Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dough or Doughnut; There Is No Try

The melange of sedatives and barbiturates Doc provided snowed Yasha under long enough for the medical team to work. Neither patient nor doctors had experience in the integration of Vong biotes in an Epicanthix patient. Nothing to cling to for treatment’s sake but the chart notes given to them by Kaine Zambrano.

“Far as we can tell the biot is raiding the infected tissues in Yasha’s right arm. It’s equalizing, the biot is saving her, but she needs more than twenty hours since surgery to recoup. If she had a few days...” Doc Allard grit his teeth as he followed behind [member="Kaine Australis"], his staff rustling around cleaning up and tending to the space Yasha was laid. Deep brown eyes bored into Kaine’s face. “Tell me it was worth the stims we used to get her in there. Tell me you made one heck of a point to Arenais.”

From the grim set of Kaine’s jaw, Allard got his answer. He swore and grabbed another stim injection from his kit, prepping it for the inevitable.

“Her heart is strong enough to take it.” There was a thinly veiled ‘but’ residing behind Doc’s words. A set of rules he played in his head. His eyes flickered to Ambrose. “Half an hour? Twenty more minutes... elek.”

He set the stim on the nightstand, leaving the room to give Yasha and Kaine some space. She stirred after fifteen minutes, clumsy lips calling for her armour once more.

Kaine’s answer brought her veering toward a clearer consciousness.

“I won’t be coddled. Ambrose get my armour. I can do this, just a little longer. One more push.” Yasha shook her head and rubbed at her temples in an attempt to clear the sedate fog. Bleary amber eyes searched the bright for Kaine, face wincing at the illumination levels.

“If we can’t convince her to leave Zakuul until his rage pours over, he’ll tear worlds down for the chance to fire. It’s her life, Kain’ik. I can be uncomfortable for Aunt Kay’s life.” Yet, the attempt to sit herself up faltered. Yasha grunted and slid against the headboard. Kaine’s no buffeted along her side. “... Kaine. I have to get up.”

She tried once more, reaching awkwardly for the hypo stim sitting on her nightstand.

“Kay is on her way.” Ambrose rushed the nightstand and took the stim out of reach, giving it to Kaine.

“Kaine... please. At least the stim and my armourweave. It’s Kay. I have to be at my best, c’yare.”

Ambrose ran out of the room, chasing down the corridors to intercept [member="Kay Arenais"].

“Kay.” Rushing to her, the human-appearing gurlanin wrapped an arm around her shoulders and brought her through to the Mand’alor’s Suite. White marble coated the corridor inside the elaborate and luxurious apartment in the Never Again, children’s’ bedrooms and other areas gleaned over for Yasha’s private space. Doc Allard was gesticulating wildly in haggard argument with Yasha’s Guard Tuulu, and two Mandalorian medics. “Yasha will try to get up. Don’t let her. Maybe... maybe she’ll listen to you... Kay I hope you know... if it wasn’t for knowing how poorly you’d take it, I’d... it doesn’t matter. They’re trying to save you. That matters.”

Ambrose waited, before taking Kay into Yasha’s room, where she sat up in her bed, skin pale as the bandages which wrapped around her right arm and shoulder. Normally vibrant amber eyes were covered by her visor, which shielded them from the light. Raven hair braided out of her face, Yasha reached out with her left hand.

“Kay... it looks... I’ve been in worse shape.” Without the Wolf helm to translate from Mando’a and Epicant, Yasha’s thick Panathan accent peppered in her Basic. “Why... why won’t you come home?”
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Leddie jumped around in excitement as [member="Tamar Fitz Kierke"] said she'd help them find some sweets, and Mig nodded as she said that Yasha and Kaine would be ok. Mig then blushed lightly when Tamar called him c'yare, causing Ilik to let out a hint of a chuckle as he lifted up his daughter, placing her on his shoulders. Mig shrugged off the old man's laugh and focused on Tamer.

"No problem, Ner Kar'ta (my heart)." He did get a bit embarrassed at using the phrase, but it did mean a bit more to him. It was what his father would call him and Liddin's mother when talking about her, and it just felt right to him to say it. He would hug her back before hearing someone else come up. It was Ada Fitz Kierke, and it became pretty clear why Tamar had been hiding. He hadn't wanted to push much on Tamar's past until she was ready to tell him, but Ada really didn't seem to mind telling everyone. He looked at her, tilting his head. He was about to speak before hearing [member="Auburn Sioda"] speak. He'd never met the woman in person, but was happy to hear her side with them, even if he was now blushing a bit.

"Um... Thank you your highness. You're right."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

Kay was surprised to see that it was Ambrose that got to her first, though some part of her wasn't. She let herself be guided by him, her eyes taking in the luxury of Never Again. Was this her niece's flagship?

