Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Eclipse on Correl (Corellian Confederation)

She Left Behind A Legacy

Location: Coronet City, Corellia
Objective: Investigate Massacre?
Tag: [member="Kaleleon Seleare"] [member="Jorm Kell"] [member="Seniya Nehir"] [member="Dagon Perl"]


Jorm Kell said:
"Did I just hear you right Jedi? You want to cleanse an active crime scene? Do I even want to get into how terribly that will kark up our investigation here?"

"I--" she was cut off -- by his prosthetic hand. Trailing the motions of his limb before her eyes became fixated on him, her distaste for him was evident all over her face. But, she followed behind him and allowed him to finish...if only to not fall into the same pocket of rudeness. Though, these type of interactions seemed to fill his file.

Jorm Kell said:
"Look," he paused and leaned closer to them and spoke with a hushed tone, "If you guys wanna help we'll take all the help we can get. Between this, the gang wars in Blue and Gold sectors, and this new slave trading and smuggling ring my guys are a little stretched thin." He jabbed a prosthetic finger between the two of them, his brow furrowed into a glare, " But don't get in our way."

There was that finger again.

"If you'd like to keep the entirety of your prosthetic limb...I suggest you cease from putting it in my face a third time." Casually tilting her head, she glared at him. "Since you've been investigating, one surely would have noticed that these bodies are elaborately laid out in a pattern. They form runes of some sort...this was likely some form of ritual. Which would explain the lingering aura. So yes...these bodies shouldn't be touched unti--" she was cut off again...

Dagon Perl said:
"Romi Jade." He stopped at an overly intimate distance from the woman. A pause to check whether he'd mistaken her surname and when no correction came from the blonde Dagon continued on. "Master of the Green Jedi Order. We were told to contact you regarding this..." Dagon gestured at the mess beside them. "case."

Dagon Perl said:
"Lone Star Agency. Dagon Perl's the name, this is my partner Seniya Nehir." He nodded at his partner and added. "We're here to solve this for ya. Mind if you give us a few details before we start looking over the scene ourselves?"


"You've relation to Joza?" She only knew of one family with that surname -- she was sort of apart of it. "She's like a mom to me."

Seniya Nehir said:
“We’re here to lend our assistance.” The Kiffar corrected absently as Dagon made the introductions, her own attention already shifting towards the crime scene as he let him run his mouth. As the Officer still standing their slack jawed could attest, they were already overstepping their welcome as far as CorSec would be concerned. Last thing they needed was to add the Green Jedi to the mix. Corellians could be a little like Mandalorians when it came to outsiders stepping on to their terf. “Our client has a vested interested in seeing this case closed as quickly as possible. You know how it is. Election year and all that. Nothing like a deranged psychopath running around to tank your numbers.”

"Unfortunately, there's not tons of information available. But it seems like we're dealing with some sort of rogue sect of Force-users." A quick pivot allowed her to face the bodies "The bodies shouldn't be touched or removed from their configurations until this area can be cleansed of its effect. There's no telling what could be set off if the wrong move is made. Hold off on DNA samples for now." She turned back to face the group.

"I think this may be some sort of ritual, but only a piece of something much larger. It's best we try to figure this out before another is done...Sith sorcery isn't something you want to deal with on a large scale -- and these people are all being exposed unknowingly to its effects." she motioned out with her arm, scanning the large crowd gathered.

"Jorm you're free to continue your investigation as you see fit. But the Jedi will be conducting their own as well. With luck, we've got some shadows on it now." Her head whipped around to the others, "Dagon, Seniya -- sorry there aren't more details. Unfortunately, they've been trying to keep this under wraps because they didn't want to play Jedi. If anything else should pop up, I'll be sure to inform you. For now, lets try to clear these people out. I can try to suppress the effects as best I can."
Good Men Don't Need Rules
A whole bunch of people, all showing up, all fighting for command of what was going on. I started to see the interactions between the other people. It made me really question why the Jedi were treated like secondary people. I understood both sides. The people in the area should not be this close to the situation. Nor should we completely clear up the area. It needed to be investigated. After seemingly the cybernetic man and Romi gave it a break, I reached over and rested a hand on Romi's shoulder. Looking over to her and making sure that she knew I was here.

"Romi, as much as I understand your want to keep these people safe, we can't threaten people of limb removal."

Looking back over my shoulder for a second, seeing that the other officers of the area were still working on their cleaning or gathering of evidence, I returned my attention to my master.

"I may be new to politics of the galaxy, but I feel we need to tread carefully with this. Even I can feel the sickness of these events."

I may be a padawan, I may be younger than my mentor, but I for one, surely knew that something like this was not to be fought over. I looked at Romi. Making sure that she was okay. Seeing as how she had a much deeper connection to the force than I, then its very much possible that she can be even greatly be more affected by the dark side than myself. I doubt that to an extent, but this... anger for the lack of a better word, put me more on edge than the death of innocent people. The dead could no longer feel. Romi on the other hand, was still a person who could still feel emotions and be afflicted. Not even knowing of her, or her past more than I do now, I felt like... This was not something that was normal.

"Lets just worry about clearing these people out first, and getting them away from the crime scene, then we can worry about cleansing the police forces and area."

I don't know what came over me. Just this pure calm about the situation. I have never seen death in this scale. Yes, animals and creatures that I have hunted. However, humans and other beings of the universe slaughtered just for the pleasure of causing pain? I don't know why I took it easy. I don't know why I fell into stride with it. But I just did.

I left Romi alone for now. Not sure if there was anything else I could do. Walking over to the crowd of people and began to call out.

"Alright people. This plaza is being closed off. CorSec is going to ask you to return to your homes, return to work, and go about your day. Please do so!"

[member="Romi Jade"], [member="Kian Karr"], [member="Seniya Nehir"], [member="Kylie Talor"], [member="Dagon Perl"], [member="Anne Albright"], [member="Onasius Gruwel"], [member="Vance"], [member="Ashani Kyp"], [member="Jorm Kell"],
City Slums,
Getting into Trouble
~ ~ ~
Kian nodded his head once their guide had turned his attention forward, indicating to Kylie that he agreed with her assessment. But still, what choice did they have. While some cases were easy to solve, revenge killings, accidents, arguments that get out of hand....those were all typically so straight forward. But this? This was different. A case like this was a tapestry and in order to take it apart, you had to pull on strings. The question was, were they tugging on the right one.

