Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dough or Doughnut; There Is No Try

Auburn Sioda

Banr� on na Anam, Rialaitheoir Dóiteáin
Ada's agreement to give Doris some therapy to make she her mind was unaffected by her experience pleased Auburn greatly. The Panathan noble's description of their society was intriguing, though slightly concerning. Anam took care of their own, no matter the circumstance. A hum came from the queen as she tasted more of the ice cream.

"The Anam are quite different, culturally. We encourage our children from a very young age to be kind to others, and not be afraid to ask for help. Our community is second only to family, and resources tend to be shared among all when in a small community as well. I suppose it's persisted since the Old Days, when our gods were alive and well to protect and guide us. The warriors among us are those who hunt for food, or join our military despite it being more of a formality than anything. Especially now that the Mando'ade patrol our space."

A people always protected by another stronger and more resilient than they. Auburn thought grimly as she took a bite of the cookie. Her face lit up once more in enjoyment at the sweet caramel combined with the delicious chocolate ice cream. Yes, ice cream and chocolate would most certainly be making their way to Domhanda.

[member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"]
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
As the three Gred's walked along, Leddie looked over to see [member="Tamar Fitz Kierke"] running around. She nudged Mig, pointing the former slave out.

"Um... Aaa...Aloor Mig. Isn't that your... um... ash'vuuutyc (Best I can figure for special someone)." Mig blushed ever so slightly when the young Zabrak said this, but looked and saw Tamar there, covered in chocolate and seeming to be avoiding someone. He couldn't help but smile and laugh. It was a funny sight. The Alor then smiled at Leddie before walking over to Tamar.

"Well, looks like you're enjoying the chocolate. How ya been?"
Tags: [member="Kuxtal"] [member="Sentus Olan"] [member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Kay Arenais"] [member="Auburn Sioda"] [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Kaine Australis"]
Fleet: Mors Classemque(Death Fleet) in BIO at bottom
Location: Meeting room
Squad: 10 Mandos

Adenn nodded his head to Aditya, as she slid her hand behind his back, Adenn did the same to her. Oh, need shields or he's underprepared, heh, what a shame.
"I don't need shields for you c'yare, I want the full experience." Adenn nuzzled his head against hers after the kiss, taking in everything about her. As she clings to him, Adenn hugs her close, having missed that feeling since they had last been together.

He keeps talking then, Aditya tries to interrupt, but he doesn't know why he keeps going. Then he heards Yasha, and he freezes. He knew he'd need to be close, but it would've been nice had he known that tidbit sooner. In retrospect, he should've expected it, especially with all the prior history of it, still though, it rocked Adenn. However, he didn't show it aside from his freezing, then he kept moving as if everything was a-ok. Shaking himself, Adenn simply nods when she asks if he's ready to intermediate, then she says she won't go anywhere. Smiling behind his helmet, Adenn turns to Aditya and takes hold of both of her hands.
"Thank you honey, thank you very much."

Together they drift towards the table, and when Aditya goes to sit down, Adenn is there to pull the chair out for her and push it back in, careful not to make it tight though. Aditya starts talking then and Adenn sees what's happening, she's trying to defuse the situation in her unique way. But what he doesn't like is when Yasha kicks her, she kicks the love of his life! A frown now on his face, Adenn shakes his head imperceptibly to her, half warning her to not do that again. To second that, Adenn sticks his leg out in front of Adityas legs, to 'shield' her from Yashas kicks. When Aditya keeps talking, Yasha kicks again, but this time it's her kicking Adenns armored shin. What was a tap for Aditya was closer to an actual kick to Adenn, but he supresses the minimal pain behind his armor.

However, Aditya keeps talking, and Adenn knows he's going to be kicked a few more times. Bracing his leg, Adenn settles in, listening along as Aditya keeps talking about her past. The next kick hurts more, but Adenn suffers it in silence, not willing to show any weakness. Then Yasha introduces the two properly, and Adenn retrieves his leg from the crossfire. It'll bruise, but he'll leave it at that, instead chuckling and nodding as Yasha says that they're glad to have Aditya back. Yes, Adenn is very glad to have Aditya back, to prove that, Adenn wraps his arm around Adityas shoulders, grinning behind his helmet.

Around that time, Kaine appeared, and Adenn gave him a respectful nod to him. Shortly after his arrival, Sentus spoke, and his tone and what he said didn't sit well with Adenn, apparently not with Kaine either. Leaning forward in his chair, Adenn leaned his arms, crossed, atop the table. The sneer behind his helmet couldn't be heard in his voice, but Adenn didn't hide his contempt, not really at least.
"You speak as if you know these family ties, as if you know what has been done to help." He scoffed then, shaking his head. "Aliit ori'shya tal'din. Family is more than blood, is a saying of the Mando'ade, one that we live by. We have sacrificed for Kay and she has sacrificed for us, but I don't think you understand that, aruetiise." His contempt was palpable as he leaned back, arms now crossed over his chest.

When Kay spoke once more, Adenn merely listened and nodded where appropriate, eyes still boring into Sentus, though the man wouldn't know it. With his T-visor seemingly focused on Kay, Adenn merely listened for now. When she spoke of Jedi and Sith uniting against them, Adenn couldn't help but laugh. Adenn shook his head while muttering under his breath.
"Heh, finally united again. Bloody di'kuts."

Then Kay spoke of them still be allied, or even only non aggressors. Personally, Adenn believed they should be allied, would make sense family wise, and would perhaps even keep the Sith away. They wouldn't want to anger the Mando'ade now would they? He decided to say it too.
"Perhaps if we are allied, both sides together, the Sith may back away. They wouldn't want to hurt the family of the Mand'alor, at least I don't think they would like to." He shrugged slightly then, he didn't know them that well, only how to kill them.

Leaning back in his chair, Adenn uncrossed his arms and returned one arm to his arm rest while the other next to Aditya went to her. He stretched that hand out and gently took hold of her hand, smiling beneath hishelmet, glad to hold her hand once more. Even as the diplomatic talks would continue, Adenn would hold to her hand, watching for nwo and paying attention.
“Kain’ik.” Yasha sighed at a whisper, the wolf-standard dipping to watch the man, who walked in. He came. As Yasha was about to rebuff the misinformed and passively offensive [member="Sentus Olan"], her riduur took his place at his wife’s side. Spoke firmly against the barrage of the uninitiated.

“Is this who you chose to speak for you, Aunt Kay? An Aruetii who knows so little of our history? I beat Carnifex’s skull in for Aunt Kay and Commenor. I had his brain matter on my armour, and he still walked away. You stop and you ponder that.

Carnifex and I battled for weeks beneath the ruins of Kaas City, and after our rescue, after even that, he stayed the hands of his Empire. He gave my Vode space and waited. I was more than willing to die for Kay, and I nearly did. But that was Commenor. Not an escape laced with the promise of a borrowed throne. My riduur lost every iota of dominion he had in the Mandalorian Empire for Kay. He was demoted, tossed out, and I did it.

If I could send my own spouse to the reaches for leaving our Vode vulnerable to chase after Commenor’s enemies, then you see, my Duty to my People circumvents all. It is the unfortunate truth that one cannot be Mand’alor and have a contented family. How can I stare my Vode in their buy’ce’s and proclaim to them that a foreign power who many have never known, desires them to die? That a war on the other side of the Galaxy beckons them to leave their farms and don their armour, weapons at the ready for nothing more than one person’s familial connection? And if any return, half broken or marred by their battles, they did it all not for their own families, homes and the collective, but for Zakuul? What sense is there in that? If you know so much about the Mandalorians, then you know that Mand’alor does indeed give the call, but I still function on the trust and acceptance of my Clans. I am not an Empress. So, how do you convince engineers, farmers, the parents of the young to die for a nebulous and foreign interest?