Her eyes fell to the Doc as he argued with the others. What was going on here? At least it was something to keep her distracted from everything else. Kay raised a brow as it was mentioned that she'd take something poorly. "What do you mean? ...I suppose we'll talk about it later. In the meantime, I'll do my best to ensure that she doesn't get up."

Just how wounded was [member="Yasha Cadera"] ? As far as Kay could guess from her movements in the meeting, it was just her arm. But it'd only be a matter of seconds before she found out.

And then she saw her....

Yasha looked weak and barely alive, her skin lacking the colour of health. Kay had seen her out of armour before, wearing a beautiful gown at a ball. And now? Oh why didn't she just send [member="Kaine Australis"] or even Ambrose in her stead for this meeting? Or at the very least have it post poned?

She glanced over to Kaine briefly before making her way over to her niece, slipping her hand within Yasha's and giving it a gentle squeeze. With her other hand she stroked her forehead gently, moving away some wisps of her hair. "Oh Yasha...I'm as stubborn as I am a tea drinker...I thought that I was being of some help and was out of reach of my enemies." Kay let out a soft sigh. "But I was wrong. Running from my problems has only made them worse. I am going to go home--to your home. I just need to pack up some things and figure out just what I'm going to tell the populace of Zakuul. Abandoning them wouldn't be right. Yet our forces aren't strong enough to beat those that threaten us." She clenched her jaw. Veiere wasn't going to like this decision of hers either. But it seemed as though wherever she went, her enemies struck. "Whether this is how the region becomes stabilized, I don't know. But I certainly didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry. Can you forgive your stubborn ol' Aunt?"
Kuxtal nodded to the empresses descision and let her be as she went her own way. He would support her descision no matter what she chose. But what he thought of the First Order or any sith empire was still set by what he witnessed in the times of the galactic Empire under Palpatine. He didn't want to see the people of Zakuul suffer under that weight of tyranny. But he did trust that Zakuul, now having a taste of independence, would want it again when the yoke was once again placed on their shoulders.

He turned to [member="Sentus Olan"] and smiled down at him apologetically.
"I realize our views on the subject are similar. And I apologize for calling you out, Sentus. Though I still maintain that our image suffered for opening the commerce with accusations. It set the tone for the rest of the discussion, creating a hostile air as we've both seen."
He bowed his head to him, "But again, I apologize for calling you out in front of the Empress. It was uncalled for."

With that he took his leave of Sentus. He saw [member="Kay Arenais"] making her way to the Never Again and understood her nod and intention, deciding to not follow her. Instead he went by himself to await the end of the thirty minute recess. He found a couch in an area outside of the conference room that could support his weight and sat down. He removed his holoterminal from its sheath at his side and busied himself with more research.

While he worked he thought long and hard about what had transpired so far. He could see what kind of decision Kay would most likely take for Zakuul. She would most likely choose the bath of least resistance, which would mean the least violence and the least death. That was her prerogative. And for her goal it was indeed the best option, though for her sake he really wished she didn't have to give up her throne and rule.

She was a kind ruler who cared for the people under her... But circumstances wouldn't allow her an opportunity to express that to anyone... And unfortunately not even to her family. She would lose her rule to save lives... So she would not be able to save the galaxy...

He continued to work on his portable terminal, the holo-screen floating in front of him while he input queries and checked sources. Perhaps he would be able to do this in peace, but any interruption would be welcomed as well.

Thom Naudir

Sentus returned the brief bow to [member="Kuxtal"] as he departed, turning his full attention to [member="Adenn Kyramud"] as he approached. A frown crossed his face as the Mandalorian began another speech on the supposed failures and foolishness of his words and actions. In truth, their constant berating was alienating their cause to Sentus far more than helping it. He was one to understand when he was wrong and try to fix it, but when those he had wronged began to force their points of view down his throat in an attempt, in his eyes, to elevate themselves and appear superior. A few things said this time around however stood out to Sentus more than before.

"You are right, the Mandalorians could potentially wipe us out. However, I do not believe you military position is as powerful as you seem to believe it is. You have ties with the Sith Empire, true. Such ties would even protect my Empress should she decide to travel to your space. However, you have no such ties of allegiance from the other galactic powers. My Empress would simply be fleeing one threat, a theoretical one at that as the Sith have made no moves as of yet, to find herself surrounded by enemies that are not her own on three sides. She would flee to immediate safety, for a time, but staying in your space would be no guarantee of safety." As Sentus spoke he turned his body slightly, extending his hand to a staff member nearby who walked forward, extending two glasses to the two of them. Sentus took his own and handed the other to Adenn, taking a sip of the red liquid and sighing before continuing.

