Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Drink Death's Water Free

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Jaxton might have been able to move faster than a lightsaber could extend, but his reflexes didn't necessarily move that fast. He swivled his body the moment he saw the yet-to-be-activated lightsaber pointing at him, but he could only stop the blade from going to the middle of his gut. The crimson blade pierced the left of his torso, slicing through the bottom of his ribcage and part of his digestive system. Not fatal necessarily, but damn painful.

But as the blade extended into Jaxton's gut he noticed that the Nautolan used a saberstaff, and seized the moment. Using Force Speed to cut the time he grabbed the saberstaff, and ignited it's second blade. Pointing right down into [member="Darth Odium"]'s gut.

Darth Odium

[member="Jaxton Ravos"]

Odium began to turn toward the man as the saber split. The speed of motion blurred in his vision as the red blade moved and tore for his own gut. He could hardly think before he looked down to see the blazing weapon jutting from his abdomen. The same black whisp he had pictured began to seep from a round the wound and turn skyward. His large eyes looked up at the wounded man and he closed his gapping mouth and nodded as if in acceptance.

<<Thank you for this.>> he said as he simply let his other knee touch the ground, <<Tell them I was sorry, at the end and>> he paused to cough up black tar like liquid, <<take my bag. It explains everything.>>

With that he leaned down his head and waited for the death stroke.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
[member="Darth Odium"]

The nautolan Sith Lord began to leak as the lightsaber entered his abdomen. Far from any blood or bile or any bodily fluids however, Odium leaked something far different. Spirits of the dead left his body, seeking release from the man who trapped them their. The man who'd used the dead as a battery for his machinations. Thoughts entered Jaxton's mind but they weren't malicious. They weren't illusions. It was acceptance. Pressing a button on the double-bladed lightsaber he deactivated the crimson blade in his lower rib cage.

"I'm sorry it has to be this way Ket. May the Force be with you." Jaxton said, and sliced the lightsaber upwards through his abdomen and up through his skull. The deed was done. He had taken down one of the One Sith Lords, but Jaxton felt no better for it. He only felt horror at what he had done with the Nexus, and that there was no other option to deal with Odium than to kill him. The Pool of Knowledge, the other place of power. It was not for him, or any man, to assume.

Hobbling over and trying to ignore the pain he gave in to curiosity and opened his senses looking at Odium's bag. If he couldn't feel a trap waiting for him he'd open it up and see what was inside. Eager to learn just what had brought the Spirit Lord of the One Sith so far into the Maw.

Darth Odium

[member="Jaxton Ravos"]

Odium thought of Quinn and Ryan. He thought of the temple and the sith. He could remember in his childhood a time when his best friend had been a simple protocol deoid. He couldn't help but smile as the spirits he had taken began to scream in his mind. They wanted blood. His blood. They deserved it he supposed. They deserved much more if he was honest. His body had already begun to go numb. He didn't feel the saber have its work complete but he did see is body fall to the ground and found the hunger was gone.

In the bags were his crystals. The soul trap wrapped in black cloth and his history. He had kept everything on record. It included the names of every one sith member as well as locations of where they were. A detailed account of his time serving Isolda and her many secrets. Curiously it also had a note (which will be posted later) detailing his desire for freedom from his existence and the hunger the force drain caused. There were more things such as coordinates but to what there was no indication. Finally a small velvet lined box containing a small silver band and a flimsi note.

"Dear Quinn,

In a galaxy of darkness, you were my light.


Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Jaxton clipped Odium's lightsaber to his side and took the treasure trove of information Darth Odium had on him, but left the small silver band and notes left on the bag then wrapped himself in the White Current and picked up the rest. He'd be giving the notes and the silver ring to this "Quinn", and on the off chance she was a Sith he didn't want her to be able to find himself on it. Heading out he made his way off this Force-Forsaken World, eager to leave this place of darkness.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
It was some time later that Kalizka stood from his place in the trees. He had watched the sad drama unfold and couldn't help but wonder which combatant jad truly won the day. His staff brushed the soil and made small divots in the ground beside his tracks as he drew near the corpse.

"You got your heart's desire didn't child?" He asked the mutilated body. He shook his head sadly and did what none would bother to do for the sad creature. He scattered some seeds around and on the corpse then walked about the area pulling rocks that he could carry from the ground. He carefully made walls around the body as [member="Jaxton Ravos"] ship was seen over the trees. Then with his bare hands he began covering over the body with the black rich soil.

He squatted down beside the corpse and began to sing. His old eyes closed as he sang a Neti lullaby to the dead slave and soon the seeds began to grow. Slowly the seeds grew and spread until a small bed of flowers sat where sith had been. He would spend the next days staring into the pool and not bathing and watching the font but not drinking. He wished that the asteroid field to this place had not been disturbed But he woried about the man who had just left more.

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