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Dreadguard Supremacy (Republic Dominion of Kashyyk)


A. Work with the Wookie Rebels to secure Kachirho.

B. Move on toward the forest and wipe out the remaining Sith presence.

Kashhyyk. It was odd to return to the Wookie Homeworld so soon after losing it. The One Sith force on the planet was still present, albeit weakened after recent events. Particularly the mass disappearance. The Dreadguard had arrived from the Netherworld rift to Alderaan, and then come here in force - three hundred and twelve soldiers to liberate the forest world.

The Wookie resistance awaited on the ground below. Two of the Ession stealth ships - crafted from Stygium and equipped to deal with any ground based threat - soared over the tree tops. The Dreadguard would be rappelling into Kachirho.

Then they would move for the Sith camp in the forest, and slaughter the lot of them. This would be the first test for the Mark-III's.

Book rode down in one of the two dropships, locked and loaded for the battle below. It was time for the fun part. The boys and girls needed something to loosen them up before the killing started. Tense nerves never helped anyone, especially in this sort of situation.

"Now listen to a story ’bout a man named Jed. Poor mountaineer, barely kept his family fed. Then one day he was porking Ellie Mae, when up from his stuff come a-bubblin’ spray.

Next thing you know Ellie began to swell. Kin-folk said Jed this is what you do: get a can of Aerosal and a coat hanger too, and ask a Dreadguard he'll tell you what to do!"

The shuttles dipped low over Kachirho. The sounds of the engines were drowned out by the loud rumble of the village speeders below. The Wookies were doing their job, providing noise pollution to halt the Republic approach.

The shuttles came to a halt and readied to unleash their surprise.

Deploying once again! A soldier's life was never easy - especially when you were surrounded by the likes of Book, Church, Kelghast, Miranda, Stanley, and all the rest of the Force Dead motley crew. Little did these poor Sith know was that the Dreadguard were here to make their lives less easy. Cocking the bolt back on his CZ-836, Pappy clapped [member="Book"] on the shoulders with something of a grin despite the fact that his yellow-golden visor concealed his entire visage.

"Is Stanley here too?"

Pappy snorted, "Why? You like him?"

"No, he said you wouldn't make it when you became a Dreadguard. I'd like to rub it in his face."

"Settle down, Missus Foster. We need to kill Sith, not chide an AI for wearing aviators indoors."

Though she may have been completely artificial, Miranda's cheeks darkened to a light pink as Marcus granted her yet another affectionate nickname.
Reconquering a fallen planet that once was Republic territory was why this task force was deployed to the Wookie home world of Kashyyyk. Defeated they were, but now it was time to take back what was theirs and with the rapturing happening Galaxy wide the One Sith numbers would have a large decrease and vice versa. And they will be successful even if it came down to the last slug. Liberty for the cost of your own life seemed very heroic indeed especially against the tyranny of the One Sith. The Czerka-836 assuakt rifle would be loaded to the rig with a magazine full of BANG slugs. Perfect to take down numbers of hostile with one slug due to the damaging radius it provided.

"What is out main target," the new Dreadguard asked in general to know what they were aiming for. Sure, they were here to eradicate of One Sith forces, but there was always primary objective involved. Focused he was and he was not going chime in jokes or have a second worth of fun while on the job. That's not how a soldier was trained in the academy and at boot camp.

[member="Pappy"] [member="Book"]


Devil of Dagobah
Racking the slide of the massive Gurag rail sniper Dread Guard Unit 45 was by all means ready for war. He'd escaped hell with his brothers and had returned with a vengance, Sith were going to die by the thousands. And that children, that was what Veret liked to here. Yes, Veret, he was starting to use his old name again, seemed like a good a time as any. Every round he carried would be loaded with care, AP, HP, Explosive, Incendiary, all ordinances he could shove into the barrel and drill someone six miles away.