"Perhaps you are correct, my Empress has asked much, and received much from your people and her family without giving in return. Indeed, why should you all continue to go out of your way to help such a demanding and wanting member of your family without any evident proof of return? Well, you are a family, not a business." Sentus took another quick sip from his drink, wincing as the liquid burned its way down his throat. "I am a father. My eldest, a daughter, just turned eight. I love her without reservation or hesitation. If she asks for something, I do what I can and what is reasonable to grant it. She is my family, my own child. I give to her without asking in return because I love her as my family. Yes, the situations here are not entirely the same, but you can find the parallels if you do not rush to conclusions. Having a family means you must accept sacrifice. To love them, you must know that what you do may not always give you an immediate return, but in time you shall be rewarded for your care in them. Or your investment, depending on how you see it." Sentus paused after this last statement, staring into the distance as he finished the drink in his hand, extending it out to receive a refill.

"But, I would not wish for my daughter or son to take part in a war that is not their own. I would never force a war onto another. However, I would make the reasons for such a fight clear. Should they take up arms in the name of a cause they believe in, I would support my children. Even if I do not agree in the war itself. But even to this, there are limits. For a society to work and survive, the individuals must sacrifice parts of their freedom to the unified whole. I believe your peoples over reliance on individual freedom, while a strength for certain, will eventually be a determent to your nation. In times of strife and conflict, a single clear voice must be known, rather than that of the many dissenting views." Sentus rolled his head around his shoulders, groaning as a muscle popped in his neck. The day was proving to be more problematic than he had anticipated. The stress was starting to get to him.

"As for the people of Zakuul, you do not understand their loyalty to the Empress. They lived under the shackles of the First Order for years, slaves to their will. Now however, they know true freedom, equality, and justice. My Empress has brought them a new level of control over their own lives then they have known in centuries. Under her guidance, Zakuul has thrived. If she asked they would take up arms and fight for her to the end without question. I do not wish it, but if it came to such an event I myself would be by their sides. I would fight to the last breath with every person on Zakuul. Not just because the Empress asked it, not just because we believe in her. But for the things she has brought into our lives, and the change she stands for. I would give my life from the freedom and justice she champions, so that my own children will grow up in a better galaxy." Sentus himself sighed, turning to face Adenn fully this time. The arguments were not his best. But the day had been long and annoying thus far, and he did not have the time to prepare for anything better.
“It means, my platonic friend…” Ambrose stopped and took both of Kay’s shoulders in a fierce hold. “If anything happened to you, I’d burn planets to ash, then piss on the cinders… who else likes the same mystery books?”

How would [member="Ambrose Cadera"] get his Mrs. Mimsey’s Mysteries books if Kay wasn’t the one going to the Library!? He couldn’t get them himself! That would be preposterous! He followed behind her, through the massive double doors into Yasha’s most intimate space. There [member="Kaine Australis"] stood, a sentinel beside his wife, containing her desire to rise. To hide how desperately she needed to heal. Raw and revealed, the young woman attempted to close her fingers around Kay’s hand… but the strength to do so failed her.

“And you drink a lot of tea.” The hand Kay held trembled with an alien twitch. It was colder than it ought to be, fingers shifting in an odd pace. Yasha stuttered and cleared her throat, letting out a pained, but relieved cough.

“Aymdei, I miik i'ay…nnngh.” ‘Auntie I need you’. Yasha grit her teeth, her voice rising in pitch as another fluctuation of pain from the Vong biot’s extinguishing of infected tissue burned like the plasma on the surface of a dying star. Her body contorted, knees drawing closer to her chest as her shoulders sunk down. “Aymdei…” ‘Auntie’…

The way of the Yuuzhan Vong was the way of pain. Worship to their false gods a dominion of agony in the lives of the horrifically disfigured race. Yet, the Shaper from the Domain of Agony on Orinda, who died without name to put to disfigured face, knew their history, the lifeblood of the Domain could be salvaged.

And in the ultimate disgrace, in the dying moments of the Domain of Agony, which withheld hundreds of years in enemy territory unaided, the Shaper implanted the sum total genetic knowledge of her Domain into Yasha’s tissues. While the Vong biot she was implanted with by [member="Darth Carnifex"]’s Master Shaper on Helska made sense of infestation versus pure flesh, the Domain died a second death.

A death in excruciates. Death through pain of its’ host. She would pay for the death of the Domain, as she would be reborn and forever touched by the Yuzhaan Vong.

Yasha’s ribcage heaved as she cried out, biting her own tongue to stop the noise echoing out of her. ‘Shh. Quiet, Yaiya. Good girls stay silent.’ Aditya’s voice in her memory, condemning any vocalization in Yasha’s childhood with a penitently survivalist fervour.

‘Shhh. Survivors are silent. Warriors stay quiet.’

Bloodshot eyes searched the air for [member="Kay Arenais"]. A haggard throat babbled in half-words and mixed phrases in Epicant, driven by another wracking surge of pain as the biot did its’ work. Cleansing Yasha’s flesh by millimetres. A brief state of mere days before the recovery process concluded, it felt no less than millennia.