Kian was not sure, but he felt it was worth the risk.

Sometimes, Kian said through their connection, the best way to through a trap is to spring it. Either way, we will hopefully get some answers. Kian stretched out with the force as they went, while before he had been searching more cautiously with the force, this time Kian stretched out in more earnest. While it allowed him a greater sense of his surroundings, it also would make his presence more noticeable. While he was concerned about this, he was also willing to risk it if he could hone in on that dark aura he'd been sensing.

"That is it." The man said, his voice a little shaky as he pointed to a building just ahead. It appeared to be the front of a shop of some sort, though not a legitimate one. The windows were dark and it appeared to be abandoned. "This is as far as I'm going." The man said, his voice shaky but also resolved.

"Very well." Kian said, "Thank you for your assistance, you may go." The man looked bewildered for a moment, then relief flooded his eyes and he turned to hurry away. As he did, Kian reached into his robes and pulled out a small dart. Opening his palm he sent it sailing forward with the force and it caught the man on the side of the neck. He glanced at Kian, shock on his face, but quickly his eyes glazed and he began to slump down. Using the force, Kian lowered him down gently and walked over. Grabbing the man by the jacket collars, he pulled him to a sitting position against a nearby wall. Kian quickly attached a small tracer inside his pant wasteline and pulled out his datapad. "I'm informing local authorities that he is wanted as a material witness." Kian said rising and turning toward Kylie. "I'd rather not have a potential threat at our back....and we are obligated to turn over material witnesses to the investigating officers." Kian said shrugging at her. "Shall we?" Kian asked, unclipping his lightsaber form his belt but holding it behind his arm so as to obscure it from view.

Kian crossed the abandoned alley quickly and was soon standing right before the door of the shop. The darkness Kian had been sensing was growing stronger. There was a force user nearby....and they certainly weren't a Jedi. Nodding once again to Kylie, Kian reached for the door pad. When it did not open, Kian stretched his hand out, concentrating on the internal mechanisms. The gears grinded for a moment and then with a scrapping sound the door slid open. "So much for stealth." Kian whispered and slipped into the darkness of the room.

It was certainly a shop of some sort but Kian was unsure of what kind. But what Kian was sure about, was that someone had died here. He had stood on a killing field and murder scenes enough to sense it. The force presence was just.....wrong.

"Let us see if we can find anything," Kian said quietly to Kylie. "Be on your guard." Kian said, knowing he did not have to, but saying it none-the-less.

[member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Kaleleon Seleare"] | [member="Seniya Nehir"] | [member="Kylie Talor"] | [member="Dagon Perl"] | [member="Anne Albright"] | [member="Onasius Gruwel"] | [member="Vance"] | [member="Ashani Kyp"] | [member="Jorm Kell"]​
Street-walking scumbag in a crappy cafe.​
It's what the look was, at least, what he was going for. He played the part well, mostly because he wasn't playing. Setter Ryburn wasn't always a gruff reconnaissance man that he was, at one point, he was a street urchin, scraping by this and that to get by enough to get a way off the planet. Eventually, that way came through the Republic, but that story had passed quite some time ago.

Corellia was his home, and, coincidentally, his first stop for recruitment for instructors for Raider. Raider needed experts in a variety of fields, and Corellian CorSec operatives, officers and agents were some of the top picks for forensics, ballistics, and profiling that he wanted to get into some of the units under Raider. Unfortunately, his task was cut short when those he was supposed to meet with to set a training schedule were cut short by the arrival of well, bodies. Simply put, bodies. Setter's contacts called him personally through a burner, to explain their absence without giving too many details.

All Setter had to do to figure out where they went was look at any of the screens that occupied people's hands or the ones that were drawn to their eyes. He paid in full, plus some, tossing credit chits on the table as he stood up. He walked quietly, reaching into his pocket, taking out a communicator. A small message sent to [member="Amon Vizsla"]. Something was off here. He could use the help, wherever the kid was. If he was off planet, he could expect the help in a day or two.

He tossed the communicator down a sewer drain as soon as he sent the message.

Something was off, off bad.

Luckily, Setter was only a few blocks from the scene of the murder. The flashing lights, holotape, and more cops than a sale at a donut store gave him the idea of where to go. Videodroids were being pushed back by the police, but images were leaking. He needed a better vantage point. A fire escape, and a few grunts and a reminder that he was getting old, and Setter was overlooking the crime scene from above. He took out a small viewfinder, handy for determining artillery coordinates and examining things from a distance. The electronic scope zoomed in a fair distance with good quality imagery. Setter had seen some messed up shit in his life. Bodies strewn, hell, even a planet burning. But this?

Cold-blooded murder was worlds away from war. Sons, daughters, fathers, brothers, mothers, sisters. People who had no business being dead. War was different. War could be rationalized. This? This was savagery. Savagery and evil. Strewn out together in a sort of dark pattern. Setter examined the scene for a while, collecting images in the hard drive of his viewfinder. It was difficult not to vomit from the gore alone. But he had to be strong.

This wasn't about justice, or whatever the police were after. If Setter got to them first, this was going to be revenge. Setter examined the help with the police. Needed to know who else was playing and who he was competing with.

[member="Romi Jade"]. Total babe. Hot mess. She was here. Jedi were on station. Didn't see anyone else he recognized right away. But where there was one Jedi... bound to be more. And where there were Jedi- Setter rolled a coin over his knuckles, a tick of his to counteract his inability to not fidget when thinking. Jedi were here. Not because they were great investigators, no, Corellia had some of the best detectives, forensics, and police in the galaxy... if the Jedi were here, then whatever this was, screamed something to do with them, or at least, in their area of expertise.