On his back was an age old classic, a verpine rifle that could as claimed, fire any and everything. "Give me a target boss." Veret jokingly commanded, his accent coming off as slightly (insert SW version of Slavic here) as he finally began coming out of his shell for the first time in years. Something about going to hell did that. Still, behind the armor DG-45 was still a mangled mess, his armor hiding his injured form. He had been saved and made into the finest sharpshooter in the galaxy, and he wasn't complaining.

Cody is sleepy. Cody write better posts later.

[member="Riley Stryker"] [member="Pappy"] [member="Book"]
Time for the warriors to come out and play! Kelghast came in with a bit of a different get-up. He donned a battle-worn scarf along with tattered lower robes exposing his leg armor; the robes of a fallen Jedi to be exact. One that had defended Kelghast when he was just a mere grunt on the front-lines. Even after years had gone by, he wouldn't and hadn't forgot the man that allowed him to transcend into a being capable of making the Sith experience the pain of a shattered spine.

Slapping a barrel-clip into his MI309 Wolf, which he had modified himself to accept slug rounds, he pulled the bolt and held the assault rifle in his hands momentarily to reminisce his past as a simple infantryman. Being a Dreadguard was a blessing, a testament to how far one can push themselves. To be called worthy.


And then there was Loud-Mouth. Kelghast's AI. Annoying bastard it was.

"If only you were fleshy... I could riddle you with so many holes."

"That's racist."


"Hutts are fat!"

"I swear you're defective."

Kelghast looked to the rest of his brethren, giving a subtle nod in silence. He knew what the job was.

[member="Book"] [member="Pappy"] [member="DG-45"] [member="Riley Stryker"]
Lenne was a simple gal, who liked simple things. Like flowers, chocolates and explosives. Nothing got her more excited than the scent of chocolate in the morning and the sound of 'boom' in the evening. It was actually a bit of an obsession, really. The perfect explosion was an art form. How to cause the biggest bang for your buck, and maybe sometimes she liked to make them spark as well, some real fireworks, color and all. Made for much more interesting destruction.

She cracked her neck, looking through her gear one more time. Check, check, check. She liked to travel light, take only the bare essentials. Just enough to get her through. She was a tiny thing, shortest bo-err, girl in her family. She wasn;t going to fool herself into thinking she could just bust through anything like the other guys on her team. Nah. She brought something... special?
Okay, no. Actually, why did they keep her around? Was it because she was funny? Was she useful in some way other than making things spark and explode?

Don't question it, or else you'll jinx it, dummy

She yawned loudly, stretching up to the ceiling of the dropship. She should probably check her rifle again, maybe look over her supplies one more time. Nah. Time to tell a joke instead.

"So, do ya guys know what a wookiees favorite treat is? It's WOOKIEE COOKIES!"

...She was awful at making up jokes, and even worse at timing them. Comedic timing was never one of her strong points...

"Right here actually. I missed you too, babe." Stanley replied in kind to Miranda.

Book paused in his cadence to clap his helmet with an open palm. The AI shit up, and the Dreadguard commander relieved a lovely self-jarring.

"Anything that isn't us or covered in hair fourty-eight." Book replied. He was snickering under that helmet, but outwardly he looked the dedicated soldier as ever.

The two bottom hatches of the Dropship hissed open. Below, the Sitj soldiers and a handful of their apprentices were busy dealing with the Wookies. What had been a simple speeder-rev up had turned into a full brown riot. The Wookie warriors were hurling soldiers off balconies, charging their combat droids, and one was even firing on a Sith Officer.

"Pappy, with me. Lenne, Riley, take the tree. Five, keep us safe. Kelghast, keep him safe. The rest of you, pick a team leader, and stick with them!" Book roared over the scream of the ship's engines, not that he needed to. The helmets transmitted their voices just fine.

Three ropes fell down into a clearing erected by the Wookies. Heavily armed rebels awaited below to receive.

"Make a mess Dreadguard!-...Lenne, bring us Wookie cookies on the exfill."

With that, Book took the plunge.

[member="Lenne Fayth"]



Speaking of booms in the evening, this chick with horns looks mighty horny. Ha. Play-on words were fun.

"You're dirty. No wonder they call you Pappy."