Shivering from every muscle in her body which still belonged to her, Yasha found her Aunt’s eyes. “It was worse under Kaas City, Aymdei… it was worse… where I saved you.”

Her Epicanthix mind flashed to a thousand images of Kaas City. Faces disfigured, bodies contorted in death knells. Dangers beaten, temporary allies created only to come to blows. Again, again. Again. The same man, who held her against himself to keep her body from succumbing to hypothermia was the man she beat down and was beaten by in the morning. She thundered with hammer and sword. Clawed with fingers and elbow-spikes. Lashed out, against the hateful Dark. Against the black waters. Against him. All silent, all insensible by the Force or mentalist-trained discernment.

How could Yasha answer the throbbing discontinuity in her own mind, when the two people who salvaged her the most since childhood were Kay Arenais and Kaine Zambrano? How did she rectify the two sides of her being: Mandalorian, and Panathan? In her adopted father [member="Gray Raxis"]’ name, she knew grace, honour and mercy. She knew the balm of Aunt Kay, the humour of Uncle [member="Darlyn Excron"], the delight of her cousin [member="Loreena Arenais"]. [member="Veiere Arenais"] was a constant unknown, the nebulous Uncle she’d met only by reputation and report.

On the other, Yasha was of House Fitz-Kierke. The first Fitz-Kierke to take her first breath on foreign soil. Mandalorian soil. Her House went back to time immemorial, worshipping the gods and keeping the traditions of Qocia, the Holy City for longer than the Zambranos’ tempestuous rule. She was the Scion of a tradition dating before Magnus Zambrano, the Arch-King. Priest & Priestesses. Confidantes. Aristocrats, who played well the gamble of survival in shiftings of regimes. The pure-blooded young thing, who first saw Darth Carnifex again at age 12, draped in her first Beskar’gam holding Ra’s spear. She stood proudly, too young to realize what the meeting begat, when she spoke in Epicant. A flimsy recognition of the God-King from her mother [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"]’s stories.

‘If Kaine Frik-ing Zambrano can git his backside out of here, Yaiya… so can you. Y’hear me, little one? Kaine Zambrano got out of the Netherworld, we watched him do it… so there’s a way out… there’s a way out… oh baby don’t cry, gods please don’t cry… Mama’s… Mama’s gonna git you out, just like he did… how’d he do it? How’d… how’d he do it?’ Clutched to her mother’s chest, stories of the God-Kings and their House’s past were Yasha’s lullabies. A continued anthem as she grew on Mandalore, the abandoned child. Yet, she was abandoned no more the day she stood beside the Undying, mostly silent and attempting to learn diplomacy. Carnifex followed her development, sensing a child of Home. Panatha would rule, tangentially, over the Sith Empire and the Mandalorians, however contested she was.

Where his cruelty knew no boundaries to the Galaxy, Yasha saw the side relegated only to those useful to him. Those, whose tasks enriched the Homeland and the Whole. While Yasha realized the Dark Lord was a master of manipulations and the art of using only that which was useful, she also knew him to stay his hand. To calculate and decipher. He required the Mandalorians to halt any attempt to fire, and thus, there was peace between them. And now he warned her, before coming down hard on her family. There was no mercy in him for others, but the courtesy for the Infernal.

“We love you. Even if you do run really, really fast. I’m… I’m scared of losing you. I can’t lose you, Kay… You, Caz and Kain’ik are the only ones who keep me remotely facing the Light. Not many are strong enough to take the enemies on. Do we have to die for it?” Two sides in one woman. Conflicting, bold. Each with their call on her heart and mind. Yasha slumped back against the headboard, pain cessated for the moment. An olive green film slicked across her right shoulder, tiny threads of chitin beginning to grow crab-like around the pink skin.

“Of-of c-course I d-do. I forgive you… if you’ll forgive me for what I had to do.”
“If your concern is with a fragile ecosystem, you must get my granddaughter out of her armour and into her botany laboratory. Her favourite past time is terraforming, ecological rejuvenation and botany. She’s revived three planets so far in her career herself, and more with the help of her teams. You know, I often tell Yasha to forego this tawdry Mandalorian business and be a botanist and ecological scientist full time. It clearly makes her far more contented. And I could get the poor thing in dresses. Oh how I long to dress her appropriately.” Ada slapped the back of her hand on her forehead, taking the strain of a Grandmother whose Granddaughter galloped around the universe in armour reminiscent of some form of jackal-headed wolfgirl instead of properly adorned.