So that ruled out another Jedi. Jedi went rogue and got angry, grew their hair out, got pale and got a little angry and colored their lightsabers. To Setter, a rogue or turning Jedi was like a kid who found a new genre of music that made their parents mad. Then, there was that part of the force- the cult-like following that drove otherwise decent people into stark-raving lunatics. He was putting his money on the lunatics part. Lunatics, or something worse. Lunatics with a purpose. He had to revise the message to Amon when he got the chance. Something like-

Crazies out. Goon needs hockey stick. Bring extra gloves.

He needed extra firepower, or at least, wanted it.

He only brought a pistol here, and a few observation tools. Not even a knife. He crouched on the rooftop, watching the scene below him unfold. Setter had to formulate a plan, but any moves made right now would be noticed by the wrong people. He had to wait a little while, only a little while- until the heat on the case below him because a tempered goal, rather than a morbid curiosity. Once people got complacent with the next tragedy, he could do a little of his own investigating. For now, he'd settle for checking out Romi with the rangefinder from the rooftop.

Hopefully, they'd never cross paths. He wasn't sure that she'd be comfortable with his solution to the problem- which, mainly was hanging most of those responsible by their ankles and letting the populace take turns on them with an iron rod for six credits a whack. Donate the money to charity. The other ones, the ones that he was going to inevitably cross-

Setter just planned on taking their lives and making them regret waking up the day that they met Setter Ryburn. Crouching on the rooftop, he was safe from being skylined- unless one of the people below him were very intent on scanning rooftops for people. But he'd probably be chalked up to one of the many curious people, itching for a morbid view of the victims. Setter wondered what the cruel irony would be if he put those responsible in the same way, but he honestly didn't have the stomach to mutilate people in such a manner. For Setter, justice was a bullet to the head. Dragging out someone's death wasn't his thing. He was merciful, in that sense. He saw life as the ultimate gift, and the removal of one's existence from the mortal plane was cruel enough. But for these bastards- maybe he'd give them an extra few seconds to contemplate what they were going to miss in life. The smells, the tastes, the sounds. The memories they'd fail to make. The lives they were going to miss. The loves they were going to leave behind. The things they'd never get to do again. Because that's what they did to all those innocent people down there. He knew for a fact that all those people down there didn't deserve a damn thing that happened to them.

Someone might've asked Setter why he knew they didn't deserve it.

Because the galaxy sent men like him to find the men who did bad things to people. Because unfortunately- as he watched the galaxy burn over and over, with the Zambranos and all that running around still- evil didn't get stopped, or slip into a pit of lava to burn up conveniently. No, no- it took someone like Setter to find that evil.

And kill it.

[member="Kian Karr"] l [member="Kaleleon Seleare"] l [member="Jorm Kell"] l [member="Vance"] l [member="Anne Albright"] l [member="Kylie Talor"] l [member="Kaleleon Seleare"] l [member="Seniya Nehir"] l [member="Dagon Perl"] l Onasius Gruwel​
Before Imura could say anything, Onasius got a whiff of a Jedi. It wasn’t enough to sense them out, but he knew they were closing in on him. If he could sense them, they could sense him, meaning he would need to get the drop on the situation. Quickly Darth Mortivious turned to face the window again, being careful to stick to the dark shadows that filled the desolate apartment. The Sith looked down below, he could see many people shuffling to and from various locations about their day, all of them looking rather suspect, but none of them looking like outright Jedi. A vicious monster of the dark side he may have been, but Onasius was not ignorant, he understood the Jedi likely wouldn’t be looking for Sith in their traditional robes, not unless they wanted to be jumped on the spot.

[SIZE=11pt]If the Jedi were going to use a more subtle approach, Onasius would have to use unconventional methods to seek them out. He had used similar methods when hunting before, allowing himself to see beyond the clothes and unassuming postures of the citizens, instead looking out within each of them, seeing their true selves. For a brash and violent Sith like Onasius, this was not a skill he had used much before so it was hard for him to connect through that many people at once. He took a deep breath in, feeling the strings of the Force being tugged all different directions, as he tried to follow each string, he realized not all were as strong as others. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]By the time he had weeded out the weaker connections, he heard a strange noise down below him near an abandoned storefront. He wasn’t able to make out the words or any of the people involved, but he was able to tell that two people were present, then only one. Unable to make out the Force signature of the person he saw, he assumed it was just a local ruffling someone up. However, shortly after there was another presence he felt, this time, as hard as they tried to hide it, he could still make out the faint stench of Jedi. It wasn’t long before the SIth Knight was licking his lips with the thought of killing Jedi scum. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Mortivious waited until the two of them had entered the building before moving from his shaded lookout, knowingk that if he were to be too brazen with his approach they would likely pick up on him. Instead he would have to use his stealth abilities to get as close as possible without being marked. He had trained with the Sith and on his own from a young age in the ability to hunt without being detected. It worked well in good cover, with trees, or in the dark- however, it was hard for him to hunt with this many witnesses. Once he went in for the kill it was a very gruesome affair. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]After picking his receiver up once more Onasius growled across the comm line, “I have eyes on two Jedi poking around in one of the shops” As he was saying this, the Yevetha assassin was moving himself out of the building, descending the stairs like a wraith on the hunt, his robe billowed behind him as he did so. It wasn’t long before Mortivious reached the bottom, eyes still on the shop front before him. He stayed behind the door frame and out of sight, instead trying to use his perception abilities to find them. He couldn’t quite feel the Jedi yet, but he knew they had to be in there. He just needed to wait for a time in which people weren’t passing by to sneak in. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt][member="Kian Karr"] [member="Kylie Talor"] [member="Ignis Imura"][/SIZE]

Ru Tetsuya

"Excuse me? Are you threatening a CorSec officer? I could have you arrested for that you-!" Jorm's face became flushed in anger and frustration as tensions between the pair were about to reach a fever pitch. They were only calmed by the Padwan's calm words and the appearence of two new interlopers on his crime scene. He looked the pair up and down, taking note of the name. Not one he'd heard of, and definitely not one that CorSec worked with on a contractual basis. His brow arched in curiosity and his jaw locked in a tight grimace as they assumed the Jedi had control of the situation.