Stanley's sneering voice cut through as Book comforted Pappy with his own knock to the helmet. Dreadguard boys and gals were always family, he loved it here. Should they meet on the battlefield, in the mess hall, or anywhere else, he knew he could depend on each and every one of them. They may have been made for war - but Marcus saw something entirely different when his brothers and sisters smiled at him. Sometimes they smiled beneath those helmets in passing at the base, sometimes they were smiling under those visors as their last breaths escaped their lips.

It was time to rock on. No retreat, no mercy.

Book's orders were acknowledged and it wasn't surprising that he was paired up with the Commander. The two were practically siblings by now.

"Miranda, combat options."

The rifle slung across his back as he gripped the rope and rappelled down to the wooden supports, immediately dropping to a knee and leveling his rifle.

"Targets at your twelve and one, watch for civvies. Movement on your right flank."

His breathing was even as each squeeze of the trigger thumped against his shoulder plates. One Stormtrooper went down, and then another. A few misses here and there weren't to be worried about. These Dark Jedi and their white-clad compatriots wouldn't even know what hit 'em.

[member="Book"], [member="Riley Stryker"], [member="DG-45"], [member="Kelghast"], [member="Lenne Fayth"]


Devil of Dagobah
They were clear, weapons free.

Descending down the ropes Veret was unphased by the whizzing blaster fire which surrounded him and the mighty roar of wookies in revolution. It was both awe inspiring and absolutely terrifying. Landing in the sand, 45 cleared the landing with a couple of strides, his verpine coming to bear within seconds thanks to augmented speed. In an instant he sighted a One Sith trooper, lining up his crosshairs with the T of the soldier's visor and squeezed.

As pink smoke perforated from the skull of the trooper, he tumbled forward, his weapon falling to the hands of the wookies. As always the sniper wasted no time, lining up a shot and squeezing, rinse, and repeat. Hyper-accelerated projectiles punched holes in the chests of the Sith Infantry who tumbled backwards clutching their entry wounds and into the angry mob of wookies. He almost felt sorry for the bastards, almost.

Yet also he found a strange degree of satisfaction watching the to-be liberated people completely beat the poodoo out of their oppressors. For a religion that valued strength so dearly the Sith so often neglected the might of wookies, seeing them as slaves and not their true potential, soldiers. Damn idiots. Either way, filling himselfs with thoughts of that sort made pulling the trigger that much easier for DG-45.

"Someone get me the location of their MG nests!" The sniper relayed, moving to cover behind one of the planets massive trees and sliding back into a crouch. Then he felt a tugging on his shoulder, looking all the way up the hairy arm he found himself looking at a rather fierce looking wookie clamoring about how it wanted one of his rifles, trying to intimidate him. Rolling his eyes instinctively, Veret spiked his visor's brihtness for just a moment, the blood red light alarming the wookie who took several steps back in shock before rejoining the mob.

Veret merely chuckled before lining up his verpine once again. Rinse and repeat.

[member="Book"] [member="Lenne Fayth"] [member="Kelghast"] [member="Pappy"] [member="Riley Stryker"]
She popped her helmet over her short chestnut hair. She hated wearing this damn thing. absolutely wrecked her hair. Did anybody how hard it was to navigate her hair around her horns? Pain in the tush. Oh well. Work was work. She could have out and be a pretty lady later. Honestly, her vanity was about to get out of control.

The order came and Lenne grinned as Book took the plunge.
"You got it boss!" she chirped, giving a little mock solute, "Wookiee cookies all around, folks!"

She followed, gripping the rope as she fell, rifle slung across her shoulder like an accessory. The moment her feet hit the ground, she turned to her assigned partner.

"Well, mista' Wiley-Riley looks like it's you n' me!" She winked, realizing only after the fact that he couldn't see it through this stupid helmet. Duh.

Hesitation was a weakness. Kelghast didn't have such defective qualities. He quickly walked over to one of the ropes and grasped it firmly, making his descent down to the ground. The awe in the Republic Troopers' eyes shown the glory of the Dreadguard and their massive stature. Kelghast made contact with the ground, his posture upright and firm.