For one woman? A woman I offered free protection to, a home and whatever life she wanted, when I sent my best people to break her out of prison. She denied my offer for your Eternal Throne. Mandalorians return to Mandalore. We wear armour. We speak Mando’a. We contribute to the collective. We protect our Clans. We follow Mand’alor’s call. We train our children to be warriors. Aye, you are Mandalorian, Kay. Although you speak Basic, refuse to wear armour, and do not contribute to the wellbeing of the vode. I cannot act on my emotions, or I’d be by your side already.” Leaning back in her chair, Yasha tapped at the table with her left fist, right arm still seemingly lax across her thigh.

“You took a throne with someone else in it. A well connected and popular Sith Lord, with friends who see nothing but the excuse to fire. And in the Southern reaches! Zakuul’s proximity to the Pacanth Reach is too dangerous for the Homeworld to endure.”

Yasha snorted out a guttural laugh, leaning back with one fist on the table.

“So that is why you called for me… If war is coming, perhaps I can use my alliance to tame the retribution you see coming in the storm clouds? Do you really want to know the cost of a potential chance of saving your life, Kay? The Sith aren’t going to parlay. They don’t want talks, or tariffs. Your Empire is on Panatha’s back door. The region will see no stabilization without the Sith in the charge of it. I can salvage [member="Loreena Arenais"]. My current alliance with the Sith involves her safety… and would have ensured yours, if you took me up on my offer of Er’kit and Mandalorian space. The way the Sith see it, you disavowed your Mandalorian self the moment you took the Eternal Throne. The sooner I can get her to Mandalorian space, the better. You and I both know the true danger of the Sovereign Zambranos, Kay. Where one has reason and can act with mercy, the other is but the shadow of death and otherworldly degradation. So. What do we do? I am open to suggestions.”

The Infernal loomed over the table, helm still firmly in place. She would not allow those she did not know to see the bruises on her brow, or hear the stutter from her lips when she tried unaided to speak Basic. As harsh as her words were, Yasha was compelled to attack the problem first by laying all the traps and pieces down on the board.

It might have seemed insensitive or cruel, but emotion had no place in salvaging what they could of the impending destruction. Not when she had, as Kaine so rightfully suggested, her own enemies to fight. The wolf-helm snapped up with a seeming jolt.

“Any more of your family? Kay, what happened?” Yasha leaned forward, voice taking on a roaring growl. “Where’s Veiere?!”
What're you gonna do? Kill me?
“Such kindnesses would go remiss on Panatha, my dear. You must have the luxury of a genteel planet, where death follows arthritically many centuries behind. All on Panatha are warriors. Oh, I know, it’s terribly awkward to think of me in such undignified clothing, but I too know how to gank a bootch with several types of writing implement and one form of cheese.” Ada patted [member="Auburn Sioda"]’s arm, as she walked on and came to a small bench surrounded by greenery and hydroponically fed flora. Sitting herself down, Ada dug into her ice cream, thinking for a second she saw one of the servants rush by…

… Tamar gapsed and swerved around the moment [member="Mig Gred"] came to her.

“SHHHHH!!!! It’s the Old Hag!” Gripping Mig’s arm with one hand, and quite unaware of the chocolate round her mouth, Tamar spun around to keep out of eyesight of the ‘Hag’, Ada. “Mig, I’m so glad… hide me. Hide me now, before she condescends to… do… uuuugh. It’s Ada. She keeps mistaking me for a servant and I saw her and… rescue me?”

It all seemed silly, when Tamar stopped to think. She let go of Mig’s arm and instead put both across his shoulders, pressing her forehead to his… that was until she noticed Leddie. “Oh… who is this?”

“In that case, I’ll hit you both barrels, slugger.” My arms are traitors, who refuse to listen to my brain. Instead, they encircle Adenn, and gladly so. We’re all finally sat down, when who should pop his weasel-nosed face into the event?

“Oh kriff-pillows.” I mutter under my breath, as [member="Kaine Australis"] moseys on in to sit beside my daughter. So, those procreative life choices I blamed on [member="Kay Arenais"]? I’m looking at him. And as the quintessential nosy mother-in-law, it’s my right to glare. Even if that glare levels temporarily onto [member="Sentus Olan"].

Course it’s hard to glare when Kaine single-handedly rescued the entire situation and calmed down the raging beast inside [member="Yasha Cadera"]’s head. How dare he be both right and more effective than me in calming my daughter and taking charge in a delicate situation!? I can see it in the way she’s sitting, that bit more relaxed. Dang it. There goes the annulment. Guess I’ll just have to like him after all. That, and she’s stopped kicking my leg.

Or [member="Adenn Kyramud"] is playing footsie and I’m being duped, but I doubt it. I squeeze his hand, leaning into him when the volleys to and fro get started. But! Not before Kay starts in on dearly departed [member="Baiko no Kaho"].

“She shouldn’t have tried to kill my granddaughter, then she’d still be alive.” Baiko. How’d she flip? I’ve watched the footage over and over, discerned what went wrong. How Baiko went from faithful and loving mother and grandmother to the woman, who fought Darth Carnifex for the fate of a child. A little girl. “Didn’t know that part, did you? The Emperor crossed the entire Galaxy to pick Adara up, when she was upset. He’s ineffable, as is his place. The Sovereign God-King of the Pacanth Reach has a duty to his People, same way Yaiya has to hers. Being that we’re Panathan Nobility, it is his place and his duty to ensure we are well cared for. House Fitz-Kierke serves the Gods faithfully as we have done for centuries. We survived Nemeroth, deranged monarchs, revolutions and religious wars to rise as one of Qocia, the Holy City’s, main families. Keepers of ancient knowledge. It’s no surprise he is kind to my daughter, after all his beloved sister is my sister Adrestia’s good friend. Our families have been connected throughout centuries. Far longer than Yasha’s… Mandalorian fetish. One day, when her prison sentence of being the Mand’alor is complete, Yasha will return to Panatha, and take her rightful place. None of this… ridiculous and constant war.

Guess being dead has some advantage here, you know, on not knowing a lick and a half about what you lot’ve been through.” I sit back into Adenn’s arm and rub my belly, pursing my lips as my eyes chase across the room. “Y’all say some big collection of force-doer mookygooks are coming here to… what? Not parlay? Put up their collective dukes over a name? So…”

I blink and motion to everybody, one hand still on my belly.

“Ah… kind of weird, don't know how this happened but I'm with green and glum-faced over there. Kaine... why be here to get schmucked? Casual question, maybe it’s nothing and there’s some divine reason for you to stay put and have a glorious battle full of heroic moments and… dance offs or whatever it is you fighter-lot do… but… why? What’s the purpose in showing up exactly where they expect you, and dying like a bunch of ensigns on an experimental cruiser’s first five year mission? And what the heck did that sweetie-pie human woman do to get the Sith and the Jedi down her throat like some form of Zabrak throat plague? Steal a chair? Am I missing something? Are you not really drinking tea?” Yet again, those around Yash save the day. I look over at Adenn and shrug.