The cocky rookie wasn't earning the agency any favors either.

All of this really was starting to get on his nerves.

Taking a step forward he crossed his arms over his chest and cleared his throat.

"I am the CorSec agent holding rank on this case. Who authorized this, and who even are the Lone Star agency. We've never heard of them here." Suspicion was heavy in his voice. The Jedi were civilians as far as the law was concerned, and even if they had some special privileges like in times of war, a serial killer case he felt was an out of the ordinary thing for them to take so much interest in.

"I'm going to need some documentation if you're going to be poking around this crime scene." He had chosen to ignore the fact that Romi still wanted to perform some hokey pokey Jedi cleaning ritual. She was right, there was a pattern and while CorSec hadn't pinned the symbols as Sith text they had picked up the pattern. They were also trying to keep the evidence as uncontaminated as possible as tests had proven increasingly difficult to pin down any information on the victims. Whatever was involved would just make their jobs harder on the back end he felt.

One good thing about the Jedi so far was that a few more had joined and had started dispersing the crowds along with CorSec and security droids so at least that was dying down.

[member="Kaleleon Seleare"] [member="Romi Jade"] [member="Ashani Kyp"] [member="Seniya Nehir"] [member="Dagon Perl"] [member="Onasius Gruwel"] [member="Vance"]
Walking through the corridor, I received a call from one of the individuals within the Eclipse. Surely, speaking of the Devil, and he shall appear. Having spoken to Caleo to find out more of this Yevetha's people, I received a communication. Wanting to strike and cause fear and panic to those who were gathering around the scene we had created. I thought about it for a moment. Yes, fearing us, and fearing what we could do would make it more difficult for the Jedi to follow. Even more so, it could lead them even further away than we might have wanted them. However, the idea to play this close to the chest. Let us hide enough so that we could continue to hunt within the streets. Continue to have people unaware of their potential downfall.

While within this thought, there was a further progression of the calling. Two individuals who he suspected were Jedi poking around. Nodding my head, I found that this would likely be the best of both worlds.

"You may do what it necessary with the Jedi within the shops. Send them running, or fight. If you require aid, notify me."

The lady dressed in white robes stopped as I had been speaking. Looking back up to me, she smiled ever so lightly with the knowing eyes of what was going on.

"Please, continue."

[member="Onasius Gruwel"], [member="Kian Karr"],
The Scene of the Crime,​
[SIZE=9pt]Coronet City, Corellia[/SIZE]​
He rolled his eyes when Seniya took on the polite route of introductions. Yet it was not that which made an impression on him but rather the fact his partner looked rather worried. She carried herself like she had seen a ghost. It probably wasn't as visible to most but Dagon's job was just that - see the invisible.

"You've relation to Joza? She's like a mom to me."

The words coming out of the kriffin' mouth of the kriffin' Master Jedi of the Order startled him. Eyes widened briefly before he released a long sigh. Dagon shook his head with the image of Romi Jade being his sister.

This Perl hive was somethin' else.

"Ain't she a mom to all of us?" The detective hissed nuclear sarcasm through his teeth. "Anyway."

"DNA samples ain't gonna cut it with this mess." He gestured at the grotesque bloody mess. "Ain't y'all got a coroner here? Nevermind, y'all don't need that since we're here too."

Dagon would've explained why too hadn't the tough looking grumpy ass CorSec man interrupt him.

"I am the CorSec agent holding rank on this case. Who authorized this, and who even are the Lone Star agency. We've never heard of them here."

Great, a rank puller.

Dagon gave the man the most uninterested look this side of the galaxy had seen. The detective shot a glance at Seniya rolling his eyes. She'd catch his subtle message - not long ago they worked a case with a similar type of police grunt pulling ranks and messing their whole investigation. She surely remembered.

After all Seniya sucker punched that cop and didn't really get solved.

He didn't blame her. That cop was a hell of a sonuvabitch.

"Y'all wouldn't need to have heard Lone Star agency is if y'all could work a case right." Dagon replied and took a mini datapad shoving it right at the CorSec officer's hands. "Here ya go, officer. You'll find all the paperwork you need. I know y'all love paperwork but we got a case to solve here."

He turned to face Master Jade and told her how things were going to be. "Ain't gonna be no ritual till Seniya goes up to that mess and does the job. Meanwhile, y'all had any similar murders in recent history? You said rogue Force sects?"

She'd probably hate him for that but Dagon believed the longer they stood here with everyone around them competing in a dick measuring contest they'd get nowhere. He gestured to Seniya towards the pile of cut up body parts. If she went, he'd follow right behind her.

[member="Seniya Nehir"] | [member="Romi Jade"] | @Vance | [member="Ashani Kyp"] | [member="Jorm Kell"]​

Ashani Kyp

[member="Jorm Kell"] [member="Kaleleon Seleare"] [member="Romi Jade"] [member="Seniya Nehir"] [member="Dagon Perl"]​
If I missed you I apologize​


She would have let them argue all day. The facts were dim, and so many agencies were now butting heads. Despite wanting to step back and let it go on, she couldn't. All she could think of wash Dash and Abel holed up in the apartment. Which lead her down the path of thinking about other folks kids. These corpses had been someones kids, or brother or father.

Either way she grunted and stepped in between the lot of them.

"Enough. Let's either find a solution to how to handle this or split up into teams and tackle it from different angles."

She motioned towards the bodies with a finger-less gloved hand.

"They deserve better than the petty squabbles we're embroiled in at the present moment. They deserve Justice."

Kylie Talor

[member="Kian Karr"]​
The City Slums
Getting into Trouble
~ ~ ~​
She followed behind him. The room was dark and dusty. Small particles were highlighted in the air by the scant refractions of streetlight through the window. She was in the dark, and her senses were picking up something wicked heading their way. She knew Kian would feel it was well, though how far out she was not sure. The darkside clouded everything here.

"This feels like an Alchemy location."

She brushed her hands over various tools and baubles.

"Everything here is tainted. I can't connect with the force the way I want to."

Something in the alley clanked outside.

She drew her blaster, eyes wide, grip white-knuckled and crouched behind a desk.

