Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Annihilation End of an Era: AC Annihilation of Korriban


When you get to the end of all the light you know
and it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown,
faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen:
either you will be given something solid to stand on,

or you will be taught how to fly.

Over and over again, she mouthed the word no-no-no voicelessly. Chidings, observations, wonderings –– all offspring of conversations from times before and now intermingled with one another, becoming nonsensical and indistinguishable. She was vaguely aware that there was a level of panic building around her, and she could feel the earth shake beneath her. An excellent guise for the terrible tremours that consumed her slouched body.

It wasn't until she heard his voice that she shifted her eyes from the space the Acolye had been, to Bernard.

"We've got to move, Ishida. The academy's crumbling, and..."
"look, I'm sorry about all of this, but we need to get out of here to stay alive."

No you're not. Ishida thought harshly.

She'd asked him if he was good for this. He'd proven unable to complete his task, and, through some cruel fate, given the opportunity to validate the hypothesis he'd conjured up on Prosperity. And like a fool, she'd joined him.

But she remained silent, too troubled by the fading aftershock of the all-consuming visions. Instead, she clenched her teeth and tightened her jaw, forcibly looking away from him.

"You hear me?"

Even when given a friendly shake, she felt limp to the touch. She didn't nod, didn't speak, just rose to stand and smeared the back of her hand against her face with a cleansing exhale.

The mutual understanding that they had to leave didn't require further communication, at this point it was superfluous. The silt falling through the ceilings, flames consuming the shelves, constant shaking of the ground, and general signs of quaking terra did well enough to serve as a reminder that the Academy was collapsing.

Urgency imbued the pair of Jedi's movements, retracing their steps back from whence they came. And then..backtracking slightly when they saw the shuttle they'd arrived in consumed by flames.

Still not talking, Ishida made a small noise of discontentment through her nose when the reality of their exodus was going to have to be in that stupid starfighter he'd left behind after the first visit on Korriban.

The shift in expectations to use that X-Wing as a remote-controlled aerial strike followed the entire flipped theme of expectations she'd been exposed to on this accursed planet.

ALLIES | GA | NJO | Bernard Bernard


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She didn't expect her to understand, they never did. 'I'll just tell her, is that what she thinks?' Came her voice like an echo inside her head, her eyes rolling as the thought appeared in her mind. It took a conscious effort not to explain why it'd matter whether or not the Shi'ido forgave her for how she treated her apprentice and the boy she was so enamored with - she would have thought the reasoning would have been self-explanatory had she not dealt with so many people that just expected everything for nothing. Forgiveness, for the Sith, wasn't a simple exchange like this Jedi and so many others seemed to believe. It was an act, a trial, tribulation; you had to earn the right to shrug off the weight of your guilt, and you had to mean it. Intent was everything.

The scoff meant, to her, that she was only sorry that her actions had hurt, not that she'd chose to act the way she had.

She shook her head as she was against made out to be little more than an obstacle, like getting around her would just magically solve things. 'How juvenile.' She thought, the irony not lost on her for thinking such a thing. Youngest in the room, always, and somehow she was always the most understanding of how other people worked. Still, she let it go, there were more important matters to the Sith than something as pointless as drama between a girl that still needed to learn loyalty and a woman that was as deluded as she was making herself out to be - and yet she was caught off guard again.

Just as she'd dismissed Allyson, just as she'd been prepared to turn her back on this confrontation, the woman almost seemed to goad her into prolonging their conflict, something that'd certainly conflict with what was in her own best interests. "Excuse me?" She asked with visible confusion, though she was spoken over by the assertion that an interaction between the Jedi and Aradia would end in any way but an attempted murder - something she wasn't going to waste her breath arguing over. "Did you think I came here, to Korriban, at precisely this moment, just so I could torture you?" She said incredulously, turning back fully to face her in disbelief. "I'm here to destroy this wretched place." She explained, the coinciding steady collapse of the temple-academy they'd been fighting in front of all this time perhaps implying a different scale of destruction than she'd intended.

"You were just a passing fancy."

That was a lie, though a believable one - at least one she was ready to believe herself - but she doubted the Jedi could tell the difference at this stage in either case. Mori wasn't some sociopath hellbent on some empire of Sith, she wasn't out to control the stars, either, but Allyson Locke Allyson Locke didn't know that - in truth nobody else did, not yet. Driving a wedge between the people Darth Daiara Darth Daiara had cared about simply coincided with what was necessary for everything the Sith wanted to be realized and exposing herself, particularly a piece of herself she'd kept so close to heart, was never a part of the equation. The look she wore now, the face she'd shared with few, had altered her mood the moment the Corellian had laid eyes on it. It was a relief, though, that the Jedi didn't probe further with that line of rhetoric, instead moving in a direction that she would have expected to be addressed first - the girl's mother had, at least, the decency to suspect the Sith's intentions.

She couldn't say the same for her.

"I traded another for her." She answered, her simple response rather unclear without the context she wasn't quite willing to provide. "In a manner of speaking, the one she replaced was the only one I cared about." That wasn't to say she cared about the girl in quite the same way, but she didn't care much about how her words were taken. 'Let her be confused.' She thought, unconcerned. Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl was, however, not quite in the same boat as the girl. "I don't know where he is. I am only aware of when he comes and goes." Mori answered, this time truthfully. The girl's interest in him was something she was willing to ignore as long as it was beneficial to her own ends, which was certainly beginning to prove a thorn in her side, but she had never kept so close an eye on him as to wonder where it was he came from when he appeared in her home or where it was he went to when he left.

Like a cat, though, curiosity was getting the better of the Jedi.

"Who am I, indeed." She said with a grimace, like a bad taste had filled her mouth. "I wonder that myself sometimes, whether I'm who I was told to be or if I'm who I wanted to be; or if I'm someone else entirely." She supposed that wasn't quite the answer that Allyson was looking for, though, and dared to smile, even if it never touched her eyes. "Morí in the end, I suppose." She clarified, though whether she meant to leave out the darth because it was self-evident or because it was meant to be a name as true as Allyson was to the Jedi was entirely unclear. "We've met." She noted smugly, letting her hair flow red, if only for a moment, before it shifted darker to the preferred shade she'd worn just moments before. "Many have, though they don't always know."

"I don't see why you'd want to know, though."
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Cass looked at the raider floating toward her, and looked at his hand, the old 'he's holding a thermal detonator' gambit, she would tell him nows not the time but in a room full of explosives he probably nailed the timing.

"There is no need for that, she said pointing at the detonator, I admire you boldness and willingness to die, offer is still on the table, pay is double on jobs for those doing a combat breach. But if you just want to return to your people, that can be arranged." She grinned at the raider, "We might even be able to help each other out along the way if you want the cash? Unless you plan on clutching that thing and not sleeping until we get to you allies, I suggest its probably time we both put down our weapons?"

Looked around, thinking of a plan B, there was an emergency hatchbnot far from her would be assailant, she could blow that perhaps? Might lose a couple of crew though, so only as a last resort.

Her crew behind her kept up their work loading the crates, keeping an eye on their captain, but they knew this wasn't the first or last situation she would deal with like this so stayed out of it.




Darth Petrichor: The Dark Heretic

Ashlan Crusade & friends

Enemies: Brotherhood of the Maw, Sith, etc.

Interacting with: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Loadout: Dual curve-hilted lightsabers, armorweave suit, beskar mask


Petrichor attentively listened as Ingrid gave her advice. He knew nothing of the machinations of Voracitos, but he did understand the utter beating that the planet had taken. He reached for his comlink, attempting to call out to Jorel.

<<This is Petrichor. I demand that all units pull back. Our task here is done. The Force has become unstable. I repeat, pull back. Get our people off of this rock>>

A few moments of static was all that it took to let Petrichor know that the comms had been compromised. In one last desperate effort, he focused all of his energy on the Force, sending his will throughout the very planet itself. With any luck, his message would reach the mind of his former student. Once the transmission was done, her turned back to Ingrid.