“Ah! Another commonality betwixt our races, then. Epicanthix are longer lived than humans, or we would be if we didn’t keep killing each other or going to war. Domhanda does sound the most lovely place, your Highness. You should be very proud.” Ada patted [member="Auburn Sioda"]’s arm and did not quite understand why the gentleman with Tamar seemed so unlikely to survive the temperatures. His skin was going red! Did he have a medical problem!? “Oh my dear, I am well gifted but directions conspire against me… does courting mean ‘takes their sweet time’ in your language, too? This… business of it… when I was the age of maturity, my first husband was chosen for me that week! This… courting is something beyond my understanding. Not that it isn’t nice to see a youth smile, but pip pip. Aditya tried to explain it to me once, but my goodness how difficult a thing! It’s clear they enjoy each other! I’m a bored old woman, and I want to plan a wedding. We missed Yasha’s with those simple Mandalorian customs of ‘you say this, I say that, congratulations’. Unless I could find a husband for my daughter Peggy… oh but he’d have to be deaf to put up with her, she does make such a racket…”

Tamar gasped as Ada spoke nonchalant about her status before Mandalorian salvation made her free. Wide, vulnerable eyes flicked from Ada to [member="Mig Gred"], before Tamar cast her chin down in self-reproach.

Breeding slave. The realities of her life were open, what else were the words ‘wet nurse’ supposed to mean, if the nurse in question wasn’t a new mother? How could a wet nurse feed her charges without her own whisked away before an attachment could form?

“I… I’m Yasha’s sister now… she… said the words and… and you, Grandma, are impossible!” Fists clenched at her sides, Tamar pursed her lips. “And we’re getting sweets! The doughnut shop is over there, with… the sign shaped like a pink doughnut with sprinkles on.”

“Oh, of course child! In that Mandalorian way you became what you are, and I for one think you make an excellent free woman… Now which way to the place? That way? Over there? I see it!” Ada grinned and secured Auburn’s arm with both of hers. “Shall we?

…. Do be a dear… the word ‘impossible’. I am wracking my brain attempting to find the right praising translation. Basic is a fright.”

After Ada moved off toward the doughnut shop, Tamar set her forehead onto Mig’s shoulder and groaned. “Lady Ada Fitz-Kierke… keeper of the Sacred Vase of Torpedia and the Earrings of Viktoria, Daughter of Qocia, dedicated to the goddess of love and war… She… she’s never been off Panatha before. Can you tell?”

In a much weaker voice, Tamar rolled her head to the side to look up at Mig. “…Candy?”
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
As Ada kept speaking, Mig put his arm defensively wrapped his arm over [member="Tamar Fitz Kierke"] shoulder, pulling her close and giving the older woman a crossed look. He could feel that she was hurting the one he loved. Maybe not physically, but he could feel it. He was somewhat curious about her past, but he wanted Tamar to talk about it in her own time. Yet this woman didn't seem to realize how hard it could have been for the now Mandalorian. He held her close as they kept walking, with Ilik eyeing Ada.

"You best learn what not to say ma'am."

As Ilik and Leddie went back to walking behind Mig and Tamar, the Alor gave her a slight kiss on the head before speaking again.

"Yeah. I can tell. I was hoping I'd learn about that when you were ready." Then Tamar asked if he wanted candy. "Sure, Ner Kar'ta."
Mig pulled Tamar in, and she let it happen. [member="Mig Gred"] was Tamar’s Rock. Her quiet man and as he held her more and more firmly, Tamar realized she didn’t want them to ever end. Her arm snaked around Mig’s back and she laid her head on his shoulder.

Ilik and Leddie pounced verbally on the House Fitz Kierke Lady. The act helped Tamar smile just a little.

“It’s okay. Lady Ada’s right. That’s... that’s what I was. I was wet nurse for three Imperial infants... and... Adara. Yasha never realized what that meant. I don’t fault her for it, but... it’s not some tragic story. I did my part. I served my House. Selected from Panathan slaves, I was rewarded. Bore children I never saw, so I could be a wet nurse... and when word of Yasha’s first pregnancy hit the Sith, Darth Carnifex sent me to Yasha as a gift. I wasn’t mistreated, and lived a comfortable life... then after Adara was born, I brought what I had with me for my new life of service. But... Yasha freed me. I still... I still can’t believe it. Here I was, a lifelong slave going back generations, and the Mand’alor set me free. Took me into her own family. I’m afraid I’m terrible at most things, but my education gives me the ability to act as a midwife, paediatrician, a nanny. I can make a mean plate of food! And now I have new adventures. Of my own... with you... if... if you can... if you don’t mind my past.”

Huggingninto Mig’s side, Tamar hazarded a smile before taking his hand. “Let’s! Let’s get candy. I could die for marshmallows covered in chocolate! And Leddie’s Been such a good girl!”


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

That first surge of pain, [member="Yasha Cadera"] speaking in a language that Kay hadn't yet begun to understand, it made her feel helpless. She couldn't take the pain away from her. It was much like childbirth, the contractions coming quickly and the only thing that could be done was to breathe through it. She stroked her hair, keeping close so that she could be easily seen.

What had happened to her niece? Kay looked to [member="Kaine Australis"] and then to [member="Ambrose Cadera"] in search of clues, trying to read their faces as hers was so easily read by others. No one had to know about this. She couldn't even tell Lori or Veiere. If word got out to the enemies of Mandalore.....