He wanted no shields? He gets them.
Kuxtal listened to them debate. There was obviously a lot of history here that he was not aware of. Family connections and events between each and every one of those present that he had nothing to do with. He stood like a mountainous oustider with the people below carrying on with their squabbling lives.

He shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. All he heard was chaos, disorder. This could hardly be called a proper meeting when the very first words uttered were laced with venom from this [member="Sentus Olan"] Who also sat by Empress [member="Kay Arenais"].
The tension in the room was thick. Even the niece, [member="Yasha Cadera"], hidden behind Mandalorian armor seemed to have a dagger hidden behind her back. Her mannerisms and limps told him she was obviously wounded and fairly recently, possibly from her described encounter with this sith... Carnifex?

Everyone was at each others throats even if they didn't realize it. As an outsider looking in he could see that much that was possibly blinded from them. Emotions were running high even if everyone saw themselves as calm and collected. Such venom cannot be tossed about without a clouded mind and strong emotion of hatred.
Kuxtal would be the first to admit that he knew nothing of the purpose of this meeting, but he did know that if any clear decisions was to be made, everyone needed to rest and calm down.

From what he understood, the Mandalorians have once again allied with the Sith, assumed to be led by this Carnifex being. A conflict is coming that will engulf the Eternal Empire and Panthera. From both Sith AND Jedi... An idea that in previous ages would have been inconceivable if they intended to combine forces... And the Empress of Zakuul now wants to know where the Mandalorians, her niece and other friends, stand on this conflict.

Kuxtal knelt down beside Kay to be low enough to whisper in her ear.
"Empress... This is going nowhere. Their minds are clouded and we have all only just arrived on station after our long journeys. I advise a recess for now unless time is of the essence."

He remained knelt with his blue head bowed and his ear close. It wasn't his place to address the assembly, but he was here in an advisory capacity to the Empress. And he couldn't imagine any stronger advice than allowing everyone the opportunity to rest and collect their thoughts properly and appropriately.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig was a bit surprised as [member="Tamar Fitz Kierke"] grabbed his arm, seeming to be in a frenzy. From what she said, Ada, Yasha's grandmother if he remembered correctly, didn't quite understand that she wasn't a servant anymore. Nanny, yes. Servant, not really. She then asked him to rescue her before seeming to stop and think. She then put her arms around his shoulders, and pressed her forehead to his. He smiled, wrapping his own arms around her before speaking calmly.

"Don't worry. I'll keep ya safe." She then noticed Leddie, who waved when she did, and asked Mig who she was. Mig chuckled, looking at the Zabrak. "That's Ilik's daughter, Leddie." He then pointed to the old Mandalorian. "And that's Ilik." The medic smiled, and nodded to Tamar.

"Nice to meet you."


[member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

[member="Adenn Kyramud"] spoke up first in regards to the statement that [member="Sentus Olan"] gave. His words were true and diplomatic. Had this room been filled with other people and not Kay's own, more than likely this meeting would've become violent as she had seen happen many times before. But that won't happen today.

At least she hoped not.

And then [member="Yasha Cadera"] spoke. Kay met her eyes with that of the Wolf'helm, hoping to catch a glimpse of her real eyes, yet instead all that she had gotten was mechanical. Her words were harsh, yet spoke the truth as she saw it. Not only that but it was her niece's way of putting her cards out on the table. It was difficult to put the mind first over the heart. Kay knew that first hand.

"The Scions foresaw the region being stabilized, with me at it's head. That was why they sent [member="Lannis Morcus"] to ensure that I was freed from prison. Your rescue, Yasha, coincided with that of his as well as a Sith witch that I befriended during the Siege. By some...strange coincidence it all happened at once. Zakuul was about the furthest away from the Sith that I could get. I was unaware of this other Empire until after my corination. It wasn't on purpose. Had I of known...I'd of done things differently. But what has happened cannot be undone."

She sipped her tea, cradling her cup in her hands. "And as far as Panatha is concerned, I hadn't even thought of the place. I have no desire to attack it. I have nothing but nightmares from that place. The only thing that I want done would be to walk over to those dungeons that Prazutis tortured me endlessly for months in, set up some charges and detonate them so that they'd be destroyed. That would be my only interest in that world and I'm not exactly about to go anywhere near there at any time soon. And Lori...she's my heir. She's her father's Padawan and the Captain of her own ship and crew. She's being pulled in so many directions, yet trying to find her own place. With Veiere firmly against you all, I don't think that taking Lori away from him would be a wise move." As for where Veiere was and what had gone on between Kay and him, she wasn't about to say in front of everyone. The fact that he hadn't been there by her side should say enough.

[member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] drew her attention next. Her revelations about Carnifex and Yasha now began to make sense. It was all about race. Kay, being nothing but human, was worth nothing in their eyes. She wasn't a threat to their kind, but boy were they a threat to herself. It was a horrible thought and it made her wonder how her life's end would come. Perhaps they'd all surround her with daggers in hand and take their turns stabbing her until she had no more blood left. It certainly felt that that was the way her future was going.

[member="Kuxtal"] whispered in her ear then. He was new to the Galaxy, in a sense, having been trapped aboard an Imperial prison vessel for hundreds of years. Kay found him not long ago as the ship drifted into Zakuulan space and shortly thereafter he offered to serve her as an advisor. Given his vast knowledge of the past, she agreed. She turned her head to speak quietly in his yeah. ~I think you're right.~

[member="Kaine Australis"] addressed her next. Kay gave him her full attention as he deserved. He was an important part of her family, though it was strange to think of him as her nephew. He was quick to remind her of her surrender and house arrest; something that she agreed to after Carnifex slaughtered over 8 million Commenori in one single strike. Now it seemed as though the life on the line was only her own.

At his request for her to put down her crown, Kay's jaw dropped open slightly. His eyes seemed to plead with her. If she was to walk away from Zakuul, then what? All of her enemies would just go away and leave her alone? No. More than likely they'd find some other excuse to cut her down. They were relentless.

"I haven't threatened anyone but have only wanted to defend Zakuul against those that have attacked us. And they all want me dead for it? Yet they all have the rights to defend themselves when they are attacked. How is that right? How is it that helping Zakuul keep it's independence from the First Order the wrong course to take? Enemies side with their sworn enemies just to stop us from gaining any ground in our own space..." Did everyone just see her as some escaped convict? Was there only death or jail available to her?

Kay set down her cup on the table. "I request a thirty minute recess. I need to speak with my advisors before I give my suggestions as to how we move forward in a mutual way....I don't want to make any rash decisions." Her emotions, although they were mostly pent up, they were still too high. In truth she just wanted to go off and be alone for a few minutes so that she could try to make sense of it all. First Veiere and now Yasha and her family. It was heartbreaking and she felt gutted, yet Kay wasn't about to fall apart in front of them. She would save that for when she was alone.
Prophesy? That’s what inspired this? Some absent spiritualists gave you dreams of grandeur? A vision of you leading Zakuul to plenty?” Scions, vision-makers, force users… [member="Kay Arenais"] trusted mystics beyond her own kin?

[member="Kaine Australis"] went to speak, as much of a plea as he was capable of creating. Yasha’s left hand slid into his under the table, her 360 HUD view not requiring her to turn her head to see the stricken timbre to her riduur’s skin.

