Darth Vyrassu
Immortal Jen'ari Sith Emperor
* Intent: A planet to further a story for The Jen'ari Empire as well as possible future stories for The Jen'ari Empire
* Image Credit:
* Canon: N/A
* Links: [Provide links to any relevant development threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Please list your links/sources for any images used here as well.]
* Planet Name: Draika
* Demonym: Draikans
* Region: [Core, Mid, Expansion, Outer, Unknown)
* System Name: Draike System
* System Features: Draike system features 2 suns, 3 planets and the Draikel asteroid field.
* Coordinates: [The X,Y coordinates of the planet and its relative position in them according to the Galaxy Map]
* Major Imports:
* Water
* Alcohol
* Metals
* Plastoid
* Major Exports:
* Krayt Dragon Pearls
* Durasteel Ore
Unexploited Resources: various rocks with minerals and possible other metal ores could be hidden away in the vast world of Draika.
* Gravity: Standard
* Climate: Hot and Arid
* Primary Terrain:
* Canyons
* Desert
* Mountains
* Rocky bluffs
* Atmosphere: Type I
* Capital City: Draika City
* Planetary Features: As barren as the desert world is, there is a possible chance to discover so much more, such as possible caves, if ones brave, the various Sarlaccs, tusken raider camps, jawas are always good to seek out to buy droids and junk. There's also the podracing and swoop bike racing tracks.
* Major Locations:
✥ AREA X ✥
* Native Species:
* Humans
* Sarlacc
* Krayt Dragon
* Jawas
* Tusken Raiders
* Dewback
* Bantha
* Womp Rats
* Immigrated Species:
* Sith Species
* Zabrak
* Sanguinius Vampirika
* Various others
* Population: Sparsely Populated
* Demographics:
* 50% various other plus humans
* 20% Tusken Raiders
* 15% Jawas
* 15% other
* Primary Languages: Galactic Standard Basic
* Culture: The culture can be described as heavily criminalized, gambling, shopping and getting drunk. Draika is a hot, dry arid world. For those that are not moisture farmers, are either criminals, pilots, bounty hunters, smugglers, tourists, or imperials. Most bet on the podracing or swoop racing, when not doing that they are in the shade of bars drinking and having a good time socializing or even gambling at the casinos.
* Government: Magocratic/Theocratic Empire
* Affiliation: The Jen'ari Empire
* Wealth: The wealth is medium due to The Jen'ari Empire alone. Before the Empire the wealth of the planet was low as the planet didn't have much to offer other than Krayt pearls and booze.
* Stability: The stability is set as medium, as it is after all a criminal world under Sith Imperial control. Crime is put in check as much as they could, but the imperials strike fear to keep the criminals under control and keep the peace. As well criminals saw this as a refugee world and knew it wouldn't be smart to start problems.
* Freedom & Oppression:
* The citizens of Draika are free to do as they please as long as they obey Imperial law. The Dark Council strikes fear into all those wishing to break Imperial law keeping the citizens safe, in peace and enjoy freedom.
* Military:
* Sith Imperial Troopers
* The Nyeklas Squad
* The Jen'ari Sith Marauders
* The Dusuah Sorcerers
* The planet is militarized by various sources of the Jen'ari Empire. All have their own commanders, they help defend and protect the planet in their own way with each of their unique abilities. Outfitted with the correct weapons and armor needed for what they are designed for make them a fatal force.
* Technology: Technology is slightly lacking compared to the rest of the Galaxy, however the Empire does occasionally share advanced technology from the rest of the galaxy with the citizens of Draika.
Be sure to cover the following information in at least three paragraphs:
How was the planet discovered? How was planet settled? When was it settled? Why was it settled? What major events specific to the planet helped shape its inhabitants to what they are today?