Kay turned her attention back to Yasha as her pain seemed to ease. Her eyes held her gaze, filled with both concern and confusion. "Kaas City? I've never been there. How could you save me when I wasn't there?..." Was she hallucinating from the pain? Such things were known to have happened. It was a reflex, a trick of the mind to try to ease the suffering of the body. That was certainly a possibility.

-We- love you? As far as Kay was concerned, that love was just from Yasha. And maybe...maybe Ambrose as well, given that she was under his protection during those months in purgatory. Kay nodded a little as she listened, stroking her hair still. It seemed as though she had a lot of work to do, especially when it came to helping Yasha regain her health. Back in another life Kay was training to be a healer. But those days vanished with the death of her first husband and her near death herself. Politics entered her life then and she hadn't been able to escape it since.

"You aren't going to lose me, Yasha. And yes I forgive you, but what do you mean by what you had to do? Do you mean in not being able to aid Zakuul? That is politics and I know that it's nothing personal. Try not to worry. We just need to get you better from...well, whatever has happened." Kay clenched her jaw a bit, more so in agitation than anything else. "I will need to return to that meeting soon. And you will stay here. Kaine or Ambrose will go with me in your stead. Both our people need to know what has been decided between us." And that was to save billions of lives. Kay had to get close to her own enemies in order to keep them from going to Zakuul and destroying it. The whole situation was stupid. And cruel. People weren't going to gain all the facts, so they couldn't think with logic and draw the right conclusions. That in itself would pit her husband against her. Such a thought seemed ridiculous. But it was very real.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig was surprised at how openly [member="Tamar Fitz Kierke"] was willing to talk about it now, but Ada had basically spilled it already. The Alor listen carefully as his love explained her past. What exactly her role was, her children being taken away before she could even form a connection with them, or even see them, and how she given to, and freed by, Yasha. She said how she felt like she was terrible at most thing, but was good at what she knew. As she finished, Tamar said she could now have her own adventures, and have them with Mig if he didn't mind what was in her past. It took a moment of the man to process everything. He tried to image it, put himself in her shoes. Then he looked at Tamar, smiling and giving her a kiss, which got an "Eww" from Leddie.

"That was the past Tamar, and something you couldn't control. We've got a whole future ahead of us. It'll take a lot more than a rough past to change how I feel about you." Ilik just smiled from behind, watching as Mig took Tamar's hand with a smile on his face. The lovebird meanwhile smiled and chuckled at Tamar, just happy to see she was happy.

"Oooo, that sounds good about now. What ya think Leddie?" The girl just smiled and nodded.

"Mmmmmhmmm! That sounds yummy."
“Your planet sounds desirable, my dear! Ah! The Doughnuttery. We made it.” Ada seemed absolutely unflapped by the bad vibes she was projecting to the others. While anger rose, and shock abounded, Ada remained exactly as she was. A Panathan Noblewoman with too much time on her hands. She guided [member="Auburn Sioda"] into the bakery, taking a deep breath to shake things off as she went. “Now do look at these here. Behind the glass. The crullers are my favourite, but then these salted caramels with chocolate on are quite magnificent. I do hope you don’t get the wrong impression. We are quite proud of Tamar. Why, it’s been decades since a slave was freed without death on the line! And the absolute coup! Being adopted. Goodness I never thought I’d see the like as I live and breathe. These Mandalorians are an odd bunch if I do say. Their ideas on family have nothing to do with bloodline at all. Curious, intensely so.”

Eyelids closing momentarily at Mig’s kiss, Tamar visibly released the tensions in her muscles. Walking to the Confectionary’s, Tamar held firm on [member="Mig Gred"]’s hand. She burbled out a sigh and leaned her head momentarily on his shoulder to feel his warmth.

“You’re right, Mignacious. It was the past. And I won’t let it infringe on how much I love you… and marshmallows! Aahh! They have the chocolate covered marshmallows with the cookie crumbs on!” Tamar tugged at Mig’s hand and laughed, trotting to the Confectioner’s and pointing at a box of chocolate covered marshmallows. “One of those, please! Oh! Leddie, sweetheart what did you want? A lollipop? Chocolates? Candy floss?”

Bending down, Tamar took Leddie’s hand and grinned. “Anything you want. ANYthing!”
“There… were Vong on Orinda. The towns were emptying, people taken during the night. Yasha went in search of the missing, to cleanse Orinda of Vong. [member="Kaine Australis"] tried to have us bomb the place before we attacked, but we didn’t listen…” [member="Ambrose Cadera"] sighed and sat on the opposite edge of Yasha’s bed, face a glass lit dimly of concern for his adopted pup. “… She fought bravely, but a Vongformed monstrosity tangled with her, and they fell down a high cliff. By the time we got down to her, there was nothing left but a blood trail and her armour, ripped open from brute force.”