"What's done is done. If my former apprentice is maintaining his own internal balance, then he will hear me. If not, then I will simply have to rely on his judgement."

He continued to eye her motions as she called upon the great void.

"Yes, I am aware of how different things operate in the Netherworld. How lucky I am to have one such as yourself to guide me."

She wouldn't be able to see it through his mask, but he dared a smile. He continued listening to her as she opened the portal.

"And yet you still seek the answers. Perhaps we will find them together."



Jorel Kaan: Commander of the Petrite Host

DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie , Mikhail Grayson Mikhail Grayson , Damsy Callat Damsy Callat , Hiran Avola Hiran Avola , Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran , Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar , AC

Enemies: The Mongrel The Mongrel , Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall , Chasianna Chasianna , Alars Keto Alars Keto , Laertia Io Laertia Io , BotM, Sith

Loadout: Dual curve-hilted lightsaber, armorweave jacket


Two of the starfighters were caught in the devastation of their own attack, bringing a smile to Jorel's face. For all of their might, the Maw would still continue to find themselves wanting against the resilience of the Petrite forces. His mind raced as he thought to himself... they just might be able to win the day. The final fighter circled back for another run, and Jorel was ready. He had enough of the unknown; of the constant treacherous actions of the Maw. He reached out once again, calling upon the Dark Side in ways that he had not since his youth. The power surged through him, and he reached out to the ship. With any luck, he would catch it in his grasp, and crumple it into a mass of nothing but shrapnel.

As he reached out, Jorel felt a calling through the Force...

It was his master.

Petrichor was relaying a message of doom, and in Jorel's moment of clarity, he understood how real the threat was. The Ashlan forces had unleashed a volley of Force Light upon the planet, and though he was strong, Jorel doubted he or the Exalted could survive such an assault. He steeled himself against the inevitable as he latched his mind to the approaching fighter.

There was plenty of time for retreat, but it would be for naught if they were all gunned down by the enemy.




Pietro Demici, Cardinal of Ashla & Commander of the Holy Guard

  Somewhere near the temple

Loadout: lightsaber, armorweave priest's vestments

Tags: Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis Romi Jade Bernard Bernard Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Mikhail Grayson Mikhail Grayson Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina


The light continued to pour from Pietro, and all else seemed to vanish. The world gave way to endless light, and the cardinal almost believed that he was in paradise. It seemed as if Ashla would see them through to the bitter end. Her light was all-engulfing, and ever-present. But then, as if an itch that could not be scratched... he felt the darkness creep in.

Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis was attempting to barrage the Ashlan effort, sending his own will through the greater ether of the Force. If the circumstances had been different, Pietro would have felt concern, or perhaps even fear. Such pure, unbridled darkness was not to be trifled with. But the reality was...

There was no greater force.

The cardinal's mind shot outward, connecting with the Light like it never had before. The purity of this clash provided him with great clarity and resolve. The very presence of such resistance gave justification to their cause. The planet would be cleansed, one way or another.

Beneath his feet, Pietro felt the ground begin to crumble. Korriban was coming apart at the seams. The cardinal realized that yes, perhaps the planet could not be saved. It seemed that the very core of the land fought against the wave of Force Light. Despite this, he pressed on. Pietro could not accept the idea that Korriban was beyond saving, and though the Dark Side tore at the earth beneath his feet, he pressed on, hoping to find some solace in the minutia of planetary redemption.


Post: 7
Objective: Ode to Chaos and Destruction
Equipment: Mind Crown | Black MidNight Duster with Hood | Echani shield suit | Grav Boots | Eltro Life Gloves | x4 red lightsabers | Defender | Forearm Lanvorak | Wrist Laser | x2 FWG-5 Flechette Smart Pistol | Boomer | X4 Daggers | Pack of Death sticks | Various Explosives on person and in backpack | Holopad
Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Chasianna Chasianna | Alars Keto Alars Keto
Enemies: DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie | Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor | Mikhail Grayson Mikhail Grayson | Damsy Callat Damsy Callat | Hiran Avola Hiran Avola | Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran | Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar
Special Tags: A Lot is Going Down Valley People!

Tegan work diligently as she tried to get the makeshift gravity weapon, she made some much-needed stable power. She could hear the fighting going on outside and here the explosions of the fighters in the distance. Yet her attention could not be taken away from the device she was fine tuning, even as the air strike drew closer nothing took her attention away. Then came the pleasant humm of the weapon finally charging correctly. The hyperdrive energy pulsated as Tegan flip one more switch to give it a steady enough energy flow to strike out six times.

Meanwhile the Excerpts finally cut down the last Rhadite Sorcerer. The last one feel to his knees before he the dark extinguished his flame. He spoke out to the Excerpt that had dealt him his mortal wound. The voice was deep and howl unearthly in essence. “This world is doomed the Dark will consume it just like Csilla.” The body feel to the ground vaporized into a cloud of black smoke as the dark consumed it as it consumed everything it touched. A laugh echoed for a few seconds after the body dissipated. The Excerpts may have defeated the Rhadites but their fight was far from over this world was nearing it’s end just like Csilla’s final moments you could feel all the death hanging in the air.

Tegan smiled her wicked little smile as she marveled at the device she had put together. It made her feel young again well younger anyway Tegan hadn’t been young in a really long time. It reminded her of all the times she just made something to test on the battlefield not concerned with the consequences. Weapons of pure Chaos and she didn’t even know the half of it with all the new devastation rocking the world outside the corvette. With out a second though she pulled a switch on the device.


A Hypespace window opened up right near where the excerpts and the Rhandites had been fighting, the gravity pull was so strong it ripped chunk of rock and sand straight from the ground. The ground shook in the area and for a moment a pocket of oxygen was pulled from the area as well. The temperature dropped drastically to near absolute zero. Yet it only lasted a few seconds but the devastation it caused was immense.

The Second shot opened up in the Valley itself striking just above one of the tombed pyramids. It ripped the pyramid apart as it was sucked up like a vacuum. Stone by stone it was pulled up into the hyperspace window. The temperature int eh area again dropped and the oxygen in the area was temporarily zapped away. The ground around the pyramid ripped apart. As the hyperspace window went away after few seconds the stones and earth that didn’t get full sucked into the window began to rain down on the battlefield.

The windows opened up into space and launched the debris just outside the atmosphere of Korriban. The Fleets above would see these windows opening and just see junk and the odd starfighter, person, or land tank that got caught in the window come flying out the other end. The weapon had six more shots left as Tegan Managed to give a little more power than she originally thought she could.

Tegan began her exit from the Corvette she wasn’t going to stick around just in case the device exploded or did something else unexpected. It was time for her to get the hell off this rock. She pulled out a Comm. “Khaos come pick me up this world is nearing it’s end, lets get the hell out of here.”

Location: half buried pyramid in southern desert

Engaging Khamul Kryze

The sith had picked up speed and was now approaching Brim, "Men, get that chest out too the ship and deal with that hound, I will deal with the Sith" He steadied himself, raising his shield to axe and letting out a roar. He was not here to kill sith but if he got one on the way back to his ship, then it would be just a little bit of revenge for his centuries of imprisonment.

As the Sith came in range, he swung his axe hard aiming at his foe, leaving a trail of fire arcing through the dry air, it was as big swing and unlikely to connect, but he wanted to keep the sith at distance a little while he got the feel for his fighting technique. Three of the Hades commandos ran past, two with blade and shield drawn, the other with his rifle to provide covering fire. They had dealt with these beasts on Ninn, but this was no tamed pet, and its eyes burned hot with the darkness.

The other men steadily progressed toward the entrance with the chest they had been tasked with recovering, the last man, the sergeant, held back, watching his leader enter battle, he was ready to join the fight if he saw an opening, Brim fought best on his own where he could throw his weight around, but if the opportunity arose, a flank shot could be handy.


Location: Korriban, Mawite Excavations
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw | Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall
Foes: Ashlan Crusade, NIO, GA | Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar | Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor

Northeast: The Petrite Front
It was his time of dying. Ajax could sense it.

