hesitation is defeat

When you get to the end of all the light you know
and it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown,
faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen:
either you will be given something solid to stand on,

Over and over again, she mouthed the word no-no-no voicelessly. Chidings, observations, wonderings –– all offspring of conversations from times before and now intermingled with one another, becoming nonsensical and indistinguishable. She was vaguely aware that there was a level of panic building around her, and she could feel the earth shake beneath her. An excellent guise for the terrible tremours that consumed her slouched body.
It wasn't until she heard his voice that she shifted her eyes from the space the Acolye had been, to Bernard.
"We've got to move, Ishida. The academy's crumbling, and..."
"look, I'm sorry about all of this, but we need to get out of here to stay alive."
No you're not. Ishida thought harshly.
She'd asked him if he was good for this. He'd proven unable to complete his task, and, through some cruel fate, given the opportunity to validate the hypothesis he'd conjured up on Prosperity. And like a fool, she'd joined him.
But she remained silent, too troubled by the fading aftershock of the all-consuming visions. Instead, she clenched her teeth and tightened her jaw, forcibly looking away from him.
"You hear me?"
Even when given a friendly shake, she felt limp to the touch. She didn't nod, didn't speak, just rose to stand and smeared the back of her hand against her face with a cleansing exhale.
The mutual understanding that they had to leave didn't require further communication, at this point it was superfluous. The silt falling through the ceilings, flames consuming the shelves, constant shaking of the ground, and general signs of quaking terra did well enough to serve as a reminder that the Academy was collapsing.
Urgency imbued the pair of Jedi's movements, retracing their steps back from whence they came. And then..backtracking slightly when they saw the shuttle they'd arrived in consumed by flames.
Still not talking, Ishida made a small noise of discontentment through her nose when the reality of their exodus was going to have to be in that stupid starfighter he'd left behind after the first visit on Korriban.
The shift in expectations to use that X-Wing as a remote-controlled aerial strike followed the entire flipped theme of expectations she'd been exposed to on this accursed planet.

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