Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nubian Ships - Republic Dominion of Nubia

As she began the long laborious tasks ahead nobody had replied to comms traffic. But she heard plenty, this meant they were ignoring the little Padawan she had to guess. The young jedi wasn't important enough to admirals or commanders. Sighing she looked to the R5 droid and smiled. "Well least your here to chat with." The Droid bleeped and blooped happily apparently content to keep the girl company and help as it scanned through settings to try and help sort files and fix problems. "Oh well I don't see many others often it seems, guessing I'm gonna become one of them hermit jedi who hides in caves!"
[member="Kayleigh Tyven"] | [member="Alarice Mollari"] | [member="Callisto Scarlett"]

Sleep did not come easily for the Admiral. He had taken off her jacket and boots but not bothered changing any further. He might be summoned at any moment and needed to be able to get ready in moments.
And so he lay and stared up at the bulkhead above him. Unlike the Destiny this ship had no flow, no gentle curve. Rather it was all harsh angles and riveted durasteel.
Eventually he felt like he dozed off, and it was like he rose again and left but it may have just been a trick of his tired mind. The dream or vision, whichever it was, took him to the bridge. However, each of the crew he passed in his progress was not living, but an animated skeleton. They went about their duties normally, but occasionally their empty eye-sockets would turn to him accusingly.
A man of war, a man of death, a man of blood. How much has this war cost?
He could see those he'd sent to their death. Among them was his friend and protégé Marcus Gates. He could see that terrible moment above Manaan still

“The ship is being lost to enemy boarders, sir. I am going to engage Lance Protocol.”
The Admiral paused, then nodded. “May the Force be with you. Authorisation confirmed. You know your destination?”
“Yes, sir. It’s been an honour, Admiral.”
“And likewise, Captain.”

The flash as the ship impacted the Immortal flared, and suddenly he sat up in bed. His face and body were drenched with sweat. His chrono said less than an hour had passed.
Sinking his head into his hands the Admiral sighed. It was going to be a long day.
"Sir, we've gained control of the turrets on the eastern and western sides of the city and are moving to secure the Northern and Southern turrets now." Came the report from the officer over the comm systems.

"Good work Commander." Kian said pleased that they were progressing through the city efficiently. Kian was still in the hospital, but now he was with a group of older citizens. He could feel the fear emanating from some of them. It seemed clear, by their state, that they were cared for from their families before the vanishings had happened and with their loved ones gone they were not prepared or capable of taking care of themselves.

Kian sat down with an older man, listening to him talk about his family. As he spoke, Kian was probing his mind with reassuring thoughts, trying to alleviate some of his fear. Kian understood the mans fears and concerns. Kian guessed that he was in his 80s or 90s....old for a human. He could sense that the man never planned on having to lose his children or grandchildren before himself. Kian gave the man an ear to talk to and it seemed to be helping.

Then the mans eyes went wide and he rose to his feet, tears starting to stream down his feet.

"Grandpa!" Kian heard a little girl yell and he turned around to see a young human girl rushing forward. Kian watched as the two embraced and he smiled warmly beneath his mask. Kian stepped away, not wanting to intrude on their moment. Seeing a family reunite brought a tear to Kian's eye.

There was always room for hope.
[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"]

For her part Callisto was on the bridge, aboard the Admiral's flagship. The contrast between the two of them could not be stronger. One was contemplating the horrors of war and the part he played in it, visibly haunted by having sent his protege to his death though there had been no other way. The other was an emotionless death machine, designed to murder, incapable of caring. Truly, Callisto had not always been this way.