His AI shouted the direction of advancing Stormtroopers. Easy targets.

The repetition of cracks in the open air counted the number of dead made by Kel's rifle, none of them would survive as long as they kept popping up in his sights. One of the daft Sith supporters got bold and tried to catch him off-guard with a shoulder charge. Bad move.

Upon making contact, the Dreadguard managed to grab him by the neck, still popping off bursts of slugs in a spray-and-pray fashion that only worked when you were this damn good at killing. Once his field of vision was clear, Kelghast simply flexed his left bicep hard enough to break the neck of the inferior soldier. Dead and humiliated. May whatever deity they worshiped pity them.

Kelghast kept his sights up and scanned the area. Nothing would get passed him.

Keeping a trained eye, DG-49 spoke firmly yet briefly into his internal comm unit.

"Advance upon me, Five. I'll clear out what's up ahead and you can secure your spot. Let's move!"

[member="Book"] [member="Pappy"] [member="DG-45"] [member="Lenne Fayth"] [member="Riley Stryker"]

The ground crunched beneath Book's feet. Two Stormtroopers instantly fired upon him. The Dreadguard Commander grimaced as bolts smacked against his nobility shield, and brought his Harbinger rifle up to bare. Two quick clicks shot the Stormtroopers, clad in plasters armor, to the ground in smoking heaps.

"On to the forest Marcus." Book ordered. He rolled behind an overturned tree, and hurled a thermal detonator into an MG nest.

The mass of twigs and permacrete exploded in a fiery display. A Sith Officer flew apart in three seperate pieces across the forest floor. Two Wookie warriors joined Book as he fought toward the gates leading out into the forest.

"Bolster the Wookies." He added shortly as a Sith Apprentice charged him.

The Dreadguard went low and slammed into his opponent with his shoulder plate. The apprentice gave a loud oomph as the heavier man sent him toppling back, and went wide eyed as Book slid his wrist mounted vibroknife through his right eye.

A single tank blocked their path out of the gates, flanked by numerous Sith soldiers. Two apprentices stalked along the firing line. Book came to rest behind the edge of an overhanging bridge, just outside of the Sith fire line. The Wookies followed suit.

"They don't like it when they go boom, do they?" Stanley quipped.

Book shouldered his rifle, and powered up his Ravager cannon.

"Nope. Pappy, get ready to suppress!"


For the Republic.

It was funny how three words that officially summed up the life of the clone. Bred from one of the Republic's finest soldiers Dish had fought to crush the Sith Empire, defended against the One Sith, and watched far too many people die. When he saw the opportunity to join the Dread Guard, legendary soldiers he'd met once upon a time the Jorin-clone jumped. It hadn't been without sacrifice either, augmentations and vong shaping were not pleasant undertakings. He'd undertaken the procedures with three others like him, and now those brothers were dead, but he carried them with him now into battle.

Slung on his back was a C-863, loaded and ready for war, and on either shoulder rested a vibroblade ready to make war with the tyranny that the One Sith had brought to this world. So many had fallen, so many innocent lives had been lost to these monsters, too many. He'd wanted a family once, he'd wanted to settle down once his service was done, but now things were different. War was his life now.

Two quick steps and he was on the rope, swinging from the ship and into a group of OS troopers. It took fractions of a second for the knives to come out. Quick slashes to the knee severed tendons, two soldiers buckling forwards and into the grasps of a wookie as a third moved to fire. A wet thwak rung out as DG-50, formerly Dish hurled a knife into the man's neck. Rising up he snapper right, his knife flipping into a reverse grip in his right hand while his left whipped around his assault rifle.

The blade found its mark, augmented strength running it through the eye of an OS trooper while he sprayed from the hip and mowed down the remaining two soldiers of the squad. Five seconds flat. it had taken him five seconds to kill that many sith troops. A twisted grin formed beneath the new Dreadguard's opaque visor.

This was going to be fun.
Area confirmed for safety for now, time to give out the orders. It would seem that two of the compatriots in this fight were without proper direction, and thus it would be given.

