Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Easter Twi'lek Hunt


Suhr nodded slightly, understanding everything that he'd just told her. From slave to someone with Diplomatic immunity for the time being... Life sure had it's ups and downs, that's for Suhr. She grinned at her terrible pun, and it probably looked like she was outwardly confident as a result. Inwardly, however, was a different story. Suhr strongly suspected that this had something to do with Master Kytra, or more likely, how he broke her free from one of the Hutt's slavers. She knew it was a bad idea to go back to find the hunter, but she had to know what this was about. And besides, if Josiah said she'd be safe, she was starting to believe she would be. Suhr stepped into the open doors of the transport, and swiped her card past the terminal twice. Mister Hs'kakr's bill would be higher this month. It didn't matter to her.

"Come on then, friend. Let's go find our... Uh..." Suhr paused for a moment while she tried to think of the right word to use. "Hunter. Let's go find our hunter."
The young Twi'lek smiled warmly at Josiah while she held the door of the transport open for him. She seemed calm and confident, yet there was an air of excitement about how she spoke and moved, betraying her eagerness to get this situation dealt with.

@[member="Haven Pryde"]
@[member="Josiah Denko"]

[Just to let people know, my partner is coming around for food and snuggles in the next 20 minutes or so. Likely this will be my last post until some time tomorrow (perhaps this time tomorrow). If I can fire off a post at some point I will do, but other than that don't wait up, I can play catch up when I'm back!]

Haven Pryde

Pirate Queen | ODF Marine
Haven looked to the door and then peered into the flocks of the cantina, she knew the fact Karter was here was not a coincidence, he possibly knew she was on assignment as well and so he most likely would blow her cover, standing she moved away from the table and watched as he watched her, the duros started walking toward her and haven walked toward the back of the bar close to the bathrooms.

Haven waited and then headed into the mens room and found the duros, karter tailing her rather quickly... the cantina was packed and so she needed to work fast, as he entered the rest room she came out of her hiding spot and slipped up behind him and sent a force throw into his back sending him into a wall which knocked him unconscious.

She then headed back into the cantina and paid her tab and left without the two males, she headed out of the cantina and climbed back on her speeder bike and raced off toward the buses since they were just seen on a transport, one place she could find them, she then parked it and waited for them to reappear so she could make her target and get off the planet with the girl to stow her somewhere until Haven received payment.

@[member="Josiah Denko"]
Seemed that that the twi'lek was in tuned with the force as he initially thought or she just ignoring his signature overall. He continually emitted his energy to contact her and as a occurring issue, she wouldn't respond. While awaiting for her to come to him, he notice her leaving the bar, at first she was alone. Did she finally heed his call? Did she remember he posed no threat to her? Did she remember that he had wanted to only talk to her? The answer was a resounding, no, when she left the cantina a man was following her and he got a better look it was the same man from that last place they were at before that whole random habahloo that went down in the alley with the pirate and the other young force-user. Jericho took a deep of air and observed the aura around the man by her, to insure that, whoever he was not one of the sith or a rogue dark sider. After a moment of taking the energy around he wasn't exactly dark but nor was he pure, it was confusing, he was shrouding in light but there was an arrogance to him and in the time that Jericho was in the order he had never once seen the man around. But his time in the order was not a reason to be used to question, since Jericho spend most his days there just training and reading in the archives.

Jericho let out a soft sigh, looks like he came here for nothing, a waste of time on his part since she didn't even notice him. Looks like he was going to have to chalk this little exploration of his as a failure, for now. Seemed like there was no longer any dangers here, so traveled quietly to his original destination, a small clinic here that needed extra hands to help the sick and wounded. There he could go and practice what he learned from his master about force healing and use the medic training he had received. Still, he had not completely given up on the force users here, he kept himself in tune with the energies around and if there was any needed action taken to help them, he was going to take it.
"Oh my," joked the Templar with a jovial smile, "such a gentlewoman. Thank you." With a chuckle rumbling in his throat, the Knight ducked his head and scooted into the transport, making room for the Twi'lek to join him. At once, they were greeted by the over-the-top personality of the cab driver, to which Josiah simply smiled and requested that he take them to the Promenade. An over-the-top response was given to the Templar and straightway they were off to meet the Hunter...

...Yet, upon coming close to the destination, the Templar noticed the individual in question. It appeared as though she was waiting for them to arrive, and due to this the Knight decided to take the reins of the situation. Turning to the Twi'lek beside him, he gave a reassuring smile and simply stated: "Wait here, I'll handle everything. It may be a mountain to ask of you right now, but I'd like you to trust me on this...Driver, keep the meter running please." He said, before quickly stepping out of the taxi and striding calmly forward.