Once, many years ago, there had been a scared, impoverished girl turned freedom fighter, rising up against tyranny on Contruum, a hellish tin pot dictatorship. The horrors of war had hardened her and turned her cold as the rebels fought fire with fire. Then the Republic came with promises and offers of support, sending none other than Moira Skaldi to support the terrorist insurgency. Finally the call to revolution came and the oppressed emerged from their hideouts, the time for vengeance finally at hand. Only...the Republic chickened out at the last moment because the rebels had become awkward. From there it was a long road of fighting for a lost cause...until eventually all that was left was a shell. One that had not hesitated when she was offered an 'upgrade'. Of course, this would not be known and her design was too sophisticated for it to be recognised that she had once been human. Still sometimes flashes of Contruum appeared in her mind. Images of a different life. The struggle, the pain, the fear...but she could not feel. And so the look written upon her pictureperfect features was impassive as she worked aboard the bridge. A simulacrum of existence, but not truly living.

Since the Republic was still something like a democracy with a rule of law, she was not playing politruk but sitting behind a desk analysing intelligence. The occupation was proceeding smoothly, but any operation of this scope generated a massive amount of paperwork and intelligence that had to be collated, analysed and passed on. So as a consequence, she was playing droid bureaucrat. Reports were coming in from the shipyard, likewise from the cities on the planet itself where Republic forces and Jedi were working on an easy transition, getting in touch with what was left of the local authorities and so forth.
Corvus wound her way back to the office she’d been using. She was tired and couldn’t rely on meditation to rejuvenate herself. She needed to get some sleep soon but there were too many hungry mouths and homeless refugees for that to be an option.

When she did finish for the day, she had a comfy she with food and as much hot water as she wanted and a comfy bed. She rarely felt guilty of her life as a Jedi, but this was one such time.

As she mused she was aware that a small child had sneaked up alongside her and was walking in step.

“So, you’re a Jedi too, eh?” She saw the young girl had a torch attached to her belt just like a saber, and had the hood of her top pulled up - just like a Jedi on business.

The young girl nodded and smiled. “One day I’m going to be on the Jed Council too.”

Corvus smiled. Be careful what you wish for, she thought and stopped and kneeled down beside the girl. Even with the Force in its unstable condition, the girl’s Force presence was evident. “When we’ve set up a new Academy, you must ask your parents to contact me - Master Raaf - and we can take you in as a Youngling.” Fishing in her pocket, she pulled out a small pouch and opening it, she indicated the girl should hold her hand out flat. As soon as she did, Corvus tipped the pouch and a beautifully smooth white Krayt Dragon’s pearl landed on the girl’s palm. “If they want proof, this should convince them.” Corvus closed the girl’s hand around the potential saber crystal. “I’m Corvus, who are you?”

“Keyla Derg’har.” The girl didn’t even seem phased by the attention she was receiving.

“Well Keyla, when you arrive, you needn’t worry about who will be your Master. I would be honoured.” With that she smiled, straightened and bowed. Now the girl was finally overwhelmed for a split second before bowing back and running off - no doubt to find her parents.

Guilt? Corvus shook her head, what was she thinking of? And with a broad beam on her face, she headed back to her office.
"Sir the orbital defenses are operational and firmly in our control." Team Blue reported in to Kian and he let out a sigh of relief. The only thing left now was the ground team. He had no doubt that they too would soon secure the remaining defenses. Kian deactivated the comm transmission and glanced up at the sky. It was starting to show signs of dusk approaching. They had been here all day now, working diligently. Kian had left the hopsital, what little he could do to help had been done and he knew if he stayed he would only be in the way.

Walking through the city he had time to reflect on the work they were doing there. This was what it was to be a Jedi. Aiding those who needed it. Kian had spent so much time fighting that he sometimes lost sight of that. He sometimes lost sight of the importance of the Jedi's non-combative roles. Diplomacy, Agricorps, healers, and refugee work were just some of the roles Jedi tried to fulfill.

Kian's work with the Shadows had always focused him on a less helpful path. He believed in the work of the Shadows and the militaristic duties of the Jedi, but he also believed that in times of war they sometimes lost focus on the others. Kian was guilty of this certainly, and he told himself that he would change this in the future. But with the recent events and the war with the One Sith ever present, he was unsure as to whether or not this was realistic.
Some time had passed before the remaining cargo was unloaded back on the surface of Nubia. With the rest of the dropships returning to the Caledonia, Kayleigh radio'd the other fleets.