“Whether you were an unintentional patsy, or an active party, this throne was not empty. You are the invader here. Yes, I know your rule could bring plenty to Zakuul, you are a shrewd and compassionate leader, but Aunt Kay…” The wolf-helm shook on servos from side to side as Kay spoke of deals being done. Fait accomplice. “Yes it can. It can be undone. You can leave. It is not Zakuul that the Sith have issue with, it’s you. Tell me how you can justify the impending conflict, when one woman’s decision stemmed it? You can undo what your sycophantic advisors pushed you into, however unawares or wary they were. Have you ever thought this could be a massive trap? That such massive opposition is a sign that your precious Light is not with you? The Scions were wrong. Or, they were hopeful, but surely now… you do not want to rule over a graveyard. This onslaught is not a battle you can win… but you can undo and prevent it.”

Veiere was… gone? Long had the shadow of [member="Kay Arenais"]’ husband clung around her, yet had Yasha met the man? Even once? Where was he? Even [member="Kaine Australis"] learned to suffer the Sith for his wife, but would Veiere stand against her? Where was the love between spouses, then?

Or did Aruetiise love half as much as Mando’ade Riduur’e?

“If Loreena does not come to Mandalorian space, I can not guarantee her life. Come home, Auntie. Come to Er’kit, where millions of freed slaves are building a society from the foundations of Mandalorian aid. You can do such good if only you would come home.” Yasha slammed her left fist into the table, hearing the resounding echo in her buy’ce. “… was I ever going to be enough for you to want… want to…” The wolf-helm twitched, woman hidden beneath shuddering in an attempt to hold back the pain of injury, and her soul. Face magnified by her HUD, Yasha already knew Kay would never do it. She would never retreat to the safety of a diligent Mandalorian life.

No amount of pleading would encourage Kay to love Yasha as much as she loved her. She would never come home. “… yes… thirty minutes…”

Voice modulated by the helm, it made the emotional context of Yasha’s speech difficult to discern… but for those who knew her well. She put her left hand on her husband’s wrist, stemming the tide in Kaine she knew was present. A private message from her HUD to his wrist-comp.

‘Kain’ik… take me back.’ Her ribcage burned as she stood up from the chair just a bit too small for her eight foot armoured bulk. The shoulder surgically mended by a Master Shaper mere days before raged loosely in its’ socket, the Vong biot spliced into her flesh roiling and clinging in, testing new neuron-connections all the way from the tips of her right fingers to her spine.

The way of pain, a constant integration of flesh Yasha yet had not recovered from. Stealing a full breath away from her lungs, the pain was as living an animal as the biot inside her. She stood without another word. Swerved on momentarily tottering feet to walk briskly out of the meeting room.

Back to the Never Again. Back to Doctor Allard, and the medic teams waiting to continue intervening on the Infernal’s recovery. She leaned on Kaine, appearing more the doting wife than a recovering warrior.

Once aboard the Never Again, Yasha was spirited to her suite, where Doc Allard began barking orders. Wolf-helm removed. Chest-plate and pauldrons and bracers removed. Yasha turned her chin away from her right arm, as the medics began strengthening tissue, cleaning up the fresh wounds.

Her amber eyes crawled up her Kain’ik’s body, until with the lost expression of a child with parents who abandoned her in a war camp, she let out a haggardly held breath.

“I couldn’t show her I loved her enough to stay. She’d rather die than come home.” A hiccup wracked the wounded warrior’s ribcage. Yasha reached to pull Kaine’s hand close, nuzzling his palm to her cheek as Yasha finally started to cry.
What're you gonna do? Kill me?
My heart shatters as I watch the slope of my daughter’s shoulders. Yasha’s stutter, that precious and terrible nervous tick returns, but others wouldn’t be able to hear it beyond the garble of her gear. Sucking in a shaking breath, I push back from the table when talk of a recess is suggested.

Good. [member="Kuxtal"] is right, things are too tense and we all jumped both feet in the river before having the chance to decompress. Give us all a few minutes to catch our breaths, and we’ll be right as rain again.

You go on, baby girl. Mama’s got this.I watch Yasha drift out of the room with my son-in-law [member="Kaine Australis"] and the Infernal’s Guards. Her right shoulder looks lower than it did when she arrived, and the calculations happening in my head don’t help the image much. Muscular tension, tendon drift. Time since last treatment… multiplied by stress, walking with the appearance of painlessness… dang.

“Adenn, get me a couple minutes undisturbed with the Empress, please doll?” Yash’s hurtin’, and not just physical. Before [member="Kay Arenais"] has the chance to get up, I waddle over and lean against the table beside her, looking at her hair. Her ear. Anything but her eyes.

“I ain’t sayin’ this twice, so listen and absorb, sweet pea.” The recycled atmo pulls into my lungs. Lingers then filters out in a long hiss. “My Yash’s been betrayed, cut down, attacked and let down by every parental figure she’s ever had. You’re the only one she’s talked about. Sure, I’ve met Gray, but he’s… when Baiko died it did him in emotionally and Yasha’s been shouldering him and her siblings, too. You’re the one on her mind. You’re in her heart in a way I never was. And yes, I caused that rift in her. I gladly ripped her heart to shreds and ensured that she’d never come to count on me for squat.

‘Cause I knew… I knew I wasn’t gonna survive long enough to be the one that was there. Once you’re in the Netherworld, there’s… an expiration date on luck. Stole enough of Yash’s to get by, but… dang it all, why is this hard to say?” I shake the cobwebs out of my brain and recalculate, my naturally black and red eyes flickering to stare holes into Kay.

“Yash ain’t had one single person to stay for her. Even Kaine went on his merry way, for a while. They patched things, but you? If there’s an ounce of goodness, a single moment of peace in that young woman’s life, it’s because she learned what a family’s love was, by watching you. Now I know you’ve got stakes here, and they’re ruddy high. Good people’re going up against impossible odds in the most crass-backwards political tomfoolery the Galaxy’s seen since date night in the Fringe. But we mothers get to hold our necks and chins up high regardless, to tell our babies that they too can climb the mountain of suck and get over it.

So you stop and you take this thirty minutes and you think hard. I ain’t never seen Kaine get emotional, ain’t never seen record of him being graceful and diplomatic, either. They love you to pieces and I can see why. Yasha left her hospital bed to be here. For you. ‘Cause you called… and if in a half hour, you still feel like throttlin’ half the Galaxy into a battle only war-starved idjits want, then you look our daughters in their eyes, and tell them why Zakuul was worth not watching them, or our grandbabies grow up. Honey pie, it’s not defeat to use discretion. We wise ones choose our battles. Now… I’m gonna let you have your moment.

But between you and me, you might wanna come to the Never Again to see Yash… she won’t say nothin’ but… well… you… you need to see her. Not the armour, but her.” I pat Kay’s shoulder, pushing off from my spot leaning on the table. Turning back to [member="Adenn Kyramud"] is the hardest thing I’ve done yet… admitting to another woman she’s meant more to my daughter than I have… when I can see the reticence in Empress Arenais.

This Eternal Throne, it shatters souls.

“Adenn, sweetie I’m dyin’ for somethin’t’eat… And a nap, gosh. Your babies’re kickin’up more of a fuss than Yasha figurin’ out why water didn’t look like blood.” Who invented shoes, anyway? And why did they invent them not to move with a pregnant woman’s swollen feet? The shame!

Guess I know what I’m building next, after patching up this set of bridges.

[member="Sentus Olan"]

Tamar sunk her arms further along [member="Mig Gred"]’s shoulders, her grin growing unabashed as she was introduced to two members of Clan Gred. Mig would help! She wouldn’t be clocked as the hired help with him around, would she?