The Force swirled around Korriban in a raging tempest. Light battled dark. Dark battled dark. Corruption, preservation, and destruction all warred for control of the planet's fate, and there was no telling who would be victorious. But the Knyght of Kasparov could see two things with perfect clarity: the power gathering around the Petrite commander, about to be unleashed, and the growing instability of the crashed corvette's hyperdrive. Yes, it was his day of dying, and he would die at Jorel's hands... but if he delayed the Petrite forces even a moment longer, they would face deadly chaos.

So Ajax charged in, guns blazing, heading straight for the Chiss Sith. His Divine Eagle bore down on Jorel, his cannonfire kicking up puff after puff of instantly-glassed sand like rapidly approaching footsteps. He knew he would never make it all the way, but he was unafraid. He had earned his passage to the New Galaxy, where all kings would be humbled and the strong could forge their own destinies freely. The Force lashed out around him, catching his fighter, and the Knyght keenly felt the craft crumbling through his cybernetic link. Crunch. Crack. And then finally it collapsed inward.

Ajax was crushed instantly, and the fighter fell.

The compact ball of metal that had been the last Divine Eagle rolled down the hill like a wrecking ball, forcing soldiers to scramble out of its way or get squashed. But this was a lesser hazard compared to what Tegan's hyperdrive meddling had unleashed. Unstable hyperspace windows ripped open across the hillside, sucking in rocks, sand... people. The temperature crashed, and a huge swath of battlefield froze instantly, the sand becoming as hard as stone. More and more cracks in reality opened, tearing apart ancient monuments and exalted tombs, spitting debris out into the cold void.

Another hyperspace window abruptly consumed a huge swath of sand and rock at the base of the hill... and the entire slope became unstable again. For the second time, the hillside began to collapse, slipping and sliding downward as it filled in the huge hole in the terrain. Boulders fell loose, and the entire corvette slid some fifty meters before coming to rest at the bottom of the mound, crushing anything in its path. The last defenders of Mongrel's Hill were dead, but the hill itself seemed to still be full of rage, tearing itself apart in one last frenzy of violence against those who dared climb it.

And the hyperspace windows were not done emerging...


South: The Galidraani Front:
Through the red haze of agony Toraaz pulled himself forward, one hand dragging him along the sandy slope, the other frantically stabbing at Aemilio's legs. He was dying quickly now, staining the dunes red as his maimed leg leaked his lifeblood, but he swore to die on the attack. The entire hill was rapidly falling apart, ripped asunder by dark magics and unstable technology, and no doubt there would be much more death and destruction before the day was done... but for the Cirihut warrior, it would all end much before that, and he desired to pierce his foe one last time before the end.

The Galidraani officer's power armor was strong, deflecting many blows, but Toraaz was strong too... and determined. He just kept stabbing, blunting his knife against the mighty bodysuit, until a strike finally slipped through. Blood pumped from Aemilio's calf, and the Cirihut grinned wildly, showing off stained, jagged teeth. This was how a Mawite warrior should meet his end: with his blade wet and a cry of defiance on his lips. And indeed that was how Toraaz died. One moment he was leering right into Aemilio's face. The next his head was gone, his skull exploded by the power of the grav glove.

Fragments of bone - and no small number of teeth - rained down on Aemilio as bits of Toraaz fell back to earth. The Cirihut's tattooed body slumped to the side, limbs still twitching, and his bloodied knife slipped from numb fingers. So passed the last of the southern slope's defenders. All around him on the sandstorm-wracked hillside, Aemilio could see that the disciplined NIO soldiers had mopped up the other Mawites, putting blaster bolts through the skulls of the fallen to make sure that the hardy warriors did not rise again. The Battle of Mongrel's hill was over. The Honor Guard was dead.

Well, almost all of them. The Mongrel alone still lived...



Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | AC | GA | NIO
Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha | Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick | MAW | SITH


Task Force Venality
Coreward edge of the engagement zone
  • Morai, Morai-class Super Star Defender
    Critically damaged, power partially restored
  • Autarchy, Avalon-class Corvette
    Critically damaged
  • Purgill, Oswaft-class Corvette
    Critically damaged
  • 4/72 Y-Wing Starbombers
Destroyed by Avatar of War
  • Mon Clistenes, MCv110-class Multirole Frigate
  • Mon Helios, MCv110-class Multirole Frigate
  • Absolution, Avalon-class Corvette
  • Amnesty, Avalon-class Corvette
  • Autonomy, Avalon-class Corvette
  • Drogheda Bounty, XY-48-class Freighter
  • 36 B-Wing Starfighters
  • 60 A-Wing Interceptors
  • 70 E-Wing Starfighters
  • 24 X-Wing Starfighters
  • 9 support craft squadron

Task Group Avidity
Moving to reinforce 3rd Sector Fleet
  • Arquebus, Emancipation-class Artillery Cruiser
  • Mon Borea, MCv110-class Multirole Frigate
  • Mon Tellus, MCv110-class Multirole Frigate
    Critically damaged
  • Chiaki, Oswaft-class Corvette
    Critically damaged
  • Phillak, Oswaft-class Corvette
    Critically damaged
  • 5/36 E-Wing Starfighters
  • 1/24 Y-Wing Starbombers
  • 12 B-Wing Starfighters

Task Unit Esurient
Surveying Korriban system

It has come to this.

A lifetime of business complete with corporate betrayals and cutthroat deals. Years as a Sith-Imperial bureaucrat and Moff, characterised by a callous pursuit of credits propped up by methods considered war crimes by most governments. Two terms as the Vice Chancellor of the Galactic Alliance, literally one the frontline in countless theatres of war as he fought for the ideals of democracy and freedom.

And yet, a mop-up skirmish over a dead world long after the war had Sith Empire had been crushed looked to be where Tithe’s luck finally ran out.

He’s given up on flying his shuttle. All the money he’s spent and the advanced technology packed into it was only useful if you knew how to turn it on.

Instead, the Aargauun leaned back in his chair and watched the battle through the open docking bay door.

Two blights flashed from ancient ships making a run on Morai engulfed the view for a second before the anti-flash system took over and dimmed them out. Additional ships belonging to the Ashlan reserve fleet jumped in-system and were hunting down the remaining Brotherhood starfighters. The 3rd Sector Fleet was locked in battle with the Maw Irregular Fleet. Reports coming from the surface were more worrying, with reports that a Force ritual pitting light against the darkness was unfolding in the old Sith academy.

Tithe had always assumed that his death would be in a boardroom or bank vault, quietly cut down without fanfare by someone he had wronged. And to be fair, the list of people he had wronged over the years was almost as long as his bank ledger. Almost. He’d lost count of the number of times he had…

“This is the Naginata to any crew still aboard the Morai, we are here to offer assistance. Please respond.”

The Vice Chancellor sat bolt upright as his comlink came to life. He scrambled for the device and managed to knock it on the floor. He dropped down from his chair and crawled under the console to retrieve the device.

Naginata, this is, ahh, yes, this is Fiduciary,” he replied. Looking out the docking bay door he could see the Dominion-class escort frigate surveying the damaged Super Star Defender. “Ohh boy, am I glad to see you. I’m holed up in the Morai’s forward bay.” He paused awkwardly for a moment.

“I am, errr, in need of counsel. My pilot is deceased, is it feasible to slave my shuttle to one of your deft pilots to facilitate my escape?”


Location: Korriban System, Drifting Wrecks
Tags: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini


The Anomid eyed Cass suspiciously. She was cool under pressure, he had to give her that. "Double pay sounds good," he admitted, still clutching the grenade, "but I don't have any reason to trust you. I don't have any idea who you are, and pretty much anyone who's not with the Brotherhood wants every last one of us dead." He was no fanatic, or he would've detonated the explosives already, earning his passage to paradise with these intruders' deaths. But not wanting to die was exactly the problem; what guarantee did he have that these scavengers wouldn't hand him over to the GA or Ashlans?