"Admirals Stahlmann and Mollari, The Caledonia has completed its resupply mission and our dropships have docked. My fleet must return to Onderon to refit ourselves and prepare for our next objective."

With that, Kayleigh ordered the rendezvous with Onderon, and the large capital ship began to bank towards the portside, its' hyperdrive charging in preparation for departure. The crew was tired, overworked, and in need of serious R&R. Most were unable to recall the last time they were planet side with free time, and it was beginning to look like it would be months before they had another opportunity to see their homes, or what was left of their homes after this apocalyptic event. Surely promotions would be in order once this mess was sorted out, right? There had to be.This was no longer just a war with the villainous Sith, but a war against some unknown belligerant that must be stopped, before the entire galaxy was consumed by its' darkness.

[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"] | [member="Alarice Mollari"]
[member="Kayleigh Tyven"] | [member="Alarice Mollari"]

The Admiral sighed as his commlink buzzed. The message was relayed.
"Understood, Admiral Tyven. I will be following you. The Star of Alderaan will remain here briefly to finish offloading then follow. I am transferring to the Ebbing Heart and returning to Onderon. We will see you there."

Admiral Stahlmann pulled on his boots and jacket, collected his small bag of personal items and headed to the bridge to make his announcement. There he found [member="Callisto Scarlett"] and called to her. "Ms Scarlett, if you have no outstanding duties, accompany me back to Onderon. You will act as my sentinel for now."
[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"]

When she saw the Admiral enter the bridge she arose immediately. She heard his words, and gave Stahlmann a nod, shutting down the computer. "Understood, sir. I shall gather my equipment. I will carry out my duties as your sentinel efficiently," she spoke the eternally calm way HRDs always did, then gave him a salute with what could only be described as bonecracking efficiency.

A new Controller. It was ironic how the young rebel girl from the killing fields of Contruum had landed back with the Republic, but that girl was dead. Or rather her essence lived on, entrapped in a shell made of durasteel, her mind living in a world of logic, straight lines and discipline. Needless to say a certain Moira Skaldi would learn of this assignment, but then it would be useful. With Aurelia Saelari having vanished into the netherworld, her assignment as the Chief's assistant and bodyguard had become meaningless. Moreover, she had the feeling that the Admiral would let her perform her actual function, which meant going planetside and shooting things. He also did not seem the type to indulge in overdramatic, pompous speechifying.
[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
The Admiral glanced at her. He knew what she was, but he made no mention of it. She was an instrument of the Republic as much as his ships and guns were.
"Captain, the bridge is yours. I am returning to Onderon. When refuelling and unloading is complete, bring the Star back as well. Well done."

The Admiral departed with his new guard in toe. A brief shuttle ride to his other capital ship and soon they were away. Nubia was secured, and the Republic could continue its advance.
Alarice had been lost somewhere in time and translation as she was swallowed up in report after report.

She couldn't remember how long it had been since she had quality sleep - but it would come soon enough hopefully.

The battle for Nubia appeared to be finished, with the Republic suffering minimal causalities. Thankfully, these things were becoming easier with each passing planet but time wasn't something they could afford. It wasn't about a race against the One Sith - no - it was about a race against their own people burning out. She had crews alternating at irregular intervals to such an extent - she had forgotten who was running which stations at varying points throughout the time she was on deck.

Such a confusing time for the Republic, consequences all around.

Not just a loss of resources and manpower - but mass hysteria, confusion and just a huge wrench thrown into the mix of the system that eventually causes it to collapse inwards on itself.

Well, with this one down - that would be one less worry for the mighty Republic...for now.

[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"] | [member="Kayleigh Tyven"]

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