Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Empty Threats [Void Station Attack]

"Damn it to bloody hell," James growled glaring at the viewport, slamming his fist down on the console.

"My lord, shall we prepare to defend against boarding?" Katsomoto's hand gripped the blade sheathed on his belt.

James knew that if he asked the warlord and his noble warriors would all die fighting around him, down to the very last man. He wasn't about to throw their lives away when there was a chance for him to get his men to safety. He knew them like brothers, they were more than just names or face to him. They had children and wives, as his personal guards they had come to be his friends too. They had a way of life that revolved around dedicating themselves to something bigger. The drunk wished he could do that, he wanted nothing more than to have that in him too, though he would never willingly openly admit it.

James gave the warlord a smile, 'No, mate, we are gonna get ye all out of here alive, I promise ye that.' he switched the comm on for Abyss once more, "Mate, I gotta fly, ain't no good for a deadman like me to be caught in the bottle. Ye get the hell outta there," he hestated, "And take good care of Blonde."

When the Sith Killers came out of their cloaking and left, the spacer used it as his chance to get the heck out of dodge. The writer would have posted this sooner, but sadly he spent the majority of his day preoccupied and was unable to make that "a thing" until now. As hyperspace streamed around their ship, the spacer removed his gloves with a sigh. That was another crisis averted.

James rose with a groan, "Now for a drink, maybe we can hit a station on the way there."

"For the drink, my lord?"

"For the money, of course. I got plenty of drinks," James said with a laugh.

((Exit thread, see y'all laters))

[member="Darth Abyss"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] @Anyone I missed, sorry its getting crazay

Travis Caalgen

(Don't want this thread to die without finishing the story! :p)

"Director Caalgen, on behalf of the First Order, we apologize for having at all intruded into your territory. We heard there was an attack on this station, and being positioned nearby, we believed that we had an obligation to assist civilians under attack. The terrorists have attempted to incorporate us into their plans. They even transmitted codes of explosive devices to us. We are currently tracking their magnetic signature, so there is no need for any form of conflict here." The nosy commodore explained sounding unconvincing at most. Caalgen assumed that the Order just wished to meddle in others affairs, this was the case during Kaeshana when the Order used 'humanitarian aid' as an excuse to invade a world.

"Very well, Commodore. If you truly do not wish for a conflict, then you will transfer the codes to us along with the magnetic signature of the stealth vessel, cease your inspections, and leave. The Alliance has allowed the Order to meddle unchecked in the Unknown Regions, but the same treatment will not be received from us. I will not permit you to use a travesty to invade and exert your will over others in our space. You have three minutes to chart your course and make the jump to hyperspace, I suggest you use them less you wish to experience the power of our weapon." The Director replied, his stoic expression still remaining from the previous conversation.

Behind him, a lieutenant approached him and whispered into his ear; "Sir, all reactors are fully charged and we are in position. The Emperor's ship will be arriving from hyperspace in the next minute; The Weapon is ready to fire at your discretion". Travis nodded and crossed his arms, waiting for the mans response. His eyes darted to the side of the viewports as the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Avenger reverted into realspace, the Emperor was here.

[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
Carlyle looked at the crew when the Director's diatribe ended, "Well then," Carlyle said, "What a nasty piece of work." The Commodore mused, of course the answer was clear, "Remind me Captain Bragge," Carlyle said, "That the first chance we get, I want to glass whatever planet this snivelling worm has come from." Carlyle barked, he turned his head to the Navigational Officer, "You heard the madman!" He barked, "Heave away."

"Yes Commodore." The Officer reported, quickly charting a navigational course to the nearest star system that wasn't hostile to them.

"Commodore, what about the codes to the detonators?" Signals asked.

"Scramble them." Carlyle said, "This man is clearly unable to accept outside help, so we will not yield it." Carlyle added. "Send them the signature though, the terrorists cannot be allowed to leave."

Carlyle looked out the viewport, he was pretty sure that he could have probably taken on the Remnant fleet. Their crews were undoubtedly green. There was no way this supposed Emperor and his sychophants could have trained their crews as quickly as the veterans Carlyle had opted to keep under his command. But nonetheless, this day would belong to the traitors, and there would be no fight. Yet. Carlyle felt there was going to undoubtedly be some form of battle when Graf's fiefdom finally collapsed.