The woman made a good point, though; he could hardly hold onto his thermal detonator the entire way back to Mawite territory. One wrong shift in his sleep and he'd arrive as a burn mark rather than a living being. "You make a good point... but I need some kind of guarantee. Look at this from my perspective. How do I know you won't kill me as soon as I put this down? How do I know you won't clap me in restraints and hand me over to one of the military fleets lurking around here?" He wasn't sure where to go from here. He had to get onto Cass's ship, or he was dead, but if he was going to die anyway...

Outside, in the space surrounding the drifting wreck and the attached Midnight Kyber, space suddenly rippled and distorted. Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall 's tinkering with the hyperdrive on Mongrel's Hill was taking effect. An unstable hyperspace rift opened like a gaping maw, and several tonnes of rocks and sand were vomited out of it, bits of Korriban now left drifting through the void above the planet. It was no immediate threat to the salvage ship, just an incredibly odd sight... and probably a sign that whatever was happening to the tomb world was escalating. Who could say what dangers would come next...



Location: Korriban system
Faction: Ashlan Crusade
Allies: Caarlyle Rausgeber Zark San Tekka Captain Albrecht Herlock Tristan Evore Relynia Sorrene Relynia Sorrene - AC/NIO
Enemies: Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha Carnifex - KV-6000 - Marlon Sularen Derix Tirall Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick TSE/MAW

Fleet composition
Noble Crusader Class Battlecruisers
Pillar of Retribution (Flagship) - engaged with fatalis
Divine Purpose - engaged with fatalis
Bane of Darkness (reserve)

Dragoon Class Battle carriers
Fist of Demici - moving to engage eternal rule
Rapture - engaged with fatalis
Holy Choir (reserve)

Templar class star destroyers
6 in primary fleet, 3 in reserve fleet

Bastion class planetary invasion ship
3 in reserve fleet

Nebula-ii class star destroyers
4 in primary fleet, 2 in reserve fleet

Dominion Class escort frigate
16 in primary fleet, 8 in reserve fleet
Principality class corvettes
16 in primary fleet, 8 in reserve fleet
Warden anti-starfighter frigates
6 in primary fleet

Hangar equipped vessels have full complements of following starfighters (50/50 split)
Pegasus interceptors
Phoenix multi-role starfighters

    • Fatalis fleet
      • Pillar of retribution - Destroyed
      • divine purpose - (Crippled -shields depleted, severe damage to port weapon systems - large hole down port of ship - firing on fatalis- boarded - most boarding battles just mopping up now - most non-essential systems going offline)
      • rapture (taking fire - port shields very low - main bridge destroyed - firing less grouped due to weakened command and control - some weapon batteries down - all fighters launched, significant casualties)
      • Templar 1 (Crippled - loss of most port systems, on emergency power - priority to leave battle via hyperdrive)
      • Templar 2 (taking minor but persistent secondary fire - shields low - minor damage - firing on remaining Crucifix)
      • 6 dominions (switched fire to Fatalis, 3 destroyed, 1 crippled, 2 with weakened shields, Minor damage)
      • 6 principalities (engaging Samael frigates, moving forwards to try and cut down range - 2 defending damaged templar, 2 destroyed - 2 pushing with other templar)
      • 2 wardens - destroyed
      • Phoenix bombers from primary fleet mostly neutralised, only a few squadrons left
    • Eternal rule
      • Fist of Demici (Damage to hangar capability - shields damaged- opening fire - starfighters returning from Eternal Rule - burn and emplacement damage from ram attack)
    • Reserve fleet
      • just arrived from hyperspace, engaging final dawn fleet

Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe

The comms officer of the Naginata heard the reply from Tithe come in, hitting some buttons to pass the details on to the flight crews, looking at the registry of the Fiduciary she was surprised to see the owner name, she wouldn't jump to any conclusions, but if it was the admiral himself she was in the process of saving, the captain would want to know, and there may be medals on the way. "Fiduciary we are transmitting slave overide protocols now, please input your own clearance to allow them access to your systems, your pilot today will be Corporal Enixx, the channel will switch to him once he takes over control" The security systems in front of admiral Tithe blinked on as the Ahlan Vessel hit his firewalls, and Tithe would need to accept the overide. As he did, autopilot lights blinked on and the ships engines powered up, there was a familiar hum that Tithe would have been used to enjoying as a passenger. There was a brief buzz as the comm channel changed and a male voice came through. "This is Corporal Enixx, I will be taking you out, if you have any questions or concerns, let me know. Your ship is reading as intact and fully functional is this correct?" The shuttle lifted off the hangar deck and proceeded out of the shield in front of him, to the right, Tithe would be able to see an Ashlan support shuttle lazily creeping forward as it shadowed the larger ship. Three Ashlan fighters pulled into formation around the Fiduciary all Tithe had to do was sit tight as his ship made the passage through the space between the Morai and the Naginata. Far in the distance, another Ashlan frigate scanned a different part of the Morai the huge star defender made the frigate look tiny by comparison.

Ahead of Tithe was the awaiting hangar of the Naginata and relative safety.

On the Mercy's Gift

Isla was still refusing medical instructions to retire, but at the very least she was seated and having her wounds examined, a cracked cheekbone, fractured orbit and a laceration to her forehead. She supposed these were her first battles cars, the first time she could properly call herself combat experienced.

He reserve fleet had lost more ships, the fleet was pushing hard and had managed to start taking shots at the primary weapon of the Final Dawn but its was heavily shielded and probably heavily armoured, all they needed to do was keep it from obliterating the rest of the fleet a little longer. There was another flash as and Ashlan Templar broke in half, its reactor exploding in a huge fireball of plasma. hopefully it had managed to take some of the swarms of fighters with it.

It was a matter of time now, either the battle would end, or she would be forced to withdraw her fleet, the casualties were mounting and the Grand Fleet would struggle to replace the losses. At least the Fist of Demici stood strong against the oncoming attack and looked to be doing well.

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The two ships continued orbiting together, the tidal sounds had stopped for a moment as the ship now reached its apogee, it was at this moment hyperspace anomalies started popping up in the upper layers on the boundary between atmosphere and space. They would have been fascinating to observe if anyone had been watching, but everyone was focused on their job, too busy to notice the slight gravitational tug on the two ship altering the orbit an almost imperceptible amount.

Cass listened to the raider in front of her, of course he was frightened for his safety, she completely understood that, as much as the proximity of several tons of ordnance stopped her anyway, she didn't any feel malice towards this cornered individual threatening her.

"If you want a tangible guarantee of those things, I am afraid that is something I don't have, I only have my word. I have no intention of taking you to the authorities and having to explain why I have twenty tons of stolen hardware and enough military grade fuel to power half a fleet on board my ship." It amused her the idea of appearing from cloak in a war zone to hand over a random soldier to them, then trying to leave with her cargo and her own bounty left untouched.

"I do understand your position though, you aren't the first person who has joined my crew in this manner, my name is Captain Cass Gemini, I am not affiliated to any of the fleets here, I have not interest in your wars other than the fact that between your lot and the Bryn, it is a golden age for bold scavengers"

She stopped speaking for a moment as something chimed in her ear, with no power running if the raider had a good idea he might hear words like korriban, anomaly, gravity, atmospher a few seconds later she spoke into her comm "OK, give me 10 and I will be back aboard"

Turning back to the raider, "ok, so that hour I spoke about, someone is messing around out there and knocked 45 minutes off that time, so do we continue here and hope that the ship survives its next perigee, or do we get out of here and sort out the terms later?"



Allies: Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Relynia Sorrene Relynia Sorrene Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce
Enemies: BotM

Not again...Not again.

“Sir! Detecting massive spike in power from that Maw craft!”

The red flare reignited painful memories. The alliance fleet had been decimated the first time I’d seen it. Tens of thousands killed in an instant. Another superlaser. My breathing hastened. Closing my eye, I could still see the arcing beam.