"Nice shooting! Is there gonna be anymore death? I LIKE TO WATCH!"

"No such thing as nice shooting, it's good shooting. I'm taking Riley and the woman under my wing. Wouldn't hurt to have the extra manpower."

"Sending new directive now!"

And just like that, information was sent to the fellow Dreadguard known as Riley Stryker. Kelghast hadn't used his full name in awhile, at least not around any lower ranked infantry or staff. Not even civilians. For the woman, he'd give a holler that would be well delivered. Just like the days in training when DG-49 had a Drill Sergeant screaming in his face to push himself. Double-time.

Shouting through his helmet's comm, his voice bellowed like that of a warrior trying to rally his people.

"You two, on me! Riley, I want you to provide suppressing fire for whatever's around us while I take point and destroy the rest of the MG nests. As for you, girly, show me what you can do with a rifle. I want to see dead Stormtroopers all around, hustle!"

More enemy reinforcements came in small squads, each individual armed with more basic blasters. Similar to an E-11 by the looks of it, but it wouldn't do much against Dreadguard armor. Kelghast popped into his sights and squeezed the trigger of his MI309, scoring head-shots and even somehow disemboweling a Sith Apprentice as a slug burst his mid-riff apart. The sounds of Wookies roaring as they ripped into the surrounding invaders. Death to the Sith and all who follow them.

[member="Book"] [member="Pappy"] [member="Riley Stryker"] [member="Lenne Fayth"] [member="ARC-052 Dish"] [member="DG-45"]
Finally, the hour of reckoning had finally come after the long wait in this ship. Once boots would touch down the ground the stank of death would be upon these insurgents that should not have come out from the womb of their own mothers to expand the influence of the Sith. But soon they would be wanting to change their past and their commitment to the Sith and would be pleading for mercy. Though, compassion wasn't something that Riley gave kindly those who opposed of what he fought for. Typically, a slug would be buried to the hostile or pleaded for a second chance and like their Masters that held no taste in taking prisoners of war and would end those they capture so would Riley even though it was viewed immoral, but in war there were no morals. Kill or be killed. A rule that he followed to the end and that applied to everyday on the battlefield.

Both hands grabbed onto the cord that fell to the ground that was his exit. The assault rifle was strung around his shoulders and he descended to the ground with gravity pushing him. HUD updated him of his surroundings, IFF tags, and many more. He heard the voice of a woman speaking to him and frowned behind his helmet and responded back, "You trying to hit on me?" He wasn't doing relationship nor would he search for one. Wasn't his character. "Now, move it and prove me you're worthy!" He barked at her as he began moving out to hi objective unleashing hell from his firearm.

[member="Lenne Fayth"]
Oooh, Wiley-Riley was a real charmer. Behind her visor, she rolled her dark eyes. He was awfully full of himself, wasn't he? Thinking she needed to prove anything to him.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," she snarked, shouldering her rifle. Out of her pack, she pulled out a strip of chewing gum, pulled up her helmet just enough to pop it between her lips. "Like I'd flirt with you. When was the last time you got laid? Yer dreaming, Wiley-Riley."

She grinned, popping her gum as she lowered her weapon to shoulder height and followed after.
Charging forward like a train about to go off the rails, Kelghast carved his way through the increasingly sparse ranks of the Sith forces with the last of his current magazine. Five Stormies all receiving slugs in their chests, feeling the sharp sting and tear of their flesh being ripped into along with the cracking of their white plated bodies. The Sith truly needed to step up their game in terms of soldiers. This was quite laughable.

The sudden loud thuds of enemy suppression peppered the open area littered with both droids and corpses. Wookies falling to the heavy rounds, their fur mixing with blood as it burst into the air and coated the soil they soon fell down upon. Kelghast hit the deck and covered himself with a nearby Stormtrooper.

"Ewww you're touching a dead one!"

"Survival is necessary, tell me what's up ahead will you?"

"One MG nest occupied by several troops and one Sith Officer armed with slugthrowers; best approach = lob a thermal detonator and use a body as a shield."

"See? There's a reason I keep you around."

