Mr. Bones
Grey Jedi Hermit
Name: Dopi Scara Bones
Faction: Silver Jedi Order
Rank: Grey Jedi Master
Species: Dathomirian
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Height: 1.9 meters (6 feet, 2 inches)
Weight: 42 Kilograms (92 Pounds)
Eyes: Ghostly White
Hair: Bald
Skin: Born with Brown, Dyed Light Blue.
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Power Color Scale
Grey: Youngling
Red: Apprentice
Yellow: Knight
Green: Master
Force Powers List (Highest to Lowest):
Force Listening: IIIIIIIII
Force Empathy: IIIIIIIII
Force Sight: IIIIIIIII
Force Storm: IIIIIIIII
Force Choke: IIIIIIIII
Drain Knowldge:IIIIIIIII
Levitation: IIIIIIII
Animal Bond: IIIIIIII
Force Ghost: IIIIIIII
Alter Environment: IIIIIII
Pyrokinesis: IIIIII
Force Insanity: IIIIII
I can Hear you quite Clearly.(+): Due to his Blindness, he has needed to resort to his hearing as one of the four main things he needs to 'observe' the environment around him, the other two being of the Force, his walking stick, and his sense of touch, if he isn't levitating
Strong in the Force he is, Yes...(+): He was born not only connected to the Force, but sue to his blindness, this connection has been thoroughly upgraded to the point of him being able to balance himself in the Force, both with his knowledge, and his powers by his parents.
I can feel you walking(+): If he has his feet on the ground, then he could also sense where something is, but this is also a bit of a weakness in itself.
I can speak to Credits...and they talk back like I'm a lover(+): Although he was raised in the capital city of Dantooine, His Uncle owns a Casino on Nar Shaddaa, and his Cousin Worked the Smuggling Trade, both knowing and passing their knowledge of saving and gaining Credits down to Dopi.
My Stick...Where is my Stick?(-): He never goes anywhere without his Walking stick, since he has learned to use it to help him see, along with it being a tradition for him to carry a stick since he was three years old.
Peace and Tranquility...why are you laughing?: Since he is Balanced in between the Light and the Dark Sides of the Force, Dopi is rather a pacifist and has no need to fight. Therefor, he has never been taught to fight with anything other than the Force, and even then, he barely uses it in combat.
Oh...I don't fly well.(-): The only time he was ever on any space ship was when he was born, a transport taking from Dathomir to Dantooine. Since he has had little experience in flying, he can become disoriented on any flying craft, due to the vibrations and lifting feeling causing him confusion and throwing him into a slightly controlled form of disarray.
Appearance: For the most part, Dopi has the normal physicality of any other Dathomirian, except for a few things. Besides the Blindness, His horns have been kept to a very short length, down to the point to where they are not lethal in any way, but are still there. His skin has been dyed from his born Brown and Black, to Blue on Black, per his request at the age of 9 years old. Dopi wears Dark Blue (Think Tardis Blue) Robes, and although he has gotten them in different sizes, the form of outfit has always been the same. He always wears brown sandals, and his 7 feet tall walking stick has no true modifications to it, since it...well...a Stick.
Biography: Technically, Dopi was born on Dathomir, but he wasn't on it for more than an hour before his parents decided to move from their home world to Dantooine's capital, Garang, to try and live there. It wasn't until Dopi was two years old, when they noticed that he was bumping into things that were too obvious for him to hit, and as they took a closer look, they discovered that he was born blind. His Parents (Who at this current point in time, Dopi believes they are dead.) Didn't want a blind child, so they abandoned him to their neighbors, Jotan and Kemeti Bones, and left the next morning. The Bones not only took Dopi as their son, but also decided to train him in the Light and Dark Sides of the Force, when they sense his strong connection to the force. At 3 years old, Dopi and his parent were at the Marketplace, when he ran into a shopkeeper with only one eye. The shop keeper gave Dopi a stick, so then he could use it to help with his self awareness, and this tradition had carried on to the present day. from 4 to 19 years old, His mother taught him the ways of the Jedi, and abilities of the Light Side of the force, as his Father taught him the ways of the Sith and the powers of the Dark Side of the Force. In that gap of time, Dopi had asked his parents to help him recolor his skin, from Brown on Black, to Blue on Black, so then he could feel more at a balance. He also was given dark blue robes at the age of 10 for his birthday, the other one being the recoloring of his skin. At the age of 20, He met his Uncle and his Cousin for the first, and only time so far in his life, who were given permission until he was 24 to be taught how to make, spend, and save Credits like a true Capitalist, and when they left, he never saw them again. When Dopi was 27, His parents passed away in their sleep, and their will left everything to him. Everything, including 375,000 credits that they saved in case of a "Rainy Day". Dopi used this money to move his new home and everything in it to the top of a Mountain he bought with the same stockpile of credits, had a stone path leading from the Capital to this new Mountain, named Mount Jotakemti, named after the ones who raised him, and to dig a cave system into the Mountain that would be his place to Meditate, and to connect with the Force. At 29 years old, Dopi is seen by the population of the city, Jedi or Non-Force user, to be a Hermit, predicting people's futures with the Force, and sharing his knowledge with those who seek him, and wish to listen to him. After he spent some time on Dantooine, He decided to join the Silver Jedi Order, which first took him to Voss, then across many different missions and planets that brought him through the ranks of the Order. His most recent location was Kashyyyk, as a Master of the Silver Jedi Order.
Bone's Light Pike
Ship: The Discovery (Currently not yet approved. Will remove this message if the Ship is Approved/Disapproved.)