I stood up as the superlaser faded from view. When had I fallen back into my chair? A shaky hand wiped away a panicked tear. The entire bridge was in a panic. Last time this had happened, we’d ran from the field of battle. Panicked sensor and comms officers shouted out information, which I barely heard. What had been the target? Finally, I began to process the information desperately being shouted at me.

The Moirai had been hit. Vice Chancellor Tithe was likely dead.

“Sir! Detecting another energy build up!”


“Ouroboros, sir!”

Horror stretched it’s hand across my face. Csilla all over again.

I had men I could save. Men I had to save.

“We can’t do anything for Admiral Pryce anymore. Order all ships to pull back, and get as far away from the dreadnoughts as possible. Order what’s left our fighters to land, there’s not much they can do.”

From across the bridge, I seemed still as a rock. I was doing what I had to do to provide my men stability. If anyone got closer, they’d have seen the sweat on my brow, my nails digging into my palm. How still my chest was as I held my breath. My jaw locked tight. They’d see my gaze jumping around nervously, trying to see everything.

I couldn’t run again. I ran away at Csilla, returning only in time to watch the planet die. What if I’d stayed? Could half a corvette line have done anything to save the planet? To save the millions still trapped on the icy world as it was torn apart? Those questions haunted me every night and day. I had to do something.

“Lieutenant, try to identify any gaps in the enemy line. Anywhere we might be able to punch through and assault their superlaser.”


Then that damned beam came again. I winced, the intense red light burning in my eye. Even with my eye closed tight, it seemed like it was getting brighter. Alarms blared. I heard one man gasp.

“Sir! The beam’s cha--”

I couldn’t hear him finish his sentence. It felt like the entire ship was shaking itself apart. My vision turned red, like looking straight at a sun with my eye closed.

Finally, it receded. I opened my eye carefully, looking around at the panic stricken bridge.

“Status report, now!”

Reports came flooding in from the ships of the line. No one seemed to have taken a hit, but it was clear that something had changed the direction of the laser. As far as scanners could tell, the Ouroboros was still intact.

“Sir, the Fanatic isn’t responding. She’s not showing on scanners either.”

Damn. Down a warrior. The men aboard likely didn’t have the chance to feel pain.

“Order Captain Sorrene to the bridge when she returns to the Revenge. Signal the Ouroboros. Ask Admiral Pryce for orders.”
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Side: Attacker
Objective: Save Sith artefacts; try to save Adrian
Location: Valley of the Dark Lords, Korriban
Equipment: 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Writing with: Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor
[ Last Days… ]

Ingrid, in addition to being an intelligence agent, spy, and assassin, she thought of herself as something else too. To a soldier. She did not like cowardly people, but in the light of what is going to happen here, the retreat was not cowardice. It was one of the few times when it wasn’t. At times, there was an opponent that could not be fought. This one today, which was probably made here, was exactly like that; an invisible enemy.

While the man was busy with the messaging, the woman was making great progress in opening the rift. She turned her attention back to Petrichor when the man addressed her again. The man could at least message someone who was important to him. But not the woman; she was unable that day, and Ingrid has been blaming herself ever since.

"I don’t know all the areas of the Netherworld either, but I’m already doing pretty well over there." she explained.

She nodded; yes, she was still looking for a solution, since Dantooine. Every single day, however years passed, in the Nether even more time. As Petrichor spoke, she looked at Adrian. For the man, it might have been as if the woman was looking into the darkness. Adrian walked over to Ingrid and stroked her face kindly, then kissed her forehead. Only in the imaginary world, where Adrian still existed, Ingrid smiled at her dead husband as she turned back to Petrichor with a grim and emotionless look.

"I don’t think there is an answer to that, I think I need to come up with a method or invent it. Unless you have heard of a person who knows how to re-merge a soul what torn into nearly a thousand pieces… the soul shards so that you can regain the original soul, flawlessly, unharmed." she said, finally lowered her arms and stepped back from the open rift. "The rift is open and stable. When you are ready, we can go."




ALLIES: DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie , Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran , Fiolette Fortan, Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor
ENEMIES: Brotherhood of the Maw, Sith Remnants, The Mongrel The Mongrel , Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall


Voidwalker: The Head
After the energy flew forth from his hand and took off Toraaz's head, his body hit the ground next to him. Aemilio stared at the inert corpse for a moment before he swept a gaze around his surroundings. His brethren were in the midst of slaying the rest of the Cirihut that had descended upon them. Weapons of all make, archaic and modern styles littered the ground. Scorched terrain and crags had disheveled the plateau.

Even if it had been a world that housed the Sith, Aemilio was certain it had been peaceful at one time or another. Before today, especially.

He heard dulled voices getting closer as he fell back into the sand. Just a moment, it was all he needed to recover he assured himself. Sealing his mouth and making a conscious effort to breathe through his nose steadily, in place of the shaky, haphazard breathes that were currently being released.

He felt his body shift, pressure applied to the source of the pain in his leg. The pulsating wound gradually dulled until it felt like background noise in the back of his mind. Aemilio blinked open his eyes to peer through his visor. He was sitting up now, and a medic, Aella, according to the UI just finished with the bacta patch on his calf.

His head shook from side to side.

In front of his men, he had to show that he was strong, deserving of their strength, loyalty, and support. The time for groveling would come later.

"Is this it?" Aemilio said to the assorted group.

"Seems like it." The familiar voice was enough to cause Aemilio to crane his head back to look which of the helmeted faces said it.

"Vinso," Aemilio greeted with an up raised nod. Despite the gladness he felt in seeing another one of his friends having survived the treacherous climb up, it was disconcerting to come to terms with how many had died to get them there. Most on that very same plateau they were on now. He gave a final look around as the medic pushed him back as he had been on the ground.

"Hold him down," said the feminine sounding Aella.

There was a pause, and Vinso crouched down, shuffling closer to press Aemilio to the surface so he wouldn't move as the medic began to slowly pull his arm to the side.

"Give me a sitrep," Aemilio bit out.

"Place is falling apart. Mountain's splitting open. We've used CryoBan grenades to slow the molten rocks coming out of the gro-" There was a quiet pop, and a repeated cracking sound in quick succession as the Lieutenant fought to rise up but was restrained by the Sgt. Vinso instead. "No sign of other hostiles for the last minute or two. I sent two men up to scout ahead. No report back yet." Vinso leaned back to give the LT space, clasping his uninjured forearm to drag him up to his feet.

"Let's go then."

Torayga: Northwest

The assortment of stormtroopers charged up the western flank of the hill. Where others would fail and collapse in the sands, the stormtroopers bounded up the sliding sand and rocks. Sure steps carrying them into the midst of Reed's men as they cut their way up to the top of the mountain. Death surrounded them, not unlike what assailed and slowed them when they had been in their vehicles. Fissures and molten rock were commonplace, and although some were caught by the shifting nature of the planet, most of Torayga's men were pushing to the front of the line through the fallen.

<<This is Lieutenant Voidwalker of the 5th Assault Company's 3rd Platoon. All troopers congregate at the top of the mountain.>>

The other half of the twin platoon hadn't heard from the First Lieutenant since they had landed, and Torayga was glad to finally get confirmation of life.

"You heard him! Only way we're getting off this hill is by the top!" Reaching out to grab onto one of the men and shove him past, up the hill, Torayga waved them past them. "Move! Take the hill!"
[Captain Relynia Sorrene Standing By]
[ANV Revenge Air group - CAG]
{Ashlan Crusade Allies - Galactic Alliance}

{Korriban's Orbit}
Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva }


A crimson light flared in the distance, a blinding explosion of haunting energy registering on scanners soon after-- But not as a mere explosion, not as a simple radiation spike, but as a wide beam of destruction heading her way. And entirely by instinct, Relynia pushed her engines to the max.

Everything around her turned a dreadful bright red, her head began to pound from the heat now drowning the cockpit, her ears registered every last deafening scream that came through the comms along with her own. The chaos drove spikes into her mind, sent agony pulsing through her entire body, and finally ceased for the briefest of moments, shocked silence now taking hold.