“It’s a pleasure, Liddie. Ilik. Thank you for letting me borrow your Alor, you’re all three saving me from a fate worse than… heh, oh it’s not so bad. But I get days off, too… I know! How about we all go for a treat, eh? Leddie, do you like chocolate?”

Out of the corner of her eye, Tamar thought she saw…wait no!

“Is that… oh no.” Instinctively hugging closer to Mig, Tamar’s face turned from happiness to concern. “… Yasha. She’s back already? No… no that can’t be… Mig I think something’s wrong. There’s no way the negotiations concluded in less than thirty minutes.”


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Invader. Was she really the invader? It wasn't as though she came and forced herself onto a people and claimed herself ruler. But that seemed the be the only thing that other people saw.

Kay dipped her head a little as [member="Yasha Cadera"] spoke. Why did the Sith have some trouble with her? She hadn't attacked them at all. It wasn't as though she was a threat. She couldn't combat their Sith Magic. Though she had a light armour that could help, there was always the chance that they could work around that. There was more to this story, but it was probably too personal, which was why the subject was only touched on. Perhaps in privacy she'd get to learn more.

Come home. That was what it had gotten down to. The same words were uttered during her rescue from Purgatory. She had wanted her Aunt to come home. And out of not wanting to be taunted and so close to the Sith again, she had taken a different path that presented itself in the hopes of doing good in the Galaxy. It just hadn't turned out that way.

Yasha was injured. She could see that now. At least [member="Kaine Australis"] was there to help her. The poker face that he held gave Kay response to what she had said. He wasn't happy with her answer. She took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Before this meeting had started. she knew that it would be difficult. But not like this.

[member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] approached her after the departure of the pair. Kay noted that she didn't meet her gaze and given that there was much on her mind, she understood why. The truth hurts, both for the one telling it and for the one receiving it. But it needed to be said. Did Yasha really see Kay as some kind of example to follow? She could hardly expect the same from her own children. People had died because of her choices and it wasn't in some wartime glory either. It was due to her stubbornness and pride. "I will go to her...once I have finished with my advisors, Thank you..." She didn't give any hint as to agreeing with Aditya or not. Right now Kay was just focused on keeping it together.

She got to her feet and gestured for [member="Sentus Olan"] and [member="Kuxtal"] to follow her. Instead of going to her ship, she just went off to a corner of the meeting room. It was a large space afterall. Keeping her back to everyone so that they couldn't see her face, she looked to her representatives. "We've got quite the situation here. It's more dire than I had anticipated. I don't want to just leave Zakuul to the First Order. Not when they had just gained their independence. Yet I can't give everyone a death sentence either because I am there. What do you suggest that I do? Take a Mandalorian emissary to stay with us until the First Order are neutralized in this area? Or do I do as my niece commands and go home with her as soon as possible to prevent Zakuul from becoming a bloodbath? What are your thoughts?"
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig smiled a bit as [member="Tamar Fitz Kierke"] slide her arms further up his shoulder. It was nice to see that she was happy, even when she was hiding. It was also nice to see that she liked meeting Ilik and Leddie. The young Zabrak then smiled at the offer, nodding and saying "Oh! Yes I do. Can we Buir? Please." Ilik just chuckled, rubbing her head.

"Sure kid."


Mig chuckled a bit, until he could feel Tamar get worried. He then looked at her as she noticed [member="Yasha Cadera"] , holding her a bit tighter as she came closer, and speaking calmly.

"Maybe they're just avoiding getting too heated. Kay and Yasha are family if I remember right. Families can get a but... loud at times. Diplomatically however, doesn't help things. How about we get that treat, then I see a shop ya might be interested in. Or if ya want, we could ask how it's going."
Kuxtal followed the empress to their private meeting with @Sentus Olen. He looked down from his 9'10" vantage at his fellow advisor and decided he would begin first.
"Zakuul Gained its independence from the First Order and have prospered under your rule. The Scions may have put you on the throne, but you were not a puppet. You shouldered the responsibility of the Empress of Zakuul and have never been anything less to them. Zakuul wanted independence and you were the lynchpin to make that happen."

He placed a giant fist on his chest, "Time is the most valuable commodity granted to any being in the galaxy. When you give your time to a cause you are giving that portion of your life to that cause. And Zakuul has not been ignorant of the time you have given. And with more time nobody would be able to ignore that the Empress of Zakuul is indeed the heart of Zakuul itself no matter her past."
He knew only too well the value of time... After losing hundreds of years of his own life wasting away in the belly of a drifting prison ship.

"I encourage the Empress to stay strong. Under her rule Zakuul has gained some forward momentum into a bright future. But if the First Order is allowed to retake Zakuul, that prosperity will move backwards and be lost. The love of your family extends to you alone, they do not care for Zakuul or the fact that you are in a position of power. I encourage the Empress to consider what it would mean for her if she were to go with them and leave Zakuul behind."

He looked at Sentus Olen.
"As far as this meeting goes. The first words set the tone for the whole discussion. And I do not approve that the first words to start this meeting were filled with venom, and from one of our own."

Over all he did not see much hope for the galaxy if those present at the meeting were the voices of reason in it. His own ideals seeming to be confirmed by every second he spent listening to them mix their personal lives with politics. And the sith emperor and the leaders of the First Order were guilty of this as well, if they truly intended to attack a whole planet just to kill its one and only Empress over a personal vendetta. The galaxy was truly in Chaos... And it seemed nobody was capable of bringing order.

He smirked to himself, "The Mandalorians... Your niece... Says that she refuses to aid you just because you are family. She says she cannot lead her people to fulfil her personal desires... Yet she is willing to turn right around and support the personal desires of the Empire and First Order out of their "Alliance". And the emperor himself is moving his fleets and armies to fulfill his personal goal of attacking you. I say that is Hypocrisy, and she needs to be made aware of it. I was under the belief that family was the strongest bond of a Mandalorian, and they are willing to break that bond for an alliance."

It seemed to him that the Mandalorians of this age have forgotten their codes and honor. If an ally attacked a brother, then all of Mandalore would be called to his defense and damn any alliance. The Mandalorians shouldn't even have to think about this. The niece, Yasha, her Aunt is in Danger, shouldn't her honor bring her to her defense?
The galaxy had changed during his exile... It needed to be remade.

Thom Naudir

Sentus followed [member="Kay Arenais"] and [member="Kuxtal"] to the corner of the room, his arms hanging loosely at his side. He glanced back at the Mandalorians as they departed from the room, his eyes watching the agitated way they moved. Predators that had been brought out of their civility and their true selves and intentions laid bare. His words had been harsh, critical and possibly unwise, though it had gotten the response he had been expecting. He had noted from the moment the Mandalorians had entered the room they stood against what was to be asked here this day. They had covered their intentions and feelings with clever words, called out their family bonds in greeting and unity but it had all been for show. When the time came, it seemed they were not ready to pack up their own words.

As Kuxtal began to speak, and criticized him, he could not help the smile that crossed his face briefly. "By your own words, you have reinforced what I have said, just in a different way. Those that came here this day come not in the light of family, but in the twilight of a setting age. The loyalty and honor of the Clans has begun to falter in the face of the growing Sith threat. They have their words, clearly, but their actions fall short of their claims and threats. I regret what I said, but I stand by it. I hope that we can achieve what we came here for this day, and that I am proven to be nothing but an uncouth outsider who knows nothing, but I do not hold out hope given what I have seen." Sighing, Sentus folded his arms across his chest, the blue short cape over his right shoulder shifting for a moment to reveal several hidden blades and a small blaster pistol there. He had not come wanting a fight, but to show up unprepared for one was a foolish endeavor.