Bounties Collected: N/A
Faction: Silver Jedi Order
Rank: Grey Jedi Master
Species: Dathomirian
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Height: 1.9 meters (6 feet, 2 inches)
Weight: 42 Kilograms (92 Pounds)
Eyes: Ghostly White
Hair: Bald
Skin: Born with Brown, Dyed Light Blue.
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Power Color Scale
Grey: Youngling
Red: Apprentice
Yellow: Knight
Green: Master
Force Powers List (Highest to Lowest):
Force Listening: IIIIIIIII
Force Empathy: IIIIIIIII
Force Sight: IIIIIIIII
Force Storm: IIIIIIIII
Force Choke: IIIIIIIII
Drain Knowldge:IIIIIIIII
Levitation: IIIIIIII
Animal Bond: IIIIIIII
Force Ghost: IIIIIIII
Alter Environment: IIIIIII
Pyrokinesis: IIIIII
Force Insanity: IIIIII
I can Hear you quite Clearly.(+): Due to his Blindness, he has needed to resort to his hearing as one of the four main things he needs to 'observe' the environment around him, the other two being of the Force, his walking stick, and his sense of touch, if he isn't levitating
Strong in the Force he is, Yes...(+): He was born not only connected to the Force, but sue to his blindness, this connection has been thoroughly upgraded to the point of him being able to balance himself in the Force, both with his knowledge, and his powers by his parents.
I can feel you walking(+): If he has his feet on the ground, then he could also sense where something is, but this is also a bit of a weakness in itself.
I can speak to Credits...and they talk back like I'm a lover(+): Although he was raised in the capital city of Dantooine, His Uncle owns a Casino on Nar Shaddaa, and his Cousin Worked the Smuggling Trade, both knowing and passing their knowledge of saving and gaining Credits down to Dopi.
My Stick...Where is my Stick?(-): He never goes anywhere without his Walking stick, since he has learned to use it to help him see, along with it being a tradition for him to carry a stick since he was three years old.
Peace and Tranquility...why are you laughing?: Since he is Balanced in between the Light and the Dark Sides of the Force, Dopi is rather a pacifist and has no need to fight. Therefor, he has never been taught to fight with anything other than the Force, and even then, he barely uses it in combat.
Oh...I don't fly well.(-): The only time he was ever on any space ship was when he was born, a transport taking from Dathomir to Dantooine. Since he has had little experience in flying, he can become disoriented on any flying craft, due to the vibrations and lifting feeling causing him confusion and throwing him into a slightly controlled form of disarray.
Appearance: For the most part, Dopi has the normal physicality of any other Dathomirian, except for a few things. Besides the Blindness, His horns have been kept to a very short length, down to the point to where they are not lethal in any way, but are still there. His skin has been dyed from his born Brown and Black, to Blue on Black, per his request at the age of 9 years old. Dopi wears Dark Blue (Think Tardis Blue) Robes, and although he has gotten them in different sizes, the form of outfit has always been the same. He always wears brown sandals, and his 7 feet tall walking stick has no true modifications to it, since it...well...a Stick.
Biography: Technically, Dopi was born on Dathomir, but he wasn't on it for more than an hour before his parents decided to move from their home world to Dantooine's capital, Garang, to try and live there. It wasn't until Dopi was two years old, when they noticed that he was bumping into things that were too obvious for him to hit, and as they took a closer look, they discovered that he was born blind. His Parents (Who at this current point in time, Dopi believes they are dead.) Didn't want a blind child, so they abandoned him to their neighbors, Jotan and Kemeti Bones, and left the next morning. The Bones not only took Dopi as their son, but also decided to train him in the Light and Dark Sides of the Force, when they sense his strong connection to the force. At 3 years old, Dopi and his parent were at the Marketplace, when he ran into a shopkeeper with only one eye. The shop keeper gave Dopi a stick, so then he could use it to help with his self awareness, and this tradition had carried on to the present day. from 4 to 19 years old, His mother taught him the ways of the Jedi, and abilities of the Light Side of the force, as his Father taught him the ways of the Sith and the powers of the Dark Side of the Force. In that gap of time, Dopi had asked his parents to help him recolor his skin, from Brown on Black, to Blue on Black, so then he could feel more at a balance. He also was given dark blue robes at the age of 10 for his birthday, the other one being the recoloring of his skin. At the age of 20, He met his Uncle and his Cousin for the first, and only time so far in his life, who were given permission until he was 24 to be taught how to make, spend, and save Credits like a true Capitalist, and when they left, he never saw them again. When Dopi was 27, His parents passed away in their sleep, and their will left everything to him. Everything, including 375,000 credits that they saved in case of a "Rainy Day". Dopi used this money to move his new home and everything in it to the top of a Mountain he bought with the same stockpile of credits, had a stone path leading from the Capital to this new Mountain, named Mount Jotakemti, named after the ones who raised him, and to dig a cave system into the Mountain that would be his place to Meditate, and to connect with the Force. At 29 years old, Dopi is seen by the population of the city, Jedi or Non-Force user, to be a Hermit, predicting people's futures with the Force, and sharing his knowledge with those who seek him, and wish to listen to him. After he spent some time on Dantooine, He decided to join the Silver Jedi Order, which first took him to Voss, then across many different missions and planets that brought him through the ranks of the Order. His most recent location was Kashyyyk, as a Master of the Silver Jedi Order.
Bone's Light Pike
Ship: The Discovery (Currently not yet approved. Will remove this message if the Ship is Approved/Disapproved.)
Bounties Collected: N/A