"What was that?"
[SIZE=11pt]Trying to seize a moment to rush over to the shop was harder than Onasius imagined it would be. There were people coming from both sides, not many, but enough to be seen. It was hard for a Yevetha to blend into the crowd, given their demonic appearance. He knew he had to be smart but he wasn’t above a little bloodshed to get what he needed. Many people had died by his hand in this city already, he would ensure a few more died before the sun set. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]FInally after he wondered if he would just have to rush them, an opportunity presented itself to him. Onasius could hear the scuttle of feet had subsided, he would have to take his shot now. The hooded assassin eased his way around the corner, trying to stay out of sight of the windows to the shop. He used the Force to dampen his steps as he crept toward his destination. The closer he got the more he felt the taint of the light side, it was like a shot of metallic blood to the back of his throat. Onasius swore under his breath, edging closer to the store. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]It wasn’t a moment before he was to the side of the building that he heard someone approaching behind him. They likely weren’t interested in who the Sith was, but he knew he couldn’t take any chances. Before the passerby knew what had happened, the assassin turned on his heel, extending his dew claw outward and into the man’s throat, his other hand covering his mouth to stifle his last gasp of air before he died with the same pathetic look of fear the other two had on their faces. The Yevetha relished the moments he could see his enemies’ terror so clearly. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The death of this man was much quieter than what happened after. Darth Mortivious was a strong man, but the deadweight of a middle aged man was a lot of strain to put on something that is connected to your bones. Instinctively he withdrew his claw and the man’s body fell to the ground, his head smacking against the pavement. Using the little time he had left before the Jedi caught on to him, he dragged the body into a small alleyway between the shop and another building, hiding him behind some garbage that had piled up. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]In the moments before the Jedi would be able to see him, Onasius used the Force to jump into the air, and using it again to deafen his landing. In the meantime until he saw what they did next, he hid himself in a small crevice in the building, just enough space for him to duck behind and be out of sight. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt][member="Kian Karr"] [member="Ignis Imura"][/SIZE]
gotchagood.png]"Had to do right by someone, anyone. Maybe it would make up for it."[/url]​

Setter now had a task, a purpose. He had collected most of the imagery and compared it to ritual sites from the Silver Jedi after-action reports from a few battles ago. Commercially available image-comparing software had been scanning through his uploaded images, and only found a few hits. Some imagery suggested old Sith writing, others suggested other long-dead cultures. The lack of fine lines and definition from the bodies meant that he was essentially narrowing things down, but had no concrete answers, no real leads on where to start looking.

Then again, if he had any, he was on a planet he hadn't been on since he was 15, and it was a pretty big place with lots of people. The real problem is the number of powers-that-be that controlled the planet from time to time. At any given time, this place was subjected to one government to the other. Imperial, Sith, Republic-ish, whatever. Now under a Republic-ish Empire-ish federation of some kind. Setter didn't have much of an interest in the bigger picture government, because they obviously weren't giving too much of a rat's ass if this was happening. Not that he followed their rules or laws anyway.

Which is what brought him here- the slums.

You wanted something bad, these people knew where to have it, knew where to steal it, or who had it. But Setter was an outsider, even to them. Local as he was, he hadn't been here in so long that everyone that might've known him was probably locked up, dead, or moved on with their crappy lives to some other part of the planet. Setter also hadn't really been a good friend to anyone from his old life-

Why should he?

He didn't owe them a god damn thing.

Stalking the streets gave him nothing. People were avoiding him like the plague. Probably thought he was an agent of some agency. They'd be so lucky. But he had to make himself known. So he did the stupid thing that people who would get mugged did. Went down a dark alley, and put his wallet in his back pocket instead of his jacket. He heard footsteps, four pairs, by the amount of footfalls. Steam blocked his path ahead, occasionally spit out by one of the industrial pipes that lined the slums. Nobody cared what was dumped down here, people or otherwise. He walked through, and turned. He was wrong.

There was just three of them.

Might've been around 20, the oldest. The others, he couldn't honestly tell. Switchblades and a blaster. Demands of whatever he got. He put his hands up, and then rotated his elbows in towards his head, and curled his fists near his ears. The one with the blaster offset himself, and the one with the switchblade went to open his jacket. They asked if he was a cop, or some kind of Imperial agent or something.


He growled, before lashing out with his elbow. An elbow to the face, especially to an untrained kid, would do a lot of damage. Setter was a full-grown man, and he prided himself on his ability to hit people like a train when he needed to. The kid crumpled over, taken out with a single unexpected blow. Violence of action was key in a fight. The kid with the blaster was more concerned with his friend than with shooting Setter. Setter closed the distance by slither-stepping to him. He brought his hands to his chin, a shell-stance from Shockboxing. The power from the uppercut he could generate from down there was enough to push back any trained shockboxer into their respective corner, but some street kid- that meant that he was going to probably break his jaw.

Setter would've felt bad if these kids weren't in the way. The third was smart, in a way. He tried to run. Setter was a little faster on the uptick, would've probably lost him in an elongated foot chase. Setter was a bigger man, not exactly a marathon runner. He threw the kid next to his two out-cold and bruised up friends. Setter put a foot on the kid's neck and leaned over him. His voice was normally fairly gravelly and deep, but he went an octave lower for dramatic effect alone.

"It's just me."

He was sweating bullets and regretting every life choice he ever made. Setter smirked and took his foot off of his neck, and crouched down next to him.

"You're gonna be helpful, or else."

Setter took the knife but left the kid the blaster. He told him to clean it. Setter had a few questions, chief among them, where the bad people were. Street crime on Corellia was more or less a hierarchy, with certain tiers reporting to other tiers. This kid was like most others, dens or whatever you wanted to call them collectively pooling their resources with a figurehead at the top. His was a Zabrak, but Setter forgot the name. He got a location, that was it. He let the kid go and told him to go to the Starport and make for any sort of space that wasn't here. Told him to go stack boxes for some Navy somewhere, not try and rob people with his idiot friends. Whether or not he took the advice was up to him, but it was how Setter got off-world and into the Republic Navy.