"As for the other matter, Empress, I can not truly say for certain. I would say all that has been done on Zakuul should not be abandoned. Hope has been returned to those in need, and the injustice of the First Order righted." He caught himself in the moment, pausing briefly as he mentioned the First Order. The emotional scars of what he went through in those days were still fresh in his mind, but he could not let them dominate his actions in the present. For the good of the billions on Zakuul, and the royal family he had come to respect, he could do no less.

"However, as it stands we do not have the military might to defend ourselves against the full weight of the galaxy arrayed against us. If you command it I shall hold the line until my last breath, but it would truly be my, and millions of others last. I could wage a campaign to defend those in need for a time, but it would be in vain. Perhaps, for the greater good of those on Zakuul, a...regrouping is necessary. Should you abdicate the throne of Zakuul and depart the world, our foes may look more kindly on those you have sworn to protect. Thousands may still perish, but millions could be saved in the exchange. And while we are gone, we rebuild. We rally those to our banner that will stand against the darkness and hypocrisy of this galaxy. I can give no other suggestions other than these, my Empress." With his peace said Sentus bowed his head to the two, taking a slight step backwards as he waited to see what they had to say.
Tags: [member="Kuxtal"] [member="Sentus Olan"] [member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Kay Arenais"] [member="Auburn Sioda"] [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] [member="Kaine Australis"]
Fleet: Mors Classemque(Death Fleet) in BIO at bottom
Location: Meeting room
Squad: 10 Mandos

Adenn sat quietly as others spoke, when Yasha spoke about Sentus, he felt himself nodding along. The man deserved to be hit in the face, hard. Then she went on about sacrifice and for Zakuul, how she couldn't ask that of her people. While Adenn didn't believe the whole of Mandalore should sacrifice so, he also believed that they were more than willing to do what they had to, even if it was 'only' the Mand'alor telling them to do so. At the same time, Adenn recognized that Yasha was right, if Kay had gone to Mandalorian space, there wouldn't be this conundrum. Alongside that, the so called prophecy about her stabilizing the region, Adenn didn't believe it. Then again, he never believed in much from the Force, only that it made his enemies more powerful, and thus harder to kill, sometimes.

Aside from her, Kaine and Aditya also spoke, but the entire time Adenn was silent. He'd let them talk, while he'd talk later. Then she called for a 30 minute recess, with Yasha and Kaine leaving back to their ship, while Aditya asked for a few minutes to talk with Kay. Nodding his head, Adenn stood with her and went to Kay, standing off to the side, listening but again, not commenting. But what Aditya says reveals many things that Adenn didn't know prior to then, though Adenn understood why such things would be kept under wraps. When Aditya is having some trouble speaking, Adenn takes a step closer to her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, letting her know he's there for her. Then she seemed finished and turned to him, with Adenn wrapping an arm around her. She was hungry, good because the food there wasn't going to eat itself.

While most of the Mandalorians left, Adenn and his soldiers stayed within the room, though Adenn was focused on Aditya and not Kay and her advisers. He led Aditya towards the food area and made a grand gesture towards it.
"Food galore here c'yare, and it's not going to eat itself. So fill yer boots." He's smiling behind his helmet, but it's a sad smile. Adenn pulls a chair closer and offers it to her for her to sit, then calls a waiter over to see to her every need. "Aditya, I'd love to help you at the moment, but I should go see that Kay or her advisers do anything stupid. Specifically Sentus, the di'kut who spoke against the Mando'ade so." Leaning to Aditya, Adenn hugs her closely before holding her at arms reach, hands on her shoulders. "C'yare, I love you. I'll be back soon enough, for now I need to go work." He keldabe kisses her before letting go and turning to Kay and the advisers.

That done, Adenn goes towards Kay, Sentus, and Kuxtal, eyes steely, and with a heart of stone. When he walked over, he was already filled in to the entire conversation, having had an ear on it through the nearby Clan Mortui guard. These people truly didn't understand Mandalorians or their ways, it was a shame as much as an insult. That's why the first thing Adenn did upon reaching the group was tsk, he tsked them for their ignorance as much as lack of vision. Then he spoke, his voice even, but filled with conviction.
"It seems you don't truly understand Mandalorians. We are warriors, farmers, soldiers, and scholars, that and so much more. As Mandalorians we look out for one another, we look out for family and the ones who look out for us, those focused on the whole of the Mando'ade." turning his head to Kuxtal, Adenn kept speaking. "Family is the strongest bond of the Mando'ade, however it also requires that all sides give, not just one give and the other take." He turned his head to Sentus then. "You're right, the EEoZ as it stands isn't strong enough to stand on its own, that's why it's not a wise idea to insult the ones who could just as easily destroy you as aid you."

Sighing then, Adenn looked them all over before speaking once more.
"It seems you all don't know what it really is to be a Mandalorian. It is to give up the self and work and fight for the whole. It is to fight to be remembered for ones actions, but not to betray family in the process. To betray family is to be dar'manda, to have lost ones very soul. As such, seeing that the Mando'ade are one massive family, to go against them is to betray family." Adenn shook his head then, in disappointment. "You have brought up valid things, but from your point of view. Take a look at all this from the Mandalorian side, you'll find then that it's not so black and white." Turning his head to Kay, Adenn sighed again. "I apologize in advance Kay, but the following has to be said."

"Take the following from a Mandalorians viewpoint, specifically from the leadership. We have given much to Kay, Kaine lost most of his power in saving her, the Mand'alor fought Carnifex for Kay, Ambrose risked his life to keep Kay company in prison, while I risked my life and the lives of my soldiers to break her out. Yes, Morcus helped out, but it was my men and I who charged into the complex itself. Mind you this is mostly recent, I haven't gone into anything predating 5-7 years. In comparison, what has Kay or the EEoZ done in return for all this. From the Mandalorian viewpoint, nothing. Especially in direct regard to Kay. The one thing that Yasha wanted was for her Aunt to come home, to be safe and sound in a secure place, near family and friends. Instead, she goes off and becomes the Empress of Zakuul, creates her own faction, and doesn't so much as send anyone to tell her family of what had happened. That's not how one should treat family, especially family where they have sacrificed so much."

Looking heavenward, Adenn shook his head slowly before returning his gaze to them and continuing.
"You say we have refused her aid, that our loyalty and honor is faltering. It's not, not in the slightest, simply there is nothing indicating that the aid that has been given is appreciated. While what you claim about your actions here are correct, that doesn't give you the right to judge others who have given so much, for so little return." Shaking his head again, Adenn let out a long breath. "While you may argue that family gives and shouldn't expect anything in return, there is a point where too much has been given for too little return. Especially if what is returned is trouble. Do you think that Yasha, Kaine, or anyone else who is close with Kay enjoys making these decisions? They don't, but the dangers inherent in continued support is enough to give many pause, and Yasha as Mand'alor should focus on the whole, not simply herself and her clan. We may be a family, vode an(brothers all), but not every Mandalorian supports Kay, nor does every Mandalorian support the Jedi or Sith in what they do. The group is made up of individuals, and to sacrifice what they want and need is to go against what it is to be Mand'alor. So Kays niece is doing what is right and just for Mandalorians. Would you enjoy sending your family to their deaths in a war they have little to no interest in, much less a wish to join?"