The Malice turned quickly away from the fleet, far quicker than the other star destroyers. Although not as manoeuvrable, the ship plotted a wide arc, moving at a leisurely pace to eventually turn a full ninetly degrees away. This would make for more intelligence to be garnered. That this supposed Empire was quick to respond. Carlyle mulled it all over, as the Malice blasted away into the nearest system.

[member="Travis Caalgen"] | [member="Darth Abyss"].
"Calculations for the jump are almost complete, my lord."

Abyss watched the two fleets from the cockpit of the interceptor, but the confrontation seemed to turn out as a disappointment. No lasers were fired, no stardestroyers were shoot into pieces and worst of all no bombs on the void station were detonated. A good reminder why he normally avoided to put his hopes into the First Order, and why he not took up on the offer they once made to the sith. They were weak, remorseful, even if they had both the strength and thanks to him a ace up their sleeve that would've allowed them to eradicate the Remnant here and now. Well then, back to plan B. With a few presses on the comm console he opened up a transmission to the remnant forces. He had little doubt that they had already picked up on his position by now, so making it a secret by remaining silent wouldn't offer much to gain.

"Imperial Remnant, This is Prophet, speaking with the authority of the Free Cities of Malachor. Your organisation has entered my territory uninvited, stole from me and killed both soldiers and innocent bystanders while doing so."

The countdown to the jump was close to finished now, but he didn't meant to leave just yet, there was still something he had to do. His hand was constantly hoovering over a button, the one which would detonate the bombs he had set up.

"I have placed several explosives all over the void station, and I will see myself forced to activate them should you respond with hostility. You wronged me, now I request compensation for the looses I suffered. I await an ambassador on Malachor to discuss the details. Prophet out."

A bleep in the background informed him that they were ready to jump, but before they would do so, they would wait for the response of the remnant.

[member="Travis Caalgen"]

Travis Caalgen

As soon as communications were cut, the Director huffed and stared through the viewports while the First Order fleet made the jump to hyperspace. The Remnant did not receive the codes to the explosives but they did receive the magnetic tracking signature of the terrorist vessel, Caalgen was about to act until a transmission came through their channels. "Imperial Remnant, This is Prophet, speaking with the authority of the Free Cities of Malachor. Your organisation has entered my territory uninvited, stole from me and killed both soldiers and innocent bystanders while doing so. I have placed several explosives all over the void station, and I will see myself forced to activate them should you respond with hostility. You wronged me, now I request compensation for the looses I suffered. I await an ambassador on Malachor to discuss the details. Prophet out."

Travis' lips turned into a smirk, a terrorist thinking he could force the Remnant into paying silly reparations by damaging an easily repaired station, it was silly on how far strategy and tactic had fallen in favor of psuedo-righteousness. "Target the stealth ships magnetic signature, single reactor ignition." the Director ordered, receiving a swift bow from an lieutenant who turned and announced to the bridge at large "Commence Primary Ignition!". Deep inside of the star destroyer, gunnery officers flipped numerous switches and pulled levers inside of the weapon control room.

A technician announced throughout the ship "Stand-by". On the bridge, the viewscreens changed from a targeting reticule over an invisible object in space to a chart of where the debris would launch, while tributary beams blasted through their shafts, forcing engineers working in them to shield their eyes with their arms, eventually converging into their respective positions on the massive concave dish in the center of the ship, these powerful lasers launched out of the dish to combine into one which propelled itself at its target.

Prophet's stealth ship.

[member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Ajira Cardei"]
"My Lord they are about to open fire, look at that energy signature. Jump into Hyperspace in 5 seconds."

Well he gave them their chance, he wanted to solve this without further violence, but it looked like the Remnant didn't cared for its people much. How surprising. Like Blonde he wasn't one to make empty threats. They would pay with blood, with much blood. It seemed to him like they didn't really planned this whole thing through, or they didn't actually knew that he had also planted his bombs along his way through the ventilation system. It wasn't like the people on the void station could suddenly start breathing space, but that wasn't his problem anymore. With an annoyed sigh his hand descended, and a second before his ship made the jump, two things were transmitted:

The first one were the codes that made the bombs in the void station go of in unison, the other was a written message, send to anyone listing in comm range:

"Malachor will never bow."

With that the ship jumped into hyperspace, unable to see the destruction this last transmission would cause. While he didn't enjoyed the death of innocents by itself, he enjoyed the message that it would send. And hopefully it would push the Remnant to make another mistake, one even worse than coming to his world the first time: Coming to his world a second time, after he had time to prepare for an attack, after he found the time to call in his friends and allies. It would be the last mistake the Remnant would ever make, of that he was certain.

