Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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He sat on the chair inside of the Saz mansion, cigar in mouth. He looked to his assistant and slowly removed the cigar from his mouth. "When is the farking Wookiee going to arive?" He asked with a tone of impatience. He blew another ring of smoke out and removed the cigar once again. "The wookiee better show up on time, I've waited too long for this", He mumbled to himself. Today, he just left the gates to the mansion wide open and the same with the two expensive front doors. The question was, was this wookiee going to show up?

William Flamespring

He ascended up the stairs and pushed the heavy door open and ignored the horrific scream coming from the basement. He slowly shut the door and gripped the end of his gloves, pulling them off slowly. He slid them into his suit and made his way over to Zakary Saz and looked at him. Like his boss, William also smoked and he was now just reaching into his suit. He removed a large brown cigar from his suit along with a silver lighter. He ignited the lighter, lighting the cigar and igniting the tobbaco.

He slid the lighter back into his vest and let the cigar rest on his lips. He slowly walked around the mansion, scanning the area carefully. He ignored all the expensive decorations that costed hundreds of credits and paid more attention to the security. The guards were all lazily lying around and William seemed to be the only one in the building doing something useful. He was paid to protect Zakary as well as protect his life.

He quickly shut all of the white windows, locking them quickly. He did three circles around the inside of the mansion, ensuring that the windows were locked. He walked back over to Zakary Saz, who was still sitting in his seat in the middle of the room. William stood next to his boss, before resting his right hand on the handle of his revolver. He left the weapon in it's holster but he was going to be prepared in case this Wookiee went beserk.
[member="Zakary Saz"] [member="William Flamespring"]

Thryykarr wondered at the paranoia of these people. He had watched from a safe distance as they had shut all the windows and gates in preparation for his arrival. He suddenly had a fun idea.

He walked right up to the gate and saluted the security cameras. Then, he activated his jetpack for a quick, acrobatic burst that brought him neatly over the high fence. He grinned, and walked up to the front door. As he knocked, he thought about what a shock [member="Zakary Saz"] would get when he spoke perfect Basic.
He nodded towards the two giant doors and two Weeqauy guards pulled the door open. [member="Thryykarr"] would see as he entered, suddenly all the guards in the room kept there hands on their blasters. A guard stepped in front of Thryykarr and cleared his throat. "Wookiee, please hand me all of your weapons, this is for Zakary Saz's and your safety. You'll weapons will be returned after the meeting", The guard said, holding out his hands. "HE PROBABLY DOESEN'T UNDERSTAND BASIC! GET THE TRANSALATOR, NOW!" Zakary shouted.
Thryk unstrapped the belt holding his two Ryyk blades. He looked at the man in fromt of him questioningly, hoping to draw out the illusion of his language barrier.

When the man gestured for him to hand over the belt, Thryk obliged, hiding a grin.
He motioned the Wookiee over, clearing his throat. "The mercenary, I presume?" He asked, taking a sip from the wine sitting on the table next to his seat. "Wait, that's right, Wookiees don't speak basic, someone grab me a transolator", He said, taking another sip. "" He asked, making gestures, like pointing to the wookiee when he said "You" and pointing to himself when saying "me". All this dead was make Zakary look like a fool as he was talking.
It was time to pull the trigger on this one.

"Of course I understand basic. I don't even speak Wookiee."

He then began to laugh at the expression on [member="Zakary Saz"]'s face.
He stared at [member="Thryykarr"], with a look of embarresment on his face. "Y-yeah...ok, but why I called you here is because I have a rival gang leader who ain't too happy. Heard he was messing with some of my bounty hunters and now they stopped working for me. Anyways, your targets name is Sal Valentino, he is about fifty years old. You find him, injure him, and bring him too me for 2,657 credits, do you accept?" He asked.
"No, do you have an official bounty permit, wookiee?" He asked curiously. "You see, I also don't appreciate you jumping our fences with that device of yours", He said with a tone of anger building up. "You do it again, you and William will have a nice little chat in the a lot of syringes an pryers", He said, grinning sadisticly.
"You see, Saz, Mandalorians pretty much get their pick of jobs and official bounties. Anybody who knows how to hire us can do so, and I answered." Thryk was amused by the idea of the small bodyguard trying to torture him. He'd get a rude awakening if he did. "And, incidentally, I wouldn't make it a habit to threaten somebody when your guards don't even do a weapons scan."

As he said this, he jostled his boot up, so the knife sheathed inside would come flying out. He caught the knife, and casually walked up to the shocked [member="William Flamespring"]. He patted the poor guy's shoulder and pointed the knife at his chest.
"You should really consider shaking down heavily armed Mandalorians before letting them walk in, Vod."

William Flamespring

The surprise in his face slowly turned to joy. "Kill me, Wookiee. I mean, they'll only fill you with blaster bolts the second you end me. So, perhaps you should...lower your weapon", He said, chucking. He then looked around the room, examining all the guards who were pointing their weapons at @Thryykarr. "So, you got the guts...wookiee?" He asked while chuckling.
"That was just to prove my point, Mr. Flamespring. The good Master Saz shouldn't make threats he can't execute."

[member="William Flamespring"] [member="Zakary Saz"]

William Flamespring

"Listen to me, Wookiee filth!" He said angrily. He nodded towards the knife, slowly removing his cigar. "You want the target or not? Cause I ain't to happy about you being here! I'll take your pelt, got it?" He asked, placing the cigar back into his mouth, resting it on his lip.

William Flamespring

He stared at the Wookiee, chuckling loudly. "You don't get your weapons back...unless, you decide to accept and bring back our target", He said, as the other guards joined in on the laughter. "Do you accept...wookiee?" He asked once more, grin so wide that it threatended to split his face in two.

"Oh, I accept the target. But there's gonna be a day when you won't have your guards to cover your ass. I'll be there that day."

Thryk watched with satisfaction as [member="William Flamespring"]'s grin faltered slightly. The guy was an arrogant ass. Not enough of an ass to kill him, but definitely needed to be dropped down a couple pegs.

William Flamespring

Once [member="Thryykarr"] finished talking, his grin was now a look of fear. "I-I-I-" He couldn't complete his sentence. He looked over to his fellow guards, who were now holstering their weapons. If William was afraid of something, so where his comrades. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" He shouted as the guards slowly walked over to Zakary Saz, now only protecting the mob boss. He looked back to the Wookiee, look still on his face. All he could do now was see what the Wookiee would do.
Thryk really grinned this time. He must've had an evil glint in his eye, because Flamespring looked more and more scared as he stood there. It was farking hilarious. It also made Thryk feel a little sorry for the poor guy. He just took his knives back without a word, and left. He, of course, left a voice-recording device so he could hear the conversation that would come after. Thryk had a feeling that somebody's head was going to roll. He wondered whose it was gonna be.

[member="William Flamespring"] [member="Zakary Saz"]

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