A hop, skip, and four blocks later-
Setter was staring at a crappy door guarded by a tough-looking humanoid of some kind, in a downtrodden alley that time seemed to forget about and so did the garbage collectors. Setter walked up to him and stuck the barrel of his pistol into his family jewels, holding a hand over his mouth as he pushed his face against the door. He told him to open it. Fearing for his possibility of children and other implications of not having the twig or the berries, he opened the door. Setter hit him in the back of the head, knocking him out cold with next to none and a small chance of drain bramage.

Setter waltzed inside, a dimly lit apartment-like complex. Rooms after rooms lined the walls, with names on each. Some were decorated, some weren't. As Setter walked, he did the smart thing and screwed on the suppressor to his pistol. The pistol was fairly quiet with the suppressor, but the distinct sound of brass hitting the deck was enough to get him noticed. The place was also fairly quiet, with most of the kids inside either sleep or out and about, trying to mug people or sell spice or whatever they were doing. Setter stalked along, confidentially strolling down the hallway to a larger den area.

Three kids were lounging around, watching something on a screen that had to do with the old Clone Wars. History or cartoon, he didn't really care. Setter was dead-silent as he walked, and the kids didn't even notice him. Part of him wondered if they were drugged out of their minds. Probably would've explained how he was able to walk in this far without being noticed. Kids on drugs, kids forced into crime. Symptoms of a larger disease. Rolling his thumb over the safety, he limply held the pistol at his side. These kids were exactly that. Kids.

The Zabrak the would-be mugger described was at the apex of the complex, a large open room. Girls were outside, lounging around. Trophy girlfriends, power symbols in a place like this. Only one of them noticed Setter, barely. She was definitely on something, like most of the girls. Kept them pacified, kept them complacent and submissive and dependent. He'd seen it a thousand times. Hell, he saw it first hand. He used to live in a place like this.

Eons and two and a half lifetimes ago, at least.

He was at a desk, head down as he was riding through whatever drug he was on. Setter walked in, and sat on the desk next to him. He tapped him on the ear with the suppressor. The Zabrak lazily looked up. The drug-fueled haze in his eyes widened. To him, Setter was the visage of the Reaper. He might've saw every God and Saint in the universe in that moment, trying to come up with a reason for Setter not to shoot him with just a look alone. Setter saw his mouth move and his jawline clench. He was about to scream. Setter clamped a hand over his mouth, throwing him to the floor, and out of his chair and onto the floor.

"Your life is about as valuable as a single bullet, so I suggest when I take my hand off your mouth you don't speak unless you have something relevant to say when I ask."

His high was ruined and he put his hands up. This guy clearly lead by brains and charisma, not brawn. Or at least, he had brawn do it for him. Setter walked over and turned the lights off in the room, crouching next to the Zabrak, leaning against his desk. Admittedly, the guy had a nice wooden desk. Must've been his defining feature. An office, with a desk, girls, drugs. Kids wanted to be like him.

Setter started to ask simple questions. Who was he, how old was he, where he was from. Born on Coruscant. 34 years old. Named Tor. Tor was an idiot, it seemed. Tor's dad was rich. Tor's dad died and left him a fortune. Tor's father was disappointed in his son in life, probably screaming at him in death. Tor was spouting all this at mach-6 to Setter, who was looking more and more unamused in the lava-lamp lit office.

Setter put the barrel of the suppressor against his eye socket. And started to ask more pertinent questions.

Where to find slaves. Where to buy people. Where to buy guns. Where to buy things that people weren't supposed to have. Tor shakily pointed to a book on his desk, a leatherbound paper book. People rarely used paper and pen nowadays. Only to hide things, or to keep people out of things via code. For Tor, it was the latter. There was cipher in the back. Apparently him and a few of the other den leaders around here were in cahoots, and used the code to keep the cops, and their subordinates out of their business.

It was a ledger, and a contact book all in one. Setter reminded him that he was stupid for keeping it all together. Setter stood up and tucked the book into his back pocket. It was a start to find the bad people. Setter looked down at Tor and ejected a single round by pulling back the slide. He tossed it on Tor's chest, which at this point, was rising and falling at the rate that was damn near hyperventilation.

"Next one's coming faster, Tor."

He turned to leave, unscrewing the suppressor. Then, Tor said something that made Setter stop in his track. He said he could have the girl by the door. That she was still young and 'fresh', unlike the others. Setter turned and saw the girls. Saw then what was going on. What Tor was. He was selling these girls. Selling lives. Setter turned and stared at Tor for a long while, before he put his pistol away. Tor thought he was safe. Setter stood him back up and put him in his chair. He reached around his desk. Guy like him had to have-

Sure enough, enough drugs for two people. Or more specifically, one person to overdose on.

Setter placed a hand on the back of his horned head and pushed his head to the desk, very slowly. He laid the lines of spice out on the desk, chopping them up with the razor that he had been using previously. With the drugs in his system, the adrenaline, the cortisol, whatever else was running through him- he didn't think it would take too much to kill him. Setter cocked his head and gestured to the desk. Tor began to cry.

Setter didn't care.

Those girl's parents probably were crying too. She probably cried now and again too.


Setter walked out of the den exactly nine minutes and thirty-nine seconds later.

Tor didn't.

Setter flipped open the notebook, and began to use the cipher in the back to start looking for someone who could 'help' him with his investigation. Someone who was dealing with bodies that were easily disposable, or people that were already in some sorta slavery or other. He'd cross-reference that with whatever the CorSec would come up with the IDs of the bodies. Any missing persons reports, anything like that- Setter would latch onto, compare it to the people he'd find it on the list, and make headway into a two-pronged attack on the criminal underworld. One, being the removal of a large element of crime and slavery of one kind or another, and the other- finding out who in fact, was making rituals out of people.