His face darkened. “We followed the blood trail, but were too late. A Shaper started ripping into her flesh, tearing away the muscle from her right shoulder down to the bone. Implanted some form of spore in her bloodstream… none of our medics could cleanse the wound. Surgery would not close it. The Vongspores were eating her from the inside… we had no choice. I could not let Yash’ika die… he met us within hours of being told… took her across the Galaxy. This meeting is mere hours after she was returned to us, writhing until her body accustoms to the Vongshaping in her shoulder… There was no postponement she would take, nothing she allowed but to get to you.” Rumbling in the inflection, the ‘he’ who rescued Yasha could only be one man. Only one, who was not present like Ambrose, or Kaine or Kay.

Yasha writhed in her bed, leaning on her beloved Aunt [member="Kay Arenais"]. Gasping for full breaths of air, the Epicanthix’s amber eyes went hollow. Lifeless.

Kaas City…

“He let you go… He… I… ” Gulping from a burning throat, Yasha attempted to push herself up just a bit more. “My armour… just… just get me my armour. I need a minute, that’s all, only a moment…”

Gritted teeth clenched against a powerful jaw. She grunted as she forced herself to sit up, eyelids blinking away a green haze. “I protected my family, Kay. You, Kain’ik, Lori… I protected you the best I could.”

The girl, who grew knowing her parents were cruel or faulty creatures sunk her head onto Kay’s shoulder. Her mind sunk to the shackles of her beskar cage, the ineffable armour which set her apart from all beings. In her armour she was safe from harm, but removed from touch, sight, smell, a breeze. The weight of her Mantle sunk ill on her back, this woman who grew since childhood in service to the Vode. Perhaps one day she would be rid of it, and what a glorious day that would be. “If I can get to my armour, I can… my armour… Auntie, I need my armour.”


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay furrowed her brows as she listened to the story that [member="Ambrose Cadera"] told about the Vong encounter. All the while she moved onto the bed so that she was seated fully beside [member="Yasha Cadera"] , wrapping an arm around her in a motherly embrace. Kay had never seen a Vong in person. Yes she had heard of some of their biotech, but had mever seen it either.

She closed her eyes for a moment as Ambrose mentioned [member="Darth Carnifex"] without uttering his name. There was almost a guilt there or perhaps shame in having to summon the Sith Emperor to save Yasha's life when all other options failed. Kay knew that she probably would have done the same, no matter how much it would have pained her to do so. "You helped to save her and that's...that's important above all." But what was the cost? There was always a price to be paid. That was something to be discussed another time.

Kay held onto Yasha as another wave of pain shot through her. She spoke to her quietly and gently, much like she did with her own children when they were awoken by nightmares." your hands I am safe and in my hands you are safe. Had I of known, I'd of post poned this meeting. You are strong both within and out of your armour. Let us be your shield. Let us protect you as you protect us. Just and be calm. It will help you to heal. Have faith and trust in those that love you the most. It will all be alright..." She looked to those in the room, hoping for confirmation in that fact. Her eyes searched their faces, almost pleading for the answer that she wanted.

Yasha didn't deserve this fate.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig smiled at Tamar as she seemed to relax, and as she spoke about the how she wouldn't let the past get in the way of her love of him or marshmallows. This got a chuckle out of him, and he smiled even more as she tugged him towards the Confectioner’s. Ilek just seemed to laugh at the pair, shaking his head a little. "You two kinda remind me of me and Nora when we were your age." Mig just shook his head, though he clearly enjoyed the old man's prodding.

After Tamar took Leddie's hand, and said she could get anything. She looked at a red lollipop, then back at her Buir, who nodded.

"Can I get the Lollipop?" Once Leddie was done, Mig smiled and got some chocolate covered peanut butter candies.

"This all looks really good."
Ambrose huffed and nodded his head, glancing at [member="Kaine Australis"] and back to [member="Kay Arenais"]. Yes, they did what had to be done. “It’s like nothing I’ve known, relying on another to save my cubs. Watching her die, I felt… inept. Useless. I’ve watched over her since she was eight. You’ve never seen them in the same space, have you? Aside from… well… He pulled no verbal strikes returning her from Helska. She’ll recover. She needs time, that’s all. Without him she’d be dead.”

Yasha quivered and nuzzled into Kay’s embrace. Her forehead was damp, right shoulder’s skin and muscles shivering from the Vongformed infiltration.

“Kay, I know he wants…” Ambrose whispered the words, hushed and sacred. His brow furrowed and he tucked the sheets around the semi-conscious woman huddled in Kay’s arms.

“N-n-no… not enough time.” Yasha clenched her jaw. The Vongformed arm quivered visibly, scale-like protrusions rising up then smoothing out into skin. “I couldn’t let them hurt you.”