Sighing once more, letting out a long weary breath, Adenn spoke again.
"The truth hurts, but it has to be said. Now, with that out of the way, on to what can be done. No matter what Kay does, the people will no doubt suffer from one group or another, it simply depends on how much they suffer. You could fight until the last soldier, but then the civilians would suffer for your defiance. Or you could retreat and regroup, deigning to strike back at a later date. There are more options, anything from feigning Kays death and having a ruler elected on Zakuul, to pretending to have more allies than one does, in the hopes of holding the enemy at bay. Then there is the option that the Mand'alor and her riduur(husband) offer, sanctuary and safety in Mandalorian space for Kay and family. It's all up to you and what you will do, but know this, it's not all black and white, there are more angles to this than you would expect." Adenn swept his gaze over them all once more, awaiting their response. Yes it was heavy handed on defense of the Mandalorians, but he was a Mandalorian, it was to be expected. At the same time, Adenn knew what he said was true, and he was fully confident in that. that's why as he stood there, Adenn merely crossed his arms over his chest, waiting to hear their take on what he'd said.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

[member="Kuxtal"] spoke up first. In a way she had figured that [member="Sentus Olan"] would, but regardless she listened to his points. Kay wasn't the one that brough Zakuul their freedom. That happened with the collapseof the First Order. Once that occured, the people looked to their Scions for direction and it was them that saw their visions and brought her in. She dealt with the aftermath, doing what she could to try to gain trade agreements, alliances and to help the planet to thrive. But she hadn't been able to go that far yet. There had been too many attacks and threats on her to be able to get anything tangible going.

Nodding after Kuxtal finished, she looked to Sentus as he gave her his opinions. His vantage point was that of the military, so he was thinking in regards to strategy on the battlefield. They weren't strong enough, they weren't ready. In his own way he was giving out the same advice that [member="Kaine Australis"] had done. She couldn't go on this way.

Kay gave him a nod, only then to find [member="Adenn Kyramud"] was there beside them. She hadn't invited him, yet there he was all the same. Some people might of gotten after him for that, but...he was family and he had done much for herself and Zakuul already. So he had the right to join the conversation.

His words were harsh, but eloquent in manner so they were not offensive but true in the way that he saw it all. Kay had always valued people with different perspectives as it gave her different ways to look at any situation. And she needed that when it came to making such big decisions.

"Adenn...When I ruled Commenor, I did what I could for Mandalore, sending supplies and technologies to help rebuild after invasions. I didn't have the military might to go to war. It'd leave my own planet unprotected. What I had hoped to gain here was the same thing, to offer supplies and aid, only this time it was to add the military to that as well. But....I realize that this situation is entirely different..."

Kay closed her eyes for a moment in a bid to collect her thoughts. "I can't sacrifice the lives of so many innocent people for the sake of some vision and for my pride. It's not right. And it's not fair to anyone, including those that I love the most." This was probably the biggest mess that she had ever been in. She couldn't recall having this many people gunning for her head. And so many would suffer if she made the wrong choice.

She looked to each of them in turn as she spoke. "Thank you for your opinions and advice. I'll be taking all of it into consideration. I have a few minutes left before I'm due to speak with my niece. If you'll all excuse me, I'm going to spend those minutes alone. You'll know of my decision after I see her." Kay bowed her head to them and then turned on her heel. The powder room was nearby and that's exactly where she was headed. None of the men would follow her in there. She was safe from their prying eyes for a time.

Once inside she closed the door and walked over to the counter, staring at her reflection in the mirror as she leaned her hands on the smooth surface. Fake her death? She couldn't do that. Veiere would know. Their Force Bond would ensure that. Unless of course she became Force dead. But how would that protect her from the Sith? From Prazutis? From Tacitus? It would only leave her more vulnerable. Yet she couldn't just up and leave Zakuul either. Giving up her crown would be exactly that. They needed to retreat. But how? How to do it and still hold their dignity? There was the option of giving the power back to the Scions, and to have Kay 'go on a quest' as it were, to a faraway land, all to bring about a better future for them. She could maintain her position as ruler but during her absence the Scions would handle all of the direct affairs of Zakuul, just as they did before she was freed from prison. Maybe that could work? Regardless of what she chose and of where she chose to go, the news would spread quickly and she'd anger people with it. How bad would those consequences be?

Very soon she'd find out. [member="Yasha Cadera"] was going to find out. And boy was Kay going to need a lot of tea!
What're you gonna do? Kill me?
“Yes… y-yes I suppose you’re… yes, you’re right.” [member="Tamar Fitz Kierke"] relaxed visibly, running a serviette upon her mouth to clean up the chocolate there, and bending down to get within eye level of Leddie.

“Alright sweetie. Let’s go find some, eh? N-no, if… if they’d needed me they’d chime. Kaine’s got a legion of medics and doctors on standby for her, especially now. It’ll… it’ll be fine.” Yes, with a bit of positivity, and some common sense prevailing, the Mandalorians and the Eternals could figure all this out. That left the biggest issue: finding the appropriate treat.

“Thank you, c’yare.” Tamar hugged Mig tight, clinging to whisper in his ear. Her belly still flipped round when she called him an endearing term, so delighted she was by his company. Even more delighted than her previous restraint!

“Do you not worry that asking for too much help in their youth will create lazy and unfocused citizens? This… sharing of resources is so different to Panatha. My granddaughter speaks of sharing resources with her vode, and it quite took me some length of time to understand it. I suppose your death rate is much lower, then?” What was a week without a good Panathan funeral?

“Ah! Tamar, there you are, good girl. Stop hanging off the engineer, darling, it does not become a Fitz Kierke to appear overtly affectionate in public.” Ada reared her greying head, guiding [member="Auburn Sioda"] side by side. “Queen Auburn, please do make the acquaintance of a most curious happenstance. This is Tamar. She was a breeding slave of House Zambrano, before being gifted to House Fitz-Kierke for the weaning and care of Adara. A most fortuitous transfer of help. Oh, and you should love this part, your Highness, Yasha freed her. Just as she freed Baiko! Isn’t it exhilarating? Tamar, dear. Do be a comfort to an old woman and direct us to the nearest… fried dough establishment. This poor Domhandan Monarch has yet to attempt the scrumptious plebeian treat of.. doughnuts. Tut tut, you can hang off Alor Gred later. And if he really wishes to cling on, a dowry can always be arranged.”

Pursing her lips, Ada smirked at her joke, considering herself clever and witty as Tamar scrunched up her face and paled.

“Actually, Lady Ada, we were all going for sweets ourselves. You may follow in my footsteps, if you are desperate enough.” Taking Mig’s arm, Tamar squeezed tight, signalling ‘heeeelp’ with her fingers in front of her body, away from Ada’s view.


All these people and their excuse is ‘the mystic magic made me do it’. Might sound odd for a magically resurrected woman to belittle the mysticism known as Force-Worship, but I’m a scientist so give me a minute.

I’ve worked since breathing again to figure out the science, to stopper on death not by some transference of soul, but by energetic exchange. It can be done and someday I’ll do it.

“Alright, then. You do that, and I can hope that the value she’s placed on you is worthwhile.” I’ll prove that death and its’ bastion in the religious is as outdated as political lines.

[member="Adenn Kyramud"] swings in, savour of my poor empty belly. Hah! Empty… that’s a good one. He seems less joyful now than when we started, and I wish I’d gotten that moment in private to fill him in on what changed. Next time I’ll hack is helmet and force him to listen before we trot on.