He then motioned towards the woman with a wave, attempting to grab her attention. "Hello there, I do believe you had some business to conduct with a friend of mine? If you don't mind, I'll be taking over the transaction...If there's a sum of credits that you've been promised, double it, and you'll be paid right here on the spot to end this Hunt and go home. Fair enough?"

@[member="Haven Pryde"], @[member="Suhr"].

Haven Pryde

Pirate Queen | ODF Marine
Haven noticed his actions and knew this was a man of serious business but she was a little distrusting so she decided to walk up to him but keep her mind and senses on her surroundings, her femme fatales kept her updated on the situation and let her know that she was not in immediate danger yet something didn't seem right, the hutts claimed this would be a somewhat fast mark to obtain and the opposition was harmless, but for her to attract the attention of a CIS jedi, what is going on here?

As Haven walked up to the man she had the right mind to have her spies open fire on the twi'lek and end this game of cherades but she also wanted the full amount promised so she listened with intent on his "offer".

Double the sum offered? I can do that since I was sent here merely to "talk" with the twi'lek con she said and then relaxed a bit Just tell me something first, Mr? what does the Confederacy want with a ex-slave that ran from her masters? she asked and then looked over her shoulder as her spies let her know in her ear of who he was Josiah Denko is it? what exactly is the CIS offering for my "fee" for not ripping the twi'lek from your claws? she asked even though due to the peace treaty she would not act with aggression toward the CIS, she couldn't as it comes from higher up not to.

@[member="Josiah Denko"]
Before even opening his mouth, the Templar decided to...flex...a little bit. First, he reached out with the Force, a harmless action that reverberated across the area. He wanted to get a good "look around" and see who exactly was hiding in the shadows. There were a few, on the tops of buildings, ducked behind corners, and the like; and judging by the fact that the woman before him suddenly knew his name, these individuals were well-informed. Then, he looked to the woman, with his smile just as warm as ever.

"The Confederacy," he began, "is ready and willing to offer you that which makes the Galaxy go 'round. Credits. You see, the Twi'lek you are after is not just your average escapee, she is a full-fledged member of the Templar Order...and as such, we do care for our own. So, in exchange for not causing the Confederacy to have a justifiable anger towards your employers, how's about we work out a number and all go home? Name your price miss."

Sure, the Templar was embellishing a little bit; but he promised that he would take care of the problem.

@[member="Haven Pryde"].

Haven Pryde

Pirate Queen | ODF Marine
he forgot about the assassin fallen standing near the girl and Haven then smirked as he decided to flex and then offer her some information about her own demands, she casually smirked and decided to do some flexing of her own... this was not as tuned but it did it's trick to find he was alone.

As she paid close attention to him she then looked at the girl and nodded to her own and the assassin backed away, haven then turned her attention to the male in front of her make sure 300,000 credits are in my account or else I might be having a nice chat with you and your superiors... the name on the account is Kayla Thorne.. she replied and then smirked to him See you around she said and then looked to the girl Oh and for the girl, she was in no real danger since I wasn't going to bring her in, just wanted to have a nice chat with her... so have a nice night flyboy she then turned to leave and leapt toward a building followed by her assassin.

@[member="Josiah Denko"]
When it came to these matters, what one said, and what was actual fact were two different things. The Templar wasn't going to go out of his way and attempt to initiate a battle of wits; for the problem was solved and "Rem" was in the clear. With a simple nod in the direction of the Hunter before she ran off, the Knight turned on his heel and returned to the taxi. At least this fare would be considerably cheaper than the one that Confederacy was about to pay; but the price was well worth it. Rem was free of her problem and had a bright future awaiting her as a member of the Templar Order.

And who could put a price on freedom?

"Well Rem, your trouble has been taken care of." he said with a smile. Then to the taxi driver he added, "Let's get moving...before anymore attention shows up." This was met with a typical, over-the-top answer and the taxi moved out; with no destination in particular set. It was up to "Rem" where they went at this point; whether it be the spaceport or anywhere else on the lump of sordid earth that was Nar Shaddaa.

"You ready to head off this rock?"


Haven Pryde

Pirate Queen | ODF Marine
watching as they left Haven looked to her own and then nodded and they all departed heading for the spaceport and for their ship, the Raven's Nest was close and she would be obtaining a small wealth for her and her femme fatale but she knew this was not the end of it all, she knew they would meet up again and so the hunt was still on.

@[member="Josiah Denko"]


[aaand I'm back.]

