Ashlan Remnant

Faction: Ashlan Crusade


Fleet composition
Noble Crusader Class Battlecruisers
Pillar of Retribution (Flagship)
Divine Purpose
Bane of Darkness (reserve)
Dragoon Class Battle carriers
Fist of Demici
Holy Choir (reserve)
Templar class star destroyers
6 in primary fleet, 3 in reserve fleet
Bastion class planetary invasion ship
3 in reserve fleet
Nebula-ii class star destroyers
4 in primary fleet, 2 in reserve fleet
Dominion Class escort frigate
16 in primary fleet, 8 in reserve fleet
Principality class corvettes
16 in primary fleet, 8 in reserve fleet
Warden anti-starfighter frigates
6 in primary fleet
Hangar equipped vessels have full complements of following starfighters (50/50 split)
Pegasus interceptors
Phoenix multi-role starfighters
Noble Crusader Class Battlecruisers
Pillar of Retribution (Flagship)
Divine Purpose
Bane of Darkness (reserve)
Dragoon Class Battle carriers
Fist of Demici
Holy Choir (reserve)
Templar class star destroyers
6 in primary fleet, 3 in reserve fleet
Bastion class planetary invasion ship
3 in reserve fleet
Nebula-ii class star destroyers
4 in primary fleet, 2 in reserve fleet
Dominion Class escort frigate
16 in primary fleet, 8 in reserve fleet
Principality class corvettes
16 in primary fleet, 8 in reserve fleet
Warden anti-starfighter frigates
6 in primary fleet
Hangar equipped vessels have full complements of following starfighters (50/50 split)
Pegasus interceptors
Phoenix multi-role starfighters
Isla Draellix, Grand Admiral of The Grand Fleet of Ashla watched as the swirling colours of hyperspace moved around her ship, from the bridge of the recently repaired Pillar of Retribution she could also see the hulking form of the Divine Purpose. The two battlecruisers were approximately 3 minutes ahead of the rest of the fleet and were to secure the hyperspace entry. This jump had been calculated precisely, the plan of the Ashlans was to arrive far out in the system near one of the old Sith defence platforms, intelligence said that the platforms were significantly under manned since the Sith empire collapsed and her ships could break them quickly. She did not choose this because the defence platforms were hugely important, but because destroying one would create a blindspot in the long range sensors of the enemy, which the rest of her fleet could then jump in to. It wouldn't hide them at all, but would make specifics information and targeting data a little harder as Isla assessed the in system situation.
"4....3....2....1" came the countdown as both the battlecruisers dropped out of hyperspace in flanking positions of the platform and immediately opened fire with full broadsides, hundreds of turbolasers, ion cannons, solar ionisation cannons sprung to life, with the two fusion accelerator cannons adding to the barrage. Return fire from the station was also significant, but her strategic planning team had advised her that her ships could sustain the firepower for long enough to get the job done.
As her ships fired she turned to look at the holo display, filling with enemy ships as the detection radius expanded across the system like a wave... There it was, the Fatalis, she knew that the Maw had decided to interfere with the Ashlan plans for Korriban, and she had been informed that at least one of their infamous star dreadnaughts was in attendance. The numbers flashing up next to its symbol on the holo were awe inspiring, she could respect that sort of firepower. She had not had dealing with its admiral though, but what little information she did have told her he wasn't to be underestimated.
"Bring up everything we have on the Ebruchi" she commanded to her intelligence officer, data quickly flashed up on the screen, not enough really to help, but having it to hand would be useful "Tu-cha, Tu-techa, Tu-teggacha" she pronounced it to herself, wanting to be ready if he made contact.
A bright flash filled the room as one of the reactors of the defensive station detonated, sending the whole station into a spin, it began breaking apart flinging debris in all directions. The incoming firepower had stopped and the Ashlan entry had been made. Seconds later, bang on schedule, her entire primary fleet arrived in the system, filling the space around the two battlecruisers with dozens more ships.
Isla stood in front of the Holo-recorder and spoke, broadcasting on all available frequencies

To all Sith and other Bogan, including those of the Maw, return to your own space in the Outer Regions or face destruction at the hands of my fleet and her allies.
The Ashlan Crusade is come and soon the dark taint shall be washed away from the cursed place once and for all, nobody shall stand in our way."
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