Setter walked over to the guard that he had impacted, and tactfully stuck the knife he yanked off the kid earlier behind his ear. He realized why he put the big guard, not some of his kids out front. So they couldn't just walk out. He used the guard's phone to call in CorSec and an ambulance. They'd swoop in relatively soon-ish. By that time, Setter would be long gone. Setter had no fingerprints on file, no DNA evidence anywhere. That had been wiped as part of his entrance into Havoc Squad from every database around, save for the Republic's. And with no Republic-

No DNA matching. He would leave DNA, sure. But they wouldn't catch up to him. Hopefully, they'd take the good citizen route, as opposed to the rampaging soldier with a vendetta route. Or just chalk it up to another idiot who overdosed and a couple of rescued kidnapped girls, pat themselves on the back, and then go back to protecting the people with more than a few commas in their bank accounts, instead of the girls nobody knew the names of.

But that's why Setter was here.

Justice was relative, based on the laws and who was in charge.

This, this was pure vengeance and retribution.

And Setter was at least a step closer to finding out the truth.


Location: Coronet Plaza, location of the Crime scene on Coreilla.
Tags (Expected Enemies): [member="Ashani Kyp"] [member="Dagon Perl"] [member="Romi Jade"] [member="Seniya Nehir"] [member="Jorm Kell"]
Cult Allies: [member="Onasius Gruwel"] [member="Ignis Imura"]
NPCs: 6 Police droids armed with Blaster rifles and Energy batons

Look at them squabble amongst themselves. Raising a brow the Chiss smirked tilting up his chin and tilting his head to the left some. A cocky gesture. CorSec and the Jedi going at it with one another? A government divided from within could not stand upright! The red orbs that were Vance's eyes fell over the local security droids in the area with a single glance. Complex thoughts passed through his psyche like afternoon traffic on Coruscant. Rush Hour, thats what it felt like as the intricate details of the droids seemed to fall into his mind. Every circuit, system, power source, photorecptor and other such tools could be not only understood but was known instinctively.

Once the announcment was made...

Kaleleon Seleare said:
"Alright people. This plaza is being closed off. CorSec is going to ask you to return to your homes, return to work, and go about your day. Please do so!"
Vance's deceptive plan could begin, Spread fear and chaos like no other person could. Unlike the other cult members that were skilled in various archaic powers and magics. The Chiss was very different. He was a scum after all yes but a different breed. His force sensitivity was valid and there but subtle and limited, very limited. You see Vance had a rather advanced knowledge of the inner workings of all technology, be it a droid, blast door, weapon or ship. A knowledge that extended into its direct manipulation and more..

" Yo! I dont think I can leave just yet officers! I.. yes, me. Has information about this crime and I'd like to give this information to you." He motioned forward with a shout and a smile as he waved the Jedi and Corsec officers down. " All of this for a..-" The red hued eyes in his skull grew large to reveal deep blood moons watching in horror as a security droid motioned toward him quickly with arm raised. *Crack!* the sound of metal meeting flesh sounded aloud as a start. The butt of the police droids weapon met Vance's collar bone knocking him to a kneeled position.

" Aaarrrrrggghhhh. Mmmmmm! What the kark are you guys doing!!??" He bellowed in pain continuing to curse under his breath giving the bickering batch of Jedi and Corsec officials a expression of pure unadulterated anger and hate.

" I have rights! I am willing to help you! I have information on this messy arrangement." Vance babbled out holding his collar bone. The crowd stepped back as his sudden occurrence took place. Police droids were rather rigided with enforcment. It was not uncommon for the Police droids in use to get physical, Vance was a Ex-con after all. Audible laughs, chuckles and some slight gasps were sounded by the masses around him for his idiocy.


What came next not only would raise attention but screamed that something was wrong. Deeply wrong.

" Drop your weapon! Or I will open fire!" The police droid specifically infront of him called out taking aim with haste. Police droids did not kill without reason or suspected reason and they did not kill innocents taht were unarmed. It was against their programming firstly, secondly was the complex system of confirming the target they had eyes on with their higher ups and ranking officers before a kill was confirmed, This process took only mili-seconds for a droid and exceptions were made in hostile situations but this?!!

" I... What?!" Vance let the aura of the environment around him effect his physical body. A conduit of fear became him. Like a lightning rod the uncertainty of living spread out like a vile miasma to the adjacent crowds. Gasps and cries sounded out as the droid repeated itself once more jabbing the barrel of the weapon at the Chiss in warning. It tormented him. " Drop your weapon! Or I will open fire! Do it now!" It sounded once more with a some malice. A characteristic that droids did not have normally.

" I DONT HAVE A WEAPON! I DON-" The Ex-con raised both hands in the air revealing the wound his collar bone had taken and empty hands. His attire was causal. A long sleeve shirt and coreillan leather pants with spacer boots. There was also a belt but it carried various items used in trade and some containers for spices. Nothing of threat and acceptable of his death! " I.. I.. I dont have a weapon!" He said aloud trying the best he could not to scream as he jerked his hands in the air above him almost violently as if they were separate from his control begging and pleading to live. At this motion the other police droids turned their heads in synchronization and observed intent to see the situation. Their photorecptors fell on all manner of species, including that of local CorSec and the Jedi.

Control was no longer in the hands of Coreilla, Corsec or the Green Jedi. Like puppets the droids shifted positions into that of a move aggressive nature. All communications to their systems would be found void and so too were vocal commands given. It was as if the droids had assumed direct control over themselves or perhaps someone else did. Tension gripped time itself, Vance looking up into the barrel of the blaster rifle could smell the ozone from it and so his mind shifted into a familiar feeling of fight or flight.

" Last time. I order you to drop your weapon."
Something terrible had certainly happened here. The taint of the darkside was overpowering. Had Kian not spent much of his life wading into places like this, he would surely have been overwhelmed by it. He glanced toward Jedi Talor to ensure she was doing well. She seemed to be holding her own amidst the darkness. "Yes, whatever happened here it was certainly...." Kian began to say but stopped, his thoughts drifting to the noise Kylie had heard.

The darkness he was sensing earlier....not that of the room, but that of an entity was getting stronger as it got closer. It seemed like they were likely to have company. Kian's grip on his saber tightened, though he kept the blade unlit. He paced the room, stretching out with the force, feeling for anything that might give away a location. Whoever it was, they were trained enough to minimize their force presence, and with the darkside heavy in the room, it was making it difficult for Kian to pinpoint a location of the presence.