Csilla. It was the same silence, the same sensation that had been present at the Alliance's last confrontation with the Brotherhood. It was the same wave of heat, the same blinding red light...

Her sight had begun to clear soon enough; thanks to the ever-evolving designs of her helmet's eye protection lenses, the crimson glow continued to diminish. So too did the disorganized clumps of blurred light melding contours together and stretching fields of color. And when the plethora of destruction finally registered in sharp and recognizable images, she managed to track the path of destruction to the dark, looming silhouette of a far off monstrosity-- a haunting, imposing spaceframe of metal and organic material.

First Mercy, and now...

The Avatar of War enveloped her vision.

Another beam came from behind, this time expelled from the Xythan shields of the ANV Ouroboros, and joining a torrent of similar energy discharges.

It had been in the best interests of the crew, and in the best interests of protecting the tactically-vital star-dreadnought from an otherwise crippling blow. But for all who found themselves unlucky enough to be caught in the storm of red death...

"GAH!" The X-wing lurched ahead, its seat now pressing sharply into Relynia's back while the craft itself began to whirl uncontrollably along its yaw-axis.

Isolated fragments of distant debris melded further together with each second of the chaotic spinning, nausea and several G's worth of force being brought down on her in the meantime. Rudder and shielding circuits lit up in short-lived flames, then collapsed into horrid smoke, all for another five seconds while the captain and the X-wing's integrated droid brains scrambled to arrest the build-up of momentum. Etheric rudders continued to strain themselves, so too did half-active stabilizers and sparingly fed engines, until the wounded X-wing came to a relative halt.

She blacked out at the very same moment.

When Relynia regained consciousness, some thirteen seconds afterward, her vision opened to the scorched metallic ribcage of...somebody's ship-- a corvette-sized hole now having torn through a blackened hull. She had come to a halt in a now cavern-like section of the vessel, nestled between two separated halves-- separated, that was, except for the thin slice of upper-hull plating linking the two together. No one had made pursuit in her time of vulnerability, thankfully. The rest of the enemy fighters were mixed up in their own chaotic aftermaths and rushed dogfights, and the residual heat from the superweapon's laser would mask her own signature for a long while.

Though, it wouldn't be long before said residual heat cooked her alive.

Upon further examination of the surrounding area, Relynia had recoiled back in fear, eyes now locked on the silhouettes of...bodies. Mutilated corpses drifted about, down the corridors, into walls, their faces contorted into images of silenced screams-- that was, if the superweapon's heat hadn't already burned such features into a crisp. Her eyes turned away immediately, the captain's body now shuddering uncontrollably while she rushed to run her diagnostics, shaking fingers dancing about the dimmed arrays of lights and switches.

The impact and sheer energy had fried her shields, knocking out a secondary stabilizer and a missile launcher in a resulting chain reaction. The inertial dampeners came out in better shape, though not by much-- the fields had begun to weaken, and in the moments before she blacked out, they had been nearly inactive.

The next order of business was a squadron-wide status check, first a brief scan over any active transponders belonging to the Revenge's launched air group. Eight contacts were recognized, in comparison to the original twenty-four. Soon after came the desperate transmission of a communicator-- maybe some of their transponder units had started malfunctioning after the blast, maybe... She was deluding herself, holding onto a false hope that sixteen of the men and women under her command hadn't been killed over the nightmare that was Korriban.

Eight responses came in, still from the same detected fighters, as expected. But after a tense few seconds, another came in, this time from the flagship.

"Captain Sorrene. The commodore's recalling our launched ships. He wants you on the bridge when you're ready, aswell."

"Copy..." She made a point of quickly tuning the transmitters to the air group's channel, furthermore putting the majority of her energy into clearing the lingering terror from her voice and expression, "[This is CAG... Partner up if you haven't already. Make way for the Revenge. And don't look back...]"

The captain set the throttle to full, let the engines burn to their brightest, and began to weave through the chaos.
. . .
Not long after her X-wing had come to a rough landing at its designated position in the Revenge's hanger, Relynia had leapt from her seat in the smoke-ridden starfighter, diving under a throng of scrambling deckhands as dozens of orange-uniformed personnel rushed to inspect the varying amounts of damage throughout the landed starfighters. And when the captain slipped into the turbolift, she caught a final glance of the collected chaos, her hands now balling into tightly-formed fists even as the car sailed upward.

Another rushed half minute passed by before Relynia finally passed through the bridge's doorway, radiating an air of anxiety despite her best efforts, and now rendered unable to stop her hand from noticeably shaking as she formed a salute.

"Standing by, Sir."
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Fiolette Fortan



The look of the fighting on the ground had shifted, and so too did the task of Bomber Group Wallis. Wallis and Harris were recalled back to their formations, and Captain Fortan ordered up tight escort formations. Rather now the task of evacuation fell to Captain Fortan, vessels from Galidraan had arrived in a timely manner. Galidraan realizing the magnitude of Korriban's battle had sent them some time ago, thus their relatively quick arrival. Instructions were sent by Commander Treloar of the Warspite to Captain Reed;

The information would be sent through encrypted channels, notifying Reed that Galidraan would well be on their way with help. The help would be open to Galidraani Defense, Galactic Alliance and New Imperial personnel looking to get off the ground. Reed would be provided extraction points as to where the pick ups would be. A route would be highlighted, Reed could also change the route if the situation on the ground was not keen for pick up. The new formation as Captain Fortan designated it would be Medical Escort Group Clarke. The larger group would consist of the newly arrived medical corvettes. The frigates and the sole medical cruiser Guernsey would remain in system, with the Blackwells descending to orbit to recieve those in critical condition.

The group would be dispatched with all of the corvette squadrons, including the newly formed Alpha Squadron, consisting of Alpha and Victor's sole survivors and two of Bravo Squadron's survivors. Fortans would also be dispatched along with Muhktiars and one of the Raskovas which asked to return with the group. The Warspite and all Vindicators, lent their squadrons in full capacity combat and support, their aim would be to keep the extraction zone(s) clear enough to get the wounded out of combat as quickly as possible.

There was a good chance that some of these vessels would be taken out, and if that was the case then no greater love have a man, than to lay his life down for another. Their names would be remembered and their sacrifices would not be forgotten. Captain Fortan looked over the formation and ordered the escorts to remain close to the medical ships, and thus then they began their descent back toward Korriban's rusted and blooded sands.

Fortan once more with the grim task of watching over the men and women as they faded from view, reduced to nothing more than blips on the radar screens. So she began the tune, a tune that she first began to hum when she walked upon the bridge in the opening moments of the battle. This time as she began to quietly hum, the crew and officers began to hum along and somewhere they on their own encrypted fleet channels began the song in full. "I vow to thee, my country, all earthly things above."



In a ground-shaking barrage of awesome firepower, vibrating the tank around them with each thud that could be felt almost a kilometer downhill, all the Wildcats' artillery lit the darkening backdrop with their array of missile payloads, bringing fire, death and shrapnel-riddled shockwaves across the higher rises on Mongrel Hill's southeast face as Doyle's signal to move. Whether this would ultimately shift the balance of power in their favour or not, Cleaver didn't have the foggiest clue, but in his nagging curiosity to find out for sure, the Woad-born Leftenant would urge his substitute subordinates onwards with an urgency akin to that exacted by archetypal drillmasters. Though this attitude did find the XT-62 in quick contact with an already-embattled squad of Cirihuts, it had been enough to bring out Special-Forces support from a slew of unseen positions uphill, and as far as the Red Jackal saw it, this would be enough to plug the gap in the advancing Cataphract lines and push into the enemies' inside flanks from there. It wasn't much to work with, but Doyle knew it would be more than enough if they applied themselves aggressively enough, as anything beyond a balanced advance would force the Mawites to retreat in small or large numbers.
Good thing we've got some folks from Unit-44 helpin'.... Divide and Conquer will be difficult, but doable with this lot.

