Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Edge of the Unknown


Amelia dragged herself from the bed, slumber slowly being chased away from her eyelids as she made her way toward the refresher. The last few days had been a flurry of activity and excitement all stemming from that first encounter with the Gundark. In the time that they had arrived on the planet, they had discovered a few of its secrets; locations to establish and enact the plan that had drawn them to the edge of the Galaxy. The water poured over her figure as she stood silently under the shower, taking a moment to relax as the warm water eased the tension and aches from her muscles. They had pushed one another in equal measure, and for the first time in many years, Amelia felt accomplished having Valery at her side through this endeavor.

"Thank You R2-RX..."

She said to the astromech that was waiting just outside of the refresher with a towel in its grasper arm. Taking the towel from the droid, she gave it an affectionate pat on the top of its dome before it slipped away back to its duties. Quietly going about her usual routine that she had for the last few days, she wrapped herself in the towel whilst laying out a bodysuit and the accompanying pieces of armor. The threats and challenges that they had faced had done a number on her armor, the old pieces worn and beaten to hell, though still standing; much like their owner. Amelia smirked at the thought before she dressed, donning the armor once the bodysuit was pulled on tightly. The door to the bedroom hissed open as she stepped out, her helm tucked under her arm as she made her way toward the bridge of the vessel.

"Thank You R5-T1..."

Amelia spoke to the droid as it beeped softly, handing over a datapad that she began to slowly look over. In the time that they had arrived on the planet, they had discovered some of its fauna, mainly the small packs of Vornskr that had seemingly been seeded on the planet by poachers. The Gundarks, were few and far between thankfully, and likely arrived under the same reasoning; brought to be hunted for sport and finding the planet amicable to their survival. Stepping onto the bridge of the vessel, Amelia smiled softly as her golden-yellow hues fell upon Valery, taking a moment to admire her companion before she returned to the datapad in hand.

"Anything fun planned for today?"

Amelia teased as she made her way towards the console of the vessel, taking the seat next to her companion whilst setting the datapad down. Her attention shifted to the screens in front of her as she looked over the scans and data that they had been collecting over the last few days.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery had been leaning back in her chair, a relaxed but alert posture as she stared at the screens displaying topographical maps, sensor readings, and other data they'd collected over the past few days. The soft hum of the ship's systems filled the air, and she glanced over her shoulder when she heard Amelia's voice.

The sight of her companion stepping onto the bridge in her armor, looking every bit the fierce warrior she was, brought a smile to Valery's lips. "I thought you were going to sleep in a little longer," Valery teased gently, a spark of warmth lighting her fiery gaze.

"Today, I thought we'd venture a bit farther out — there's a canyon to the west we haven't explored yet. It looks promising from the scans." She shifted slightly in her seat, turning to face Amelia more fully. "It might be a bit of a challenge getting through, but I'm sure we can handle it. You know how much I enjoy testing my limits,"

Valery's expression softened as she set down her own datapad and leaned forward, resting her arms on her knees. "But first, I'm thinking we enjoy a quiet morning. We've been pushing pretty hard, and it's nice to have a moment to actually catch up... unless you're eager to dive right in?" Her voice held a hint of a challenge.

She was actually looking forward to getting back out there.


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