She shivered, her knees drifting up toward her chest. Yasha listened to [member="Kay Arenais"]’ verbal lullaby. Have faith and trust. Teeth chattered as she curled into Kay, her left palm shaking across the new flesh of the vongformed right. Slowly, ever slowly Yasha’s eyes closed. Her breathing was haggard, but regular and muscles loosened. Comforted in the arms of her Aunt, the Infernal fell into an uneasy slumber.

“… Kay…” Ambrose went to speak, watching Yasha’s face twitch at the sound of Ambrose’s voice. An attempt to wake… he hushed, sitting beside Kay instead and brushing his hand across Yasha’s cheek.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"I have seen them together, yes. His desire to claim her as his own is easy to see." Surely he couldn't get everything he wanted. Surely the price for her life wasn't to join his wives and bear his children. He was so OLD.

Kay looked to Ambrose as he started to speak. Yet he stopped himself, which made her quite curious as to what he had meant to say. Although they had spent some months together in the same cells, they weren't able or willing to read eachother's thoughts. It was times like these when she wished that she could.

[member="Yasha Cadera"] interrupted that thought. Her warnings seemed to suggest that the Sith were already on their way. "'s alright. They won't hurt me. It's too risky
Doing so could cause Carnifex to lose Yasha. Or so she had hoped.

Kay rested her head against her niece as the young woman began to drift off to sleep, stroking her hair. Ambrose spoke her name once more and she merely mouthed the words 'not yet'. There was time to talk once Yasha was in a deeper sleep and she could safely slip away. In the meantime she took hold of Ambrose's hand and gave it a small squeeze.

What would they all do if Yasha died?

It was a terrible thing to have to think about.
For some time I wait in silence, sitting beside my friend and prison companion, while she rocked her niece to sleep. I squeeze her hand back, careful not to clench too hard.

“He held her like a child, Kay. Not a lover. Cradled her like an infant with colic, took her… flower picking, before the Vong Shaper’s lair.” I don’t detract from the frustrated sigh breaking from my bone-cage. Watching the man carry my charge, when I could not… few would know how dire I felt that pain. [member="Kaine Australis"] has been unnervingly quiet, yet after the last hours, when he entertained Carnifex in this very suite… I don’t fault the man for taking pause. “If Aditya is to be believed, much of House Fitz Kierke’s jewels and items of station came from the Zambranos. There were times on Panatha, when the Zambrano House fell into disrepair. It’s rumoured, although not spoken that at one point, a Zambrano Princess sold her jewels for bread. The Fitz Kierkes paid handsomely for each bauble, giving the Zambranos the means to eat, when many died of starvation… it’s… a rumour of Aditya’s family. A legend without proof…

… but if there is truth to it, then helping Yasha would be nothing more than repaying a long-held debt. It could be explained by something as simple as an ancestral loaf of bread.“ Yasha’s lungs rise and fall with far more ease than mere hours ago. Comforted in [member="Kay Arenais"]’ arms, she is free of the weight I forced upon her shoulders too young. Now, more than a decade since her tempestuous rise, I realize how cruel of a protector I was. No youth should have borne such responsibilities, Yasha should have had the chance to grow of her own accord.

“I’ve not seen her rest so in… too long. Tea?”


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay listened as [member="Ambrose Cadera"] spoke quietly as she continued to comfort her niece. He knew the right softness of tone to take. They were well practiced at it by now, all thanks to Purgatory.

The story that he had told was hard to believe. There was a legend in there surely and legends often bore some truth to them. But would Yasha's ancestors have let others starve to death while making one family give them jewels for bread? It certainly gave her a different aspect on her family, one that she couldn't relate to. Sure she had her own Imperial dynasty with a good family, but her Father [member="Tobias Larr"] had given her up to adoption due to her being Force sensitive. Her Mother was long dead. Kay had to create her own legacy. She hoped that it would go on for centuries.

Panatha. When Ambrose uttered the name of that horrible planet, Kay clenched her jaw and then swallowed a lump in her throat. It was on Panatha that Prazutis took her. It was on Panatha that she was tortured for months on end, never allowed to die, never allowed to get rest and with the barest minimum of food to keep her going. And all for what? To turn her to the Darkside, secure her throne on Commenor and then break all contact? She was just a toy; a toy for the Emperor's uncle to break when he was bored. Never again had she come near Panatha, but one day she'll go back there and destroy the chambers that caused her much pain. She'd tear it all to rubble and pour all of her hatred into it. Then maybe she'd be more at peace.

The offer for tea broke her from her thoughts. As always, tea was her comfort in all things, her addiction.
"Yes Ambrose, that would be lovely, thank you." Kay continued to stroke [member="Yasha Cadera"] 's hair, glancing over to [member="Kaine Australis"] for a brief moment. Surely he knew that Yasha needed to get away for a while, to be unburdened by her position while her body healed. But someone had to lead in her stead. The question of course was ...who?

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