had was when Aika left the jedi order after being denied the rank of Master. That was also the first time anyone other than her found out there was another side to get, and that person was Rasu.

She's had a long, slow progression that's lead to get semi fall from grace. Connor can do the same.

Just my two cents.

Connor Harrison

That's awesome [member="Aika Kawakami"] - thank you.

Can you link your threads? I'd love to see them as I've never done an RP in this style before and don't want to mess it up for my or anyone.

What sort of conflict did you have? Was it dual personality, or a spirit, or what?

(Sorry, PM if you need to - don't want to take over this chatting away!) :)
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Aika Kawakami"] has done a great deal and developed so much from that little girl running from zombies on Coruscant, not really knowing what to do on Ilum with matsu. She has worked very very hard to grow and become a great master.

Connor Harrison

I really need to go away and work great guns with Connor. There is so much I want to do with him to make him a great character - I think I've a long way to go, and I'm fascinated by those who can make really gripping journeys just with words that paint such a vivid picture.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Coci Sinopi"] well there are more hammers plus the one she had gotten so never know.

Me I'll protect [member="Aika Kawakami"] with the heavy burden of distracting Iella... I will take on this burden again and again and again everywhere in the ship and temple.


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