'Guthook Platoon, this is Doyle! I'm in the tank, lads. Let's get yer platoon where we want t'be, in the center - DIVIDE ET IMPERA!!!'


<"Agreed, sir. We'll keep you well screened for safe-approach, half-kilometer tops. Kopesh out!">

Within moments of their collective advance, more resistance from the Cirihuts and the Death Gang remnants would light up the grounds around them with return fire from their blasters, LMGs and PLX-One rocket-launchers, but there weren't enough of the Mawites making their way through the opened breach in the New-Imperial line to make any meaningful impact in their downhill-sally for survival. The general standard of special-forces soldiering was proving too much for the stern defenders of Mongrel Hill, with quicker reaction-times and shots with greater accuracy, melee advantages and a greater will to survive the battle, the scales were always going to end up tipping in the Jackal/Tuath contingent's favour sooner or later. Even the silhouettes from earlier were watching from farther back by then, seeing for themselves that the fight was turning against them, taking full stock of a failure that ultimately ended up being used against them, and with an explosive ferocity that belied the vulnerability of the broken southeast static-line.



Ohohohohohoho..... Surrounded, are we? Wouldn't be a fair fight otherwise, fellas.


It wasn't the usual grade of Galidraani from the Fighting First, the Blue-Hearts, Wildcats or Guerilla they were dealing with, these Mawites of the Death Gangs, Rough Riders and Cirihuts would be up against the cream of the Free-State crop, backed up by the best tank-crew a Red-Jackal could possibly ask for, to hope for impasse or even victory against that would be pointless. All that the Mawites really had going for them by then was the efficacy of a well-organised fighting retreat, and even then they knew they'd haemorrhage manpower as the warriors on the southeast face retreated uphill, find fewer places to use as cover in their ill-fated backtracking efforts; and to top it all off, the sight of the remaining Cataphracts had renewed the intensity of their small collective frenzy, inciting cheers and screams of primordial range from all who were defying the odds with Leftenant Doyle, the kind of aggression that would make most Sith-troopers rout and sprint in the other direction with ease. However, with that being said, the defensive efforts of the Mawites above would still be considered nothing short of valiant by the times all was said and done that day, unflinching against the New-Imperial advance as night gathered around them.




When the space had been taken between segments of the south-eastern line, and enough space had been created between themselves and the retreating Mawite warriors, this would be the moment to order the final unified charge to the summit, the one moment that mattered most in their fight to the top. Grabbing the comm-device again, Cleaver smiled behind the dark glass of his helmet as he saw a part of the Fortan fleet breaking the horizon and splitting off into different approaching directions, laughing as it seemed like the plan was destined to come together perfectly in the end anyway; the medevac would see the wounded Tuaths and Red Jackals alike to Hirkenburg, safe and stable as the others would provide support and evacuation-option for the Free-State and IMPMAG forces still in the fight. This alone would serve to break the Mawite lines on Mongrel Hill's southeast face, but the stubborn warriors (completely unbeknownst to those without top-down insight) to the southwest would hold and die in their droves with proper devotion to the process of,"War, Death, Rebirth!", becoming yet another Ilum-tier group of opposing martyrs for the faithful Woad and Tuath castes to admire and respect when the fighting was done.

'All remaining Cataphracts, all remaining Jackals, all remaining Guardians - this is Doyle! PUSH FOR THE SUMMIT, CHARGE ON THESE MAWITES!!!! ONE - LAST - TIME!!!!.... AAADVAAAAAAAAAAANCE!!!'





What an absolute madlad, never known anybody like that in my life, and if ever I end up croaking it before my time - I'm looking for Shugg in the Netherworld, no doubt about it. If ever I die and have to deal with all these ghosts and ghouls in the future, pretty sure my eternity would be well and truly sorted with that kind o' savage around. I can only imagine what sort of soldier he'd been as a Blue-Heart captain, the sort of officer we pray for in training if we're being honest, never known a ghost or a man who instilled such confidence or relief in everyone he laid eyes on, never. McHugh had a very similar effect on the others, particularly with his advice on dealing with Lenna's sort in the future, a future he doesn't want us experiencing just yet, and he's going to great lengths to make sure of it.

Proper lad to the last gasp.


We could feel the mad woman's hatred, we could feel everything she felt until we felt nothing from here not ten minutes ago, so we know the captain's done 'is job as promised, just one thing that happened before it all went down though - summat that told us he weren't coming back when he left to do the deed. I asked 'im if he were going with 'er, as he were already talking as if it were the last thing he'd do in the,"Living Realm", and he just gave me a depressed look and bid his own particular farewells to me and the walking-wounded who were there to see it. And you know what? If I could do anything to change that look on his face, if could do anything to help 'im back to the top the mountain in the north, I would cut me own throat right karking now but I just know he'd hate himself even more for it.


Hard are the choices that ghosts are handed, hard are the circumstances that follow, and so, while there's still a chance he might hear me - thank you, Shugg. We'd be dead without you, mate.

Because of that man, we've been able to keep the latest critical alive, ready all our comatose-bois for immediate evac, and pack up most of the stuff we've brought with us in time to see Lady Fiolette's corvettes on the darkening horizon. Just in time to clock out for the day, eh? Heh! Craziest - shift - ever, I tell ya! But considering how it all turned out for us in the end, wouldn't change it for a hundred Korribans, wouldn't even change it for a single planet on the Tingel Arm. Only challenge I have coming my way now is simply doing my best to keep Guard-Captain Scott alive, which may just be easier than I first thought.... Closest vessel is marked with medical-ship insignia, so I'm guessing I might have some assistants in this procedure!


Absolute class, mate!

Well, if that's the case then this is my last Korriban entry. Goodbye Korriban, you miserable old hag of a Sith-world! I don't think we'll be seeing each other again.... Cursed as you are, I'll never forget you for as long as I live.


Report entries will be submitted upon arrival to HQ, Scalpel One signing off.


The Battalion

Another Brick in Syd's Wall
The rip The Battalion had torn into the netherrealm grew ever wider above the planet, in addition to all the horrible things Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall was doing with a Hyperdrive.

It was a black sliver that began to stretch out over the sky, the terrible, disruptive nature of what The Battalion was doing becoming all too apparent. A great black crack in space, a temporary rip right into Oblivion could be seen from Korriban's surface.

The ritual was self sustaining at this point. The essence of Korriban had been fully roused and no longer needed her as a focus. The Battalion released herself from the ritual by Force, and dropped to the ground , flesh still shuddering everywhere, red lightning arcing off of it, having absorbed a large amount of Dark Side energy. So much, in fact, her body was actually having trouble processing it all at once.

In her place, where she had floated previously, was now a great red ball of lightning arcing everywhere.

She felt the wrath of those like Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran , the terrible fight between Xiphos and Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser , with Xiphos battling her own fury, struggling to lock it away as much as she was also fighting Coren. She couldn't foresee how it would end but The Battalion hoped Xiphos would take just a teensy step closer to the Dark Side.

Don't fight it, my little cracked Kyber. The bubbling monstrosity hissed in Laertia's mind. You'll be so happy once you embrace it. You'll be reborn anew. With me and Amy to welcome you...

(Plasmid Acquisition Theme Plays)

(The Battalion has leveled up!)

(New Force Powers Gained!)

(New Skills Gained!)


Cloud the mind of a target with the Dark Side, possibly causing them to have extremely sluggish reactions if the attack was a success. Short cool down


Use the Force to pass through solid material. Significant focus required


Lightsaber style focused primarily on defense and blast deflection


Grants the knowled to construct and utilize Lightwhips, a flexible version of the Lightsaber.

(Force Connection increased.)

The staggering creature, multiple faces occasionally pushing out from her flesh and underneath the suit made her way to the Model 1 assigned command of his brothers.

"Don't care how many times I see it. It never stops being disgusting." The Model 1 remarked at her bubbling, melted state.

"It is time to leave..." The Battalion rasped. "We have done all we could. Whether Korriban survives or not now is up to Korriban."

