Mawite Legend

Location: Korriban, Mawite Excavations
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw |

Foes: Ashlan Crusade, NIO, GA |

High Above: The Air War
The Spider Cruisers died well. Five corvettes they claimed, exploding among the ranks of the bombing group in a final blaze of glory. Their crews' passage to the Avatars' paradise was certainly assured... but for those beside and below them, the battle was not yet over. One of them was Ajax of Kasparov, among the finest of his House's pilots. Now he was one of three survivors still in the air, piloting his Divine Lightning through the carnage as Bomber Group Harris withdrew. It was a powerful feeling, to see those ships on the retreat, bloodied and reduced in number.
But it was a powerless feeling to see more of them coming.
For the moment, though, there was a lull in the fightning... a moment's pause in a battle with a predetermined outcome. For although Ajax could flee Korriban, escaping with his hyperspace-capable fighter, he and his wingmen would not. How would they face their battle brothers if they stained themselves with such cowardice? There was no one left alive to order the retreat, and so no one retreated. Instead they sought worthy deaths of their own. Three elite starfighters standing against an entire fleet of NIO bombers and bombardiers? Now that was an ending that could beget a legend.
Ajax did not speak to his comrades. There was no need, for they were all linked by the Living Force, and experienced their battle brother's thoughts as clearly as if each idea and emotion had been their own. They had risen high since the days when they had been marauders, elevated to the exalted ranks of the Kasparov Knyghts, and the time had come to prove that the House's faith in them had not been misplaced. The three ships cycled their weapons as they fled through the sand and the lightning, buffeted by winds born of dark magic. Still the enemy did not come, not yet.
So the Knyghts found a way to occupy their time.
Northeast: The Petrite Front
So the Petrite troops steadily swept them from the hill.
None of the Tarar fell back any further, even those who could have scrambled for the hilltop ledge. They had all already seen that the NIO had crested the northwestern slope, pushing ahead of the stalemated Ashlans, and would likely soon crest the southern ridge as well. Khazzak the Twisted was dead, and thus giving no further orders, and there was no safety anywhere on Mongrel's Hill; they might as well fight and die where they stood. Without fear they pushed back until their bodies were riddled apart by Petrite blaster bolts, becoming the latest corpses to grace the surface of the tomb world.
But one final obstacle did meet Jorel and his soldiers as they pushed for the slope. Ajax of Kasparov, Knyght of the Maw, led the way as three Divine Eagle fighters descended to strafe the hillside, lighting up the Petrite troops with beam cannons and concussion missiles in a deadly pass. Then the three ships wheeled to do it again. It wasn't just the NIO that could provide air support, after all, and if their bombers were holding back after the casualties they'd taken... well, while the lothcat was away, the womp rats would play. And every kill Ajax made would only further the legend of his last battle.
The climb was about to get a lot harder for the Light Sith.