"We have company." Kian said, unsure if Kylie had felt the presence as well as hearing the noise. "I can not quite track them...but they are certainly close for me to feel them over all of this."

"I think..." Kian began and then a wave of dizziness and nausea struck him. As Kian had been stretching out in the force to sense for the presence, he'd felt.....death. Someone had just died, and close by. The panic, fear, pain, all of it hit Kian suddenly, but he was able to throw up his defenses quickly. Disorientation was not common when a death occurred near Kian, but because he was stretching out with his abilities, it had hit him harder than usual.

"Come on." Kian said, determination bleeding into his voice as he made his way toward the entrance. "This may very well be a trap." Kian said. "But it is one we are going to spring. Hang back in the doorway." Kian said pointing toward her blaster. "Provide cover should I need to retreat back to here." Kian finished and patted the padawan on the shoulder.

Kian threw back his hood, fully revealing his face, and stepped out into the dull light of the day. Stretching out once more, this time with his telepathy as well, Kian shouted out into the force. I know you are here.....It is just like a darkside user to hide from a stronger opponent while cutting down a weaker one. Kian said, not typically one to boast of his strength but looking to goad his opponent into revealing themselves. What are you afraid of? An old Jedi and a little girl? Kian hoped that Jedi Talor did not take any of what he was saying personal, as it was only mean to anger the hidden enemy. Kian was unsure if he could force an attack, but perhaps if he could anger them enough, that would help him pinpoint their location.

[member="Ignis Imura"] | [member="Onasius Gruwel"] | [member="Kylie Talor"]​
The little black book brought him here, to a fence. More specifically, another Zabrak named Phym. Phym was a weasel, small and scrawny. Got by with his penchant for deals and his discretion. Setter knew the type. He'd dealt with them before. He also knew how to break them, make 'em talk.

So that's why Phym found himself hung upside down by the ceiling of his store, or rather, the fan that stood at the top of his store. Better yet, by the wires that once held his ceiling fan in place. Setter was at the opposite end of the room, sitting in a high chair, bag of peanuts in one hand, and other hand on the switch on the wall that controlled the fan.

"You're not talking too much, Phym."

Phym cursed him. Phym's fan was turned on. Phym got a lot of electricity where it wasn't supposed to go. He screamed, thrashing around for a few moments, before Setter turned off the fan.

"What do you sell, Phym, and who do you sell to?"

Setter didn't let him know he already knew. Phym lied. Just weapons and drugs. Stolen electronics is the furthest he got. Setter walked up and took a knife that he'd taken from Phym's collection. He put it on one of his horns and started to cut. He leaned over the Zabrak's head, speaking in a very calm voice.

"I will give you a makeover if you don't start talking, creep."

Phym said cops like him couldn't do this. Setter took out a horn. He screamed. A lot. Setter wondered how much the people he stole screamed. How much they were afraid. Cowards with guns. All Setter had was a knife and himself and he was overpowering him. Weak people. Picking on innocent people. Sure, all people were made different, but a gun made them equal. Phym was wishing he had a gun right about now.

Setter wished he did to so it could make killing him at least somewhat morally agreeable.

Phym screamed that he had enough and he was ready to talk.

Setter smiled and went back to the chair and started to eat more peanuts.

"I'm listening."

Phym told him that a couple of newcomers had come recently, not the usual clientele that he had. Setter asked what he meant. Said the guy seemed religious. Religious how, he mused. Robes. Setter stopped and spit the shell out, thinking. He motioned for him to continue. Said that the usual slaves weren't being pushed. Setter asked where Phym had gotten this from. Phym began the elaborate complications of the slave trade. Street urchins were kidnapped or goaded into slavery, he met with a buyer, slaver of another name, and then Phym moved the slaves. Phym never sold anyone, just moved them.

Setter nodded his head. He motioned for him to go on, as he explained his vile trade. Setter kept a stone cold face.

But these robed guys had been buying up 'product' (the term sealed Phym's fate) and had been spending it lavishly. Phym squirmed. He said that he should be let go since he told him what he wanted to know. Setter put the peanut bag into his pocket, nodding.

"Should be, I guess."

Setter flicked the switch on and watched him squirm. Not enough to kill him, at least, not for a while.

"You shoulda got out of the game or stopped it. Suffer onto me, creep."

Setter took a bag full of guns and explosives from the guy's shop. Plenty of these places on the planet. Setter just happened to walk into the right one that day. Phym screamed and screamed, all while Setter walked out into the street, leaving the shopkeeper to his eventual, painful death.

Kylie Talor

[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Onasius Gruwel"]l | [member="Ignis Imura"]​
With her connection to the force weaker than a ray of light in the deep black, she was concerned. She managed to push it back, deep into the depths of her ind. Fear was unbecoming of a Jedi. The force would be her ally regardless of what happened.

She leveled her DL-44 Pistol, and kept watch as Kian exited.

Meanwhile she sank back into herself and began to mindmeld with the Master. After a few moments they were linked in sight, sound, and feel. They were one person through the connection.

"Two sets of eyes and ears is better than one," She said chuckling.

Though she didn;t have to say too much, since Kian could easily read every thought the moment it formed now....

Ru Tetsuya

Kell snatched the packet of paperwork and thumbed through it, verifying that indeed they had been hired to help with the investigation and grimaced. Great, another hotshot who thought he was hot poodoo. He put the pad in his back pocket. The other Jedi was right though. As much as he hated it, she was right. They were just stretched too damn thin...They needed the help.

"Fine," he grumbled, "But like I said, don't get in my guys' way." In the distance he could hear the crowd getting riled up by something. He pressed a finger to his ear comm, his face twisting into a concerned rather than angry grimace. "Hey, what's going on over there?"

"I don't know. Some Chiss has the security droids riled up, they aren't responding to commands." Another attack? His blood went cold.

@Vance @Ashani Kyp [member="Dagon Perl"] [member="Kaleleon Seleare"] [member="Romi Jade"]

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