“Oh happy, happy days are here again. I’ll fill more than my boots, c’yare.” My hand drifts to his chestplate, the other crawling up behind his neck to pull him in for another keldabe kiss. His arms around my waist feel like a brand of heaven I never got to in my time on the other side. A constant flutter in my belly bringing me to love it. “Baby, I know. You go do what Mandos do. I’ll do what pregnant lovers do, and avail myself of the buffet in a shameless and gluttonous manner.”

Needed to be said! Did that guy seriously think the first words out of his mouth in a negotiation could be an insult to everyone else in it, and it ‘needed to be’ that way? Still, doesn’t seem like Kay has as much support as she counted on. While I am no Mandalorian, my Mandalorian beau is real enough. With a shake of my head, I enlist one of the Mortui soldiers to help me fill my plate and cup, then sit down and tug another chair over with my foot, kicking off my shoes one at a time and tucking both feet up onto the other chair.

If I’m not seeing Yasha writhe in pain, I can at least be as comfortable as possible for the both of us. The food sings on my tongue, a chorale to taste-buds I’ve missed out on for too long. I dig in, and yeah it might seem like an odd thing to do, shoes off, tucking into a banquet while everywhere else proverbially burns down, but if there’s a lesson in my life it’s take care of yourself when you can.

Nobody needs me right now, but Adenn. Here, surrounded by Clan Mortui, I’m learning to like it. To be thankful for the familiar scuffs on the individual sets of armour, the way they all stand in a slightly different way.

Adenn throttles the aruetiise with a devastating barrage and I can’t help seeing him more clearly. How’d I come across a good man in a universe falling through the seams of several gravitic fissures? Sort of man who doesn’t scream awake with nightmares every night, someone I can relax with, without concern for whether something will make him tweak. My hand presses on my belly, feeling one of the trips roiling around in there.

Life. I can feel it now, gladly displaying my condition in utter defiance to my pre-Praz state. [member="Kay Arenais"] walks out, and old me would have followed her, but the fried porg is dang tasty and I don’t feel like putting my shoes back on. What I do feel like is an urge to check in on my daughter.

Which… uuuugh. I do through my son-in-law, Mr. Older-than-I-Am [member="Kaine Australis"].

‘How’s our patient? Adenn’s letting the aruetiise have it. And yeah, I know the word. Make something of it and I’ll spit in your stim-caf someday. Do I need to buy Yash more time before the meeting resumes?’ Message sent, I lean back with a small plate of cheescake and other delicacies of the dessert variety.

“Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwblessmeandkeepmeyesssssss.” The chocolate brownie… dang whoever made it, for what seventeen of them are going to do to my thighs!

[member="Sentus Olan"] [member="Kuxtal"] [member="Kay Arenais"]
The Mand’alor cried into her husband’s hand, until Doc Allard slipped something extra into her IV.

“Have to save her… I’m selfish, Kain’ik… I don’t want to pay any more prices in blood.” In the fugue state of her injuries, Yasha succumbed to the ministrations of Doc and riduur. “Just have to… to hold on. Get back in my armour…”

She tried to sit up, pushed down by Ambrose’s heavy fisted hand.

“You’re not moving, pup. Not until Doc clears it. Doc?”

“Working on it, give me more than two minutes, please. How about ten? Ten’s a nice round number. Ask me in ten.” Doc flung himself around the medical suite, treating Yasha with doses of the analgesic drugs and amino acid compounds, which could regrow and fortify muscle fibres and tissues lost on Orinda, and her Master Shaper Vongformed surgery not two days before.

“I can do it…” Yasha gasped hoarsely, reaching unsuccessfully for a water glass. “Get… get me back in my armour. I can talk to her again. Make her see reason…”

Head falling back onto the medibed pillow, Yasha’s eyes rolled back. Her Kain’ik had this situation in his mind. He knew her wishes, the desires for home. As Yasha laid back, she tugged her left forearm over her eyes, rubbing at her temples.

“Just get me moving, Doc. I’ll be fine, just tired. Kain’ik’s right, I’m close to home, and when this is done I’ll go back to rest… do you think she ever would, Kaine? Do you think Aunt Kay would ever come home? Never wanted Mandalore to feel like a prison, but maybe… maybe.” Yasha cuddled her cheek into Kaine’s hand as she curled up on her left shoulder, the recuperating right up for the doctors to access. Pale skin hung on her muscular frame, eyes shifting shut for a few minutes of restorative sleep.

“Wake me in time to wear my armour. Kain'ik? Thank you. What you did in there, I know... I know how hard it is and... I'm proud of you, c'yare.”

Doc Allard glanced up at Kaine, a clear concern on his face: The armour… the danged armour was what prevented her from healing at a faster rate. He was too exhausted to complain about its’ weight, but maybe if Kaine said it… Ambrose cleared his throat, and Allard knew any derision was useless.

“… Elek, Mand’alor.”

Auburn Sioda

Banr� on na Anam, Rialaitheoir Dóiteáin
Auburn smile grew as Ada brought up her planet. "Yes... Domhanda has provided for us all we have ever needed, and since the Return, we have been very careful to not take more than we need from her. The ecosystem is... fragile, and we fear one wrong move could kill our beloved planet once more." Sitting down next to Ada, Auburn continued eating her ice cream. Humming in thought at Ada's question about the Anam death rate, the Queen slowed in her eating.

"Quite low, actually. We're a long-lived race compared to others in the galaxy, and on average live to be about 200 years. Give or take a few decades depending on the individual's health and habits. I believe the oldest Anam ever recorded lived to be 246, before she died of natural causes. As for being lazy and unfocused? Only those who cannot fend for themselves are truly coddled. All must earn their share, whether by gathering food, chores for the children, and other activities. As children, we are encouraged to seek things we enjoy, whether that be the arts, agriculture, hunting, or something else, and pursue it with all we have and are."

Auburn looked up in surprise as Ada spoke to a dark-skinned woman, and was guided along curiously. She smiled and nodded slightly in greeting to [member="Tamar Fitz Kierke"] and [member="Mig Gred"]. A polite smile was plastered upon her face as Ada spoke of Tamar being a former slave, and Tamar's rebellion was clear to the queen. A hum came from Auburn as she turned her head to speak to Ada.

"I do believe these two are courting, why don't we leave them be? Love birds are terribly hard to separate, you know. I'm sure you know this ship well enough to find one of these doughnut establishments without her." Auburn silently prayed she had stroked Ada's ego enough for the woman to leave the poor lovebirds alone.

[member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

The time was now.

Kay composed herself, being sure that she looked better than she felt before she stepped out of the powder room. Her eyes searched, looking about for [member="Yasha Cadera"] or even [member="Kaine Australis"] , yet neither were there. Perhaps they were at their ship.

Not wanting to disturb anyone, Kay approached one of [member="Adenn Kyramud"] 's men and asked to be escorted to Yasha's ship. If either [member="Sentus Olan"] or [member="Kuxtal"] looked her way, she'd shake her head a bit, hoping that that would indicate that she didn't want them to follow her. It was time that she spoke with her niece and come to an agreement. With the advice and opinions of so many, they all shared one certain aspect. So that would have to be the first to be addressed. The rest would just fall in place afterwards.

It didn't take too long before she was taken on board, no weapons hidden on her person. She didn't pack them anyways. There was no need for her to when her trust in her family was still strong.

"Ambrose?...Yasha?...Kaine?...I'm here." No doubt the call had gone out ahead to let them know, but she felt compelled to just announce herself anyways.

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