More ships continued to emerge from hyperspace, taking up positions across the system as they prepared for open war. Tu'teggacha growled low in his throat, a wet, sloshing sound like the churning of a polluted ocean. Once again the galaxy was uniting to oppose the Brotherhood's brutal onslaught... or perhaps just to finish off the fallen Sith, and catching the Maw here had been but a fortunate accident of fate for them. The Taskmaster recognized some of these foes. The
Pride of Anaxes, the ship that had slipped past his defensive screen at Csilla and dealt one of the final blows to the
Mercy, was among them.
Perhaps this battle would be the Ebruchi's chance for revenge.
He also recognized the
Tortured Rebirth, the personal starship of
Sergeant Omen
. Tu'teggacha remembered it well; the brave little craft, heavily modified until it was far more warship than freighter, had dared to attack the damaged
Fatalis head-on during the escape from Csilla. The pilot was skilled, strong in the Force, and almost suicidally bold; he knew he would have to watch out for that one, for he was one of those heroes who could swing the tide of battle at a critical moment. Destroying him would have to be made a priority before that could happen... but there were so many priorities now, so many enemies to face.
The Ashlans were already on the move, several of their capital ships approaching the coordinates where the Maw warfleet held position. The enemy commander was being cautious, keeping her force in tight formation and making quick, restrained probing maneuvers. It was more restrained than Tu'teggacha would have been, given her numerical superiority, but the conservative decision was a wise one; it would allow her to conserve her ships, not wasting any of them in a headlong attack but maneuvering tactically. The Crusade clearly aimed to use this fleet in many more conquests yet, and would not throw away their lives.
"Two battlecruisers and a battle carrier are closing in, Taskmaster," the sensors officer reported. A small thrust, but a meaningful one, testing the Maw's defenses... and perhaps trying to draw them out of position. At Csilla, the
Fatalis had nearly been destroyed while attempting to cover the boarding of
Alliance One and the attempted kidnapping of the Chancellor. It had been forced to retreat under a withering hail of fire, almost breaking apart as the NIO and Alliance doggedly pursued it. Tu'teggacha had no intention of repeating that mistake.
"Hold position," he ordered,
"and scramble our fighter squadrons."
No doubt the enemy carrier would soon launch its deadly cargo.
As the range between the two groups of ships ticked down, the Ebruchi tapped his knobby fingers on the armrests of his command throne, waiting for his moment. The
Fatalis was a mobile fortress, but also an artillery piece. It carried six MegaCaliber turbolasers and an array of orbital autocannons, both designed to fire at extreme ranges, as well as heavy mass driver cannons whose range was effectively unlimited; there was no inertia in space, so the deadly projectiles they fired would keep flying forever unless and until they hit something. The
Crucifix Is bore orbital autocannons as well, adding to the far-reaching firepower.
The Ashlan vessels would still be well out of the range of turbolaser batteries, ion cannon arrays, and concussion missile blisters, so it would be impossible for the Brotherhood capital ships to open up on them with their
full firepower until they came much closer... but Tu'teggacha was fairly certain that his long-range weapons outranged the armaments of the Ashlan capital ships. That meant that, for a considerable amount of their approach, the Brotherhood could open fire on their enemies without getting hit in return, even if it was only with some of their weapons.
"You may fire when ready," he burbled, watching the Ashlans close in.
Huge long-range cannons spun up, glowing with crimson energy...
Even as the battle was about to truly begin, however, more foes of the Sith - and Maw - jumped into the system. Tu'teggacha growled again as the Alliance fleet (or a substantial battle group, at least) made its approach, getting a tactical sense of the battlefield. The fleet appeared to rely heavily on support vessels, though it could afford to with the fearsome bulk of the
Morai at its center. Now
that was a ship to match the
Fatalis, and it wasn't the only one the Alliance could muster. There was a reason they held the center of the galaxy, a reason they had won their war with the Empire: industrial capacity. They could outproduce almost anyone.
Sure, freedom and justice and Jedi, but industrial power also defined them.
There was no telling whether the Alliance would focus first on the Maw or on Darth Carnifex, one of their most hated foes, but either way the Brotherhood would ultimately be in trouble. The addition of the GA forces to the already formidable Ashlan fleet only further tilted the odds against Tu'teggacha and his small warfleet. They would need the Supreme Weapon in order to have any chance of winning here, and probably even to survive... so it was good to hear confirmation from
Derix Tirall
, a promise that the Avatar of War would be unleashed. Despite the strain of the battle, the Ebruchi was eager to witness it in action.
And perhaps they would survive long enough for it to arrive, for at that moment the vast Maw Irregular Fleet emerged from hyperspace, the first major reinforcements the Brotherhood had received in the face of all these foes. Sularen had come, answering the Taskmaster's call for aid. It was a vast force, built in secret among the hidden shipyards of the Deep Core, and certainly dwarfed the small warfleet Tu'teggacha had assembled. With such power at his fingertips, it was astounding that Sularen had ever been driven from Byss. No doubt his vengeance would be terrible if he was ever given the chance to take it. It might begin here.
The comm channel opened, and Tu'teggacha inclined his bulbous head in getting.
"The fleet is prepared for battle," he told the Grand Overseer.
"We will engage with the first Ashlan thrust within moments. Thus far they have kept much in reserve, preparing to test our defenses. Between them and the other enemy fleets, we will be hard pressed, even with your formidable reinforcements. I would advise you not to overextend yourself, Grand Overseer, lest you become surrounded and picked off by our foes." The Ebruchi's dark, glassy eyes glittered.
"We must only hold until the Weapon arrives."