The Battalion gave the signal to leave right as cracks started to appear across the chamber.

Her flesh, still, melting and shifting on her skeleton in endless, nauseating patterns, began to sense something amiss.

Oh, Battalion, you didn't think you would leave this thread without being forced to kick loads of ass, did you?

She sneered with melting lips as she sensed them. Crusade aligned Jedi had found them.

The creature wearing the face of Elaine Tear smiled as they came into view. The Model 1's aimed their guns but the Witch raised a bubbling hand to hold fire.

There were eight of them. All armed with Blue Blades. Guardians.

The Battalion ate Guardians for breakfast.

"By the will of Ashla, beast, you shall die this day." One of them called out. "For Ession!"

"Ession is nothing but a not worth preserving, unlike Korriban..." The Battalion said of her own former home planet, slightly disturbed at the self righteous air they gave off, for it had been her own once. Before Darth Phyre reforged her.

Her light red blade activated, and her rage strengthened bubbling flesh, turning stone gray as she charged into them, leaping over a Force Push attempt and burying the blade into her first victim, ripping it out and parrying four separate attacks using Makashi, weaving through blade arcs and stab attempts with flawless footwork. The hand of an enemy came off, then a leg, then a head. Three separate victims collapsed, two maimed, one dead.

She snarled as they attempted to restrain her with the Force, her flesh starting to split open and leak white blood out as they attempted to grip her with their minds.

But this was motherfething Korriban. And they were near it's Carotid Artery.

Their attempts to restrain her, however strong, were ultimately fruitless in such a powerful Dark Side Nexus, the sheer hatred in these depths invigorated her, even as the essence of Korriban itself struggled mightily against the Force Light of Pietro Demici Pietro Demici , bent in trying to poison his spirit and the spirit of whoever would link with his ritual, striking at him on a spiritual level, the weight of Millennia of Evil backing their strike against him, violently resisting his attempts to purify anything, even as the crack in space above Korriban grew ever wider the dark spirits trying to link to the energies of Oblivion to try and pull Korriban itself into that strange realm, and the efforts of their tugging the planet towards the portal, in a desperate attempt to pull it out of the way of that Superlaser, could be felt in how all the planet shook, the magma and lightning becoming worse than ever.

Red Lightning streaked through all of Korriban's atmosphere as the essence of the planet and it's ancient builders, tugged ever harder at the portal. The Arquitens Cruiser had been badly damaged and was on the verge of destruction from the power coursing through it.

The Battalion called on that terrible power, and let it flow into her as she attacked without mercy,but with absolute grace, slashing and stabbing through magnificent bladework, undone only by her own much greater skill, humiliating as well as killing her attackers, feeding on their energy as she cut them down to the last, flesh still shuddering.

"Time to go..." The Battalion hissed, disintegrating her enemies as she absorbed their life force.

The run didn't take long through the tunnels. But the rumbling grew worse as she fled to the surface, drinking in the suffering of those around her as she watched Korriban tear at itself to slaughter the invaders as she reached the surface, where her TIE Reaper waited, as well as a C-70 Charger that had braved the atmosphere to reach them.

The Model @'s boarded the charger, while the Light Sith boarded the Reaper with her.

Fear and hatred writhed in the very air, and the Battalion felt refreshed, her skin resetting on it's skeleton.

Korriban's fate was its own. Either it would find the strength to survive, and pull itself into the void, or it would die from the Super Weapon. She and Xiphos had done all they could for it.

The Battalion tried to feel for Xiphos, and felt relief when she sensed Xiphos was no longer on Korriban's surface...

The Battalion also felt a strange disquiet at the sudden realization that she would not have wanted to leave without Xiphos...

"Hey, bubble face!" One of the Light Sith exclaimed, snapping fingers to get her attention, shaking her from her disquiet. "We don't have time to quietly reflect!"

"If anyone dares to ask 'Are we there yet?' I will slap you." She warned irritably as she took off, rocketing with the C-70 following into the sky, barely dodging the red lightning.

They reached space just in time to watch the now abandoned Arquitens get destroyed, taking it's ancient Sun Generator with it. But sensors didn't Lie: Korriban had, ever so very slightly, shifted out of its orbit by a few centimeters, and was getting pulled by more and more centimeters to the crack in space, into Oblivion.

Third and final part of the op was evac. The Battalion looked forward to discussing the results of today with Xiphos, whatever they might be...

"All ships lock into me and prepare to flee..." The Battalion ordered the remains allied vessels.

The remaining four Void 007 charges in their possession were detonated by Coral skippers releasing them close to the Avatar of War, all paying with their lives to get close enough for the destructive waves to hopefully have an effect.

The remaining three Ramships also began a direct collision course with the Superweapon, aiming right for the laser itself as The Battalion and all of Xiphos's surviving forces jumped into hyperspace...

The Mongrel The Mongrel
Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
Fiolette Fortan
Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis
Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson
Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar
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Location: Korriban system
Faction: Ashlan Crusade
Allies: Caarlyle Rausgeber Zark San Tekka Captain Albrecht Herlock Tristan Evore Relynia Sorrene Relynia Sorrene - AC/NIO
Enemies: Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha Carnifex - KV-6000 - Marlon Sularen Derix Tirall Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick TSE/MAW

Fleet composition
Noble Crusader Class Battlecruisers
Pillar of Retribution (Flagship) - engaged with fatalis
Divine Purpose - engaged with fatalis
Bane of Darkness (reserve)

Dragoon Class Battle carriers
Fist of Demici - moving to engage eternal rule
Rapture - engaged with fatalis
Holy Choir (reserve)

Templar class star destroyers
6 in primary fleet, 3 in reserve fleet

Bastion class planetary invasion ship
3 in reserve fleet

Nebula-ii class star destroyers
4 in primary fleet, 2 in reserve fleet

Dominion Class escort frigate
16 in primary fleet, 8 in reserve fleet
Principality class corvettes
16 in primary fleet, 8 in reserve fleet
Warden anti-starfighter frigates
6 in primary fleet

Hangar equipped vessels have full complements of following starfighters (50/50 split)
Pegasus interceptors
Phoenix multi-role starfighters

    • Fatalis fleet
      • Pillar of retribution - Destroyed
      • divine purpose - (Crippled -shields depleted, severe damage to port weapon systems - large hole down port of ship - firing on fatalis- boarded - most boarding battles just mopping up now - most non-essential systems going offline)
      • rapture (taking fire - port shields very low - main bridge destroyed - firing less grouped due to weakened command and control - some weapon batteries down - all fighters launched, significant casualties)
      • Templar 1 (Crippled - loss of most port systems, on emergency power - priority to leave battle via hyperdrive)
      • Templar 2 (taking minor but persistent secondary fire - shields low - minor damage - firing on remaining Crucifix)
      • 6 dominions (switched fire to Fatalis, 3 destroyed, 1 crippled, 2 with weakened shields, Minor damage)
      • 6 principalities (engaging Samael frigates, moving forwards to try and cut down range - 2 defending damaged templar, 2 destroyed - 2 pushing with other templar)
      • 2 wardens - destroyed
      • Phoenix bombers from primary fleet mostly neutralised, only a few squadrons left
    • Eternal rule
      • Fist of Demici - leaving system into hyperspace
    • Reserve fleet
      • Leaving system into hyperspace
      • Frigates and planetary landers carrying out rescues.

400! Four hundred thousand Ashlan citizens, came in the latest estimates for combined fleet and ground casualties, with another hundred thousand still unaccounted for.

Isla looked at her holo as her reserve fleet continued to take a beating, she reluctantly gave the order for it to withdraw, they had held off the maw weapon for a little bit but were making precious little headway damaging the enormous war station. One by one the remaining ships, not involved in rescue efforts, received their orders and vanished into hyperspace to regroup and lick their wounds.

She hadn't been able to raise Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson for a time but a fleet of shuttles stood watch over the planet ready to extract. Something big was brewing their for good or evil, she could only pray to Ashla now.

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