[member="Travis Caalgen"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Travis Caalgen"] [member="Darth Abyss"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]

The four Naboo SUREC probes jumped to hyperspace. Half a light-year away, Ajira and a handful of operations officers examined the incoming data. Examine might have been too strong a word. 'Stare in mute surprise' might have come closer. Ajira looked around the Jamillia's bridge and found a hint of fear in a dozen sets of eyes.

"I believe," she said, "that I just saw an Imperial Remnant Star Destroyer of unknown type power up an axial composite beam and scare away four First Order starships of equal or greater size. Then it targeted some kind of stealth ship, which revealed itself and barely escaped a beam of significantly greater power than most axial mounts on destroyers of that scale. Are we in accordance regarding this preliminary interpretation of the data?"

They were. Not many other interpretations presented themselves, prima facie.

"Transmit our data to the Alliance. Set course for Naboo. Oh, and send a scout flight after the First Order fleet. Find out what route they're taking home."


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
Throughout all of that chaos and turmoil that happened the droids were still sitting in their stealth transport, the Knight of the Eclipse, waiting for combat to erupt so that they could join in and begin to snatch their targets one by one. However, that would never happen as instead of fighting the intruding parties would retreat away from their system,

"A stealth ship has just jumped away from the system, that was the last visible signature outside of IR vessels."

One of the Greycloaks informed HK, the machine muttered,

"Filthy cravens, nothing but empty threats at empty tables."

It was then that one of the IR vessels fired off its composite laser cannon, aiming at the space left behind the other escaping stealth ship. The machines watched the firing in person, even as the laser missed it was eerily similar to other weapon systems of that nature the Imperial used throughout galactic history.

"For feth's sake, another one? Where do they find people to keep designing these things?"

The droids took records of the weapon firing and its visible systems, the knowledge would probably get useful in the future if they would have to do yet another trench run to exploit some sort of the system's crucial weakness. Or perhaps for once steal the super-weapon away from its owners instead of destroying it so that they could use it for their own nefarious droidic purpose. Yes, that sounded rather nice as well.

Either way, HK's mind was pulled back to reality when one of his Greycloak's asked,

"Your orders?"

The droid looked to his copy-guard and then out of the viewport,

"Send out an encrypted low alert ping on frequency not monitored by the IR to our fleet to send that prepared message, keep us cloaked and hidden otherwise, let us see if anything else happens today."

The Greycloak nodded,


Sometime later [member="Travis Caalgen"] would receive a hyperspace transmission from somewhere close to GA space,

"Imperial Remnant, Void Station, this is the Dancing Queen with Alliance's Abregado Expeditionary Fleet, during a patrol into neutral space we picked up on large numbers of FO and pirate vessels converging towards your location, do you require reinforcements?"

At least they would be the only ones to ask as opposed to just showing up in IR space and acting like they owned the place. But why would HK wait until now to have his fleet check in on the IR instead of simply have them jump into the system back when he did? Well because for one thing suddenly spawning fleets were getting out of hand and there was no need to add to it, and for another he still didn't knew whether he was going to be fighting on IR's side or against them during any battle that would erupt in the system.

Unfortunately no battle erupted, it all seemed like a rather giant waste of time for everyone involved.

Van Bri'tsyd

Professional Man of Mystery
Cody's worst inclinations were soon realized as long range readings and distress signals all coming from Void Station.

"Sir, we just registered a massive energy spike and the civilian channels are reporting explosions all over the station." A junior officer said.

"I know kid, ready the 105's and signal them to jump to coordinates outside system. Don't want to bring the 125 as those birds are military."

Within minutes calculations were made and 12 GR-105 Cru'sis transports jumped into the edge of the system, enough away to not seem a threat but close enough to be able to render assistance in minutes if needed.

"Void station this is the Gallofree convoy ahhhh.. A1, we are responding to the civilian distress signals received, may we be of assistance?"

Fleet Composition:
(9) GR-125 M1 "Gun'oi" - "Long Death" (deep space - reserve)
(12) GR-105 "Cru'sis" armed Transport (edge of system)
each with one squadron of Gallofree "Freetaa Dos" (Death wish) Fighters
(6) "Kiyiy" Model GR-75 Medium Transport - Carrying full holds of proximity mines (deep space - reserve)

[member="Travis Caalgen"] | [member="Baron Morcus"] | [member="Butch Mahan"]

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