With the provided information, Kelghast reached down to his waist and pulled free an aforementioned thermal detonator and made a blind effort to throw it in the general direction. A few seconds after, a loud boom resonated throughout the killing floor and the screams of burning men filled Kelghast's ears. Success.

The remaining Stormtroopers whom were quick enough to fall back hid with anticipation. Holding their slugthrowers with a formidable sense of dread as the sounds of battle occurred close-by. Suddenly, Kelghast burst into view while holding up a partially destroyed droid; enemy bolts bounding for the metallic junk heap as the Dreadguard drew closer, ramming into one of the bold Sith kiss-arses and fracturing his helmet and skull with the impact. The other took aim and went to pull the trigger with succession, slugs slamming into DG-49's armor and ripping through the ceremonial lower robes.

He jolted back from the sustained blast, quickly shaking it off but still feeling the ache of the slugs themselves. With his MI309 hanging by the strap, the enraged mass of armor and garments literally jumped on top of the aggressor, slamming his armored fist into the Stormtrooper's visor over and over until it split apart and nothing was left until a fleshy mass of purple and red with bits of skull stuck in it.

Kelghast turned back toward the main scene and shouted for the others under his command to follow with bloodied fist raised high.

The Sith will know fear, they will understand weakness.

[member="Pappy"] [member="Book"] [member="Riley Stryker"] [member="DG-45"] [member="Lenne Fayth"] [member="ARC-052 Dish"]

After the loss of millions of people, the Galaxy fell into chaos yet again. The Republic sought to rectify this by claiming their once held territories. On this occasion, Titan was on his way to Kashyyk.

The home world to the Wookies and the best allies a Pub could have. They are a loyal race and a wonder to see in battle. Titan matches them in strength but they had the ferocity that he lacked. This set them above him when it came to battle, they were willing to go the extra mile to wipe out the enemy. It was going to be glorious to fight along side them in the recapturing of their home for the Republic. In the dropship, the other men of his unit were setting up their gear, the ship rocked back and forth as it passed through the atmos, the Reaver was ready in Titan's hands. He would eradicate the Sith remnants on the planet and solidify his place amongst the Dreadguard.
A Deal was a Deal.

Ever since the fall of the Confederacy, the original generation of the 117th Clone Legion had scattered about the Galaxy. Most went to the United Clans of Mandalore whilst others simply faded into the underground. Such was the life of Maverick, who had hung up his blaster rifle and picked up the bottle. Each day was the definition of challenging for the clone. He was born for a specific purpose: to protect and serve the Confederacy, only to discover that the one who had commissioned his birth was a sinister entity.

What's more, he had loved and lost, so the bottle was looking like a damn good option these days.

Yet, things changed when a ballsy soldier named [member="Book"] knocked on his door. He told him about a third generation of dread guard and how they would need a veteran to play the example. He told him about the One Sith and how they were literally pissing on all that was good and just in the Galaxy. Maverick was needed, and after sobering up, he picked up the rifle once more. Now he found himself on Kashyyyk, home of the wookies. The goal was to secure the world that had recently been conquered by the One Sith. Essentially, they were using the mass disappearance of untold billions to their advantage in doing so.

Maverick was fine with that. He readied his blaster rifle and jumped down from his dropship, announcing his presence over the comm. "Alright boys, where do you need me?"
While [member="Book"] had been laying waste to the western flanks with his Wookie compatriots, Pappy had been quite happy sticking to his lonely eastern edges of the village, accompanied by several other Dreadguard clad in OD green armor. Just clean up what minimal resistance was still located on this edge of the forest, sweep up the remains, and then kick back with a nice drink and some pleasant chats with the populace. However, that didn't exactly seem to be the case once Book summoned him for assistance.

"Looks like him and Stanley can't handle it."

A grin broke his features, "Sure looks like it."

With that, he had already broke cover to land near Book's position. The assault rifle leveled back into his shoulder and he sighted on the enemy position, squeezing the trigger several times. BANG rounds - they tended to make things go boom in the night, and they did a great job at it.


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