Suhr nodded, although she clearly wasn't happy with having to sit on the sidelines - There was information to be had from that hunter, she was sure of it. Before leaving, she looked past Josiah, and caught a glimpse of the Bounty Hunter just before she turned to leave. I'll remember your face... Suhr promised to herself. This might have been resolved, but a bounty hunter willing to break Hutt Law just to bring in a Twi'lek... Something didn't feel right. She didn't think this would be over. Something would bring these two together, either in conflict or by chance. Suhr was willing to bet her life on it.

"I guess your ship is the next destination then, Josiah?" She smiled, whilst asking the question. Of course it was. He'd helped her, given her a way out. This was a man she could trust - He wasn't a Jedi, especially considering the way he spoke on behalf of the Confederacy, but he carried himself like one. And feeling him reach out like that in the Force... Well. Maybe he could teach her. Maybe this is why Cytheria left her here after Master Kytra went missing... But she couldn't have known, could she? Suhr sighed quietly - It seemed that every answer resulted in more unanswerable questions. This might have to wait. For now, she was content to go with the Templar. Perhaps she could even learn their ways while en route to the destination... Or perhaps that was just wishful thinking. She'd been doing a lot of that recently.
"Oh, and... Thankyou for bailing me out there. You can't understand how much I appreciate it. I guess I owe you the truth - The name's not Ren, it's Suhr. Suhr Dista, in Galactic Basic, anyway. Sorry about the whole fake name thing, and the running off, and the bounty hunters... but... Well. Y'know. You can take the girl out of Shaddaa, but you can't take Shaddaa out of the girl."
She smiled a little bit at him. Maybe they could start on the right foot this time - It felt good to be honest for once, but she still wasn't willing to be entirely honest. Her name would be enough for now... Perhaps when they got to know each other better she'd tell him more about her.

@[member="Josiah Denko"] @[member="Haven Pryde"]
With a clear destination in mind, Josiah first gave the enthusiastic taxi driver directions to the landing pad upon which he had parked his vessel. To say the least, the day had turned out to be...interesting...and the best part about it was the making of a new friend and ally in Suhr. Her words of thanks were met with a warm smile, and when she was finished speaking, he couldn't help but chuckle. The Templar's thoughts on the matter of her name were indeed correct; and once again he did not blame her in the slightest for introducing herself under an alias. After all, he did the same exact thing for years...that is, until he adopted the mantle of a Templar.

"Well then," he began, grinning, "it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Suhr Dista!" The joke was lighthearted, and he continued. "You're most welcome, and believe you me, I understand. Nar Shaddaa is more than a moon, it's a...way of life that'll characterize us until the day we die. However, at least this common ground benefited both of us today. You got out of a sticky situation, and I got to make a new friend...Now then, since you're willing to go to the Templars with me, I may as well tell you about Roon. It's a beautiful place..."

The rest of the taxi cab ride was filled with the Knight expounding upon the beauty of the Sanctum that awaited them on Roon, and details about some of the leading members of the Order. He even recited for her the Templar Code; a particular doctrine that she would soon remember.

We believe in a Galaxy Free.
Alone we are Great.
Together we are Greater.
With each day, we strive to grow;
And to walk the Twilit Road to Dawn.

Haven Pryde

Pirate Queen | ODF Marine
Haven continued to walk down the street with a smirk on her face and then reached another speeder that was unmanned and climbed in with her femme fatales and sped off toward another spaceport, this one was clear across the moon and was a smaller one yet as she sped toward the spaceport the encounter had been on her mind the whole time, somehow it was odd since the client specified she had no one to aide in her escape yet there was a templar in the midst working for her aide.

This whole mission became a bust rather quickly and she had no idea what exactly it was about, the client specified the girl escaped from custody and owed them over a quarter of a million credits but how? how did this girl get into so much trouble with the hutts? she couldn't get it out of her mind, she was intelligent and was gifted with the frame of mind that she could figure just about anything out within a given time limit but this....this was unsettling since she not only had the templar on her side but others as well.

As Haven sped toward the port she quickly got into the port and climbed out of the speeder and began to walk toward her ship, it would be so much easier if she knew more about the client and the mark but she didn't have time, her slicing skills made her collect a million credits earlier this night and she needed to get away before they realized who she was....She needed her ship, but the night also would become cold and dark and as she got to her own ship she looked back due to the silent voice of the force calling to her, it was warning her of a fate so untwined that the echoes of fate would soon need to intervene, it's warning was harsh and cold but Haven listened and then entered the ship and ordered the pilot droid to take them off the planet and quickly before the authorities locked it down.

@[member="Josiah Denko"]

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